Guest Opinion: Focus on opportunities for adults living with autism April 16, 2014 April is Autism Awareness Month. That means the focus on autism now shifts to the CDC’s most recent findings that 1 in 68 children has an autism spectrum disorder. Multiple news outlets will discuss these new findings and conclude that it’s a shame. But this increase also means that more and more of us know someone with autism. So many may ask, who isn’t aware of autism? Is a month dedicated to autism awareness even necessary? My answer: absolutely. This is not because the general public isn’t aware of autism, but rather because there is a significant lack of information and even less understanding about what it means to have autism and how to best support individuals with autism. Many believe that we should celebrate Autism Awareness Month because 1 in 68 children are identified as having an autism spectrum disorder. I question why so much media attention and societal concern is given to an increase in the number rather than to the lack of resources to help these individuals have a fulfilling life and equal opportunities. The fact is that 1 child in 68 will mature into an adult with autism, and as he or she does, a bleak employment future awaits. In 2009, a national study funded by the U.S. Department of Education revealed that only 32.5 percent of young adults with autism spectrum disorders worked for pay. Research suggests that the current unemployment rate for adults with autism is between 60 percent and 85 percent. This shocking statistic has received little media attention and no public outrage. It is certainly important to understand and acknowledge increases in the number of children identified with autism, but that shouldn’t receive more attention this April than the real issues that face these individuals. As you attend “light-it-up blue” celebrations, walks and runs for autism awareness, and other special events to commemorate the month, I urge you to also expand your knowledge and understanding of autism. To change society’s long-held misperceptions we must educate our friends and families to see that people with autism can succeed if provided the tools and support to do so. And we must be supportive, and advocate for people with autism to be afforded those tools. Many people with autism accept their

Fall River Herald 4.17.14

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Guest Opinion: Focus on opportunities for adults living with autismApril 16, 2014

April is Autism Awareness Month. That means the focus on autism now shifts to the CDC’s most recent findings that 1 in 68 children has an autism spectrum disorder. Multiple news outlets will discuss these new findings and conclude that it’s a shame. But this increase also means that more and more of us know someone with autism. So many may ask, who isn’t aware of autism? Is a month dedicated to autism awareness even necessary?

My answer: absolutely.

This is not because the general public isn’t aware of autism, but rather because there is a significant lack of information and even less understanding about what it means to have autism and how to best support individuals with autism.

Many believe that we should celebrate Autism Awareness Month because 1 in 68 children are identified as having an autism spectrum disorder. I question why so much media attention and societal concern is given to an increase in the number rather than to the lack of resources to help these individuals have a fulfilling life and equal opportunities.

The fact is that 1 child in 68 will mature into an adult with autism, and as he or she does, a bleak employment future awaits. In 2009, a national study funded by the U.S. Department of Education revealed that only 32.5 percent of young adults with autism spectrum disorders worked for pay. Research suggests that the current unemployment rate for adults with autism is between 60 percent and 85 percent. This shocking statistic has received little media attention and no public outrage.

It is certainly important to understand and acknowledge increases in the number of children identified with autism, but that shouldn’t receive more attention this April than the real issues that face these individuals. As you attend “light-it-up blue” celebrations, walks and runs for autism awareness, and other special events to commemorate the month, I urge you to also expand your knowledge and understanding of autism.

To change society’s long-held misperceptions we must educate our friends and families to see that people with autism can succeed if provided the tools and support to do so. And we must be supportive, and advocate for people with autism to be afforded those tools. Many people with autism accept their diagnosis, some even celebrate it. It’s time for the rest of us to see the person behind the statistics, recognize their needs, and most important, help them to tap their potential.

Daniel Shannon is executive director of the Massachusetts Development Disabilities Council.