FAITH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH “LOVING GOD, SERVING OUR NEIGHBORS” Phone: 419-447-6748 Email: [email protected] Website: tiffinfaith.org “As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying, ‘Stay with us, because it is evening and the day is now nearly over.’ So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?’” Luke 24:28-32 Open Joy I remember a large painting hanging in the Fellowship Hall of the church in which I grew up. It portrayed the two disciples walking with the resurrected Christ on the road to Emmaus. Painted was a winding dirt road surrounded by trees. Christ was in the middle with a hand raised as the two seemed to be listening intently as he spoke, and they walked alongside. The three on the road were bathed in the sunlight streaming through a clearing to the right side. At this point, they did not know who it was that they traveled with. They were sad, the scripture tells us, because of what had recently transpired. Their hopes were dashed regarding Jesus of Nazareth who had recently been crucified. They were confused by early reports from the women who said his body was no longer in the tomb. It wasn’t until some words were proclaimed and the bread broken that the two would recognize the Risen Christ present with them. After their eyes were opened, they left within the hour we are told. They returned to Jerusalem to share the good news with the others. Their hearts had been warmed; sadness had turned to joy. You are likely reading this in the midst of Holy week, with Easter only a couple of days away. As we attend holy Week services, we are invited to walk through these days; reminded of our Lord’s last days and hours. With good reason, we engage the sorrow and sadness in the retelling. But, just like the two on the road that day, we will be invited to the Lord ’s Table on Easter morning. We will be invited to listen to the Word, have our hearts warmed, our eyes opened, and encounter the joy of being in the presence of the Risen One! May we, like them, be compelled to return to where our Lord would lead us to share the good news! He Lives! He is risen! He is risen indeed! In closing, I offer the words of Brian Wrens communion hymn “I Come with Joy” first written in the late 1960’s for reflection and prayer. We will sing this for our closing hymn. 1. I come with joy to meet my Lord, forgiven, loved, and free, in awe and wonder to recall his life laid down for me. 2. I come with Christians far and near to find, as all are fed, the new community of love in Christ's communion bread. 3. Together met, together bound, we'll go our different ways, and as his people in the world, we'll live and speak his praise. 4. As Christ breaks bread and bids us share, each proud division ends. That love that made us makes us one, and strangers now are friends. 5. And thus with joy we meet our Lord. His presence, always near, is in such friendship better known: we see and praise him here. (UMH #617, The UM Publishing House, Nashville, 1989) Grace & peace be with you, Pastor Jeff

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Phone: 419-447-6748 Email: [email protected] Website: tiffinfaith.org

“As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying, ‘Stay with us, because it is evening and the day is now nearly over.’ So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?’” Luke 24:28-32

Open Joy I remember a large painting hanging in the Fellowship Hall of the church in which I grew up. It

portrayed the two disciples walking with the resurrected Christ on the road to Emmaus. Painted was a winding

dirt road surrounded by trees. Christ was in the middle with a hand raised as the two seemed to be listening

intently as he spoke, and they walked alongside. The three on the road were bathed in the sunlight streaming

through a clearing to the right side.

At this point, they did not know who it was that they traveled with. They were sad, the scripture tells

us, because of what had recently transpired. Their hopes were dashed regarding Jesus of Nazareth who had

recently been crucified. They were confused by early reports from the women who said his body was no longer

in the tomb. It wasn’t until some words were proclaimed and the bread broken that the two would recognize

the Risen Christ present with them. After their eyes were opened, they left within the hour we are told.

They returned to Jerusalem to share the good news with the others. Their hearts had been warmed; sadness

had turned to joy.

You are likely reading this in the midst of Holy week, with Easter only a couple of days away. As we

attend holy Week services, we are invited to walk through these days; reminded of our Lord’s last days and

hours. With good reason, we engage the sorrow and sadness in the retelling. But, just like the two on the road

that day, we will be invited to the Lord ’s Table on Easter morning. We will be invited to listen to the Word,

have our hearts warmed, our eyes opened, and encounter the joy of being in the presence of the Risen One!

May we, like them, be compelled to return to where our Lord would lead us to share the good news! He Lives!

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

In closing, I offer the words of Brian Wrens communion hymn “I Come with Joy” first written in the

late 1960’s for reflection and prayer. We will sing this for our closing hymn.

1. I come with joy to meet my Lord,

forgiven, loved, and free,

in awe and wonder to recall

his life laid down for me.

2. I come with Christians far and near

to find, as all are fed,

the new community of love

in Christ's communion bread.

3. Together met, together bound,

we'll go our different ways,

and as his people in the world,

we'll live and speak his praise.

4. As Christ breaks bread and bids us share,

each proud division ends.

That love that made us makes us one,

and strangers now are friends.

5. And thus with joy we meet our Lord.

His presence, always near,

is in such friendship better known:

we see and praise him here.

(UMH #617, The UM Publishing House, Nashville, 1989)

Grace & peace be with you,

Pastor Jeff

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Easter “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen”

The Easter Season begins at sunset on Easter eve and continues through the Day of Pentecost. It is also known as the Great Fifty Days. The date for celebrating Easter Sunday varies each year. Easter Sunday is the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after March 21, the spring equinox. Easter was originally an Anglo-Saxon pagan goddess holiday. Over time the faithful “Christianized” the day to shift the focus to the risen Christ. The fifty days, from Easter to Pentecost, mirror in many ways the Jewish festivals celebrated between the Passover and Pentecost. In both cases, the story of salvation is central. For the Jewish people their story is centered in their deliverance from captivity in Egypt to fifty days later being given the Torah (the Law/the Word of God) at Sinai. For Christians the story centers on the Risen Christ as deliverer from sin and death to the unique outpouring of the Holy Spirit 50 days later. The first forty days of Easter often focus on the resurrection appearances of Christ and conclude with his Ascension. The remaining ten days are filled with anticipation of the arrival of the promised Holy Spirit. Ascension Sunday this year is May 17. Pentecost Sunday is May 24.

He is risen! He is risen indeed! For that, O God, we give you thanks!

Upcoming Worship Services April 5- Easter Sunday!

7:30a.m. Worship- Easter “Sonrise”! Eucharist

Message Text: Mark 16:1-8

8:45-10:00 Breakfast

(9:15-10:00a.m.–Sunday School for all ages

resumes next Sunday)

10:15a.m. Worship- Easter! ; Eucharist

Message Text: Mark 16:1-8

Apr. 12-2nd Sunday of Easter- UMW Sunday:

8:00 & 10:15a.m.

Apr.19-3rd Sunday of Easter:

8:00 & 10:15a.m.

6:30p.m. Praise Service

Apr. 26-4th Sunday of Easter:

8:00 Message Text: John 10:11-18

10:15a.m. – Resurrection Celebration

(The choir will deliver the message)

We worship you, O God,

Creator of all things seen and unseen!

Native American Ministries-

Special Sunday

United Methodists will celebrate Native American

Ministries Sunday April 19. One of six church-wide

Special Sundays with offerings, the observance reminds

the church Native American gifts and contributions to

society. The offering supports Native American

ministries, urban initiatives and seminary scholarships.

A large percentage of Native Americans live below the

poverty line. They cannot find jobs, feed families or find

adequate housing. Although we frequently hear about

poverty in research studies, political speeches and well-

intentioned outreach projects, many comfortable

Christians still do not understand the reality of living

without running water, telephones and electricity. Health

care is rock bottom for Native Americans who live with

and die from epidemics of chronic diseases such as

diabetes, heart disease and tuberculosis. Alcoholism and

drug abuse are common.

Sadly, many people are unaware of the situation, perhaps

because of ignorance, stereotypes or myths. While we

know history cannot disappear, with the constant and

consistent support of The United Methodist Church, we

can make a difference.

Please give generously on

Native American Ministries


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United Methodist Women Five women from Faith U.M.W. traveled to Spencer,

Ohio for the Annual Spring District meeting March 7,

2015. The speaker for the event was Susan Lana

Hafner. She is the founder of One Touch Awakening,

a non-profit organization that provides pillowcases,

snuggle pillows and mosquito nets that are intended

to encourage people to have a nightly private meeting

place with God. She lives in Louisiana and is co-

owner of a Christian bookstore. She has written a

book about the story of her life entitled "One Touch

- The Story of an Awakened Heart". Her life story

is of redemption as she writes how the gentle hand of

the Savior led her out of darkness into a world of light

and hope. The events of the day were very uplifting.

UMW Meeting Our local UMW meeting will be April 11 at the

church beginning at 10:00 a.m. All women are

invited to attend.

UMW Sunday Our UMW Sunday will be April 12 during both

services. The program will feature musical selections

by women composers and we will have solos, as well

as congregational singing of some of the old, beloved


UMW Mother-Daughter Potluck Mark your calendar and plan to join us for our annual

Mother-Daughter Potluck, May 9 beginning at noon.

Program details will be in upcoming bulletins.

Mission Team – Luncheon & Silent Auction:

On Sunday April 26th the Mission Team

will be having a Lunch and Silent Auction

after the 10:15am church service to

benefit Flat Rock Homes. This event will be open to

the public, so invite your friends and family to join us.

Cost for lunch will be by donation. Lunch will be

served from 11am to 12:30pm. The Silent Auction

will be open for bids from 9:00am to 12:30pm. Please

come and be a part of this fun event. Full details to

come at a later date in the bulletin.

Mission Team Monthly Collections: During the month of March, we collected several jars

of peanut butter that will be distributed through the

Lifeline Christian Missions to Haiti, Honduras, El

Salvador, Cuba and the United States. Over 5,000

people benefit from our endeavors. Thanks to all who

donated. May God bless you.

The mission for April will be for the Flood Buckets.

We are asking for 50 oz. bottles of laundry detergent,

1 quart bottle of bleach and 2 pairs of disposable,

water-proof gloves (rubber or latex).

Pilgrims Sunday School Class

The Pilgrims Sunday School class invites any adult to

join us as we study the Gospel of John.

We plan on covering one chapter a week in April.

Chapter 14 tells about the Holy Spirit. Chapter 15 tells

about our connection with Jesus and the world’s

hatred. Chapter 16 tells more about the Holy Spirit

and prayer.

We strive to present life and spiritual applications.

~John & Judy Munn & Peggy Fout

A Note from the Trustees…..HELP NEEDED!!! "Project" Days.

(Formally known as Church Work Days)

April 17 ~ 5:30 - 9:00 pm - Pizza provided

April 18 ~ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm - Lunch provided

The Plan:

Clean: Scout room, Kitchen, Pantry, Janitor closets.

Organize: Friday night will be moving everything

out and pitching what is not needed. Saturday we

will be building shelves and organizing...)

Sign up sheets are in the Narthex.

Questions contact Laura O'Millian 419-618-0873

Bible Overview Sunday School Class

4/5 – Easter; no class

4/12 – No Excuses: Romans 1-2

4/19 – Saved and Sanctified: Romans 3-16

4/26 – Correction: 1st and 2nd Corinthians

Questions? See Daniel or Phyllis Kinn

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♫ Notes from the Choir Loft

The choir has been asked to present a message in music relative to the observance of Easter Sunday which falls on

April 5th this year. \ Three weeks after Easter, on Sunday, April 26th, we will offer a selection of anthems and original liturgy.

The word, “Easter”, has its roots in ancient pagan religions and is not used in the original scriptures. Therefore, the

title: “Resurrection Celebration” is chosen for our program. The repertoire will include some of our (and your)

favorite music in observance of the pinnacle of our faith: The Risen Christ and the Promise of Everlasting Life.

The choir hopes you will enjoy “RESURRECTION CELEBRATION” as part of the 10:15 AM worship

experience that morning.


Veterans are invited to participate in Tiffin’s Memorial

Day Parade on May 25, 2015. The United Veterans of

Seneca County is sponsoring a parade float and would

like to invite all area veterans to participate.

Sign Up Sheet is located

on the table in the Narthex.

Questions? Contact the

church office.


Local Mission

Over one weekend each month, teams of

volunteers provide labor and supplies to

help with major household repairs, small

renovations, yard-work and cleaning.

Who can volunteer?

The best thing about Hearts and Hammers Day is that we all

can help. We need people to pass out lunches, help make

lunches, organize the jobs that the youth can do and many

more small tasks that just require a little of your time. This

means that we all can help. Skills are welcomed, but

everyone can be put to work.

What is Hearts and Hammers?

Hearts and Hammers is a one-day a month workday to repair

and rehabilitate the homes of those physically or financially

unable to do so alone.

If you’re interested please come to an information meeting

April 12th at 1:30pm

Faith United Methodist Church

Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, April 28th

12:00 to 6:00pm

To schedule an appointment, please call

1-800-733-2767 or visit redrossblood.org

and enter sponsor code FAITHUMCTIFFIN.

If you are interested in working at the Blood

Drive, please see Micki Tusing.

A Note From the Financial Secretary:

In 2014, a total of $100 was donated to the

Endowment Funds by the Coffman family.

In 2014, a total of $3, 390 was given to the

Memorial Fund by the family and friends of the


Clifford Adams Lewis and LaDonna Arnold

George Ford Forrest Kisabeth

Sue Schatzinger Margaret Simmons

The generosity of these families is greatly


This report will be given

in the April newsletter

every year here after.

Bonnie M. Scherger,

Financial Secretary

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Flat Rock Homes to Host 10th Annual Race at the Rock, a Milestone Event!

On Saturday, April 25, 2015, Flat Rock Homes will host the 10th Annual Race at the Rock to benefit the children and adults served by Flat Rock Homes, Flat Rock Care Center and Flat Rock Community Services at the Flat Rock Care Center campus.

Check in and late registration begins at 8am. The race begins at 9am with an inspirational Special Athletes race and then is immediately followed by the 4-Mile and 1-Mile events. Awards will be available in the 4-mile run for the top three male and top three female finishers overall, as well as, the top three male and female finishers in the following categories: 12 and Under, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 and over. In addition, the top three finishers in the walk will be recognized.

Flat Rock is thrilled to announce that this year the Bishop’s Cup will be awarded to the top United Methodist Church Team who completes the 4-mile event by Bishop John Hopkins, Bishop of the East Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church. There will also be a special award for the top non United Methodist Team who finishes the 4-mile event.

Visit www.flatrockhomes.org to register now and receive the early bird rate. Registration AFTER April 2nd will go up $5.00, so be sure to register early. Registration will also be offered the morning of the race. If you have any questions or would like to receive a registration form by mail, please contact Becky Machovec at (419) 483-7330 ext. 1126 or at [email protected]!

This year’s event will also include a silent auction with items from local vendors. Food and refreshments will also be served. Last year we were able to raise more than $48,000 and we look forward to exceeding our goal for this year! We invite you to be a part of the Flat Rock Team and join us at the 10th Annual Race at the Rock!

Thank You! A little Sunshine was added to

my day with every Get Well card I received

during my six weeks of recovery.

Thank you all for Sunny Days!

~Joanne Kimmel

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your

100% payment of shared ministry funds. Your commitment

has allowed the East Ohio Conference to receive its highest

pay-in amount in 20 years! The church’s continued efforts

are blessing lives both near and far.

Thank you again.

~Jessica Vargo, Conference Treasurer Thank you to our church family for the

thoughts, prayers and cards sent during the

past two weeks as we dealt with the loss of

David’s brother. We cherish his memory and

we cherish the love we have felt from our

Faith family.

~David & Charlene Thomas and family

Dear Friends:

Thank you for your generous donation of warm

mittens, hats, socks, etc. for the Ecumenical

Sharing Kitchen. Your donation makes it

possible for us to help those in need in our


God Bless You!

The Sharing Kitchen

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The following people have

received our special prayers

this past month:

Military personnel and

their families,

homebound members,

those in nursing homes

Family of Dick Barth


Steve Caldwell

Clint Coleman

David Engeman

Karen Hernandez

Jerry Johnston

Emma & Andrew

Johnson (babies)

Joe Kidwell

The Matthews Family

Hayden McCloud

The Miller Family

Family of Don Munn

Church member’s


Kelly Pelayo

The Runion Family

Family of Laurie Sturtz

Family of Mark Thomas

Darl Wilson

Deb Wyka

Broken Relationships

April Birthdays

1-Adam Arnold, Sandy Yarbrough;

3-Erick Carter, Linda Shrode;

4-Gregory Steyer;

6-Laura Adelsperger, Joseph Ash,

Todd Sarka;

7- Joanne Kimmel , Justin Magers, Carl Nay,

Rachel Rentz;

8-John Davidson, John Dull, Gary Solomon;

9-Pauline Feasel;

10-Chad Arbogast;

11-Debra Dawson, Brian Mesnard;

12-Joshua Briggs;

13-Evan Messer, Brad Newman, Susan Young;

14-Ava Newman;

15-Charles Feasel, Mary Alice Heising,

Colleen Kimmet, Trenton Heishman,

Paul Matthews;

16-Andy Foy, Jennifer Hodgson;

18-Andrea Puesey, Glenn Quickle;

19-Lucretia Jordan, Laura O’Millian;

20-Noah Borer, Brenda Brickner,

21-Georgiann Albright, Don Cramer,

Steve Frederick;

22-Steven Adelsperger, Sue Madden;

24-John O’Donnell, Benjamin Shuff,

Shirley Sterling;

25-Charlene Mathias;

26-Stephen Roberts;

27-Donna Edelman, Ben Huffman;

29-Corey Hodgson, Hikari Kuretani;

30-Jason Borer.

April Anniversaries

3-George & Laura Holsinger;

7-Joseph & Jennifer Jordan;

12-Rick & Shirley Sterling;

13-Joseph & Pattie Bardon;

22-Marion & Emma Moon,

Gerald & Betty Rhoad;

28-Ben & Marilee Ladd,

29-Steven & Kimberly Skeel;

30-Shielena & David Cook

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

7:30 AM

Bible Study at


10am/6:30 pm

Lent Study

6:30 pm

The Landing

2 8:30 AM


Devotion Grp

6:30 PM

7:00 PM



8:00 PM

Good Friday


4 8:00 AM

Wt. Watchers

9:00 AM

Daniel Plan

8:00 – 12:00




7:30 SonRise

8:30 Breakfast


Celebrate Service


6:00 PM

Missions Mtg.

7 4:00 PM



8 7:30 am Bible

Study at


10am/6:30 pm

Lent Study

6:30 PM

The Landing


8:30 AM


Devotion Grp

6:30 PM

7:00 PM



11 8:00 AM



9:00 AM

Daniel Plan

10:00 AM


12 13 14 15 16 17 18

UMW Sunday

1:30 PM

Hearts and

Hammers mtg

7:00 PM

Trustees mtg

4:30 PM



7:30 am Bible

Study at


6:30 PM

The Landing

8:30 AM


Devotion Grp

6:30 PM

7:00 PM


5:30 PM


Work Day

8:00 AM



9:00 AM

Daniel Plan

19 20 21

4:30 PM



22 7:30 am Bible

Study at


6:30 PM

The Landing


8:30 AM


Devotion Grp

6:30 PM

7:00 PM




8:00 AM



9:00 AM

Daniel Plan

Race at the




Choir Special


12:00 PM



Lunch &





ARC Blood


4:30 PM



29 7:30 am Bible

Study at


6:30 PM

The Landing

30 8:30 AM


Devotion Grp

6:30 PM

7:00 PM



Pot Luck

Sat. May 9th ~

12:00 pm

Join us for food,

fun, and fellowship!

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75 N. Sandusky St.

Tiffin, OH 44883


8:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m.

Bonnie Scherger Kris Klopfenstein


April 5 Laura O’Millian Jim Donaldson

April 12 Kim Newman Beth Donaldson

April 19 Jodie Reinbolt Jacke Renninger

April 26 Bonnie Scherger Peggy Fout


April 5 Alexis Quickle Abby Glover & Hannah Borer

April 12 Kevin Dietrich Evan Messer & Tess Rhodes

April 19 David Dietrich Noah Borer

April 26 Ryan Dietrich & Carson Mellott Abby Glover

A/V Operators

March 1 Tim Everhart & David Dietrich Jason & Noah Borer

March 8 Brian & Josh Briggs Bruce & Julie Morris

March 15 Kevin & Jonathan O’Millian Daniel & Phyllis Kinn

March 22 Tim Everhart & David Dietrich Dan Schatzinger & Greg Glover

March 29 Brian & Josh Briggs Jason & Noah Borer


Laura, Kevin & Jonathan O’Millian; Sandy Yarbrough Al & Donna Perrine

NON-PROFIT ORG US Postal Permit #287

Tiffin, OH 44883