FACILITY CONDITION ASSESSMENT Prepared for City of Mequon 11333 North Cedarburg Road Mequon, Wisconsin 53902 William Jones PREPARED BY: EMG 10461 Mill Run Circle, Suite 1100 Owings Mills, Maryland 21117 800.733.0660 www.EMGcorp.com EMG CONTACT: Brian Vickers Program Manager 800.733.0660 x6243 [email protected] EMG PROJECT #: 127475.17R000-000.017 DATE OF REPORT: July 20, 2018 ONSITE DATE: November 13-15, 2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CITY OF MEQUON 11333 NORTH CEDARBURG ROAD MEQUON, WISCONSIN 53092 EMG Corporate Headquarters 10461 Mill Run Circle, Suite 1100, Owings Mills, MD 21117 www.EMGcorp.com p 800.733.0660

FACILITY CONDITION ASSESSMENT - Mequon, Wisconsin · 7/20/2018  · average costs and include several associated costs, including equipment, material, labor, demolition (where relevant),

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Prepared for

City of Mequon 11333 North Cedarburg Road Mequon, Wisconsin 53902 William Jones

PREPARED BY: EMG 10461 Mill Run Circle, Suite 1100 Owings Mills, Maryland 21117 800.733.0660 www.EMGcorp.com

EMG CONTACT: Brian Vickers Program Manager 800.733.0660 x6243

[email protected] EMG PROJECT #: 127475.17R000-000.017 DATE OF REPORT: July 20, 2018 ONSITE DATE: November 13-15, 2017




EMG Corporate Headquarters 10461 Mill Run Circle, Suite 1100, Owings Mills, MD 21117 www.EMGcorp.com p 800.733.0660

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1 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Property Information And General Physical Condition ................................................................ 1 1.2 Portfolio Facility Condition Index (FCI) ........................................................................................ 2 1.3 Opinions Of Probable Cost .......................................................................................................... 3 1.3.1 Methodology ................................................................................................................................ 3 1.3.2 Immediate Repairs ...................................................................................................................... 3 1.3.3 Replacement Reserves ............................................................................................................... 4 1.3.4 Overall Building Recomendations ............................................................................................... 4 1.3.5 Capital Expenditure Recommendations ...................................................................................... 5

2 Purpose And Scope ............................................................................................................................. 6 2.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 6

3 Facility Summaries ............................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 City Hall ....................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Public Safety Building .................................................................................................................. 8 3.3 East Side Fire Station .................................................................................................................. 9 3.4 Mequon Community Pool .......................................................................................................... 10 3.5 River Barn Park Pavilion ........................................................................................................... 11 3.6 Rotary Park Pavilion .................................................................................................................. 12 3.7 Reuter Pavilion Building ............................................................................................................ 13

4 Greeen Alternatives ............................................................................................................................ 14 5 Certification ......................................................................................................................................... 17 6 Appendices ......................................................................................................................................... 18

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1 E xe c u t i ve S u mm a r y

1.1 Property Information And General Physical Condition

The property information is summarized in the table below. More detailed descriptions may be found in the various sections of the report and in the Appendices.

Property Information

Address: 11333 North Cedarburg Road, Mequon, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin 53092

Management Point of Contact:

City of Mequon, William Jones, City Administrator

262.236.2940 phone

262.242.9819 fax

Dates of Visit: November 13-15, 2017

On-Site Point of Contact (POC): Wayne Peters

Assessment and Report Prepared by: Randall Patzke

Reviewed by:

Brain Vickers

Program Manager

[email protected]

800.733.0660 x6234

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1.2 Portfolio Facility Condition Index (FCI)

One of the major goals of the FCA is to calculate the FCI, which gives an indication of a portfolio’s overall condition. Two FCI ratios are calculated and presented, the Current Year and Ten-Year. The Current Year FCI is the ratio of Immediate Repair Costs to the portfolio’s Current Replacement Value. Similarly, the Ten-Year FCI is the ratio of anticipated Capital Reserve Needs over the next ten years to the Current Replacement Value.

FCI Condition Rating Definition Percentage


Good In new or well-maintained condition, with no visual evidence of wear, soiling or other deficiencies. 0% to 5%

Fair Subjected to wear and soiling but is still in a serviceable and functioning condition.

> than 5% to 10%

Poor Subjected to hard or long-term wear. Nearing the end of its useful or serviceable life.

> than 10% to 60%

Very Poor Has reached the end of its useful or serviceable life. Renewal is now necessary.

> than 60%

The graphs above and tables below represent summary-level findings for the FCA. The deficiencies identified in this assessment can be combined with potential new construction requirements to develop an overall strategy that can serve as the basis for a portfolio-wide capital improvement funding strategy. Key findings from the assessment include:

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Key Finding Metric Current Year Facility Condition Index (FCI) FCI = (IR)/(CRV) 3.48% Good

10-Year Facility Condition Index (FCI) FCI = (RR)/(CRV) 54.83% Poor

Current Replacement Value (CRV) $20,291,430

Year 0 (Current Year) - Immediate Repairs (IR) $707,032

Years 1-10 – Replacement Reserves (RR) $10,418,580

TOTAL Capital Needs $11,125,610

Further detail on the specific costs that make up the Immediate Repair Costs can be found in the cost tables in the appendices.

1.3 Opinions Of Probable Cost

These estimates are based on Invoice or Bid Document/s provided by the City and construction costs developed by construction resources such as R.S. Means and Whitestone, EMG’s experience with past costs for similar properties, city cost indexes, and assumptions regarding future economic conditions. The costs for each identified observation included in this report represent national average costs and include several associated costs, including equipment, material, labor, demolition (where relevant), General Contractor mark-up, Design/Sub-Contractor markup, and contingency.

Opinions of probable costs should only be construed as preliminary, order of magnitude budgets. Actual costs most probably will vary from the consultant’s opinions of probable costs depending on such matters as type and design of suggested remedy, quality of materials and installation, manufacturer and type of equipment or system selected, field conditions, whether a physical deficiency is repaired or replaced in whole, phasing of the work (if applicable), quality of contractor, quality of project management exercised, market conditions, and whether competitive pricing is solicited, etc.


Based upon site observations, research, and judgment, along with referencing Expected Useful Life (EUL) tables from various industry sources, EMG opines as to when a system or component will most probably necessitate replacement. Accurate historical replacement records, if provided, are typically the best source of information. Exposure to the elements, initial quality and installation, extent of use, the quality and amount of preventive maintenance exercised, etc., are all factors that impact the effective age of a system or component. As a result, a system or component may have an effective age that is greater or less than its actual chronological age. The Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of a component or system equals the EUL less its effective age. Projections of Remaining Useful Life (RUL) are based on continued use of the Property similar to the reported past use. Significant changes in occupants and/or usage may affect the service life of some systems or components.

Where quantities could not be derived from direct observation, mechanical schedule, or construction material take-off, lump sum costs and allowances are used. Estimated costs are based on professional judgment and the probable or actual extent of the observed defect, inclusive of the cost to design, procure, construct and manage the corrections.


Immediate repairs are opinions of probable costs that require immediate action as a result of: (1) material existing or potential unsafe conditions, (2) material building or fire code violations, or (3) conditions that, if not addressed, have the potential to result in, or contribute

to, critical element or system failure within one year or will most probably result in a significant escalation of its remedial cost.

Observed areas of non-compliance with Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are shown as immediate actions and whose costs are shown in the current year due to the potential legal liability that can arise from building occupants or users. Although the observed obstacles do not generally pose an immediate life safety threat, EMG recommends these issues be addressed immediately to avoid litigation exposure. The observations included in this assessment are limited to those obstacles which were readily observed during visual observation and may not be all inclusive.

Other immediate repair items generally include, but are not limited to:

- Observed fire code deficiencies

- Extension of fire suppression or alarm systems to building spaces requiring such services

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- Risks to safety and health (including trip/fall hazards)

- Items requiring repair due to failure to perform its intended function

- Recommended follow-on studies


Replacement Reserves are for recurring probable expenditures, which are not classified as operation or maintenance expenses. The replacement reserves should be budgeted for in advance on an annual basis. Replacement Reserves are reasonably predictable both in terms of frequency and cost. However, Replacement Reserves may also include components or systems that have an indeterminable

life but, nonetheless, have a potential for failure within an estimated time period.

Replacement Reserves exclude systems or components that are estimated to expire after the reserve term and are not considered material to the structural and mechanical integrity of the subject property. Furthermore, systems and components that are not deemed to have a material effect on the use of the Property are also excluded. Costs that are caused by acts of God, accidents, or other occurrences that are typically covered by insurance, rather than reserved for, are also excluded.

Replacement costs are solicited from ownership/property management, EMG’s discussions with service companies, manufacturers' representatives, and previous experience in preparing such schedules for other similar facilities. Costs for work performed by the City’s maintenance staff are also considered.

EMG’s reserve methodology involves identification and quantification of those systems or components requiring capital reserve funds within the assessment period. The assessment period is defined as the effective age plus the reserve term. Additional information concerning a system’s or component’s respective replacement costs (in today's dollars), typical expected useful lives, and remaining useful lives were estimated so that a funding schedule could be prepared. The Replacement Reserves Schedule presupposes that all required remedial work has been performed or that monies for remediation have been budgeted for items defined in the Immediate Repair Cost Estimate.


Although the scope of this Facility Condition Assessment is based around the repair and replacement of current building systems and components, it is generally understood that the accumulation of deferred maintenance and multiple excessively-aged systems may mean that a more extensive renovation, which may include consolidating and upgrading building systems, may be more economical. Additionally, when the balance of deferred maintenance exceeds a given point, disposition or demotion/re-construction of the facility may become more financially prudent than simple like-kind replacement.

Unfortunately, there is no industry standard for when a building owner should continue to operate a facility, renovate a facility, or consider disposition/demolition. These decisions are highly influenced by local considerations, financial constraints, historical facilities or those which are of significant architectural or aesthetic interest. However, based on experience, EMG has developed recommended guidelines for future use of a given facility based on the current Facility Condition Index (FCI). Additionally, EMG projects the condition of the facility if no capital improvements are completed, and the building continues to be used in its current fashion. If this becomes the case, then EMG’s recommended action for that facility changes accordingly. Below is a summary of the recommended courses of action based on FCI:

▪ Good Condition (FCI < 5%) – These facilities require less than 5% of their replacement costs to address immediate facility component issues. This is the ideal facility condition and facilities in this category should continue an active Preventative Maintenance (PM) program and should continue to execute the overall capital expenditure program according to the replacement schedule outlined by EMG in that facility’s Facility Condition Assessment report.

▪ Fair Condition (FCI 5-10%) – The facilities have experienced some level of deferred maintenance and require between 5% and 10% of the facility’s replacement costs to address immediate repair, compliance, and deferred maintenance issues. These facili ties should be considered for targeted, minor renovations in order to capitalize on economies of scale and minimize interruption of facil ity users and occupants. Once renovations are complete, an active Preventative Maintenance (PM) program must be instituted and the capital expenditure plan must be adhered to annually to prevent further deterioration of building condition.

▪ Poor Condition (FCI 10-60%) – Significant maintenance has been deferred; space/systems need extensive renewal to serve programs. Maintain building components to extent possible, retire deferred maintenance when feasible, and invest in renewal when economically justifiable. Once renovations are complete, an active Preventative Maintenance (PM) program must be instituted and the capital expenditure plan must be adhered to annually to prevent further deterioration of building condition.

▪ Very Poor Condition (FCI >60%) – Facilities in this condition have experienced substantial deferred maintenance and require capital expenditure of more that 60% of the facility’s replacement value to return the building to a fully usable and functioning facility. Considerable expenditure may be required to address life/safety issues, but capital expenditure is most likely financially prohibitive relative to replacing the facility. These facilities should be reviewed for divestment or demolition and re-construction.

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The table below represents EMG’s recommended annual capital expenditure program. These capital expenditure costs are in addit ion to an active Preventative Maintenance program. Additionally, systems and components that are not deemed to have a material effect on the use of the Property are excluded.

Adherence to the expenditure outlined below will ensure the building maintains or improves the condition of each of its systems and components. Deferring these costs will result in decreasing component/system condition and overall building condition.

Facility City Hall East Side

Fire Station

Mequon Community


Public Safety Building

Reuter Pavilion Building

River Barn Park


Rotary Park Pavilion

Grand Total

SF 38,358 7,225 3,876 45,154 4,180 4,168 4,560 107,521

RV $7,932,818 $1,388,135 $678,649 $8,201,773 $670,182 $704,455 $715,418 $20,291,430

2019 $161,169 $127,710 $87,247 $142,519 $55,154 $70,025 $63,206 $707,032

2020 $407,136 $39,051 $241,451 $831,962 $98,277 $42,936 $69,198 $1,730,012

2021 $634,546 $57,091 $212,924 $515,357 $231,590 $0 $2,099 $1,653,607

2022 $369,106 $63,365 $208,362 $811,154 $0 $35,792 $0 $1,487,779

2023 $646,610 $239,845 $94,118 $190,385 $930,983 $24,259 $0 $2,126,201

2024 $67,021 $205,376 $57,043 $80,284 $0 $290,515 $37,875 $738,114

2025 $252,069 $0 $0 $225,280 $1,970 $41,277 $150,803 $671,399

2026 $315,043 $65,468 $8,281 $0 $1,296 $4,224 $0 $394,312

2027 $0 $728 $1,786 $236,340 $30,378 $4,014 $0 $273,245

2028 $110,306 $185,870 $125,322 $652,515 $241,313 $6,175 $22,411 $1,343,911

2029 $124,547 $27,445 $2,250 $203,052 $4,206 $0 $96,833 $458,333

2030 $7,774 $33,018 $16,150 $377,593 $29,335 $79,099 $0 $542,970

2031 $122,235 $2,010 $11,362 $190,712 $4,021 $0 $0 $330,340

2032 $83,046 $5,583 $6,286 $4,046 $0 $7,733 $10,654 $117,347

2033 $75,197 $10,275 $94,662 $274,096 $232,453 $283,865 $10,900 $981,448

2034 $38,293 $21,070 $24,710 $86,784 $0 $0 $28,676 $199,532

2035 $167,800 $13,392 $292,511 $13,239 $2,648 $55,473 $0 $545,063

2036 $169,459 $31,127 $159,131 $50,694 $0 $0 $2,874 $413,285

2037 $59,562 $7,753 $92,969 $451,016 $0 $1,495 $0 $612,795

2038 $153,191 $84,093 $33,866 $545,513 $141,921 $14,118 $0 $972,701

Total Escalated Estimate

$3,964,109 $1,220,270 $1,770,434 $5,882,541 $2,005,544 $960,999 $495,530 $16,299,427

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2 P u rp os e An d Sc op e

2.1 Purpose

EMG was retained by the City to render an opinion as to each properties’ current general physical condition on the day of the site visit.

Based on the observations, interviews and document review outlined below, this report identifies significant deferred maintenance issues, and existing deficiencies which affect each properties’ use. Opinions are rendered as to structural integrity, building system condition, and each properties’ overall condition. The report also notes building systems or components that have realized or exceeded their typical expected useful lives.

2.2 Scope

The standard scope of the Facility Condition Assessment includes the following:

▪ Visit the Property to evaluate the general condition of the building and site improvements, review available construction documents in order to familiarize ourselves with, and be able to comment on, the in-place construction systems, life safety, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems, and the general built environment.

▪ Identify those components that are exhibiting deferred maintenance issues and provide cost estimates for Immediate Costs and Replacement Reserves based on observed conditions, maintenance history and industry standard useful life estimates. This will include the review of documented capital improvements completed within the last five-year period and work currently contracted for, if applicable.

▪ Provide a full description of the Property with descriptions of in-place systems and commentary on observed conditions.

▪ Provide a general statement of the subject Property’s compliance to Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This will not constitute a full ADA survey, but will help identify exposure to issues and the need for further review.

▪ Perform a limited assessment of accessible areas of the building(s) for the presence of mold, conditions conducive to mold growth, and/or evidence of moisture. EMG will also interview Project personnel regarding the presence of any known or suspected mold, elevated relative humidity, water intrusion, or mildew-like odors. Potentially affected areas will be photographed. Sampling will not be considered in routine assessments.

▪ List the current utility service providers.

▪ Review maintenance records and procedures with the in-place maintenance personnel.

▪ Observe a representative sample of the interior spaces/units, including vacant spaces/units, in order to gain a clear understanding of the property’s overall condition. Other areas to be observed include the exterior of the property, the roofs, interior common areas, and the significant mechanical, electrical and elevator equipment rooms.

▪ Provide recommendations for additional studies, if required, with related budgetary information.

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3 F a c i l i t y Su m ma r ies

3.1 City Hall

Due in part to the excessive age of the facility, the assessment of the Mequon City Hall revealed a significant amount of deferred capital improvement and modernization as well as numerous building system components at the end of their useful life. As a result, there are substantial capital improvements which must be undertaken over the next five years in order to maintain the usability and function of the facility. There is very likely an opportunity to combine some of those capital improvement efforts into consolidated renovation, although local market conditions should be evaluated at the time of renovation to determine the most economical means of consolidation of effort. As a building of historical significance to the City of Mequon, renovation efforts must be carefully undertaken in order to preserve the architectural or aesthetically significant features of the building.

The building is currently rated in “Good” condition because there are relatively few capital improvements required in the first year to restore non-functioning components or correct code compliance issues. However, the amount of required capital improvement over the next five years will mean the building condition will quickly deteriorate to a “Poor” condition by 2020. If no capital improvements are undertaken for the next 10 years, the amount of deferred maintenance will be equivalent to 37% of the replacement cost of the building. Consolidated renovation efforts are strongly recommended over the next 5 years with a follow-on capital improvement plan in accordance with the cost items described in the associated City Hall Facility Condition Assessment report.

Key Finding Metric Current Year Facility Condition Index (FCI) FCI = (IR)/(CRV) 2.03% Good

10-Year Facility Condition Index (FCI) FCI = (RR)/(CRV) 37.34% Poor

Current Replacement Value (CRV) 38,358 SF * $206.81 / SF = $7,932,818

Year 0 (Current Year) - Immediate Repairs (IR) $161,169

Years 1-10 – Replacement Reserves (RR) $2,801,244

TOTAL Capital Needs $2,962,394

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3.2 Public Safety Building

KEY FINDING METRIC Current Year Facility Condition Index (FCI) FCI = (IR)/(CRV) 1.74% Good

10-Year Facility Condition Index (FCI) FCI = (RR)/(CRV) 44.90% Poor

Current Replacement Value (CRV) 45,154 SF * $181.64 / SF = $8,201,773

Year 0 (Current Year) - Immediate Repairs (IR) $142,519

Years 1-10 – Replacement Reserves (RR) $3,539,985

TOTAL Capital Needs $3,682,505

The Public Safety Building has experienced some level of deferred capital improvement and maintenance and although not excessively aged (constructed in 1985), will require significant capital expenditure over the next 4 years in order to keep the building operating adequately and minimizing corrective maintenance costs. The building is currently rated in “Good” condition because, relative to the replacement value of the building, there are relatively few capital improvements which must be undertaken to repair inoperable components or to correct identified code deficiencies. Included in those identified code deficiencies include a number of ADA upgrades to the site, parking lot, restrooms, elevator, and interior doors. However, if no capital improvements are undertaken for this facility, it’s condition will deteriorate to a “Poor” condition by 2020 wherein the required capital expense budget will exceed 10% of the replacement cost of the facility. As such, it is highly recommended that phased renovations of this facility be undertaken over the next four years to address the deferred capital expenditures and building components nearing the end of their useful lifecycle.

There is an opportunity to combine some of these improvement and restoration efforts into singular renovation efforts. Some of these renovation efforts should include repair and replacement of the asphalt parking lot and concrete Fire Truck apron, a modernization of the existing fire suppression system and extension of the system to areas currently not protected and upgrading the HVAC control system to a more efficient direct digital control (DDC) system, to replace the existing pneumatic control system. Additionally, damage to the lintel block and brick veneer adjacent to the exterior bridge was noted. Because lintel block is a structural building component, EMG strongly recommends a follow-on structural study to evaluate the cause of the damage and propose a repair. EMG has included cost items for this study and proposed repair costs, but a more in-depth follow-on analysis is included.

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3.3 East Side Fire Stat ion

Key Finding Metric Current Year Facility Condition Index (FCI) FCI = (IR)/(CRV) 9.20% Fair

10-Year Facility Condition Index (FCI) FCI = (RR)/(CRV) 70.92% Very Poor

Current Replacement Value (CRV) 8725 SF * 159.10 / SF = $1,388,135

Year 0 (Current Year) - Immediate Repairs (IR) $127,710

Years 1-10 – Replacement Reserves (RR) $856,746

TOTAL Capital Needs $984,456

The East Side Fire Station is currently rated as “Fair” condition, but is very nearly in “Poor” condition, primarily due to the recommended modernization to meet ADA requirements for the facility, as well as various immediate repairs to the paving, sidewalks, as well as several building envelope repairs. In the absence of capital improvement, the facility condition will degrade in condition, as shown in the FCI chart above. Included in the recommended capital costs, are several modernization efforts, which are strongly recommended for the fire station. As previously mentioned, EMG recommends modernization to current ADA standards, including the installation of an elevator in order to provide an accessible path of travel to all floors of the building. Additionally, the parking areas and concrete truck apron around the building are in need of repair and replacement at various points over the next 10 years based on their respective ages and condition. Second, the station does not currently have a central fire alarm or fire suppression system but rather, currently relies on individual smoke alarms and fire extinguishers. Installation of a central alarm and suppression system is highly recommended. Lastly, there is currently water infiltration and damage due to poor site drainage around the northwest, lower level door. Re-sloping the area around the door, installing drainage, and reconstructing the adjacent sidewalk are required, and cost items are included for this work.

The most prudent approach to address these observances is to combine efforts by like-type into several consolidated renovation efforts (e.g. paving, ADA upgrade, fire alarms/suppression, etc.) in order to minimize facility disruption. Local budgetary concerns and market conditions must be evaluated at the time of renovation to determine if consolidation is reasonable. After these renovation efforts over the next six years, EMG recommends continued adherence to the long-term capital expenditure program outlined in the Fire Station’s Facility Condition Assessment report. However, given the extensive nature of the required repairs to this facility relative to it’s replacement cost, it is advisable to consider alternative approaches to this facility such as disposition or demolition/re-construction. Local budgetary availability must be considered, but without an aggressive capital expenditure plan in-place, the deferred maintenance burden will quickly become cost prohibitive for long term use by the City.

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3.4 Mequon Community Pool

KEY FINDING METRIC Current Year Facility Condition Index (FCI) FCI = (IR)/(CRV) 12.86% Poor

10-Year Facility Condition Index (FCI) FCI = (RR)/(CRV) 152.65% Very Poor

Current Replacement Value (CRV) 3876SF * $179.05 / SF = $678,649

Year 0 (Current Year) - Immediate Repairs (IR) $87,247

Years 1-10 – Replacement Reserves (RR) $948,678

Total Capital Needs $1,035,926

The Mequon Community Pool requires significant capital expenditure to correct existing deficiencies and to address multiple building systems which are well beyond the end of their useful life (originally constructed in 1934 with renovations in 1984). The Pool and it supporting facilities are currently rated in overall “Poor” condition, and over a 10-year horizon is the most expensive facility to maintain relative to its replacement cost. This facility requires immediate and significant capital investments over the next 1-2 years. Immediate repair costs include required roof replacement of the Bath House, structural reinforcement or re-build of the wooden pergola structure, multiple ADA compliance measures, re-pointing of both interior and exterior brick work in the Bath House and Pump House, replacement of structurally unsound stairs in the Pump House, and repairs to multiple interior finishes. Failure to meet ADA accessibility guidelines presents a litigation risk, which is an increased with the Pool because of its high frequency of use. These upgrades should include changes to accessible parking stalls, and upgrades to restroom hardware. Beyond the 1-2 year timeframe, the condition of the pool and adjacent facilities quickly deteriorates to “Very Poor” condition, such that, by 2021 the Pool will require more than 50% of its replacement value to restore it to proper working condition.

There are two additional complicating factors to the repair and restoration of the pool facilities. First, the existing pool was constructed within the shell of the original pool walls. While no structural damage to the pool wall structure was noted during the assessment, there is very likely hidden damage in the 1934-constructed pool wall structure that is currently concealed by the 1984 pool wall shell. While the condition and extent of any damage to this structure is not possible to ascertain without destructive testing, it is safe to assume that the probability of unforeseen damages is substantially higher than a standard renovation. A second complicating factor is that many of the modernization and repair recommendations from the EMG FCA report for the Pool, would cause the Pool be classified as an “Altered Pool” according to Wisconsin State Law (SPS 390.02 (26)), which would necessitate a State review of the design and operations of the Pool and full modernization to meet all applicable State and Federal statutes, including the Federal Virginia Graeme Baker Act. Due to the numerous repairs and modernization efforts required to restore the pool to working order, EMG recommends the existing pool and supporting facilities be strongly considered for disposition or demolition/re-construction rather than renovation/repair.

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3.5 River Barn Park Pavil ion

KEY FINDING METRIC Current Year Facility Condition Index (FCI) FCI = (IR)/(CRV) 9.94% Poor

10-Year Facility Condition Index (FCI) FCI = (RR)/(CRV) 73.70% Very Poor

Current Replacement Value (CRV) 4180 SF * $168.53 / SF = $704,455

Year 0 (Current Year) - Immediate Repairs (IR) $70,025

Years 1-10 – Replacement Reserves (RR) $449,192

Total Capital Needs $519,217

The River Barn Park Pavilion is currently in “Poor” condition. The primary current-year needs causing the current rating are modernization to meet ADA requirements, repair and repainting of exterior wall portions, and the installation of a Fire Alarm system and fire suppression system. Over the next six years, it will decrease to “Very Poor” condition. The primary cause of this rapid decrease is the requirement to repair and replace large portions of the parking area, which are currently showing signs of cracking and degradation. To the maximum extent possible, EMG distributed the pavement repairs into immediate pavement repair needs and long-term pavement repair needs. An alternative methodology would be to combine all repairs into a single effort. While this consolidation may result in savings due to economy of scale, it will also require a larger capital outlay. Local funding availability and market demand should be considered before consolidating pavement repair efforts. Also, while all ADA modernization requirements are shown in current year costs, it is recommended to delay the inclusion/modification of handicap parking stalls until after paving repairs are completed. EMG recommends considering performing these repairs/modernization as part of a singular pavement repair/replacement effort.

In addition to the parking area repairs, there are various repairs to the siding and repainting that will be required in the near term to stop future damage to the facility and restore the building envelope to proper working condition. The details of the existing damage and areas requiring repair and replacement can be found in the River Barn Park Pavilion Facility Condition Assessment report.

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3.6 Rotary Park Pavil ion

KEY FINDING METRIC Current Year Facility Condition Index (FCI) FCI = (IR)/(CRV) 8.83% Fair

10-Year Facility Condition Index (FCI) FCI = (RR)/(CRV) 48.31% Poor

Current Replacement Value (CRV) 4560 SF * $156.79 / SF = $715,418

Year 0 (Current Year) - Immediate Repairs (IR) $63,206

Years 1-10 – Replacement Reserves (RR) $282,387

Total Capital Needs $345,592

The Rotary Park Pavilion building is in overall “Fair” condition primarily because of the first-year requirements to meet current ADA standards for the facility, as well as various repairs and repainting of the building exterior and sealing and striping the parking area. Additionally, there are areas of the parking surface that require immediate repair as well as larger portions showing signs of generalized wear and that will require a complete replacement of the parking surface within the next five years. Because of the public use nature of this facility, the risk of litigation resulting from non-compliance with ADA standards is heightened and all ADA compliance initiatives should be strongly considered to be performed in the first year. Additionally, there are areas of concrete on the west side of the building that are damaged and require repair. Consideration should be given to combining the parking area repaving and the concrete repair actions in order to capitalize on economies of scale if local budgetary allowance provide for the consolidation of these efforts.

Both the electrical and plumbing services to this building appear to be inadequate for the building’s current usage. The electrical system requires the installation of an additional service panel and may require integration with the utility provider to increase service to the facility. The water pressure and flow rate servicing the building appear to be inadequate as well. Cost allowances were included for an increase in the well pump sizing, increased diameter piping to various plumbing fixtures and the installation of an additional pressure vessel. Each of these utility shortfalls should be addressed as a singular effort. After these corrections are made, the facility should continue to execute the EMG-provided capital expense plan outlined in the Rotary Park Pavilion Facility Condition Assessment replacement reserves table.

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3.7 Reuter Pavilion Building

KEY FINDING METRIC Current Year Facility Condition Index (FCI) FCI = (IR)/(CRV) 8.23% Poor

10-Year Facility Condition Index (FCI) FCI = (RR)/(CRV) 236.16% Very Poor

Current Replacement Value (CRV) 4180 SF * $160.33 / SF = $670,182

Year 0 (Current Year) - Immediate Repairs (IR) $55,154

Years 1-10 – Replacement Reserves (RR) $1,527,519

Total Capital Needs $1,582,673

The Reuter Pavilion Building is currently in poor condition due to a number of modernization items and deferred maintenance issues. Installation of a fire alarm and suppression system is highly recommended due to the public gathering nature of the facility. Additionally, multiple ADA upgrades are required to minimize the City’s legal liability from any non-compliance claims. Lastly there are several interior finish and exterior wall repair items that need to be addressed in the first year. Beyond the first year, there are multiple site improvement items that need to be addressed including re-sloping and replacing sidewalk areas around the building. It is worth noting that the significant cost shown in 2023 is for the resurfacing of the very substantially-sized parking lot.

Although the 10-year FCI indicates a “Very Poor” condition, the isolated location and the difficulty of replacing this facility with any nearby alternatives, means the most prudent course of action is to continue to repair and renovate this facility as required for the duration of the assessment period. Additionally, the large size of the parking lot places a disproportional cost on this facility relative to its footprint. In any scenario where the building is disposed of or replaced, the costs associated with maintaining such a large parking lot will also be realized.

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4 G r ee en A l t e rna t i ve s

While the focus of the Facility Condition Assessment is the replacement and repair of existing building systems and components, it is prudent for the facility maintenance or operations team to consider (typically) additional upfront expenditure to incorporate sustainable, or “Green” alternatives to simple replacement of components and systems. The decision to incorporate these components is one that must be evaluated at the time of installation/replacement to accurately analyze current market conditions and pricing. Below is a discussion of possible Green alternatives that EMG recommends be strongly considered for the City of Mequon as part of all future capital

expenditure plans.


▪ It is recommended that facilities management staff perform regular visual assessments of known underground piping locations. These assessments can be performed as part of routine activities such as trash pickup, lawn mowing or while walking from one area of the property to another. The purpose is to look for telltale signs of utility piping leakage. These telltale signs manifest themselves as wet spots, non-weather-related puddles, areas that are always wet, soil undermining and noticeable increases in domestic water consumption.

▪ It is recommended that facilities management staff perform regular visual assessments of building and common area lighting. These assessments can be performed as part of routine activities such as trash pickup, lawn mowing or while walking from one area of the property to another. The purpose is to look for telltale signs of electrical utility waste. These spot assessments document light fixtures

that are on during the day, damaged or missing lighting fixtures, or malfunctioning timers or photo cells.


Reflective Roofing

As part of any roofing rehabilitation, reduce the roof temperature by specifying cool roof products that meet Energy Star levels of efficiency. Installing a radiant barrier can reduce 90 percent or more of roof deck radiant heat. This measure reduces the air-conditioning load, minimizes the heat island effect, and extends the roof life.

To qualify for the Energy Star label, roofing products must meet the following specifications:

▪ For low-slope roofs (surfaces with a slope of 2:12 inches or less), the initial solar reflectance must be at least 0.65. The material must

maintain a solar reflectance of at least 0.50 after three years of installation under normal conditions.

▪ For high-slope roofs (surfaces with a slope of 2:12 inches or greater), the initial solar reflectance must be at least 0.25. The material

must maintain a solar reflectance of at least 0.15 after three years of installation under normal conditions.

Vegetative Roofing

Green roofs are a combination of vegetation and soil planted on a waterproof membrane atop a roof. They reduce roof temperature, cooling costs, and storm runoff. In addition to reducing cooling costs and minimizing storm water runoff, green roofs also:

▪ Filter pollution

▪ Reduce sewage system loads

▪ Protect underlying roof material from UV and temperature fluctuations

▪ Provide habitat for small animals

▪ Absorb carbon dioxide (CO2)

▪ Offer an attractive alternative to traditional roofs

▪ Reduce noise transfer from the outdoors

Site Improvements:

▪ For replacement or rehabilitation of sidewalks and other hardscape features such as footings, mat foundations, slab on grade, slabs on metal deck, cast in place and tilt up walls, drives and equipment pads, displace Portland cement in concrete mixes with at least 20 percent recycled content materials (fly ash or slag). This measure increases the durability and strength of the concrete, reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with cement production, and helps keep fly ash out of landfills.

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▪ Increasing porous surfaces decreases runoff and protects the health of creeks, wetlands and other bodies of water. Reducing runoff improves soil health because it retains valuable topsoil on-site. Types of pervious or porous pavement include porous aggregate, porous turf, plastic geocells, open-jointed paving blocks, open-cell paving grids, porous concrete, granite or crushed rock, and soft porous surfacing such as bark or mulch.

▪ Specify light color pigments or aggregates for any replacement or rehabilitation of sidewalks and other hardscape features. This measure reduces the building’s cooling costs and minimizes the heat island effect by reducing the amount of heat retained by surrounding asphalt, concrete, and building structures. Adding colorants and pigments to mixes of concrete and asphalt does not

generally increase costs. Changing aggregate colors is also relatively inexpensive.

▪ Increasing porous surfaces decreases runoff and protects the health of creeks, wetlands and other bodies of water. Reducing runoff improves soil health because it retains valuable topsoil on-site. EMG evaluated opportunities to increase storm water retention on site by replacing or rehabilitating parking lots, sidewalks, and other hardscape features with porous pavement. These measures help reduce water runoff, help filter and treat storm water, and protect the local ecosystem. Pervious paving surfaces can cost more than hard surfaces but can easily be incorporated into future onsite hard surface repairs and replacements.

▪ As part of any re-landscaping plan, incorporate design features that enhance the soil quality, reduce storm water runoff and pollution, and encourage beneficial insects and wildlife. This measure also minimizes ongoing water requirements, maintenance needs, and green waste. In addition, seek to incorporate design features into the site that channel runoff to swales, porous surfaces, and holding

areas. These measures reduce water runoff, helps filter and treat storm water, and protects the local ecosystem

▪ Properties in high-density residential areas should always consider, where space permits, the provision of bike parking/storage for visitors, and employees. This measure will reduce traffic and pollution while increasing occupant/worker health. Secured and covered storage can be under building overhangs, stairwells (inside or out), bike lockers, in parking garages, or other means. The property may benefit by providing bicycle storage. The properties surveyed provide several areas that could be converted to locked bicycle storage for residents.

Building Envelope:

▪ For repainting, specify recycled-content paint. The recycled-content should be at least 50 percent and can come from post-industrial or post-consumer sources. VOCs shall not exceed 250 grams per liter for recycled paint. This measure keeps unwanted paint out of landfills.

▪ For rehabilitation or replacement of exterior siding, specify environmentally preferable siding products. Fiber cement, stucco, metal, brick and stone are durable and easy to maintain. FSC-certified wood siding is made with sustainably harvested wood. Depending on the siding product chosen, this measure may increase durability, reduce waste, maintenance and replacement costs, or support

sustainable forestry practices.

▪ Three popular forms of siding are not recommended due to environmental and durability concerns:

o Vinyl siding is a non-recyclable product that poses a landfill burden. In addition, vinyl manufacture produces dioxin, a persistent environmental toxin.

o Conventional wood siding imposes high maintenance costs and may involve detrimental harvesting practices.

o Composition siding (or hardboard) looks like wood siding and requires more ongoing maintenance than wood siding. It is made with wood fibers from industrial process waste or fast-growing tree species. The product is susceptible to water damage when

improperly installed and is not recommended.

▪ In addition to its aesthetic function, siding protects a building’s exterior walls from wind, sunlight, pests and water. The following siding options are environmentally preferable compared to vinyl, conventional wood or composition siding:

o Fiber-cement siding is gaining popularity as a safe, durable product and is made of Portland cement, sand and cellulose fibers.

o Stucco is a common siding material in many areas of the country. It is made of sand, water, and cement. Some stucco has an acrylic finish.

o Brick or stone veneers are often used in new construction to give the façade a classic look.

o Metal siding is gaining popularity due to its durability, lack of maintenance needs, and because it is lightweight.

o Wood siding certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) comes from sustainably managed forestry operations. Another environmentally preferable option is siding made from reclaimed wood that may come from old buildings, telephone poles, or river and lake bottoms. Wood can hold up with proper maintenance, but the siding options listed above are likely to last longer and require less maintenance than wood.

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▪ Windows and patio doors generally make up a significant fraction of a building’s exterior walls. They are also generally the weakest link in the building’s thermal envelope. Windows can allow unwanted heat into the building during the summer and can account for as much as 25 percent of heat loss in the winter. High-performance windows help control heat gain and loss. Replacement is generally more cost effective when pursued in conjunction with general wall rehabilitation to address rot, water damage, and other


▪ Rehabilitation provides an opportunity for increased energy savings and thermal comfort via door replacement and repair. Poor entrance door construction, an absence of wind barriers or airlocks, and inadequate weather-stripping can allow unwanted heat and

cold into the building.

Interior Finishes:

▪ Cabinet and countertop replacement projects should specify durable, formaldehyde-free materials, which will increase indoor air quality. Cabinets should feature hardwood assemblies and doors, or exterior-grade plywood or formaldehyde-free MDF boxes assembled with adhesives, screws, and bolts. Many composite woods are produced with formaldehyde binders that off-gas after installation. Formaldehyde glues in composite wood products come in two forms: urea and phenol. Urea-formaldehyde binders are more common.

▪ Rehabilitation projects should encourage the use of EnergyStar rated refrigerators, dishwashers, and clothes washers as part of any appliance replacement. EnergyStar® appliances save water, energy, and money. EnergyStar is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). It is a voluntary labeling program that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by helping consumers to purchase the most energy-efficient products available. EnergyStar sets standards for energy efficiency that roughly target the upper 20 percent of current off-the-shelf technologies. Products that meet the energy efficiency requirements are eligible for the EnergyStar label. In addition to saving energy, many qualified products also save water. Any planned rehabilitation project should include replacement of all refrigerators within dwelling units and common areas. The

recommendation is made to ensure that EnergyStar compliant refrigerators be installed. Electric ranges are not rated by EnergyStar.

▪ Flooring products may emit formaldehyde and other VOCs. As part of any flooring replacement, specify flooring products that have been tested and approved for low emissions according to the California “Standard Practice for the Testing of Volatile Organic Emissions from Various Sources Using Small Scale Environmental Chambers,” also known as Specification 01350. Any adhesives used in installing flooring materials should be under 50 gm/VOCs). This measure will improve indoor air quality for occupants and reduce environmental damage associated with VOCs. In addition to improving indoor air quality, alternate flooring materials should be explored (e.g. natural linoleum, bamboo, wool, natural grasses/fibers and ceramic tile). Vinyl flooring is often referred to as “linoleum;” however, it does not feature the same physical properties of linoleum. The use of natural linoleum will reduce replacement costs, increase durability, and minimize the impact on the environment. Natural linoleum is made from rapidly renewable materials including linseed oil (from flax), powdered wood and/or cork, ground limestone, resin binders, and dry pigments with a natural jute fiber backing. Where carpet is installed or replaced, specification of low-VOC carpet (Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) “Green Label”),

and a “green” installation method (e.g. no adhesives for carpet padding or carpet, air changes after installation, etc.) is recommended.

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5 C e r t i f i c a t i o n

The City of Mequon retained EMG to perform this Facility Condition Assessment in connection with its continued operation of various municipal buildings of the City of Mequon, 11333 North Cedarburg Road, Mequon, Wisconsin, the “properties”. It is our understanding that the primary interest of the City of Mequon is to locate and evaluate materials and building system defects that might significantly affect the value of the property and to determine if the present properties have conditions that will have a significant impact on their continued operations.

The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based on the brief review of the plans and records made available to our Project Manager during the site visit, interviews of available property management personnel and maintenance contractors familiar with the properties, appropriate inquiry of municipal authorities, our Project Manager’s walk-through observations during the site visits,

and our experience with similar properties.

No testing, exploratory probing, dismantling or operating of equipment or in-depth studies were performed unless specifically required. This assessment did not include engineering calculations to determine the adequacy of the properties’ original design or existing systems. Although walk-through observations were performed, not all areas were observed. There may be defects in the properties, which were in areas not observed or readily accessible, may not have been visible, or were not disclosed by management personnel when questioned. The report describes property conditions at the time that the observations and research were conducted.

This report has been prepared on behalf of and exclusively for the use of the City of Mequon for the purpose stated within Section 2 of this report. The report, or any excerpt thereof, shall not be used by any party other than the City of Mequon or for any other purpose than that specifically stated in our agreement or within Section 2 of this report without the express written consent of EMG.

Any reuse or distribution of this report without such consent shall be at the City of Mequon and the recipient’s sole risk, without liability to EMG.

Prepared by: Randall Patzke,

Project Manager

Reviewed by:

Brian Vickers,

Program Manager

[email protected]

800.733.0660 x6243

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Immediate Repairs Report 7/22/2018

Location Name ID Cost Description QuantityUnit Unit Cost * SubtotalDeficiency Repair Estimate *

City Hall 771064 Exterior Wall, Waterproofing of Exterior Face, Replace 5000 SF $8.12 $40,600 $40,600

City Hall 769452 Exterior Stairs, Concrete, Replace 560 SF $48.94 $27,408 $27,408

City Hall 770037 Exterior Stairs, Concrete, Replace 76 SF $48.94 $3,720 $3,720

City Hall 770388 Exterior Wall, Joint Caulking 0" to 1/2", 1-2 Stories, Replace 850 LF $2.82 $2,397 $2,397

City Hall 770382 Window, Wood Historical 12 SF, Replace 2 EA $2,100.00 $4,200 $4,200

City Hall 767513 Interior Door, Fire 90-Minutes and Over, Replace 3 EA $1,649.06 $4,947 $4,947

City Hall 768328 Interior Wall Finish, Gypsum Board/Plaster, Repair 500 SF $3.18 $1,591 $1,591

City Hall 768313 Interior Floor Finish, Vinyl Tile (VCT) w/ Asbestos Abatement, Replace 3000 SF $8.19 $24,579 $24,579

City Hall 768327 Interior Ceiling Finish, Gypsum Board/Plaster, Repair 10 SF $7.32 $73 $73

City Hall 768600 Unit Heater, Electric, 1 to 2 kW, Replace 1 EA $1,095.84 $1,096 $1,096

City Hall 769456 Emergency/Exit Combo LED, Replace 10 EA $687.51 $6,875 $6,875

City Hall 769427 Roadways, Wooden Curb, Repair 16 LF $24.00 $384 $384

City Hall 769445 Pedestrian Pavement, Sidewalk, Concrete Large Areas, Replace 270 SF $9.00 $2,430 $2,430

City Hall 792961 Exterior Stairs & Ramps, Handrails, Metal, Replace 150 LF $50.00 $7,500 $7,500

City Hall 792409 Engineer, Mechanical/HVAC, General, Design 1 EA $6,500.00 $6,500 $6,500

City Hall 768489 Engineer, Environmental, Asbestos (ACM) & Lead Base Paint (LBP), Evaluate/Report 1 EA $6,250.00 $6,250 $6,250

City Hall 794877 ADA, Door, Wider 32" Opening, Framed Wall, Modify 4 EA $1,300.00 $5,200 $5,200

City Hall 767830 ADA, Door, Automatic Opener, Modify 1 EA $1,000.00 $1,000 $1,000

City Hall 794875 ADA, Elevator/Lift, Jamb Signage, Lobby (per Stop/Floor), Install 3 STOP $100.00 $300 $300

City Hall 794876 ADA, Elevator/Lift, Emergency Communication System, Cab, Renovate 1 EA $10,000.00 $10,000 $10,000

City Hall 769944 ADA, Miscellaneous, Signage, Directional, Wall-Mounted, Install 2 EA $400.00 $800 $800

City Hall 768872 ADA, Miscellaneous, Reception Desk, Writing Surface, Modify 2 EA $800.00 $1,600 $1,600

City Hall 792951 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Van), Install 1 EA $1,400.00 $1,400 $1,400

City Hall 769943 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Pipe Wraps, Install 4 EA $80.00 $320 $320

East Side Fire Station 781793 Exterior Stairs, Concrete, Replace 320 SF $48.94 $15,662 $15,662

East Side Fire Station 781800 Exterior Wall, Brick or Brick Veneer, 1-2 Stories, Repoint 100 SF $41.28 $4,128 $4,128

East Side Fire Station 780978 Exterior Wall, Concrete Block (CMU), 1-2 Stories, Repoint 500 SF $8.16 $4,081 $4,081

East Side Fire Station 780975 Exterior Door, Steel w/ Safety Glass, Replace 5 EA $1,690.90 $8,454 $8,454

East Side Fire Station 780976 Overhead Door, Steel Insulated Roll-Up 288 SF, Replace 5 EA $5,707.55 $28,538 $28,538

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Immediate Repairs Report 7/22/2018

Location Name ID Cost Description QuantityUnit Unit Cost * SubtotalDeficiency Repair Estimate *

East Side Fire Station 791055 Gutters & Downspouts, Aluminum w/ Fittings, Replace 10 LF $8.37 $84 $84

East Side Fire Station 781010 Interior Floor Finish, Vinyl Tile (VCT), Replace 40 SF $4.80 $192 $192

East Side Fire Station 782430 Roadways, Asphalt Pavement, Seal & Stripe 35130 SF $0.38 $13,332 $13,332

East Side Fire Station 781805 Pedestrian Pavement, Sidewalk, Concrete Sections/Small Areas, Replace 150 SF $19.00 $2,850 $2,850

East Side Fire Station 791059 Pedestrian Pavement, Sidewalk, Concrete Sections/Small Areas, Replace 250 SF $19.00 $4,750 $4,750

East Side Fire Station 790397 Engineer, Structural, Superstructure, Evaluate/Report 1 EA $10,000.00 $10,000 $10,000

East Side Fire Station 781797 ADA, Miscellaneous, Ramp/Stairs, Handrail Extensions, Modify 4 EA $300.00 $1,200 $1,200

East Side Fire Station 784155 ADA, Miscellaneous, Level III Study, Includes Measurements, Evaluate/Report 1 EA $7,500.00 $7,500 $7,500

East Side Fire Station 784131 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Van), Install 1 EA $1,400.00 $1,400 $1,400

East Side Fire Station 784130 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Standard), Install 1 EA $1,300.00 $1,300 $1,300

East Side Fire Station 780995 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Hardware, Modify 3 EA $450.00 $1,350 $1,350

East Side Fire Station 791123 ADA, Restroom, Toilet Room Accessories, Existing, Relocate 4 EA $80.00 $320 $320

East Side Fire Station 781000 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Pipe Wraps, Install 4 EA $80.00 $320 $320

East Side Fire Station 780998 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Hardware, Modify 1 EA $450.00 $450 $450

East Side Fire Station 791125 ADA, Restroom, Full Reconfiguration, Renovate 1 EA $15,000.00 $15,000 $15,000

East Side Fire Station 780999 ADA, Restroom, Grab Bars & Blocking, Install 4 EA $1,700.00 $6,800 $6,800

Mequon Community Pool 971265 Structural Framed Pergola, , Replace 500 SF $30.62 $15,310 $15,310

Mequon Community Pool 971264 Exterior Wall, Concrete Block (CMU), 1-2 Stories, Repoint 50 SF $8.16 $408 $408

Mequon Community Pool 779474 Roof, Single-Ply EPDM Membrane, Replace 2508 SF $10.52 $26,384 $26,384

Mequon Community Pool 971275 Gutters & Downspouts, Aluminum w/ Fittings, Replace 200 LF $8.37 $1,674 $1,674

Mequon Community Pool 971272 Interior Stairs, Metal, Replace 50 SF $44.53 $2,227 $2,227

Mequon Community Pool 971259 Interior Wall Finish, Clay Brick, Repoint 500 SF $12.41 $6,204 $6,204

Mequon Community Pool 971269 Interior Wall Finish, Concrete Block, Repoint 500 SF $7.15 $3,575 $3,575

Mequon Community Pool 779477 Interior Wall Finish, Gypsum Board/Plaster, Repair 300 SF $3.18 $954 $954

Mequon Community Pool 779490 Exterior Stairs & Ramps, Concrete (per LF of Nosing), Replace 44 LF $38.43 $1,691 $1,691

Mequon Community Pool 960374 ADA, Miscellaneous, Pool Lift Transfer Device, Install 1 EA $12,000.00 $12,000 $12,000

Mequon Community Pool 779838 ADA, Miscellaneous, Pool Lift Transfer Device, Replace 1 EA $12,000.00 $12,000 $12,000

Mequon Community Pool 779821 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Van), Install 1 EA $1,400.00 $1,400 $1,400

Mequon Community Pool 779823 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Standard), Install 1 EA $1,300.00 $1,300 $1,300

Mequon Community Pool 779500 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Pipe Wraps, Install 4 EA $80.00 $320 $320

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Immediate Repairs Report 7/22/2018

Location Name ID Cost Description QuantityUnit Unit Cost * SubtotalDeficiency Repair Estimate *

Mequon Community Pool 779498 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Hardware, Modify 4 EA $450.00 $1,800 $1,800

Public Safety Building 773897 Retaining Wall Hand Rails, Metal, Replace 100 LF $50.00 $5,000 $5,000

Public Safety Building 773363 Exterior Wall, Brick or Brick Veneer, 1-2 Stories, Repair 500 SF $48.56 $24,278 $24,278

Public Safety Building 773411 Exterior Wall, Stucco, 1-2 Stories, Repair 300 SF $18.20 $5,459 $5,459

Public Safety Building 773365 Exterior Wall, Joint Caulking 1/2" to 1", 1-2 Stories, Replace 500 LF $5.13 $2,565 $2,565

Public Safety Building 773488 Window and Support Lintels, Lintel Proper and Deflected / Damaged Brick Masonry, Replace 4 EA $3,400.00 $13,600 $13,600

Public Safety Building 773000 Interior Wall Finish, Concrete Block, Repoint 1000 SF $7.15 $7,150 $7,150

Public Safety Building 773359 Metal Flue, Stainless Steel, 10", Replace 30 LF $176.31 $5,289 $5,289

Public Safety Building 773333 Humidifier, Electric, Duct w/ Controls, Replace 1 EA $3,254.01 $3,254 $3,254

Public Safety Building 773495 Fire Shutter, Motor-Operated, Replace 1 EA $7,116.93 $7,117 $7,117

Public Safety Building 773412 Retaining Wall, Cast-in-place Concrete (per SF Face), Repair 300 SF $11.39 $3,417 $3,417

Public Safety Building 773402 Architect/Engineer, Building Envelope, Masonry, Evaluate/Report 1 EA $6,500.00 $6,500 $6,500

Public Safety Building 773435 ADA, Door, Lever Handle Hardware, Install 100 EA $300.00 $30,000 $30,000

Public Safety Building 773439 ADA, Elevator/Lift, Call Buttons, Lobby (per Stop/Floor), Renovate 3 STOP $850.00 $2,550 $2,550

Public Safety Building 773438 ADA, Elevator/Lift, Emergency Communication System, Cab, Renovate 1 EA $10,000.00 $10,000 $10,000

Public Safety Building 773452 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Standard), Install 2 EA $1,300.00 $2,600 $2,600

Public Safety Building 773428 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Van), Install 1 EA $1,400.00 $1,400 $1,400

Public Safety Building 789688 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Hardware, Modify 14 EA $450.00 $6,300 $6,300

Public Safety Building 802590 ADA, Restroom, Toilet Room Accessories, Existing, Relocate 14 EA $80.00 $1,120 $1,120

Public Safety Building 771498 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Pipe Wraps, Install 14 EA $80.00 $1,120 $1,120

Public Safety Building 773422 ADA, Site, Walkways, Curb Cut Ramp, Install 2 EA $1,900.00 $3,800 $3,800

Reuter Pavilion Building 776270 Exterior Wall, Joint Caulking 1/2" to 1", 1-2 Stories, Replace 340 LF $5.13 $1,744 $1,744

Reuter Pavilion Building 775923 Interior Floor Finish, Concrete, Prep & Paint 150 SF $9.23 $1,385 $1,385

Reuter Pavilion Building 914947 Sprinkler System, Full Retrofit, Pavilion (per SF), Install 4180 SF $8.00 $33,435 $33,435

Reuter Pavilion Building 914948 Fire Alarm System, Pavilion, Install 4180 SF $3.13 $13,091 $13,091

Reuter Pavilion Building 775899 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Van), Install 2 EA $1,400.00 $2,800 $2,800

Reuter Pavilion Building 775934 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Hardware, Modify 6 EA $450.00 $2,700 $2,700

River Barn Park Pavilion 914943 Sprinkler System, Full Retrofit, Pavilion (per SF), Install 4180 SF $8.00 $33,435 $33,435

River Barn Park Pavilion 914942 Fire Alarm System, Pavilion, Install 4180 SF $3.13 $13,091 $13,091

River Barn Park Pavilion 774039 ADA, Door, Lever Handle Hardware, Install 4 EA $300.00 $1,200 $1,200

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Immediate Repairs Report 7/22/2018

Location Name ID Cost Description QuantityUnit Unit Cost * SubtotalDeficiency Repair Estimate *

River Barn Park Pavilion 774017 ADA, Miscellaneous, Service Window, Install 1 EA $6,000.00 $6,000 $6,000

River Barn Park Pavilion 774015 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Van), Install 1 EA $1,400.00 $1,400 $1,400

River Barn Park Pavilion 774018 ADA, Parking, Access Aisle Striping, Install 1000 LF $13.00 $13,000 $13,000

River Barn Park Pavilion 774016 ADA, Site, Walkways, Curb Cut Ramp, Install 1 EA $1,900.00 $1,900 $1,900

Rotary Park Pavilion 766376 Exterior Soffit/Ceiling, Painted Surface, 1-2 Stories, Prep & Paint 2700 SF $2.87 $7,751 $7,751

Rotary Park Pavilion 766448 Exterior Wall, Wood Clapboard Siding, 1-2 Stories, Repair 200 SF $26.82 $5,364 $5,364

Rotary Park Pavilion 766441 Exterior Wall, Joint Caulking 1/2" to 1", 1-2 Stories, Replace 204 LF $5.13 $1,047 $1,047

Rotary Park Pavilion 766384 Exterior Wall, Painted Surface, 1-2 Stories, Prep & Paint 1800 SF $2.87 $5,167 $5,167

Rotary Park Pavilion 766350 Exterior Door, Steel, Refinish 3 EA $69.94 $210 $210

Rotary Park Pavilion 766355 Exterior Door, Steel Insulated, Replace 2 EA $1,577.53 $3,155 $3,155

Rotary Park Pavilion 971346 Gutters & Downspouts, Aluminum w/ Fittings, Install 500 LF $8.37 $4,186 $4,186

Rotary Park Pavilion 767557 Parking Lots, Asphalt Pavement, Seal & Stripe 48500 SF $0.38 $18,406 $18,406

Rotary Park Pavilion 766457 Pedestrian Pavement, Sidewalk, Concrete Large Areas, Replace 1600 SF $9.00 $14,400 $14,400

Rotary Park Pavilion 767711 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Van), Install 1 EA $1,400.00 $1,400 $1,400

Rotary Park Pavilion 771502 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Pipe Wraps, Install 4 EA $80.00 $320 $320

Rotary Park Pavilion 766359 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Hardware, Modify 4 EA $450.00 $1,800 $1,800

Immediate Repairs Total $707,032

* Location Factor included in totals.

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Replacement Reserves Report


Location 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 Total Escalated Estimate

City Hall $161,169 $407,136 $634,546 $377,524 $637,939 $67,021 $252,069 $315,043 $11,983 $97,963 $124,547 $7,774 $122,235 $94,359 $63,544 $38,293 $167,800 $169,459 $80,953 $131,159 $3,962,516

East Side Fire Station $127,710 $39,051 $57,091 $63,365 $239,845 $205,376 $0 $65,468 $2,321 $184,229 $27,445 $33,018 $2,010 $5,583 $10,275 $21,070 $13,392 $31,127 $9,894 $81,888 $1,220,158

Mequon Community Pool $87,247 $241,451 $212,924 $217,776 $84,423 $57,043 $0 $8,281 $12,698 $114,082 $2,250 $16,150 $11,362 $18,937 $81,632 $24,710 $292,511 $159,131 $107,635 $18,760 $1,769,005

Public Safety Building $142,519 $831,962 $515,357 $852,623 $147,672 $80,284 $225,280 $0 $304,586 $582,221 $203,052 $377,593 $190,712 $63,493 $212,865 $86,784 $13,239 $50,694 $542,734 $451,044 $5,874,714

Reuter Pavilion Building $55,154 $298,818 $25,032 $0 $930,983 $0 $1,970 $1,296 $106,095 $163,325 $4,206 $29,335 $4,021 $87,776 $142,043 $0 $2,648 $0 $101,757 $37,112 $1,991,570

River Barn Park Pavilion $70,025 $42,936 $0 $35,792 $24,259 $290,515 $41,277 $4,224 $4,014 $6,175 $0 $79,099 $0 $7,733 $283,865 $0 $55,473 $0 $1,495 $14,118 $960,999

Rotary Park Pavilion $63,206 $69,198 $2,099 $0 $0 $37,875 $150,803 $0 $0 $22,411 $96,833 $0 $0 $10,654 $10,900 $28,676 $0 $2,874 $0 $0 $495,530

GrandTotal $707,032 $1,930,553 $1,447,049 $1,547,079 $2,065,121 $738,114 $671,399 $394,312 $441,697 $1,170,406 $458,333 $542,970 $330,340 $288,534 $805,125 $199,532 $545,063 $413,285 $844,466 $734,080 $16,274,493

City Hall

ID Cost DescriptionLifespan(EUL) EAge RUL QuantityUnit Unit Cost * Subtotal 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038



794881 Basement/Crawlspace, Moisture Barrier, Replace 20 2 18 1000 SF $3.11 $3,105 $3,105 $3,105

771064 Exterior Wall, Waterproofing of Exterior Face, Replace 40 81 0 5000 SF $8.12 $40,600 $40,600 $40,600

769452 Exterior Stairs, Concrete, Replace 50 50 0 560 SF $48.94 $27,408 $27,408 $27,408

770037 Exterior Stairs, Concrete, Replace 50 50 0 76 SF $48.94 $3,720 $3,720 $3,720

770388 Exterior Wall, Joint Caulking 0" to 1/2", 1-2 Stories, Replace 10 21 0 850 LF $2.82 $2,397 $2,397 $2,397 $4,794

771062 Exterior Wall, Brick or Brick Veneer, 3+ Stories, Repoint 25 24 1 100 SF $45.45 $4,545 $4,545 $4,545

796229 Exterior Wall, Insulated Finishing System (EIFS), 3+ Stories, Refinish 10 9 1 1000 SF $5.62 $5,616 $5,616 $5,616 $11,233

768762 Exterior Wall, Insulated Finishing System (EIFS), 1-2 Stories, Replace 30 23 7 250 SF $22.80 $5,700 $5,700 $5,700

770382 Window, Wood Historical 12 SF, Replace 30 32 0 2 EA $2,100.00 $4,200 $4,200 $4,200

770368 Window, Aluminum Double-Glazed 12 SF, 1-2 Stories, Replace 30 29 1 37 EA $584.21 $21,616 $21,616 $21,616

768543 Window, Aluminum Double-Glazed 12 SF, 1-2 Stories, Replace 30 23 7 24 EA $584.21 $14,021 $14,021 $14,021

770367 Exterior Door, Fully-Glazed Aluminum-Framed Swinging, Replace 30 23 7 10 EA $2,106.57 $21,066 $21,066 $21,066

794975 Exterior Door, Steel Insulated, Replace 25 24 1 1 EA $1,577.53 $1,578 $1,578 $1,578

769407 Exterior Door, Steel w/ Safety Glass, Replace 25 13 12 3 EA $1,352.72 $4,058 $4,058 $4,058

768630 Roof, Single-Ply EPDM Membrane, Replace 20 17 3 4300 SF $10.52 $45,236 $45,236 $45,236

768758 Roof, Single-Ply EPDM Membrane, Replace 20 17 3 20000 SF $13.15 $263,000 $263,000 $263,000

768626 Roof, Asphalt Shingle, Replace 20 17 3 5000 SF $3.42 $17,103 $17,103 $17,103

768731 Roof, Metal, Replace 40 23 17 100 SF $12.45 $1,245 $1,245 $1,245

770138 Roof Skylight, Plexiglass Dome Fixed 9-20 SF, Replace 30 23 7 4 EA $1,207.20 $4,829 $4,829 $4,829

767513 Interior Door, Fire 90-Minutes and Over, Replace 20 83 0 3 EA $1,649.06 $4,947 $4,947 $4,947

794985 Interior Door, Wood Solid-Core, Replace 20 11 9 35 EA $1,423.11 $49,809 $49,809 $49,809

792839 Toilet Partitions, Metal Overhead-Braced, Replace 20 6 14 12 EA $850.00 $10,200 $10,200 $10,200

768328 Interior Wall Finish, Gypsum Board/Plaster, Repair 0 81 0 500 SF $3.18 $1,591 $1,591 $1,591

768325 Interior Wall Finish, General Surface, Prep & Paint 8 6 2 7500 SF $1.45 $10,875 $10,875 $10,875 $10,875 $32,625

768320 Interior Wall Finish, General Surface, Prep & Paint 8 3 5 39000 SF $1.45 $56,550 $56,550 $56,550 $113,100

768479 Interior Wall Finish, Ceramic Tile, Replace 25 16 9 500 SF $16.55 $8,277 $8,277 $8,277

768313 Interior Floor Finish, Vinyl Tile (VCT) w/ Asbestos Abatement, Replace 15 81 0 3000 SF $8.19 $24,579 $24,579 $24,579 $49,158

768878 Interior Floor Finish, Vinyl Tile (VCT), Replace 15 13 2 1500 SF $4.80 $7,201 $7,201 $7,201 $14,402

795010 Interior Floor Finish, Rubber Tile, Replace 15 13 2 175 SF $8.43 $1,476 $1,476 $1,476 $2,952

768473 Interior Floor Finish, Terrazzo, Replace 50 32 18 2000 SF $12.06 $24,111 $24,111 $24,111

768471 Interior Floor Finish, Carpet Tile Commercial-Grade, Replace 10 8 2 10000 SF $6.96 $69,629 $69,629 $69,629 $139,258

768470 Interior Floor Finish, Carpet Tile Commercial-Grade, Replace 10 4 6 13000 SF $6.96 $90,518 $90,518 $90,518 $181,035

768327 Interior Ceiling Finish, Gypsum Board/Plaster, Repair 0 81 0 10 SF $7.32 $73 $73 $73

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ID Cost DescriptionLifespan(EUL) EAge RUL QuantityUnit Unit Cost * Subtotal 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038



768469 Interior Ceiling Finish, Suspended Acoustical Tile (ACT), Replace 20 19 1 18000 SF $3.11 $55,998 $55,998 $55,998

767498 Interior Ceiling Finish, Suspended Acoustical Tile (ACT), Replace 20 18 2 8000 SF $3.11 $24,888 $24,888 $24,888

770955 Elevator Cab Finishes, Standard w/ Stainless Steel Doors, Replace 15 13 2 1 EA $8,000.00 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $16,000

792983 Elevator Controls, Automatic, 1 or 2 Car Cluster, Modernize 20 16 4 1 EA $11,547.25 $11,547 $11,547 $11,547

768330 Elevator, Hydraulic, 1500 to 2500 LB, 3 Floors, Renovate 30 23 7 1 EA $144,487.20 $144,487 $144,487 $144,487

792842 Toilet, Tankless (Water Closet), Replace 20 6 14 15 EA $842.97 $12,644 $12,644 $12,644

792840 Urinal, Vitreous China, Replace 20 6 14 4 EA $1,193.44 $4,774 $4,774 $4,774

792843 Lavatory, Vitreous China, Replace 20 6 14 16 EA $572.66 $9,163 $9,163 $9,163

768876 Water Heater, Electric, Residential, 5 to 15 GAL, Replace 15 13 2 2 EA $1,014.17 $2,028 $2,028 $2,028 $4,057

767427 Water Heater, Gas, Residential, 30 to 50 GAL, Replace 10 6 4 1 EA $2,349.48 $2,349 $2,349 $2,349 $4,699

768829 Water Heater, Electric, Residential, 5 to 15 GAL, Replace 15 9 6 1 EA $1,014.17 $1,014 $1,014 $1,014

770960 Plumbing System, Domestic Supply, Replace 40 36 4 38358 SF $5.84 $224,011 $224,011 $224,011

769613 Sump Pump, 3 HP, Replace 15 11 4 2 EA $2,062.81 $4,126 $4,126 $4,126 $8,251

797457 Sump Pump, 3 HP, Replace 15 9 6 2 EA $2,062.81 $4,126 $4,126 $4,126

767421 Air Compressor, 2 HP, Replace 20 11 9 1 EA $6,611.73 $6,612 $6,612 $6,612

767415 Boiler, Gas, 751 to 1,000 MBH, Replace 25 21 4 1 EA $31,276.62 $31,277 $31,277 $31,277

769394 Condenser, Air-Cooled, 6.5 Ton, Replace 15 14 1 1 EA $5,409.47 $5,409 $5,409 $5,409 $10,819

769393 Condenser, Air-Cooled, 15 Ton, Replace 15 14 1 1 EA $8,640.25 $8,640 $8,640 $8,640 $17,281

768824 Condenser, Air-Cooled, 2 Ton, Replace 15 11 4 1 EA $2,587.75 $2,588 $2,588 $2,588 $5,176

768503 Condenser, Air-Cooled, 2 Ton, Replace 15 11 4 1 EA $2,587.75 $2,588 $2,588 $2,588 $5,176

768772 Ductless Split System, Single Zone, 1.5 to 2 Ton, Replace 15 5 10 1 EA $4,473.11 $4,473 $4,473 $4,473

768590 Air Handler, Interior, 5,201 to 6,500 CFM, Replace 30 29 1 1 EA $44,345.94 $44,346 $44,346 $44,346

768550 Air Handler, Interior, 6,501 to 8,000 CFM, Replace 30 29 1 1 EA $52,033.24 $52,033 $52,033 $52,033

768502 Air Handler, Interior, 401 to 800 CFM, Replace 20 16 4 1 EA $3,351.83 $3,352 $3,352 $3,352

768805 Exhaust Fan, Roof Mounted, 151 to 400 CFM, Replace 15 11 4 3 EA $1,499.53 $4,499 $4,499 $4,499 $8,997

768812 Exhaust Fan, Roof Mounted, 501 to 800 CFM, Replace 15 11 4 1 EA $1,750.30 $1,750 $1,750 $1,750 $3,501

767431 Distribution Pump, Heating Water, 1.5 HP, Replace 20 16 4 1 EA $4,652.29 $4,652 $4,652 $4,652

768600 Unit Heater, Electric, 1 to 2 kW, Replace 20 20 0 1 EA $1,095.84 $1,096 $1,096 $1,096

797459 Unit Heater, Electric, 3 to 6 kW, Replace 20 17 3 4 EA $1,741.57 $6,966 $6,966 $6,966

797458 Unit Heater, Electric, 1 to 2 kW, Replace 20 17 3 5 EA $1,095.84 $5,479 $5,479 $5,479

768518 Furnace, Gas, 51 to 100 MBH, Replace 20 16 4 1 EA $3,801.45 $3,801 $3,801 $3,801

797414 Unit Heater, Hydronic, 13 to 36 MBH, Replace 20 16 4 1 EA $1,516.80 $1,517 $1,517 $1,517

767485 Furnace, Gas, 51 to 100 MBH, Replace 20 16 4 1 EA $3,801.45 $3,801 $3,801 $3,801

797413 Radiator, Hydronic Baseboard (per LF), Replace 50 41 9 40 LF $132.77 $5,311 $5,311 $5,311

768860 Baseboard Heater, Electric, 4', 1000 Watts, Replace 25 16 9 17 EA $188.76 $3,209 $3,209 $3,209

768866 Baseboard Heater, Electric, 6'/8', 1500/2000 Watts, Replace 25 16 9 7 EA $266.20 $1,863 $1,863 $1,863

768817 Packaged Unit (RTU), 5 Ton, Replace 15 11 4 1 EA $11,239.29 $11,239 $11,239 $11,239 $22,479

768821 Packaged Unit (RTU), 13 to 15 Ton, Replace 15 11 4 1 EA $26,845.87 $26,846 $26,846 $26,846 $53,692

768815 Packaged Unit (RTU), 4 Ton, Replace 15 11 4 2 EA $10,581.39 $21,163 $21,163 $21,163 $42,326

768312 Building Automation System (HVAC Controls), Upgrade 20 16 4 38358 SF $5.36 $205,695 $205,695 $205,695

767493 Sprinkler System, Full Retrofit, Office (per SF), Renovate 50 48 2 38358 SF $10.00 $383,518 $383,518 $383,518

795013 Transfer Switch, Automatic (ATS), 600 V, 400 Amp, Replace 18 6 12 1 EA $12,045.75 $12,046 $12,046 $12,046

770982 Load Center, 120 / 240 V, 125 Amp to 225 Amp, Single Phase, Replace 30 23 7 3 EA $7,906.20 $23,719 $23,719 $23,719

768608 Metal Halide Lighting Fixture, Wall Mount, 150 W, Replace 20 19 1 17 EA $678.47 $11,534 $11,534 $11,534

770978 Fluorescent Lighting Fixture, 80 W, Replace 20 19 1 100 EA $241.87 $24,187 $24,187 $24,187

770979 Fluorescent Lighting Fixture, t8 3 lamp, Replace 20 19 1 300 EA $262.68 $78,804 $78,804 $78,804

768854 Fire Alarm System, Office Building, Install 20 18 2 38358 SF $2.36 $90,506 $90,506 $90,506

794999 Intrusion Detection Alarm System, , Replace 15 9 6 38358 SF $3.01 $115,446 $115,446 $115,446

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ID Cost DescriptionLifespan(EUL) EAge RUL QuantityUnit Unit Cost * Subtotal 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038



769456 Emergency/Exit Combo LED, Replace 10 10 0 10 EA $687.51 $6,875 $6,875 $6,875 $13,750

769383 Generator, Diesel, 10 to 30 kW, Replace 25 18 7 1 EA $42,337.67 $42,338 $42,338 $42,338

768839 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), 15 kVA, Replace 15 5 10 1 EA $68,054.62 $68,055 $68,055 $68,055

792962 Kitchen Counter, Plastic Laminate, Postformed, Replace 10 2 8 40 LF $43.90 $1,756 $1,756 $1,756 $3,512

769427 Roadways, Wooden Curb, Repair 0 20 0 16 LF $24.00 $384 $384 $384

767392 Roadways, Asphalt Pavement, Seal & Stripe 5 2 3 20300 SF $0.38 $7,704 $7,704 $7,704 $7,704 $7,704 $30,815

795057 Roadways, Wooden Curb, Replace 25 11 14 120 LF $24.00 $2,880 $2,880 $2,880

767394 Parking Lots, Asphalt Pavement, Mill & Overlay 25 24 1 20300 SF $3.28 $66,592 $66,592 $66,592

769445 Pedestrian Pavement, Sidewalk, Concrete Large Areas, Replace 30 81 0 270 SF $9.00 $2,430 $2,430 $2,430

792961 Exterior Stairs & Ramps, Handrails, Metal, Replace 25 25 0 150 LF $50.00 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500

769461 Landscaping, Flat Areas, Re-slope, Regrade/Establish 25 24 1 750 SF $3.24 $2,427 $2,427 $2,427

770043 Ductile Piping, De-Rusting, Preparation and Sealing with 1 Mil Asphaltic Resin, Seal 15 10 5 125 LF $10.10 $1,263 $1,263 $1,263

769420 Walkway Bollard Light, 70 to 150 W HID, Replace 20 19 1 8 EA $1,494.12 $11,953 $11,953 $11,953

769414 Pole Light, Exterior, 105 to 200 W LED, Replace 20 3 17 25 EA $3,303.00 $82,575 $82,575 $82,575

792409 Engineer, Mechanical/HVAC, General, Design 0 2 0 1 EA $6,500.00 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500

768489 Engineer, Environmental, Asbestos (ACM) & Lead Base Paint (LBP), Evaluate/Report 0 0 0 1 EA $6,250.00 $6,250 $6,250 $6,250

794877 ADA, Door, Wider 32" Opening, Framed Wall, Modify 0 0 0 4 EA $1,300.00 $5,200 $5,200 $5,200

767830 ADA, Door, Automatic Opener, Modify 0 0 0 1 EA $1,000.00 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000

794875 ADA, Elevator/Lift, Jamb Signage, Lobby (per Stop/Floor), Install 0 0 0 3 STOP $100.00 $300 $300 $300

794876 ADA, Elevator/Lift, Emergency Communication System, Cab, Renovate 0 0 0 1 EA $10,000.00 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000

769944 ADA, Miscellaneous, Signage, Directional, Wall-Mounted, Install 0 0 0 2 EA $400.00 $800 $800 $800

768872 ADA, Miscellaneous, Reception Desk, Writing Surface, Modify 0 0 0 2 EA $800.00 $1,600 $1,600 $1,600

792951 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Van), Install 0 0 0 1 EA $1,400.00 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400

769943 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Pipe Wraps, Install 0 0 0 4 EA $80.00 $320 $320 $320

Totals, Unescalated $161,169 $395,278 $598,121 $345,488 $566,801 $57,813 $211,104 $256,159 $9,460 $75,081 $92,675 $5,616 $85,733 $64,254 $42,010 $24,579 $104,567 $102,525 $47,551 $74,798 $3,320,781

Totals, Escalated (3.0% inflation, compounded annually) $161,169 $407,136 $634,546 $377,524 $637,939 $67,021 $252,069 $315,043 $11,983 $97,963 $124,547 $7,774 $122,235 $94,359 $63,544 $38,293 $167,800 $169,459 $80,953 $131,159 $3,962,516

* Markup/LocationFactor (1.0) has been included in unit costs. East Side Fire Station

ID Cost Description Lifespan(EUL)

EAge RUL QuantityUnit Unit Cost * Subtotal 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 Deficiency RepairEstimate

781793 Exterior Stairs, Concrete, Replace 50 50 0 320 SF $48.94 $15,662 $15,662 $15,662

781800 Exterior Wall, Brick or Brick Veneer, 1-2 Stories, Repoint 25 25 0 100 SF $41.28 $4,128 $4,128 $4,128

780978 Exterior Wall, Concrete Block (CMU), 1-2 Stories, Repoint 25 25 0 500 SF $8.16 $4,081 $4,081 $4,081

784869 Exterior Wall, Joint Caulking 0" to 1/2", 1-2 Stories, Replace 10 8 2 500 LF $2.82 $1,410 $1,410 $1,410 $2,820

780977 Window, Aluminum Double-Glazed 24 SF, 1-2 Stories, Replace 30 21 9 14 EA $870.45 $12,186 $12,186 $12,186

780975 Exterior Door, Steel w/ Safety Glass, Replace 25 25 0 5 EA $1,690.90 $8,454 $8,454 $8,454

780976 Overhead Door, Steel Insulated Roll-Up 288 SF, Replace 35 35 0 5 EA $5,707.55 $28,538 $28,538 $28,538

784862 Overhead Door, Automatic Opener, Replace 15 6 9 5 EA $5,953.00 $29,765 $29,765 $29,765

971348 Overhead Door, Aluminum Roll-Up 144 SF, Replace 35 26 9 1 EA $4,025.54 $4,026 $4,026 $4,026

784860 Roof, Single-Ply EPDM Membrane, Replace 20 13 7 5060 SF $10.52 $53,231 $53,231 $53,231

791055 Gutters & Downspouts, Aluminum w/ Fittings, Replace 10 10 0 10 LF $8.37 $84 $84 $84 $167

784911 Interior Door, Fire 90-Minutes and Over, Replace 20 11 9 3 EA $1,649.06 $4,947 $4,947 $4,947

781005 Interior Stair Treads, Raised Rubber Tile, Replace 18 10 8 64 SF $8.98 $575 $575 $575

781001 Interior Wall Finish, Concrete/Masonry, Prep & Paint 8 7 1 8000 SF $1.81 $14,510 $14,510 $14,510 $14,510 $43,530

781002 Interior Wall Finish, Gypsum Board/Plaster/Metal, Prep & Paint 8 6 2 3200 SF $1.42 $4,554 $4,554 $4,554 $4,554 $13,663

781010 Interior Floor Finish, Vinyl Tile (VCT), Replace 15 29 0 40 SF $4.80 $192 $192 $192 $384

784895 Interior Floor Finish, Vinyl Tile (VCT), Replace 15 14 1 1200 SF $4.80 $5,761 $5,761 $5,761 $11,521

781004 Interior Floor Finish, Ceramic Tile, Replace 50 31 19 300 SF $15.76 $4,727 $4,727 $4,727

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ID Cost Description Lifespan(EUL)

EAge RUL QuantityUnit Unit Cost * Subtotal 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 Deficiency RepairEstimate

781009 Interior Ceiling Finish, Gypsum Board/Plaster, Replace 50 31 19 1200 SF $7.13 $8,555 $8,555 $8,555

781007 Interior Ceiling Finish, Suspended Acoustical Tile (ACT), Replace 20 6 14 1800 SF $3.11 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600

784143 Elevator, Hydraulic, 1500 to 2500 LB, 3 Floors, Install 30 26 4 1 EA $144,487.20 $144,487 $144,487 $144,487

791081 Toilet, Flush Tank (Water Closet), Replace 20 18 2 4 EA $1,055.15 $4,221 $4,221 $4,221

791640 Urinal, Vitreous China, Replace 20 6 14 1 EA $1,193.44 $1,193 $1,193 $1,193

971465 Sink/Lavatory, Plastic, Replace 20 19 1 1 EA $575.99 $576 $576 $576

791641 Sink, Vitreous China, Replace 20 4 16 3 EA $861.51 $2,585 $2,585 $2,585

784861 Drinking Fountain, Refrigerated, Replace 10 2 8 1 EA $1,257.51 $1,258 $1,258 $1,258 $2,515

781011 Water Heater, Electric, Residential, 53 to 120 GAL, Replace 15 11 4 1 EA $2,937.40 $2,937 $2,937 $2,937 $5,875

791163 Plumbing System, Domestic Supply, Replace 40 35 5 8725 SF $5.84 $50,954 $50,954 $50,954

781782 Sump Pump, 3 HP, Replace 15 11 4 1 EA $2,062.81 $2,063 $2,063 $2,063 $4,126

780987 Air Compressor, 5 HP, Replace 20 16 4 1 EA $9,652.21 $9,652 $9,652 $9,652

784888 Condenser, Air-Cooled, 2 Ton, Replace 15 10 5 2 EA $2,587.75 $5,176 $5,176 $5,176

784885 Exhaust Fan, Centrifugal, 3,501 to 5,000 CFM, Replace 15 13 2 1 EA $4,322.55 $4,323 $4,323 $4,323 $8,645

780993 Exhaust Fan, Centrifugal, 3,501 to 5,000 CFM, Replace 15 11 4 3 EA $4,322.55 $12,968 $12,968 $12,968 $25,935

780992 Unit Heater, Natural Gas, 301 to 360 MBH, Replace 20 16 4 1 EA $7,597.44 $7,597 $7,597 $7,597

780985 Unit Heater, Natural Gas, 126 to 180 MBH, Replace 20 16 4 1 EA $6,183.48 $6,183 $6,183 $6,183

780982 Furnace, Gas, 151 to 200 MBH, Replace 20 16 4 1 EA $7,066.65 $7,067 $7,067 $7,067

780984 Unit Heater, Natural Gas, 76 to 125 MBH, Replace 20 16 4 2 EA $5,006.98 $10,014 $10,014 $10,014

780986 Unit Heater, Natural Gas, 361 to 600 MBH, Replace 20 16 4 1 EA $10,130.53 $10,131 $10,131 $10,131

780979 Furnace, Gas, 41 to 50 MBH, Replace 20 10 10 1 EA $2,452.01 $2,452 $2,452 $2,452

780981 Furnace, Gas, 51 to 100 MBH, Replace 20 7 13 1 EA $3,801.45 $3,801 $3,801 $3,801

784891 Building Automation System (HVAC Controls), Upgrade 20 17 3 8725 SF $5.36 $46,788 $46,788 $46,788

791169 Sprinkler System, Full Retrofit, Office (per SF), Renovate 50 45 5 8725 SF $8.00 $69,789 $69,789 $69,789

784873 Distribution Panel, 208 Y, 120 V, 225 Amp, Replace 30 19 11 3 EA $7,951.00 $23,853 $23,853 $23,853

784160 Metal Halide Lighting Fixture, 250 W, Replace 20 19 1 12 EA $748.18 $8,978 $8,978 $8,978

784871 Fluorescent Lighting Fixture, T8, 32 W, Replace 20 15 5 81 EA $213.86 $17,323 $17,323 $17,323

791166 Fire Alarm System, Office Building, Install 20 15 5 8725 SF $2.36 $20,587 $20,587 $20,587

781786 Generator, Gas or Gasoline, 7 to 9 kW, Replace 25 6 19 1 EA $15,450.07 $15,450 $15,450 $15,450

782430 Roadways, Asphalt Pavement, Seal & Stripe 5 5 0 35130 SF $0.38 $13,332 $13,332 $13,332 $13,332 $13,332 $53,327

782429 Roadways, Asphalt Pavement, Mill & Overlay 25 23 2 12000 SF $3.28 $39,306 $39,306 $39,306

791033 Roadways, Asphalt Pavement, Mill & Overlay 25 16 9 23130 SF $3.28 $75,762 $75,762 $75,762

782427 Parking Lots, Concrete Pavement, Replace 30 27 3 1400 SF $8.00 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200

781805 Pedestrian Pavement, Sidewalk, Concrete Sections/Small Areas, Replace 30 30 0 150 SF $19.00 $2,850 $2,850 $2,850

791059 Pedestrian Pavement, Sidewalk, Concrete Sections/Small Areas, Replace 30 30 0 250 SF $19.00 $4,750 $4,750 $4,750

781818 Landscaping, Flat Areas, Re-slope, Regrade/Establish 25 24 1 2500 SF $3.24 $8,089 $8,089 $8,089

790397 Engineer, Structural, Superstructure, Evaluate/Report 0 0 0 1 EA $10,000.00 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000

781797 ADA, Miscellaneous, Ramp/Stairs, Handrail Extensions, Modify 0 43 0 4 EA $300.00 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200

784155 ADA, Miscellaneous, Level III Study, Includes Measurements, Evaluate/Report 0 0 0 1 EA $7,500.00 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500

784131 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Van), Install 0 0 0 1 EA $1,400.00 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400

784130 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Standard), Install 0 0 0 1 EA $1,300.00 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300

780995 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Hardware, Modify 0 29 0 3 EA $450.00 $1,350 $1,350 $1,350

791123 ADA, Restroom, Toilet Room Accessories, Existing, Relocate 0 0 0 4 EA $80.00 $320 $320 $320

781000 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Pipe Wraps, Install 0 0 0 4 EA $80.00 $320 $320 $320

780998 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Hardware, Modify 0 29 0 1 EA $450.00 $450 $450 $450

791125 ADA, Restroom, Full Reconfiguration, Renovate 0 0 0 1 EA $15,000.00 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000

780999 ADA, Restroom, Grab Bars & Blocking, Install 0 0 0 4 EA $1,700.00 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800

Totals, Unescalated $127,710 $37,914 $53,813 $57,988 $213,099 $177,159 $0 $53,231 $1,832 $141,196 $20,422 $23,853 $1,410 $3,801 $6,793 $13,524 $8,345 $18,833 $5,812 $46,699 $1,013,436

Totals, Escalated (3.0% inflation, compounded annually) $127,710 $39,051 $57,091 $63,365 $239,845 $205,376 $0 $65,468 $2,321 $184,229 $27,445 $33,018 $2,010 $5,583 $10,275 $21,070 $13,392 $31,127 $9,894 $81,888 $1,220,158

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* Markup/LocationFactor (1.0) has been included in unit costs. Mequon Community Pool

ID Cost Description Lifespan(EUL)

EAge RUL QuantityUnit Unit Cost * Subtotal 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 Deficiency RepairEstimate

971265 Structural Framed Pergola, , Replace 50 50 0 500 SF $30.62 $15,310 $15,310 $15,310

971264 Exterior Wall, Concrete Block (CMU), 1-2 Stories, Repoint 25 25 0 50 SF $8.16 $408 $408 $408

779476 Exterior Wall, Brick or Brick Veneer, 1-2 Stories, Repoint 25 24 1 100 SF $41.28 $4,128 $4,128 $4,128

779479 Exterior Wall, Concrete Block (CMU), 1-2 Stories, Repoint 25 24 1 300 SF $8.16 $2,448 $2,448 $2,448

778784 Exterior Wall, Painted Surface, 1-2 Stories, Prep & Paint 10 8 2 1900 SF $2.87 $5,454 $5,454 $5,454 $10,909

971261 Exterior Wall, Painted Surface, 1-2 Stories, Prep & Paint 10 7 3 1000 SF $2.87 $2,871 $2,871 $2,871 $5,741

780194 Window, Aluminum Double-Glazed 12 SF, 1-2 Stories, Replace 30 26 4 4 EA $584.21 $2,337 $2,337 $2,337

778771 Exterior Door, Steel w/ Safety Glass, Replace 25 16 9 14 EA $1,352.72 $18,938 $18,938 $18,938

778761 Exterior Door, Steel Insulated, Replace 25 16 9 5 EA $1,577.53 $7,888 $7,888 $7,888

779474 Roof, Single-Ply EPDM Membrane, Replace 20 20 0 2508 SF $10.52 $26,384 $26,384 $26,384

778738 Roof, Metal, Replace 40 37 3 1000 SF $12.45 $12,449 $12,449 $12,449

971275 Gutters & Downspouts, Aluminum w/ Fittings, Replace 10 10 0 200 LF $8.37 $1,674 $1,674 $1,674 $3,349

792068 Toilet Partitions, Metal Overhead-Braced, Replace 20 11 9 5 EA $850.00 $4,250 $4,250 $4,250

971263 Lockers, Steel Baked Enamel 12" W x 15" D x 72" H, 1 to 5 Tiers, Replace 20 11 9 40 LF $482.50 $19,300 $19,300 $19,300

971272 Interior Stairs, Metal, Replace 50 50 0 50 SF $44.53 $2,227 $2,227 $2,227

971259 Interior Wall Finish, Clay Brick, Repoint 25 25 0 500 SF $12.41 $6,204 $6,204 $6,204

971269 Interior Wall Finish, Concrete Block, Repoint 25 25 0 500 SF $7.15 $3,575 $3,575 $3,575

779477 Interior Wall Finish, Gypsum Board/Plaster, Repair 0 83 0 300 SF $3.18 $954 $954 $954

779501 Interior Wall Finish, Concrete/Masonry, Prep & Paint 8 7 1 7000 SF $1.45 $10,157 $10,157 $10,157 $10,157 $30,471

779491 Interior Ceiling Finish, Suspended Acoustical Tile (ACT), Replace 20 18 2 2500 SF $3.11 $7,778 $7,778 $7,778

792069 Toilet, Tankless (Water Closet), Replace 20 11 9 5 EA $842.97 $4,215 $4,215 $4,215

971276 Toilet, Tankless (Water Closet), Replace 20 11 9 3 EA $842.97 $2,529 $2,529 $2,529

792070 Urinal, Vitreous China, Replace 20 11 9 4 EA $1,193.44 $4,774 $4,774 $4,774

971277 Urinal, Vitreous China, Replace 20 11 9 1 EA $1,193.44 $1,193 $1,193 $1,193

792071 Lavatory, Vitreous China, Replace 20 11 9 6 EA $572.66 $3,436 $3,436 $3,436

971278 Drinking Fountain, Refrigerated, Replace 10 8 2 2 EA $1,257.51 $2,515 $2,515 $2,515 $5,030

779480 Water Heater, Gas, Commercial, 60 to 120 GAL, Replace 15 11 4 1 EA $10,698.82 $10,699 $10,699 $10,699 $21,398

779470 Water Heater, Electric, Residential, 5 to 15 GAL, Replace 15 6 9 1 EA $1,014.17 $1,014 $1,014 $1,014

971268 Plumbing System, Domestic Supply, Replace 40 37 3 1000 SF $8.76 $8,760 $8,760 $8,760

971271 Unit Heater, Electric, 1 to 2 kW, Replace 20 17 3 1 EA $1,095.84 $1,096 $1,096 $1,096

779482 Furnace, Electric, 101 to 150 MBH, Replace 20 5 15 1 EA $8,481.66 $8,482 $8,482 $8,482

971260 Electrical Distribution System, Bath House Building, Upgrade 40 38 2 3500 SF $27.25 $95,389 $95,389 $95,389

971273 Electrical Distribution System, Bath House Building, Upgrade 40 37 3 800 SF $27.25 $21,803 $21,803 $21,803

780192 Load Center, 120 / 240 V, 250 Amp to 400 Amp, Single Phase Residential, Replace 30 26 4 2 EA $9,487.85 $18,976 $18,976 $18,976

778896 Metal Halide Lighting Fixture w/ Electronic Ballast, Wall Mount, 150 W, Replace 20 18 2 6 EA $574.32 $3,446 $3,446 $3,446

779494 Fluorescent Lighting Fixture, T8, 32 W, Replace 20 17 3 30 EA $213.86 $6,416 $6,416 $6,416

971262 Defibrillator (AED), Cabinet Mounted, Replace 5 2 3 1 EA $1,409.50 $1,410 $1,410 $1,410 $1,410 $1,410 $5,638

971270 Aquatics, Swimming Pool Pump, 11 to 20 HP, Replace 10 9 1 1 EA $11,667.27 $11,667 $11,667 $11,667 $23,335

778902 Swimming Pool Heater, Gas-Fired, 750 MBH, Replace 15 13 2 5 EA $17,224.00 $86,120 $86,120 $86,120 $172,240

971280 Swimming Pool Plaster, Refinish 15 12 3 9500 SF $5.60 $53,200 $53,200 $53,200 $106,400

779472 Swimming Pool Diving Board, Replace 20 16 4 2 EA $3,332.02 $6,664 $6,664 $6,664

971274 Swimming Pool Filtration System, Replace 15 8 7 1 EA $6,733.29 $6,733 $6,733 $6,733

779473 Swimming Pool Lifeguard Chair, Replace 50 35 15 2 EA $3,689.38 $7,379 $7,379 $7,379

971279 Swimming Pool Gutter System, Replace 50 34 16 400 LF $455.71 $182,283 $182,283 $182,283

792046 Parking Lots, Asphalt Pavement, Mill & Overlay 25 22 3 7700 SF $3.28 $25,259 $25,259 $25,259

778754 Parking Lots, Asphalt Pavement, Seal & Stripe 5 2 3 22700 SF $0.38 $8,615 $8,615 $8,615 $8,615 $8,615 $34,459

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ID Cost Description Lifespan(EUL)

EAge RUL QuantityUnit Unit Cost * Subtotal 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 Deficiency RepairEstimate

778750 Parking Lots, Asphalt Pavement, Mill & Overlay 25 20 5 15000 SF $3.28 $49,206 $49,206 $49,206

778745 Pedestrian Pavement, Sidewalk, Concrete Large Areas, Replace 30 27 3 6200 SF $9.00 $55,800 $55,800 $55,800

779490 Exterior Stairs & Ramps, Concrete (per LF of Nosing), Replace 25 83 0 44 LF $38.43 $1,691 $1,691 $1,691

778871 Fences & Gates, Metal Tube, 6' High, Replace 30 16 14 600 LF $80.01 $48,007 $48,007 $48,007

778886 Fences & Gates, Metal Tube, 4' High, Replace 30 16 14 108 LF $55.20 $5,962 $5,962 $5,962

778863 Site Furnishings, Picnic Table, Plastic-Coated Metal, Replace 20 11 9 7 EA $1,391.50 $9,741 $9,741 $9,741

779471 Site Fountains, Concrete Deck, Replace 25 24 1 17000 SF $12.12 $206,018 $206,018 $206,018

778780 Landscaping, Flat Areas, Re-slope, Regrade/Establish 25 22 3 500 SF $3.24 $1,618 $1,618 $1,618

778791 Pole Light, Exterior, 105 to 200 W LED (Fixture & Bracket Arm Only), Replace 20 16 4 11 EA $3,303.00 $36,333 $36,333 $36,333

960374 ADA, Miscellaneous, Pool Lift Transfer Device, Install 0 0 0 1 EA $12,000.00 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000

779838 ADA, Miscellaneous, Pool Lift Transfer Device, Replace 0 9 0 1 EA $12,000.00 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000

779821 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Van), Install 0 0 0 1 EA $1,400.00 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400

779823 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Standard), Install 0 0 0 1 EA $1,300.00 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300

779500 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Pipe Wraps, Install 0 33 0 4 EA $80.00 $320 $320 $320

779498 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Hardware, Modify 0 33 0 4 EA $450.00 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800

Totals, Unescalated $87,247 $234,419 $200,701 $199,295 $75,008 $49,206 $0 $6,733 $10,024 $87,434 $1,674 $11,667 $7,969 $12,895 $53,968 $15,860 $182,283 $96,277 $63,224 $10,699 $1,406,587

Totals, Escalated (3.0% inflation, compounded annually) $87,247 $241,451 $212,924 $217,776 $84,423 $57,043 $0 $8,281 $12,698 $114,082 $2,250 $16,150 $11,362 $18,937 $81,632 $24,710 $292,511 $159,131 $107,635 $18,760 $1,769,005

* Markup/LocationFactor (1.0) has been included in unit costs. Public Safety Building

ID Cost DescriptionLifespan(EUL) EAge RUL QuantityUnit Unit Cost * Subtotal 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038



803439 Structural Flooring/Decking, Concrete, Replace 50 33 17 230 SF $29.24 $6,724 $6,724 $6,724

773897 Retaining Wall Hand Rails, Metal, Replace 25 32 0 100 LF $50.00 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

773363 Exterior Wall, Brick or Brick Veneer, 1-2 Stories, Repair 0 32 0 500 SF $48.56 $24,278 $24,278 $24,278

773411 Exterior Wall, Stucco, 1-2 Stories, Repair 0 32 0 300 SF $18.20 $5,459 $5,459 $5,459

773365 Exterior Wall, Joint Caulking 1/2" to 1", 1-2 Stories, Replace 10 32 0 500 LF $5.13 $2,565 $2,565 $2,565 $5,130

793076 Exterior Wall, Joint Caulking 0" to 1/2", 3+ Stories, Replace 10 9 1 1700 LF $3.09 $5,253 $5,253 $5,253 $10,506

773893 Exterior Wall, Joint Caulking 0" to 1/2", 1-2 Stories, Replace 10 6 4 750 LF $2.82 $2,115 $2,115 $2,115 $4,230

773343 Exterior Wall, Concrete Block (CMU), 1-2 Stories, Replace 40 34 6 100 SF $17.16 $1,716 $1,716 $1,716

773488 Window and Support Lintels, Lintel Proper and Deflected / Damaged Brick Masonry, Replace 50 50 0 4 EA $3,400.00 $13,600 $13,600 $13,600

772965 Window, egress, Replace 30 27 3 2 EA $584.21 $1,168 $1,168 $1,168

773491 Windows, Laminate Sill Wrap, Replace 30 26 4 16 EA $157.00 $2,512 $2,512 $2,512

771484 Window, Aluminum Double-Glazed 24 SF, 1-2 Stories, Replace 30 25 5 14 EA $870.45 $12,186 $12,186 $12,186

804982 Exterior Door, Fully-Glazed Aluminum-Framed Swinging, Replace 30 21 9 10 EA $2,106.57 $21,066 $21,066 $21,066

772968 Exterior Door, Steel Insulated, Replace 25 22 3 11 EA $1,577.53 $17,353 $17,353 $17,353

773037 Overhead Door, Automatic Opener, Replace 15 7 8 16 EA $5,953.00 $95,248 $95,248 $95,248

773022 Overhead Door, Steel Insulated Roll-Up 288 SF, Replace 35 27 8 13 EA $5,707.55 $74,198 $74,198 $74,198

773002 Overhead Door, Steel Insulated Roll-Up 288 SF, Replace 35 27 8 3 EA $5,707.55 $17,123 $17,123 $17,123

773358 Roof, Single-Ply EPDM Membrane, Replace 20 14 6 15600 SF $10.52 $164,112 $164,112 $164,112

773357 Roof Skylight, Glass Single Unit, Replace 30 26 4 600 SF $46.57 $27,940 $27,940 $27,940

771488 Interior Door, Wood Solid-Core, Replace 20 11 9 90 EA $1,423.11 $128,080 $128,080 $128,080

805000 Interior Door, Fire 90-Minutes and Over, Replace 20 9 11 40 EA $1,649.06 $65,962 $65,962 $65,962

773052 Toilet Partitions, Metal Overhead-Braced, Refinish 5 4 1 7 EA $35.77 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $1,002

773000 Interior Wall Finish, Concrete Block, Repoint 25 25 0 1000 SF $7.15 $7,150 $7,150 $7,150

772957 Interior Wall Finish, Concrete/Masonry, Prep & Paint 8 5 3 15000 SF $1.45 $21,765 $21,765 $21,765 $21,765 $65,295

771483 Interior Wall Finish, Gypsum Board/Plaster/Metal, Prep & Paint 8 5 3 50000 SF $1.42 $71,160 $71,160 $71,160 $71,160 $213,480

771490 Interior Wall Finish, Wallpaper, Replace 15 11 4 3000 SF $2.02 $6,050 $6,050 $6,050 $12,100

773337 Interior Wall Finish, Vinyl, Replace 15 10 5 600 SF $2.27 $1,364 $1,364 $1,364

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ID Cost DescriptionLifespan(EUL) EAge RUL QuantityUnit Unit Cost * Subtotal 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038



771493 Interior Wall Finish, Wood Paneling, Replace 20 11 9 1500 SF $23.73 $35,594 $35,594 $35,594

773474 Interior Wall Finish, Carpet as Soundproofing, Replace 20 11 9 2000 SF $9.42 $18,840 $18,840 $18,840

773007 Interior Wall Finish, Ceramic Tile, Replace 25 15 10 750 SF $16.55 $12,416 $12,416 $12,416

793048 Interior Floor Finish, Epoxy Coating, Prep & Paint 10 2 8 150 SF $8.74 $1,311 $1,311 $1,311 $2,622

771477 Interior Floor Finish, Vinyl Tile (VCT), Replace 15 11 4 15000 SF $4.80 $72,009 $72,009 $72,009 $144,018

773040 Interior Floor Finish, Rubber Tile, Replace 15 6 9 300 SF $8.43 $2,530 $2,530 $2,530

793040 Interior Floor Finish, Rubber Tile, Replace 15 2 13 300 SF $8.43 $2,530 $2,530 $2,530

792722 Interior Floor Finish, Carpet Tile Commercial-Grade, Replace 10 5 5 8000 SF $6.96 $55,703 $55,703 $55,703 $111,406

771479 Interior Floor Finish, Carpet Tile Commercial-Grade, Replace 10 2 8 2000 SF $6.96 $13,926 $13,926 $13,926 $27,852

771481 Interior Ceiling Finish, Suspended Acoustical Tile (ACT), Replace 20 19 1 25000 SF $3.11 $77,775 $77,775 $77,775

773472 Interior Ceiling Finish, Hard Tile, Replace 20 17 3 300 SF $3.11 $933 $933 $933

793085 Elevator Cab Finishes, Standard w/ Stainless Steel Doors, Replace 15 14 1 1 EA $8,000.00 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $16,000

773347 Elevator Controls, Automatic, 1 or 2 Car Cluster, Modernize 20 17 3 1 EA $11,547.25 $11,547 $11,547 $11,547

773349 Elevator, Hydraulic, 1500 to 2500 LB, 3 Floors, Renovate 30 21 9 1 EA $144,487.20 $144,487 $144,487 $144,487

792760 Toilet, Tankless (Water Closet), Replace 20 6 14 17 EA $842.97 $14,330 $14,330 $14,330

792758 Urinal, Vitreous China, Replace 20 6 14 6 EA $1,193.44 $7,161 $7,161 $7,161

792759 Lavatory, Vitreous China, Replace 20 6 14 16 EA $572.66 $9,163 $9,163 $9,163

773331 Domestic Circulator or Booster Pump, 1.5 HP, Replace 20 14 6 2 EA $5,945.45 $11,891 $11,891 $11,891

773328 Water Heater, Gas, Commercial, 60 to 120 GAL, Replace 15 9 6 1 EA $10,698.82 $10,699 $10,699 $10,699

773026 Air Compressor, 2 HP, Replace 20 19 1 1 EA $6,611.73 $6,612 $6,612 $6,612

773039 Air Compressor, 3 HP, Replace 20 11 9 1 EA $9,652.21 $9,652 $9,652 $9,652

773329 Boiler, Gas, 2,001 to 2,500 MBH, Replace 25 14 11 2 EA $54,195.22 $108,390 $108,390 $108,390

773359 Metal Flue, Stainless Steel, 10", Replace 25 27 0 30 LF $176.31 $5,289 $5,289 $5,289

773360 Chiller, Air-Cooled, 61 to 80 Ton, Replace 25 13 12 1 EA $106,642.11 $106,642 $106,642 $106,642

773362 Condenser, Air-Cooled, 5 Ton, Replace 15 12 3 1 EA $4,237.42 $4,237 $4,237 $4,237 $8,475

772973 Ductless Split System, Single Zone, 2.5 to 3 Ton, Replace 15 3 12 1 EA $6,577.13 $6,577 $6,577 $6,577

772974 Condenser, Air-Cooled, 3 Ton, Replace 15 2 13 1 EA $2,755.13 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755

773338 Air Handler, Interior, 4,001 to 4,700 CFM, Replace 30 27 3 1 EA $17,447.26 $17,447 $17,447 $17,447

773958 Variable Air Volume (VAV) Unit, 100 to 400 CFM, Replace 15 12 3 14 EA $4,141.92 $57,987 $57,987 $57,987 $115,974

773960 Variable Air Volume (VAV) Unit, 401 to 800 CFM, Replace 15 12 3 17 EA $4,983.58 $84,721 $84,721 $84,721 $169,442

773963 Variable Air Volume (VAV) Unit, 1,301 to 2,500 CFM, Replace 15 12 3 4 EA $8,568.89 $34,276 $34,276 $34,276 $68,551

773032 Air Handler, Interior, 8,001 to 10,000 CFM, Replace 30 27 3 2 EA $31,181.53 $62,363 $62,363 $62,363

773962 Variable Air Volume (VAV) Unit, 801 to 1,300 CFM, Replace 15 12 3 7 EA $6,038.83 $42,272 $42,272 $42,272 $84,544

773336 Air Handler, Interior, 15,001 to 20,000 CFM, Replace 30 21 9 1 EA $54,822.31 $54,822 $54,822 $54,822

773340 Air Handler, Interior, 801 to 1,300 CFM, Replace 20 11 9 1 EA $6,339.63 $6,340 $6,340 $6,340

773968 Exhaust Fan, Propeller, 4,700 CFM, Replace 15 12 3 5 EA $2,285.72 $11,429 $11,429 $11,429 $22,857

773034 Exhaust Fan, Propeller, 2,000 CFM, Replace 15 12 3 1 EA $1,823.76 $1,824 $1,824 $1,824 $3,648

773966 Exhaust Fan, Propeller, 800 CFM, Replace 15 12 3 5 EA $1,383.64 $6,918 $6,918 $6,918 $13,836

773355 Supply Fan, Propeller, 20,000 CFM, Replace 15 12 3 1 EA $4,249.94 $4,250 $4,250 $4,250 $8,500

773965 Exhaust Fan, Propeller, 375 CFM, Replace 15 12 3 6 EA $930.50 $5,583 $5,583 $5,583 $11,166

773956 Supply Fan, Propeller, 4,700 CFM, Replace 15 12 3 2 EA $2,285.72 $4,571 $4,571 $4,571 $9,143

773350 Exhaust Fan, Propeller, 4,700 CFM, Replace 15 12 3 3 EA $2,285.72 $6,857 $6,857 $6,857 $13,714

773326 Distribution Pump, Heating Water, 7.5 HP, Replace 20 11 9 2 EA $6,037.49 $12,075 $12,075 $12,075

804925 Distribution Pump, Chiller & Condenser Water, 3 HP, Replace 20 11 9 1 EA $4,652.29 $4,652 $4,652 $4,652

773333 Humidifier, Electric, Duct w/ Controls, Replace 20 32 0 1 EA $3,254.01 $3,254 $3,254 $3,254

772970 Unit Heater, Hydronic, 13 to 36 MBH, Replace 20 17 3 7 EA $1,516.80 $10,618 $10,618 $10,618

773035 Unit Heater, Hydronic, 37 to 85 MBH, Replace 20 17 3 11 EA $1,900.28 $20,903 $20,903 $20,903

773466 Building Automation System (HVAC Controls), Upgrade 20 17 3 45154 SF $5.36 $242,138 $242,138 $242,138

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ID Cost DescriptionLifespan(EUL) EAge RUL QuantityUnit Unit Cost * Subtotal 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038



773458 Sprinkler System, Full Retrofit, Office (per SF), Renovate 50 48 2 45154 SF $8.00 $361,173 $361,173 $361,173

773495 Fire Shutter, Motor-Operated, Replace 30 32 0 1 EA $7,116.93 $7,117 $7,117 $7,117

773352 Transfer Switch, Automatic (ATS), 600 V, 600 Amp, Replace 18 6 12 1 EA $16,318.29 $16,318 $16,318 $16,318

804984 Distribution Panel, 208 Y, 120 V, 225 Amp, Replace 30 16 14 5 EA $7,951.00 $39,755 $39,755 $39,755

771486 Fluorescent Lighting Fixture, T12, 60 W, Replace 20 6 14 165 EA $213.86 $35,287 $35,287 $35,287

773906 Fire Alarm System, Office Building, Install 20 18 2 45154 SF $2.36 $106,541 $106,541 $106,541

772967 Exit Lighting Fixture, LED, Replace 10 6 4 20 EA $405.01 $8,100 $8,100 $8,100 $16,200

804978 Emergency/Exit Combo LED, Install 10 2 8 1 EA $687.51 $688 $688 $688 $1,375

772977 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), 15 kVA, Replace 15 5 10 2 EA $68,054.62 $136,109 $136,109 $136,109

773408 Generator, Diesel, 35 to 60 kW, Replace 25 6 19 1 EA $62,521.47 $62,521 $62,521 $62,521

773028 Commercial Laundry, Washer, 31 to 50 LB, Replace 10 6 4 1 EA $6,360.00 $6,360 $6,360 $6,360 $12,720

773479 Holding Cell / Detention Space, Light Fixture, Replace 10 8 2 6 EA $704.00 $4,224 $4,224 $4,224 $8,448

772996 Toilet & Wash Basin, Stainless Steel, Detention Fixture, Replace 30 11 19 7 EA $2,514.31 $17,600 $17,600 $17,600

773047 Commercial Kitchen, Range/Oven, 4-Burner, Replace 15 13 2 1 EA $4,128.00 $4,128 $4,128 $4,128 $8,256

773044 Commercial Kitchen, Icemaker, Freestanding, Replace 15 11 4 1 EA $6,118.55 $6,119 $6,119 $6,119 $12,237

773418 Roadways, Asphalt Pavement, Cut & Patch 25 24 1 100000 SF $6.29 $629,040 $629,040 $629,040

773421 Roadways, Concrete Curb & Gutter, Replace 25 24 1 200 LF $24.00 $4,800 $4,800 $4,800

773700 Roadways, Asphalt Pavement, Seal & Stripe 5 2 3 100000 SF $0.38 $37,950 $37,950 $37,950 $37,950 $37,950 $151,800

773425 Pedestrian Pavement, Sidewalk, Concrete Sections/Small Areas, Replace 30 29 1 4000 SF $19.00 $76,000 $76,000 $76,000

804879 Pedestrian Pavement, Sidewalk, Concrete Large Areas, Replace 30 16 14 1500 SF $9.00 $13,500 $13,500 $13,500

773420 Fences & Gates, Chain Link, 8' High, Replace 30 21 9 100 LF $80.85 $8,085 $8,085 $8,085

773412 Retaining Wall, Cast-in-place Concrete (per SF Face), Repair 0 32 0 300 SF $11.39 $3,417 $3,417 $3,417

773709 Landscaping, Flat Areas, Re-slope, Regrade/Establish 25 23 2 3000 SF $3.24 $9,707 $9,707 $9,707

773829 Landscaping, Mature Tree, Remove/Trim 20 6 14 4 EA $1,239.70 $4,959 $4,959 $4,959

773415 Pole Light, Exterior, 105 to 200 W LED (Fixture & Bracket Arm Only), Replace 20 3 17 6 EA $3,303.00 $19,818 $19,818 $19,818

773402 Architect/Engineer, Building Envelope, Masonry, Evaluate/Report 0 32 0 1 EA $6,500.00 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500

773435 ADA, Door, Lever Handle Hardware, Install 0 32 0 100 EA $300.00 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000

773439 ADA, Elevator/Lift, Call Buttons, Lobby (per Stop/Floor), Renovate 0 32 0 3 STOP $850.00 $2,550 $2,550 $2,550

773438 ADA, Elevator/Lift, Emergency Communication System, Cab, Renovate 0 32 0 1 EA $10,000.00 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000

773452 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Standard), Install 0 32 0 2 EA $1,300.00 $2,600 $2,600 $2,600

773428 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Van), Install 0 32 0 1 EA $1,400.00 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400

789688 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Hardware, Modify 0 32 0 14 EA $450.00 $6,300 $6,300 $6,300

802590 ADA, Restroom, Toilet Room Accessories, Existing, Relocate 0 0 0 14 EA $80.00 $1,120 $1,120 $1,120

771498 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Pipe Wraps, Install 0 32 0 14 EA $80.00 $1,120 $1,120 $1,120

773422 ADA, Site, Walkways, Curb Cut Ramp, Install 0 0 0 2 EA $1,900.00 $3,800 $3,800 $3,800

Totals, Unescalated $142,519 $807,730 $485,773 $780,271 $131,205 $69,254 $188,669 $0 $240,443 $446,224 $151,090 $272,781 $133,762 $43,236 $140,729 $55,703 $8,250 $30,670 $318,799 $257,224 $4,704,332

Totals, Escalated (3.0% inflation, compounded annually) $142,519 $831,962 $515,357 $852,623 $147,672 $80,284 $225,280 $0 $304,586 $582,221 $203,052 $377,593 $190,712 $63,493 $212,865 $86,784 $13,239 $50,694 $542,734 $451,044 $5,874,714

* Markup/LocationFactor (1.0) has been included in unit costs. Reuter Pavilion Building

ID Cost Description Lifespan(EUL)

EAge RUL QuantityUnit Unit Cost * Subtotal 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 Deficiency RepairEstimate

776270 Exterior Wall, Joint Caulking 1/2" to 1", 1-2 Stories, Replace 10 19 0 340 LF $5.13 $1,744 $1,744 $1,744 $3,488

776287 Exterior Wall, Painted Surface, 1-2 Stories, Prep & Paint 10 9 1 4500 SF $2.87 $12,918 $12,918 $12,918 $25,836

776323 Exterior Wall, Concrete Block (CMU), 1-2 Stories, Repoint 25 23 2 1000 SF $8.16 $8,161 $8,161 $8,161

776320 Exterior Wall, Joint Caulking 0" to 1/2", 1-2 Stories, Replace 10 8 2 1000 LF $2.82 $2,820 $2,820 $2,820 $5,640

778632 Window, Aluminum Double-Glazed 12 SF, 1-2 Stories, Replace 30 29 1 4 EA $584.21 $2,337 $2,337 $2,337

775920 Window, Steel Operable 24 SF, 1-2 Stories, Replace 30 21 9 35 EA $3,472.74 $121,546 $121,546 $121,546

775918 Exterior Door, Steel w/ Safety Glass, Replace 25 21 4 4 EA $1,352.72 $5,411 $5,411 $5,411

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ID Cost Description Lifespan(EUL)

EAge RUL QuantityUnit Unit Cost * Subtotal 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 Deficiency RepairEstimate

775909 Exterior Door, Steel Insulated, Replace 25 21 4 7 EA $1,577.53 $11,043 $11,043 $11,043

775915 Overhead Door, Steel Roll-Up 288 SF, Replace 35 21 14 12 EA $5,571.98 $66,864 $66,864 $66,864

776314 Roof, Asphalt Shingle Premium Grade, Replace 30 26 4 4650 SF $5.04 $23,435 $23,435 $23,435

775969 Gutters & Downspouts, Aluminum w/ Fittings, Replace 10 9 1 260 LF $8.37 $2,177 $2,177 $2,177 $4,353

775940 Toilet Partitions, Metal Overhead-Braced, Replace 20 16 4 8 EA $850.00 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800

776352 Interior Wall Finish, Quarry Tile, Replace 40 21 19 750 SF $24.30 $18,227 $18,227 $18,227

775923 Interior Floor Finish, Concrete, Prep & Paint 10 16 0 150 SF $9.23 $1,385 $1,385 $1,385 $2,770

792472 Toilet, Tankless (Water Closet), Replace 20 6 14 5 EA $842.97 $4,215 $4,215 $4,215

792474 Urinal, Vitreous China, Replace 20 6 14 3 EA $1,193.44 $3,580 $3,580 $3,580

792471 Lavatory, Vitreous China, Replace 20 6 14 6 EA $572.66 $3,436 $3,436 $3,436

971281 Sink/Lavatory, Stainless Steel, Replace 20 13 7 1 EA $1,054.05 $1,054 $1,054 $1,054

775905 Water Heater, Electric, Residential, 53 to 120 GAL, Replace 15 11 4 1 EA $2,937.40 $2,937 $2,937 $2,937 $5,875

775912 Grease Trap/Interceptor, Undercounter, Replace 10 4 6 1 EA $1,650.00 $1,650 $1,650 $1,650 $3,300

775946 Furnace, Gas, 301 to 500 MBH, Replace 20 12 8 1 EA $18,756.31 $18,756 $18,756 $18,756

775917 Unit Heater, Electric, 3 to 6 kW, Replace 20 12 8 3 EA $1,741.57 $5,225 $5,225 $5,225

914947 Sprinkler System, Full Retrofit, Pavilion (per SF), Install 50 50 0 4180 SF $8.00 $33,435 $33,435 $33,435

793570 Load Center, 120 / 240 V, 125 Amp to 225 Amp, Single Phase Residential, Replace 30 16 14 2 EA $7,906.20 $15,812 $15,812 $15,812

775921 Metal Halide Lighting Fixture, Wall Mount, 150 W, Replace 20 19 1 4 EA $678.47 $2,714 $2,714 $2,714

775926 Fluorescent Lighting Fixture, T8, 32 W, Replace 20 18 2 30 EA $213.86 $6,416 $6,416 $6,416

914948 Fire Alarm System, Pavilion, Install 20 20 0 4180 SF $3.13 $13,091 $13,091 $13,091

775914 Kitchen Counter, Solid Surface, Replace 10 9 1 60 LF $101.62 $6,097 $6,097 $6,097 $12,195

775867 Roadways, Asphalt Pavement, Seal & Stripe 5 2 * 3 157500 SF $0.38 $59,771 $59,771 $59,771 $59,771 $179,314

775865 Parking Lots, Asphalt Pavement, Full Depth (includes sub-base), Repair 0 9 * 0 33000 SF $5.90 $194,700 $194,700 $194,700

792470 Parking Lots, Asphalt Pavement, Full depth and Base 25 21 4 124500 SF $5.98 $744,510 $744,510 $744,510

776276 Pedestrian Pavement, Sidewalk, Concrete Large Areas, Replace 30 29 1 3100 SF $9.00 $27,900 $27,900 $27,900

775962 Fences & Gates, Wood Board, Replace 30 29 1 400 SF $6.11 $2,444 $2,444 $2,444

778622 Landscaping, Flat Areas, Re-slope, Regrade/Establish 25 24 1 12000 SF $3.24 $38,827 $38,827 $38,827

775877 Landscaping, Mature Tree, Remove/Trim 20 18 2 5 EA $1,239.70 $6,199 $6,199 $6,199

775902 Pressure Tank, 40-Gallon, Fiberglass, Replace, Replace 30 21 9 1 EA $3,629.00 $3,629 $3,629 $3,629

776326 Pole Light, Exterior, 105 to 200 W LED (Fixture & Bracket Arm Only), Replace 20 16 4 10 EA $3,303.00 $33,030 $33,030 $33,030

775899 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Van), Install 0 19 0 2 EA $1,400.00 $2,800 $2,800 $2,800

775934 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Hardware, Modify 0 19 0 6 EA $450.00 $2,700 $2,700 $2,700

Totals, Unescalated $55,154 $290,115 $23,595 $0 $827,166 $0 $1,650 $1,054 $83,752 $125,175 $3,129 $21,192 $2,820 $59,771 $93,907 $0 $1,650 $0 $59,771 $21,164 $1,671,067

Totals, Escalated (3.0% inflation, compounded annually) $55,154 $298,818 $25,032 $0 $930,983 $0 $1,970 $1,296 $106,095 $163,325 $4,206 $29,335 $4,021 $87,776 $142,043 $0 $2,648 $0 $101,757 $37,112 $1,991,570

* Markup/LocationFactor (1.0) has been included in unit costs. River Barn Park Pavilion ID Cost Description Lifespan (EUL)EAge RUL QuantityUnit Unit Cost *Subtotal 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038Deficiency Repair Estimate

774062 Exterior Wall, Painted Surface, 1-2 Stories, Prep & Paint 10 9 1 2800 SF $2.87 $8,038 $8,038 $8,038 $16,076

774312 Exterior Wall, Wood Clapboard Siding, 1-2 Stories, Replace 20 9 11 100 SF $27.03 $2,703 $2,703 $2,703

774047 Window, Wood 24 SF, 1-2 Stories, Replace 30 16 14 23 EA $1,097.00 $25,231 $25,231 $25,231

774041 Exterior Door, Fully-Glazed Wood Solid-Core, Replace 25 11 14 2 EA $1,982.31 $3,965 $3,965 $3,965

774044 Exterior Door, Steel Insulated, Replace 25 16 9 3 EA $1,577.53 $4,733 $4,733 $4,733

774024 Overhead Door, Aluminum Roll-Up 144 SF, Replace 35 16 19 2 EA $4,025.54 $8,051 $8,051 $8,051

774620 Roof, Asphalt Shingle Premium Grade, Replace 30 16 14 4200 SF $5.04 $21,167 $21,167 $21,167

774043 Interior Door, Wood Solid-Core, Replace 20 9 11 6 EA $1,423.11 $8,539 $8,539 $8,539

774028 Toilet Partitions, Metal Overhead-Braced, Replace 20 6 14 6 EA $850.00 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100

774052 Interior Wall Finish, Acoustical Tile (ACT), Replace 10 6 4 1000 SF $7.57 $7,570 $7,570 $7,570 $15,140

774032 Interior Wall Finish, Gypsum Board/Plaster/Metal, Prep & Paint 8 3 5 3700 SF $1.42 $5,266 $5,266 $5,266 $10,532

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ID Cost Description Lifespan (EUL)EAge RUL QuantityUnit Unit Cost *Subtotal 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038Deficiency Repair Estimate

774037 Interior Wall Finish, Wood Paneling, Replace 20 6 14 2800 SF $23.73 $66,442 $66,442 $66,442

774036 Interior Floor Finish, Epoxy Coating, Prep & Paint 10 6 4 1600 SF $8.74 $13,984 $13,984 $13,984 $27,968

792485 Toilet, Tankless (Water Closet), Replace 20 6 14 6 EA $842.97 $5,058 $5,058 $5,058

792484 Urinal, Vitreous China, Replace 20 6 14 2 EA $1,193.44 $2,387 $2,387 $2,387

792488 Lavatory, Vitreous China, Replace 20 12 8 4 EA $572.66 $2,291 $2,291 $2,291

774026 Water Heater, Gas, Residential, 30 to 50 GAL, Replace 10 4 6 1 EA $2,349.48 $2,349 $2,349 $2,349 $4,699

774054 Furnace, Gas, 101 to 150 MBH, Replace 20 9 11 1 EA $5,644.27 $5,644 $5,644 $5,644

914943 Sprinkler System, Full Retrofit, Pavilion (per SF), Install 50 50 0 4180 SF $8.00 $33,435 $33,435 $33,435

793910 Load Center, 120 / 240 V, 125 Amp to 225 Amp, Single Phase Residential, Replace 30 16 14 1 EA $7,906.20 $7,906 $7,906 $7,906

914942 Fire Alarm System, Pavilion, Install 20 20 0 4180 SF $3.13 $13,091 $13,091 $13,091

774023 Commercial Kitchen, Garbage Disposal, 1 to 3 HP, Replace 15 8 7 1 EA $3,434.22 $3,434 $3,434 $3,434

792493 Kitchen Counter, Plastic Laminate, Postformed, Replace 10 2 8 20 LF $43.90 $878 $878 $878 $1,756

774020 Roadways, Asphalt Pavement, Mill & Overlay 25 22 3 10000 SF $3.28 $32,755 $32,755 $32,755

792054 Roadways, Asphalt Pavement, Mill & Overlay 25 20 5 74900 SF $3.28 $245,335 $245,335 $245,335

774019 Parking Lots, Asphalt Pavement, Seal & Stripe 5 4 1 84900 SF $0.38 $32,220 $32,220 $32,220 $32,220 $32,220 $128,878

774021 Jersey Barriers, Jersey Barriers, Install 20 19 1 3 EA $475.92 $1,428 $1,428 $1,428

775084 Pedestrian Pavement, Sidewalk, Concrete Large Areas, Replace 30 16 14 2400 SF $9.00 $21,600 $21,600 $21,600

774027 Pressure Tank, 40-Gallon, Fiberglass, Replace, Replace 30 16 14 2 EA $3,629.00 $7,258 $7,258 $7,258

774039 ADA, Door, Lever Handle Hardware, Install 0 14 0 4 EA $300.00 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200

774017 ADA, Miscellaneous, Service Window, Install 0 14 0 1 EA $6,000.00 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000

774015 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Van), Install 0 14 0 1 EA $1,400.00 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400

774018 ADA, Parking, Access Aisle Striping, Install 0 14 0 1000 LF $13.00 $13,000 $13,000 $13,000

774016 ADA, Site, Walkways, Curb Cut Ramp, Install 0 14 0 1 EA $1,900.00 $1,900 $1,900 $1,900

Totals, Unescalated $70,025 $41,685 $0 $32,755 $21,554 $250,601 $34,569 $3,434 $3,169 $4,733 $0 $57,143 $0 $5,266 $187,668 $0 $34,569 $0 $878 $8,051 $756,099

Totals, Escalated (3.0% inflation, compounded annually) $70,025 $42,936 $0 $35,792 $24,259 $290,515 $41,277 $4,224 $4,014 $6,175 $0 $79,099 $0 $7,733 $283,865 $0 $55,473 $0 $1,495 $14,118 $960,999

* Markup/LocationFactor (1.0) has been included in unit costs. Rotary Park Pavilion ID Cost Description Lifespan (EUL)EAge RUL QuantityUnit Unit Cost *Subtotal 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038Deficiency Repair Estimate

766376 Exterior Soffit/Ceiling, Painted Surface, 1-2 Stories, Prep & Paint 10 10 0 2700 SF $2.87 $7,751 $7,751 $7,751 $15,502

766448 Exterior Wall, Wood Clapboard Siding, 1-2 Stories, Repair 0 23 0 200 SF $26.82 $5,364 $5,364 $5,364

766441 Exterior Wall, Joint Caulking 1/2" to 1", 1-2 Stories, Replace 10 23 0 204 LF $5.13 $1,047 $1,047 $1,047 $2,093

766384 Exterior Wall, Painted Surface, 1-2 Stories, Prep & Paint 10 23 0 1800 SF $2.87 $5,167 $5,167 $5,167 $10,335

766360 Window, Aluminum Double-Glazed 12 SF, 1-2 Stories, Replace 30 25 5 12 EA $584.21 $7,010 $7,010 $7,010

766350 Exterior Door, Steel, Refinish 10 10 0 3 EA $69.94 $210 $210 $210 $420

766355 Exterior Door, Steel Insulated, Replace 25 25 0 2 EA $1,577.53 $3,155 $3,155 $3,155

766574 Overhead Door, Aluminum Roll-Up 400 SF, Replace 35 25 10 3 EA $9,078.59 $27,236 $27,236 $27,236

766560 Overhead Door, Aluminum Roll-Up 144 SF, Replace 35 25 10 2 EA $4,025.54 $8,051 $8,051 $8,051

971346 Gutters & Downspouts, Aluminum w/ Fittings, Install 10 10 0 500 LF $8.37 $4,186 $4,186 $4,186 $8,372

792544 Toilet Partitions, Metal Overhead-Braced, Replace 20 11 9 4 EA $850.00 $3,400 $3,400 $3,400

793548 Interior Wall Finish, Concrete/Masonry, Prep & Paint 8 3 5 5000 SF $1.45 $7,255 $7,255 $7,255 $14,510

971334 Fiberglass Panel Ceiling, Rigid, Replace 20 19 1 300 SF $14.06 $4,218 $4,218 $4,218

792480 Toilet, Tankless (Water Closet), Replace 20 6 14 3 EA $842.97 $2,529 $2,529 $2,529

792481 Urinal, Vitreous China, Replace 20 6 14 2 EA $1,193.44 $2,387 $2,387 $2,387

792479 Lavatory, Vitreous China, Replace 20 6 14 4 EA $572.66 $2,291 $2,291 $2,291

766297 Pipe & Fittings, Copper, 2", Replace 30 29 1 100 LF $66.80 $6,680 $6,680 $6,680

792478 Pipe & Fittings, Copper, 1", Replace 30 29 1 100 LF $35.80 $3,580 $3,580 $3,580

766302 Water Heater, Electric, Residential, 30 to 52 GAL, Replace 15 13 2 1 EA $1,738.90 $1,739 $1,739 $1,739 $3,478

766366 Sewage Tank, 10000 GAL, Replace 20 11 9 1 EA $9,974.44 $9,974 $9,974 $9,974

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ID Cost Description Lifespan (EUL)EAge RUL QuantityUnit Unit Cost *Subtotal 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038Deficiency Repair Estimate

766207 Furnace, Gas, 51 to 100 MBH, Replace 20 11 9 1 EA $3,801.45 $3,801 $3,801 $3,801

766462 Load Center, 120 / 240 V, 125 Amp to 225 Amp, Single Phase Residential, Add 30 29 1 1 EA $7,906.20 $7,906 $7,906 $7,906

766241 Fluorescent Lighting Fixture, 80 W, Replace 20 19 1 10 EA $241.87 $2,419 $2,419 $2,419

766226 LED Lighting Fixture, Basic, 20 W, Replace 20 19 1 6 EA $180.19 $1,081 $1,081 $1,081

766258 LED Lighting Fixture, Basic, 20 W, Replace 20 19 1 9 EA $180.19 $1,622 $1,622 $1,622

766279 Metal Halide Lighting Fixture w/ Electronic Ballast, Wall Mount, 150 W, Replace 20 19 1 1 EA $574.32 $574 $574 $574

766891 Roadways, Concrete Curb & Gutter, Replace 25 23 2 10 LF $24.00 $240 $240 $240

767557 Parking Lots, Asphalt Pavement, Seal & Stripe 5 23 0 48500 SF $0.38 $18,406 $18,406 $18,406 $18,406 $18,406 $73,623

767705 Parking Lots, Asphalt Pavement, Mill & Overlay 25 24 1 10000 SF $3.28 $32,804 $32,804 $32,804

792412 Parking Lots, Asphalt Pavement, Mill & Overlay 25 19 6 38500 SF $3.28 $126,295 $126,295 $126,295

766457 Pedestrian Pavement, Sidewalk, Concrete Large Areas, Replace 30 30 0 1600 SF $9.00 $14,400 $14,400 $14,400

767155 Pressure Tank, 40-Gallon, Fiberglass, Replace, Add 30 29 1 1 EA $3,629.00 $3,629 $3,629 $3,629

766213 Well Pump, 1.5 HP, Replace 20 19 1 1 EA $2,670.42 $2,670 $2,670 $2,670

767711 ADA, Parking, Designated Stall with Pavement Markings & Signage (Van), Install 0 0 0 1 EA $1,400.00 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400

771502 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Pipe Wraps, Install 0 25 0 4 EA $80.00 $320 $320 $320

766359 ADA, Restroom, Lavatory Hardware, Modify 0 25 0 4 EA $450.00 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800

Totals, Unescalated $63,206 $67,183 $1,979 $0 $0 $32,671 $126,295 $0 $0 $17,176 $72,053 $0 $0 $7,255 $7,206 $18,406 $0 $1,739 $0 $0 $415,169

Totals, Escalated (3.0% inflation, compounded annually) $63,206 $69,198 $2,099 $0 $0 $37,875 $150,803 $0 $0 $22,411 $96,833 $0 $0 $10,654 $10,900 $28,676 $0 $2,874 $0 $0 $495,530

* Markup/LocationFactor (1.0) has been included in unit costs.