Facebook for Beginners One Session Class. What will you learn today? What can you do on Facebook? Creating a profile Privacy Connecting with friends Sending

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What is Facebook? Facebook is the largest online social networking site and currently has over 900 million users. Facebook allows people to interact, share photos, and find people.

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Facebook for Beginners One Session Class What will you learn today? What can you do on Facebook? Creating a profile Privacy Connecting with friends Sending messages vs. writing on wall Posting (photos/links/videos) Creating a photo album What is Facebook? Facebook is the largest online social networking site and currently has over 900 million users. Facebook allows people to interact, share photos, and find people. What can you do on Facebook? Reconnect with old friends and make new ones Keep track of what friends and family members are doing Share info with friends by posting pictures, personal updates, links, and videos Use applications to play games, create events, and recommend books How to Register Step 1: Open a web browser and go to the Facebook homepage. Step 2: Fill out the signup form on the homepage to create your free account. To register, you will need to enter your name,address, password, gender and birthday. Step 3: Confirm your account by clicking on the confirmation link sent to theaddress you provided in the sign-up form. Once confirmed, your account will be active. Setting Up Your Account Step 1: Facebook will give you friends suggestions. If you know someone, click on Add friend. If not, you could click Ignore. If you do not want to proceed with this step, click on Skip. Step 2: If you want, you could start looking for your Facebook friends in your address book. If you do not want to do it now, you can do it later. Click on Skip. Step 3: Fill your profile information High school, College/University, Employer. If you do not want to do it now, just Skip. Step 4: Upload your profile photo (if you have one). If you do not want to do it now, click on Skip. Navigating Facebook The links in the blue bar at the top help you to navigate through Facebook. The home page and your profile page are the two main pages. You can get to these pages by clicking on either the Home tab or your name. The search bar will help you to find friends, groups, or events. Editing your profile Edit your account information at any time by clicking on the "Edit My Profile" link on your profile page. Here you can make changes to all of your visible profile information, update your profile picture, and cancel your account. The Profile Page The profile page is the page that is about you. Friends go there to see what is new with you. The status update bar is what you can use to tell others what youre doing The Home Page The home page is where you have access to the news feed, applications, quick links, and events. The news feed is where you can view friends status updates, photos and links. You can also access messages, friends requests and events Privacy Settings To make changes to your privacy or account settings, click on the "Account" button in the upper menu bar of your Facebook page. This is where you can control who sees your information. Privacy, cont. Go to Account > Privacy Settings > Edit Settings On the 'Privacy settings' page, there are three quick privacy levels that you can set in a single click. It is best to change your default privacy to friends Customize settings To alter each setting individually, click 'Customize settings' at the bottom of the summary. Finding Friends and Acquaintances You can search for friends by searching for their name in the search bar located at the top of your home page. Once you find someone, you can send them a friend request. Click on Add Friend Accepting Friends They will be send anand from there can accept you as their friend. Then, you will have access to their newest postings and pictures and can communicate with them. If someone sends you a friend request, you will be given the option of accepting or dismissing their request. Communicating with Friends There are two main way to communicate: Sending a message or writing on your friends wall. They are very different. Sending a message is completely private and writing on the wall is public and appears on other friends news feed. Sending a Message Similar to anGo to your friends Wall. Click the Message button on the upper right hand corner of the screen. Type your message. Click send. The person who you send the message to will be notified by. No one will be able to see it. Write on Their Wall Go on your friends page and click on the write something space on the top of their page. Hit Enter or click on Share. Once you do this, your comment will appear on your friends wall and may appear in others News Feeds. Once the person sees your post, he/she can comment on or "Like" your post. The Publisher The publisher is the bar on the top of both your home page and your profile page. This bar makes it easy to add content such as photos, links and videos to your page. To update your status: Click on Whats on your mind? and write whatever you think will interest your friends. Your friends may read it in their News Feed or see it when they visit your Wall. How to Publish Photos Uploading photos from your computer From your home page, click on Add Photo Click on Upload photo or video. Select the Choose File button to find the photo, and open it. Click the post button. Publish a Photo Album From your home page, click on Add photo/Video then click on Create a photo album on the right. Pick the image files you want to upload. Add an album title and description. Use the audience selector to choose who can view the album. Add captions, tags, and locations to photos as each one finishes uploading.