Facebook Is Facebook destroying social interaction?

Facebook essay ideas

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Is Facebook destroying social interaction?

Page 2: Facebook essay ideas

Introduction example – should state ideas and be emotive or persuasive.

Do you know anyone who is sucked into the black hole that Facebook can be? Have you ever been attacked by an internet troll? Does it drive you crazy when every sentence online ends with ‘lol’? Facebook has changed the dynamics of social interaction forever but overall it has not been a change for the better. The disadvantages of Facebook outweigh the advantages and many people are leaving the world of Facebook to return to a more normal reality. One disadvantage of Facebook is that people spend so much time on it that they have less time for family time or face to face interaction with friends. Another negative aspect of Facebook is cyberbullying and the poisonous comments people write online that they probably wouldn’t say to someone’s face. Other ways Facebook can affect people is through addiction to Facebook, affecting their work performance and the lack of privacy people experience. It’s all out there on Facebook.

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Body paragraph – should extend idea in detail

Facebook is affecting the mental health of many people, especially teenagers around the world. Cyberbullying is an international problem and it can have a brutal impact, even leading to suicide in some cases. Nearly 43% of people have been bullied online and 1 in 11 have had it happen repeatedly. Girls are more likely to be bullied and this can have a huge impact on their self-esteem. But what are people doing about it? Often, nothing. Unlike school bullying which people can at least escape at home, Facebook is 24/7 and the overall effect of that can cause people to become depressed, and experience mental health problems. Parents need to monitor how younger kids use Facebook. Older people should be more responsible, respectful and careful on Facebook. But the reality is, many people are not.

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Conclusion example

To conclude, Facebook does not add to people’s lives, it takes away. It takes away their leisure time, it takes away their peace of mind and it takes away their privacy. It is obvious that addiction to Facebook infringes on many adults and teenagers work and study times as well as taking over their time to relax so that they have less balance and more imbalance in their lives. It also affects many people’s mental health with far too many people having been the victims of cyber bullying or internet trolling. Finally, we no longer can retreat to the quiet peace of our home or bedrooms without being interrupted by a message, a friend request from an absolute stranger or a status about what someone had for breakfast. What is the answer? Do we ignore Facebook and defriend it? Or should we all take a Facebook holiday, and turn it off for an hour, a day or a week to prove we control it and it does not control us. Then we can remember what the real world looks like, lol!

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Conclusion – Sum up key ideas and evaluate overall topic – what do you think?

To conclude/To summarise/In conclusion . . .

It is obvious that . . It is clear that . . . It is evident that . . .

People should . . . Individuals have to . . . Society must . . .

We need to realise

People need to wake up and

It is imperative that . . .

Now, more than ever . . .

As _____________ quoted, “ . . .

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Other tips and tricks

Edit carefully

Type out your essay – it will help you

Get feedback from your teacher – arrange to meet with your teacher and discuss how you can improve it

Use questions and emotive words – Did you know . . .? Were you aware . . .?

Use stats and quotes – but keep each stat and quote succinct, not TOO long!

Be passionate about topic and make it interesting

Keep sentences carefully structured and try to vary the length of them

Use a thesaurus on computer or in class to extend and vary vocab

Back up your essay by e-mailing it to yourself, and the teacher!