4- '>' U 3KV' •vFsrm ••*« --', •"' $k- ., "it '* V{ ( 1/, < A •"•< - St *kL *1*4 * v •J ;,.. wTHE DENISON REVIEW, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 22, 1920 **r , , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , , SECTION 1—PAGE THREE E f » fc V '' 7 & §#' J. v « v 1 feT , \ vff- * > & , ' . •:^^:.:.^'PiVSCHLE8WIG ^'i^SS .• '•.£$; .J. 4> 4>' 4> % 4> '<§> «j» «> <• * * • • The wedding of Miss Mable Petersen to Robert Fred Hesse. wns solemnized Wednesday afternoon^ September 15, at ttvo o'clock at tne home of the bride's parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Peter Petersen. The wedding was a most pretty home affair and was attended by a large nuijiber of relatives and friends. The ceremony which united these young people for life being per- formed by Rev. "W. R. -Wetzeler. The bridal couple were attended by Willie Wittmaack and Miss Amanda Petersen, sister of the bride, Bernhard S.chlie and '. Miss Helen Hesse. Immediately following the ceremony the happy couple were showered with con'gratu lotions and a six o'clock weding supper was' ertjoyed by the guests present. Miss' Llllle Woock left for Omaha Friday/whfere she will spend a few days with friends. ; Miss 'Amanda Hamann observed her 16th birthday anniversary last Sunday evening by' entertaining a number qf relatives and friends. A delicious sup- per wrfs 'serV^d by tfte hostess and u most enjdyable evening wns spent by all. ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert^ Miller of Colo- rado arrived here last week and are visiting at tlio home of Mr. Miller's brother, Fred Miller und family. «- The many friends of Herbert Wet- zeler will bo pleased to hear that he has been promoted to the position of assistant cashier of the State Bank at Varina, Iowa. Herbert has been work- ing in the Loy Batik at Homick, Iowa for the'past two years. Mr. tind Mrs. A. F. Bothman and family left Friday for Minnesota where they will visit with relatives and friends: ' Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jurgens left Fri- day morning for Minnesota where they Will spend several days visiting with friends. ' Mrs. Claus Peters and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hollander and family drove up to Danbury Sunday for a visit, with Mrs. Peters' daughter, Mrs. 1-1. Schroeder and family. Mr; an l Mrs. Herman Pepper ,and family of Hartley, Iowa spent several* days here last week visiting with rela- tives und friends. Miss Alice'Booek of Salem. Oregon, is visiting here at the hQme of her uncles, Emil and Ernest Boock and other friends. Mrs. Martha' Munrtt and 'children of Anthoti, and Andy Jacobnen were guests here Jit the Peter Petersen home last Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs. Louie Dorcile returned home last week after having spent a Week with' relatives and friends at Lake Park, Iowa, and at Winthrop and Lakerteld, Minn. . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ehlers who were guests here several days at the Henry Naeve home last week'returned home at Clinton last Saturday. Mr. an0 Mrs. Otto Wiebers of Do- lolt visited here Sunday at the home of Otto's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wiebers. Mr. .and Mrs. E. L. Diclcmann left Tuesday for Clinton where they will muke their home. After spending the summer here with Mrs. Dickmann's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen Krohn ke. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Ipsen Saturday, Sept. 11th, a nice baby boy, Mother and child are doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hollander and son left Friday for (Jillmore City for several days visit with Mrs. Holland er's brother, Lorenz Lorenzen and family. •' Mrs. Van Tangborn of Ricketts' who has been visiting here for several days last week returned home Monday. Theo. Jochims of Lake Park return ed home Thursday after visiting a few days here at the home of his parents, Mr, find Mrs. Wra, Jochims. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and children of Buck Grove were pleasant visitors here last Sunday ..at the home of Mrs. Ar- nold's sister, Mrs. B. S. Andresen and family. Mrs. H. W. Schmidt left Monday for . Boone where she will spend some time with relatives and friends. A. H.' Stoltertberg^ Fred W. Mohr, Herbert Peters, Julius Schmidt, Louie Kruger, Julius Andersen and Adolph Hansen attended Odd Fellows meeting Thursday night at Denison. Mrs. Peter Siem^en. an4 son August and Mr. 'and Mrs.'' Paul Sohksen of Stratford, Iowa, arrived here last Thursday and ate guests this week at the' Lorenz Holarider home arid other relatives and friends. August IjJjjert and wife left last Sat urda'y for Fort Dodge where they will spend several days visiting at the home of Walter' Weiss and family. Henry Laumbach from Mapleton vis ited with Schleswlg friends Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carpenter are the proud parents of a line baby boy which arrived .^t .their home last Satur- day. Mother #nd child doing fine. Miss Hanna,:, Stegemann returned home Friday evening after spending several weeks with relatives and friends at Clinton. j Hugo Wiegand and Willie Bleienberg together with several parties from Ida Graye returned Saturday from Cas- per, Wyo.i where they spent several days looking over the big oil fields in that section. John Bruggen returned Sunday from Chicago where he had spent several days looking after the interests.of his piano and music business. John Glau is making preparations for the erection of an entirely new set of buildings on his farm this fall. The improvements will consist of a new home and several big barns and other buildings. Adolph Jochims and family returned Tuesday from Scotland, South Dakota, where they spent several days visiting at the home of his brother, John and family, ' Henry Boysen and family and ChHs Lafrentz and family were Denison vis- itors last Sunday. Miss Martha Bendixen who has been seriously ill for some time is plowly im- proving/and every hope is now held out for "her complete . recovery., Mrs. Fred Witt wno has' t^if-'vlslt.- ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Paul Wilson in Chicago was operated on for hemorrhoids last week. She is getting along real well and wilt soon be able to return home.; Roland . Rohwer left Thursday' for Omaha where he will enter Creighton college to. take up his. college duties. He has spent three years in the prep- aratory courses and this year enters the medical department to perfect him- self as a .physician. Roland is a hard worker arid we wish him sucess in the future. Mr; and Mrs. Julius'Peters and fam- ily motored to Cushing last Sunday where they spent the day visiting at the Albert Zabel home and with other relatives. Wm. Schiernbeck of Davenport who has been spending the past month here visiting his sons, Herman and Carl, re- turned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bristol of Charter Oak spent Monday here at the Rudolph Christenscn home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maas and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maas of Bloomfleld, Neb., ar- rived here last week and are spending several days visiting at' the home of their brother, Emil Maas and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Honas Bottger spent last Sunday visiting with-Mr. and Mrs. Herman Moltmann and family at Ricketts. Will Schwarz returned Tuesday from Chicago and Sterling. 111.,- where he spent the past week visiting among rel- atives and. friends. Mrs. Henry Buck returned home Friday evening after having spent sev-' eral weeks with relatives and friends at Clinton and Davenport. She reports a nice time. Mrs. Chas. Jurgensen and daughters Louise and I-Iertha were at Ida Grove last Saturday for a few. hpurs on busi- ness. . August Zabel is again able to be up and around after, having been con- fined to the hoUse the' past month on account of a broken leg he received when he fell from **. wagon. Mrs. Anna Petersen left for Maple- ton last Sunday , where she will spend a week with her sister, .Mrs,- Margaret Hass. Teddy Hollander and Hugo Eelmer made a trip to Omaha Monday return- ing In the evening with two new Ford touring cars for the G. P. Hollander garage. Hugo Kroeger spent last Thursday at Sioux City where he made arange- ments to enter Mornlngside college.. Ben Naeve returned last Thursday from Casper, Wyo., where he has' been employed for the past month on the oil fields. i . Chas. Erne of ,Omaha who. has been spending .the past few days at the hoine of his sister, Mrs, George Schultz returned home last week. . F. N,. Olry . and family of Denison visited last Sunday, at the home of Mrs. Olry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jur- gen Schroeder. From here Mr. Olry, Mr. Schroeder and son Raymond mot- ored to, Sioux City. Peter-Paulsen and family of Denison spent Saturday and Sunday with, his sister, Afrp. Fred Trzeciak, arid family August Thiede and family of Boyer spent here last Sunday visiting a{ the Claus \ Thiede home. Miss Francis Thiede returned home with them for a few day's visit. Herbert-Peters spent last Sunday at MoviUe visiting with friends. Dr. and Mrs. Hal C. Simpson and Mr, and Mrs. Will Laub of Denison were . guests here last Sunday . at the Albert Stoltenherg home. They came up to bid good by to Mr. and Mrs. Stollenberg as Dr. and Mrs. Simpson left,' Monday, for California where they intend' to make their future home. Misses Selma Bendixen and Hilma Lafrentz spent last Sunday in Denison with relatives and friends. Miss '>Hazel Garbey of Blandsville, III., arrived here last week for a few days visit "with the Misses Ella and Wanda Bendixen. Julius Rohwer drove oyer to Deni- son Saturday;evening for an over Sun- day visit with his wife's parents, Mr, and-. Mrs, . Wm. Rath. Mrs. Rohwer who had.been spending the past week with her parents, returned home with him in the evening: * ***** * ' * •' BUCK GROVE ITEMS * * * * ******** On Wednesday, Sept. 15th, occurred the wedding of Miss Edna I). Greder of Buck Groev, to Gustav B. Hitz, of Denison. The bride was charmingly arrayed in a gown of light blue silk messaline. She wore a bridal veil and carried a bouquet of white roses. The bridegroom wore a becoming suit of blue serge. They were attended by An- na Marie and John F. Greder, sister and brother of the bride. The bride is the second oldest daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Peter Greder and grew to woman hood in this vicinity and has a host of friends whose good wishes follow her into her new lite. The groom is the on- ly son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hitz, of Denison. and is known as an upright «nd industrious young man, respected by all who know him. The happy cou- ple will be at home to their friends on their farm after October 1st. May joy and prosperity be always theirs in their married life together. Thursday evening ex-Lieut. H. Sid- ney Bonney made his appearance un- nounced at the home of his parents. Dr. apd Mrs. Bonney.' It was a very pleas- ant surprise. Sidney was badly gassed during the war, which affects his lungs. The doctor; advised life in the tropics as a cure and. if .he wanted to live he must go .there, which he did. Being able to speak Spanish fluently he se- cured a good position with a large im portifig firm and. Is rapidly regaining his health. He haff been, in South and Central America for over a year and likes it. He left .again Saturday. Rey. Father Cartwrlght closed a very successful mission here Thursday. His sermons were very interesting and de livered in a very impressive manner. Each night found his audience increas- ing until on Thursday evenirtg the church could not hold the people who cam.e. Father Parle said, if the mission lasted any longer we would have to build an addjtion t'o.the church.. Father Cartwright went from here to Manilla FMday morning, where he opened, a mission Sunday to Jam all week. Last Wednesday Mr6. John Kepford entertained at .her home Mrs. Milo Kelly and Mrs. - Hugo Jensen and son, Don- ald, all of Denison*. ; Adolph and. Lute Petersen returned home Thursday, from Yalleyford, Wash, where they .went W Attend the funeral of their father, A. L."Petersen. Friday Henry Hink was very ill and Spotted Poland China Boars The big boned stretchy kind. These boars are priced to move. Also Have a .Few Shropshire Rams Ofjwill sell my entire flock of Shropshire sheep at a bargain* ..... : .. '" : W- Oakwood Farm HANS V. BRODERSEN •"*4:1 Denison, Iowa 'iw;.' '"v Call34.Zor34 H „4 DENISON BOTTLING WORKS Phone 495 Denison * tiv jo-- .-.; , 1 :*'• - ~L": At Vollerseri t Bros > . Feed Barn, South of Court House I^fe^SON, Commencing promptly at IKK) O'clock ^ / V y 1 * -k. \ V 26 Head of Spins Boars f- l||Yearlmg -poa ^«^^,;r r Some of the best bTood lines knovm'to 'the Poland China breed goes into this sale. Giant Jumbo 395623 is included in this offering. A full brother of Giant Jumbo's sire won Junior Champion at the National Swine Show in 1917. An opportunity for farmers and breeders to purchase the truly Big Type Poland China boars. '•'> .- •' A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend this my first sale. The offering is an exceptional one. > v:"' 1: ..'-.r . ---J V-' : MALONE BROS, Auctioneers -- R. E. MOTE, Clerk r .A s v»!iSs .'5i2.'**JSr under the. doctors' care. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thies and daughter, Elsie, of West Side, spent Sunday with Mrs. Emma Wilier. Herbert Docherty was under the weather for a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Pete O'Meara, of Iowa City, were visitors here last week. Mr. and Mrs. James O'Meara, Mr. and Mrs. Leo O'Meara and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence O'Meara and family, of Denison, attended the mission here sev- eral evenings last week. Our town is quite lively these days, there being a railroad gang of eighty men at work here, which is quite an increase In population. We take the following obituary of A. L. Petersen from the Valley Ford (Wash.) Enterprise: A. L. Petersen died at his home a half mile east of Valley- ford, where he had resided with his wife about nine years, September 4th. He had reached the ripe age of 79 years. For a number of years he had. been in failing health from the effects of a par- tial stroke. For more than two years he needed constant care which he re- ceived from his dutiful wife who * re- mained by him day and night, at the expense of her own health, without oth- er aid except when necessary to call a physician, until the last few days it be- came necessary to employ a nurse. Fun^ eral services were held at the Evangeli- cal church at 2 p. m. September 7th, Rev. Schneider officiating. The re- mains were buried in the Freeman cem- etery. Besides his wife' four sons, living in the east, survive him. He also leaves a host of friends. * WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP * "J 1 - Mrs. Emma Weller moved to her new home in Buck Grove the past week. Kidney, live^, bladder and uric add troubles are moat dangerous be- cause of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by taking G0LD.MEML Th* world's ilaadwd remedy for these diaordars, will often ward off th«M di* MM and strengthen the body against farther attacks, lliree sizes, all druggists. Laak for tha •••« Gold Madal aa mracr *•* Miss Florence Rice has been visiting at the hom<? of her sister, Mrs. Lee Winn, the past few days. John Zimmer is building a new home- on his farm near Buck Grove. A large number from Denison were attendants at the mission, given by Rev. Cartwright the past week. Mrs. Kate Flinn left for Clinton for a visit with her daughter. Cyril O'Brien is the owner of a new Hupmobile car, purchased the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard O'Brien mo- tored to Omaha Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. O'Brien and fam- ily were Denison callers Saturday. Feeling the necessity for hard work many people are putting irt sotne good licks for an hour or two in the morti- ing. BUESMAN LAND CO* Dealers in Farm and City Real Estate—Insurance of All Kinds ? 1 ' J V;- Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, South and North ^Dakota Lands for Sal* Office—Second .Floor Burk Building, Denison, Iowa. . 4' mri PAINT EVERYTHING! a ** r OUR FULL STOCK OF Decotint Paints and Varnishes Are Here Call and we will assist you in making sejections to make your home more attractive. Now don't forget we carry everything in the toil 3 t line. What we have not got we will ^ get for you. I V M i# •3 i A* '•si K-fTT 'r ff— v \ <\ ^ ^ i To be Held at the Vollersen Feed Barn South of Court House m Denison, on mm* ' * " Sale to Start at One O'clock , ; .'-ritr-ff j Duroc > i .. .siuSlt •'£€' 1 / ^ 4 . t 1 ." •• - V J I tf . Representing some of the best blood lines known to the Duroc breed. Remember I can supply my. old customers with hew breeding. : - ' i 'Vrf ) *»{^ J This offering will be sired by such boars as Graind Pathfind, Great King Orion, A Great. Wonder I am ancl other noted boars. v.;«V I extend ah invitation falSli to come and spend the day with me. I guarantee to show you a good offering. B. W. HUNT, Owner H. J. McMurray, Council Bluffs, la., and Malone Bros., Auctioneers ' Bankof Denison, Clerk -eg#-:. irttfarbiiwii ^fr au«>L.iSii' r '-'irti intii iwi

f PAINT EVERYTHING!arrayed in a gown of light blue silk messaline. She wore a bridal veil and carried a bouquet of white roses. The bridegroom wore a becoming suit of blue serge. They

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Page 1: f PAINT EVERYTHING!arrayed in a gown of light blue silk messaline. She wore a bridal veil and carried a bouquet of white roses. The bridegroom wore a becoming suit of blue serge. They

4- '>' U



••*« --', •"' $k- ., "it

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1/, < A •"•< - St *kL *1*4 * v • •J ;,.. wTHE DENISON REVIEW, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 22, 1920

**r , • , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , ,



fcV'' 7 S£ & §#'J. v« v


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• ' • . •:^^:.:.^'PiVSCHLE8WIG ^'i^SS .•

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The wedding of Miss Mable Petersen to Robert Fred Hesse. wns solemnized Wednesday afternoon^ September 15, at ttvo o'clock at tne home of the bride's parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Peter Petersen. The wedding was a most pretty home affair and was attended by a large nuijiber of relatives and friends. The ceremony which united these young people for life being per­formed by Rev. "W. R. -Wetzeler. The bridal couple were attended by Willie Wittmaack and Miss Amanda Petersen, sister of the bride, Bernhard S.chlie and '. Miss Helen Hesse. Immediately following the ceremony the • happy couple were showered with con'gratu lotions and a six o'clock weding supper was' ertjoyed by the guests present.

Miss' Llllle Woock left for Omaha Friday/whfere she will spend a few days with friends. ;

Miss 'Amanda Hamann observed her 16th birthday anniversary last Sunday evening by' entertaining a number qf relatives and friends. A delicious sup­per wrfs 'serV^d by tfte hostess and u most • enjdyable evening wns spent by all. '

Mr. and Mrs. Albert^ Miller of Colo­rado arrived here last week and are visiting at tlio home of Mr. Miller's brother, Fred Miller und family. «-

The many friends of Herbert Wet­zeler will bo pleased to hear that he has been promoted to the position of assistant cashier of the State Bank at Varina, Iowa. Herbert has been work­ing in the Loy Batik at Homick, Iowa for the'past two years.

Mr. tind Mrs. A. F. Bothman and family left Friday for Minnesota where they will visit with relatives and friends: '

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jurgens left Fri­day morning for Minnesota where they Will spend several days visiting with friends. '

Mrs. Claus Peters and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hollander and family drove up to Danbury Sunday for a visit, with Mrs. Peters' daughter, Mrs. 1-1. Schroeder and family.

Mr; an l Mrs. Herman Pepper ,and family of Hartley, Iowa spent several* days here last week visiting with rela­tives und friends.

Miss Alice'Booek of Salem. Oregon, is visiting here at the hQme of her uncles, Emil and Ernest Boock and other friends.

Mrs. Martha' Munrtt and 'children of Anthoti, and Andy Jacobnen were guests here Jit • the Peter Petersen home last Sunday.

:Mr. and Mrs. Louie Dorcile returned home last week after having spent a Week with' relatives and friends at Lake Park, Iowa, and at Winthrop and Lakerteld, Minn. .

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ehlers who were guests here several days at the Henry Naeve home last week'returned home at Clinton last Saturday.

Mr. an0 Mrs. Otto Wiebers of Do-lolt visited here Sunday at the home of Otto's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wiebers.

Mr. .and Mrs. E. L. Diclcmann left Tuesday for Clinton where they will muke their home. After spending the summer here with Mrs. Dickmann's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen Krohn ke.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Ipsen Saturday, Sept. 11th, a nice baby boy, Mother and child are doing fine.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Hollander and son left Friday for (Jillmore City for several days visit with Mrs. Holland er's brother, Lorenz Lorenzen and family. •'

Mrs. Van Tangborn of Ricketts' who has been visiting here for several days last week returned home Monday.

Theo. Jochims of Lake Park return • ed home Thursday after visiting a few days here at the home of his parents, Mr, find Mrs. Wra, Jochims.

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and children of Buck Grove were pleasant visitors here last Sunday ..at the home of Mrs. Ar­nold's sister, Mrs. B. S. Andresen and family.

Mrs. H. W. Schmidt left Monday for . Boone where she will spend some time with relatives and friends.

A. H.' Stoltertberg^ Fred W. Mohr, Herbert Peters, Julius Schmidt, Louie Kruger, Julius Andersen and Adolph

Hansen attended Odd Fellows meeting Thursday night at Denison.

Mrs. Peter Siem^en. an4 son August and Mr. 'and Mrs.'' Paul Sohksen of Stratford, Iowa, arrived here last Thursday and ate guests this week at the' Lorenz Holarider home arid other relatives and friends.

August IjJjjert and wife left last Sat urda'y for Fort Dodge where they will spend several days visiting at the home of Walter' Weiss and family.

Henry Laumbach from Mapleton vis ited with Schleswlg friends Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carpenter are the proud parents of a line baby boy which arrived .^t .their home last Satur­day. Mother #nd child doing fine.

Miss Hanna,:, Stegemann returned home Friday evening after spending several weeks with relatives and friends at Clinton. j

Hugo Wiegand and Willie Bleienberg together with several parties from Ida Graye returned Saturday from Cas­per, Wyo.i where they spent several days looking over the big oil fields in that section.

John Bruggen returned Sunday from Chicago where he had spent • several days looking after the interests.of his piano and music business.

John Glau is making preparations for the erection of an entirely new set of buildings on his farm this fall. The improvements will consist of a new home and several big barns and other buildings.

Adolph Jochims and family returned Tuesday from Scotland, South Dakota, where they spent several days visiting at the home of his brother, John and family, '

Henry Boysen and family and ChHs Lafrentz and family were Denison vis­itors last Sunday.

• Miss Martha Bendixen who has been seriously ill for some time is plowly im­proving/and every hope is now held out for "her complete . recovery.,

Mrs. Fred Witt wno has' t^if-'vlslt.-ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Paul Wilson in Chicago was operated on for hemorrhoids last week. She is getting along real well and wilt soon be able to return home.;

Roland . Rohwer left Thursday' for Omaha where he will enter Creighton college to. take up his. college duties. He has spent three years in the prep­aratory courses and this year enters the medical department to perfect him­self as a .physician. Roland is a hard worker arid we wish him sucess in the future.

Mr; and Mrs. Julius'Peters and fam­ily motored to Cushing last Sunday where they spent the day visiting at the Albert • Zabel home and with other relatives.

Wm. Schiernbeck of Davenport who has been spending the past month here visiting his sons, Herman and Carl, re­turned home last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Bristol of Charter Oak spent Monday here at the Rudolph Christenscn home.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maas and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maas of Bloomfleld, Neb., ar­rived here last week and are spending several days visiting at' the home of their brother, Emil Maas and wife.

Mr. and Mrs. Honas Bottger spent last Sunday visiting with-Mr. and Mrs. Herman Moltmann and family at Ricketts.

Will Schwarz returned Tuesday from Chicago and Sterling. 111.,- where he spent the past week visiting among rel­atives and. friends.

Mrs. Henry Buck returned home Friday evening after having spent sev-' eral weeks with relatives and friends at Clinton and Davenport. She reports a nice time.

Mrs. Chas. Jurgensen and daughters Louise and I-Iertha were at Ida Grove

last Saturday for a few. hpurs on busi­ness. .

August Zabel is again able to be up and around after, having been con­fined to the hoUse • the' past month on account of a broken leg he received when he fell from **. wagon.

Mrs. Anna Petersen left for Maple-ton last Sunday , where she will spend a week with her sister, .Mrs,- Margaret Hass.

Teddy Hollander and Hugo Eelmer made a trip to Omaha Monday return­ing In the evening with two new Ford touring cars for the G. P. Hollander garage.

Hugo Kroeger spent last Thursday at Sioux City where he made arange-ments to enter Mornlngside college..

Ben Naeve returned last Thursday from Casper, Wyo., where he has' been employed for the past month on the oil fields. i .

Chas. Erne of ,Omaha who. has been spending .the past few days at the hoine of his sister, Mrs, George Schultz returned home last week. . F. N,. Olry . and family of Denison

visited last Sunday, at the home of Mrs. Olry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jur­gen Schroeder. From here Mr. Olry, Mr. Schroeder and son Raymond mot­ored to, Sioux City. • Peter-Paulsen and family of Denison spent Saturday and Sunday with, his sister, Afrp. Fred Trzeciak, arid family • August Thiede and • family of Boyer spent here last Sunday visiting a{ the Claus \ Thiede home. Miss Francis Thiede returned home with them for a few day's visit.

Herbert-Peters spent last Sunday at MoviUe visiting with friends.

Dr. and Mrs. Hal C. Simpson and Mr, and Mrs. Will Laub of Denison were . guests here last Sunday . at the Albert Stoltenherg home. They came up to bid good by to Mr. and Mrs. Stollenberg as Dr. and Mrs. Simpson left,' Monday, for California where they intend' to make their future home.

Misses Selma Bendixen and Hilma Lafrentz spent last Sunday in Denison with relatives and friends.

Miss '>Hazel Garbey of Blandsville, III., arrived here last week for a few days visit "with the Misses Ella and Wanda Bendixen.

Julius Rohwer drove oyer to Deni­son Saturday;evening for an over Sun­day visit with his wife's parents, Mr, and-. Mrs, . Wm. Rath. Mrs. Rohwer who had.been spending the past week with her parents, returned home with him in the evening:

• * * * * * * * • ' * • •' BUCK GROVE ITEMS

* * * * * * * * * * * *

On Wednesday, Sept. 15th, occurred the wedding of Miss Edna I). Greder of Buck Groev, to Gustav B. Hitz, of Denison. The bride was charmingly arrayed in a gown of light blue silk messaline. She wore a bridal veil and carried a bouquet of white roses. The bridegroom wore a becoming suit of blue serge. They were attended by An­na Marie and John F. Greder, sister and brother of the bride. The bride is the second oldest daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Peter Greder and grew to woman hood in this vicinity and has a host of friends whose good wishes follow her into her new lite. The groom is the on­ly son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hitz, of Denison. and is known as an upright «nd industrious young man, respected by all who know him. The happy cou­ple will be at home to their friends on their farm after October 1st. May joy and prosperity be always theirs in their married life together.

Thursday evening ex-Lieut. H. Sid­ney Bonney made his appearance un-nounced at the home of his parents. Dr. apd Mrs. Bonney.' It was a very pleas­ant surprise. Sidney was badly gassed during the war, which affects his lungs. The doctor; advised life in the tropics as a cure and. if .he wanted to live he must go .there, which he did. Being able to speak Spanish fluently he se­cured a good position with a large im portifig firm and. Is rapidly regaining his health. He haff been, in South and Central America for over a year and likes it. He left .again Saturday.

Rey. Father Cartwrlght closed a very successful mission here Thursday. His sermons were very interesting and de livered in a very impressive manner. Each night found his audience increas­ing until on Thursday evenirtg the church could not hold the people who cam.e. Father Parle said, if the mission lasted any longer we would have to build an addjtion t'o.the church.. Father Cartwright went from here to Manilla FMday morning, where he opened, a mission Sunday to Jam all week.

Last Wednesday Mr6. John Kepford entertained at .her home Mrs. Milo Kelly and Mrs. - Hugo Jensen and son, Don­ald, all of Denison*. ;

Adolph and. Lute Petersen returned home Thursday, from Yalleyford, Wash, where they .went W Attend the funeral of their father, A. L."Petersen.

Friday Henry Hink was very ill and

Spotted Poland China Boars The big boned stretchy kind. These boars are

priced to move.

Also Have a .Few Shropshire Rams Ofjwill sell my entire flock of Shropshire sheep at a

b a r g a i n * . . . . . : . .

'" :W-

Oakwood Farm


Denison, Iowa

'iw;.' '"v Call34.Zor34 H „4


Phone 495 Denison


• • tiv jo-- .-.; , 1 :*'• - ~L":

At Vollerseri tBros>. Feed Barn, South of Court House

I^fe^SON, Commencing promptly at IKK) O'clock

^ /

V y1* -k. \ V

26 Head of Spins Boars f-• l||Yearlmg -poa^«^^,;r

r Some of the best bTood lines knovm'to 'the Poland China breed goes into this sale. Giant Jumbo 395623 is included in this offering. A full brother of Giant Jumbo's sire won Junior Champion at the National Swine Show in 1917.

An opportunity for farmers and breeders to purchase the truly Big Type Poland China boars. '•'> .- •'

A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend this my first sale. The offering is an exceptional one. > v:"' 1:

..'-.r . ---J V-' :

MALONE BROS, Auctioneers -- R. E. MOTE, Clerk r.Asv»!iSs.'5i2.'**JSr

under the. doctors' care. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thies and daughter,

Elsie, of West Side, spent Sunday with Mrs. Emma Wilier.

Herbert Docherty was under the weather for a couple of days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Pete O'Meara, of Iowa City, were visitors here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. James O'Meara, Mr. and Mrs. Leo O'Meara and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence O'Meara and family, of Denison, attended the mission here sev­eral evenings last week.

Our town is quite lively these days, there being a railroad gang of eighty men at work here, which is quite an increase In population.

We take the following obituary of A. L. Petersen from the Valley Ford (Wash.) Enterprise: A. L. Petersen died at his home a half mile east of Valley-ford, where he had resided with his wife about nine years, September 4th. He had reached the ripe age of 79 years. For a number of years he had. been in failing health from the effects of a par­tial stroke. For more than two years he needed constant care which he re­ceived from his dutiful wife who * re­mained by him day and night, at the expense of her own health, without oth­er aid except when necessary to call a physician, until the last few days it be­came necessary to employ a nurse. Fun^ eral services were held at the Evangeli­cal church at 2 p. m. September 7th, Rev. Schneider officiating. The re­mains were buried in the Freeman cem­etery. Besides his wife' four sons, living in the east, survive him. He also leaves a host of friends.


Mrs. Emma Weller moved to her new home in Buck Grove the past week.

Kidney, live^, bladder and uric add troubles are moat dangerous be­cause of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by taking


Th* world's ilaadwd remedy for these diaordars, will often ward off th«M di* MM and strengthen the body against farther attacks, lliree sizes, all druggists. Laak for tha •••« Gold Madal aa mracr *•*

Miss Florence Rice has been visiting at the hom<? of her sister, Mrs. Lee Winn, the past few days.

John Zimmer is building a new home-on his farm near Buck Grove.

A large number from Denison were attendants at the mission, given by Rev. Cartwright the past week.

Mrs. Kate Flinn left for Clinton for a visit with her daughter.

Cyril O'Brien is the owner of a new

Hupmobile car, purchased the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard O'Brien mo­tored to Omaha Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. D. P. O'Brien and fam­ily were Denison callers Saturday.

Feeling the necessity for hard work many people are putting irt sotne good licks for an hour or two in the morti-ing.

BUESMAN LAND CO* Dealers in Farm and City Real Estate—Insurance of All Kinds ?1' J V;-

Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, South and North ^Dakota Lands for Sal* Office—Second .Floor Burk Building, Denison, Iowa. . 4'




Decotint Paints and Varnishes Are Here Call and we will assist you in making

sejections to make your home more attractive.

Now don't forget we carry everything in the toil3t line. What we have not got we will ^ get for you.






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To be Held at the Vollersen Feed Barn South of Court House m Denison, on


' * " Sale to Start at One O'clock , ; .'-ritr-ff • j

Duroc > i .. .siuSlt

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I tf. Representing some of the best blood lines known

to the Duroc breed. Remember I can supply my. old customers with hew breeding.

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This offering will be sired by such boars as Graind Pathfind, Great King Orion, A Great. Wonder I am ancl other noted boars. v.;«V

I extend ah invitation falSli to come and spend the day with me. I guarantee to show you a good offering.

B. W. HUNT, Owner H. J. McMurray, Council Bluffs, la., and Malone Bros., Auctioneers '

Bankof Denison, Clerk

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