j k > 1 a f f1b o f- t I 5 t- I OCALA EVENING JULY C J tr I t = STAR MONDAY 21190 1 r f Tt > I TT You Will Need an Oil Stove When warm days and 41 the kitchen fire mak- eookingaburdenthen p lt IS time to try a a Perfection Wick Blue iiFlame Oil CookStove Marvelous how this F stove docs away with r I kitchen discomforts how BH t iI cool it keeps the room in 2r comparison with condi- tions ¬ U when the coal fire was burning Th- ey NEW ERFECT10N Wick Blue inie Oil CaskStove- I if the oaly oil stove built with a CABINET TOP for holding plates and keeping food hot after cooking Also has useful drop shelve oa which to stand the coffee pot or teapot after removing from burner Filled wkfc mo nickeled tacks for towels A marvel of comfort 3 V vl 4i eimplicity and convenience Made in three fe fi liier with without Cabinet Top If noi t with your dealer write our nearest agency I f r T lYiWJjLampJustsuchaT- Ile ome enough for the parlor strong enough for the kitchen camp or cottage bright enough for every occasion If not with your dealer writ our ntmrtft agency Bisadsid on Ccmpujr 1 JII T If a <<J 1 I 1 I I J COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Continued From First Page of southeast quarter 171C22 120 I acres Raised from 300 to GOO I Ben Galloway on west half of west half of southeast quarter except 572 chains square in northeast carner 331222 37 acres Raised from 60 to 150 Commissioner Fort move that board suspend equalization of tax assess ¬ ments and go into regular session and dispose of business before the board and then resume its labors in equaliz- ing ¬ tax assessments Minutes of last meeting of board read nndapDroerd Capt J ft Welsh appeared and ask- ed relief as to assessment on six sec- tions ¬ of land at Welsh ton Matter re- ferred ¬ I to tax assessor- Mr Z C Chambliss appeared and asked that the roadway on Lemon av- enue ¬ be repaired from washout and that roadway be ditched on each side On motion matter was referred to the chairman with power to Act Notary public bond by R K Wart mann with E Wartmann and J E Sherouee sureties approved Adjourned until 130 p m for din- ner ¬ f Board resumed labor at 130 p m I Upon report of Commissioner Math- ews I warrant No 193 for 4 in favor r r of C L Dean ordered cancelled and a warrant for 550 in favor C L Dean be Issued in place of warrant F No 193 cancelled and a warrant for 650 be issued to Dunnellon Supply Co for balance of bill rendered b- yCJDean y Commissioner Crosby reported the sale of the old Eureka flat to Mr Wells for <8 Bond of Henry D Stokes as notary f public with W J Edwards and L K Edwards sureties read and approved c Report of S T SIstrunk on hard road expenditures for free labor read v and approved 0 r Report of W M Lucius overseer- of hard roads fololws Ocala Fla July 3 1909 Mr qed MacKay Com In Charge of Hard Road Work In District No p 1 Marion Co Fla Dear SlrI wish to submit the fol ¬ lowing as my report for the month of June 1909 I have just about finish- ed ¬ S the hauling on the Sharps Ferry road through the swamp with tho ex- ception ¬ I of filling in bridge spaces and washouts long fill on west stile of swaxip Have placed the culverts rai- der ¬ fills it river concrete faced each end ot culverts on each side of river 1 Culverts on west side of river cannot- be faced at present on account of high water After filling bridge spac ¬ es and washouts along fill on west- side of swamp I Will be ready to take I up repair work along road back to Ocala My expenditure for the month of June amounts to 7DSS9 You cnn find itemized bill in clerks I office for same W M LUCIUS Hard Road Overseer t p Read and approved The following justices of the peace F filed their reports showing no busi- ness ¬ I Jor June 1909 C R Veal T r L Johnson W W Jackson Alex r Wynne L L Hopkins P Af McClar an T K Slaughter The following justices of the peace reported fines and costs imposed dur ing month o June 1909 I Joseph Belf county judge fines t rJ 1430 osta 5561 0 1 J W Lyles J P district No1 < fines SI r costs 556- 0VR f3 J Wilder J P district No 17 rr j flies Ii costs 40 J S 0 C C Curry flues 1 costs 4 J J OTusjpseed fines 0 costs 4l38- c J P Galloway sheriff filed his re- port ¬ of fines and costs imposed and K f collected during menthol June Verdict of coroneJury on body r of George Bengal read and filed a F L II Carney tax collector file1 his report of licensee issued by the tax collector during the month of June t C V amounting to 9725 for liic state and 5788 for the county- On motion the board adjourned to meet Wednesday morning at 730 Wednesday July 7 730 A M Board met pursuant to adjuorn ment All members present Bond of J A Tucker as notary pub ¬ lic with Edward Holder and A E Burnett sureties read and approved Bond of J It Thomas as notary public with L AL Home and J M Tison sureties read and approved Bond for license to carry pistols by following named parties read and ap- proved ¬ Elbert Mills A L Wade Wil- liam ¬ H Luffman William H Folks- J R Thomas J A Cameron W A Green N A Sistrunk L H Short ridge P A McRae F E Miller A A Olin I Comrrlssloaer Mathews in charge- of poor farm med his report on the poor farm as follows Ocala Fla July G 1909 The Honorable Board of County Com- missioners ¬ of Marion County- I have visited the countys infirm- ary ¬ for the monlli of June end report as follows I Lad the inmates pres- ent ¬ eleven in number seven colored and four wh4te two being abEent by permission of ths superintendent Stuart Green tho colored paralytic appears to be growing weaker and I think will not lust much longer The other Inmates continue in their usual but feeble condition- The field cropscorn pindars and sugar canehave been worked out and the superintendent is planting- some sweet potatoes The live stock- is in good condition and doing nicely The expense account of the infirmary is hereto attached and is as follows Superintendents salary 35 cook- ing ¬ 14 washing and ironing J50 hired help 10 nurse 10 Helven ston Pasteur 1SGO Tydings Co 145 Martin Cam 2150 L P Olin 7 Total 127 By items sold from farm 320 Total expense ac- count ¬ 12380 J M MATHEWS Com in Charge- On x motion of Commissioner Crosby Commossoner Proctor was ordered to change the Candler and Bellcview road around the northeast end of Smith Lake instead of running through the lake- Communication from the Womans Club of Ocala relative to protection of forest and rhade trees along Ocala and Silver Sprins roads Read and matter referred to Commissioner Mac kay for investigation On motion of Commissioner Fort it was ordered that the warrant for 5 per month for the aid of Mrs Sweat- be drawn in favor of J T Lancaster proceeds to be used jointly with such other funds as may be contributed by the city of Ocala or such funds as J T Lancaster may be custodian f Further provided that a warrant be drawn for 20 at this meeting jjs pay- ment ¬ for four months allowance to aid her in buying such necessary household goods as would enable her to make a partial support for herself Marion county school board ap- peared ¬ presenting schedule of re ¬ sources and expenditures and asked for a levy of 6 12 mills for schol purposes for the year 1909 Communication of Chas W White read On motion of Commissioner Crosby board recommended that the comptroller allow redemption of lands described as lot 5 301222 and east 3S of southeast quarter of southeast quarter 331221 and west half of northeast quarter of northeast quar ter 311222 and southwest quarter of southeast quarter and east half of northwest quarter of southeast quar- ter ¬ 271222 at face value and omitted years taxes without interest Balance petition refused Tax Collector E L Carney present ¬ cd his annual report showing delin ¬ quent land and personal taxes insol- vencies ¬ and errors On motion of- f Commissioner Fort report was ac ¬ cepted and approved- On motion of Commissioner Fort- E L Carney tax collector was au- thorized ¬ to purchase an adding ma jjjjjjjjj chine at an expense of 150 for use Jn the tax collectors office Petition of JJ Guthrey and others for improvement of the public road leading from the depot at Kendrick to the school house at Kendrick read and on Motion of Commissioner Cros ¬ by petition was referred to Commis- sioner ¬ MacKny with power to act Bill of W Hawkins for expense of burial of pauper read and referred to Commissioner Mathews for Investiga- tion ¬ and report Letter from the Rentz Lumber Co relative to road crossings read and referred to Commissioner Crosby Letter from A C Croom comptrol- ler ¬ relative to tax assessment rate read and filed Letters from A C L and S A L railroads relative to road crossings read and filed On motion of Commissioner Proc ¬ tor petition of Henry Hogan for relief was granted ud warrant ordered druvn for 5 per month- On motion of Commissioner Fort all costs in cases reported by Justice J O Turnipseed vs A E Baynard Hcnry Simpson and A G Leverett or- dered ¬ refused except the legal costs- to constable On motion of Commissioner Fort all I pensioners from Marion county now drawing pensions by reason of service rendered in the civil war and all ap- plicants ¬ whose claims are now med and lying over will be required to meet in person with the board on Wednesday of the regular meeting ia August 1909 the same being August 4th Communication of T E Bridges Co asking relief from one Eula Neal read and petition refused v- On motion Commsisioner Proctor- was granted until next meeting of board to report on petition of road from Belleview to South Lake tteir On motion adjournment was taken for dinner to meet at 130 p m Board met at 130 p m pursuant- to adjournment- The board of county commission- ers ¬ having determined the amount to be raised for all county purposes or- dered that the following levy be made for the year 1909 on all real and per ¬ sonal property In Marion county sub ¬ ject to taxation for each fund re- spectively towit For county school purposes G 12 mills for general road purposes 3 12 mills for county proper fund 1 12 mills for building fund K mills Total 13 12 mills An occupation tax of 50 per cent of the amount required by the state- is hereby Imposed on every businc profession or occupation carried on in Marion county Florida for which a state license is required and the clerk of this board is ordered to re ¬ port the same to the tax collector- On motion of Commissioner Proc ¬ tor the matter of building the Altoo- na and Orange Hammock hard road was delegated to Commissioner Fort with power to act as he thinks Lest for all parties concerned- On motion warrant was ordered drawn in favor of the clerk for 125 to be used in payment of free labor- in use on hard roads County Treasurer Thomas Pasteur filed his report for June showing re- ceipts ¬ and disbursements including balances on hand July 1st School Fund Receipts 504619 Disbursements 436245 Balance G8SG9 Road Fund Receipts 233261 Disbursements 275000 Balance 8261 County Proper Fund Receipts 125337 Disbursements 114984 Balance 10353 Fine and Forfeiture Fund Receipts 71821 Disbursements G19G7 Balance G854 Building Fund Receipts 260841 Disbursements 247560 Balance 13281 Total balances107118T- he board thereupon resumed its labors in the equalization of the tax assessments returned by the tax as ¬ sessor and orderol the following changes in the assessments as return- ed ¬ Gco E Snow on land described as in northeast corner of lot 1 except 45u acres in northwest corner 1617 2420 acres Raised from 2300 to 3000 Mrs N R Brown on commencing 29 rods south 18 11 degrees west of northeast corner of lot 1 1C1724 thence south Si 31 degrees east I 4328 rods south 3 12 degree west 1728 rods north 77 degrees west to lake north with lake to point west of commencement east to p o b825 acres Raised from GOO to 1000 AlexWynne on commencing 2129 chains south of northwest corner 15 1724 thence south S13 chains east 1958 chains north 73 13 degrees- east lSO chains to lake north with lake to point east of commencement west to po b15 acres Raised from SO to SOO H T Spooner heirs of on com- mencing ¬ 20 chains west of southeast corner 91724 thence north C50 chains west 20 chains south 650 chains east 20 chains 13 acres Rais- ed from 500 to 1500 Jas Walker on commencing at southeast comer 91724 thence west 35C chains north 320 chains west 150 chains north 180 chains east r The Votatf of Woes athrtlij makes tLem shrink from the Indelicate question the obnoxious er- amlnations and unpleasant local treat- ments ¬ which some physicians consider essential in the treatment of diseases of women Yet If help can be had it Is better to submit to this ordeal than let the disease grow and spread The troubla Is that so often the woman undergoes all the annoyance and shame for nothing Tho nds I women who have been cured oj Dr rterces Favorite Prescrip- tion ¬ wriwi InJrtiRreciation of the cure which dis examinations- and local trfeatmgnt Thprp js no other mMIrJnp yteJn i te Dr rlpli womenas ravorite Prescription it cures debilitating drains and female weakness It always helps It almost always cures It is strictly non ¬ alcoholic non secret all its ingredients being printed on its con- tains no deleterious or habitforming- drugs and every native medicinal root entering into its composition has the full endonHJicunt those most eminent in the several schools medical practice Some of theso liunierons anl strongest of pro- fessional endorsements of its ingredients- will to found in a pamphlet wrapped around the bottle also in a booklet mailed free on request by Dr R V Pierce of Buffalo N Y These professional en- dorsements ¬ should have far more weight than any amount of the ordinary lay or nonprofessional testimonials The most intelligent women nowadays insist on knowing what they tako as med ¬ icine instead of opening their mouths like- a lot of young birds and gulping down whatever is offered them Favorite Pro ¬ scription is of K oWN COMPOSITION It makes weak women strong and sick women well Dr Pierces Medical Adviser sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only Dr K Piarec Buffalo 21 onecent stamps for pa ¬ percovered or 31 stamps for clothbound If the Doctor free of charge- by letter All such communications are held sacredly confidential- Dr Pierco s Pleasant Pellets Invigorate and regulate stomach liver and 506 chains south 5 chains 2 acres Raised from CO to 200 H C Morrison on lots 1 2r and north half of lot 3 191725 135 acres Raised from 350 to 500 R L Martin on lots 1 2 7 8 of northeast quarter 4172 Raised from 200 to 320 Dr J M Eagleton heirs of on commencing at intersection of a point 140 chains west of east boundary of lot 3 with Lake Weir 61724 thence north to north line of lot 3 west 13G3 chains south to lake east with lake I to p o b13Gl acres Ralsrd from 400 to10OO A J Hoyt on fractional patrt of lot 3 61724 6 acres Raised from 400 to 700 Dr A L Izlar on comtnencing 587 chains south 56 degrees west from northwest corner of lot 2 Ayers sub of lot 3 61724 thence south 56 de- grees ¬ west 246 chains south 27 de- grees ¬ cast 974 chains north 56 de ¬ grees east 246 chains north 27 de grees west 974 chains 2 12 acres Raised from 300 to 450 D W Davis on fractional part of lot 3 617245 acres Raised from 500 to 900 Camp M A and E T on commenc- ing ¬ on south boundary at Lake Weir 121723 thence weft to a point 318 chains west of southwest corner of lot 8 north 1150 chains east 318 chains north 3335 chains east to lake south with lake to p o b10l acres Raised from 400 to 1000 Carney Investment Company on lots 5 and 6 except 210 feet east and west by 587 feet north and south in southwest corner 12ii2338 acres Raised from 1800 to 4000 Carney Investment Company on lots 1 2 4 5 6 1723208 acres Raised from 3400 to 20000- J M Wiley on commencing 1581 chains east of southwest oorner 20 1724 thence north 1760 chains north 82 degrees east 282 chains south 18 chains west 278chains5 acres Raised from 200 to 1000- E y S Upham on north half of south cast quarter except 10 rods east and west on cast side and except 1 acre to school and commencing 10 chains west of southeast corner of lot u 25 1723 thence west 10 chains north 15 chains east 10 chains south 15 chains 89 acres Raised from 750 to 1500 Mechanic Saving Bank on west half of northeast quarter and east half of northwest quarter except 6 chains east and west by 10 chains north and south in northeast corner 301724 r 151 acres Raised from 1000 to 2500 Mrs E A Ricker on commencing- at northwest corner of southwest cor- ner ¬ 301724 thence south 20 chains east 2o chains north S chains west 1040 chains north 551 chains east 538 chains north 5 chains west 5 chains north 5 chains west 20 chains 50 acres Raised from 1000 to 1500 A L Jones on 583 chains east and west by 12 chains north and south in southwest corner of northeast quar- ter of southeast quarter 2217247- acres Raised from 40 to 200 Mrs M J Jones on northeast quar- ter of southeast quarter except 583 chains east and west by 12 chains north and SQuth in southwest corner 221724 Raised from 80 to 250 W N Wilson on illS feet east and west by 671 feet north and south in northwest corner of lot 1 2517239- acres Raised from 500 to 1000 GroFf Bros on east threefourths of northwest quarter of northwest quar ¬ ter 301724 30 acres Raised from 500 to 1000 W N Wilson on commencing 5 chains west of southeast corner of southeast quarter of southwest quar- ter ¬ 301724 thence west 10 chains south 10 chains east 10 chains nrrth 10 chains 10 acres Raised from 100 to 500 I W N Wilson on commencing 5 chains west of southeast corner of southeast quarter of southwest quar ¬ ter 301724 thence west 10 chains north 10 chains east 10 chains south o 10 chains 10 acres Raised from 100 to 500 E Schnilzler en commencing 2L37 chains east of northwest corner 23 1724 theuce east 544 chains south 20 chains west 544 chains north 20 chains ll acres Raised from 200 I to 1000- B F Saxton on commencing 15 chains east of northwest corner 29 1724 thence south 20 chains east G37 charE north 20 chains west 637 chains12 acres Raised from 400 to 800 EL Stafford on northwest quarter- of northwest quarter of northwest quarter and west half of east half of northwest quarter of northwest quar- ter ¬ 291724 20 acres Raiised from 500 to 1000- T B Snook on west half of south ¬ east quarter of southeast quarter of northwest quarter 291724 acres Raised from 50 to 250 A N Cameron on southwest quar ¬ ter of southwest quarter and south ¬ west quarter of southeast quarter ol southwest quarter 221724 50 acres Raised from 300 to 1000 E J Lytle en south 25 of south half of lot 2 and north half of north 35 of south half of lot 2 161724 17 acres Raised from 500 to 1000 Frank Lytle on south half of north 35 of south half of lot 2 1G1724 7 12 acres Raised from 50 to 200 Mrs P W P Buffum on north ¬ west quarter of northwest quarter of southwest quarter and northeast quaif ter of southeast quarter of southwest quarter and north halt of southeast quarter of southeast quarter of south ¬ west quarter and south half of south ¬ west quarter of southeast quarter of southwest quarter and north half of northeast quarter of southwest quar- ter ¬ of southwest quarter and south half of southeast quarter of north ¬ west quarter of southwest quarter 21 172449 acres Raised from 2100- to 3000- V C Willard on 17 chains north and south by 10 chains east and west- in southwest corner 21172117- acres Raised from 200 to 1500- V P Kelsey on south half of south ¬ east quarter of southwest Quarter of uortheast quarter 2117245 acres Raised from 10 to 150 Jas Kelsey on northeast quarter- of southeast quarter of southeast quar ter except 1 square acre in southeast corner 2117249 acres Raised from 100 to 200 E A Kelsey on 24 rods east and west by 40 rods north and south in southwest corner of northeast quar- ter ¬ 2117246 acres Raised from 120 to 600 Mrs A S J McKinney on 3 chains north and south on north side of southwest quarter of northwest quar ¬ ter of southwest quarter 211724 3 acres Raised from 50 to SOO G E Hammond on southeast quar ¬ ter and south half of northeast quar- ter 251219 210 acres Raised from 360 to 480 W A Hammond on northwest quar ¬ ter of southwest quarter and south half of northeast quarter of southwest quarter 35121960 acres Raised from 100 to 120 Lizzie Bleckley on north half of northeast quarter of southwest Quar- ter ¬ 35121920 acres Raised froin 40 to 60- Lizzie r > ituKiey on northwest quar- ter ¬ of northeast quarter 351219 10 acres Raise from 80 to 120 W D Mathews on east halt 6f northeast quarter and east three fourths of southeast quarter 301220 200 acres Reduced from 460 to 400- J Mllathews on southwest quar ter of northeast quarter ant southeast quarter of northwest quarter and eat half of southwest quarter 321220 160 acres Raised from 300 to 320 W O Harrison on northwest quar ¬ ter of southwest quarter 6132040 ceres Raised from 60 to 80 J K Harrison op northwest quar- ter ¬ of northwest quarter G1320 ID acres Raised from 60 to 80 J S McFall on northwest quarter- of northeast quarter and northeast quarter of northwest quarter and south half of northwest quarter 613 20160 acres Raised from 200 to 320A W P Yongue on west half of northeast quarter of northwest quar- ter ¬ 7132120 acres Raised from 100 to 200 II Gattrell on east half of north ¬ east quarter of northwest quarter 7 fl2120 acres Raised from 100 to 200M Fishel on all of lot 4Oa B t D- ad Ocala Raised from 100 to 300 Camp Phosphate Company on com mencing 40 feet east of northeast cor ner 35 Caldwells ad to Ocala thence east 210 feet south 321 feet west 210 feet north 321 feet Raised from 1000 to 3500 M J Roess on lots 1 2 3 Teagues sub of lots 54 59 60 Caldwells ad Ocala Raised from 1800 to 2500 L N Green on west half of lot 2 Scotts survey Ocala Raised from 200 to 1000 L N Green on all of lot 3 Scotts survey Ocala except 188 feet north and south by 232 feet east and west in nortbwqst corner Raiised from 50 to 2000 Fla Lime Co on commencing 919 chains west of southeast corner of northeast quarter of southwest quar ¬ ter 141421 thence east 910 chains north 12 chains west 15 chains south- east to p o b and that part of east half of southwest quarter west of hard roadGO acres Raised from MOO to 10000- H a Webb on southeast quarter of southwest quarter and southwest quarter of southeast quarter 231421 80 acres Raised from 5500 to 7000 > xfr Common Sense r it orf 1 ot j- IeM Brett iateBtjteat people to irae eaiy- ef ds kaewa eoniposRiea Therefore k that > Dr Pierce aa dc es the awkers of wbieh priat S c every kgredieat eeteriatf ieto tbea gpo the bottle wrapper act attest Its correetaerw ruder oath are ° daily trewia ifcTor No SSCKSTS NoDEcarnow ne cMllrtJMeI Ar Ptevts- to ca k pit trtrytedy Dt PJmcc- be1 > r III hag tkc src- kr i III if turnedtfa I 50 4 L- JrIIr r h f tike Aetffar csNia 1 t- tNc Jr kwz the aeEe w ttNir l jt 1- akz L h- eBg r r > 1 t holly BMde of tbe HtiniJHdiwr extracted r 4 r ferest roots by exact proeee eigiiwit Dr Fierce lad Tritbtjufilit i 1Jio t ef a drep aloebol triplereiaed aad ebaardealfy pare tyeeria e beia 1M4 rI stead k extraetk ead preeerviag eoratire 4rteu rrwidiaCa- esftployeti th j fl tbee sftedioiaes are entirely free frem tae ebjectioa oIMiRMn by creatia am appetite for either aleeaotie feererles or tkr drvs J1l ExaauM tLc foravda o taeir bottiewrpersthe MEM j wan to ay- 51Drf c krce aad T08 wiM fad tart ah GO14 Medical Dkcorery1 r f- cMoodpunSer stesMch toaio twd bewd r ggitortfa a dteme kkk wkUe r j recoaufteaded to care coaausptioa ia its rtdrwced 8t e8 n aMcfaae wiK l do that yet tko ear all those eatarrkal ooadkteMof bead aad troM weak I t toauch torpid liver acl broacaUl troabei week ka s aad hinjl nn oirW which if nejtUated er badly treated lead ap te sad iaatty trrroinatr ia a- vaiptioa t5 < Z t V- i Ttke tbe UGoJdea Medical Discovery is ttrnt aad it M twt likely ti tie I 1 apQoiat yoa if oaly yov veitidtlirtrialDoe t eipeet iraraclM It won t do csperaatanl thias Yoa awt exercise your ptrtwaBe aad per Ienreiaitaue for a reaaoaable length of tit to < ei its full feeaefes TT- iaJredic i ij ts of which Dr Pierces saedictaes coaipoaed have tbe nTnlifiti f- ftJerse lIt ef leers of awdteal fcadera better IHany aootMt ef kvero- aprolewioaftl tettkaoeJtls ltboah the lifter arc received by thooiaef- cDoat CJ aceept a secret aottram aa a substifatc for this timeproves reatedy OF KNOWN COMPOSITION Ast oua NEIGHBORS Thtyust kaOW of B- TBftde syures by it during put 40 yean right ia your own neighborhood World DispeaMfy Medical Association DiR V PicrcePresBuIu NY2 1- L l t J r I Surprising < i TI What Kodol Will Do J For you when you need it But the longer you ne t let Inc leltio the more you will suffer before Kodol > can restore Good Digestion < And of course Indigestion If neg- lected We knew what Kodol would ds long enough brings on seri- ous ¬ before ever tho first bottle wax diseases In which Kodol cannot sold If we did not know just what benefit you Some of these there it will do we would not guarantee Is no help for at all It the way we do There are in fact very few all ¬ It is easy for you topfove Kodol ments which cannot be traced dl ¬ the next or the Urst time you rectly to impure blood And im ¬ have an attack of indigestion And pure blood is always due to a dis- ordered ¬ you will certainly be surprised at stomach the results It Is perfectly harm ¬ f 1- n Use Kodol and prevent Nervous less Dyspepsia There can bo no harm In trying Kodol will effectually asslpt Na- ture ¬ something that may do you great to secure a complete restora- tion ¬ deal of good when it costs you j of good digestion It does nothing if it doesnt this by at once digestingv all food In the stomach and keeping it di- gested ¬ Our Guarantee until the stomach is rested Go to TOOT drngglat today and get a dol- lar ¬ bottle Then alter bare used the and can resume its own work Ko ¬ entire contents of the bottld it you caa- Vcncatly dol removes the causeand the aajr thrt ItTiaa not done you any effect quickly removes itself ood return the bottle to the drugit ana he vrtll refund TOUT moneT without Ques- tion ¬ When it ia recalled that Apo- plexy ¬ or delay WewlU then pay the oriur Heart Disease Cancerand plat fjr the bottle bout hesitate all oven Consumption duo to druggist kuqv that 011 guarantee In WOOd and thus This offer applies to the large only poor digestion poisons and to but one in 4 family ne large transmitted to the blood and tie contalws2n t1l ualIDuch theSfty a throughout the systemthe Impor- tance cent bottle 5 of maintaining good diges- tion ¬ Kodol is prepared at the labors I 11 at once realized tories of E CDeWltt CoCbicago FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST CLASS DRUGSTORES J n r r- t SCRAP METAL ANtfTBNS S- will I buy all kinds or Junk Iron Steel Brass Copper Zinc Tin Lead Jlubber Bagging barrels Leather Etc old Engine Boilers Rails IJtc Tvjrtether as secondhand or scrap and pay the highest price In cash for same Wrnc or cajl qn me and let nW know what you have and where it Is located EJ T DECSER- v < CITRA FLORIDA r T jj sEAOARpAI- R LINE SHORTEST LINE FASTEST TRAINS- Year < Round Limited NOB 84 and 81 Florida Fast Mail No 6G and 43 66 84 81 43 1030am 900 pmLV Tampa Arl 630 aml GOOpm 1115 amlOO0 pmLv rurkeYCreek Lv 530 am1G OS pm 1130 arnl020 pmLv Plant City Lv516am 458 pm 1220 am 1118 pm Lv Dade City Lv515 am 458pm 148 pm 110 amLv Widwood Lv 235 am 23ipm 245 pm 210 amLv Ocala Lv 135am137 pm 440 pm 430 amLv Waldo Lvll40 pmll37lm 600 pm 61i Baldwin LvlO17 unlO15 am 640 pm 700 p konvllle Lv 930 pm 930 am y 750 pm 90u acknviPe AJ 500 pm 7111 am pmro 1140pm1245 Savannah r 110ptI1 2c iW- 420am 450 Columbia ArlO25 am 1110 pm 1156 aml225 nlIcfgh Ar 345 am 510 n 540 pm 750 arnAr Portsmouth A 900 pmf 925ari 505 pm 530 tmAr Richmond Ar1040 pmll225 pm c- 83pm 850 nmlAl Washington Lv 720 pm O5am 952 PIJ1100 am Ar Baltimore Ly 605 pm 606 am 1151 pm123 in4r Philadelphia LV 355 pm 335 am r 353 am 245 Pm4r eWYOrk Ly 125 pml11O am Passengers may remain sleeper until 7 a m SARASOTA BRANCH t 410 pm 730 amlLv Tampa Ar630pm101 an 510 pm 820 amlLv Turkey Creek ArS35 pm 920 an 740 pm 1Q40 amlAr palmetto LV2S0pm 649IJm j 755 Pro 105fi nrnAr Manatee Lv235 pm 635 am 800 pmll00 anAr rat1ontQ1 LyZa1 pm G3l am- s25 c ml145 amlAr Sarzota Lv 200 pIP500 In QUICKEST SERVICE TQ AND FROM NEW YORK These arrivals and departures as well as time and connections with J other companies are given ns Information and are guaranteed t Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping between Tampa and New York on trains Nos 84 and 8J Dining Car Service a Parlor Cafe Cars between Tampa and Jjcksonleon trains Jfos cG and 43 Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Jacksonville mind leo York and Dining Car Service on trains Nos 66 apd 42 full Information and sleeper reservations call on ianyf agent Sea ¬ board or write to S C BOYLSTONi A st Gen Pass AgditJack + vllle FIn or call on ac RYSORCTA Ocala v A K DJCrpEBSOff Aj ent Tampa bju S J S I W P VUson on sections 17 and 29 township 15 range 210 acres Reduced from 1290 toG40 The clerk was Instructed to make proper adtertlsemept of the boards actions In equalizing the tax assess ments giving notice as required by law to the owner or a entofanY estate the value of been changed by them All bills audited were ordered paid On motion of Commissioner Fort the salary of the ferryman at Heath- er ¬ Island ferry was changed from 5 to 6 per mont E L Carney tax collector filed his report of poll taxes collected during- the month of June 1909 showing 153 regular polls and 4 extras collected Letter from A C Croom comptrol- ler ¬ follows To the Several Tax Assessors of the State of Forld- aGentemenTe c rate for the 7 12 mills on the dohlai upon al rel and personal property a w General revenue J r tax 2 mills genera schol tax lW mill pension state mills Of health tax 12 mffl Total r 7 L2 i f You will therefore extend the state taxes on ret and personal property at 7 12 mills on each dollar of valua- tion ¬ t yourve1try t f I 2 t f Change in revenue or license V J 0 Copy oaclto provide levy Of r taxes for > attached Read and filed The ooard county comm 5 y will meet on lhlr Jtfcrndayin AU gust of his tepurco J hearing complaint o- iagiitcf any real estate the value of which shan have been clanged hy I them and for that pure will sit as long as It onay necessary Board adjourned until Monday Au- gust ¬ 2nd 1909 f r You complexion as well as your Is rendered miserableby disordered liver By taking Cham- berlains ¬ Stomach lTabet you can Improve both 1- j I F- z t a 1 I

F i r f I csNia L- - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03216/00183.pdf · I Ben Galloway on west half of west ... r of George Bengal read and filed a F

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Page 1: F i r f I csNia L- - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03216/00183.pdf · I Ben Galloway on west half of west ... r of George Bengal read and filed a F

j k > 1a f f1b o f-

t I 5 t-I



r fTt


TT You Will Need an Oil StoveWhen warm days and

41 the kitchen fire mak-eookingaburdenthenp

lt IS time to try aa Perfection Wick Blue

iiFlame Oil CookStoveMarvelous how this


stove docs away withr I kitchen discomforts how

BH t iI cool it keeps the room in2r comparison with condi-


Uwhen the coal fire was

burning Th-ey

NEW ERFECT10NWick Blue inie Oil CaskStove-


if the oaly oil stove built with a CABINET TOP for holding platesand keeping food hot after cooking Also has useful drop shelveoa which to stand the coffee pot or teapot after removing from burnerFilled wkfc mo nickeled tacks for towels A marvel of comfort


vl4i eimplicity and convenience Made in threefe fi liier with without Cabinet Top If noit with your dealer write our nearest agency

I f

r T lYiWJjLampJustsuchaT-Ileome enough for the parlor strong enough forthe kitchen camp or cottage bright enough forevery occasion If not with your dealer writour ntmrtft agency

Bisadsid on Ccmpujr1 JII T If a <<J

1 I




Continued From First Page

of southeast quarter 171C22 120

I acres Raised from 300 to GOO

I Ben Galloway on west half of west

half of southeast quarter except 572chains square in northeast carner331222 37 acres Raised from 60

to 150

Commissioner Fort move that boardsuspend equalization of tax assess ¬

ments and go into regular session anddispose of business before the boardand then resume its labors in equaliz-


tax assessmentsMinutes of last meeting of board

read nndapDroerdCapt J ft Welsh appeared and ask-

ed relief as to assessment on six sec-


of land at Welsh ton Matter re-


I to tax assessor-Mr Z C Chambliss appeared and

asked that the roadway on Lemon av-


be repaired from washout andthat roadway be ditched on each sideOn motion matter was referred to thechairman with power to Act

Notary public bond by R K Wartmann with E Wartmann and J ESherouee sureties approved

Adjourned until 130 p m for din-


f Board resumed labor at 130 p mI Upon report of Commissioner Math-ewsI warrant No 193 for 4 in favor

r r of C L Dean ordered cancelled anda warrant for 550 in favor C LDean be Issued in place of warrant

F No 193 cancelled and a warrant for650 be issued to Dunnellon Supply

Co for balance of bill rendered b-yCJDean y

Commissioner Crosby reported thesale of the old Eureka flat to MrWells for <8

Bond of Henry D Stokes as notary

f public with W J Edwards and L KEdwards sureties read and approved

cReport of S T SIstrunk on hard

road expenditures for free labor readv

and approved 0rReport of W M Lucius overseer-of hard roads fololws

Ocala Fla July 3 1909Mr qed MacKay Com In Charge of

Hard Road Work In District Nop

1 Marion Co FlaDear SlrI wish to submit the fol ¬

lowing as my report for the month ofJune 1909 I have just about finish-


S the hauling on the Sharps Ferryroad through the swamp with tho ex-


I of filling in bridge spaces andwashouts long fill on west stile ofswaxip Have placed the culverts rai-


fills it river concrete faced eachend ot culverts on each side of river

1 Culverts on west side of river cannot-be faced at present on account ofhigh water After filling bridge spac¬

es and washouts along fill on west-

side of swamp I Will be ready to takeI up repair work along road back to

Ocala My expenditure for themonth of June amounts to 7DSS9

You cnn find itemized bill in clerksI office for same W M LUCIUS

Hard Road Overseertp Read and approved

The following justices of the peaceF filed their reports showing no busi-



Jor June 1909 C R Veal Tr L Johnson W W Jackson Alexr Wynne L L Hopkins P Af McClar

an T K SlaughterThe following justices of the peace

reported fines and costs imposed during month o June 1909

I Joseph Belf county judge finestrJ 1430 osta 5561 0

1 J W Lyles J P district No1< fines SI r costs 556-

0VRf3 J Wilder J P district No 17rr

j flies Ii costs 40

J S 0 C C Curry flues 1 costs 4

J J OTusjpseed fines 0 costs4l38-

c J P Galloway sheriff filed his re-


of fines and costs imposed andK f

collected during menthol JuneVerdict of coroneJury on body

r of George Bengal read and fileda

F L II Carney tax collector file1 hisreport of licensee issued by the taxcollector during the month of June



amounting to 9725 for liic state and5788 for the county-

On motion the board adjourned tomeet Wednesday morning at 730

Wednesday July 7 730 A M

Board met pursuant to adjuornment All members present

Bond of J A Tucker as notary pub ¬

lic with Edward Holder and A EBurnett sureties read and approved

Bond of J It Thomas as notarypublic with L AL Home and J M

Tison sureties read and approvedBond for license to carry pistols by

following named parties read and ap-


Elbert Mills A L Wade Wil-


H Luffman William H Folks-

J R Thomas J A Cameron W AGreen N A Sistrunk L H Shortridge P A McRae F E Miller A

A Olin IComrrlssloaer Mathews in charge-

of poor farm med his report on thepoor farm as follows

Ocala Fla July G 1909

The Honorable Board of County Com-


of Marion County-

I have visited the countys infirm-ary


for the monlli of June end reportas follows I Lad the inmates pres-


eleven in number seven coloredand four wh4te two being abEent bypermission of ths superintendent

Stuart Green tho colored paralyticappears to be growing weaker and I

think will not lust much longer Theother Inmates continue in their usualbut feeble condition-

The field cropscorn pindars andsugar canehave been worked outand the superintendent is planting-some sweet potatoes The live stock-

is in good condition and doing nicelyThe expense account of the infirmaryis hereto attached and is as follows

Superintendents salary 35 cook-


14 washing and ironing J50hired help 10 nurse 10 Helvenston Pasteur 1SGO Tydings Co

145 Martin Cam 2150 L POlin 7 Total 127 By items soldfrom farm 320 Total expense ac-


12380 J M MATHEWSCom in Charge-


motion of Commissioner CrosbyCommossoner Proctor was ordered tochange the Candler and Bellcviewroad around the northeast end ofSmith Lake instead of runningthrough the lake-

Communication from the WomansClub of Ocala relative to protectionof forest and rhade trees along Ocalaand Silver Sprins roads Read andmatter referred to Commissioner Mackay for investigation

On motion of Commissioner Fort itwas ordered that the warrant for 5per month for the aid of Mrs Sweat-

be drawn in favor of J T Lancasterproceeds to be used jointly with suchother funds as may be contributedby the city of Ocala or such funds asJ T Lancaster may be custodian fFurther provided that a warrant bedrawn for 20 at this meeting jjs pay-


for four months allowance toaid her in buying such necessaryhousehold goods as would enable herto make a partial support for herself

Marion county school board ap-


presenting schedule of re¬

sources and expenditures and askedfor a levy of 6 12 mills for scholpurposes for the year 1909

Communication of Chas W Whiteread On motion of CommissionerCrosby board recommended that thecomptroller allow redemption of landsdescribed as lot 5 301222 and east3S of southeast quarter of southeastquarter 331221 and west half ofnortheast quarter of northeast quarter 311222 and southwest quarter ofsoutheast quarter and east half ofnorthwest quarter of southeast quar-


271222 at face value and omittedyears taxes without interest Balancepetition refused

Tax Collector E L Carney present ¬

cd his annual report showing delin¬

quent land and personal taxes insol-


and errors On motion of-f

Commissioner Fort report was ac¬

cepted and approved-On motion of Commissioner Fort-

E L Carney tax collector was au-


to purchase an adding ma


chine at an expense of 150 for useJn the tax collectors office

Petition of J J Guthrey and othersfor improvement of the public roadleading from the depot at Kendrick tothe school house at Kendrick readand on Motion of Commissioner Cros ¬

by petition was referred to Commis-


MacKny with power to actBill of W Hawkins for expense of

burial of pauper read and referred toCommissioner Mathews for Investiga-tion


and reportLetter from the Rentz Lumber Co

relative to road crossings read andreferred to Commissioner Crosby

Letter from A C Croom comptrol-ler


relative to tax assessment rateread and filed

Letters from A C L and S A Lrailroads relative to road crossingsread and filed

On motion of Commissioner Proc ¬

tor petition of Henry Hogan for reliefwas granted ud warrant ordereddruvn for 5 per month-

On motion of Commissioner Fortall costs in cases reported by JusticeJ O Turnipseed vs A E BaynardHcnry Simpson and A G Leverett or-


refused except the legal costs-

to constableOn motion of Commissioner Fort all

I pensioners from Marion county now

drawing pensions by reason of servicerendered in the civil war and all ap-


whose claims are now medand lying over will be required tomeet in person with the board onWednesday of the regular meeting iaAugust 1909 the same being August4th

Communication of T E Bridges Co

asking relief from one Eula Neal readand petition refused v-

On motion Commsisioner Proctor-was granted until next meeting ofboard to report on petition of roadfrom Belleview to South Lake tteir

On motion adjournment was takenfor dinner to meet at 130 p m

Board met at 130 p m pursuant-to adjournment-

The board of county commission-ers


having determined the amount tobe raised for all county purposes or-

dered that the following levy be madefor the year 1909 on all real and per ¬

sonal property In Marion county sub ¬

ject to taxation for each fund re-

spectively towit For county schoolpurposes G 12 mills for generalroad purposes 3 12 mills for countyproper fund 1 12 mills for buildingfund K mills Total 13 12 mills

An occupation tax of 50 per centof the amount required by the state-is hereby Imposed on every busincprofession or occupation carried on inMarion county Florida for which astate license is required and theclerk of this board is ordered to re ¬

port the same to the tax collector-On motion of Commissioner Proc ¬

tor the matter of building the Altoo-

na and Orange Hammock hard roadwas delegated to Commissioner Fortwith power to act as he thinks Lest

for all parties concerned-On motion warrant was ordered

drawn in favor of the clerk for 125to be used in payment of free labor-

in use on hard roadsCounty Treasurer Thomas Pasteur

filed his report for June showing re-


and disbursements includingbalances on hand July 1st

School FundReceipts 504619Disbursements 436245

Balance G8SG9

Road FundReceipts 233261Disbursements 275000

Balance 8261County Proper Fund

Receipts 125337Disbursements 114984

Balance 10353

Fine and Forfeiture FundReceipts 71821Disbursements G19G7

Balance G854

Building FundReceipts 260841Disbursements 247560

Balance 13281

Total balances107118T-he board thereupon resumed its

labors in the equalization of the taxassessments returned by the tax as¬

sessor and orderol the followingchanges in the assessments as return-ed


Gco E Snow on land described asin northeast corner of lot 1 except45u acres in northwest corner 1617

2420 acres Raised from 2300 to3000

Mrs N R Brown on commencing29 rods south 18 11 degrees west ofnortheast corner of lot 1 1C1724thence south Si 31 degrees east

I 4328 rods south 3 12 degree west1728 rods north 77 degrees west tolake north with lake to point west ofcommencement east to p o b825acres Raised from GOO to 1000

AlexWynne on commencing 2129chains south of northwest corner 151724 thence south S13 chains east1958 chains north 73 13 degrees-east lSO chains to lake north withlake to point east of commencementwest to po b15 acres Raisedfrom SO to SOO

H T Spooner heirs of on com-


20 chains west of southeastcorner 91724 thence north C50chains west 20 chains south 650chains east 20 chains 13 acres Rais-ed from 500 to 1500

Jas Walker on commencing atsoutheast comer 91724 thence west35C chains north 320 chains west150 chains north 180 chains east


The Votatf of Woesathrtlij makes tLem shrink from the

Indelicate question the obnoxious er-amlnations and unpleasant local treat-ments


which some physicians consideressential in the treatment of diseases ofwomen Yet If help can be had it Isbetter to submit to this ordeal than letthe disease grow and spread The troublaIs that so often the woman undergoes allthe annoyance and shame for nothingTho nds I women who have beencured oj Dr rterces Favorite Prescrip-tion


wriwi InJrtiRreciation of the curewhich dis examinations-and local trfeatmgnt Thprp js no othermMIrJnp yteJn i te Dr rlpli

womenas ravorite Prescription itcures debilitating drains andfemale weakness It always helps Italmost always cures It is strictly non¬

alcoholic non secret all its ingredientsbeing printed on its con-

tains no deleterious or habitforming-drugs and every native medicinal rootentering into its composition has the fullendonHJicunt those most eminent in theseveral schools medical practice Someof theso liunierons anl strongest of pro-fessional endorsements of its ingredients-will to found in a pamphlet wrappedaround the bottle also in a booklet mailed

free on request by Dr R V Pierce ofBuffalo N Y These professional en-


should have far more weightthan any amount of the ordinary lay ornonprofessional testimonials

The most intelligent women nowadaysinsist on knowing what they tako as med ¬

icine instead of opening their mouths like-a lot of young birds and gulping downwhatever is offered them Favorite Pro ¬

scription is of K oWN COMPOSITION Itmakes weak women strong and sickwomen well

Dr Pierces Medical Adviser sent freeon receipt of stamps to pay expense ofmailing only Dr K PiarecBuffalo 21 onecent stamps for pa¬

percovered or 31 stamps for clothboundIf the Doctor free of charge-

by letter All such communications areheld sacredly confidential-

Dr Pierco s Pleasant Pellets Invigorateand regulate stomach liver and

506 chains south 5 chains 2 acresRaised from CO to 200

H C Morrison on lots 1 2r andnorth half of lot 3 191725 135 acresRaised from 350 to 500

R L Martin on lots 1 2 7 8 ofnortheast quarter 4172 Raisedfrom 200 to 320

Dr J M Eagleton heirs of oncommencing at intersection of a point140 chains west of east boundary of

lot 3 with Lake Weir 61724 thencenorth to north line of lot 3 west 13G3

chains south to lake east with lakeI to p o b13Gl acres Ralsrd from

400 to10OOA J Hoyt on fractional patrt of lot

3 61724 6 acres Raised from 400

to 700Dr A L Izlar on comtnencing 587

chains south 56 degrees west fromnorthwest corner of lot 2 Ayers subof lot 3 61724 thence south 56 de-


west 246 chains south 27 de-


cast 974 chains north 56 de¬

grees east 246 chains north 27 degrees west 974 chains 2 12 acresRaised from 300 to 450

D W Davis on fractional part oflot 3 617245 acres Raised from

500 to 900Camp M A and E T on commenc-


on south boundary at Lake Weir121723 thence weft to a point 318chains west of southwest corner oflot 8 north 1150 chains east 318chains north 3335 chains east tolake south with lake to p o b10lacres Raised from 400 to 1000

Carney Investment Company onlots 5 and 6 except 210 feet east andwest by 587 feet north and south insouthwest corner 12ii2338 acresRaised from 1800 to 4000

Carney Investment Company onlots 1 2 4 5 6 1723208 acresRaised from 3400 to 20000-

J M Wiley on commencing 1581chains east of southwest oorner 20

1724 thence north 1760 chains north82 degrees east 282 chains south 18

chains west 278chains5 acresRaised from 200 to 1000-


S Upham on north half of southcast quarter except 10 rods east andwest on cast side and except 1 acreto school and commencing 10 chainswest of southeast corner of lot u 25

1723 thence west 10 chains north 15

chains east 10 chains south 15 chains89 acres Raised from 750 to

1500Mechanic Saving Bank on west half

of northeast quarter and east half ofnorthwest quarter except 6 chainseast and west by 10 chains north andsouth in northeast corner 301724


151 acres Raised from 1000 to2500

Mrs E A Ricker on commencing-at northwest corner of southwest cor-


301724 thence south 20 chainseast 2o chains north S chains west1040 chains north 551 chains east538 chains north 5 chains west 5

chains north 5 chains west 20 chains50 acres Raised from 1000 to

1500A L Jones on 583 chains east and

west by 12 chains north and south insouthwest corner of northeast quar-

ter of southeast quarter 2217247-acres Raised from 40 to 200

Mrs M J Jones on northeast quar-

ter of southeast quarter except 583chains east and west by 12 chainsnorth and SQuth in southwest corner221724 Raised from 80 to 250

W N Wilson on illS feet east andwest by 671 feet north and south innorthwest corner of lot 1 2517239-acres Raised from 500 to 1000

GroFf Bros on east threefourths ofnorthwest quarter of northwest quar ¬

ter 301724 30 acres Raised from500 to 1000W N Wilson on commencing 5

chains west of southeast corner ofsoutheast quarter of southwest quar-ter


301724 thence west 10 chainssouth 10 chains east 10 chains nrrth10 chains 10 acres Raised from 100to 500

I W N Wilson on commencing 5chains west of southeast corner ofsoutheast quarter of southwest quar ¬

ter 301724 thence west 10 chainsnorth 10 chains east 10 chains south


10 chains 10 acres Raised from100 to 500

E Schnilzler en commencing 2L37chains east of northwest corner 231724 theuce east 544 chains south20 chains west 544 chains north 20

chains ll acres Raised from 200Ito 1000-

B F Saxton on commencing 15

chains east of northwest corner 29

1724 thence south 20 chains eastG37 charE north 20 chains west 637chains12 acres Raised from 400to 800

E L Stafford on northwest quarter-of northwest quarter of northwestquarter and west half of east half ofnorthwest quarter of northwest quar-ter


291724 20 acres Raiised from500 to 1000-

T B Snook on west half of south ¬

east quarter of southeast quarter ofnorthwest quarter 291724 acresRaised from 50 to 250

A N Cameron on southwest quar ¬

ter of southwest quarter and south ¬

west quarter of southeast quarter olsouthwest quarter 221724 50 acresRaised from 300 to 1000

E J Lytle en south 25 of southhalf of lot 2 and north half of north35 of south half of lot 2 161724 17acres Raised from 500 to 1000

Frank Lytle on south half of north35 of south half of lot 2 1G17247 12 acres Raised from 50 to 200

Mrs P W P Buffum on north ¬

west quarter of northwest quarter ofsouthwest quarter and northeast quaifter of southeast quarter of southwestquarter and north halt of southeastquarter of southeast quarter of south ¬

west quarter and south half of south ¬

west quarter of southeast quarter ofsouthwest quarter and north half ofnortheast quarter of southwest quar-ter


of southwest quarter and southhalf of southeast quarter of north ¬

west quarter of southwest quarter 21

172449 acres Raised from 2100-

to 3000-

V C Willard on 17 chains northand south by 10 chains east and west-

in southwest corner 21172117-acres Raised from 200 to 1500-

V P Kelsey on south half of south ¬

east quarter of southwest Quarter of

uortheast quarter 2117245 acresRaised from 10 to 150

Jas Kelsey on northeast quarter-of southeast quarter of southeast quarter except 1 square acre in southeastcorner 2117249 acres Raisedfrom 100 to 200

E A Kelsey on 24 rods east andwest by 40 rods north and south insouthwest corner of northeast quar-


2117246 acres Raised from120 to 600Mrs A S J McKinney on 3 chains

north and south on north side ofsouthwest quarter of northwest quar ¬

ter of southwest quarter 2117243 acres Raised from 50 to SOO

G E Hammond on southeast quar¬

ter and south half of northeast quar-

ter 251219 210 acres Raised from360 to 480W A Hammond on northwest quar ¬

ter of southwest quarter and southhalf of northeast quarter of southwestquarter 35121960 acres Raisedfrom 100 to 120

Lizzie Bleckley on north half ofnortheast quarter of southwest Quar-


35121920 acres Raised froin40 to 60-

Lizzie r> ituKiey on northwest quar-


of northeast quarter 351219 10

acres Raise from 80 to 120W D Mathews on east halt 6f

northeast quarter and east threefourths of southeast quarter 301220

200 acres Reduced from 460 to400-

J Mllathews on southwest quarter of northeast quarter ant southeastquarter of northwest quarter and eathalf of southwest quarter 321220160 acres Raised from 300 to 320

W O Harrison on northwest quar¬

ter of southwest quarter 6132040ceres Raised from 60 to 80

J K Harrison op northwest quar-


of northwest quarter G1320 ID

acres Raised from 60 to 80

J S McFall on northwest quarter-of northeast quarter and northeastquarter of northwest quarter andsouth half of northwest quarter 61320160 acres Raised from 200 to


W P Yongue on west half ofnortheast quarter of northwest quar-


7132120 acres Raised from100 to 200

II Gattrell on east half of north ¬

east quarter of northwest quarter 7

fl2120 acres Raised from 100 to


Fishel on all of lot 4Oa B t D-

ad Ocala Raised from 100 to 300Camp Phosphate Company on com

mencing 40 feet east of northeast corner 35 Caldwells ad to Ocala thenceeast 210 feet south 321 feet west 210feet north 321 feet Raised from

1000 to 3500M J Roess on lots 1 2 3 Teagues

sub of lots 54 59 60 Caldwells adOcala Raised from 1800 to 2500

L N Green on west half of lot 2Scotts survey Ocala Raised from

200 to 1000L N Green on all of lot 3 Scotts

survey Ocala except 188 feet northand south by 232 feet east and westin nortbwqst corner Raiised from

50 to 2000Fla Lime Co on commencing 919

chains west of southeast corner ofnortheast quarter of southwest quar ¬

ter 141421 thence east 910 chainsnorth 12 chains west 15 chains south-east to p o b and that part of easthalf of southwest quarter west of hardroadGO acres Raised from MOO

to 10000-



Webb on southeast quarter ofsouthwest quarter and southwestquarter of southeast quarter 231421

80 acres Raised from 5500 to7000

> xfrCommon Sense

r it orf 1ot j-

IeM Brett iateBtjteat people to irae eaiy-efds kaewa eoniposRiea Therefore k that >

Dr Pierce aa dc es the awkers of wbieh priat S

cevery kgredieat eeteriatf ieto tbea gpo the bottlewrapper act attest Its correetaerw ruder oath are °daily trewia ifcTor No SSCKSTS NoDEcarnow

ne cMllrtJMeI Ar Ptevts-toca k pit trtrytedy Dt PJmcc-


r III hag tkc src-


III if turnedtfaI

50 4 L-

JrIIr r h f tike Aetffar csNia 1 t-

tNc Jr kwz the aeEe w ttNir l jt 1-



r r> 1 t

holly BMde of tbe HtiniJHdiwr extracted r 4 r

ferest roots by exact proeee eigiiwit Dr Fierce lad Tritbtjufilit i 1Jio tef a drep aloebol triplereiaed aad ebaardealfy pare tyeeria e beia 1M4 rIstead k extraetk ead preeerviag eoratire 4rteu rrwidiaCa-esftployeti

th j fltbee sftedioiaes are entirely free frem tae ebjectioa oIMiRMn

by creatia am appetite for either aleeaotie feererles or tkr drvs J1lExaauM tLc foravda o taeir bottiewrpersthe MEM j wan to ay-51Drf


krce aad T08 wiM fad tart ah GO14 Medical Dkcorery1 r f-

cMoodpunSer stesMch toaio twd bewd r ggitortfa a dteme kkk wkUe r jrecoaufteaded to care coaausptioa ia its rtdrwced 8t e8 n aMcfaae wiK l

do that yet tko ear all those eatarrkal ooadkteMof bead aad troM weak I ttoauch torpid liver acl broacaUl troabei week ka s aad hinjl nn oirWwhich if nejtUated er badly treated lead ap te sad iaatty trrroinatr ia a-vaiptioa t5 < Z tV-


Ttke tbe UGoJdea Medical Discovery is ttrnt aad it M twt likely ti tie I 1apQoiat yoa ifoaly yov veitidtlirtrialDoe t eipeet iraraclMIt won t do csperaatanl thias Yoa awt exercise your ptrtwaBe aad perIenreiaitaue for a reaaoaable length of tit to <ei its full feeaefes TT-



ts of which Dr Pierces saedictaes coaipoaed have tbe nTnlifitif-

ftJerse lIt ef leers of awdteal fcadera better IHany aootMt ef kvero-aprolewioaftl tettkaoeJtls ltboah the lifter arc received by thooiaef-



aceept a secret aottram aa a substifatc for this timeproves reatedyOF KNOWN COMPOSITION Ast oua NEIGHBORS Thtyust kaOW of B-


by it during put 40 yean right ia your own neighborhoodWorld DispeaMfy Medical Association DiR V PicrcePresBuIu NY2 1-


tJr I

Surprising <



What Kodol Will Do JFor you when you need it But the longer you ne tlet Inc leltio the more you will suffer before Kodol


can restore Good Digestion <And of course Indigestion If neg-

lectedWe knew what Kodol would ds

long enough brings on seri-ous

¬ before ever tho first bottle waxdiseases In which Kodol cannot sold If we did not know just what

benefit you Some of these there it will do we would not guaranteeIs no help for at all It the way we do

There are in fact very few all¬ It is easy for you topfove Kodolments which cannot be traced dl¬ the next or the Urst time yourectly to impure blood And im ¬ have an attack of indigestion Andpure blood is always due to a dis-

ordered¬ you will certainly be surprised at

stomach the results It Is perfectly harm ¬ f 1-


Use Kodol and prevent Nervous lessDyspepsia There can bo no harm In trying

Kodol will effectually asslpt Na-ture

¬ something that may do you greatto secure a complete restora-

tion¬ deal of good when it costs you j

of good digestion It does nothing if it doesntthis by at once digestingv all foodIn the stomach and keeping it di-

gested¬ Our Guarantee

until the stomach is rested Go to TOOT drngglat today and get a dol-lar


bottle Then alter bare used theand can resume its own work Ko ¬

entire contents of the bottld it you caa-Vcncatlydol removes the causeand the aajr thrt ItTiaa not done you any

effect quickly removes itself ood return the bottle to the drugit anahe vrtll refund TOUT moneT without Ques-tion


When it ia recalled that Apo-


or delay WewlU then pay the oriurHeart Disease Cancerand plat fjr the bottle bout hesitate all

oven Consumption duo to druggist kuqv that 011 guarantee In WOOd

and thus This offer applies to the large onlypoor digestion poisons and to but one in 4 family ne largetransmitted to the blood and tie contalws2n t1l ualIDuch theSfty a

throughout the systemthe Impor-tance

cent bottle 5

of maintaining good diges-tion

¬ Kodol is prepared at the labors I

11 at once realized tories of E CDeWltt CoCbicago


J n r r-



willI buy all kinds or Junk Iron Steel Brass Copper ZincTin Lead Jlubber Bagging barrels Leather Etc old EngineBoilers Rails IJtc Tvjrtether as secondhand or scrap and pay thehighest price In cash for same Wrnc or cajl qn me and let nW knowwhat you have and where it Is located


rT jj



Round Limited NOB 84 and 81 Florida Fast Mail No 6G and 43

66 84 81 431030am 900 pmLV Tampa Arl 630 aml GOOpm1115 amlOO0 pmLv rurkeYCreek Lv 530 am1G OS pm1130 arnl020 pmLv Plant City Lv516am 458 pm1220 am 1118 pm Lv Dade City Lv515 am 458pm148 pm 110 amLv Widwood Lv 235 am 23ipm245 pm 210 amLv Ocala Lv 135am137 pm440 pm 430 amLv Waldo Lvll40 pmll37lm600 pm 61i Baldwin LvlO17 unlO15 am640 pm 700 p konvllle Lv 930 pm 930 am y750 pm 90u acknviPe AJ 500 pm 7111 ampmro1140pm1245 Savannah r 110ptI1 2c iW-420am 450 Columbia ArlO25 am 1110 pm

1156 aml225 nlIcfgh Ar 345 am 510 n540 pm 750 arnAr Portsmouth A 900 pmf 925ari505 pm 530 tmAr Richmond Ar1040 pmll225 pm c-

83pm 850 nmlAl Washington Lv 720 pm O5am952 PIJ1100 am Ar Baltimore Ly 605 pm 606 am

1151 pm123 in4r Philadelphia LV 355 pm 335 am r353 am 245 Pm4r eWYOrk Ly 125 pml11O am

Passengers may remain sleeper until 7 a mSARASOTA BRANCH

t410 pm 730 amlLv Tampa Ar630pm101 an510 pm 820 amlLv Turkey Creek ArS35 pm 920 an740 pm 1Q40 amlAr palmetto LV2S0pm 649IJm j

755 Pro 105fi nrnAr Manatee Lv235 pm 635 am800 pmll00 anAr rat1ontQ1 LyZa1 pm G3l am-s25



These arrivals and departures as well as time and connections with Jother companies are given ns Information and are guaranteed t

Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping between Tampa and New Yorkon trains Nos 84 and 8J Dining Car Service a

Parlor Cafe Cars between Tampa and Jjcksonleon trains Jfos cGand 43 Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Jacksonville mind

leo York and Dining Car Service on trains Nos 66 apd 42

full Information and sleeper reservations call on ianyf agent Sea¬board or write to S C BOYLSTONi A st Gen Pass AgditJack +

vllle FIn or call on ac RYSORCTAOcala v

A K DJCrpEBSOff Aj ent Tampa bju S



W P VUson on sections 17 and29 township 15 range 210 acresReduced from 1290 toG40

The clerk was Instructed to makeproper adtertlsemept of the boardsactions In equalizing the tax assessments giving notice as required by

law to the owner or a entofanYestate the value ofbeen changed by them

All bills audited were ordered paidOn motion of Commissioner Fort

the salary of the ferryman at Heath-er


Island ferry was changed from 5

to 6 per montE L Carney tax collector filed his

report of poll taxes collected during-

the month of June 1909 showing 153

regular polls and 4 extras collectedLetter from A CCroom comptrol-


followsTo the Several Tax Assessors of the

State of Forld-aGentemenTe c rate for the

7 12 mills on thedohlai upon al rel and personalproperty a w General revenue

J rtax 2 mills generaschol tax lWmill pension state

millsOf health tax

12 mffl Totalr

7 L2i fYou will therefore extend the state

taxes on ret and personal propertyat 7 12 mills on each dollar of valua-tion

¬ tyourve1try t

f I 2 tf Change in revenue or license



Copy oaclto provide levy Of rtaxes for > attachedRead and filedThe ooard county comm 5 y

will meet on lhlrJtfcrndayin AU

gust of his tepurco Jhearing complaint o-iagiitcf any real estate the value ofwhich shan have been clanged hy Ithem and for that purewill sit as long as It onay necessary

Board adjourned until Monday Au-


2nd 1909 frYou complexion as well as your

Is rendered miserablebydisordered liver By taking Cham-berlains


Stomach lTabetyou can Improve both


jI F-


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