SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK SDN - sdn.sap.com | BPX - bpx.sap.com | BOC - boc.sap.com © 2009 SAP AG 1 Extracting Pricing Condition Data on Purchase Order in BI Applies to: SAP BW3.5, BI7.0. For more information, visit the Business Intelligence homepage . Summary This document gives a method to extract pricing condition data on purchase order in BI. Authors: Tej Trivedi,and Kartik Ravi Company: L&T Infotech Created on: 22 December 2009 Author Bio Tej Trivedi is a SAP BI/BO Consultant currently working in Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd. He has over 4+years of core experience in various BW/BI Implementation, Migration, Rollout, Support Pack Upgrade and Support Projects. The experience includes 1 year experience on BO Platform. Kartik Ravi is a SAP BI and Business Objects (BOBJ) Consultant with 4 years experience in SAP and Datawarehousing technology.

Extracting Pricing Conditions Data on Purchase Orders in BI

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Page 1: Extracting Pricing Conditions Data on Purchase Orders in BI

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© 2009 SAP AG 1

Extracting Pricing Condition Data

on Purchase Order in BI

Applies to:

SAP BW3.5, BI7.0. For more information, visit the Business Intelligence homepage.


This document gives a method to extract pricing condition data on purchase order in BI.

Authors: Tej Trivedi,and Kartik Ravi

Company: L&T Infotech

Created on: 22 December 2009

Author Bio

Tej Trivedi is a SAP BI/BO Consultant currently working in Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd. He has over 4+years of core experience in various BW/BI Implementation, Migration, Rollout, Support Pack Upgrade and Support Projects. The experience includes 1 year experience on BO Platform.

Kartik Ravi is a SAP BI and Business Objects (BOBJ) Consultant with 4 years experience in SAP and Datawarehousing technology.

Page 2: Extracting Pricing Conditions Data on Purchase Orders in BI

Extracting Pricing Condition Data on Purchase Order in BI

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© 2009 SAP AG 2

Table of Contents

Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

Business Scenario .............................................................................................................................................. 3

Steps to view pricing condition data on purchase order ................................................................................. 3

Pricing table Navigation .................................................................................................................................. 4

Step by Step Method to create Data source ................................................................................................... 4

Appendix: Source Code to extract pricing data for Purchase Order .................................................................. 9

Include Declaration ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Function module code ................................................................................................................................... 11

Related Content ................................................................................................................................................ 17

Disclaimer and Liability Notice .......................................................................................................................... 18

Page 3: Extracting Pricing Conditions Data on Purchase Orders in BI

Extracting Pricing Condition Data on Purchase Order in BI

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A purchase order is created by a Buyer to procure material or commodities from the vendor. Pricing Condition data on a purchase order gives an overview of different components involved in arriving at the Net value of the purchase order. For example, components like Freight prices that were incurred in shipping a quantity, discounts given by vendor on the quantity ordered, etc. Every component is assigned a condition type. All this components are responsible to arrive at the net value of a purchase order. Standard purchase order data sources do not extract pricing condition data on purchase order. This document will explain the steps needed to create a data source that extracts pricing condition data on a purchase order.

Business Scenario

You want to extract pricing condition data on a purchase order for which there is no standard data source provided by SAP business content.

Steps to view pricing condition data on purchase order

For those who are not familiar with pricing condition data can proceed as follows: 1. Go to t-code “ME23” and enter a purchase order number.

2. Double click on the purchase order item as shown in the below screenshot.

3. From the “item” menu , select “Conditions” as shown in the screenshot below.

4. Below screenshot displays the pricing condition data for purchase order item.

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Extracting Pricing Condition Data on Purchase Order in BI

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Pricing table Navigation

Pricing condition data is stored table “KONV”. As it is a cluster table, we cannot create a view on this table. Hence, we will refer this table in a function module. As this table holds condition data of Sales Order, Billing document and Purchase order, we need to provide a filter so that we have condition record related to purchase order. The filter can be provided through a field “Application” (i.e. KONV-KAPPL) with a value “M” (i.e. Purchasing).In order to refer this table we need “Number of the document condition” (i.e. KNUMV) and “Condition item number” (i.e. KPOSN). “Number of the document condition” (i.e. KNUMV) can be obtained from Purchasing Document Header table (i.e. EKKO- KNUMV) and “Condition item number” (i.e. KPOSN) is nothing but Item Number of Purchasing Document (i.e. EKPO-EBELP). One can also provide a filter for condition type (i.e. KONV-KSCHL).

Step by Step Method to create Data source

We will now create a custom data source to extract the pricing condition data from purchase order.

Proceed as follows: 1. Create a structure for the data source.

Create a structure with the fields as shown in the following screenshots.

Screenshot 1 (Fields 1 to 18)

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Screenshot 2(Fields 19 to 36)

Screenshot 3(Fields 37 to 45)

2. We will create a generic data source using a function module. The logic used in the function module

is as follows:

a. Define a table “i_ekko_ekpo” as defined in the TOP include “<L<Function group

name>TOP> “. This table will be filled in the function module based on the fields EKKO-


EKKO-LIFNR, and EKPO-MATNR. In other words, the table should be filled with all the fields

which are marked as “Selection” fields in the data source except for AEDAT from EKKO and


b. Define a table “i_konv“as defined in the TOP include “<L<Function group name>TOP> “.

This table will be filled in function module based on KONV-KNUMV and KONV-KPOSN by

equating them with the corresponding fields of table “i_ekko_ekpo”. In addition there will be a

filter KONV-KAPPL = “M” to make sure we are reading only Purchasing relevant records.

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One can use condition type while reading the table KONV if it is marked in the “Selection”

field in the data source.

c. Define a work area “lwa_data” of type “e_t_data”.

d. Loop at the table “i_ekko_ekpo”. We will have a nested loop on table “i_konv“by equating

KNUMV and KPOSN. Fill all purchase order header and item information from the table

“i_ekko_ekpo” to relevant fields of “lwa_data”. Fill all the purchase order condition data from

the table “i_konv“to relevant fields of “lwa_data”.

e. For more details on any of the above points, refer the Appendix section.

3. Go to t-code “RSO2” to create a generic data source using the function module created in step 2.

Select the data source type and assign a technical name to it. Choose Create. The screen to create

generic data source appears.

4. Choose application component as “MM”. Provide short, medium and long description. Enter the

name of the function module and structure.

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5. Choose “Generic Delta” to specify the delta specific field. Select “Time stamp” radio button and

choose “AEDAT” as a field for generic delta. Select the radio button “New Status for Changed

Records” to ensure that an After Image is delivered by the generic data source.

Note: In the function module we are comparing AEDAT with the AEDAT in EKKO as well as EKPO. This is to ensure that

we take care of creation as well as changes to purchase orders. When a purchase order is created, AEDAT in EKKO is populated. When a purchase order is changed, AEDAT in EKPO is populated. One has to check this feature prior to data source creation by creating a purchase order as well as changing pricing condition data on a

purchase order.

6. Specify the fields for selection for the data source

Select following fields for selection:

BUKRS – Company Code

EBELN - Purchasing Document Number

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EBELP - Item Number of Purchasing Document

EMATN - Material Number

KSCHL - Condition type

LIFNR - Vendor Account Number

MATNR - Material Number

7. Save and activate the data source. 8. As the delta process of generic data source is “AIE”, the data should be loaded first into a staging

DSO. In other words, the data should not be loaded directly to cube.

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© 2009 SAP AG 9

Appendix: Source Code to extract pricing data for Purchase Order

Include Declaration

Include declaration for “<L<Function group name>TOP> “

FUNCTION-POOL <Function group name>. "MESSAGE-ID ..

* Include LRSAXD01 can be directly referenced by application APIs !!

INCLUDE lrsaxd01.

* Include macros for "describe field"

INCLUDE rsaucmac.

TYPES: BEGIN OF t_ekko_ekpo,

ebeln LIKE ekko-ebeln,

ebelp LIKE ekpo-ebelp,

aedat LIKE ekko-aedat,

aedat1 LIKE ekpo-aedat,

bukrs LIKE ekko-bukrs,

matnr LIKE ekpo-matnr,

matkl LIKE ekpo-matkl,

werks LIKE ekpo-werks,

lgort LIKE ekpo-lgort,

knumv LIKE ekko-knumv,

ekorg LIKE ekko-ekorg,

ekgrp LIKE ekko-ekgrp,

bwtar LIKE ekpo-bwtar,

status LIKE ekpo-status,

bsgru LIKE ekpo-bsgru,

ematn LIKE ekpo-ematn,

bstyp LIKE ekpo-bstyp,

elikz LIKE ekpo-elikz,

erekz LIKE ekpo-erekz,

pstyp LIKE ekpo-pstyp,

txz01 LIKE ekpo-txz01,

ltsnr LIKE ekpo-ltsnr,

loekz LIKE ekpo-loekz,

bedat LIKE ekko-bedat,

lifnr LIKE ekko-lifnr,

statu LIKE ekko-statu,

reswk LIKE ekko-reswk,

bsart LIKE ekko-bsart,

waers LIKE ekko-waers,

menge LIKE ekpo-menge,

meins LIKE ekpo-meins,

kposn LIKE konv-kposn,

END OF t_ekko_ekpo.

DATA : i_ekko_ekpo TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_ekko_ekpo.

FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_ekko_ekpo> TYPE t_ekko_ekpo.


knumv LIKE konv-knumv,

kposn LIKE konv-kposn,

kschl LIKE konv-kschl,

kappl LIKE konv-kappl,

kdatu LIKE konv-kdatu,

zaehk LIKE konv-zaehk,

kinak LIKE konv-kinak,

koaid LIKE konv-koaid,

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kherk LIKE konv-kherk,

kntyp LIKE konv-kntyp,

kstat LIKE konv-kstat,

kwert LIKE konv-kwert,

kkurs LIKE konv-kkurs,

varcond LIKE konv-varcond,

stunr LIKE konv-stunr,

kvarc LIKE konv-kvarc,

END OF t_konv.


FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_konv> TYPE t_konv.

CONSTANTS:c_nedi TYPE ekes-estkz VALUE '2',

c_la TYPE ekes-ebtyp VALUE 'LA'.

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Function module code

FUNCTION < Function Module Name >.


*"*"Local Interface:











*" E_T_DATA STRUCTURE < Extract Structure Name > OPTIONAL





* DataSource for table KONV, EKPO, EKKO

TABLES: konv, ekpo, ekko.

* Auxiliary Selection criteria structure

DATA: l_s_select TYPE srsc_s_select.

* Maximum number of lines for DB table

STATICS: s_s_if TYPE srsc_s_if_simple,

* counter

s_counter_datapakid LIKE sy-tabix,

* cursor

s_cursor TYPE cursor.

* Select ranges

RANGES: l_r_aedat FOR ekko-aedat,

l_r_bukrs FOR ekko-bukrs,

l_r_ebeln FOR ekko-ebeln,

l_r_ebelp FOR ekpo-ebelp,

l_r_ematn FOR ekpo-ematn,

l_r_kschl FOR konv-kschl,

l_r_lifnr FOR ekko-lifnr,

l_r_matnr FOR ekpo-matnr.

DATA: lwa_data LIKE LINE OF e_t_data.

* Initialization mode (first call by SAPI) or data transfer mode

* (following calls) ?

IF i_initflag = sbiwa_c_flag_on.


* Initialization: check input parameters

* buffer input parameters

* prepare data selection


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* Check DataSource validity

CASE i_dsource.

WHEN '<Data Source Name>'.


IF 1 = 2. MESSAGE e009(r3). ENDIF.

* this is a typical log call. Please write every error message like this

log_write 'E' "message type

'R3' "message class

'009' "message number

i_dsource "message variable 1

' '. "message variable 2

RAISE error_passed_to_mess_handler.


APPEND LINES OF i_t_select TO s_s_if-t_select.

* Fill parameter buffer for data extraction calls

s_s_if-requnr = i_requnr.

s_s_if-dsource = i_dsource.

s_s_if-maxsize = i_maxsize.

* Fill field list table for an optimized select statement

* (in case that there is no 1:1 relation between InfoSource fields

* and database table fields this may be far from beeing trivial)

APPEND LINES OF i_t_fields TO s_s_if-t_fields.

ELSE. "Initialization mode or data extraction ?


* Data transfer: First Call OPEN CURSOR + FETCH

* Following Calls FETCH only


* First data package -> OPEN CURSOR

IF s_counter_datapakid = 0.

* Fill range tables BW will only pass down simple selection criteria

* of the type SIGN = 'I' and OPTION = 'EQ' or OPTION = 'BT'.

LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO l_s_select WHERE fieldnm = 'AEDAT'.

MOVE-CORRESPONDING l_s_select TO l_r_aedat.

l_r_aedat-sign = 'I'.

l_r_aedat-option = 'GE'.

CLEAR l_r_aedat-high.

APPEND l_r_aedat.


LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO l_s_select WHERE fieldnm = 'BUKRS'.

MOVE-CORRESPONDING l_s_select TO l_r_bukrs.

APPEND l_r_bukrs.


LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO l_s_select WHERE fieldnm = 'EBELN'.

MOVE-CORRESPONDING l_s_select TO l_r_ebeln.

APPEND l_r_ebeln.


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LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO l_s_select WHERE fieldnm = 'EBELP'.

MOVE-CORRESPONDING l_s_select TO l_r_ebelp.

APPEND l_r_ebelp.


LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO l_s_select WHERE fieldnm = 'EMATN'.

MOVE-CORRESPONDING l_s_select TO l_r_ematn.

APPEND l_r_ematn.


LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO l_s_select WHERE fieldnm = 'KSCHL'.

MOVE-CORRESPONDING l_s_select TO l_r_kschl.

APPEND l_r_kschl.


LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO l_s_select WHERE fieldnm = 'LIFNR'.

MOVE-CORRESPONDING l_s_select TO l_r_lifnr.

APPEND l_r_lifnr.


LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO l_s_select WHERE fieldnm = 'MATNR'.

MOVE-CORRESPONDING l_s_select TO l_r_matnr.

APPEND l_r_matnr.


* Determine number of database records to be read per FETCH statement

* from input parameter I_MAXSIZE. If there is a one to one relation

* between DataSource table lines and database entries, this is trivial.

* In other cases, it may be impossible and some estimated value has to

* be determined.

*-- Fetch Purchase Order data from Database Tables EKKO and EKPO


SELECT ekko~ebeln






















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FROM ekko AS ekko

INNER JOIN ekpo AS ekpo

ON ekko~ebeln = ekpo~ebeln

WHERE ( ( ekko~aedat IN l_r_aedat

OR ekpo~aedat IN l_r_aedat )

AND ekko~bukrs IN l_r_bukrs

AND ekko~ebeln IN l_r_ebeln

AND ekpo~ebelp IN l_r_ebelp

AND ekpo~ematn IN l_r_ematn

AND ekko~lifnr IN l_r_lifnr

AND ekpo~matnr IN l_r_matnr ).

ENDIF. "First data package ?

* Fetch records into table i_ekko_ekpo



OF TABLE i_ekko_ekpo

PACKAGE SIZE s_s_if-maxsize.

IF sy-subrc <> 0.

CLOSE CURSOR s_cursor.

RAISE no_more_data.


IF i_ekko_ekpo[] IS NOT INITIAL.

LOOP AT i_ekko_ekpo ASSIGNING <fs_ekko_ekpo>.

MOVE <fs_ekko_ekpo>-ebelp TO <fs_ekko_ekpo>-kposn.


* Populating LWA_DATA with pricing condition for each Purchase order based on “Number

of * the document condition” (i.e. EKKO- KNUMV) and “Item Number of Purchasing

Document” * (i.e. EKPO-EBELP).

SELECT knumv













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FROM konv


FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_ekko_ekpo

WHERE knumv EQ i_ekko_ekpo-knumv

AND kposn EQ i_ekko_ekpo-kposn

AND kappl EQ 'M'

AND kschl IN l_r_kschl.

SORT i_konv BY knumv kposn.

LOOP AT i_ekko_ekpo ASSIGNING <fs_ekko_ekpo>.

LOOP AT i_konv ASSIGNING <fs_konv>

WHERE knumv EQ <fs_ekko_ekpo>-knumv

AND kposn EQ <fs_ekko_ekpo>-kposn.

CLEAR lwa_data.

IF <fs_ekko_ekpo>-aedat1 IS INITIAL.

MOVE <fs_ekko_ekpo>-aedat TO lwa_data-aedat.


MOVE <fs_ekko_ekpo>-aedat1 TO lwa_data-aedat.


MOVE: <fs_ekko_ekpo>-ebeln TO lwa_data-ebeln,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-ebelp TO lwa_data-ebelp,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-bukrs TO lwa_data-bukrs,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-matnr TO lwa_data-matnr,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-matkl TO lwa_data-matkl,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-werks TO lwa_data-werks,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-lgort TO lwa_data-lgort,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-ekorg TO lwa_data-ekorg,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-ekgrp TO lwa_data-ekgrp,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-bwtar TO lwa_data-bwtar,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-status TO lwa_data-status,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-bsgru TO lwa_data-bsgru,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-ematn TO lwa_data-ematn,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-bstyp TO lwa_data-bstyp,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-elikz TO lwa_data-elikz,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-erekz TO lwa_data-erekz,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-pstyp TO lwa_data-pstyp,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-txz01 TO lwa_data-txz01,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-ltsnr TO lwa_data-ltsnr,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-loekz TO lwa_data-loekz,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-bedat TO lwa_data-bedat,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-lifnr TO lwa_data-lifnr,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-statu TO lwa_data-statu,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-reswk TO lwa_data-reswk,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-bsart TO lwa_data-bsart,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-waers TO lwa_data-waers,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-menge TO lwa_data-menge,

<fs_ekko_ekpo>-meins TO lwa_data-meins.

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MOVE: <fs_konv>-kschl TO lwa_data-kschl,

<fs_konv>-kappl TO lwa_data-kappl,

<fs_konv>-kdatu TO lwa_data-kdatu,

<fs_konv>-zaehk TO lwa_data-zaehk,

<fs_konv>-kinak TO lwa_data-kinak,

<fs_konv>-koaid TO lwa_data-koaid,

<fs_konv>-kherk TO lwa_data-kherk,

<fs_konv>-kntyp TO lwa_data-kntyp,

<fs_konv>-kstat TO lwa_data-kstat,

<fs_konv>-kwert TO lwa_data-kwert,

<fs_konv>-kkurs TO lwa_data-kkurs,

<fs_konv>-varcond TO lwa_data-varcond,

<fs_konv>-stunr TO lwa_data-stunr,

<fs_konv>-kvarc TO lwa_data-kvarc.

lwa_data-bwapplnm = 'MM'.

APPEND lwa_data TO e_t_data.





s_counter_datapakid = s_counter_datapakid + 1.

ENDIF. "Initialization mode or data extraction ?


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For more information, visit the Business Intelligence homepage.

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