LED China Sapphire Technology & Touch Screen Expo 中国蓝宝石技术 及触摸屏展 同期举办 激光红外展 精密光学展 镜头及摄像模组展 PRECISION OPTICS EXPO LENS & CAMERA MODULE EXPO 光连世界 触摸未来 光通信展 18 th 中国国际光电博览会 EXPO OPTOELECTRONIC CHINA INTERNATIONAL


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LEDChina Sapphire Technology & Touch Screen Expo







18 th中国国际光电博览会



目前,中国已成为全球最大的光通信市场,不论从产业规模还是从市场空间来说都相当引人注目。中国光纤光缆出货量已经接近全球总量的一半,成为名副其实的光纤制造大国。随着“宽带中国”战略的落地,以及 4G 商用时代的开启,中国光通信产业还将迎来更大的发展空间。即将于 2016 年 9 月 6-9 日于深圳会展中心举办的第 18 届 CIOE 光通信展,已经成为业内国内外企业展示新产品、推广新技术的 重 要 平 台, 知 名 厂 商 eLaser、JDSU、SCHOTT 、Macom、Semtech、O-NET、NTT-AT、SENKO、ADAMANT、Sumitomo Electric、三菱电机、烽火、光迅、中兴、长飞、特发、海信、高意、中航光电等企业,以及德国、加拿大、丹麦、英国等国家展团,将继续通过 CIOE 平台展示新型光模块、光子集成、10G PON、可见光通信、40G/100G、SDN 等多种创新技术与研发进展。作为英国上市公司博闻 (UBM plc) 集团旗下亚洲博闻的成员,CIOE 光通信展将得益于 UBM 的全球人脉、国际网络和专业的展览管理技术,为参展商和买家提供更好的服务,将继续致力于支持光通信行业的持续增长和技术发展。

光通信产业持续增温 仍有巨大发展空间Optical Communications still has huge potential for growth in China.

Enter into the era of the Mobile Internet, Internet of Things and Big Data, optical networks has its rapid expansion. Data indicates among all optical communication equipment, the global cable installation has been growing stably; future optical module and device market will be more prosperous. The popularity of FTTH access market is expected to driving PON and other optical devices market forward. All indications show optical communication industry market will keep growing in 2016.

步入移动互联网、物联网以及大数据时代,光网络迎来快速发展,相关市场数据表明在光通信设备中,全球光缆安装量稳步增长,未来光模块及光器件等市场将会更加繁荣。FTTH 接入市场的火热,也有望带动 PON 等光器件市场升温。种种迹象表明,2016 年光通信市场仍将保持乐观增长态势。

China has become the largest optical communication market in the world which is extremely attractive no matter from industry scale or market space. The shipment of China’s fiber and cable has approached half of global total scale and this makes it a real world power of fiber manufacturing. With the execution of strategy Broadband China and start of 4G commercial era, China optical industry will usher in its larger developing space.

The 18th CIOE Optical Communication Expo which is to be held in Sept. 6~9 at Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center has been an important platform for companies domestic and overseas to display new products and promote new technologies. Via this stage, companies will show kinds of innovation technologies and development progress such as new type of optical module, PIC, 10G PON and vision optical communication, 40G/100G, SDN etc. These including Elaser, JDSU and SCHOTT, Macom , Semtech, O-NET, NTT-AT, SENKO, ADAMANT, Sumitomo Electric, Mitsubishi Electric, FiberHome, Accelink, ZTE, YOFC, SDG, Hisense, Phototech, JONHON and delegations from German, Canada, Denmark and England.

As one member of UBM Asia belongs to UBM plc, CIOE Optical Communication Expo would benefit from UBM global connections, network and professional exposition management technology so as to provide better service to exhibitors and buyers. It will devote itself to supporting the sustainable growth and technology development of optical communication industry.

CIOE 2016 持续关注光通信产业发展 推动行业交流CIOE will continuously push the development of optical communication industry communication in 2016.



2016:中国光通信市场的下一站?2016 is the next station of China optical communication market?

Ovum 预计 2016 全球光元器件市场将持续稳定发展, 2019 年前将按 10% 的年复合增长率达到 123 亿美元。Ovum predicates, before 2019 the global optical device market will reach 12.3 billion dollars with 10% annual compound growth.

未来光器件市场将受益于 PON、数据中心爆发而激增,接入层面的全面光化 ( 从电猫到光猫 ) 及互联网 + 时代下数据中心的井喷需求成驱动行业发展的两大重要因素。In future, the optical device market will sharply increase by benefitting from the outbreak of PON and data center. There are two key points for driving the development of industry: one is the entire actinism of access level (from electric cat to optical modem) and the other is the blowout demand of data center coming with the internet.

2016-2017 年将是 FTTH继续大幅增长的两年,到2017 年底 FTTH 用户将占固网宽带用户的 82.47%,其总数将突破 2 亿户。From 2016 to 2017, FTTH will keep sharply growing and by the end of 2017 users will exceed 0.2 billion, 82.47% of total fixed-line broadband users.

2015 年 100G DWDM 端口出货量接近 15 万,Light Counting 认为 2016年该市场的增长范围将在比较温和的 30% 到更激进的 50-60% 之间。In 2015, the sale of 100G DWDM port approached 0.15 million. Lighting Counting thought the increase rate in 2016 will be mild 30% or radical 50%-60%.

根据 ACG 的统计数据,2016 年全球 SDN 产业规模将达到 39 亿美元,2018 年将有望超过 150 亿美元,年复合增长率达到 90%。随着 SDN 在运营商网络更多应用落地以及企业网市场前景,SDN 会迎来无限市场想象空间。 According to the statistics of ACG, the global SDN industry scale could reach $3.9 billion in 2016 and exceed $15 billion with the compound annual growth rate of 90% in 2018. With the application of SDN in operator’s networks and the market prospect, SDN will have its unlimited imaginary space.

中国将在 2016 年完成建造和启用世界最长的量子通信网络。中国正在建造长约 2000 公里的北京至上海量子光纤线路。 China will complete and apply the world longest quantum communication network in 2016. Now China is building the quantum optical fiber line of 2,000km from Beijing to Shanghai.

工信部最新数据显示:截至 2015 年 11 月底,移动互联网全网流量消费达到 36.6 亿 G,同比去年同期增长 101.2%。 MIIT latest data shows by the end of November 2015, mobile internet traffic consumption has reached 3.66 billion G, increased 101.2% compared with last year.

2016 年成为真正意义的“4G+”年。中国移动表示2016 年建 10 万个 4G 载波聚合 CA 基站;中国联通甚至发布了“沃 4G+”战略,集中火力发展 4G;中国电信也表示 2016 年将实现“4G+”网络的全国覆盖。 2016 is really a Year of 4G. China Mobile declared to build 0.1 million 4G CA stations while China Union announced the Wo 4G strategy and would focus on 4G development. Besides, China Telecom expressed to achieve the national coverage with 4G.

1 月 7 日,工业和信息化部在北京召开“5G 技术研发试验”启动会,宣布力争 2020 年启动商用 5G。 January 7th, MIIT held the kick-off meeting: 5G Technology Research And Development Trial, in Beijing and announced to take all efforts to realize the application of commercial 5G in 2020.

《中国制造 2025》国家战略规划部署,互联网 +、大数据、物联网给光通信产业带来巨大发展契机。 The national strategic planning and deployment Made in China 2025, Internet+, Big Data and Internet of Things will provide great opportunities for the development of optical communications industry.





白俄罗斯、巴西、波兰、俄罗斯、丹麦、德国、法国、芬兰、韩国、荷兰、加拿大、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、马来西亚、美国、日本、瑞典、瑞士、苏格兰、中国、中国香港、台湾、以色列、印度、印度尼西亚、英国、新加坡Belarus, Brazil, Poland, Russia, Denmark, German, France, Finland, Korea, Netherlands, Canada, Latvia, Republic of Lithuania, Malaysia, America, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, Scotland, China, Hong Kong of China, Taiwan, Israel, India, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Singapore

Exhibitors 2,875, Oversea 612, 21% of the total exhibitors

will attend CIOE 2016

are satisfied with the quality and service of CIOE

will recommend customers or partners

to visit CIOE

27 Exhibiting Countries and Regions 6 Country Pavilions

Denmark Pavilion

German Pavilion Korea Pavilion

Canada Pavilion America Pavilion

Japan Pavilion

Exhibitors' Profile展商资料


深圳光博会对于烽火来说是一个非常好的展示平台,可以树立我们的品牌形象。以这次为例,我们在这里展出的所有产品,大约有一半以上是其他友商不能够提供的产品。那么在这一块也让客户更进一步感知到我们替客户在着想,提供客户需要的产品,而不是只站在自己企业的角度认为我们该提供什么。“CIOE is a great platform for FiberHome Technologies. We can set up the brand here, for example, we show all of our products here and above half of which are exclusive. This let our customers know that we think about them and provide whatever they need instead of providing whatever we want.”

烽火通信科技股份有限公司 李诗愈 / FiberHome Technologies Shiyu Li

我们从第一届光博会就参加了,这几年光博会一直在快速的发展,而且规模也越来越大,也应该是国际上最大的光电展览会了。我们希望这个展览会在国际上的名声能更响一点,然后吸引更多的国外的企业、投资者来中国寻找 他们的投资合作伙伴和产业伙伴。We started exhibiting at CIOE since the first edition and find it has rapidly growth recent years. In the aspect of exhibition scale, CIOE is the largest optoelectronic exposition in the world. We really hope CIOE could attract more oversea enterprises and investors to look for partners in China.

高意科技 凌吉武 / Photop Technologies Jiwu Ling

易飞扬已经在全球参加了二十多场全球性的专业展会,光博会是易飞扬最重要的一个展会之一。非常感谢主办方给我们提供了这么好的一个平台,能让我们有更多的机会接触到这个行业的用户以及专业人士。当然我们也会在CIOE 光博会期间跟同行多交流、多沟通,提高我们的技术能力,当然我也是希望今后光博会主办方可以给我们提供更多的专业客户的推广渠道,预祝光博会越办越好!Gigalight has attended more than 20 professional expositions in the world and CIOE is one of the most important. We appreciate the organizer has provided us such a good platform to have more opportunities to connect with some users and professionals in this industry. We’ll communicate with peers so as to improve our techniques and we hope CIOE could provide us more promotion channels for professional customers. Best wishes for CIOE!

深圳市易飞扬通信技术有限公司 黄小洁 / Shenzhen Gigalight Telecom Technology Co.,Ltd Xiaojie Huang

CIOE 中国光博会其实在全国光通信领域里最大的一个盛会,包括我们行业内的竞争对手,边缘行业一些做光器件、光设备的,还有终端的运营商,甚至国外的客户,都是最看重这个展会。所以每次在这个展会上,我们不遗余力的投入资金、人力进行品牌的建设和形象的展示,展示给世界各地的尤其是亚洲和咱们中国的客户。CIOE is the largest event in optical communication field. We all think highly of this platform, including the competitors. The operators and even oversea customers all take much count of this event. That’s why we invest a lot of resources in brand at CIOE.

易诺仪器(上海)有限公司 吴 超 / INNO INSTRUMENT INC. Chao Wu

展商反馈及评价Feedback and Review From Exhibitors

武汉光迅把深圳光博会当成最主要的一个展示平台,从销售、研发、生产、采购整个供应链和产业链都借助和利用这个平台,在这里会老朋友,见新朋友,然后打造我们的产业链。We take CIOE as an important platform. We make use of this platform from the whole supply and industry chain of sale, research, production and purchasing. Here we could meet old and new friends and establish our own industry chain.

武汉光迅科技股份有限公司 吕向东 / Wuhan Accelink Technologies Co., Ltd. Xiangdong Lv

海信是每年都会参展深圳光博会,我们每年来参展光博会主要是把我们新的产品介绍给大家,另外就是我们上下游的供应链可以交流,还有一个比较重要的原因是,我们也需要一些学术的交流,光博会同期也会举办很多会议。Hisense attends CIOE every year to display our latest products and we could communicate with whole industry chain at this platform. More important, CIOE also hold a lot of concurrent conference, from which we could have more networking opportunities.

青岛海信宽带多媒体技术有限公司 刘一诚 / Qingdao Hisense Broadband Multimedia Technologies Co., Ltd. Yicheng Liu

在未来五到十年,光通信发展还是比较快的,尤其在我刚才说的光模块、数据通信、FTTX、Telecom 这块,增长空间非常大,不管在海外市场还是国内市场,都有非常大的增长空间。而且我们公司也在这方面投入了很多的资源和精力。In future 5 to 10 years, optical communications is still promising especially in optical module, data communication, FTTX and telecom I just said, there are huge develop space no matter in oversea or domestic market. Zhongxing has put a lot resource and energy into this field.

无锡市中兴光电子技术有限公司 渠建平 / Wuxi Zhongxing Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. Jianping Qu

今年是我们第六次参加 CIOE 光博会,历年我们已经取得了很大的成功,对我们产品的推广,以及对三菱公司整体的印象有很大帮助。This is the 6th year for us to exhibit at CIOE. Every year we win great success not only for products promotion but also in the brand promotion of Mitsubishi.

三菱电机株式会社 吉田一臣 / Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Yichen Yoshida


部分重点采购参观团(排名不分先后)Part of Important Purchasing Delegations (in random order)

富士康、华为、中兴、广东南方电信规划咨询设计院、东芝(中国)、阿里巴巴集团、万科物业、中科院空间应用工程与技术中心、山东省科学院激光研究所、彩虹广播电视工程、中电科技 第八研究所、上海航天科工电器研究院、北邮、沈阳海德电信工程有限公司、台湾数位光讯、巴西 (Union Led Brasil )、印度 ( Envirosys International)、印度 (GTB)、新加坡 (DR.LED)、中巴工商总会、欧美工商会、英格兰国际发展局、俄罗斯萨玛拉州工商会、加拿大高新科学技术协会、韩中经济贸易促进协会等Foxconn, Huawei, ZTE, SPDI, Toshiba(China), Alibaba, Vanke, Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, Laser Institute of Shandong Academy of Science, Rainbow Radio and Television Engineering, The 8th Institute of CETC, Shanghai Aerospace Science&Industry Electronics Institute, Beijing University of Post&Telecommunication, Shenyang Hyde Communications Engineering Co.,Ltd, Taiwan Digit Accelink, Union Led Brasil, India Envirosys International and GTB, Singapore DR.LED, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Between Brazil and China, EAcham, Scottish Development International, CCI of Russia Samara, Canadian High-tech Science and Technology Association, Economy and Trade Promotion Association of Korea and China etc.

国内观众地区来源 海外观众地区来源

观众数量 Visitors

No. of Overseas: 9,150 (16%)

62Buyers from 62 globalcountries and regions

Regional Breakdown of Domestic Visitors Regional Breakdown of Overseas Visitors

South China

East China

Middle China

North China


Northwest, Northeast


Asia (expect HK,Macao,Taiwan)





Others( not specified)

Visitors' Profile观众资料



品质 / 质量管理 Quality & Control

制造 / 工艺 Manufacturing

市场 / 销售 Marketing & Sales

企业管理 Management

采购 Purchasing

设计 / 研发 Research and Development







参加研讨会 Attend Conference

维护 / 拓展业务关系 Maintain/Expand Business Relations

为下届参展做准备 Prepare for CIOE 2016

寻求新产品 / 新技术信息 Look for New Products/Technology Information

了解市场信息 Gather Market Information

寻求代理及合作机会 Look for Agents and Cooperations

产品采购 Place Orders








其他 Others

光通信产品供应商 Optical Communication Suppliers

光网络运营商 Optical Network Operators





Visitor Breakdown by Job Function

Purpose of Visit









观众关注或参与采购的产品分析Products that Visitor Interested in

观众公司类别分析Visitor Breakdown by Nature of Business

光通信器件(有源器件、无源器件)Optical Communication Devices (Active and Passive Devices)

光通信系统设备Optical Communication System Equipments

光纤激光器与光纤传感器Fiber Lasers and Fiber Sensors

光通信测试仪器Optical Communications Test Equipment

光通信配套系统Subsidiary Equipment

3D 打印设备及技术应用3D Printing Equipments and Applications

移动互联网及通信设备、云技术与移动应用、智能终端电源与解决方案Mobile Internet and Tele Communications Equipment, Cloud Computing

and Mobile Applications, Intelligent Terminal Power Source and Solutions

其他 Others

Visitor Analysis

30000m215000m2 15000m2

7500m27500m27500m27500m2 7500m2 7500m2




光通信系统设备 Optical Communications System Equipment

光纤通信传输;宽带接入 ( 光纤接入,综合接入 );多业务平台;复用设备、光端机(PDH,光话机,多业务光端机等 );光纤收发器 ,接口转换器,协议转换器,模式转换器,光猫,光网卡,光纤通道卡;数字视频光端机、双绞线、安防线缆Fiber transmission, Access devices (fiber access devices, integrated access devices), multi-service platforms, multiplex equipments, optical terminals (PDH terminals, optical telephones, multi-function terminals), transceivers, interface converters, protocol converters, mode converters, optical fiber moderns, network adaptors, fiber channels; video optical terminals; twist pairs and security Cables

光纤光缆Optical Fibers & Cables

光棒、光纤、光缆 、光纤连接器、跳线、面板、配线箱、光纤抛光机Optical wand, optical fiber, optical cable, jumper, panel, distributing cabinet, optical fiber fusion splicer, fiber optic polisher

光通信器件(有源器件、无源器件)Optical Communications Components (Active & Passive Components)

激光器、探测器、放大器、中继器、连接器、光开关、光分插复用器、波导器件、光收发一体模块、波分复用器件、衰减器、滤波器、耦合器、分离器、 波长转换器、光栅器件、光环行器、光纤列阵、PLC 分路模块、光学晶体、集成光学器件等Laser, detector, amplifier, repeater, connector, optical switch, OADM, waveguide device, optical transceiver module, wave division multiplexing device, attenuator, wave filter, coupler, separator, wavelength converter, grating devices, optical circulator, fiber array, PLC splitter module, optical crystal, integrated optical devices etc.

光纤激光器与光纤传感器及应用Fiber Lasers & Fiber Sensors and Application

光纤激光器,光纤传感器,光纤光栅,激光光源Fiber lasers, fiber sensors, fiber bragg grating, laser source

光通信测试仪器Optical Communications Test & Measurement Equipment

光时域反射器、光功率计、光源、光损耗测试仪、误码率测试仪、光谱分析仪、信道分析仪、光纤测试仪等。Optical time domain reflector, optical power meter, light source, optical loss test set, bit error rate tester, spectrum analyzer, channel analyzer, fiber optic test instrument etc.

光通信配套系统Optical Communications Accessory Products

配线板、接线板、介质转换器等、光纤熔接机、光纤研磨机、光缆接头盒等;插芯、套筒、散件等;塑料光纤;光子集成电路。Patch panel, wiring board, media converter, optical fiber fusion splicer, fiber optic polishing machine, cable joint box; insert core; sleeve, spare parts; plastic optical fiber; photonic integrated circuit

移动互联网及通信设备、云技术与移动应用、智能终端电源与解决方案Mobile internet & telecommunications equipment, cloud computing & mobile applications, intelligent terminal power source and solutions

部分知名参展企业(排名不分先后) Featured Exhibitors (Part of exhibitors, in random order)


Onsite Activities现场活动

VIP 专场买家采购对接会VIP Buyers Face to Face Sourcing Meeting

旨在为光电产业同仁搭建良好的交易平台,现场买家与展商无缝对接,节省时间高效采购。Aims at providing a better trade platform to enhance the communication between local and international optoelectronic enterprises and shorten the distance between exhibitors and buyers for optoelectronic professionals both domestic and overseas.

光电人才墙Optoelectronics Talents Resume Post Wall

旨在为光电企业与人才创造更多的双向选择机会,搭建良好的沟通桥梁,为光电行业的繁荣贡献一份力量。Aims at creating more opportunities for both optoelectronic enterprises and talents.

现场专题发布会New Product & New Technology Presentation

旨在为光电行业的国内外企业提供一个优质的了解产业动向、技术、政策方向的沟通交流平台。- 光通信系统设备专场 - 光通信器件专场- 光通信测试仪器专场 A communication platform for exhibitors beyond the booth to learn the industry trend, technology and policy.

- Session of Optical Communication System Equipment

- Session of Optical Communication Device

- Session of Optical Communication Test Instrument

全球光电大会(OGC)The Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC)

作为光电领域每年一度的国际盛会,与 CIOE 同期举办的全球光电大会(OGC)旨在推动全球光电产业的学术和技术交流,了解国际、国内最新光电技术及产业动态。

Organized by IEEE Photonics Society, Supported by Harbin Institute Of Technology and CIOE, OGC aims at promoting the academic and technological exchange, informing the up-to-data technology and industrial information in domestic and overseas.

Page 10: EXPO LED - CIOE


智能光网 • 光联世界Intelligent Optical Networks • Oplink the World

2016 光通信技术和发展论坛2016 Optical Communication Technology and Development Forum

随着互联网 + 时代的崛起,智慧城市和大数据时代的到来,以及国家“一带一路”政策的落地,互联网的发展对光网络未来发展方向有着极其深远的影响 , 光通信产业也将迎来新的发展契机。“2016 光通信技术和发展论坛”将以专题分会、圆桌会议、头脑风暴等多种互动形式,集结全球光通信界权威专家、资深学者、知名企业、一线工程技术人员共同探讨互联网 + 时代下光通信及光电产业领域的创新发展及产业前景。

Followed the rise of Internet+ era, the coming of Smart City and Big Data and the implementation of National Policy One Belt And One Road, Internet must play an important role in the development of future optical internet and optical communication industry. It will also bring a lot of opportunities as well. 2016 Optical Communication Technology and Development Forum will gather global authoritative experts, scholars, famous enterprises and front-line engineering technicians in optical communication field to communicate and exchange the development and prospect of the industry under the internet + era.

Date: Sept. 6-8, 2016

Location: Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center

Theme: Industrial Upgrading and Innovative Development—New Opportunity and New Challenge of Internet+ Optical Communication Industry


China International Optoelectronic Exposition

Optical Communication Committee of China Institute of Communications

Consulting Group of Transmission and Access Network of Telecommunication Science and Technology Committee of MIIT

Communication Standard Research Institute of China Information &Telecommunication Academy

Organizers: Shenzhen UBM Herong Exhibition Co., LtdChina International Optoelectronic Conference (CIOEC) Details: www.cioe.cn/cioec/luntan/gtx2016

时间:2016 年 9 月 6-8 日


主题:产业升级、创新发展——“互联网 + 光通信“产业的新机遇、新挑战

主办机构 : 中国国际光电博览会(CIOE) 中国通信学会光通信委员会工信部通信科技委传送与接入专家咨询组 中国信息通信研究院通信标准研究所

承办机构: 深圳贺戎博闻展览有限公司中国国际光电高峰论坛


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光器件 / 光模块 30%Optical Device/Module

系统设备 21%System Device

运营商 16%Operator

光纤光缆 10%Optical Fiber and Cable

工程商 / 设计单位 12%Project Engineer/Design Organization

测试测量 6%Test and Measurement

市场调查机构、媒体 5%Market Organ of Survey and Media

五大专题Five Subjects

1、“互联网 +”时代光通信网络创新发展2、“互联网 +”时代数据中心与光互联技术发展3、 光电子器件及光子集成技术发展4、“互联网 +”物联网技术和应用5、“互联网 +”光通信产业创新发展

1. Innovation Development of Optical Communication Network In Internet + Era

2. Development of Data Center and Optical Interconnection Technology In Internet + Era

3. Development of Optoelectronic Device and Photonic Integration Technology

4. Internet of Things and Its Application in Internet + Era

5. Innovation Development of Optical Communication Industry in Internet + Era

高水准的专题会议High Level Conferences

往届与会单位(部分排名不分先后)Previous Participants (Part of exhibitors, in random order)

设计与研发 53%Design and R&D

市场与销售 20%Marketing and Sales

企业管理 15%Business Administration

产品制造 / 工艺 9%Product Manufacture/Processing

品质和质量管理 3%Quality Control and Management

听众构成Audience Profile

其他同期论坛,敬请关注!Stay Tuned for Other Concurrent Conferences!

• 2016 全球光电大会 • 2016 国际红外成像高端论坛 - 从小众迈向大众 • 中国制造 2025 互联网 + 光学制造智能化创新论坛 • 2016 互联网 + 物联网技术和应用论坛 • 2016 国际蓝宝石市场与技术论坛 • 2016 智慧城市产业发展战略高峰论坛 • 2016 中国光电产业投资对接大会 • Optoelectronics Global Conference 2016

• 2016 Executive Infrared Imaging Forum-From Niche to Large Volume Applications

• Made In China 2o25 Internet + Optical Fabrication Intelligence Innovation Forum

• 2016 Internet+ IoT Technology and Applications Forum

• 2016 International Forum of Sapphire Market and Technology

• Smart City Industry Development Strategy Conference 2016

• 2016 China Optoelectronic Industrial Investment Conference

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China Sapphire Technology & Touch Screen Expo


深圳会展中心SHENZHEN · CHINA 2016.9.6-9

地 址:广东省深圳市南山区海德三道海岸大厦东座 607 室 Add: Room 607, East Block, Coastal Building, Haide 3rd Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518054, China

联系人:魏 珂 (Coco Wei) 手 机 (Mobile):136 026 01075 / +852 5163 7115电 话 (Tel):+86 755 8629 0861 / 8629 0848 传 真 (Fax):+86 755 8629 0951 QQ:272861232 SKYPE:cioe-coco E-Mail:[email protected]

中国国际光电博览会(CIOE)组委会China International Optoelectronic Expo Organizing Committee

关于中国国际光电博览会(CIOE)中国国际光电博览会(中国光博会,CIOE)创办于 1999 年,每年 9 月在深圳举行,是目前全球最大规模、最具影响力和权威性的光电专业展览,获得国际展览联盟(UFI)权威认证。第 18 届中国国际光电博览会(CIOE 2016)将于 2016 年 9 月 6-9 日在深圳会展中心举办,分设光通信展、激光红外展、精密光学展、镜头及摄像模组展、LED 技术及应用展、蓝宝石及触摸屏展、智慧城市展,总展出面积 105000 平米,将有超过 2800 家国内外知名光电企业参展。同期还将举行中国国际光电高峰论坛(CIOEC)。

欲了解更多关于 CIOE 的信息,请访问:

关于亚洲博闻 亚洲博闻有限公司隶属于伦敦股票交易所上市的博闻公司(UBM plc),是亚洲最大的展会主办单位,也是中国、印度和马来西亚市场之最大的商贸展会主办商。亚洲博闻拥有强大的国际网络,总部设于香港,子公司遍布亚洲、跨足美国,于 24 个主要城市设 32 个办事处及聘用 1,300 名员工。集团产业覆盖 19 个市场领域,包括 230 个会展项目、28 本杂志,以及 18 个在线产品,为来自全球超过 2,000,000名参展商、买家、会议代表、广告商及读者提供商机处处的配对平台,以及高质素的实时市场信息和行业动向。

亚洲博闻在「2016 年香港最有价值企业卓越企业大奖」中获颁「亚洲最值得信赖的商贸展会主办单位」奖项。