EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION THE EFFECT OF NANOFLUID ON THE PRESSURE DROP ACROSS THE SOLAR COLLECTOR NURSHAHIERA BINTI MOHIDIN Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PAHANG JUNE 2013

EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION THE EFFECT OF NANOFLUID …umpir.ump.edu.my/8383/1/CD8065_@_63.pdf · yang diperolehi untuk nanofluid dalam eksperimen ini adalah lebih tinggi daripada

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Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


JUNE 2013

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This is a study on the performance of a pressure drop system of a evacuated tube solar

collector. The objective of this project is to analysis the effect of nanofluid as the

working fluid and temperature on the pressure drop by determining the pressure drop by

using distilled water and nanofluid at different flow rate. The existing solar system

installed in UMP Pekan does not measure the pressure drop. Various working fluid and

mass flow rate was use in order to measure pressure drop. The experiment is conducted

at solar system installed at UMP Pekan and the data is collected at three hour time

interval which is at 9 am, 12 pm and 3 pm. The data analysed using the theoretical

analysis and plotted in graph to discuss about it. The pressure drop obtained for

nanofluid in this experiment is higher than distilled water. The minimum pressure drop

within this experiment for distilled water and nanofluid is 694 Pa and 989 Pa

respectively. The maximum pressure drop within this experiment for distilled water and

nanofluid is 2336 Pa and 2390 Pa respectively. The pressure drop increase as the

temperature increase. Within in this experiment for both working fluid the pressure drop

is lowest at 9 am which is at that time temperature is the lowest. Although all the above

findings refer to a particular flow rate which is for flow rate 2 , 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 litre/min, the

better results can be obtained if the flow rate is varied. Finally by considering the

problem of accuracy of the result, pressure transducer should be used instead of used

manometer to measure the pressure drop.

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Ini adalah satu kajian terhadap prestasi sistem perubahan tekanan di dalam tiub sistem

pengumpul suria. Objektif projek ini adalah untuk analisis kesan nanofluid sebagai

bendalir kerja yang digunakan dan suhu dengan menentukan perubahan tekanan dengan

menggunakan air suling dan nanofluid pada kadar aliran yang berbeza. Sistem solar

yang sedia ada dipasang di UMP Pekan tidak mengukur kejatuhan tekanan. Pelbagai

bendalir kerjaa kadar aliran digunakan untuk mengukur perubahan tekanan. Eksperimen

telah dijalankan di sistem solar yang dipasang di UMP Pekan dan data dikumpul pada

jam 9 pagi, 12 tengah hari dan 3 petang. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis

teori dan diplot dalam graf untuk membincangkan mengenainya. Perubahan tekanan

yang diperolehi untuk nanofluid dalam eksperimen ini adalah lebih tinggi daripada air

suling. Perubahan tekanan minimum dalam eksperimen ini untuk air suling dan

nanofluid adalah 694 dan 989 Pa. Peningkatan perubahan tekanan adalah disebabakan

oleh kenaikan suhu. Dalam eksperimen ini untuk kedua-dua bendalir bekerja perubahan

tekanan paling rendah pada pukul 9 pagi iaitu pada suhu paling rendah. Walaupun

semua dapatan di atas merujuk kepada kadar aliran tertentu iaitu pada kadar aliran 2, 2.5,

3.0, 3.5 liter / min, keputusan yang lebih baik boleh diperolehi jika kadar aliran yang

lebih bayak digunakan. Akhirnya dengan mempertimbangkan masalah ketepatan

keputusan, transduser tekanan perlu digunakan berbanding menggunakan manometer

untuk mendapatan perubahan tekanan yang lebih tepat.

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1.1 Background 1

1.2 Problem Statement 2

1.3 Project Objectives 2

1.4 Scopes 3


2.1 The Sun and Solar Position 4

2.1.1 The Sun Earth Relationship 4

2.2 Solar Collector 7

2.2.1 Flat Plat Collectors 7

2.2.2 Evacuated Tube Collector 8

2.2.3 Flows Through ETSC Panel (SEIDO 2-16) 10

2.2.4 The Evacuated Tube Solar Collector Efficiency 11

2.3 Fundamentals Of Nanofluids 12

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2.4 Nanofluid As Heat Transfer Enhancement 13

2.5 Pressure Drop In The Solar Collector System 17

2.5.1 Effect Of Nanofluid On The Pressure Drop 18

2.5.2 Relationship Heat Transfer And Pressure Drop 18


3.1 Introduction 21

3.2 Flow Chart 22

3.3 Laboratory Testing Result 23

3.4 Equipment Specification 25

3.4.1 Manometer 26

3.4.2 (SEIDO 2-16) 27

3.5 Experimental Setup 27

3.6 Preparation Of Nanofluid 29

3.6.1 The Step for Preparing Nanofluids 31

3.6.2 The Step for Dilution Process 33

3.7 Equipment for Preparing Nanofluid 32


4.1 Data Collection 39

4.2 Performance Analysis of Pressure Drop 39

For Distilled Water

4.2.1 Sample Calculation Of Pressure Drop 39

4.2.2 Performance Analysis at Different Flow Rate 41

4.2.3 Performance Analysis at Different Temperature 43

4.3 Performance Analysis of Pressure Drop 49

For Nanofluid

4.4 Performance Analysis of Difference of Pressure Drop 52

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Between Distilled Water and Nanofluid

4.5 Solar Collector Efficiency Performance Analysis 54

4.5.1 Efficiency of ETSC without Nnaofluid 54

4.5.2 Efficiency of ETSC with Nanofluid 57


5.1 Conclusion 59

5.2 Recommendation 60


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Table No. Title Page

3.1 U Tube Manometer Specification 25

3.2 Physical properties of nano materials 30

3.3 Specifications of Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer 33

3.4 Specifications of Ultrasonic Homogenizer 35

3.5 Specification of Digital Overhead Stirrer 37

3.6 Specification of KD2Pro 38

4.1 Density of distilled water at different temperature 40

4.2 Specific Heat Capacity at Different Temperature 55

4.3 Relationship Between Pressure Drop and Time with 56

Solar Collector Efficiency for Distilled Water

4.4 Relationship Between Pressure Drop and Time with 58

Solar Collector Efficiency for SiO2 Nanofluid

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Figure No. Title Page

2.1 The Earth's axis is tipped over about 23.5° from vertical 5

2.2 Variation of declination angle δ 6

2.3 Orbit of the earth around the sun 7

2.4 Direct Flow Evacuated tube collector 8

2.5 Heat Pipe Evacuated Tube Collector 10

2.6 Flow of the cold and hot liquid inside the SEIDO 2 11

3.1 Fluid friction apparatus 23

3.2 Graph mass flow rate vs pressure drop 24

3.3 U-Tube manometer 25

3.4 Technical data and specification of SEIDO 2 26

3.5 Schematic diagram of solar collector system 27

3.6 Pressure drop system 27

3.7 The schematic diagram of the experimental system 28

3.8 Nanofluids with high concentration by weight percent 31

3.9 Low concentration of nanofluids by volume percent 32

3.10 Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer 32

3.11 Ultrasonic Homogenizer 34

3.12 Digital Overhead Stirrer 36

3.13 KD2Pro 37

4.1 Flow Rate against Pressure Drop 41

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4.2 Time against Temperature and Pressure Drop 43

4.3 Time against Solar Radiation 43

4.4 Time against Temperature and Pressure Drop 45

4.5 Time against Temperature and Pressure Drop 45

4.6 Time against Temperature and Pressure Drop 46

4.7 Pressure Drop against Time 47

4.8 Flow rate vs Pressure drop for nanofluid 49

4.9 Pressure Drop against Time for nanofluid 50

4.10 Time Versus Solar Radiation for nanofluid 51

4.11 Flow rate vs Pressure drop for distilled water and nanofluid 52

4.12 Fouling Effect 54

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W Mass flow rate

L Length of Duct

A Area

gc Constant

ρ Fluid Density

D Diameter of Duct

f Friction Factor

v Velocity

µ Viscosity

To OutletTemperature

Ti Inlet Temperature

Ta Ambient Temperature

cp Specific Heat

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AL2O3 Aluminium Oxide

CPC Compound Parabolic Collectors

CUO Copper Oxide

ETSC Evacuated Tube Solar Collectors

FPC Flat Plate Collectors

SiO2 Silicon Oxide

TiO2 Titanium Oxide

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Solar thermal systems is a system that use energy from the sun to heat water.

This replaces other energy sources such as natural gas and electricity as a means of

providing hot water to buildings. Malaysia has an equatorial climate, which has good

sunshine, warm and wet weather throughout the year. The demand of hot water and

cooling increase by every year and solar system is an alternative way to meet the

demand in buildings in an energy efficient way. The solar thermal technologies are used

to collect the energy of the sun to provide thermal energy for solar water heating, solar

pool heating , solar space heating and cooling, and industrial process pre heating.

The most important part of a solar thermal system is the collector. The

collector’s role is to absorb the sun’s energy and efficiently convert it to heat for transfer

to the hot water system. Evacuated tube and flat plate collectors is common main types

of thermal solar collectors. Evacuated tube solar collector is better than flat plat collector

and ETSC is a system that rapidly becoming the preferred option over flat plate systems

in order to get better efficiency.

Pressure drop in a solar collector system is usually a result of resistance caused

by friction or other forces acting on a fluid. Pressure drop is one of the factor that can

give effect to the efficiency in the whole system and pressure drop system which is can

also effect the system performance. The common factor that give effect to pressure drop

system are length of pipe , diameter of the pipe, flow of water and roughness of the

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inside of the pipe. The higher flow rate and rougher pipe interior surface will give

greater pressure drop.


Solar system installed in UMP does not measure the pressure drop. Since solar

system in UMP does not measure the pressure drop so we don’t know the pressure drop

in solar collector system at various working fluid and mass flow rate. Temperature mass

flow rate and type of working fluid influence the pressure drop it is because according

to the literature review in the book Solar Engineering of Thermal Process (Foster .R et

al,2010) mass flow rate has relationship with pressure drop. The raise of the pressure

drop in the solar collector system increase the power consumed to the pump. These

situations lead to the decrease of the efficiency of the system. Unstable pressure drop in

the solar collector system also is one of the factor that cause solar air collector often

have low heat transfer coefficient.


a) Set up the pressure drop system for solar collector.

b) Investigate the effect of temperature on the pressure drop

c) Investigate the effect of nanofluid as working fluid on the pressure drop

across the solar collector

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The scopes were:

1 Comparison between water and nanofluid pressure drop as working fluid in solar


2 Evaluate the pressure drop in solar collector at different flow rate and working fluid.


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2.1.1 The Sun Earth Relationship

Sun is a sphere with a diameter of 1.39x109 consisting of intensely hot gaseous

and 1.495x1011

m away from the earth. As cited in The Performance of Three Different

Solar Panels for Solar Electricity Applying Solar Tracking Device under the Malaysian

Climate Condition(Azhar Ghazali et al, 2012), sunlight are available for more than ten

hours per day and the irradiation of direct sunlight is between 800W/m2 and 1000W/m2

with approximate six hour. The weather condition on Malaysia is very suitable to

implement solar energy as the alternative energy to replace the existing fossil fuel

energy since Malaysia is a Tropicana country which tropical region between 1˚ N and 7˚

N, and 100˚ E and 119˚ E. (Azhari A.W et al ,2008)

The Earth is rotating around an axis called its rotational axis which is an

imaginary line passing through the North and South Poles. The earth is a sphere

flattened at the poles and bulging in the plane normal to the poles, which is an oblate

spheroid shape. The Earth rotates once in 24 hours and takes 1600 kilometers per hour to

rotates at its own axis. The time it takes for the Earth to rotate completely around once is

what we call a day and time it takes for the Earth to go around the Sun one full time is

what we call a year. The earth rotation that gives us night and day.(John A. D. et al,pg


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The earth revolves in an elliptic orbit round the sun, with sun at one of the foci of the

ellipse.The axis of the earth is tipped over about 23.5° from vertical. As Earth revolves

around the sun, the orientation produces a varying solar declination. Declination (δ) is

the angle subtended by a line joining the centers of the earth and the sun with its

projection on the earth's equatorial plane. .( Foster R.et al, pg 10-15,2010)

Figure 2.1 : The Earth's axis is tipped over about 23.5° from vertical

Source: Monash Science Centre (2006)

Winter season happen when the northern hemisphere tip away from sun

meanwhile the summer season when the northern hemisphere tip toward the sun. The

declination angle for an nth day may be calculated from the following simple

relationship given by Cooper (1969).

δ (in degrees) = 23.45˚ sin[


Where n is the total number of days counted from first January till the date of

calculation. The figure below shows that the declination angle δ is a sine graph. The zero

declination angles δ on March 22(fall) and September 22(spring). Besides that, the

minimum declination angle δ change from value –23.5 ° December 22 to +23.5 ° on Jun


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Figure 2.2: Variation of declination angle δ with the nth day of the year

Source: Cooper (1969)

Variations of declination angle affect the optimum tilt angle of solar panel

toward the sunlight. During winter season, the solar panel should be mounted at a

greater tilt angle in order to get the maximum irradiation of sunlight. Furthermore, the

tilt angle of solar panel should be mounted at a smaller angle to achieve the optimum

performance. For spring and fall season, the declination angle is zero, in order to

maximum the energy production, the solar panel should mount at an angle between

winter and summer seasons ( Robert Foster, pg 7-9,2010).

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Figure 2.3 : Orbit of the earth around the sun

Source: Tiwari, (2004)


In the solar system solar collector is the major component and a special kind of

heat exchangers that transform solar radiation energy to internal energy of the transport


There are three types of stationary solar collector, which are Flat Plate Collectors

(FPC), Stationary Compound Parabolic Collectors (CPC) and Evacuated Tube

Collectors (ETC).Although there are great geometric diffrences, their purpose remains

the same which is to convert the solar radiation into heat to satisfy some energy needs.

2.2.1 Flat Plat Collectors

A flat plat solar collector consists of a waterproof, metal or fiberglass insulated

box containing a dark coloured absorber plat , the energy receiver, with one or more

translucent. Absorber plate are typically made out of metal due to its high thermal

conductivity and painted with special selective surface coatings in order to absorb and

transfer heat better than regular black paint can. The glass cover help reduce the

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convection and radiation heat losses to environment. Most of the heat loss through the

top section and that will decrease its efficiency.( Foster R.et al,2010)

2.2.2 Evacuated Tube Collector

The evacuated tube solar collectors perform better and more efficient compared

to flat plate solar collectors, in particular for high temperature operations . ETSC was in

the market for over 35 years. It can achieve higher temperature but it is more expensive

compared to the FPC. The evacuated solar collector are useful for commercial and

industrial heating applications and its is an alternative to flat plat collector especially in

areas where it is often cloudy where flat plat collector can only be used under warm area

and the at the time when the intensity of the solar radiation is substantially high.

Evacuated tube solar collector is not sensitive of climate change.( Soteris A. K. ,2004).

Figure 2.4 : Direct Flow Evacuated tube collector

Source: Kratzenberg, (2006)

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An evacuated-tube collector contains several rows of glass tubes connected to a

header pipe. Each tube has the air removed from it (evacuated) to eliminate heat loss

through convection and radiation. Inside the glass tube, a flat or curved aluminum or

copper fin is attached to a metal pipe. The fin is covered with a selective coating that

transfers heat to the fluid that is circulating through the pipe. ETSC also consists of two

glass tube which made of extremely strong glass. The outer tube has very high

transitivity and low reflectivity which enable the radiation to pass through. The inner

tube has a selective coating layer which can maximizes absorption of solar energy while

minimizes the refection, thereby it locking the heat. The tubes which are sealed with

copper pipe continuously bonded to a selectively coated copper fin or absorber plate

which collects the solar energy and convert it to heat. Further, the tubes are evacuated

and have a barium getter (vacuum indicator) which changes color from silver to white if

a tube’s vacuum has been compromised. Generally there are two main types of

evacuated tube collectors (Robert Foster, 2010).

Direct Flow Evacuated Tube Collector

A direct flow evacuated tube collector in figure 2.4 has two pipes that can run

inside the tube. One of the pipes is for the inlet fluid and the other one for the outer fluid.

The pipes enable the working fluid to flow in and out of the inner. All the pipes are fitted

to the header separated the inlet from the inlet. (Foster R.et al,2010)

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Heat Pipe Evacuated Tube Collector

Figure 2.5: Heat Pipe Evacuated Tube Collector

Source : Morrison (2004)

In a heat pipe evacuated tube collector in Figure 2.5, each vacuum sealed glass

tube allocates one metal pipe usually copper, attached to an absorber plate. The purpose

of the vacuum is to easily change from the liquid phase to a vapor because water boils at

a lower temperature when pressure id decreased. Vaporization is achieved around 25-

30 ° C, so when the heat pipe is heated above this, vapor rapidly rises to the top of the

heat pipe, transferring heat. As the heat is lost , the vapor condense and return to the

bottom for the process to be repeated. (Foster R.et al,2010)

2.2.3 Flows Through Evacuated Tube Solar Collector Panel (SEIDO 2-16)

SEIDO 2 is direct flow evacuated tube. Configuration and appearance are similar

to SEIDO 1 but the heat pipe is replaced by a coal axial set of copper tubes. The heat

transfer from the absorber to the heat circulation is performed applying flow through.

The evacuated tube collector and sealed with thermo-compression sealing technology to

prevent heat losses. Moreover, this panel provide protection from corrosion. The

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aluminium nitride selective coating on the absorber plate ensures the exceptionally high

solar absorption and low thermal emission of the tubes.

Customisation and Convenience

Figure 2.6: Flow of the cold and hot liquid inside the SEIDO 2

Source: Morrison (2004)

SEIDO 2 solar collector applies a flow through design which increases their

efficiency. The heat transfer liquid flows through a concentric tube integrated into the

absorber picking up thermal energy by direct heat exchange. The cold liquid is inducted

through the inner tube. It flows back in the gap between the inner and outer tube. The

inlet and outlet tube of each collector tube are connected to the manifold. All tubes are

connected in parallel.

2.2.4 The Evacuated Tube Solar Collector Efficiency

The instantaneous efficiency for the evacuated tube were calculated using the

following correlation.

ƞ= [ ̇ T (2.1)

Where GT is the gross area which refers to the external mass of the collector or the area

actually necessary for installation, that is simply the length times the width of the

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collector and AC is aperture area which is the area through which solar energy enters the



ƞ = -a




in which the correlation coefficient , constant a, and constant b are to be evaluated

either analytically or experimentally.

The overall efficiency of water-in-glass tubes was described by the correlation,

ƞ = 0.58-0.9271




The overall efficiency of heat-pipe was described by the correlation,

ƞ= 0.8097-1.7828





Stable and highly conductive nanofluids are produced by one and two step

production method and both of this method is approaches to avoid nanoparticle

suspension from agglomerate.

In two step method nanoparticles must be synthesized first before disperses them

into base fluids. The one step method simultaneously makes and disperses nanoparticles

directly into base fluid. Well mixed nanoparticles is needed to get a good product of


Nanoparticles produced in the dry powder form will form some agglomeration

occur due to strong attractive van der Waals forces between nanoparticles. Well

dispersed stable nanoparticle suspensions are produced by fully separating the

agglomerates nanoparticles into individual nanoparticles in the liquid and we cannot get

the good products of nanofluids produced by two step method because the individual

particles in the liquid will quickly agglomerate before dispersion hence will produced

poor dispersion quality. Conductivity of the nanofluids is low if the dispersion quality is

poor therefore nonagglomerated nanoparticles in the liquids must be produced in order

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to achieve significant enhancement in the thermal properties of nanofluids (Das, S. K

et al, 2008).

Des et al ,2003 discovered that nanofluids conductivity have a strong relationship

with a temperature. It shown that water based nanofluids containing Al2O3 nanoparticles

increase in thermal conductivity enhancement over a small range of temperature which

is within 20 and 0 C . The good relationship between temperature and thermal

conductivity is due to motion of nanoparticles.

The fact that the thermal conductivity of the suspensions is higher than that of

the base fluid is nothing new. Model for thermal conductivity of suspensions which is

clearly indicated the higher value of thermal conductivity has been proposed by

Maxwell ,1881. This is primarily due to the fact that the solids have orders of magnitude

higher thermal conductivity than that of liquids. The liquids have poor thermal

conductivity for example water has thermal conductivity of 0.6 W/m.k which is lower

than that of solid oxides.

However, although these higher conductivities are attractive from the view point

of cooling capabilities, other problems associated with suspensions, such as

sedimentation, clogging, fouling, erosion, and excessive pressure drop, make them

unsuitable for cooling applications.


A nanofluid is a liquid mixture with a small concentration of nanometer sized

solid particles in suspension and these combination of nanoparticles and liquid have

been shown to substantially increase the thermal conductivity of the nanofluid over the

base liquid. Nanofluid are found to exhibit higher thermal conductivity even at very low

concentration of suspended nanoparticles.( Wenhua Yu ,2009)

Poor thermal conductivity of working fluid had limit the heat transfer

performance so dispersing the micrometer sized particle in liquids has be done in order