www.aquareg.com Part-financed by the European Union E E x x p p e e r r i i e e n n c c e e s s f f r r o o m m t t h h e e u u s s e e o o f f m m a a r r i i n n e e m m a a p p s s i i n n C C o o a a s s t t a a l l Z Z o o n n e e P P l l a a n n n n i i n n g g i i n n F F o o s s n n e e s s m m u u n n i i c c i i p p a a l l i i t t y y , , N N o o r r w w a a y y Report in the AquaReg Coastal Zone Management Project, June 2007 Authors: Kari H. Bachke Andresen Per Andersen Kjell-Ivar Tranås Oddvar Longva

Experiences from the use of marine maps in Coastal Zone ... 030707 -endelig... · Coastal Zone Planning in Fosnes municipality, Norway ... aquaculture industry and inshore fisheries

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Page 1: Experiences from the use of marine maps in Coastal Zone ... 030707 -endelig... · Coastal Zone Planning in Fosnes municipality, Norway ... aquaculture industry and inshore fisheries


Part-financed by the European Union

EExxppeerriieenncceess ffrroomm tthhee uussee ooff mmaarriinnee mmaappss iinn CCooaassttaall ZZoonnee PPllaannnniinngg iinn

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Table of contents

1 Introduction 2 1.1 AquaReg Programme 3 1.2 AquaReg Coastal Zone Management project 3

2 The planning process in the municipalities 4 2.1 Municipal Master Plans 4 2.2 Coastal Zone Plans 4

3 The plan process in Fosnes 7 3.1 Revision of Fosnes Municipality Master Plan 8 3.2 Description of the marine area part of the plan 9 3.3 Identification of suitable aquaculture sites and use of marine maps in the CZM-process 12

3.3.1 Lessons learned 12 3.3.2 Criteria for identification of suitable sites for aquaculture 12 3.3.3 Maps identifying areas suitable for fish farming 13

3.4 Screening 15 3.5 Public and stakeholder meetings 15 3.6 Additional information 16 3.7 Review and public hearing 16

3.7.1 Maps highlighting suitable areas for fish farming 18 3.8 Announcement 20 3.9 Approval 20

4 Summary and conclusions 21

5 References 23


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1 Introduction In the AquaReg Coastal Zone Management (CZM) project, several pilot studies have been carried out. In the Fosnes municipality in Norway very detailed spatial seabed information was collected through a former project HASUT (in Norwegian, abbreviation for: aquaculture/ area/ coordination and development in the region of Trøndelag). Several HASUT sub-projects were involved in the collection and distribution of marine GIS- datasets (Andersen & Sandnes 2004, Andresen 2004a,b, Andresen et al. 2005, Longva et al. 2003, Sandberg 2004, Sandnes 2004). The data follows the national SOSI- standard, and are available through the databases www.statkart.no/arealis and www.mareano.no. In the AquaReg CZM pilot project information about sea bathymetry, sediments and bottom types, seabed structures and processes were further developed by the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), to thematic maps for planning purposes in the coastal zone. The maps are intended to be models for other marine areas and are presented on the web-site www.mareano.no to give easy access to relevant data and to help guide non-geologists in making use of geological information in their work. Through these projects the municipality of Fosnes has a uniqe documentation of their marine areas. The maps were actively used when the municipality of Fosnes did a regulary revision of their Municipality Master Plans (MMP) for marine areas. The revision resulted in a new MMP, politically approved in October 2006. This report documents the use and value of the marine maps in the planning process of the marin areas, especially in the identification of suitable aquaculture localities. These experiences will be used to give examples and guidance for other municipalities in their plan work. This report is written in cooperation between the projectleader of the AquaReg-CZM project (Kari. H. Bachke Andresen), the Marine advicer of Nord- Trøndelag (Per Andersen), Innovation Office of Midtre Namdal (Kjell- Ivar Tranås) and the Geological Survey of Norway (Oddvar Longva). The authors would like to thank all the participants in this work both through the developing of the marine maps and through the planning process. This includes : Kristen Dille (Mayor of Fosnes municipality), Jørn Ekrem (Nord- Trøndelag County Council), Knut Bjørn Stokke (Norwegian Institute of Urban and Regional Research), Otto Sandnes (Aqua-kompetanse A/S), Terje Thorsnes (Geological Survey of Norway), Erlend Skutberg (The County Governor in Nord- Trøndelag), Knut Staven (Marine Harvest A/S), Åge Ugseth, (Fisherman Fosnes), Sigurd Bjørgo (Sør - Trøndelag County Council) and Oisin Naugton (Marine Institute, Galway, Ireland). A specially thank goes to Sissel Holien (Nord- Trøndelag County Council) for assistance making the Coastal Zone Maps for Fosnes. Also thank to Jørn Thomassen for valuable inputs in the final stage of this report.


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1.1 AquaReg Programme AquaReg is a cooperation between the regions Galicia (Spain), Border, Midland and Western (BMW Ireland) and Trøndelag (Norway), focusing on the development of aquaculture and coastal fisheries. The present work is a sub-project of the AquaReg programme, an EU-programme in INTERREG IIIC, partly financed by EU and partly by Sør- and Nord- Trøndelag County Councils. More information is available on www.aquareg.com.

1.2 AquaReg Coastal Zone Management project The AquaReg Coastal Zone Management (CZM) project is one of several sub-projects in the program. The main objective for the project is to promote the sustainable development of the aquaculture industry and inshore fisheries through consulting the stakeholders, reviewing current management practices , collating best practice and producing a handbook for use in these industries. Pilot studies in all the regions concerning seabed mapping and making applications on seabed mapping were also conducted.


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2 The planning process in the municipalities

2.1 Municipal Master Plans In Norway all the municipalities prepare Municipal Master Plans (land use plan) (MMP), regulated by the Planning and Building Act. The MMP shall form a basis for planning, management and development in the Municipality. The MMP consists of two main parts, the social and the area part. The social part contains the strategies and action plans for special selected areas /topics given in political documents, directions from regional authorities etc. The strategies will be reflected in the land use part, which consists of maps and text.

2.2 Coastal Zone Plans Since 1989 the municipalities have had the opportunity to plan their sea areas out to the base line (a line drawn by the outermost islets and skerries). Municipal coastal zone plans (CZP) can either be integrated in MMP or be a separate plan for the coastal and sea areas (NIBR 2006). An integrated plan is generally recommended. Most of the coastal municipalities in Norway have made CZM plans, but still some are missing (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Status for the Coastal Zone Management Plans in Norway 31.12.2006. (Source: Directorate of Fisheries)


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The main legal basis for municipal planning in sea areas is authorized by § 20-4 in the Plan and building Act.

As far as is necessary the part referring to land use shall designate:

1. Building areas. 2. Agricultural areas, nature areas and areas for open air recreation. 3. Areas for extraction of raw materials. 4. Other areas that are reserved or are to be reserved for specifically defined purposes

pursuant to this or another Act and areas reserved for the Norwegian Defence Forces.

5. Areas for special use or protection of sea and watercourses, including areas for traffic, fishery areas, aquaculture area, nature area and open air recreation areas separately or in combination with one or more of the mentioned land- use categories.

6. Important links to the system of communications.

One important objective of CZP in Norway is to locate the fish and shell farming industries to locations where the industries are given optimal natural conditions where the impacts on the environment are minimized, and where the conflicts are reduced to a minimum (NIBR 2006). In other regions environmental issues and leisure / tourism might be very important (Fylkesdelplan for kystsonen i Rogaland 2001) When the County Municipality approves the plan, the plan is legal and will be the tool for coastal zone management as intended. Revision is required on a 4 year basis. Figure 2 gives a general schematically picture of the planning process.


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Figure 2. General description of the planning process for the Municipality Master Plan according to the Plan and Building Act in Norway.


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3 The plan process in Fosnes

Fosnes is a quite small municipality in Norway (Figure 3), with approximately 720 inhabitants.

Figur 3. Location of Fosnes municipality (Sissel Holien, NTFK) After public sector and agriculture, the fisheries and aquaculture sectors employ most of the working force in Fosnes. If we expect the development potential in the agriculture sector to be very low due to overproduction and strict regulations, fishery and aquaculture have the largest development potential in the municipality. The politicians are very conscious of this, and have therefore prioritized aquaculture and fishery in the long term perspectives for both the Strategical Business Plan and the Municipality Master Plan. The last Municipality Master Plan for Fosnes was made in 2002 (Figure 4, marine part).

Figure 4. The marine part of Fosnes Municipality Master Plan 2002 (Sissel Holien, NTFK)


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3.1 Revision of Fosnes Municipality Master Plan The revision of the MMP started in March 2004. This work was led by a County Planning group, with the Mayor of Fosnes, Kristen Dille, as leader, and the Municipal Executive Board as the steering committee (see figure 5). The CZP is a part of this plan.

Figure 5. Overview of the CZM planning process for aquaculture areas in Fosnes municipality.


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The inhabitants of Fosnes were invited to participate in the planning process through many meetings in the different parts of the municipality during the winter 2004/2005. The plan group appointed a working group, lead by Kjell-Ivar Tranås. The working group prepared a draft revision of the Municipality Master Plan. The regional authorities were involved through a reference group consisting of the County Governor in Nord- Trøndelag (Environmental department), the County Governor in Nord- Trøndelag (Agriculture department), the County Municipality of Nord- Trøndelag, the Directorate of Fisheries, region of Trøndelag, Environment and agriculture management in Midtre- Namdal, Norwegian Food Safety Authority, Marine adviser in Nord- Trøndelag and members of the working group. The Marine adviser in Nord- Trøndelag, Per Andersen (Figure 6), was responsible for discussing the marine area plan with representatives for the fishermen and fish-farmers in the area. His job is financed by some of the coastal municipalities and the County Council of Nord-Trøndelag. His background as a marine biologist, and his long experience working very closely to the fish farmers in the area, the Directorate of Fishery and the Veterinary Authorities, have been important for the results of the planning process for the the marine areas .

Figure 6. The marine adviser in Nord- Trøndelag, Per Andersen, with current meters (Photo: Marius Olsen).

3.2 Description of the marine area part of the plan The categories of use of marine areas in the Fosnes MMP (Figure 7) is based on guidelines given in the Plan and Building Act .


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Figure 7. The marine area part of Fosnes Municipality Master Plan 2006. (NTFK, Sissel Holien) The practice in using the categories might alter between the different municipalities and regions. In Trøndelag the advices from the regional planners have been to give flexibility for the aquaculture in the CZP. They have suggested to tell which areas the municipalities will like to keep free from aquaculture, also called the “principle of inversion”. Then they have supported to allow aquaculture in areas together with other interests, without giving too exact advices where to locate the aquaculture activity (NIBR 2006). Experiences have taught them that it is difficult to be too precise in the aquaculture planning, since experience and new technologies makes it possible to go into more exposed areas. The following categories of area use were identified in the development of the CZP and put into the MMP:

• Aquaculture areas (A) • Outdoor recreation areas in sea and watercourses (FRI) • Nature areas in sea and watercourses (N) • Areas for outdoor recreation, nature, traffic and aquaculture (FNFFA) • Areas for outdoor recreation, nature, traffic and fishing (FNFF) • Water areas for public purposes • Unplanned areas • Harbours, marinas, (major and minor shipping lanes)(F)

In this report we have focused on the identification of aquaculture sites through the entire planning process. Aquaculture areas (A) This category is mainly used to identify areas where aquaculture activity already exists.


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Combination areas open for aquaculture (FNFFA) This area is open for aquaculture. But also traffic, nature, fishing, outdoor and recreation are given high priority. This category gives the aquaculture sector space to define their suitable sites within a bigger area. Nature areas (N) in sea Nature areas in sea refers to special area with natural qualities. Some of these areas in Fosnes are shallow and very productive areas, rich in benthic fauna. Outdoor recreation, nature, traffic and fishing (FNFF) The intention in this category is especially to take care of the areas used for the local fisheries. Unplanned areas Areas with less pressure, and not considered a priority for planning. In general the municipalities are not allowed to have areas “unplanned” for their land use, and are recommended to give all their area in sea a specific category. For the planning categories not relevant for aquaculture many of the marine maps have been used actively, but this process is not documented in this report.


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3.3 Identification of suitable aquaculture sites and use of marine maps in the CZM-process

3.3.1 Lessons learned In the area of Fosnes the marine advicer, Aqua-kompetanse A/S, the fish farmers and the veterinarian in the area have been working systematically to identify suitable sites for fish- farms for many years. They have gained a lot of experience through learning and failing in a early phase of fish farming, through systematically measuring water current and by investigations of sediments and benthic fauna under the fish cages. They have analysed the production of salmon, concerning the feed-utility, growth, mortality, etc. Some information from this work is available in a HASUT report (HASUT Bonitetsprosjektet 2004). Enclosed in this report is a handbook, with methology for identification of suitable fish farm sites.

3.3.2 Criteria for identification of suitable sites for aquaculture For fish-farming the water current is a critical factor. The fish need stable currents for distribution of food, oxygen supply, and to get rid of food waste and faeces. Criteria for a good site for salmon farms The salmon is a pelagic finfish with a high demand for oxygen and needs stable current, through the entire water column. Criteria for a good site for cod farming The coastal cod feed on bentic fauna. It uses less energy than the salmon, but still need stable currents – maybe not as strong as the salmon needs. Criteria for a good site for blue mussel farms The mussels are dependent on good supplies of algae transported in the surface waters. The importance of the water currents for algae transportation are in general underestimated.

Increased availability of new marine maps, developed in the HASUT- project and further developed in the AquaRegCZM project, significantly increase the potential for identification of suitable sites for fish farms (see Table1) and chapter 3.3.3. Table 1. The main steps identifying favourable sites for salmon farming Parameter Description Relevant maps from AquaReg pilot

project used Depths For salmon farming > 40 meters Dephts Areas of stable current (strømrike områder)

Sills Submarine ridges (narrows and shallows) in the fjord Steep, rocky submarine slopes (0-100 m) Rock or gravel ridges deeper than 40 m. Open seashore bays (no sills shallower than 100 m) Long, deep sounds with strong currents Areas with sills and basins Fjord with sill dephts between 50-100 m. Fjord with sill dephts between 20- 50 m

Depths Slopes Seafloor sediments and natural habitats Strenght of bottom currents interpreted from bottom morphology and sediment types

Sediments Solid rock and stones indicating strong current on the bottom. The smaller the size of the sediments- the weaker is the bottom currents.

Seafloor sediments and natural habitats. Strenght of bottom currents interpreted from bottom morphology and sediment types


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3.3.3 Maps identifying areas suitable for fish farming

Dephts ● Areas deeper than 40 meters. ● Sills, open passages, narrow passages, deep-water areas and shallow areas can easily be identified.

Slope Immediate impression of slopes for positioning of fish farms. Slopes are important for the distribution of organic waste, anchoring etc.


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Seafloor sediments and natural habitats Combined with depth, sediments and bottom types indicates where currents are strong and oxygen rich water abundant. This is important information for the identification of suitable sites for fish farms.

Strength of bottom currents interpreted from bottom morphology and sediment types Combined with depth, sediments and bottom types indicate where currents are strong and oxygen rich water abundant. This is important information for the identification of suitable sites for fish farms.


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Anchoring conditions – interpreted from bottom type and depth Marine installations, for instance fish farms (cages and fleets), depend on good mooring. The legend distinguishes between mooring and anchoring conditions. In this context, mooring means the possibility for divers to mount bolts directly into exposed bedrock, usually at depths less than 30 m. Anchoring conditions means the anticipated relative hold of anchors in the substrate.

3.4 Screening After using information from these maps a “screening” of the area was made based on the criteria for identification of suitable sites for aquaculture and past experiences. In particular there is interesting information about sills, and sediments indicating strong bottom currents. Sills and submarine ridges forms narrows and/or shallows in the fjord and leads to locally increased tidal/water currents. This brings rich oxygen supplies to the fishfarms. This information was used for further dialogue with the fish farmers.

3.5 Public and stakeholder meetings In the process of developing the CZP for Fosnes municipality, great efforts were made to involve fish-farmers, fishermen, regional authorities, the public and politicians. Several meetings were arranged with all the stakeholders, to ensure that their interests and needs were brought into the thematic maps for fish-farming, and to ensure broad discussions in the planning process. Into these meetings the marine adviser brought the CZP from Fosnes 2002, the new marine maps and additional new information.


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Information about their plans and main activities over the next planning period were obtained, including their needs for allocation of marine areas for business purposes for the next couple of years. The salmon farmers are in general looking for cost effective sites to produce as much fish as possible within biological carrying capacity, and they will always seek the optimal locations for the farms. They may produce as much as a million fish on one site, given the right current conditions. Some new suitable areas were identified by using the maps. They were located north-east of Jøa and to the west of Jøa. Extension of one area (south-east) was suggested, and a new shell-fish area was proposed (outside the marine mapped area). The withdrawal of one site was suggested due to bad current conditions. This information was included in the thematic map, for input in the further process of the Coastal Plan.

3.6 Additional information Marine Harvest, the largest aquaculture producer in the area, and the marine adviser decided to focus in more detail on the areas that were “screened”. To get more detailed information they made further point by point measurements of water currents (surface, in the middle of the potential fish farm location and close to bottom) and point by point measurements of sediments and marine fauna in the sediments.

Suggested new areas Two more FNFF areas Extention of FNFF area Extention of existing sites for salmon One blue mussel site

Figure 8. Inputs from the process suggesting changes since last plan

3.7 Review and public hearing After the fish-farmers needs had been identified and fishermen had been consulted in the process, the suitability for new sites were considered, and the information was handed to the working group with the aim to prepare a first draft of the CZP.


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The working group started collating all the information from different groups involved in the Coastal Zone Process. Some important clarifications from the directions given in the social part of the Municipal planning process were needed. Among them were: • Local clarifications since the previous plan was made: Fishing areas will be given priority for new aquaculture sites. New sites must be treated in the sector laws, and planned sites will not automatically be opened for aquaculture. The main point is that the municipality will not have the opportunity to deny new sites in this area. If there are conflicts of interests, the decisions must be made by the sector authorities. • Distance to existing settlement: Proximity to housing has resulted in potential suitable areas for fish farming been denied.

• Distance to important recreation areas outdoor life and nature interests: Areas important for tourism will be considered in connection to aquaculture, according to the Strategic Plan for business/ economic development for Fosnes. Disturbance of valuable nature and leisure interests shall also be avoided.

Figure 9. The leader of the planning group, Kjell- Ivar Tranås (left), in discussions with some of the regional authorites (Photo: Kari H. Bachke Andresen). In this gathering of interests the marine maps were very useful. In addition to the marine maps already mentioned, some more maps were actively used.


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3.7.1 Maps highlighting suitable areas for fish farming

Fish habitats and spawning areas When discussing location of fish farms, the marine advisor talks with the fishermen to identify the use and value of fishing in the area. Often minor changes can be done to avoid conflicts.

Fishing activity and aquaculture sites The map shows fish habitats and spawning areas in the Fosnes area combined with permissions given for fish farming and other aquaculture activities. The overview of fish farming sites and fishing and spawning areas are useful for planning. Geographical distance between activities is important for estimation of risk, pollution and danger of infections – but this is taken care of in the sector regulations.


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Seafloor sediments and biological diversity The map shows sediments and bottom types, physical environmental qualities and some marine species in Fosnes. Norwegian municipalities are required to carry out mapping of marine biological diversity within the next few years. Plans for location of aquaculture industrial facilities in relation to to valuable natural environment. Knowledge about marine species, environmental qualities and habitats is important for the management of the coastal zone. Objective information makes it easier to verify verbal information, for instance about fishing areas, and to justify geographical boundaries in coastal zone management plans.

Accumulation basins and areas with a risk of oxygen deficiency In areas with a risk of oxygen deficiency, knowledge of this must be taken into account when establishing large fish farms. Food waste and excrements from fish-farms might accumulate resulting in anaerobic processes leading to production of H2S. This gas might be poisonous if the concentration is high. Surplus of organic matter, like wastes and sewage from households, industry and fish farms will accumulate, in areas with risk of oxygen deficiency. Consequently this information should be taken into account in planning processes, to avoid extra activity extending organic pressure in sensitive areas.


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When conflict of interest between the fishfarmers demands for suitable areas conflict with other stakeholder, restrictions, regulations and earlier practice were considered and assessed. When the first draft on the CZP from the working group was discussed with the reference group, the marine maps was used actively. The partners are working closely in marine matters and are in general are well averse with each others sectors regulations and interests. Minor changes were done on the CZP after this meeting. The steering committee, who followed the process closely, did not have any comments that changed the draft on this stage significantly.

3.8 Announcement After review of the plan, based on various input from different stakeholders, an announcement (public hearing) of the draft plan was made. Organisations, private persons, companies, regional authorities were asked to respond to the plan. Based on these responses a second draft was made and presented for the steering committee.

3.9 Approval The final step was the political approval of the plan in the Municipality Council of Fosnes. In this meeting two suggested areas for aquaculture were omitted due to possible impacts on outdoor recreation, leisure fishing activity and also fishing activity (east of Jøa). The plan was approved in October 2006.


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4 Summary and conclusions One of the most important reasons for making a CZP in Fosnes has been the ability to locate the fish and mussel farming industry in places where the industry are given optimal natural conditions within the biological carrying capacity, and at the same time reducing the conflicts with other users in the area. The Coastal Zone Plans and processes have often been based on scarce knowledge in many areas and municipalities in Norway. Fosnes has a unique knowledge background for their planning process, both through long experience systematically looking for suitable locations for fishfarms and through the new marine maps developed through the HASUT and AquaReg CZM projects. The marine maps have brought new and valuable information into the process. The development of the maps have been a process involving most of the marine stakeholders in Fosnes. Many actors involved in this process feel great pride in taking part in the work, and have actively promoted the value of them, in the planning process, and also in communication with their colleagues, firms, organisations, etc. Because of the use of marine maps the planning process has been effective in the identification of suitable aquaculture sites. The identification of physical conditions, (such as depths, structures and sediments) to screen the area was quite simple. Then further requirements in the precise positioning of production sites, such as current measurement profiles, sediment and marine fauna investigations (under the actual site) was made easier and much more accurate. In the process three new sites were identified. One site was extended to optimise the use of an existing site, it was proposed that one be made smaller and one area was withdrawn because of new information. Some of these sites were later excluded through political discussions because of priority of other interests. Since this area has been important for fish farming since the early 80`s systematic work has been done for a long period and the new information did not make the huge difference in the locations of the fish farming activities. In that way the marine maps have supported the results of the systematic work. The maps gave a better knowledgebase for discussions and decision making, for the “experts”, the fishermen, fish-farmers and the politicians. This makes it easier to find solutions to practical problems, which very often develop to more “emotive problems” if there is a lack of knowledge. In this way the maps are reducing the conflict level. Better maps are important to identify the best sites for aquaculture. For example, information from industry and marine advisors suggests that accurate positioning of production units can result in a reduced feeding of 1% and reduce the annual costs to a farm by 3-4 mill NOK. This is also very important for environmental conditions and to in fish health related issues.


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Several of the neighbouring municipalities of Fosnes in Midtre Namdal have decided to update their marine plans, and this project highlighting improved mapping in Fosnes is an important justification. This also makes it easier to make inter-municipality planning processes in the coastal zone, which will be a requirement after implementation of the Water Frame Directive in some years.


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5 References Andersen, P. & Sandnes, O. 2004. Bonitetsprosjektet, Sluttrapport, 60 p. Andresen, K.H.B. 2004a. Arealdataprosjektet, Sluttrapport HASUT, 25 p. Andresen, K.H.B. 2004b. Nye Marine Grunnkart, Sluttrapport HASUT, 42 p. Andresen, K.H.B., Longva, O., Lepland, A. Thorsnes, T.2005: Detailed seabed information in

Integrated Coastal Zone Planning and Management – AquaReg Pilot study, Norway. NGU rapport 2005.050.

Kommuneplanens arealdel for Fosnes kommune 2006-2010. Planbeskrivelse. Bestemmelser og retningslinjer. Vedtatt i KST 19.10.06.

Longva, O.; Christensen, O., Dahl J.A. & Totland. O.2003. HASUT-prosjektet i Fosnes og Flatanger; djupner, seismikk, prøvetaking og videopptak, toktrapport og tolking av botntyper. NGU rapport 2003:095, 26 p. Fylkesdelplan for kystsonen i Rogaland, Høringsutkast, Sept 2001. Sandberg, J.H. 2004. Hovedrapport for HASUT-prosjektet 2001-2004, 58 p. Sandnes, O.K.2004. Samlokaliseringsprosjektet. Hvordan påvirker samlokaliserte lakse- og

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