Exercitii: 1. Completati propozitiile urmatoare cu forma corecta a pronumelui reflexiv:1) I enjoyed _______ at the party2) My father didnt !uy the !o _______ #) $he do% cut _______ &hile runnin% in the 'treet.() elp _____ &ith 'ome fruit* +ohn and Mary.,) -e 'a& _______ in the 'no&.2. Completa propozitiile de mai jo' cu forma corecta a pronumelui po'e'iv:1) $hi' i' cat. It i' _______ 2) $hat i' hi' lamp. It i' _______ #) $he'e are our m $hey are _______ () $ho'e are their 'hoe'. $hey are _______ ,) $hi' i' h 'hirt. It i' _______ #. Completati corect 'patiile %oale cu unul dintre pronumele din paranteze:1) I 'a& Mr. $homp'on _______ i' +ohn' father. that* &ho* &hich)2) _______ did you meet la't &ee"* +ohn or /teve0 &hich* &ho* &ho'e)#) uffy* _______ i' a !i% cat* i' very lazy. &hich &ho'e)() _______ are you doin%0 &hom* &hat* that),) _______ i' %oin% &i you at the theatre0 &ho* that* &hom) Exercitii: 1. Completati 'patiile %oale cu forma corecta a ver!ului $ 3E:a) 4orma afirmativa:I _______ in the cla''room. e _______ in the %arden.$hey _______ in the hou'e!) 4orma ne%ativa:5ou _______ in the office./he ____ in the !athroom.-e _______ in the re'taurant.2. $raduceti in lim!a en%le Eu am 12 ani.2. $u e'ti in ca'a cu tatal tau.#. 6oi avem 2 !uchete de fl 7oi 'unteti in cla'a a patra., El are un mar 'i doua portocale.


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Exercitii:1. Completati propozitiile urmatoare cu forma corecta a pronumelui reflexiv:1) I enjoyed _______ at the party2) My father didn't buy the book for _______3) The dog cut _______ while running in the street.4) Help _______ with some fruit, John and Mary.5) We saw _______ in the snow.2. Completati propozitiile de mai jos cu forma corecta a pronumelui posesiv:1) This is my cat. It is _______2) That is his lamp. It is _______3) These are our maps. They are _______4) Those are their shoes. They are _______5) This is her shirt. It is _______3. Completati corect spatiile goale cu unul dintre pronumele din paranteze:1) I saw Mr. Thompson _______ is John's father. (that, who, which)2) _______ didyou meet last week, Johnor Steve? (which,who, whose)3) Puffy, _______ is a big cat, is very lazy. (which, who, whose)4) _______ are you doing? (whom, what, that)5) _______ is going with you at the theatre? (who, that, whom)Exercitii:1.Completati spatiile goale cu forma corecta a verbului TO BE:a) Forma afirmativa:I _______ in the classroom.He _______ in the garden.They _______ in the houseb) Forma negativa:You _______ in the office.She _______ in the bathroom.We _______ in the restaurant.2. Traduceti in limba engleza:1. Eu am 12 ani.2. Tu esti in casa cu tatal tau.3. Noi avem 2 buchete de flori.4. Voi sunteti in clasa a patra.5 El are un mar si doua portocale.