Executive Office for Administration and Finance IT Steering Committee Kickoff Meeting June 11, 2009

Executive Office for Administration and Finance IT Steering Committee Kickoff Meeting June 11, 2009

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Page 1: Executive Office for Administration and Finance IT Steering Committee Kickoff Meeting June 11, 2009

Executive Office for Administration and Finance

IT Steering CommitteeKickoff Meeting

June 11, 2009

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• Welcome and Introductions

• Committee Role & Responsibilities

• IT Consolidation Updates– 7/1 administration model– HR update – ISAs

• IT Consolidation Plan Status

• Town Hall Meeting

• Next Steps

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Steering Committee Members

1. Marcie Desmond (SCIO/Chair, ANF)

2. Mary Ann Bradley (ANF)

3. Regina Scalley (ANF)

4. Chris Bowman (CSC, and representing ATB, DALA, MOD, ADD,LIB)

5. Bill Tivnan (DCP, and representing BSB)

6. Jim Reynolds (DOR)

7. Vincent Piccini (DOR)

8. John Harney (GIC)

9. Paul Dietl (HRD)

10. Ron Thompson (ITD)

11. Ellen Wright (ITD)

12. Nancy Burke (OSD)

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Committee Role & Responsibilities

• Operates under a charter common across all Secretariats

• Comprised of both business and technology leaders across the Secretariat who represent their agency needs and priorities

• Establishes Secretariat priorities and works to ensure alignment between priorities and Secretariat resources

• Responsible for supporting the SCIO in establishing alignment between the goals and objectives of the Secretariat’s plan and those of the Commonwealth IT Strategic Plan

• Accountable for achieving progress towards reaching the target state as defined by the performance targets for each IT service

• Responsible for communicating information back to the agencies they represent

• Example activities include:– Capital planning– Inform, review and approve annual IT Strategic Plan– Annual budget planning (September-December)– Approval and compliance of service level agreements– Inform development of KPIs and ensure consistent measurement methods across agencies

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7/1 Administration Model

Agency Agency Head 7/1 model # FTEs

A&F Leslie Kirwan Centralized 7

ATB Tom Hammond Centralized 0

BSB Carole Cornelison Centralized 1

CSC Chris Bowman Centralized 0

ALA Shelley Taylor Centralized 0

Fingold Library AlbieJohnson Centralized 0

ITD Anne Marguiles Centralized 10

MA Office on Disability Myra Berloff Centralized 1

DCAM David Perini Delegated 6

ADD Dan Shannon Delegated 0

DOR Navjeet Bal Delegated 263

GIC Dolores Mitchell Delegated 6

HRD Paul Dietl Delegated 8

OSD Ellen Bickelman Delegated 7


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HR Administration Updates

• NAGE meetings being held this week to communicate changes in employee status

• Agreement with the Union leadership that seniority (for layoffs and promotions) travels with the employee and will be centralized at the Secretariat, regardless of administration model

• Employee letters being distributed next week – Will be given to every employee who has been rolled up – Assuming none of these should be a surprise, rather a confirmation

• HR Position Transfers - Secretariats will provide mass transfer position data to HRD and OSC by June 19th; to effectively transfer staff to new accounts (both delegated/centralized)

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Letter for all IT EmployeesDear ,

As you know, on February 19, 2009, Governor Patrick issued Executive Order 510, “Enhancing the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Executive Departments Information Technology Systems.” This E.O. outlines the Governor’s vision for IT consolidation. The goals of consolidation are:

•Align Secretaries' IT resources with their business strategies and priorities •Rationalize and standardize IT resources available to agencies •Create efficiencies and maximize resources •Align Secretariat IT plans with the Commonwealth IT Strategic Plan

Toward this end, (Secretariat), like the other seven secretariats, has been working to develop a phased-in IT consolidation plan that is consistent with E.O. 510. The Executive Office of XXXXXXX has completed its assessment of IT related services within the Secretariat and concluded that your position provides IT service or support and will be assigned to the Office of the Secretary. Effective July 1, 2009, although your position will be assigned to the Secretariat your location and immediate supervisor will remain the same (please make adjustment if location or supervisor are changing). Your position will be transferred to the Office of the Secretary without impairment of wages, seniority, collective bargaining, or civil service rights.

The implementation of this Consolidation effort has involved an unprecedented amount of collaboration among and within Secretariats including the establishment of approximately 40 working groups assigned to every aspect of both Secretariat and Commonwealth infrastructure consolidation. There has also been tremendous collaboration with NAGE leadership on all employee concerns. We remain committed to the goal of expanding training and development opportunities and establishing a clear career path for IT staff. For information on the work that has gone into this process please go to the CommonWiki https://wiki.state.ma.us/confluence/display/Welcome/CommonWiki+Home

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance as we work collaboratively to implement E.O. 510 and enhance IT operations throughout (Secretariat) and the Commonwealth.

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• Drafts being done this week, reviews and refinements next week

• Need to be reviewed by OSC and executed before 7/1

• Adjustments to $ amounts in ISA will be made as needed after budget is finalized

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IT Consolidation Draft Plan

• On track to submit draft due to CCIO 6/30

• Collaborative cross-agency effort

• Need steering committee sign-off; will hold review session(s) over the next 2 weeks

• Key components include

– Desktop/LAN, Help Desk, Web IA, application services (e.g. Fed Stim tracking and reporting, FAD) will be consolidated at the Secretariat level

– Will create “Centers of Excellence” to include common set of processes, best practices, role definitions, metrics, tools

– Specific implementation model will likely be federated; more detailed planning will flush out specifics

– CoE plans will be developed in the Aug-October timeframes, including phased implementation roadmap

– Will leverage existing areas of strength, and do “best fit” analysis of tool sets currently in use

– Guiding principle is to focus on what is reasonable and helpful, in the context of the greater good of the Commonwealth and the collective agencies within A&F

– Secretariat performance metrics will be developed and reported on for all consolidated services

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Town Hall Meeting

• Who: A&F IT (all people who have been rolled up)

• What: Forum to communicate where we are with IT consolidation within A&F, key components of the Consolidation Plan, next steps, and to answer any questions

• When: Targeting either 6/24 or week of 7/8

• Where: TBD

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Next Steps

• Schedule Consolidation Plan review session(s)

• Schedule prep session for Town Hall meeting (review slides and key messages)

• Set up standing monthly Steering Committee meeting

• ….

• ….