Update on Plant-Oomycete Interactions Exchanges at the Plant-Oomycete Interface That Inuence Disease 1[OPEN] Howard S. Judelson, 2,3 and Audrey M. V. Ah-Fong Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology, University of California, Riverside, California 92521 ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7865-6235 (H.S.J.). The microbial eukaryotes known as oomycetes comprise more than 1,500 species, including many im- portant phytopathogens. Most exhibit lamentous growth and feed osmotrophically. Oomycetes appear fungus-like but are classied as stramenopiles along with brown algae and diatoms (Beakes et al., 2012). Unlike most fungi, oomycetes are diploid, have cell walls made primarily of cellulose and b-glucans instead of chitin, make aseptate hyphae, undergo oogamous reproduction, and produce few secondary metabolites (Fawke et al., 2015). Oomycetes exhibit diverse lifestyles across terrestrial and aquatic niches. While best known as pathogens of leaves, stems, roots, and fruit, some oomycetes are en- dophytes, infect animals, or are saprophytes (Lamour and Kamoun, 2009; Ploch and Thines, 2011; Aram and Rizzo, 2018). Many are highly host adapted, uncultur- able on articial media, and grow only on living plants as biotrophs. Examples include downy mildew patho- gens such as Plasmopara viticola, which infects grapevine (Vitis vinifera), and Albugo candida, which causes white rust on crucifers (Kamoun et al., 2015). The obligate pathogens typically cause minimal damage to the plant but reduce yield and raise susceptibility to secondary infection or abiotic stress. Many oomycetes are hemibiotrophs, which start in- fections like biotrophs but cause necrosis late in the disease cycle. Most belong to the genus Phytophthora, including Phytophthora cinnamomi, which infects hun- dreds of agricultural, forest, and ornamental hosts; Phytophthora infestans, which blights potato (Solanum tuberosum) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum); and Phytophthora sojae, which colonizes soybean (Glycine max) and lupines. Some species, such as Ph. cinnamomi, shift to necrotrophy early in infection, while others, such as Ph. infestans, make the transition much later, reecting differences in how the species balance the two trophic behaviors. Unlike many other oomycetes, Phy- tophthora spp. are culturable and amenable to trans- formation; thus, they have been the subject of many molecular studies. The largest genus of necrotrophic oomycetes, which feed on nutrients from lysed cells, is Pythium. Most members of this group are opportunistic root patho- gens with broad host ranges, such as Pythium ultimum, which infects vegetables, grains, and trees (Kamoun et al., 2015). Interestingly, some Pythium spp. also are mycoparasites (Benhamou et al., 2012). Also appearing to grow as a necrotroph is Aphanomyces euteiches, which causes root rot of legumes. This review focuses on events at the plant-oomycete interface, where exchanges of host and pathogen mol- ecules play critical roles in determining the outcome of the association (Fig. 1). Oomycete pathogens sense, bind, and absorb nutrients from their hosts and also interact with other microbes in the phyllosphere and A ADVANCES Differences between the biotrophic, hemibiotrophic, and necrotrophic lifestyles of oomycetes have been attributed to variation in gene content and patterns of gene expression. Such genes include those encoding metabolic enzymes, proteinaceous toxins, and defense- suppressing effectors. Haustoria represent a specialized interface for delivering effectors to plants. The extrahaustorial matrix seems to be made de novo through the polarized delivery of plant cargo, and differs from a typical plasma membrane. Effectors have proved to be exquisite tools for probing the plant immune response and understanding host-pathogen evolution. Factors that regulate the production, germination, and homing responses of oomycete spores are starting to be defined, including transcription factors and novel G- protein-related signaling pathways. 1 This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (grant no. IOS-1753749) and the National Institute of Food and Ag- riculture of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (grant no. 2016-67013- 2481). 2 Author for contact: [email protected]. 3 Senior author. H.S.J. and A.M.V.A.-F. cowrote the article. [OPEN] Articles can be viewed without a subscription. www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/doi/10.1104/pp.18.00979 1198 Plant Physiology Ò , April 2019, Vol. 179, pp. 11981211, www.plantphysiol.org Ó 2019 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved. www.plantphysiol.org on May 29, 2020 - Published by Downloaded from Copyright © 2019 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

Exchanges at the Plant-Oomycete Interface That Influence ... · (Vitis vinifera), and Albugo candida, which causes white rust on crucifers (Kamoun et al., 2015). The obligate pathogenstypicallycause

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Page 1: Exchanges at the Plant-Oomycete Interface That Influence ... · (Vitis vinifera), and Albugo candida, which causes white rust on crucifers (Kamoun et al., 2015). The obligate pathogenstypicallycause

Update on Plant-Oomycete Interactions

Exchanges at the Plant-Oomycete Interface ThatInfluence Disease1[OPEN]

Howard S. Judelson,2,3 and Audrey M. V. Ah-Fong

Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology, University of California, Riverside, California 92521

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7865-6235 (H.S.J.).

The microbial eukaryotes known as oomycetescomprise more than 1,500 species, including many im-portant phytopathogens. Most exhibit filamentousgrowth and feed osmotrophically. Oomycetes appearfungus-like but are classified as stramenopiles alongwith brown algae and diatoms (Beakes et al., 2012).Unlike most fungi, oomycetes are diploid, have cellwalls made primarily of cellulose and b-glucans insteadof chitin, make aseptate hyphae, undergo oogamousreproduction, and produce few secondary metabolites(Fawke et al., 2015).

Oomycetes exhibit diverse lifestyles across terrestrialand aquatic niches. While best known as pathogens ofleaves, stems, roots, and fruit, some oomycetes are en-dophytes, infect animals, or are saprophytes (Lamourand Kamoun, 2009; Ploch and Thines, 2011; Aram andRizzo, 2018). Many are highly host adapted, uncultur-able on artificial media, and grow only on living plantsas biotrophs. Examples include downy mildew patho-gens such as Plasmopara viticola, which infects grapevine(Vitis vinifera), and Albugo candida, which causes whiterust on crucifers (Kamoun et al., 2015). The obligatepathogens typically cause minimal damage to the plantbut reduce yield and raise susceptibility to secondaryinfection or abiotic stress.

Many oomycetes are hemibiotrophs, which start in-fections like biotrophs but cause necrosis late in thedisease cycle. Most belong to the genus Phytophthora,including Phytophthora cinnamomi, which infects hun-dreds of agricultural, forest, and ornamental hosts;Phytophthora infestans, which blights potato (Solanumtuberosum) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum); andPhytophthora sojae, which colonizes soybean (Glycinemax) and lupines. Some species, such as Ph. cinnamomi,shift to necrotrophy early in infection, while others,such as Ph. infestans, make the transition much later,reflecting differences in how the species balance the two

trophic behaviors. Unlike many other oomycetes, Phy-tophthora spp. are culturable and amenable to trans-formation; thus, they have been the subject of manymolecular studies.

The largest genus of necrotrophic oomycetes, whichfeed on nutrients from lysed cells, is Pythium. Mostmembers of this group are opportunistic root patho-gens with broad host ranges, such as Pythium ultimum,which infects vegetables, grains, and trees (Kamounet al., 2015). Interestingly, some Pythium spp. also aremycoparasites (Benhamou et al., 2012). Also appearingto grow as a necrotroph isAphanomyces euteiches, whichcauses root rot of legumes.

This review focuses on events at the plant-oomyceteinterface, where exchanges of host and pathogen mol-ecules play critical roles in determining the outcome ofthe association (Fig. 1). Oomycete pathogens sense,bind, and absorb nutrients from their hosts and alsointeract with other microbes in the phyllosphere and


• Differences between the biotrophic,

hemibiotrophic, and necrotrophic lifestyles of

oomycetes have been attributed to variation in

gene content and patterns of gene expression.

Such genes include those encoding metabolic

enzymes, proteinaceous toxins, and defense-

suppressing effectors.

• Haustoria represent a specialized interface for

delivering effectors to plants.

• The extrahaustorial matrix seems to be made de novo through the polarized delivery of plant

cargo, and differs from a typical plasma


• Effectors have proved to be exquisite tools for

probing the plant immune response and

understanding host-pathogen evolution.

• Factors that regulate the production,

germination, and homing responses of

oomycete spores are starting to be defined,

including transcription factors and novel G-

protein-related signaling pathways.

1This work was supported by the National Science Foundation(grant no. IOS-1753749) and the National Institute of Food and Ag-riculture of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (grant no. 2016-67013-2481).

2Author for contact: [email protected] author.H.S.J. and A.M.V.A.-F. cowrote the article.[OPEN]Articles can be viewed without a subscription.www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/doi/10.1104/pp.18.00979

1198 Plant Physiology�, April 2019, Vol. 179, pp. 1198–1211, www.plantphysiol.org � 2019 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved. www.plantphysiol.orgon May 29, 2020 - Published by Downloaded from

Copyright © 2019 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

Page 2: Exchanges at the Plant-Oomycete Interface That Influence ... · (Vitis vinifera), and Albugo candida, which causes white rust on crucifers (Kamoun et al., 2015). The obligate pathogenstypicallycause

rhizosphere. Meanwhile, plants detect and deliver de-fenses against infection. Plant-oomycete interfaces canbe dynamic, varying with infection stage and as im-mune responses are deployed. Here, we discuss in-sights into these topics yielded by advances in cellbiology, genome analysis, transcriptomics, and proteinstructure analysis.


Oomycetes employ several types of spores fordissemination and host infection (Box 1). These in-clude both asexual and sexual spores (McCarrenet al., 2005; Granke et al., 2009). Colonization bythe majority of oomycetes begins when an asexualsporangium releases zoospores, which encyst andform a germ tube (Fig. 1). As discussed below, manyaspects of spore behavior are influenced by plantsignals. The microbiome also affects spores and canattenuate or worsen disease, as described in Box 2(Lioussanne et al., 2008; Windstam and Nelson, 2008;Raaijmakers et al., 2010; Schlatter et al., 2017; Jackand Nelson, 2018).

Host signals can be sensed by the asexual sporangiasince they are fully hydrated and metabolically activeprior to germination, unlike most fungal spores, whichare desiccated. While sporangia require only free waterto germinate, this can be hastened by plant signals.Studies have shown that Pl. viticola releases zoosporesfaster on leaves than in a host-free system (Kiefer et al.,2002) and that Pythium spp. germination is acceleratedby volatiles, sugars, and amino acids from seeds (Nelson,1987). Root exudates, or sprouted potato tubers in thecase of Ph. infestans, also stimulate the germination ofsexual spores (oospores), which typically stay dormantin soil until a host is present (El-Hamalawi and Erwin,1986; Pittis and Shattock, 1994). StudieswithAp. euteichesindicated that its oospores respond more to host thannonhost exudates (Shang et al., 2000). It is intriguing toconsider that in the future, it may be possible to use plantsignal mimics to cause oospores to undergo suicidegermination before a crop is planted.Zoospores exhibit several homing responses, including

chemotaxis, electrotaxis, host-triggered encystment, andgerm tube tropism (Deacon and Donaldson, 1993). Thesecontribute to host specificity, especially with root patho-gens. For instance, Ap. euteiches zoospores are attracted

Figure 1. Interactions at plant-oomycete interfaces. Illustrated at center left is a biotrophic infection, starting from a sporangiumand involving biflagellated zoospores, an appressorium formed from a germinated cyst, a primary infection vesicle (pv), an in-tercellular mycelium, and a haustorium. The effects of plant signals such as isoflavones, sucrose (suc), and amino acids (aa) onspore germination and/or homing are indicated. The bacterium at top right represents the effects of the microbiome on spores, asdiscussed in Box 2. The oval organelle marked “sequestered nutrients” represents a starch granule; this only releases significantcarbohydrate to the pathogens during necrotrophy. The turquoise pentagon represents a nutrient such as sulfate that is locatedprimarily in a plant vacuole. Yellow stars represent apoplastic effectors such as protease inhibitors (ae) and cytoplasmic effectorssuch as Crinklers (C) and RXLRs (R). The latter are shown inhibiting the delivery of defense materials, such as proteases andcallose, to the apoplast and EHMx by secretory or autophagosomal vesicles of a mesophyll cell. These defense responses alsooccur in the epidermis. Shown at top right are the initial stages of infection initiated through a stomata (gray mycelium). Shown atright is an opportunistic necrotroph (spotted mycelium) entering through awound, feeding from a lysed cell, and exiting into soil.Lysis of the host during infection by the necrotroph occurs due to the absence of defense-suppressing effectors, ROS generation,and early expression of NLPs, as discussed in Box 3.

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Page 3: Exchanges at the Plant-Oomycete Interface That Influence ... · (Vitis vinifera), and Albugo candida, which causes white rust on crucifers (Kamoun et al., 2015). The obligate pathogenstypicallycause

specifically to prunetin (Sekizaki et al., 1993), while Ph.sojae responds to daizein and genistein, which are pro-duced by their respective hosts (Hosseini et al., 2014).These isoflavones also influence encystment and germtube orientation (Morris et al., 1998). Recent data point to arole for G-proteins in these responses. Silencing of the Ph.sojae gene encoding its G-proteina-subunit interferedwithzoospore motility and chemotaxis (Hua et al., 2008), andknockdownsof aG-proteina-subunit-interactingHis triadprotein inhibited chemotaxis (Zhang et al., 2016). In addi-tion, encystmentwas stimulated and cyst germinationwasimpaired by knocking down the expression of a proteinthat consists of a G-protein-coupled receptor domaincoupled to a phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase do-main (Yang et al., 2013). Oomycetes express several novelG-protein-coupled receptor-like proteins with C-terminalaccessory domains (van den Hoogen et al., 2018).

Pharmacological studies have shown that calciuminfluences most aspects of zoospore behavior. This ex-plains the biology behind the strategy of reducing rootdiseases by adding gypsum (calcium sulfate) to soil,which impairs zoosporogenesis or causes encystment

before a plant is reached (Mostowfizadeh-Ghalamfarsaet al., 2018). Many spore-specific calcium channels andcalcium-regulated protein phosphatases and kinaseshave been identified, although none have been tested forfunction (Ah-Fong et al., 2017b).

Chemotaxis also occurs in foliar pathogens,where aminoacids such as Gln attract zoospores, a process that alsoappears to involve G-proteins (Latijnhouwers et al., 2004).Amino acid signaling may explain why zoospores of Ph.infestans andmany relatives concentrate near stomata (Daleand Irwin, 1991). Few Pl. viticola zoospores were drawn tostomata closed by exogenous abscisic acid, suggesting thatthe attractants are soluble or volatile substomatal chemicals.Such behavior is critical to Pl. viticola, which enters leavesonly through stomata (Kiefer et al., 2002).


As water molds, most oomycetes prefer to grow inmoist environments such as the apoplast. Entry into

BBOX 1. A Diversity of Infectious Propagules

Oomycetes produce several forms of

spores for survival, dissemination, and infection,

with the multiplicity of types contributing to their

success as pathogens. The defining feature of the

taxonomic group are oospores, which are thick-

walled products of sexual reproduction that can

survive in plant debris or soil for years.

Homothallism (self-fertility), heterothallism, and

blended phenotypes are exhibited by different

species, even in the same genus. Interestingly,

mating hormones made by Phytophthora spp. are

synthesized from phytol, an acyclic diterpene of

plants, which indicates the close dependence of

the genus on its hosts. Oospores germinate by

producing hyphae that often form sporangia

capable of discharging zoospores.

Most oomycetes also produce zoospores

from asexual sporangia, which cause the majority

of infections within a growing season. Many foliar

pathogens such as Ph. infestans and Pl. viticola are

well-suited to wind dispersal since their sporangia

detach easily from the sporangiophore, and are

lemon-shaped which retards their fall from air.

After landing on a moist surface such as a dew-

covered leaf, zoospores are released that later

encyst and send out a germ tube, although these

sometimes extend directly from sporangia. Other

species such as Ph. capsici make sporangia that

require greater force to be dislodged, and thus are

spread more by rain, wind-driven rain, or flowing

water (Granke et al., 2009).

Many root pathogens such as Ph. sojae and most

Pythium spp. produce sporangia that are

inseparable from the sporangiophore, and in such

cases zoospores are liberated directly from lesions.

This also occurs with Aphanomyces spp., but from

sporangia that resemble normal hyphae. The

motility of zoospores expands the potential space

for infection, even though the maximum

swimming range may only be a few centimeters.

Remarkably, zoospores of some species that fail to

infect a host can encyst and later produce a second

zoospore, thus providing two chances for

colonizing a plant. Despite its potential benefits,

the motile stage is absent from certain foliar

downy mildews, which instead extend germ tubes

from their asexual spores (conidia). Genes for

flagellar proteins are absent or degraded in such

species (Judelson et al., 2012).

Some Phytophthora and Pythium spp.

also produce chlamydospores, which are thick-

walled asexual cells. When conditions become

suited to growth, these can germinate and cause

infections vegetatively or through sporangia

(McCarren et al., 2005). Otherwise, most

oomycetes do not initiate natural infections from

mycelia except for most members of Pythium and

a few species of Phytophthora (Aram and Rizzo,


1200 Plant Physiol. Vol. 179, 2019

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Page 4: Exchanges at the Plant-Oomycete Interface That Influence ... · (Vitis vinifera), and Albugo candida, which causes white rust on crucifers (Kamoun et al., 2015). The obligate pathogenstypicallycause

the plant may occur when zoospores or germ tubespass through stomata or other natural openings,transit through wounds, or grow between root ep-idermal cells. Examples include Pl. viticola, whichenters through stomata, Ph. cinnamomi, which canmove through peridermal gaps, and Ph. infestans,which often enters tubers through lenticels. Ph.infestans, downy mildews, white rusts, and manyPythium spp. also penetrate tissue using appresso-ria. These swellings form when cyst germ tubescontact hydrophobic surfaces such as the cuticle,especially if epidermal cell boundaries or theirtopographic mimics are sensed (Bircher andHohl, 1997).Insight into the biology of oomycete appressoria has

lagged behind that of fungi. However, a study in Ph.infestans using GFP-labeled F-actin identified an aster-like structure where appressoria contact the leaf, whichmay focus cargo transport to the penetration peg (Kotset al., 2017). Also, a basic leucine zipper domain tran-scription factor and mitogen-activated protein ki-nase were shown to regulate appressorium formation(Blanco and Judelson, 2005; Li et al., 2010). Genesinduced in the appressorium stage by Phytophthoraspp. include cell wall-degrading enzymes (CWDEs),

defense-suppressing effectors, and potential adhesionproteins (Kebdani et al., 2010).Mirroring the complexity of the plant cell wall, a typical

oomycete expresses CWDEs belonging to as many as 28glycosyl hydrolase groups (Blackman et al., 2015). Atypical species of Phytophthora expresses about 200 genesencoding such proteins. Some of the (hemi)cellulases arepredicted to bear glycophosphatidylinositol anchors andprobably serve to expand the oomycete wall, whichcontains mostly cellulose plus b-1,3- and b-1,6-glucans(Mélida et al., 2013). Fewer types of CWDEs are expressedby biotrophs, as in the case ofAlbugo laibachii, which lackspectate lyase and pectin esterase (Kemen et al., 2011).Studies inPh. infestans and relatives show thatCWDEs areexpressed in stages during sporulation, germination, andin planta growth (Kebdani et al., 2010; Blackman et al.,2015). A less ordered pattern of expression was reportedfor Py. ultimum, which also expressed fewer CWDEs (Ah-Fong et al., 2017b). Other differences between Phytoph-thora and Pythium spp. are highlighted in Box 3. Thepattern of CWDE expression in Py. ultimum suggests thatthe enzymes of this necrotroph may be used primarily toburst host cells rather than to digest plant walls for car-bon. Indeed, cellulose is a poor carbon source for mostoomycetes (Zerillo et al., 2013). Perhaps advanced

BBOX 2. Other Microbes at the Interface: Friend

Or Foe?

A plant-oomycete interaction does not

occur in a biological vacuum. It is long known that

bacteria and fungi in soil and the phyllosphere

produce compounds that antagonize oomycetes,

such as lipopeptide surfactants that disrupt the

zoospore plasma membrane (Raaijmakers et al.,

2010; Schlatter et al., 2017). Microbes can also

attenuate or promote maladies caused by

oomycetes in less direct ways. Bacteria recruited to

seedlings have been shown to reduce infection by

metabolizing fatty acids in plant exudates that

would otherwise stimulate Py. ultimum sporangia

to germinate, or by hampering the homing

responses of Py. aphanidermatum zoospores

(Windstam and Nelson, 2008; Jack and Nelson,

2018). Interference with zoospore behavior was

also reported for Glomus intraradices mycorrhizae

on tomato, which reduced infection and produced

zoospore repellants such as isocitric acid

(Lioussanne et al., 2008). Some microbial

interactions may benefit the oomycete. Although

its significance requires further investigation,

Phytophthora spp. produce the bacterial quorum-

sensing signal AI-2, which was proposed to recruit

bacteria that improve the infection potential of

zoospores (Kong and Hong, 2016).

Oomycetes can even attack other

oomycetes, with the best-described example

being Py. oligandrum (Benhamou et al., 2012). This

species parasitizes other oomycetes and fungi. An

interesting question is how Py. oligandrumdistinguishes self from non-self during such

interactions. Py. oligandrum has also been

proposed to grow as an endophyte, and was

shown to reduce diseases in sugarbeet, cotton,

and other plants. This is believed to be due to the

combined effects of mycoparasitism and the

priming of host defenses, since plants recognize

several Py. oligandrum proteins including its

elicitins (Takenaka et al., 2011). Py. oligandrum has

also been shown to stimulate plant growth,

possibly because it makes the auxin precursor

trypamine, and produces auxins when grown on

root exudates (Benhamou et al., 2012). Many

Albugo species are also reported to grow as

asymptomatic endophytes on crucifers, but

whether these benefit the plant is unknown (Ploch

and Thines, 2011).

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Page 5: Exchanges at the Plant-Oomycete Interface That Influence ... · (Vitis vinifera), and Albugo candida, which causes white rust on crucifers (Kamoun et al., 2015). The obligate pathogenstypicallycause

imaging techniques such as superresolution confocal mi-croscopy with specific organic fluorophores could beemployed to obtain information about carbohydratestructure at penetration sites, the effects of CWDEs atdifferent stages of infection, and polymer rearrangementsresulting from plant defenses.

Most stages of infection require adherence of thepathogen to the host. Zoospores turn their ventralgrooves toward the host prior to encystment, allowing

vesicles to discharge a glue-like thrombospondin repeatprotein toward the plant interface (Robold andHardham, 2005). A protein containing a Sushi do-main, which in animals mediates cell-cell adhesion,reaches the plant surface from other zoospore vesiclesby kiss-and-run exocytosis (Zhang et al., 2013). Stickysubstances also are released from germ tubes. Thedowny mildew Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis wasshown to secrete proteins and fibrillar b-1,3-glucans

BBOX 3. Stealthy Phytophthora versus

aggressive Pythium

These two genera have distinct lifestyles

despite being close neighbors in oomycete

phylogenies. While most Pythium spp. are

aggressive cosmopolitan necrotrophs,

Phytophthora spp. are hemibiotrophs and are

often host-specific. Phytophthora spp. grow

primarily in the apoplast, which limits injuries to

host cells and minimizes the production of

damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs),

which would otherwise induce host defenses.

Host damage during the formation of haustoria,

which are not made by Pythium, is also minimal

since the openings in the plant wall are only a few

microns in diameter. Imm une responses are also

reduced since PRRs are excluded from the EHM.

Only towards the end of the disease cycle do

Phytophthora spp. exhibit signs of necrotrophy. In

contrast, Pythium spp. seem to go full-speed

ahead with a strategy of lysing host cells and

extracting nutrients.

Some differences between the taxa are

due to variation in gene content. For example,

Pythium spp. lack the RXLR and CRN proteins that

Phytophthora use to suppress host defenses.

Moreover, only Pythium spp. encode the pore-

forming toxins known as perforins. Other

differences are reflected in the expression

patterns of genes shared by Ph. infestans and Py. ultimum, as seen during potato tuber colonization

(Ah-Fong et al., 2017b).

For example, Py. ultimum expresses its secreted

proteases and necrosis-inducing NLP proteins at

much higher levels than Ph. infestans (Fig. 2). In

contrast, inhibitors of host proteases are

expressed more by Ph. infestans. Catalase genes

are expressed less by Py. ultimum, which suggests

that eliminating peroxide delivered by the host to

the pathogenic interface is not critical to its


Patterns of metabolic gene expression in

Ph. infestans and Py. ultimum also reflect their

divergent lifestyles. A consequence of the stealthy

apoplastic mode of growth of Phytophthora is

restricted access to nutrients. Thus, Ph. infestansexpresses at higher levels many genes needed to

synthesize metabolites that are at low

concentrations in the apoplast. Examples include

genes that encode enzymes for making amino

acids such as arginine, nucleotides, and cofactors

such as coenzyme A (Fig. 2; Ah-Fong et al., 2017b

and H. Judelson and A. Ah-Fong, unpublished

results). In contrast, mRNA levels of genes

encoding enzymes that use nutrients that are

normally sequestered in plant cells but released

during necrotrophy are much higher in Py. ultimum than Ph. infestans. Examples include

lipase, RNase, amylase for digesting starch, and enzymes for assimilating sulfate.

1202 Plant Physiol. Vol. 179, 2019

Exchanges at the Plant-Oomycete Interface

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Page 6: Exchanges at the Plant-Oomycete Interface That Influence ... · (Vitis vinifera), and Albugo candida, which causes white rust on crucifers (Kamoun et al., 2015). The obligate pathogenstypicallycause

that bind its germ tubes to the substratum (Carzanigaet al., 2001). Thismay help resist detachment bywind orrain or protect against desiccation. Other potential ad-hesion proteins include mucin-like proteins (Larousseet al., 2014), jacalin-like and cellulose-binding elicitor(CBEL) lectins (Gaulin et al., 2002), and the ACWPfamily of acidic wall proteins (Resjö et al., 2017). Ab-normal appressoria resulted from the knockdown ofACWP genes, suggesting that they contribute to adhe-sion or wall integrity. Knockdowns of CBEL showedthat it helped hyphae bind to cellulosic substances butwas not essential for pathogenicity (Gaulin et al., 2002).One of the few oomycete proteins known to concentratein haustoria, Hmp1, is membrane anchored andweaklyresembles lectins. Silencing Hmp1 in Ph. infestans im-paired the formation of infection vesicles in epidermalcells and haustoria, suggesting that the protein helpsthe pathogen bind to host interfaces (Avrova et al.,2008).


Plants have evolved sophisticated systems fordetecting microbes. One involves the binding ofpathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) toplasmalemma-spanning pattern recognition receptors(PRRs), which activates PAMP-triggered immunity(PTI; Saijo et al., 2018). The salicylic acid (SA) and jas-monic acid pathways both participate in PTI againstnecrotrophic and (hemi)biotrophic oomycetes (Halimet al., 2009). Disrupting jasmonate production in Ara-bidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) allowed Pythium irregu-lare, which typically infects wounded or otherwisecompromised hosts, to become a more severe pathogen(Staswick et al., 1998).Constituents of the cell wall or plasma membrane

were among the first oomycete PAMPs to be identified.These include b-1,3- and b-1,6-glucans and arachidonicacid (Fawke et al., 2015; Robinson and Bostock, 2015).Medicago truncatula also responds to a chitosaccharidefrom Ap. euteiches; most other oomycete phytopatho-gens lack this PAMP, since they do not make chitin(Mélida et al., 2013; Nars et al., 2013). ProteinaceousPAMPs include a cell wall transglutaminase (Brunneret al., 2002), the glycosyl hydrolase domain of the oli-gopeptide elicitor (OPEL) protein (Chang et al., 2015),the cellulose-binding protein CBEL, the elicitin familyof sterol-binding proteins (Takenaka et al., 2011;Derevnina et al., 2016), and the XEG1 endoglucanase(Wang et al., 2018). The latter are proposed to be usedfor sterol acquisition by Phytophthora and Pythium spp.,which are sterol autotrophs. It is notable that Nep1-likeproteins (NLPs) were classified recently as PAMPs bysome researchers. Most NLPs in Phytophthora spp. areexpressed late in infection and have been linked tonecrotrophic growth (Feng et al., 2014). Analysis ofcrystal structures identified similarity with pore-forming cytotoxins of sea anemones, which suggests

that NLPs destabilize the host plasmalemma (Lenarcicet al., 2017). Oomycetes are immune to NLPs, since thelatter are specific for dicotyledonous sphingolipids. AnNLP from Phytophthora parasitica was shown to elicitdefenses in crucifers, which suggests that some NLPsaffect plant cells both as pore-forming toxins and in-ducers of PTI (Böhm et al., 2014).Receptors for three oomycete PAMPs are known. The

infestin elicitin of Ph. infestans and related proteins arerecognized in potato by elicitin response protein (ELR),a plasmalemma-associated factor that associates withSUPPRESSOR OF BIR1-1 (SOBIR1), which is a leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptor kinase (Domazakis et al.,2018). This pairing is needed since ELR lacks an intra-cellular kinase domain. When infestin is detected, theELR-SOBIR1 complex recruits the LRR receptor-likekinase BRI1-ASSOCIATED KINASE-1, which is aknown hub in defense responses. SOBIR1 also partici-pates in the reaction of Arabidopsis to NLPs, which arerecognized by the LRR receptor RLP23 (Albert et al.,2015). Recently identified was Response to XEG1(RXEG1), an LLR protein that recognizes XEG1, a gly-coside hydrolase 12 endoglucanase that is made byPhytophthora spp. RXEG1also forms a complex withBRI1-ASSOCIATED KINASE-1 and SOBIR1 to trans-duce the defense signal (Wang et al., 2018). Interest-ingly, fungal glycoside hydrolase 12 proteins also havebeen shown to serve as PAMPS and act through thesame signaling hub (Gui et al., 2017).Once PTI is activated, defense molecules are de-

livered to plant-oomycete interfaces, includingpathogenesis-related (PR) proteins, callose for thick-ening cell walls, and microbial toxins. Effector-triggered immunity reinforces and expands theseresponses and often leads to hypersensitive cell death.Since PTI and effector-triggered immunity are notoomycete specific, readers seeking more informationare directed to other reviews (Kourelis and van derHoorn, 2018; Saijo et al., 2018). However, oomyceteswere used in many early studies of the cytoskeletaldynamics that occur during infection, which showedthat plant actin microfilaments focused rapidly nearpenetration sites (Takemoto et al., 2003). This causesperoxisomes, nuclei, and the endomembrane transportnetwork to move toward the infection, which mayhelp deliver defenses (Li and Staiger, 2018). Some(hemi)biotrophic oomycetes have evolved counterdefenses against these trafficking pathways and mayhave hijacked some to support haustoria.While the delivery of proteases, glucanases, and

callose to oomycete-plant interfaces through canonicalsecretory and exocytosis pathways is long established,autophagic vesicles were shown recently to surroundPh. infestans haustoria and also may convey defenses(Dagdas et al., 2018). It is unknown whether plants useexosomes against oomycetes, for example by trans-porting inhibitory small RNAs, as shown recently withfungi (Cai et al., 2018). Nevertheless, there are reports oflettuce (Lactuca sativa) and potato being engineered toresist Bremia lactucae and Ph. infestans by host-induced

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gene silencing using small RNAs targeting oomycetegenes (Govindarajulu et al., 2015; Jahan et al., 2015).

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are delivered to plant-oomycete interfaces through several pathways. ROS arederived from wall-bound peroxidases, respiratoryburst oxidase homologs in plasmalemma, and glycolateoxidase in peroxisomes, which move to infection sitesduring cytoskeletal remodeling (Marino et al., 2012).ROS from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) roots have beenimplicated in blocking infection by Ph. parasitica zoo-spores, which interestingly die through programmedcell death (Galiana et al., 2005). Besides being antimi-crobial, ROS strengthens cell walls by initiating ligninpolymerization (Barros et al., 2015). Several other en-zymes that fortify plant walls also are induced duringPTI against oomycetes, including cinnamyl alcoholdehydrogenase and callose synthase (Wang et al., 2013;Hosseini et al., 2015).

Toxic isoflavonoids, sesquiterpenes, polyacetylenes,and other molecules that are collectively named phy-toalexins are believed to be delivered to the pathogenby ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters. The ex-port of capsidiol during the elicitin-triggered defenseresponse of Nicotiana benthamiana against Ph. infestansinvolves ABCG1 and ABCG2, which are up-regulatedduring PTI (Rin et al., 2017). Some phytoalexins, such asa-tomatine of tomato, are preformed in plants, whileothers are induced by infection, such as capsidiol ofNicotiana spp. and pepper (Capsicum annuum), gly-ceollin of soybean, and camalexin of crucifers (Hahnet al., 1985; Bednarek et al., 2005).

These defenses may combine to produce apoplastic(or intracellular) environments that are unfavorable tooomycetes. This may explain why necrotrophy beginsearlier in some Phytophthora-plant pathosystems thanothers, although thewater soaking that is often associatedwith plant cell death may keep the pathogen hydrated.The low level of free water resulting from silicon polym-erization in the apoplast also was invoked to explain whysoybean grown at high silicon concentrations was lesssusceptible to Ph. sojae (Rasoolizadeh et al., 2018).


Oomycetes exhibit stealthy behaviors during bio-trophic growth that minimize the immune response andmaintain host integrity, which helps these pathogensfeed from living cells. This is not an issue for necrotrophssuch as Pythium spp. (Box 3). The (hemi)biotrophs resisthost defenses using cytoplasmic and apoplastic effectorproteins that are secreted toward their interface withplants. Oomycetes also produce enzymes that may de-grade phytoalexins or immune-response hormones. Theexistence of these enzymes and effectors highlights thepower of selection in the pathogen and the importance oftheir plant targets to the host defense response.

One example involves the plant apoplastic Cys pro-teases Rcr3 and C14, which were shown by mutation

and knockdowns in tomato and N. benthamiana to de-fend against Ph. infestans (Song et al., 2009; Kaschaniet al., 2010). Ph. infestans and relatives antagonizethese using effectors such as extracellular cystatin-likeprotease inhibitor 1 (EPIC1). Studies of EPIC1 from Ph.infestans and Phytophthora mirabilis (which infects Mir-abilis jalapa) and the host proteases were performed,guided by the crystal structure of a related protease-inhibitor complex. Amino acid changes in EPIC1 wereimplicated in helping the pathogens jump to new hostspecies (Dong et al., 2014). Orthologs of EPIC1 genesoccur in downy mildew, white rust, and Pythium spp.genomes. Most oomycetes also can inhibit plant Serproteases, and one from Phytophthora palmivora wasshown to contribute to virulence against the rubber tree(Hevea brasiliensis; Ekchaweng et al., 2017).

Another example of host-pathogen coevolution in theapoplast comes from studies of the endoglucanaseXEG1 from Ph. sojae. Soybean produces an inhibitor ofthis CWDE, which binds XEG1 and blocks its contri-bution to virulence. To counteract the plant, Ph. sojaesecretes an inactive enzyme as a decoy (Ma et al., 2017).With the defense protein unproductively bound to thistrap, Ph. sojae can invade soybean more easily. Ortho-logs of XEG1 and its decoy are conserved throughoutthe Phytophthora genus.

Another apoplastic effector that counteracts hostdefenses is the in planta-induced protein (IPI-O) of Ph.infestans. IPI-O contains an Arg-Gly-Asp motif that isbelieved to disrupt adhesion between the plant’s cellwall and plasmalemma by binding the lectin receptorkinase LecRK-I.9, thus promoting disease by reducingwall integrity (Bouwmeester et al., 2011). Intriguingly,IPI-O contains an RxLR motif (Arg-x-Leu-Arg) that isshared by many oomycete effectors that enter plantcells to interfere with plant defenses. In planta expres-sion of IPI-O minus its signal peptide caused expandedlesions, suggesting that IPI-O acts both at the hostplasmalemma and intracellularly (Chen and Halterman,2017). The intracellular target, apparently, is resistanceprotein Rpi-blb1 (Champouret et al., 2009).

RxLRs along with CRN (Crinkler) proteins representthe known cytoplasmic effectors of oomycetes. Theseare absent from Pythium spp. (Box 3) but are encoded bylarge gene families in Phytophthora spp., downy mil-dews, and white rusts, albeit with divergent signaturemotifs in some species (Kemen et al., 2011). How theseproteinsmove into plants is not fully clarified, but RxLRuptake may involve binding a receptor on lipid rafts, asshown for a host-targeted protein from the animalpathogenic oomycete Saprolegnia parasitica (Truschet al., 2018). RxLRs and CRNs are known to defeatplant immune responses through many routes, whichinclude reprogramming host gene expression, alteringRNA metabolism, and binding to host proteins in-volved in signaling (Wang and Wang, 2018). In thisreview, mention will be made only of RxLRs that act atthe oomycete-plant interface.

ManyRxLRs affect the trafficking of defensemolecules.AVRblb2 accumulates in plants near haustoria and blocks

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the secretion of C14 protease (Bozkurt et al., 2011).RxLR24 of Phytophthora brassicae interferes with the de-livery of antimicrobial proteins such as PR-1 by attachingto a GTPase involved in exocytosis (Tomczynska et al.,2018). Trafficking also is blocked by Avr1 of Ph. infestans,which binds exocyst protein SEC5 (Du et al., 2015), REX3of Ph. palmivora, which interferes with brefeldin-sensitivesecretion (Evangelisti et al., 2017), and PexRD54 of Ph.infestans, which depletes the Joka2 cargo protein from theautophagosomal membrane-forming ATG8 complex(Dagdas et al., 2016). The latter is interesting since thepathogen may be hijacking autophagosomes to destroydefense molecules through selective autophagy.Although their functions are unidentified, the RxLRs

Avh241 of Ph. sojae and HaRxL77 of H. arabidopsidislocalize to the plant plasmalemma and are hypothe-sized to bind PRRs at the plant-oomycete interface(Caillaud et al., 2012; Yu et al., 2012). Causing auxinlevels to rise at the interface is Penetration Specific Ef-fector1 of Ph. parasitica, which is made in appressoriaand interferes with auxin carriers (Evangelisti et al., 2013).This may elevate plant susceptibility since auxin inhibitsSA signaling.Interestingly, some species of Pythium are known to

produce the auxin indole-3-acetic acid (Gravel et al.,2007). While there is no proof that oomycetes makeother plant hormones, the sunflower (Helianthusannuus) downy mildew Plasmopara halstedii apparentlyencodes all enzymes for synthesizing cytokinin, whichsome bacteria make to direct host nutrients to infectionsites (Sharma et al., 2015). Pl. halstedii also seems capa-ble of producing brassinolide from phytosterols, whichwould negatively regulate the immune response. Manyoomycetes also encode a predicted isochorismatase,which may disrupt SA signaling by breaking down itsprecursor. Interestingly, the enzyme in Ph. sojae local-izes to haustoria (Liu et al., 2014).Unlike fungi, most oomycetes have a limited capacity

to degrade phytoalexins. Perhaps to compensate,oomycetes encode many more ABC transporters, whichmay expel the toxins (Ah-Fong et al., 2017b).Whilemanyfungi can degrade a-tomatine, Phytophthora and Pythiumspp. that are pathogenic on tomato fail to degrade thisglycoalkaloid (Sandrock and Vanetten, 1998). Ph. sojaecan break down some soybean phytoalexins but not themost bioactive, glyceollin (Stossel, 1983). WhetherPythium spp. have special mechanisms to counteractplant defenses is unknown. However, during tuber in-fection, mRNA levels of Py. ultimum ABC transporterswere about twice those of their counterparts in Ph.infestans, suggesting that the transporters might helpeliminate phytoalexins liberated from lysing cells (Ah-Fong et al., 2017b). Cytochrome P450 enzymes also weremore highly expressed in Py. ultimum.


Biotrophic and hemibiotrophic oomycetes form inti-mate associations with their hosts using haustoria

(Fig. 1). These specialized hyphae breach host cell wallsand become enveloped by a host membrane called theextrahaustorial membrane (EHM). Between the haus-torium and EHM is a carbohydrate-rich amorphouslayer called the extrahaustorial matrix (EHMx), whichlikely is of plant and pathogen origin (Caillaud et al.,2014). Little is known about how haustoria formand function in oomycetes, including how the hostmachinery is coopted during their genesis and whatlimits their expansion; most haustoria are less than25 mm long.Recent studies with Ph. infestans and H. arabidopsidis

indicated that the EHM is assembled de novo, as sug-gested for fungi (Lu et al., 2012; Bozkurt et al., 2015).Secretory vesicles are abundant near developing haus-toria, along with trans-Golgi and late endosomalmarkers such as Rab5 and Rab7 GTPases (Caillaudet al., 2014; Inada et al., 2016). Within the EHM areplasmalemma proteins such as the Pen1 syntaxin,synaptotagmin, and remorin, which would be neededto deliver membrane material to growing haustoria.Some plant proteins are excluded from the EHM, in-cluding a calcium ATPase and at least some PRRs(Lu et al., 2012). Reduced ATPase activity could favornutrient flow to the pathogen by reducing the plant’scapacity to retrieve nutrients from the EHMx, whilePRR exclusion may minimize defense responses.Haustoria accommodation also causes host cells to re-organize their contents, with changes including endo-plasmic reticulum aggregation, Golgi accumulation,and nuclear migration toward the haustoria (Lu et al.,2012). The nuclear shift might be part of a defense re-sponse or may be induced by the pathogen to facilitatethe transport of CRN effectors, many of which act byreprogramming transcription (Song et al., 2015).Whether the reorganized endomembrane system de-livers more transporters and/or nutrients to the EHM isan interesting question.There are dissimilarities between haustoria of dif-

ferent species. While haustoria made by Phytophthoraspp. are typically short and finger-like, those of downymildews and white rusts are bulbous. Moreover, whilePh. infestans haustoria are anucleate and contain fewmitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, those of H.arabidopsidis have nuclei and many mitochondria andGolgi bodies (Mims et al., 2004). While the FLS2 PRRwas excluded from the EHM with Ph. infestans, thiswas not the case with H. arabidopsidis (Lu et al., 2012).Downy mildew haustoria also are more likely tobe surrounded by a callose collar than those ofPhytophthora spp.Several aspects of haustoria formation resemble plant

defense responses. Deposition of the b-glucans thatform callose collars involves secretory vesicles, multi-vesicular bodies, and Plasmodesmata-located-protein1(PDLP1), which also is used to seal plasmodesmataduring infection by other pathogens (Caillaud et al.,2014). Also possibly related to defense are haustorialencasements, which are double-layered membranesthat often surround older haustoria (Lu et al., 2012).

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These are commonwithH. arabidopsidis but are seen lesswith Ph. infestans. Encasements might restrict thepathogen’s uptake of nutrients, impair effector trans-location, or concentrate plant-derived antimicrobials.The EHM appears to have small invaginations, whichalso may promote its stability (Mims et al., 2004). Theformation of these convolutions appears to involvePDLP1, since they increased when PDLP1 was over-expressed (Caillaud et al., 2014).

Although the contribution of oomycete haustoria tonutrient uptake is unclear, as discussed in the nextsection, the role of this structure in transporting pro-teins to the EHMx is demonstrated. Effectors are dis-charged from haustoria through at least twomechanisms. Secretion of the EPIC1 protease inhibitorwas blocked by brefeldin A, indicating that it reachesthe apoplast by the classic Golgi-mediated pathway(Wang et al., 2017). However, the delivery of RxLRPi04314 was brefeldin A insensitive, suggesting thatthis cytoplasmic effector follows an alternative routeeven though it contains a classic signal peptide. Iso-chorismatases also are secreted but lack signal peptides,suggesting that they use the unconventional secretionpathway that has been documented in nonoomycetes(Liu et al., 2014).


Although not proven, oomycete haustoria often areassumed to play a major role in nutrition. Nevertheless,they lack the neckband that encircles fungal haustoria,which is thought to help establish electrochemical gra-dients for nutrient transport by sealing the EHMx(Mims et al., 2004). Al. candida and H. arabidopsidiscontain an electron-dense layer near their callose col-lars, which might function like a neckband, however(Soylu, 2004). In Ph. infestans, EHMx continuity with theapoplast was confirmed by studying the distribution offluorescently tagged Avr3a (Whisson et al., 2007). Alsounlike fungi, no haustoria-specific transporters areidentified in oomycetes. While Ph. infestans and Py.ultimum both express ;410 nutrient transporters, veryfew are specific to the haustoria-forming species (Ah-Fong et al., 2017b). Most nutrients may be drawn fromthe apoplast, considering that analyses of images ofpotato leaves infected by Ph. infestans indicate that itshaustoria represent only about 2% of the total pathogensurface area (H. Judelson, unpublished data).

Regardless of where nutrients are acquired, plantscontain myriad compounds to support pathogengrowth. Metabolic models based on genome data in-dicate that most oomycetes can utilize the major planthexoses, disaccharides, organic acids, starch, and sugaralcohols, although pentose utilization is restricted bythe absence of arabinose isomerase (Rodenburg et al.,2018). Most oomycetes also can use the major nitrogensources found in planta, including amino acids, am-monium, and nitrate. However, the biotrophs have

reduced metabolic capabilities and, thus, a greater re-liance on the host. While species of Phytophthora andPythium each encode approximately 850 enzyme ac-tivities based on Enzyme Commission numbers, H.arabidopsidis and Al. candida encode only about 740 and650, respectively (Judelson, 2017). These obligate bio-trophs lack genes for nitrate assimilation and haveimpaired abilities to incorporate inorganic sulfur due toa lack of sulfite oxidase or reductase.

The metabolic deficiencies in the (hemi)biotrophsmay help suppress immune responses, besides pro-viding potential energy savings to the pathogen. Thebiotrophs are unable to make unsaturated fatty acidssuch as arachidonate, which are PAMPs in Phytophthoraand Pythium spp. (Robinson and Bostock, 2015). Thehaustoria-forming oomycetes lack molybdopterin-utilizing pathways and consequently must acquirethiamine from the host. This may be beneficial, sincethis vitamin can up-regulate plant defenses, as dem-onstrated in the Pl. viticola-grape system (Boubakriet al., 2013).

It is important to differentiate the theoretical metab-olism of oomycetes from what occurs in planta, sincenot all nutrients are at each plant-oomycete interface.While biotrophs are restricted to apoplastic nutrients,necrotrophs can access all compounds. Examples in-clude starch and sulfate, which are sequestered withinstarch granules and vacuoles, respectively. Data from astudy of Ph. infestans and Py. ultimum on potato tubers(Ah-Fong et al., 2017b) showed that while both encodea-amylase for starch utilization and adenylyl-sulfatekinase for incorporating sulfate, the Py. ultimum geneswere expressed at greater than 10-fold higher levels(Box 3). This is the logical outcome of substrate-levelinduction. This situation changed during late infectionwhen tissue colonized by Ph. infestans became necrotic,andmRNA levels for these enzymes equalized betweenthe two pathogens. Similar patterns were observed forenzymes that act on other nutrients sequestered duringbiotrophic growth, such as phytate and lipids. This in-dicates that the terminal lifestyle of Ph. infestans isnecrotrophic and not just necrogenic, thus addressing adebate in Phytophthora-host interactions. One positionhas been that plant necrosis does not benefit the path-ogen and occurs simply because the pathogen no longerneeds to suppress host defenses. The other viewpoint,which is supported by these results, is that necrosis isinduced to liberate additional nutrients.


The final chapter in disease involves the pathogen’segress from its host. Necrotrophs such as Pythium spp.can simply extend hyphae from macerated plant tissueinto soil and transition to survival through saprophyticgrowth; sporulation is optional. In contrast, most(hemi)biotrophs must produce asexual spores. Theseare typically formed by root-rotting species at thecrown, surface-exposed roots, or subterranean spaces

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adjoining roots. The task is more complicated forfoliage-infecting (hemi)biotrophs, which usually spor-ulate from sporangiophores that pass through stomata(Farrell et al., 1969; Allègre et al., 2007). Most foliage-infecting oomycetes sporulate at night. This maximizessurvival of the spores, which are prone to desiccationand lack UV-blocking pigments. Nocturnal sporulationis proposed to be regulated by cryptochromes in re-sponse to blue light (Xiang and Judelson, 2014) andrequires modulating guard cell behavior, since stomatawould normally be closed at night. Stomatal deregu-lation in the Pl. viticola-grape leaf interaction was pro-posed to be determined by a secreted glycoprotein,which caused stomata in colonized areas to remainopen during darkness, water stress, and abscisic acidtreatment (Allègre et al., 2007; Guillier et al., 2015). Thiseffect resembles that caused by the bacterial toxin cor-onatine (Melotto et al., 2006).Substantial genomic resources are devoted to spor-

ulation. In Ph. infestans, this involves the up-regulationof more than 3,000 genes (;20% of the total), includingthose encoding storage, effector, and adhesion proteins,and several hundred components of flagella (Judelsonet al., 2012; Ah-Fong et al., 2017a). Genes proven toregulate sporulation include MADS box and Mybtranscription factors, a mitogen-activated protein ki-nase, and a cell cycle phosphatase (Ah-Fong andJudelson, 2011; Li et al., 2014; Xiang and Judelson,2014). However, the primary trigger for sporulation isunknown. Nutrient limitation is thought to play a role,which is concordant with the finding that the nitrogenmetabolite repression regulator NMRA is down-regulated near the onset of sporulation in Ph. infestans

(Ah-Fong et al., 2017a). NMRA also was proposed tocontrol the transcription of late-induced effectors inPhytophthora capsici (Pham et al., 2018). Spiking at thesame time are mRNAs for genes used to assimilate ni-trate, which is a nonpreferred nitrogen source com-pared with amino acids (Abrahamian et al., 2016). Sincea study in Phytophthora cactorum found that addingamino acids or ammonium to media did not retardsporulation, the process also may be prompted by anaccumulated metabolite (Elliott, 1989). The plant alsomay affect sporulation, since itsmetabolic pathways arelinked to those of the pathogen during colonization. Adual-species systems approach tometabolismmay helpunderstand what influences sporulation, effector ex-pression, phytohormone levels, and other aspects ofplant-oomycete interactions.


Oomycetes have developed diverse lifestyles overtheir 400+ million years of evolution (Taylor et al.,2006). The (hemi)biotrophs have learned to coopt theirhosts by suppressing defenses and coercing plants toform interfaces for effector and nutrient delivery. Suchlifestyles may have evolved by exploiting pathwaysused by plants to harbor mutualists, since mutants ofM. truncatula deficient in mycorrhizae formation wereshown to have reduced susceptibility to Ph. palmivora(Rey et al., 2015). Many oomycetes have become host-adapted to the extent that they depend on plant me-tabolites for growth or reproduction. In contrast,necrotrophs have less-specialized lifestyles, as they cangrow as saprophytes or pathogens, overpowering theirhosts and perhaps even profiting from the plant im-mune response. Most oomycetes also have retained aflagellated life stage, which expands their access to newhosts, although this comes with a large genomic bur-den. Meanwhile, plants have evolved complex multi-layered defenses that balance survival against thegrowth penalty that comes from activating the immuneresponse (Ning et al., 2017).Many of the defenses, counter defenses, spore be-

haviors, and interactions with other microbes that wehave described have small individual effects on diseaseoutcomes but are significant from an epidemiologicalperspective. The infection potential of an oomycetespore on plant tissue is usually much less than 100%,similar to the situation in fungi (Mellersh and Heath,2002; Kong and Hong, 2016). The progress of an epi-demic will be influenced by factors that raise or lowerthis infection potential or the time between penetrationand sporulation (Willocquet et al., 2017). While manyplant scientists aim to develop strong resistance againstpathogens, natural defenses (as well as changes inpathogens that enhance fitness) need not have block-buster effects to be retained during evolution.Our knowledge of interactions involving Phytoph-

thora spp. has grown dramatically due to the avail-ability of genome sequences and tools for functional


• Are there effectors that cause nutrients to flow

to the oomycete-plant interface?

• Do oomycete haustoria play a major role in

nutrient uptake, or is protein secretion their

main function?

• What cargo is carried by plant exosomes to the

oomycete-host interface?

• Why does the shift from biotrophy to

necrotrophy occur early during infection by

some Phytophthora spp. and later in others?

• Can genome-scale modeling of metabolism

yield insight into the basis of obligate


• What are the molecular and environmental

(including in planta) factors that trigger


• Considering that much of our knowledge of

oomycete-plant interactions comes from studies

of Phytophthora spp., what is needed to

accelerate investigations of other oomycetes?

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Page 11: Exchanges at the Plant-Oomycete Interface That Influence ... · (Vitis vinifera), and Albugo candida, which causes white rust on crucifers (Kamoun et al., 2015). The obligate pathogenstypicallycause

genomics, but research into other oomycetes has lag-ged. It is unfortunate that Pythium spp. have remainedlittle studied despite their large agricultural impact, forexample. Most Pythium spp. are easily cultured, so itshould be possible for a new generation of researchersto improve our understanding of the genus. Studyingthe breadth of oomycetes is important since crop pro-tection solutions developed for one group may nottranslate to others.Received August 7, 2018; accepted November 19, 2018; publishedDecember 11,2018.


Abrahamian M, Ah-Fong AM, Davis C, Andreeva K, Judelson HS (2016)Gene expression and silencing studies in Phytophthora infestans revealinfection-specific nutrient transporters and a role for the nitrate reduc-tase pathway in plant pathogenesis. PLoS Pathog 12: e1006097

Ah-Fong AM, Judelson HS (2011) New role for Cdc14 phosphatase: Lo-calization to basal bodies in the oomycete Phytophthora and its evolu-tionary coinheritance with eukaryotic flagella. PLoS ONE 6: e16725

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Plant Physiol. Vol. 179, 2019 1211

Judelson and Ah-Fong

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