FEATURE STORY Excellence in Education Exists ... Making the Invisible Visible by Peggy Buffington, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, School City of Hobart Excellence in education exists. It is all around us. Why does it appear that excellence is invisible to many in our schools when, as school board members, administrators, and teachers, we know this not to be true? It is up to us to turn the invisible into the visible. Let your light shine. It is when the light is shining that our schools become a beacon in our communities to light the way for higher expectations and brighter futures. The stakeholders in the community of Hobart, Indiana, absolutely love their schools and are proud of them. The light is visible and shines for all to see. In the 2007-2008school year, the us, and we never stop doing what we School City of Hobart received district think is best for kids. Every step of the accreditation from AdvancEd/NCA. It way, we have kept our stakeholders was affirming to hear outside experts involved, informed, and instrumental share commendations for what is going in moving the strategic plan forward. right in our schools. One such com- Hobart is a community devoted to its mendation was A Caring School! greatest asset-its children and the Community Culture-a If it is best for kids, they (the school! community) find a way to make it happen." Many people have asked me why the School City of Hobart is successful. We have high expectations and shout them out. We have a vision and mission that guides 11 schools they attend. The schools recip- rocate and are committed to the com- munity. The School City of Hobart's Strategic Plan addresses seven stan- dards from AdvancEd/NCA, which include the following: 1. Vision and Purpose, 2. Governance and Leadership, 3. Teaching and Learning, 4. Documenting and Using Results, 5. Resources and Support Systems, 6. Stakeholder Communication and Relationships, and 7. Commitment to Continuous Improvement. We set up a collaborative environment for all stake- holders (including students, parents, teachers, administrators, board mem- bers, and community members) to come together to set goals and priori- ties in order to provide opportunities for every child to be successful. Each one of these standards has goals and interventions/strategies to improve. As the Superintendent of Schools, it is easy for me to reflect on the excellence that is evident, as our strategic plan moves forward. It is also visible enough that our community knows what makes us excellent, because it is all around us. WINTER 2010

Excellence in Education Exists Making the Invisible Visible · 2010. 2. 3. · FEATURE STORY Excellence in Education Exists ... Making the Invisible Visible by Peggy Buffington, Ph.D.,

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Page 1: Excellence in Education Exists Making the Invisible Visible · 2010. 2. 3. · FEATURE STORY Excellence in Education Exists ... Making the Invisible Visible by Peggy Buffington, Ph.D.,


Excellence in Education Exists ...Making the Invisible Visible

by Peggy Buffington, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, School City of Hobart

Excellence in education exists. It is all around us.Why does it appear that excellence is invisible to

many in our schools when, as school board members,

administrators, and teachers, we know this not to be

true? It is up to us to turn the invisible into the visible.

Let your light shine. It is when the light is shining that

our schools become a beacon in our communities to

light the way for higher expectations and brighter

futures. The stakeholders in the community of Hobart,

Indiana, absolutely love their schools and are proud of

them. The light is visible and shines for all to see.

In the 2007-2008school year, the us, and we never stop doing what weSchool City of Hobart received district think is best for kids. Every step of theaccreditation from AdvancEd/NCA. It way, we have kept our stakeholderswas affirming to hear outside experts involved, informed, and instrumentalshare commendations for what is going in moving the strategic plan forward.right in our schools. One such com- Hobart is a community devoted to itsmendation was A Caring School! greatest asset-its children and theCommunity Culture-a If it is best forkids, they (the school!community) finda way to make it happen." Many peoplehave asked me why the School City ofHobart is successful. We have highexpectations and shout them out. Wehave a vision and mission that guides


schools they attend. The schools recip­rocate and are committed to the com­munity.

The School City of Hobart'sStrategic Plan addresses seven stan­dards from AdvancEd/NCA, whichinclude the following: 1. Vision andPurpose, 2. Governance and

Leadership, 3. Teaching and Learning,4. Documenting and Using Results, 5.Resources and Support Systems, 6.Stakeholder Communication and

Relationships, and 7. Commitment toContinuous Improvement. We set up acollaborative environment for all stake­

holders (including students, parents,teachers, administrators, board mem­bers, and community members) tocome together to set goals and priori­ties in order to provide opportunitiesfor every child to be successful. Eachone of these standards has goals andinterventions/strategies to improve. Asthe Superintendent of Schools, it is easyfor me to reflect on the excellence that

is evident, as our strategic plan movesforward. It is also visible enough thatour community knows what makes usexcellent, because it is all around us.


Page 2: Excellence in Education Exists Making the Invisible Visible · 2010. 2. 3. · FEATURE STORY Excellence in Education Exists ... Making the Invisible Visible by Peggy Buffington, Ph.D.,

Highlighting the excellence that is

visible in the School City of Hobart willhelp one understand what pieces mustbe present in order to be successful andmake a difference in the lives of all

whom you serve in your communities.

1. Learning never ceases-we expecteveryone to learn.

a. Everychild is lea.rnillgand growing.As one of our teachers put it, "Weare individualizing instruction andtrying to make sure all studentslearn through RTI, NWEA, FUp,

Readers and Writers Workshop, A­Z Books, Compass Lea.rnillg,etc. Idon't think we have ever beenmore focused on individual stu­

dents' needs (which is sometimes

overwhelming but very necessary).With RTI, it is amazing to seestruggling kids feel successfuland see their growth."

b. We instill a sense of being

loved and belonging.We meet with kids

individually and insmall group set­tings. Secondaryteachers take on a

This is the first in a series of articles publishedin 2010 that address excellence in education

as it relates to the School City of Hobart.

The Journal, Indiana School Boards Association

special relationship with students

to monitor student learningin the form of teams. HobartMiddle School and the Freshman

Academies at Hobart High Schoolare all about teams of teachers

"hovering" over students to helpthem achieve.

c. We constantly meet with teachers

and use data to pinpoint goal areasthat need improvement and notethe areas where we excel.

d. We have athletic and academic

opportunities and clubs at everylevel for student interests. Goal set­

ting and striving for personal bestis evident in these extra­curricular activities.

Page 3: Excellence in Education Exists Making the Invisible Visible · 2010. 2. 3. · FEATURE STORY Excellence in Education Exists ... Making the Invisible Visible by Peggy Buffington, Ph.D.,


is more engaged and productive

when using technology tools.a. WIreless networks exist in every

building, with the schools offering

ubiquitous computing as studentlaptops are close to a 1:1ratio at the

high school, and the elementaryand middle schools having a 2:1ratio.

b. Teachers have projection systems,as well as tablets and responders,

for interactive learning. One ofour teachers commented, "The

technology in EVERYclassroom isgreat. The resources we have at our

fingertips and the convenience ofhaving an interactive lesson with

listen to podcasts (including the 8

Conditions for Student Aspirations

or How Full Is Your Bucket); be in a

parent program for pre-natal tokindergarten children, such asParents As Teachers (PA.T.); attend

parenting workshops; or partici­pate in book studies and familynights, parents are equipped tolearn and be engaged in doingwhat is best for their children.

g. Our school board and administra­

tors participate in book studies,conferences, and workshops. They

are also invited to join professionaldevelopment opportunities with

teachers and parents. One of ourfavorite book studies is Failure is

Not an Option.

2. Technology is the norm-Everyone

Join US!

e. Teachers are constantly perfectingtheir craft and will tellyou that theyreceive high quality professionaldevelopment. Much of their train­

ing comes from in-house expertswhom we have trained on

research-based practices. Utilizingthose trail blazers to train others is

how everyone becomes proficientand excellent. No matter if it

is using technology, conductingReading and Writing Workshops,or implementing Response toIntervention (RtI), there will al­

ways be someone there to hold ahand and lift the person to thenext level.

f. Our parents have opportunities to

learn, whether they are invited toblog (such as the Be There Blog);


Page 4: Excellence in Education Exists Making the Invisible Visible · 2010. 2. 3. · FEATURE STORY Excellence in Education Exists ... Making the Invisible Visible by Peggy Buffington, Ph.D.,

our students with the technologytools is wonderful. I feel like this

should be a college classroom

versus an elementary school."c. Technology tools make learning

more relevant and replicatethe real world in terms of

problem-solving and experientiallearning. Project-based/Problem­

based learning is everywhere.Imagine the following:

A day in the Ufe of the students

attending Hobart High School is

engaging and filled with oppor­tunities. Broadcast Media

students' program continuous

video, incorporating items such

as school event coverage and

various project-based curricu­lum activities. Business and

Marketing classes run their ownstudent credit union and cookie

business in "The Bric/de Stop."

Information Technology (IT)

classes assist with deployingtechnology and running the wire­

less network. The Emergency

Rescue Technology Academyoffers senior citizens free blood

pressure screenings. The Criminal

Justice class assists in fingerprint­

ing elementary school children.The Technical Theatre class

prepares the Blackbox Theatre for

an intimate evening of poetryreading. The student-run Brickie

Kidz Pre-school is doing read

alouds with its early childhood

development class. Project Lead

the Way BioMedical students are

presenting grant opportunities

for curing breast cancer through

gene and nanotechnology

research. Project Lead the WayEngineering students are distant

learning with other students on

the design of a cell phone charger

for student lockers. Twenty-firstcentury classrooms are definitelyengaging.

d. School board members took on

the challenge of using technolo­gy for school board business.They have gone green with elec­

tronic board packets. In addi­tion, their meetings are electron­ic' with the public able to watchand monitor voting as it occurs atmeetings.

3. Communication is abundant­Over communicate.

a. Public presentations are importantfor giving stakeholders opportuni­

ties to see children in action. Everyschool board meeting begins witha presentation involving studentsand what they are achieving intheir learning environments.Children are definitely our busi­ness at every meeting.

b. Who says paper newsletters are

out? Our community expectsFocus on Education twice a year.These publications are fullof stories about our school

improvement goals, along withstudent highlights and upcom­ing events to attend at the vari­ous schools. Of course, patrons

can read it online, but the printcopy is like a commemorative

edition that they share withfriends and relatives. School

newsletters are a big hit as well.c. Web sites have to be up-to-date

and offer new and exciting infor­mation. If you do not post newinformation regularly, there is no

reason for patrons to visit yourwebsite. Our Headlines andAnnouncements are favorite

front page hits.d. Our Parent Portal offers a

simple way to monitor a child'sprogress. It is a must-have for

every district.e. Use technology to communicate.

i. School City of Hobart uses a

broadcast alert system to keepthe community informed.Announcing school closuresshould not be the only use for

1he~ Indiana School Boards Assocation 14

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this valuable tool. Interact

with your community byannouncing events, standard­ized testing, tips for home­work, tips for handling the flu,etc.

ii. We host teacher web pagesthat are interactive with proj­ects.

iii.We blog and create podcastsfor our parents and the com­munity.

iv.We offer photo galleries andmedia clips of events.

4. Service is paramount-Creating acommunity that is caring benefitsall.

a. TeamLEAD is an anti-bullymentorship program that pro­

vides leadership training forupperclassmen at every level tomentor younger classmen.

b. Senior citizens are veryimportant in our community. Weare community schools. Our

high school's Performing ArtsDepartment provides freeperformances for senior citizens

on a special day and, in conjunc­tion with the events, our Food

Service Department providesformal dinners to make the

evening special. Our PsychologyClub rakes leaves and washes

windows, as well as decorates for

seasonal holidays. We visit nurs­ing homes and offer aerobics,

games, and dancing. These areoccasions to be kind and to dofor others.


c. Our schools regularly supportthe local food pantry. Whether it

is collecting, gathering, or stock­ing shelves, our students are

actively engaged. One of ourelementary schools' bookstoresregularly donates money for

perishables at the food pantry,while our other schools collect

food items. As members of the

local Kiwanis commented, "TheJROTC is like a machine when it

comes to unpacking bags ofgroceries collected around the

entire community and restock­ing the pantry's food shelves."

d. Our students are bell ringers forthe Salvation Army.

e. Keeping our community clean isa big task that the schools havetaken to heart. We are involved

with Mighty Acorns through theShirley Heinz Land Trust and the

Field Museum in Chicago.

Whether it is cleaning, painting,or spreading mulch in the com­munity parks, our students do itall.

f. All schools in Hobart supportRiley Hospital for Children. In

addition, they host a Relay forLife cancer walk.

Our stakeholders know that

opportunities are everywhere in theSchool City of Hobart. Our number onefocus is children. As one of our teachers

commented, "I think that all of the kidshere in Hobart know that we, as teach­

ers, administrators, and support per­sons, care about them and what hap­pens to them. We show it through wordsand actions. Nothing is dismissed asimpossible-anything is possible. Wesomehow find a way to make it happen.

If I were a child, I would be inspired bythis and would do my best to live up tothe expectations of all who were help­ing me succeed. That is what makesHobart schools excellent. That is what I

am most proud of, and that is why I loveto come to work every day."

Striving for excellence is the stan-


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dard, not the exception in the SchoolCity of Hobart. We expect EVERYONEtoLEARN and KEEP LEARNING. TECH­

NOLOGY is a tool used seamlessly,which offers teachers, students, and

parents opportunities to communicate,

monitor, and extend learning. COM­MUNICATION is a means of sharing.SERVICEis a priority that creates caringcitizens. Make the invisible visible.

Shout it out. Being visible with yourcommunity invites participation andextends an open hand for partners to

join in providing excellence forchildren. Our community is proud of its

schools and truly believes, "Once aBrickie, Always a Brickie!"

Visit our web site to learn more.

http://www.hobart.k12.in.us. ~

Striving for excellence is the standard, not the

exception in the School City of Hobart. We expect


TECHNOLOGY is a tool used seamlessly, which

offers teachers, students, and parents opportunities

to communicate, monitor, and extend learning.

COMMUNICATION is a means of sharing. SERVICE

is a priority that creates caring citizens. Make the

invisible visible.

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