Example Relating to Postings

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  • 7/28/2019 Example Relating to Postings


    Example: Posting-Relevant Information in the PayrollResult

    The following basic conditions apply for an employee:

    Your employee is assigned to the Central Developmentmaster cost center

    The basic pay is 5,000.00

    From January 01 January 15, the employee works for the Product Planningcost center for 50%

    of the time and for the master cost center for 50% of the time.

    From January 16 - January 31, your employee works for the Sales cost center (30%) and for

    the Quality assurance cost center (70%).

    On January 16, your employee receives a one-off payment of 100.00 from the Trainingcost


    This affects the payroll results for the payroll month of January as follows:

    Work Center / Basic Pay Table (WPBP)

    WPBP Partial Period From - To Company Code Master Cost Center

    01 01.01-15.01. 0001 Central development

    02 16.01-31.01. 0001 Central development

    Results Table (RT)

    Wage type WPBP Partial Period Cost Accounting Amount

    Monthly salary (M020) 01 2,400.00Monthly salary (M020) 02 2,600.00One-off payment(M110) 02 0001 100.00

    Bank transfer (/559) 5,100Cost Distribution Table (C0)

    WPBP Partial Period SeqNr Company Code Cost Center Percent

    01 01 0001 Product planning 50

    02 01 0001 Sales and distribution 30

    02 02 0001 Quality assurance 70

    Table of Cost Distribution from Different Infotypes (C1)

  • 7/28/2019 Example Relating to Postings


    Cost Accounting Company codes Cost center

    0001 0001 Training

    This information in the payroll results tables is evaluated by the Posting to Accountingcomponent as


    Posting Wage Type Monthly Salary(M020) for WPBP Partial Period 01:

    1. The system reads the Monthly Salarywage type (M020) for work center 01 from the resultstable (RT).

    2. The system reads the posting characteristics for the wage type in Customizing and identifies thatthis wage type is to be posted to an expense account.

    3. The system checks whether there is an entry for this wage type in the Cost Distribution fromDifferent Infotypes table (C1). This is not the case.

    4. The system checks whether the entry for this wage type in the results table (RT) refers to a partialperiod in the Work Center Basic Paytable (WPBP) and identifies the partial period January 01

    January 15.

    5. The system checks whether cost distribution has been specified in the Cost Distribution table(C0) for this partial period and identifies a distribution of 50% to the Product Planningcost center.

    6. The system posts 50% of the wage type amount to this cost center (1,200 to the ProductPlanningcost center).

    7. The system checks whether the wage type amount has been distributed at 100%. This is not thecase. For this reason, the system posts the remaining amount (50% = 1,200) to the master costcenter for the employee (Central Development). The wage type amount is then completelyposted.

    Posting Wage Type Monthly Salary(M020) for WPBP Partial Period 02:

    1. The system reads the Monthly Salarywage type (M020) for work center 02 from the resultstable (RT).

    2. The system reads the posting characteristics for the wage type in Customizing and identifies thatthis wage type is to be posted to an expense account.

    3. The system checks whether there is an entry for this wage type in the Cost Distribution fromDifferent Infotypes table (C1). This is not the case.

    4. The system checks whether the entry for this wage type in the results table (RT) refers to a partialperiod in the Work Center Basic Paytable (WPBP) and identifies the partial period January 16 January 31.

    5. The system checks whether cost distribution has been specified in the Cost Distribution table

    (C0) for this partial period and identifies a distribution of 30 % to the Quality Assurance costcenter.

    6. The system posts the wage type amount, which is distributed on a percentage basis, to the costcenters (780 to the Product Planningcost center and 1,820 to the Quality Assurance cost center).

    7. The system checks whether the wage type amount has been distributed at 100%. This is thecase. The wage type amount is then completely posted.

    Posting the One-Off PaymentWage Type (M110):

  • 7/28/2019 Example Relating to Postings


    1. The system reads the One-Off Paymentwage type (M110) from the results table (RT).2. The system reads the posting characteristics for the wage type in Customizing and identifies that

    this wage type is to be posted to an expense account.

    3. The system checks whether an entry for this wage type exists in the Cost Distribution fromDifferent Infotypes table (C1) and identifies that the wage type amount is to be posted tothe Trainingcost center.

    4. The system posts the wage type amount to the cost center.

    Posting Bank TransferWage Type (/559)

    1. The system reads the Bank Transferwage type (/559) from the results table (RT).2. The system reads the posting characteristics for the wage type in Customizing and identifies that

    this wage type is to be posted to a balance sheet account.

    3. The system checks whether the entry for this wage type in the results table (RT) refers to a partialperiod in the Work Center Basic Paytable (WPBP). This is not the case. The system chooses thelast partial period in the Work Center/Basic Paytable (WPBP) (16.01 31.01).

    4. The system reads the company code 0001 from the partial period for the Work Center/BasicPaytable (WPBP) and posts the wage type amount to this company code.

    Posting Documents

    The system creates the following posting document for the described postings:

    Company code 0001

    G/L account Cost Center Debit Credit

    Salaries Product planning 1,200.00 Salaries Central development 1,200.00 Salaries Sales and distribution 780.00 Salaries Quality assurance 1820.00 Salaries Training 100.00 Wages and salaries tobe paid


  • 7/28/2019 Example Relating to Postings



    FI/CO Posting - Retro's

    If an employee has retro's going back a few months then wagetypes /551 and /552 are used to hold the differences.

    For an employee who has been overpaidby a substantial amount, /561 and /563 are used to recover the claimagainst the employee. In the month of the adjustment, /561 shows the total difference. If the employee's salary doesnot allow this full amount to be deducted then an additional amount will have to be claimed, which will be thedifference between /551 and /560 - stored as /563.

    Cost Center Hierarchy and Searching

    If you wish to display, rather quickly, the whole cost center hierarchy, you can do so using thetransactioncodeOKEN. If you wish to find a particular cost center, use the menu path Edit > Find and then enter your costcenter. The hierarchy will just open up for this cost center. The structure shown, will be for a particular controllingarea. You can change the controlling area by using the menu path: Edit > Settings

    Cost Distribution - IT 0027

    In most cases, an employee's cost will be based on the employee's home cost center, found oninfotype0001. Insome cases, it may be necessary to apportion these costs to more than one cost center. You can do so on IT 0027- Cost Distribution. You can enter the company code, cost center and the percentage to be distributed amongst theentries. It is also possible to allocate costs across company codes. In order to do this, a posting variant must be setup to link the two company codes, and must be selected when creating the posting run.

    Splitting FI posting documents by employee name

    Ever wondered how to split accounting documents from Payroll to FICO by employee number - i.e. one documentper employee?

    You'll need to fill in the text field in the 2nd user exit in RPCIPE00 with the current PERNR (employee number). Thedocument will then be summarized at the employee level. The text field will form part of the key of summarization.

    Reversing Posted Results

    You may need to reverse posted payroll results at some point.

    You can do so by using transaction code PCP0 and select the run you want to reverse. Then use the menu path:Edit > Reversal > Reverse document.

    Once you have reversed the document you can then make the relevant changes and repost the correcteddocument.

    You can't reverse the posting for an individual employee. You need to reverse the whole document and then fix theissue or exclude the employee from the posting run and then repost the whole document.

  • 7/28/2019 Example Relating to Postings


    Posting Wage Types with and without hours

    Want to know how to post some wage types with hours and others without hours? You might have wage types thatare being posted to FI/CO - some with hours posted and others without.

    You could create notional or dummy wage types which are the same as the source wage type - with or without the

    hours. You could decided to configure 1 of the 2 wage types - depending on what you required to be posted.

    See OSS note 111538. It details a very easy user exit which provides a solution for posting quantities.

    Symbolic Accounts

    Symbolic accounts are the link between the payroll and finance sections of SAP.

    Every wage type which posts from payroll to the finance section of SAP, needs to do so via a symbolic account thathas been defined in table T52EK. So every posting wage type must be assigned to a symbolic account. TableT52EL_COMP is very useful when maintaining the mapping between wage types and symbolic accounts, it showsevery wage type and where it points to. Wage types will only appear in this table if they are first entered into tableT52EZ, which specifies which wage types should post to the finance section using date parameters.

    A symbolic account can have limitless wage types pointing at it, this means that if, for example, you have 3 wagetypes that post to the same GL account, they could all point to the same symbolic account.

    A wage type can point at more than one GL account, this is necessary when posting wage types such asEmployers NIC and Employers Pension Contributions for example. The way to handle such cases is to have thesame wage type posting to one GL account as a debit and another as a credit, hence not affecting the overallbalance of the posting document.

    When specifying the link between symbolic accounts and GL accounts in the relevant IMG step, selecting Rules atthe top of the screen gives you various options for your symbolic accounts.

    By selecting the check box Employee group, it is possible to use the same symbolic account to point at differentGL accounts according to the Employee Grouping. This means that the same wage type can post to different GL

    accounts according to the Groupings specified in table T52EM and the rules specified in feature PPMOD. N.B. Onlywage types that have the MOMAG (Account determination dependent on employee grouping) box selected intable T52EK will be dependent on Employee Grouping.

    By selecting the check box Debit/Credit, it is possible to have the same symbolic account pointing at a separateGL accounts for debits and credits.

    A word of warning however, if you are changing the rules for your symbolic accounts you will lose all your currententries mapping symbolic accounts to GL accounts, so be very sure of what you are doing and do not play aroundwith this IMG step.

    A very useful tool when customizing the settings for the Payroll and FI integration is the Check Consistency ofCustomizing step of the IMG. This report shows which GL account each wage type will post to, if there are any

    wage types that are not pointing at a GL account via a symbolic account then the report will show ??????.If?????? appears, then there is an error in the customizing and you will receive an error when you try and post thewage type. A common reason for ?????? appearing in the report when the configuration has been finished is thata symbolic account has been specified as an expense account in table T52EK, for example, but has been pointedat a balance sheet account in relevant step of the IMG.
