Examinations . a much more questionable ground for refusal of a remedy is one based on the merits of the application or the applicant, ie that the court considers that the merits of the applicant’s case are such that no remedy would have been granted anyway or simply that the court disapproves of the apolicant . indeed , these two aspects of merits can themselves be combinedas in glynn v keele university (1971) , where the court refused to grant a remedy to a student who was excluded from his university for a year and fined for sun bathing on campus in the nude. A remedy was refused on the basis that the student had got what he deserved and that a hearing would have been a mere formality and not have changed the outcome. One can understand the court not wishing to waste its time on an application when there is no chance of the decision being affected by anything the applicant has to say – as tated by lord wilbeforce in malloch v Aberdeen corporation (1971) : “ the court does not act in vain .” but this approach that a hearing would have made no difference – one which is not entirely uncommon ( see also the similar approach in the cinnamon case in the context of legitimate expectation , above , p129 ) – is very dangerous. It is effectively tantamount to pre-judging the merits of a case for a second time disregard of the opportunity for a fair hearing. As stated megarry j in john v rees (1970) …. The path of the law is strewn with examples of open and shut cases which somehow, were not; of unanswerable charges which , in the event , were completely answered; of inexplicable conduct which was fully explained; of tired and unalterable determinations that , by discussion, suffered a change 5.5.9 fault A remedy has also beend denied where the fault which led to a breach of natural justice was not that of the decision-maker. The reles of natural justice/ the duty of fairness have developed to ensure fairness in the decision-making process. The decision in r v secretary of state for the home department ex parte al mehdawhi (1990), however , suggests that this is to be approached from the angle of the duty imposed on the decision- maker and not from the prespective of the person affected. Here a fair hearing hearing had been denied not through the


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Examinations . a much more questionable ground for refusal of a remedy is one based on the merits of the application or the applicant, ie that the court considers that the merits of the applicants case are such that no remedy would have been granted anyway or simply that the court disapproves of the apolicant . indeed , these two aspects of merits can themselves be combinedas in glynn v keele university (1971) , where the court refused to grant a remedy to a student who was excluded from his university for a year and fined for sun bathing on campus in the nude. A remedy was refused on the basis that the student had got what he deserved and that a hearing would have been a mere formality and not have changed the outcome. One can understand the court not wishing to waste its time on an application when there is no chance of the decision being affected by anything the applicant has to say as tated by lord wilbeforce in malloch v Aberdeen corporation (1971) : the court does not act in vain . but this approach that a hearing would have made no difference one which is not entirely uncommon ( see also the similar approach in the cinnamon case in the context of legitimate expectation , above , p129 ) is very dangerous. It is effectively tantamount to pre-judging the merits of a case for a second time disregard of the opportunity for a fair hearing. As stated megarry j in john v rees (1970). The path of the law is strewn with examples of open and shut cases which somehow, were not; of unanswerable charges which , in the event , were completely answered; of inexplicable conduct which was fully explained; of tired and unalterable determinations that , by discussion, suffered a change5.5.9 faultA remedy has also beend denied where the fault which led to a breach of natural justice was not that of the decision-maker. The reles of natural justice/ the duty of fairness have developed to ensure fairness in the decision-making process. The decision in r v secretary of state for the home department ex parte al mehdawhi (1990), however , suggests that this is to be approached from the angle of the duty imposed on the decision- maker and not from the prespective of the person affected. Here a fair hearing hearing had been denied not through the fault of the decision- maker but that of applicants solicitor who mistakenly sent leters to the applicant at an old address. As a consequence , the applicant was not represented at a hearing and his appeal against deportation was dismissed. Reversing the decision of the court of appeal, the house of lords found that, in the absence of fault on the part of thedecision-maker , there had been no breach of natural justice . lord bridge noted that the applicant was not left wholly without a remedy. The secretary of state had a discretion of state had a discretion to refer to the adjudicator a matter which was no before him at the times of the decision5.5.110 waiver of natural justicethe denial of a fair hearing is personal and so can be waived by the person directly affected. It is a corollary of this principle that persons not directly affected by the absence of a fair hearing have no enforceable rights (see Hoffman la roche v secretary of state for trade and industry (1975)). It is unlikely in any case that such persons would have the necessary locus standi to bring an application for judicial review(see chapter)

Pemeriksaan. tanah jauh lebih dipertanyakan untuk penolakan obat ini yang didasarkan pada manfaat dari aplikasi atau pemohon, yaitu bahwa pengadilan menganggap bahwa kasus tersebut pemohon sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak ada obat akan diberikan pula atau hanya bahwa pengadilan tidak menyetujui apolicant tersebut. memang, kedua aspek manfaat dapat sendiri dikombinasikan dalam Glynn v Keele University (1971), di mana pengadilan menolak untuk memberikan obat untuk seorang mahasiswa yang dikeluarkan dari universitas selama satu tahun dan didenda untuk mandi matahari di kampus di telanjang . Obat ditolak atas dasar bahwa siswa telah mendapat apa yang dia pantas dan bahwa sidang akan menjadi formalitas belaka dan tidak mengubah hasilnya. Satu dapat memahami pengadilan tidak ingin membuang-buang waktu pada aplikasi ketika tidak ada kesempatan keputusan yang dipengaruhi oleh apa pun pemohon harus mengatakan - seperti yang tated oleh tuan Wilberforce di Malloch v Aberdeen Corporation (1971): "pengadilan tidak tidak bertindak sia-sia ", tetapi pendekatan ini yang sidang akan ada bedanya -. salah satu yang tidak sepenuhnya jarang (lihat juga pendekatan yang sama dalam kasus kayu manis dalam konteks harapan yang sah, atas, p129) - sangat berbahaya. Hal ini secara efektif sama saja dengan pra-menilai manfaat kasus untuk waktu mengabaikan kedua kesempatan untuk persidangan yang adil. Sebagaimana dinyatakan Megarry J Di John V Rees (1970).... Jalur hukum yang penuh dengan contoh membuka dan menutup kasus yang entah bagaimana, tidak; tuduhan terjawab yang, dalam acara tersebut, benar-benar menjawab; perilaku yang tak dapat dijelaskan sepenuhnya dijelaskan; penentuan lelah dan tidak dapat diubah itu, dengan diskusi, mengalami perubahan

5.5.9 kesalahanObat juga telah ditolak di mana kesalahan yang menyebabkan pelanggaran keadilan alam itu tidak dari pembuat keputusan. Para Reles keadilan alam / tugas keadilan telah dikembangkan untuk menjamin keadilan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. Keputusan di rv sekretaris negara untuk departemen rumah Ex Parte Al Mehdawhi (1990), bagaimanapun, menunjukkan bahwa ini harus didekati dari sudut tugas dikenakan pada pembuat keputusan dan bukan dari wawasan dari orang yang terkena. Berikut sidang pemeriksaan yang adil telah ditolak tidak melalui kesalahan dari pembuat keputusan tetapi dari pengacara pemohon yang keliru mengirim leters kepada pemohon pada alamat lama. Akibatnya, pemohon tidak diwakili di sidang dan banding melawan deportasi dipecat. Membalikkan keputusan pengadilan banding, rumah tuhan menemukan bahwa, dengan tidak adanya kesalahan pada bagian dari thedecision pembuat, belum ada pelanggaran keadilan alami. Jembatan tuan mencatat bahwa pemohon tidak ditinggalkan sepenuhnya tanpa obat. Sekretaris negara memiliki kebijakan negara memiliki keleluasaan untuk merujuk ke juri yang soal yang ada di hadapannya pada waktu keputusan

5.5.110 pengabaian keadilan alamipenolakan persidangan yang adil adalah pribadi dan dapat dibebaskan oleh orang terkena dampak langsung. Ini adalah konsekuensi logis dari prinsip ini bahwa orang-orang tidak langsung dipengaruhi oleh tidak adanya persidangan yang adil tidak memiliki hak dilaksanakan (lihat Hoffman La Roche V sekretaris negara untuk perdagangan dan industri (1975)). Hal ini tidak mungkin dalam hal apapun yang orang-orang tersebut akan memiliki locus standi diperlukan untuk membawa aplikasi untuk judicial review (lihat bab)