Ex Parte Hennen, U.S. Aug. Term 1838 (Op. of Taney, C.J.), NARA RG267 Entry 27 Box 1

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cited in Ross E. Davies, A Certain Mongrel Court: Congress’s Past Power and Present Potential to Reinforce the Supreme Court, 90 Minn. L. Rev. 678, 725 n.195 (2006)

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Page 1: Ex Parte Hennen, U.S. Aug. Term 1838 (Op. of Taney, C.J.), NARA RG267 Entry 27 Box 1
Page 2: Ex Parte Hennen, U.S. Aug. Term 1838 (Op. of Taney, C.J.), NARA RG267 Entry 27 Box 1
Page 3: Ex Parte Hennen, U.S. Aug. Term 1838 (Op. of Taney, C.J.), NARA RG267 Entry 27 Box 1