J x ' J "t '( ea0f09OO9O Best lldmlhi& Medium, f 7?AIIKir. The Oldest S Tap i Jl t rVMM ,vJ, ' ? Ifyoh Don't Mead-- i 'h&Bullcltn ! B ULLGT-I- N Evening Paper Published you Dwt-Gc- l ALL the News. V-VJ- i ll.VJ on the Hawaiian Islands. It Reaches ALL the Teople Subscription 75c. a month. MOMOI00 XfrfrfrfrOfr00t0CM0 Vol. III. No. 581. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1897. Piuok 5 Cents, THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published OTCry day oxcopt Snndny nt 210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I. SUUSCIUI'TION HATES. Pec Month, nnywhero In the Islands $ 76 Por Year. 8 00 Por Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico 1000 Per Year, postpaid, other Foreign Countries in 00 1'nynblo Invariably In Advnuce. Telophono 260. P. O. Box 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. Pure, Rich Blood is the soil In which roots life, health, strength, happiness. The soil of tho blood cin bo drnlnul nr impoverished like any other soil, and can be fertil-izeitan- d nourished in a similar way. You can get back tlieold spring and snap. You can enjoy labor by day and sleep by njght. You can cat your food with tho . Hearty elite Qf health, if you only supply the blood with its lacking nutriment; vitalize It, or if you like, fertillro it. A largo nuiuuer tu m called tonio remedies am disguised stimulants. Ajor's Sarsaparilla is not u stimu- lant but a nourishment. It feeds the blood and so enriches it, ni well as purifies it. That, is why piijsl-clan- s recommend ' AYER'i Sarsa panua Dlirim of Imitation!. Tha name Ayer'n Saraaparllln la prominent oo tbe wrapper and Mown In tbo (liu of etch bottle. AYER'S PILLS FOR INDIGESTION. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Bole Agents for the Itopublic of Hawaii. Just Received AN INVOICE OK New Fashion Tailor Goods I.v l.ljl)I.(! Suitings, Trouserings, Kam' - gams, Serges, Lining, Etc. ALSO White 'Linen and Cotton Daok Hy the Yard or by the Piece. p. W. cimid. pm Yon Holt Block, King Street. BC. Gr. BIAJRT, , " !) Tort Slicot. ' Jeweler &nd Watcljm&ei? ' Having bought out the entire stock of J. E. Gomes I am prepared to rurnisu Fiisi-cius- s jewelry at rea- sonable prices. Watchmaking and Reualrios a Specialty. tT Native Work of all kinds. Also Wire Ornaments., FRANCIS DU : Architect and Superintendent G& Office: 305 Fort street, Spreckols' Block, Room 5. LATEST FOREIGN NEWS OltlSIN iv niKir is RAiim.r AI'IMIOAOIIM;., I'riu In 1'nllril Mntci Con. urrHtt.-r.ilio- lien la Vi nrin- - Culm Still I hero. Bolow is a couiploto summary o the two days' nows o genorul interest received by tho Mariposa unci dating to the 3rd inst. : Tin; i:ahti:kn tiiddiii.k. Vmma Wonder nt the I'otvcra Blorkade of Ureece. Colonel Vasflos, commander of tbu Grcok forces in Oroto, declines to reWou Turkish prisoueis after tbo failure of tbe Admirals to en- force tbo Kandauos ngreomont. Tho Turks if released would Bim-p- ly bo turned against tbo Christi- ans again. Ho is surprised that tbo Admirals should garrison Canea, when bo bad given bis word that be would not attack it. It was uottruo that flour was refuted admission for tbe suffering people. Only tbe other day a vessel laden with iloar tfas sunk. "T ho written my last letter to tho Admirals," ho savs in writ- ing to tho Patriarcli of Cauea, "and I shall not attack thorn, but if they come against mo I would light them, even if thorp wero six-too- n instead of six Powers. Sidney Robetts Burleigh, a war correspondent, sayB bo was shot at by Turkish outposts on tbo way to tbe insurgent camp at Malaxa, al- though bo was truveling under a white flag. Tbo Uritish Admiral in Cretan waters roports borne that bo bad rocoived a dispatch from Colonel Vussos, which was "full of mis- representations." Answers to questions in tlm British Houso of CommouB wore to tho following effect: It was not known that any government was Bonding artillery into Crote oxcepting Russia. Germany was not Bonding troops to Oroto. Tho rout Powers wero not siding with 5 'urkey, but defonding tho lives of Mahomnicdan Cretans against tboso who wero not Mahomniod-an- s, and tboir allies. Tbo policy of tho British government was to givo tbo Cretans This last was a roply from Mr. Balfour to aviolont spoooh by Mr. Labouoboro, who characterized tho policy of the govorumont as "fostoring a perfect nest of anar- chy and slaughter." Cretan insurgents tired riflo shots at a blockhouso known to have beon occupied by foroign troop" who replaced tbe Turkish garrison. Tho troops returned tho lire, when tho insurgents d. Mr. Gladstono has writton a lottor in wbioh ho hopes that Parliament will firmly resist the claim of tho Powors to ohooso a ruler of tbo Cretans. Tbo Powors, Mr. Gladstono adds, aro entitled to claim that whoever ohall bo solocted as Priuco of Creto shall be disposed and ablo to fairly recognize Ottoman suzerainty in tho island, but beyond that tbo selection of a rulor ib purely a Cretan ajfair. Hostilities in Croto aro pro- ducing a bad impression in Con- stantinople and it is bolioved that tbo Turkish Government will soon proposo to tho Powers that Turkey horsolf bo permitted to take action against tho iusurgonts. Tho AtbonB correspondent of tho London Cbroniclo says in- surgent bauds aro already crossing tbo frontier, and Albania is on tho verge of a revolt. Ho further say a: "1 can also confirm tbo re- port of tbo oxistonco of a secret treaty botweon Russia and Tur- key, negotiated by Prinoo An Athena dispatch of tho 2nd inst. BayB: It is reported hero tonight that the Greek Govern- ment has boon notified BCtni-officiall- that a bloekado of tbo Grook ports will bo enforced within tbroo or four days. And from St. Petersburg tho same dato comes tbo statement: A bloekado of Greece, which the ltussian press thinks tbo likeliest way of forcing tbo situation, by exciting tho1 Greeks lo hostile acts on tlie Turkish frontier, has evidently been decided upon. I'NITKD MTAlrN. Tbe Presidont ollerod M. II de Youuij, propriotor of tbo fcjuii Francisco Cbroniclo, the choice of several niiuor foreign missions, but he declined tho honor. Murk Hunuo, it is said, blocked do Young's ambition to be an Am- bassador anywhere. .Tho battleship Iowa is out of drydock and ready for sea. Nearly 3000 Dunkards aud Mennonitos passed through St. Paul on tbeir way to tboir now homes in North Dakota.. Tho Senatorial deadlock in Kentucky is costing tho Stato 1000 a day. Astoria, Oregon, has adopted an ordinance to license gambling for tbe sake of tbo revenue, which is estimatod will bo 810,000 a year. Thousands of families along tho Mississippi aro without shelter, having boon flooded ont of tbeir homes. At Momphis the river is fallinc. Peotilo of St. Louis are becoming alarmed, tbo river bav- - ! ing broken the record there for rapidity of rise. Corbett nnd FitzsimmonB aro running rival shows ut lfenvor, Colorado, a featuro of which is tongue lashing of each other. Charges of bribery will bo used to provont Henry Heitfield from taking tho seat for Idaho in tho United States Sonato. It is alleg- ed that Mark Ilanna's money bought thioo raombors of the Log-islatur- In hoed of protests from tbo West the Cabinet has bad a con- sultation on President Cleveland's forest reborvalion. It was decided to have caroful surveys mado and farm lunds segregated. Genorui Chas. A Carlotoi, wbo rose from tho ranks to wear a Brigadier-Genera- l's stars in the ciTil war, died at his homo in Now York, aged G2 years. Ho was a brother of George W. Carlotou, tho publishor. Four Cuban resolutions wero introduced in tho Sonato on tbo 1st iust.i ono by Mr. Morgan be- ing to recognize Cuba's belligerent rights. Presidont MoKinley has rocog-nizs- d tho proposed bloekado of Greece by tho European Powers. Seuator Chandler refused to couseut to a final vote on tbo ar- bitration treaty on April 1, owing conduct in tbo Cretan matter aud also her conduct to- ward the Boors.. Ho said ho would probably vote fr tbo treaty in the end, but ho was not in tho mood for it that day. DIKQLKY ON HUOAI1. lteprosontativo Dingloy, in a press dispatch on tho tariff, says this of tho sugar duties: "Tbe bill increases tbo duty on raw sugar about threo-quarto- rs of a cent por pound, both for tbo purpose of rovouue aud of protec- tion. This iucieaso ot duty will yield about S20.000.000 of addi- tional rovonuo, aud at tbo samo time will oncourago tho produc- tion of sugar in tho United States. Wo paid lost yoar about S8 1,000,-00- 0 to toroigu coubtries for sugar, a sum which will soon bo increas- ed to $100,000,000. Now that wo havo an opportunity, growing out of our immediate nood for rov- onuo, to oncourago tbo domestio production of beet sugar, tlioro otifjht tp bo no hesitation in en- acting tbo logislidiou proposed." l'ltUSIDENTIATj APPOINTMENTS. Among nominations sent by tho Presidont to tho Sonato are: Andrew D. White of Now York, Ambassador to Germany. William F. Draper of Massa- chusetts, Ambassador to Italy. Chandler nalo of Maino, sec- retary of Embassy at Romo, Italy. Samuel L. Cracoy of Massa- chusetts, Consul at Foocbow, China. Continued on Sth Payt. HE IS SULKY AND MOROSE I UK .IttmnKKMI tlUTLKK NKEIHS IO I'AltAUIt PUS OP FltonilKSN, .I.K1-1- 1 1VK UIVKX IIP HOI'E. I Mini: AM PAIN. Willi IiimI roiikluiill.v lor I'rnr Tlinl lie M'll (oimiill Siilclilo Jin Al. lliulj Vtli'iuiHril l. Wboij won by a Bulletin rep- resentative this morning in bis floating pridou oo board tbo Mari- posa, tho Australian murderer was sulky and to talk. He ap- peared sullen and morose and to bo chafing nthis close confinement like a wild boast. Detoctives McHattio aud Con-r- oy kfit a nloso watch on him, while tbo former told of the trouble ! they had bad with tho prisoner on tboir way down. After leaving San Francisco Butlor seomed to loso all hope and to givo up complete- ly. Tbo day boforo loaving ho to commit auicido by sov-ori- ug the right temporal artery with his thumbnail but bo was discovered in timo to pi event it, although bo bad succeeded in making a ragged wound nnd cov- ering himself with blood. All the way clcjrn b. h..c bc:u bins everything possible to got nt the wouud and tear it opon ngoin. To prevent this his finger nails are kept trimmed as closely as possi bio and every move he makes is carefully watched. The dotectivos take turns in watching him, two of them being constantly on duty while the third is sloeping. Deputy - marshal Hitchcock boarded tho Mariposa early this morning and toudored iniy assistance that might bo necessary to Inspector Roobo, who thankfully accopted the ser-vm- o3 of n conple of stalwart po- licemen, one of whom -- vnv Mion-c- d in the corridor loading to the stateroom which is Bet apart for tbo murderor's prison with orders to allow no ono to pass by. Later suob a crowd of peoplo flocked to tho steamer in tbe hopes of gain- ing a look at the tnnrderor that tbo decks wero cleared and no ono was allowed on board excopt on business. This was necessary as tbo crowd intoifored with neces- sary work. About 10 o'clock Inspector Roche was taken up to tbo Mar- shal's ollico by Captain Harry Evans, and later was shown tbo city by Captain Ronken, who took him to various points of in- terest in a back. Detectives Mc- Hattio and Conroy wore taken for a drivo when they stoppod over on their way to Sau Francisco and oluncu L Lcr c! on tbeir priftonor whilo their superior took a littlo lespito from his arduous dutios. Tbo stateroom iittod up for' tbo murdoror'B prison is No. 31 on tho starboard side of tbo vessol. Everything in tho shapo of furni- ture has boon removed from it ox- copt tho lower of tho throo bunks on which tho mnnLir sponH mo-i- t of hif'time. Near tho odgo of this bunk a stout stool ring .has boen rivoted to wbioh the murdoror is chained whenever ho has ono of his surly fits on. Tho Btool storm obuttorof tho port hole tbatsorves as a window has boon closed and tbo only light that roaches the coll is through tho brass-rimm- ed dead light. Tho statoroom on tho opposite sido of the corridor is reserved for tho dotectivos and has boon so arranged that while lying in their bunks they can soo dirootly into Butlor'e coll. Tho prisoner is given occasional oxer-cis- o, when ho is not too surly to take it, early in tho morning or lato at night when tho other pas- sengers am not about. Ho is tbon handcuffed to two of tho dotectivos on oithor sido of him and allowed to walk tho deck for about an hours, but ho has not availed bimsolf of this priviloge very ofteu during tho voyago. Captain Harry Evans found out from the dotoctives tbo particular Continued on flh Payc. NOTES FROM HILO TOWN rmorllilinli- - Nntlin I,op it Ilmiil HrcUlmi In tlniiiuliry IMiillr- - UnalllOKinlid S.xlolj. Theie was a great rush for tho Kaiwiki homesteads four miles out of Hilo, of which tbo Bulle- tin gave tho pioneor notico of opening sonio time ago, nnd many applicants wore turned away sad. Moio land io to bo opened for sottlomont in tbo same quartor. A column of ileum From Olaa in tho Tribuuo is mainly of now coffoo planting, improvements about settlors' homes, new busi- ness ventures, etc., with-- a epice ot social diversions in tho settlement. Hilo got tho boxing match re- sult by tbo bark Roderick Dbu. Howard Hitchcock seemed some line sketches on thu Kona coast. The Hilo tennis court is ready, but thero is no playing. Mr. aud Mrs. C. C. Kennedy gave a largo card parly in honor of tho visit of Alex. Young and the Misses Young. Scats for tho now Foroign iburch havo arrived from the CoaBt and the clock will soon come. Drs. AVilliams aud Mooro nm-put- thohhnd of Goo. Nakanu-ah- i, a natio, tbo opt,4tion being successful. An entertainment for tbo bone-f- it of tho Kiudergarton this even- ing U going to bo a great buccesa according to tho preparations. Captain Matson is going to send down a yacht from San Francisco which will niako tho wator warm for tho presout ploaBuro fleet. Robert ltycroft has reooived a decision in his favor, acainst tbo Government, from tho Boundary, Uommiasiouers. it affects the title to 2000 acres, mostly good land. As soon as sugar slncks off, tbo steamer Helono will bo put on tbo run borweon Honolulu and Hilo, with the Kiuau making a fivo days' service Mr. McKiunon, a bright young man from Honolulu, has adopted tho building business in Hilo, aud begins by putting up n houso for himself. lncilinMy o-- r the nolo of shuuties on the Government lota on Bridge street, F. S. Lyman gave Mr. Sevorauco tho auctioneer a commission to make u clean sweep of old buildings belonging to him. Thus tho march of im- provement takoB its way. Mr. Dosky has bought fifteen acros on tho Volcano road, which ii umii ov up wm t'.n lots. ' J. A. Martin, ono of tho graud-ol- men of Hilo, is very poorly. Hilo Boarding School has giv- en up its ico making business to tbe Electric Light Company. An Invllitlioii. You aro invited to tbo union meeting of tbe Y. P. S. 0. E., tbo Epworth League, tho Y. P. S. of tho Chi istiau Church and tbo Y. M. O. A., Sunday oveniug at 15:30 at Y. M. C. A. hall. Loadors: H. E Coleman, MissGearlmrdt, Mrs. Holmes unci Mr. Todd. Topiu: "Our Brothers' Keepers," Gen. 4:3-l- G. Solos by Miss Hainan aud J. Q. Wood. Musio by largo choir led by Dr. Burgeas. Song servico begins at 0:20 o'clock, Como oarly. TroaBuror Fornnndos roported a balauco of on baud iu tbe benefit fund nnd $200 in tho investment fund, at tho semi-annu- al mooting of tlio Young Hawttiiaus Institute laBt night. !?L v .., . , .. . i f -- .... r.v - ,( -- v. ijyj' . . ; w. ' .o v j&iu&s .. ,..', Mi ; Sffci't fv w ? UUifV 4&L. rrtmirftf-h?- h .r : TPBSiriiii.niiWtMtM PRESIDENT DOLE INVITED Tinti:i: ntvs' i.xritrisus to ro.v MotAii: oi' v,i.i:iu'iii'rii. SiiiI Ardilrnt In Two Jlrl llonli Suiinrpril In Virl IM11111. Ilniml .TlHllrro. LwtviKV, April 8, 1897. Tho consecration ot Waineo church will take place on the 18th of this month. Most of tho Sabbath schools of Maui aud Molokai will participate, and many prominent people from tboso islauds and Ho- nolulu are expocted. Invitations have boon issued by tbo committee in cbnrge. Following ia tbo pro- gram as arranged: Sunday, tho consecration ceremonies; Monday, au evening concert; Tuesday,grand Sabbath school exhibition, fol- lowed by a luau froo to all, given in tbo courthouso square. Presi- dent Dolo and others are expected to be present. . . A very sad accident occurred on Wednesday in uhu-- two native girls wore solely injured. 1'hey wero riding in a sugar car ou tho railroad botweon Knanapali and Lubaiim, although f'biiMcp by tho manager to do so. One of the trucks jumped th tracks aud tho girls woie thrown out. Tho truck passed ovei them, breaking tho thigh and arm of one and injuring tho head of the other. Dr. Davi-Bo- n fears internal injuries. High surf has somewhat re- tarded tho lauding of Capt. Ahl-bom- 's steam pump from tbo Mi-kaha- la this week. Tho Claudino and Mikahala each bad a boat Bwamped by tbo waves, without damage boyond a ducking, and a fow lost packagos of merchandise Tbo April issue of Hawaii's Young People is ou$ and most ot tho teachers without certificates aro attending tho examinations at Wailuku, to tako place Friday and Saturday. Tho vacation, brief aud Hooting, is now being onjoyed by tboso who havo well earned it -- and others too, perhaps. Tbo Labaiua Tonnis Club will bold a business meeting shortly. AT MAKIU ISLAND. . 'ruffrmu Mr the Concert Tomorrow Alli'riiumi. At Makeo Islaud tomoriow afternoon at 3 o'clock tho Govern- ment baud will play tbo following selections: P.VIIT I. Tlic Old Huudnil. 0 orturc ltarmoml Thomit "alli.l-l.- iit Wnlilj Piiuutl Puntafcla l'ori'lilUliI 1'fO. cisloii ,. Mcjcrbeer KvmlnlscinctM of Mcmltlnsolin .Ouilficy 1'AllT II. Cornet Solo Hemcuibmuca of Liberty.. :. Guej Mr. Cbarlcn Kreutcr. Cborut Tannliauscr Warner Echo l'lue Tliurlnglan Forest Kleslcr Finnic Carmen , Uizut IlnuAll Vonol. Tin: jAiMNtst: i.ivi:. Mny Jtnn lo Sun I'rnnclco Iiislcml of Si'nillv. Tho Ban Francisco Chronicle says: "Thero is a strong possi- bility that tho Nippon Yusou Kaisha may sovor its rotations with tho Great Northorn Railway in tho noar future and run its stoamora to Sau Francisco instead of Seattle. At loast Colonel C. F. Crocker thinks so, and ho ex- pressed au opinion to that effect yesterday afternoon." a. At Eliiuin Nqnure. Following is tho progrnm for the band concort at Emma square this afternoon at 4:30. OTcrtnre Struggle for Fortnno ,Sitpi9 Finale I Gluramento Sunclll BeiUttlon Said 1'asbi (by rentunt).... .... Stulil Cornet aolo Sea Flower ltollliiion Mr. Charles Kreuler. Wallx-Fanta- ljle Co.tos MdrLb My Darktow n Hal Johnson llanull rmiol. 1 ;? 1 w is iaB

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x '




ea0f09OO9OBest lldmlhi& Medium, f 7?AIIKir. The Oldest S Tap i Jl


rVMM ,vJ, ' ?Ifyoh Don't Mead-- i 'h&Bullcltn ! B ULLGT-I-N

Evening Paper Publishedyou Dwt-Gc- l ALL the News. V-VJ- i ll.VJ on the Hawaiian Islands.It Reaches ALL the Teople Subscription 75c. a month.

MOMOI00 XfrfrfrfrOfr00t0CM0

Vol. III. No. 581. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1897. Piuok 5 Cents,


Published OTCry day oxcopt Snndny nt210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I.

SUUSCIUI'TION HATES.Pec Month, nnywhero In the

Islands $ 76Por Year. 8 00Por Year, postpaid to America,

Canada, or Mexico 1000Per Year, postpaid, other Foreign

Countries in 00

1'nynblo Invariably In Advnuce.Telophono 260. P. O. Box 89.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.

Pure, RichBlood

is the soil In which roots life, health,strength, happiness. The soil of thoblood cin bo drnlnul nr impoverishedlike any other soil, and can be fertil-izeitan- d

nourished in a similar way.You can get back tlieold spring andsnap. You can enjoy labor by dayand sleep by njght. You can catyour food with tho .


Qf health, if you only supply theblood with its lacking nutriment;vitalize It, or if you like, fertillro it.A largo nuiuuer tu m called tonioremedies am disguised stimulants.Ajor's Sarsaparilla is not u stimu-lant but a nourishment. It feedsthe blood and so enriches it, ni wellas purifies it. That, is why piijsl-clan- s

recommend '


Dlirim of Imitation!. Tha name Ayer'nSaraaparllln la prominent oo tbe wrapperand Mown In tbo (liu of etch bottle.


Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Bole Agents for the Itopublic of Hawaii.

Just Received


New FashionTailor Goods

I.v l.ljl)I.(!

Suitings, Trouserings, Kam'- gams, Serges, Lining, Etc.


White 'Linen and CottonDaok

Hy the Yard or by the Piece.

p. W. cimid. pmYon Holt Block, King Street.

BC. Gr. BIAJRT,, " !) Tort Slicot. '

Jeweler &nd Watcljm&ei?

' Having bought out the entirestock of J. E. Gomes I am preparedto rurnisu Fiisi-cius- s jewelry at rea-sonable prices.

Watchmaking and Reualrios a Specialty.

tT Native Work of all kinds. AlsoWire Ornaments.,

FRANCIS DU :Architect and Superintendent

G& Office: 305 Fort street,Spreckols' Block, Room 5.


OltlSIN iv niKir is RAiim.rAI'IMIOAOIIM;.,

I'riu In 1'nllril Mntci Con.urrHtt.-r.ilio- lien la Vi nrin- -

Culm Still I hero.

Bolow is a couiploto summaryo the two days' nows o genorulinterest received by tho Mariposaunci dating to the 3rd inst. :

Tin; i:ahti:kn tiiddiii.k.

Vmma Wonder nt the I'otvcraBlorkade of Ureece.

Colonel Vasflos, commander oftbu Grcok forces in Oroto, declinesto reWou Turkish prisoueis aftertbo failure of tbe Admirals to en-

force tbo Kandauos ngreomont.Tho Turks if released would Bim-p-ly

bo turned against tbo Christi-ans again. Ho is surprised thattbo Admirals should garrisonCanea, when bo bad given bisword that be would not attack it.It was uottruo that flour wasrefuted admission for tbe sufferingpeople. Only tbe other day a vesselladen with iloar tfas sunk.

"T ho written my last letterto tho Admirals," ho savs in writ-ing to tho Patriarcli of Cauea,"and I shall not attack thorn, butif they come against mo I wouldlight them, even if thorp wero six-too- n

instead of six Powers.Sidney Robetts Burleigh, a war

correspondent, sayB bo was shot atby Turkish outposts on tbo way totbe insurgent camp at Malaxa, al-

though bo was truveling under awhite flag.

Tbo Uritish Admiral in Cretanwaters roports borne that bo badrocoived a dispatch from ColonelVussos, which was "full of mis-representations."

Answers to questions in tlmBritish Houso of CommouB woreto tho following effect: It wasnot known that any governmentwas Bonding artillery into Croteoxcepting Russia. Germany wasnot Bonding troops to Oroto. Tho

rout Powers wero not siding with5'urkey, but defonding tho livesof Mahomnicdan Cretans againsttboso who wero not Mahomniod-an- s,

and tboir allies. Tbo policyof tho British government was togivo tbo CretansThis last was a roply from Mr.Balfour to aviolont spoooh by Mr.Labouoboro, who characterizedtho policy of the govorumont as"fostoring a perfect nest of anar-chy and slaughter."

Cretan insurgents tired rifloshots at a blockhouso known tohave beon occupied by foroigntroop" who replaced tbe Turkishgarrison. Tho troops returnedtho lire, when tho insurgents d.

Mr. Gladstono has writton alottor in wbioh ho hopes thatParliament will firmly resist theclaim of tho Powors to ohooso aruler of tbo Cretans. Tbo Powors,Mr. Gladstono adds, aro entitledto claim that whoever ohall bosolocted as Priuco of Creto shallbe disposed and ablo to fairlyrecognize Ottoman suzerainty intho island, but beyond that tboselection of a rulor ib purely aCretan ajfair.

Hostilities in Croto aro pro-ducing a bad impression in Con-stantinople and it is bolioved thattbo Turkish Government willsoon proposo to tho Powers thatTurkey horsolf bo permitted totake action against tho iusurgonts.

Tho AtbonB correspondent oftho London Cbroniclo says in-

surgent bauds aro already crossingtbo frontier, and Albania is on thoverge of a revolt. Ho furthersay a: "1 can also confirm tbo re-port of tbo oxistonco of a secrettreaty botweon Russia and Tur-key, negotiated by Prinoo

An Athena dispatch of tho 2ndinst. BayB: It is reported herotonight that the Greek Govern-ment has boon notified BCtni-officiall-

that a bloekado of tbo Grookports will bo enforced withintbroo or four days. And from St.Petersburg tho same dato comes

tbo statement: A bloekado ofGreece, which the ltussian pressthinks tbo likeliest way of forcingtbo situation, by exciting tho1Greeks lo hostile acts on tlieTurkish frontier, has evidentlybeen decided upon.


Tbe Presidont ollerod M. II deYouuij, propriotor of tbo fcjuii

Francisco Cbroniclo, the choice ofseveral niiuor foreign missions,but he declined tho honor. MurkHunuo, it is said, blocked doYoung's ambition to be an Am-bassador anywhere..Tho battleship Iowa is out of

drydock and ready for sea.Nearly 3000 Dunkards aud

Mennonitos passed through St.Paul on tbeir way to tboir nowhomes in North Dakota..

Tho Senatorial deadlock inKentucky is costing tho Stato

1000 a day.Astoria, Oregon, has adopted an

ordinance to license gambling fortbe sake of tbo revenue, which isestimatod will bo 810,000 a year.

Thousands of families along thoMississippi aro without shelter,having boon flooded ont of tbeirhomes. At Momphis the river isfallinc. Peotilo of St. Louis arebecoming alarmed, tbo river bav-- !

ing broken the record there forrapidity of rise.

Corbett nnd FitzsimmonB arorunning rival shows ut lfenvor,Colorado, a featuro of which istongue lashing of each other.

Charges of bribery will bo usedto provont Henry Heitfield fromtaking tho seat for Idaho in thoUnited States Sonato. It is alleg-ed that Mark Ilanna's moneybought thioo raombors of the Log-islatur-

In hoed of protests from tboWest the Cabinet has bad a con-sultation on President Cleveland'sforest reborvalion. It was decidedto have caroful surveys mado andfarm lunds segregated.

Genorui Chas. A Carlotoi, wborose from tho ranks to wear aBrigadier-Genera- l's stars in theciTil war, died at his homo in NowYork, aged G2 years. Ho was abrother of George W. Carlotou,tho publishor.

Four Cuban resolutions werointroduced in tho Sonato on tbo1st iust.i ono by Mr. Morgan be-ing to recognize Cuba's belligerentrights.

Presidont MoKinley has rocog-nizs- dtho proposed bloekado of

Greece by tho European Powers.Seuator Chandler refused to

couseut to a final vote on tbo ar-bitration treaty on April 1, owing

conduct in tbo Cretanmatter aud also her conduct to-

ward the Boors.. Ho said ho wouldprobably vote fr tbo treaty in theend, but ho was not in tho moodfor it that day.


lteprosontativo Dingloy, in apress dispatch on tho tariff, saysthis of tho sugar duties:

"Tbe bill increases tbo duty onraw sugar about threo-quarto-rs ofa cent por pound, both for tbopurpose of rovouue aud of protec-tion. This iucieaso ot duty willyield about S20.000.000 of addi-tional rovonuo, aud at tbo samotime will oncourago tho produc-tion of sugar in tho United States.Wo paid lost yoar about S8 1,000,-00- 0

to toroigu coubtries for sugar,a sum which will soon bo increas-ed to $100,000,000. Now that wohavo an opportunity, growing outof our immediate nood for rov-onuo, to oncourago tbo domestioproduction of beet sugar, tliorootifjht tp bo no hesitation in en-acting tbo logislidiou proposed."

l'ltUSIDENTIATj APPOINTMENTS.Among nominations sent by

tho Presidont to tho Sonato are:Andrew D. White of Now York,

Ambassador to Germany.William F. Draper of Massa-

chusetts, Ambassador to Italy.Chandler nalo of Maino, sec-

retary of Embassy at Romo,Italy.

Samuel L. Cracoy of Massa-chusetts, Consul at Foocbow,China.

Continued on Sth Payt.




Willi IiimI roiikluiill.v lor I'rnr Tlinl lieM'll (oimiill Siilclilo Jin Al.

lliulj Vtli'iuiHril l.

Wboij won by a Bulletin rep-resentative this morning in bisfloating pridou oo board tbo Mari-posa, tho Australian murderer wassulky and to talk. He ap-

peared sullen and morose and tobo chafing nthis close confinementlike a wild boast.

Detoctives McHattio aud Con-r- oy

kfit a nloso watch on him,while tbo former told of the trouble !

they had bad with tho prisoner ontboir way down. After leaving SanFrancisco Butlor seomed to losoall hope and to givo up complete-ly. Tbo day boforo loaving ho

to commit auicido by sov-ori- ug

the right temporal arterywith his thumbnail but bo wasdiscovered in timo to pi event it,although bo bad succeeded inmaking a ragged wound nnd cov-ering himself with blood. All theway clcjrn b. h..c bc:u binseverything possible to got nt thewouud and tear it opon ngoin. Toprevent this his finger nails arekept trimmed as closely as possibio and every move he makes iscarefully watched. The dotectivostake turns in watching him, twoof them being constantly on dutywhile the third is sloeping.

Deputy - marshal Hitchcockboarded tho Mariposa earlythis morning and toudorediniy assistance that might bonecessary to Inspector Roobo,who thankfully accopted the ser-vm- o3

of n conple of stalwart po-licemen, one of whom --vnv Mion-c- d

in the corridor loading to thestateroom which is Bet apart fortbo murderor's prison with ordersto allow no ono to pass by. Latersuob a crowd of peoplo flocked totho steamer in tbe hopes of gain-ing a look at the tnnrderor thattbo decks wero cleared and no onowas allowed on board excopt onbusiness. This was necessary astbo crowd intoifored with neces-sary work.

About 10 o'clock InspectorRoche was taken up to tbo Mar-shal's ollico by Captain HarryEvans, and later was shown tbocity by Captain Ronken, whotook him to various points of in-terest in a back. Detectives Mc-

Hattio and Conroy wore taken fora drivo when they stoppod overon their way to Sau Franciscoand oluncu L Lcr c!

on tbeir priftonor whilotheir superior took a littlo lespitofrom his arduous dutios.

Tbo stateroom iittod up for' tbomurdoror'B prison is No. 31 on thostarboard side of tbo vessol.Everything in tho shapo of furni-ture has boon removed from it ox-

copt tho lower of tho throo bunks onwhich tho mnnLir sponH mo-i- t

of hif'time. Near tho odgo of thisbunk a stout stool ring .has boenrivoted to wbioh the murdoror ischained whenever ho has ono ofhis surly fits on. Tho Btool stormobuttorof tho port hole tbatsorvesas a window has boon closed andtbo only light that roaches thecoll is through tho brass-rimm- ed

dead light. Tho statoroom on thoopposite sido of the corridor isreserved for tho dotectivos andhas boon so arranged that whilelying in their bunks they can soodirootly into Butlor'e coll. Thoprisoner is given occasional oxer-cis- o,

when ho is not too surly totake it, early in tho morning orlato at night when tho other pas-sengers am not about. Ho is tbonhandcuffed to two of tho dotectivoson oithor sido of himand allowed to walk tho deck forabout an hours, but ho has notavailed bimsolf of this privilogevery ofteu during tho voyago.

Captain Harry Evans found outfrom the dotoctives tbo particular

Continued on flh Payc.


rmorllilinli- - Nntlin I,op it IlmiilHrcUlmi In tlniiiuliry IMiillr- -

UnalllOKinlid S.xlolj.

Theie was a great rush for thoKaiwiki homesteads four milesout of Hilo, of which tbo Bulle-tin gave tho pioneor notico of

opening sonio time ago,nnd many applicants wore turnedaway sad. Moio land io to boopened for sottlomont in tbo samequartor.

A column of ileum From Olaa intho Tribuuo is mainly of nowcoffoo planting, improvementsabout settlors' homes, new busi-ness ventures, etc., with-- a epice otsocial diversions in tho settlement.

Hilo got tho boxing match re-sult by tbo bark Roderick Dbu.

Howard Hitchcock seemedsome line sketches on thu Konacoast.

The Hilo tennis court is ready,but thero is no playing.

Mr. aud Mrs. C. C. Kennedygave a largo card parly in honorof tho visit of Alex. Young andthe Misses Young.

Scats for tho now Foroigniburch havo arrived from theCoaBt and the clock will sooncome.

Drs. AVilliams aud Mooro nm-put-

thohhnd of Goo. Nakanu-ah- i,a natio, tbo opt,4tion being

successful.An entertainment for tbo bone-f- it

of tho Kiudergarton this even-ing U going to bo a great buccesaaccording to tho preparations.

Captain Matson is going to senddown a yacht from San Franciscowhich will niako tho wator warmfor tho presout ploaBuro fleet.

Robert ltycroft has reooived adecision in his favor, acainst tboGovernment, from tho Boundary,Uommiasiouers. it affects thetitle to 2000 acres, mostly goodland.

As soon as sugar slncks off, tbosteamer Helono will bo put ontbo run borweon Honolulu andHilo, with the Kiuau making afivo days' service

Mr. McKiunon, a bright youngman from Honolulu, has adoptedtho building business in Hilo,aud begins by putting up n housofor himself.

lncilinMy o-- r the nolo ofshuuties on the Government lotaon Bridge street, F. S. Lymangave Mr. Sevorauco tho auctioneera commission to make u cleansweep of old buildings belongingto him. Thus tho march of im-provement takoB its way.

Mr. Dosky has bought fifteenacros on tho Volcano road, whichii umii ov up wm t'.n lots. '

J. A. Martin, ono of tho graud-ol-

men of Hilo, is very poorly.Hilo Boarding School has giv-

en up its ico making business totbe Electric Light Company.

An Invllitlioii.

You aro invited to tbo unionmeeting of tbe Y. P. S. 0. E., tboEpworth League, tho Y. P. S. oftho Chi istiau Church and tbo Y.M. O. A., Sunday oveniug at 15:30

at Y. M. C. A. hall. Loadors: H.E Coleman, MissGearlmrdt, Mrs.Holmes unci Mr. Todd. Topiu:"Our Brothers' Keepers," Gen.4:3-l- G. Solos by Miss Hainan audJ. Q. Wood. Musio by largo choirled by Dr. Burgeas. Song servicobegins at 0:20 o'clock, Comooarly.

TroaBuror Fornnndos roported abalauco of on baud iu tbebenefit fund nnd $200 intho investment fund, at thosemi-annu- al mooting of tlioYoung Hawttiiaus Institute laBtnight.

!?Lv .., . , .. . i f -- .... r.v - ,( -- v.ijyj' . . ; w. ' .o v j&iu&s .. ,..', Mi ;

Sffci't fv w ? UUifV 4&L. rrtmirftf-h?- h .r: TPBSiriiii.niiWtMtM


Tinti:i: ntvs' i.xritrisus to ro.vMotAii: oi' v,i.i:iu'iii'rii.

SiiiI Ardilrnt In Two Jlrl llonliSuiinrpril In Virl IM11111.

Ilniml .TlHllrro.

LwtviKV, April 8, 1897. Thoconsecration ot Waineo churchwill take place on the 18th of thismonth. Most of tho Sabbathschools of Maui aud Molokai willparticipate, and many prominentpeople from tboso islauds and Ho-

nolulu are expocted. Invitationshave boon issued by tbo committeein cbnrge. Following ia tbo pro-gram as arranged: Sunday, thoconsecration ceremonies; Monday,au evening concert; Tuesday,grandSabbath school exhibition, fol-lowed by a luau froo to all, givenin tbo courthouso square. Presi-dent Dolo and others are expectedto be present. .

. A very sad accident occurred onWednesday in uhu-- two nativegirls wore solely injured. 1'heywero riding in a sugar car ou thorailroad botweon Knanapali andLubaiim, although f'biiMcp bytho manager to do so. One of thetrucks jumped th tracks aud thogirls woie thrown out. Tho truckpassed ovei them, breaking thothigh and arm of one and injuringtho head of the other. Dr. Davi-Bo- n

fears internal injuries.High surf has somewhat re-

tarded tho lauding of Capt. Ahl-bom- 's

steam pump from tbo Mi-kaha- la

this week. Tho Claudinoand Mikahala each bad a boatBwamped by tbo waves, withoutdamage boyond a ducking, and afow lost packagos of merchandise

Tbo April issue of Hawaii'sYoung People is ou$ and most ottho teachers without certificatesaro attending tho examinations atWailuku, to tako place Friday andSaturday. Tho vacation, briefaud Hooting, is now being onjoyedby tboso who havo well earned it

-- and others too, perhaps.Tbo Labaiua Tonnis Club will

bold a business meeting shortly.


'ruffrmu Mr the Concert TomorrowAlli'riiumi.

At Makeo Islaud tomoriowafternoon at 3 o'clock tho Govern-ment baud will play tbo followingselections:

P.VIIT I.Tlic Old Huudnil.

0 orturc ltarmoml Thomit"alli.l-l.- iit Wnlilj PiiuutlPuntafcla l'ori'lilUliI 1'fO. cisloii

,. McjcrbeerKvmlnlscinctM of Mcmltlnsolin .Ouilficy

1'AllT II.Cornet Solo Hemcuibmuca of Liberty..

:. GuejMr. Cbarlcn Kreutcr.

Cborut Tannliauscr WarnerEcho l'lue Tliurlnglan Forest KleslcrFinnic Carmen , Uizut

IlnuAll Vonol.

Tin: jAiMNtst: i.ivi:.

Mny Jtnn lo Sun I'rnnclco Iiislcmlof Si'nillv.

Tho Ban Francisco Chroniclesays: "Thero is a strong possi-bility that tho Nippon YusouKaisha may sovor its rotationswith tho Great Northorn Railwayin tho noar future and run itsstoamora to Sau Francisco insteadof Seattle. At loast Colonel C.F. Crocker thinks so, and ho ex-pressed au opinion to that effectyesterday afternoon."


At Eliiuin Nqnure.

Following is tho progrnm forthe band concort at Emma squarethis afternoon at 4:30.

OTcrtnre Struggle for Fortnno ,Sitpi9Finale I Gluramento SunclllBeiUttlon Said 1'asbi (by rentunt)........ StulilCornet aolo Sea Flower ltollliiion

Mr. Charles Kreuler.Wallx-Fanta- ljle Co.tosMdrLb My Darktow n Hal Johnson

llanull rmiol.






Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7872/1/1897041001.pdf · J x ' J "t '(ea0f09OO9O Best lldmlhi& Medium, f 7?AIIKir. The Oldest S Tap i










Havana Cigars





La A. (rica.ua,,T-Ie-ury Clay & ."Dock & Co.

Corner Fort &fmmMMiMMMMmmMmmMam


MUSIC. , . , For Everybody:Tho only complete liuo of

MUSIC GOODSIn the Mm. (I, A few ofour speelnlties (

l(ll) 0'sl)ll VV Pi Mil OS J

o .;The perfection of art in("11(110 UKIKlUg.


CHICAGO CO iTAfJB OHO AXS, Untqimlfii in tone, beauty iiud con-struction.

ItKGINA Ml'StC HOXKS, Hik KltiRof all, plnjs over one tliouimidtuues.

AUTOHARPS, everybody's lustru-incu- t,

u clillil cau play It.(iUII'AHS, we carry the celebrated

lleury K. Mason, Hnrwood undother make, from $4 up.

BANJOS, Htewart, Fairbanks &Cole and oilier wellkuowumakes.

ACCORDEOXS, the celebrated "Im-perial" and other good Hues.

IdT Audit thousand mid ono othersmaller iiintriitueiiln loo numerous tomention.

Our celebiated Willi, Nlchoh Co."Staii" llrand of

...... .tsUU .IA', ! IUI.I V am:

B.-l.YJ- SrA'.YGS,Are the heft made. Ue no other.

Sheet Music,Music Books.

INSTRUCTION BOOKSFor all Instrument.

Our Htoek In the r.iott varied to liefound tula nidft ol 'FrKco, and theprices the name as jou pay 111 thoSllllOK

All Iiistniineiit'isold ou easy monthly payments.


The mouey savers for you.

v w- 's.-tr- v w...


vVIi'f ' (' -

irvshivrjgisx:.ra --J. ..'" " 3cWLi.' T?ir.'tW iQi- - " VMT .: U vivim:l n rtj'Ci-'- . vwymtapv.yv'f..w ' :-- -


owgcgsri S


35g.aas? Soit rip B s

"airs " " QU 3

n 4 'a notrs- -CT4 i rr s. ?w"13r.u I C3

PS5? O Co 01 f4. Q 7) "3

. . .

Factories of

Merchant Sts.

Lewis Ceu

If n man's dinner is rijjflit,and lie rises from the tabicconscious that his wife hasused the same judgment as toprice time sue diu in tin) sHoc- -

t'" f lu nrt'c'es deposed ofmere can be no indigestion tofollow. Our "roods tire of tho

jkind which bring health,happiness and a fat purse.

laule delicacies are, a fadwith us they ait bought be-

cause we known the averageHonoluluite is fond of goodthings for tho stomach. Ourprices arc below the averageand special inducements areoffered to cash purchasers. Ourlatest importations include thebest goods obtainable in theEnglish markets.

Copeland's English Peas;Cod's Roe, Mackerel in Mus-tard Sauce and Cambridgeaausages in tins are so wellput up that it would bo ditti-eu- lt

to detect the dittm-no-

between them and tho samearticles direct from the market.

"Teyssonneau" is a longname to put before Pate butthe combination makes the besttid bit ever placed before agourmet. These are goodsthat anyone maj' eit withoutfar of indigestion followingThey are put up in the bestfactories in Europe and cometo us in elegant condition.

Lewis & Co.,


P"ort Strum Honolulu.

A Quiet Shave

Can he had at the

Barber -- :- ShopI'AOIIKLO i& FeKNANDKZ.




:Totsir3r --u."blicTelephone 'At. : t No. aid Klne 8t.

Subporibe for the Evening livh- -

letin 70 conta per month. j

f f IjPf , ,J.1'WT'"r '., JTrTP5 mwqytrjYm iwpi.np"z',EVENING BULLETIN,

KffcM ! ft. 14 UDHM nWVMM'

'iiixri: pom ri ir.isA llronUtJii llicj clc (.Irl'llrlllrnilxTrd

) I.t lliinir Ctimic

An Atuuticau bclioolgirl, Jnso-phin-

Amelia Claudius, o 121Van Buron stroot, Brooklyn, istho proud possessor oE a tokou offriendship from Li Hung Chang.It is a scout bag, embroidorcdwith tho skill and taBtc charac-teristic of such work iu thoFlowery Kituloin. Tho bag iscircular in shape, with pendantribbons, aud a loop with which toattach it to a girdlo. All thocplors of tbe raiubow aro artis-tically blundcd in tho figures thatadoiu tho bag. This sentiment ison tho face: "All Things ThatAro Wished." Added charm andlntoioflt attncli to the k'op-,L- iu;iu nri. ...... I i :ithe Miiiiirw u urmjnpi "Mild Jl I

was the propcity of tliu Dowuger i

Empress of China.How b.m fin mint the ucquaiu-tanc- e

of lit Hung Cliaujr is apiot'y htoij. ft win an tine vpfi'tinllioiini on li 'i prl. r lm uni uliuuttluougl) the uc II kinwu Ct)ii(1nestof tlit Cbiiiusu nohleiiKiii forjourig people. When on his initto tlllK eotllitiv ImkI vioir lio wmdriven through Ihoohlyn. ifiswuiciuui, luquuing eyes lounwctlwith intureHt the lifiirn nf ncharmiug littlo bicyclist who hadwiiooieu out oi vrospect J'ark androde lllirollrtf with lnu nnrrimrnSho continued ntendilv iiml mi.uuucerufHiiy iu inai posuiou untiltho vehicle reached the UnionLeagno Club house, wheif he wuhthe guest pf honor nt a roceptinugiven i in,' eitiKcim in JJrooklyn.She oppeared again whim tli(visitor whh heing ciivon to theMrimuuiiy l'Vriy, ami wan againobsered )y him.

At the end ol IJiondwuy thoVieeroj had the girl to hisrarriago and allied hei lo visithim at tho Waldorf Hotel. Shodid ho, lint ho was out. She nftor-war- d

lesponded to his invitation,hut he was rent in' nt tin. timn elmcnQed, and she did not seo him.ctie wjote a letter to lnui explain-ing this, and leceived his roplyfrom Peking with tho beautifulpresent. In thin ho snid. rmimwrOilier lllr-- tllillf.H' l,Tf I linrl onmiyou at tho hotel 1 should certainlynave given yon a souvenir andperhaps you would have given mosome littlo koopsake. But 1 willnow make goal my neglect. WhuuI got back to China I camo hereto Peking and saw mv Ernpororft lid told him ot all 1 hml h.nii!then 1 called on Hie l'!mnm.Ml)oMlL'L'l'.U'llf) llllsiilunv lii'i.ri vrvkind tome, llermajehty m(i2 yearsold, and ih in five and ein intic. Shewas mueli iutuioited in li ncciiiniiof my travels and asked me manyquestions. iieu lier majestyguvo me somo piesents, andamong thuni was n little cent hagto hang on my belt. I now sendyou this pretty little bag and hopoit will please you. Tf you hold itup before your eyes you will seetour I lunosn words worked in redsilk, lead them r oiu light to left.'Wan Hluh Yu E.' They moan:'All Things As Wished' -- that is,may you havo everything youwant. And I hopo you will. But,of Course, it in understood, mnrnbr less.tthat you must only wantwhat you can got what you mayreasonably expect.. This you mustread botweon the lines. It wraililnot do, for example, for you towant to vote at piesont,or to nuta silvor dollar instead of n goldone: but timn mnvnliniirrn nil HintI shall tdvo my bicvclo to somelutld lioy who oan lenrn to in In it.I should liko to havo you give amimo for it."

Superior biuakfaut sausage is aspecialty at tho Cential Market.King up 101.

King Bios, havo just filled anorder for 201) colored Hawaiianplunus for u paiti in Aineiieu.

Nicely furnished rooma at thePopular House, 15 1 Fort streot,from 81.00 per week up.

Now suitings and pants patternsare aniviuc by overv mail Bteoni-uri- or

Tj. 15. Km r. Hn hnilti u Hinulnyard nt wholesale prices.

Ivronnnr PiiiTins.Hweolnstin tnnp.Ta... W. llorgstrom, oolo agent, ciih.Ii

or installments. Warorooius atG. "West's, Masonic Templo. Of-fic- o 9

at Thrum's Book Store. Tuu- -

uig and lepiunng. CS" Tele- -

phono :U7. .

"Printm! ilnnkn urn inut nu itaw!if not better than anything elsofor boys' shirt waists. They washand wear well, two very importantconsiderations. lvqrr has them inn largo variety of patterns at eightyards for ono dollar.

APEIL 10, 1897.


KiT All of the following Brandsof Liquors aro imported directfor tho Merchants' Exchange:

White Ryo,Kontucky Favorite,O.P. S. Privato Stock,Old Kentucky Bourbon,Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.


Tin: Bi:sr F6itnix Biiands:James IlonneFoy v' Brandy,Hour Oiullet Urnnu ,

Australian Brundv.Old Bushmills Pute Malt Gie-lan- d

Vhi.sko,John Dew.tr A Suns' Highland

Scotch U'liH'coy,GiLiiguuy High land Scotch

Whidkiy,Burks ' '"" Irish Whiskey,J. H. Gilby's Bum, (Castlo

Brund);CeleVnated I'uhntico and Gou-o- va



on Filk:All Honplulu Papers,San h'tancisco Papers,iScioutitio'Ani'-rioii.n- ,

Bleeder und riuoiUamu,llnrpui's Weekly,

,Ju.lg." and Puck, and sevornlwell-know- n Spoiting JournalK.

JVierchants' ExchangeNuunnu and King Streots.

S.I. SHAW, - Prop.

Grass LinensWo have just received a linoof GRASS LINENS ofEX-TKEMEL- Y


and aro safo in sayingthey are tho finest ovor im-ported here.

A NICEQi7&ss Linen

is much supenor to silk inappeal n nee and thero is nocomparison whatovor in thowear. We have thorn iu

While and Colors


aro clothes crank3,in that thoy feelno clothes aro goodclothes suvo tailors' clothes.


make good clothes,but chargo toomuch for the goodness.Goodness is an incident.


lack tho incident,ovon when tho tailorcharges for it. Samecloth, same make,with incident, for halftailor's prico our way.

ii The Kash."Hotel Street WaYerley Block

We Make Shirts to Order.



Hotol St., near Fott. Tol. 3C2.

Canadian-Australia- n SteamsSiip Line

--MbHtenraori of the nbovo Liuo rtuminj: in connection with the

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYDetweon Vancouver, B. C, nnd Sydney, N. 8. Wm nnd calling nt Victoria, B. 0.

Honolulu nnd Suva (Fiji),

ABE IDTTE --A.T 23Z03STOXjTTXj,JrOn or about tho dates below stated, viz.:

Pniiii Sydney anil Suta, fur Victoria nnd From Victoria and Vancouver, 11. O., tVancuurer. It. C.I Sura and Sjdneri

" April 24' Sfmr "WAKItlMOO" i Aorll 18

Strur "WAlUMOO" May 24 Stmr "MIOWKIIA" iky 11Stinr "MIOWEHA" Juno 24 Stmr "WATlMMOO" Juue 18Stmr WAKItlMOO" July 24 Stmr "MIOWKHA" July 16

Tlirougli TicUots Issued from Honolulu to Cnnuda, '

United States and 1'urojic.I'lirioiiT ANDrA8iE.NaEUAan.NTs: f' C&"" For FrciBht nnd I'linKo nnd nil

Gcnornl Information, npuly ioD. jroNioor,!,, Jloutrenl, Cnundn.

M. M..S!SSJ&?ftwmQ. McIj. Bnow.v, Vancouver, B. C.

OceaniG Steaisli Co.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:

Tho Now nnd Fino Al Steel Steamship

"Alameda"'Of tho Oceimie Steamship Company willho due nt Honolulu from Sydney nndAuckland un or nbout

.April 20, 1807.And will leave for tho nbovo port withMails und PnBHCUgers oil or about tlmtdate.

For Sydney and Auckland:

Tho Now nnd Fino Al Stce Stenmahip

" "MariposaOf ,tlio Oceiinio Stuniunhip Coinpnuy willbo duo nt Honolulu from Sim Franciscoon or auout

.A.pril 8, 1807.And will havo prompt despatch withMails nnd Passengers for tho above ports.

Tho undersigned are now prepared. to issue

Through Tickets to All PointsIn tho United States.

fJTFor further particulars regardingr reigiu or rnssiige nppiy to

WM. G. IRWIN 4VC0., L'd,General Agents.

Italic SteamsMp Co


fllKTRAI. ...k..laIII

Arrive Honolulu Lcavi nbuolulnfrom S. F. for S. r.

April 27. 1897. ..May fi, 1897May 25, 1897.. .June 2, 1897

TSROTJOEC LINEFrom Han Francisco From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco.Arrive Honolulu. leave Honolulu,

Mariposa, April 8, '97 I Alameda, Ap29. '97Moana, May 0, 97 Mariiosn,My 27, '97


YES!I Always Get

My Clothes


Madeirosfe Decker'sThe Hotel Street Tailors.

A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.

THE0, "' DAV,ES & C0--Ld

II Audits for tbo ITiiwaiinn If,lnnds.

Ullcr's Stemisliip Co's

TIME TABLE.0. L. WIGHT, rrcn. S. Jl. HOSE, Seo.

Onpt. J. A. KING, 1'ortSupt.

Stmr. KINAU;CLARKE, Commander,

Will lcavn ITnnnlnl.i o. In . .. .Lahalna. 117, n.: .2 K?" n.Msnmeday; Mnhiikoua, Knwalhnoand Lau.,he ''oHowiug dny, arriving at

.lliln tlln nmn ...1.11.1n. . .


Friday Aurll in , f.,77iT.. "i...,. .T,.B0,nv a .'.. ,. .'."."'"y 01'". ''' " "1"" ' rnnuy., AuiiI23iri(,fly .Jly7 TnesiU May 4

KnturnliiR. will loavn Itiln t i ,.i.i.v.P. M.. toilnlilrtn nt T..l ...1.. .. .

kouij and Kawnibae suae MnkeiinMwloea Bay and Labalnn tlfu follow incBay; nrridng at Honolulu tho afternoonsof 'luefcilay and rridavH.. . .win i. it r..i wm nt

in0 f reiSlit will bo leeched nftoinoon on day 0f bailing.

Stmr. CLAUDISE,CAMERON,-Commande- r,

Will leave Honolulu 'Tuesday at G r. m iH t Kalmtal, Hana, Hnmoa andKlpabuu, Maul. Iteturning arrives atHonolulu Suitday mornings.

ofS ntt ' KaUP' " 8eCOad ,riP

ITNo Freight will be received afterp. m. on day of sailing.

This Comoany will roscnes the right tomake cbaugjs iu tha time of dopartnro andarrival its steamers without noticeit mil no bo rcbponbiWo for nnycouse'queutes arising tborefrom.

Coiisifiuwd must bo at the Landings to3el ,llr lghti this

,m" S.'."t;lc ou,r nt owner'o risk.rids Company Vill not befor Money or Valuables of paLengera

unless plated in the care of Pursers..iA'";!'P.I"?,r8 Mf requested to purchase

embarking. Those failing todo so will bo subject to an additionalclinrgo of twcnty-Uv- e per cent.

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Merchant Stiect.

roii SALE.House nnd Lot, 75x15.-- 1 ft., on No. 71

Vouufi street; parlor, 3 Udioome, kitchendining-room- , etc.

Lot on Wihler nyenuo 100x300 ft., fencedLots on Kinau and lHikoi streets.

TO LET. ' '

Furnished ltoonis willdu five winuteiwalk frum tho l'ost Office.- - Also otherltooms.HonBo on Beretanla Btreet, near PUkoI

street; 4 rooms, diniuR-room- , kikhen, bath-ron-

nnd fn onm- t- ht Ir. l. a l, .

noiihfi ou oel ooi suct; i,wtlor, soveralbedrooms, kitchon, p.mtry, outhouses andstable fornurly occupied by Hon. W. H.


Paper Hanger and Decorator'Irhnd Ordors attended to with diapntch.

All work carefully and promptly ex-ecuted, --.

YfT Ornefci Smith street, with SamuelKnholooknlaul 1'uu. Ittsidoucci I'alnna.

C51 Om

Hawaiian Soda Worksnropiepared to furnish I'm ate Famb

liis with a really (Jood, l'uie Sodain tha New Dottles.

Belfast Ginger Ale.t3- - Telephone C32, at Sunny SoutV.

505 lm '

The Honolfiu Sanitarium1032 King Street.

A Quiet, nonielike Place, where TrainedNurses, Massafje, "Swodish Movement."llaths, Dectricity aud Physical Truinlucmay bo obtaiued.

V. S. KttLOOQ, M. U" '

1 ch phone 039. Biiporiutendout.


, vJJfl- -i

f fc'.,( " V ,M ur-'- u': .VisJ&Jt.'tnri.

l 4, .it-- i ..' . '. l' .& !; VI. I''ii tW&md'i' , . r v,'

... 1?., wt"4y

A, a r iJBA H &;,,"


Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7872/1/1897041001.pdf · J x ' J "t '(ea0f09OO9O Best lldmlhi& Medium, f 7?AIIKir. The Oldest S Tap i

w .







ralPW i'fifSnfiQ tmamPmfrriiarjFmanmmaBS


Fine Japanese Matting, Rugs, &cFine Crepe Shirts Any Style!

8" Cheapest in the City. --S&

MURATA & CO., 301 Nuuanu & 2 Hotel Streets.

tAUS SntECKELS. Wm. 0. Iiiwm.



Am ianrffO Atcut The Nevada Bank orSam Francisco.


San Francisco Tho Nevada linnk of BanFrancisco.

Lom.ok- - The ''tili'n Hank of London, Ltd.New York American Exchange National

Bank.Ciucaoo Merchant National Jlank.I'ahis Comptolr National d'Eacotnpt de

Paris.Berlin Drctdncr BanksUosokono amii YoKonAMA Hongkong t

Shanghai Banking Corporation.New Zealand and Australia Bank of New

Zealand.Ticioiiii and Vancouver Bank of Mont-


Traisact a General Banking and Eicnam Business

Depolsts Received. Loans tnado on Ap- -r

rovrd Security. Commercial and TravelersCredits Issued. Bills of Exchange boughtnnil o)d.COI.LFCTIONS VKOMOTLY ACCOUNTED FOR.

Established 1853


Transact a General Bankingnnd Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able in all tho principal citiesof the world.

The ...Hawaiian Electric

Company,Cor. Alakca & Halekauwila Sts.

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly onuiund.

Estimates givon for house wir--'iug and Electrical plants.

Marino Wiring u specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN, ,S2-t- d Manager.

Building Lots!At WAIK1K1 on car lino mul on PA- -

LAMA ROAD near FertilizingPlant.

Those Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts near the city andother Properties for Bale. i

BKUCE, WARING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

012 Furt'Strtet, irar King.Telephone C07. P. O. Box 321.

W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealers

REALESTATEKiT We will Buy or Sell Ronl Estate in

all parts of tUo group.fciT Wo will Sell Properties on Benson.

' ablo Commissions!

0FFlCEi id vWest King Street

Consolidated Soda later Co., L'fl

Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fart Sis., Honolulu.


A. C. WALL, D. D. S

DENTIST.New Love's Building, Tort 6traot.


3i .vr.v wMMwi'nwiiW'' --yTygwnty- v5t"p"wl,''SVT': mamMHKKKMgKKMWW;vT;ir ; ir "v rff jprps P TWIT WfWTWWW'',


Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

Look at Our Bargain List

Fine Straw Hats, 25c. up.

Crepe Pajamas, $1 a suit.Colored Bosom Shirts, 05c.Ladies Kimonos, 1 up.

Gents Sox, 4 pairs for 25c.

Paper Napkins, 30c. a 100.

Ladies Leather Purses, 25c.

Silk Embroidered PillowCovers, 75c. a piece.

IWAKAMI,Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

Tjje Yokohama Specie BanlLIMITFD.

Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000raid Op Capital Va 5"0,009RcseneFund Yen 4,130,000


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, nong Kong,

Transacts a General Banking nnd Ex-change Business.

Agency Yokohama Spetio BankNew Republic BulMlng. Ill ttw St, Honolulu.

S. KIMURA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Liquors and Provisions, Sakl a specialty.

108 Keknanaoa Street. Telephone 703.

W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to ORDER of thvery best matmuls and in thu verylatest Btyle. , , .

.A. JPerfoct KitG-- n awante e deH4


Cleaning vand Repairing a Specialty


Just ReceivedCrockory and Ivorywaro,Embroidered Fans,Shawls, rioroens,'Wicker and Stoamer Chairs,

WING WO TAI & CO.,,214 Nunanu'Sheot, Honolulu.'

SECUJSr 3LOY,623' Fort Btroet, Yce Sing Tni Building.

Ladies Urass Maksim137" Tine woik a specialty. Also, very

fine Undorwear made to order. All workguaranteed. 447-6- m

TOM CHUNG KEE,213 Nuuanu Street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Hoots and Shoes to order. I use the beetmaterial, floods warranted towtar well.'14'J- -


--A.ttornev at Law14 Kaaliumana Street,

Telephone No. GS2. 403-60- 4


Book and Job PrinterMerchant Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Hawaiian News Company'sBook Store. ' my 13,

j S v fc j is

-f T7rrv ' ' ' t'-'V;- 'i 'J,',


i ; ; '

Just like Gold Coin,

For more than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood the test toagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and today it

stands at the head of tho listamong tho medicines that aieso essential to keep at hand intho home.

It is not a new fanglc remedynor do tho proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revelation of the ingredients that enter into the manufacture ofthis ever popular remedy.

It is porfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a few doses will cer-

tainly give relief. You cannotafford to be without a bottlein the house.

Your forefathers used itand foundit beneficial.

Why experiment with somoremedy that is new and its effecton tho system unknowns

It has many rivals but noequal.

JJST Price 25c. and 50c. abottle.

-:- -


Sole Agents for the Islands,

New EwaCo.


In Blocks to suit pur-chasers. Will deliverafter January 2, 1897.

g Inquire of

The Hawaiian Safe Deposit &Investment Company,

08 Fort Btrnot Honolulu

-:- - HouseNUUANU AVEN'Ui:

Mrs, Harry KleramB, Frap

New Management.K Commodious Rooms.


Palatable German Dishes.

Real Estate Transactions.

Snbscrilttrs aro furnislied with from liveto six lists per week, giving an accuraterecord of nil deeds, mortgages, leases, re-

leases, powers of attorney, etc.. etc., whichnro placed on record. Also a list of elldistrict court judgments.

Subscription l'rlce, Si!.00 per Month,

A V. GEAR,210 King St, Honolnlr

:. Coffee :. Mi

HAVING ESTABLISHED A MODERNplant for hulling, polishing nnd assortingcoffee, wo are prepared to buy and cleancoffee in tho parchment.


" Apply to



."Painter,Paper Hanging & Decoration

Neatly done. All work promptly nnd rare-full- y

attondetl to. Telephone SKI. Itosi.deuce, Kuukiui strcf (. 52S-C-

I I rHHlr mul Oltiornl.r.Shi 1 can Bvinpathin with

you. 1 was mauled onco myself.Ho But you weren't married to nwomau.

"I hope Mr. Shyuian mauogodcrack tlio ico in his couvorsa-tio- n

with you just now?" "No;was all slush."Tho New Necessity. The Gov-

erness I know French and Gor-man . Mrs. Uptodate This isnot sufficient. 1 want somo onowho cau teach my children Scotch.

Bacon Cousins says ho caucount all his relatives on his twohauds. Egbert Well, I don't soowhy he shouldn't; that's wheroho BPCins to liuvo ti in most of thetime.

Mukiii" a Good lieuinninrj''When wo ard married you willpivo mo oveiything 1 ask. "Every- -

tlnufj, hwoethoart, evorytlung. 'And thou he walked home to savecarfare.

Maud Oli, Ethel, don't youwish you were wealthy enough tojjivo box parties to tho opera?Ethel -- No; I'd rather bo iuvitedto them, then 1 could sit in thofront of tho box.

Tho Chronic Bachelor "I won-der," said tho Sweet Young Thing,"Why a man is always Bearedwhou ho propotteb'r "That, saidtho Chronic Bachelor, "is hisguardian augol trying to hold himbook." c

"They are making a great fussin tho papors about horsoloss car-riages," said ono Brooklyn papato another, who met while wheel-ing tlioir babies. "Jnat as if theyworo something new!" chuckledthe other, as the tno men separat-ed.

"Havou't you forgolton some-Hiin- rr.

sir?" naid tho waiter to thodiuor who did not believo in tips."If I havo you may koop it foryour honesty." "Thank our sir,you left this pocketbook on yotuchair. It probably slipped fromyour pocket."

WiitlilfiKliui Mnto Itulilicd.

Tacoma, Wash , March 31.

The now People's Party State andcounty administrations in thisStato aro unearthing many qilicialfrauds committed mostly by

ollicoholdors. Thelatest disclosure comes from thoState Capitol, whero Lnnd CommiBsioner Bridges has found thatin two items, including four lots,tho Stato has been robbed of$111,000 on tido land sales. Thosearo only two of douns of similarfrauds that aroboing investigated.Tho total stealings in this ono de-

partment so far as dovoloped atthis preliminary stage of tho in-

vestigation aggregate over a quar-ter of a million dollars.

Immediately after boiugof tho tido laud robbory

Governor John 11. Ilogors ordered tho Attornoy-Uouera- l to insti-tute a Buit to cancel tho dnods un-

der which the land wua trans-ferred.

Toiuhnn and Valenciennes lacesaro still in gioatdemaud. L. B.Korr has a choice lot, which ho isE('lliDKr.tlcvnrt po'Stblt ra'ea

King Bros hove juit received apow lot of tissue papor, windownolos, sash rods, artists' materials,picture frames, oto.

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Nuuanu streets, lodging byday, wooli or month. Terms: 25and CO couts por night. $1, nndS1.26 nor wenk.

Sterling, tho painter, is pre-pared to ouoto prices on roofpainting. Houses a composition otcoal tar and cement. uneapesiand best roof preparation in Ho-nolulu.

Some clothes' mado by tho tailorlack tho goodness that ours havo,from S10 to $20 moro por suit.Tho Kash will givo you goodnessaud incidont, in ono, at 10 thosuit, ready to wear.

With a largo lot of goods justreceived by tho Australia andAmy Tumor, tho Pacific Hard-ware Co. havo another invoico oftho favorito Universal Stovos andRanges. Somo sizos woro sold bbsoon as sot up, but another sup-ply has boon ordored.

Singors load tho world. Oror13,000,000 mado and Bold. High-est awards at tho World's Colum-

bian Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regularity of motion,oaso of motion, eroat speed, adjustability, durability, oaso of.learning and convenience or ar-

rangement. B. Borgorseu, ogont,16J Bothol strcots.


Hollsstsr Drug






Curry Powder as mado by us is prepared after the OriginalRecipe from the Purest Ingredients.

Kr TEY 10?


527 Fort Street,


. I

" -i



-:- - STOCK -:- -



-:- - LIVE' 1K TIIK CCKh

Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs,


-- Importors


SffiM GO.

corner Hotel.

$ UOiTlfEs Iff. DjlBS


3 M

Commission AgentsDry Goods,

Hardware and




Tko Unrvelous Hair Kenedy which prevents


Solo Agent, Honolulu.13T Nat paMfkltt free u application. 1. O. Box 292, Telephone 20.

Honolulu, April 21, HOC.Sir. O, W. lUcrAitLAM'.: It affords me laasuro to recommend, to any one whose hair

is falling out, the use of Bit. I'OTTIK'S HAIK OIL. My hair was coming out at sucha rate us led mo loluliuto that I wuuliUooubecomobild. After using the oil for five ueoksthis ccabed entirely; uono whatever is now falling out, I consider it tho best and onlyworthy remedy for this trouhlo and also recommend it 'as a stimulant to new growth,

60.Vtf YonMtriilv, .1 B.BANlKTfl.






Swine, and Poultry.

and D6alors in- -

to 215 Fort Street.

-- r. O. 1IOX its

QEjfcjEL pejLfljJlDIgE--AND-

JPlaiitation Supplies.



Groceries, Provisions and Teed.New Goods Received by Every Packet from the Eastern States and Europe

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEADIEBIAll Orders faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to any

I'art ot the City FREE,

Island Orhiiu Bolioitkd, Satistactiok Guaiu:j34EAST CORNER TORT AND K1NQ STKEETB,

AfcSf jtoLw







Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7872/1/1897041001.pdf · J x ' J "t '(ea0f09OO9O Best lldmlhi& Medium, f 7?AIIKir. The Oldest S Tap i




1 i



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rovTMnKBHflN EmsrVi f'fT ."T" T-- Ff'PPTr T,fJ8.7'?ft 'TTjgR P:f !?


S ft1

bP mJ!'"

r wIf B'"''

fit KSl



Sealed TendersWill be received nt tbo OlHco ottho Ministor of tbo Interior till 12o'clock noon of WEDNESDAY,April 21, 181)7, for tbo construc-tion of tbo road over NuimnuPali.

Pliuis and Specifications nt tboOffice of tliu Superintendent ofPublic Works.

The tenders nro to bo bused up-on tbo condition that nt least 50per rout, of tho unskilled lnbororsemployed on this work nre to con-

sist of JlnwniinuH, Americans orLuroppims.

Tbo Minister of tbo Intoiiordoes not bind himself to neeopttbo lowest or any bid.

J. A. KING,Minister of tho Interior.

Interior Olliff, April (!, 18U7.577 it

Irrigation Notice.

H"liJi of ivii'pr jpiivllcise, or thosepuli)K water rttv, an-- ) nullth'il th'it llie Ihiiim for lrrl;iillon pur-fv- f

nre from fi to 8 o'clock a. m amifrom I to (I o'clock r. M.

ANDREW nUOWX,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Apiirnvni- - J. A. Kino, Minister ofIntel lor.

Honolulu, H. r., April 0, 1807.ft'7-- tf

S! ZjerT)$ Bulletin,


SATHllDAY, APRIL 10, 1897.

KAI.llC.lllA ( I .

rriiniiil Keip Hip ICIn' Mi iiir,tUrevu.

Knuoii 'Iivi:ix(i Bm.r.r.rix:There is one thing tbnt I woululike to say iu leforenco to the 11thof June races. Wo tho peoplehave got bo used to tho KulaknuaCup being inn for, Hint it beenisstrange to bavo it loft' out. "Now Iwould like to make u suggestionto tho people of Honolulu, thatwere great friends of tho lato king.It is that they tako up n subscrip-tion of ou dollar each, and let itbo used to buy a cup, and lot it boknown net tho IvnlukauiiCup, to borun for as of old. The Into kingwas nhvnys n great lover of sport,mm now wuon no is gone Jet uskeep him still in the minds of thopublic, by anil maintaining 'theKahikaun Cup us one of tho chiefprizes of our Derby. Theie nron umbers ot people hole that willwillingly subucriuo one 'dollareach for tbo cup. Now, let somegood friend of the late king stnrtthe thing and tho public will soonboo agaiu iu the program tho Ka-lakau- n

Cup as ot old.Kamaai.na.

Honolulu, April 10, lb'JT.

tillihoii mill Luten.

Monday the Temple of Ivshionwill idler tboir en til stock ofribbons and l.icos ut u of25 per cent on tho actual costMr. Silvi is enabled to do this asho intends to letiio poi'imi'ioutryfiom the diy good business.Many people hnvo no idea what25 per cent on actual cost moans,but a visit to tbo Templo of Pnsli- -

IU I IT I, v I . , l , . ',) jcent reduction o"n actual costinouiiS tnat ou can bnj g..odH,'ribbons, lues, etc , 50 por centcheaper at tho Twiiplo of Fashion,than uuy other meichant canoti'or. No merch'Uit can sell goodsbelow cost and continue to live,but Mr. Silva intone!; to retireand is willing to sacitllci bisstock. N to puces qurted inlocal column tod'iy, compute themwith tboho (noted by othor divgoods denlei- -

l'lrl llliiml lur tin- - lln i'i t.Judge LViiy li . roudun d a

ocir ling tuc dmnui- -

ror of defendants Dillingham andJtnbipann in the lull fni caneolbi-tio- n

of Ioiiho brought bv J. A.King, leceivor of tho estute ofJohn K. Suiuuor, against M. F.On'idfW, 1). F. billinghum midMark P. liubnibuii. Kmnoy &jJaimu lor coinpl!iinnnib,u. liiuwnfoi dcmuiring clefeiKluiits.

Doputy Mnraluil Hitchcock, J.F. Utowu and u fow others weredown at tho wharf to seo tho Aus-liuliu.- li

dotoctivos off.


IKIl'Iis THAI AIIAt'K O.N rill AllHILL !' l'KEVAII..

.H.ijnrltj fur Amipv.tlloii lfpllrvcit Inllelli lloiiac rhllndelplilu Contra

lo Slioiv I(lnill)- - I'lclllic.

By tbo Mnriposn'H mnil tbo fol-

lowing telegrams bnve been receiv-

ed in Honolulu.Prom n member of tbo Ilnwnii-n- ndolegation: "Think Hawaiian

duties will bo accepted by Sonatonotwithstanding bitter nttnckH an-

ticipated, ltoliovo anuoxntionmeasuro would have majority ineach IIouhu if recommended byMcKinley, who still defer defin --

ing his position wbilo nwnitingtnrilTroBulls. Shown friondliucss.MeuDwhilePhilndelphinsent rnero-l- y

to show kind feeling and interest. Expect to return to AViudiington latter pnrt uot week when

will take mo for talkwith McKinley."

Another mombor of doloention:"Post editoriully ojnioses lteciji--rocity Treaty. Injustice Americanproducors. SayB Trust favoiaAnnexation." '

A prominent Senator: "Noohnugo iu situation sineo tele-graphing you yesterday ami prob.ibly will bo none for severalweeks."

m: is m'mo a'ssi moiiimi:

Conthnirtl frm,) Ixl 'iqe.

brand of tobacco Dutler liked tosmoke nud procuied him a quan-tity of it. Tho murderer briglatptied up a little at the bight of itand handed tho donor a pile ofbite pnpors containing accounts ofhifl San Fruucieeo experiences,but be soon lelnpsed into hisusual morose condition and refusod to talk on nuy subject.

The nifht boforo Dutler leftSail Francisco he confessed to thomurder of Arthur Proston, claimiug tbnt be killed him iu self-defens- e.

He hns nt times toldtho detectives other stories on thowny down, but he has told somany ditTeront ones since hiscapture that no credenco can boplaced iu nny of thoiu.

A Hiiro TrcHl.

Llm spiuig opening of nowlvimpoited millinery at Miss CauiU'bou Hotel streot tdok place Thurs-dn- y,

and her parlois havo beencrowded daily siuco by Honolululadies eager to inspect and buytho many novelties displayed.Her nssoitment of hats ami artifi-cial flowers nre tho veiy latestimportntiou and have a metropo-litan appeal nnce that is verypleasing ti'tboinn. ili'-- s Cchillwas recognizetl on the Coast forsanio years as a most artistic mil-liner, nud, being thoroughly iutouch with the wbolesnlo establish-ments in tho East as well as ontho Coast, is onnbled to placobefore her customers tho very lat-o- st

styles in design nud finish.Hor stock of spring goods is thoequal if not tho superiorof anything ever importedto this country. Hor storoin the Arlington bjock has latelyhni n rpn vitor1 nml llm lnrmiplate glnss winctowB enable her toshow goods to advautacie.

r r

llml a MurruM linie.ChiisErieson of the bnik Al-

bert bud n niuiow escape lastThursday night, says n lato Cull.Tho vobHel siiils for Honolulu to-

morrow nnd it was Chris' lastnight nahoro. When uonimug tlio

esBel ho lost his wny and foiloverboard. Tho wntchuinn ou tbnC. D. Hrynnt heard the p plash andgnvo the ahum. It was nearlytwenty minutes boforo tho unforf-uua'- o

mnn 'van hauled out, and intlte rneautimo his cries nwoko theuuighbiiinoud. Yosteiday ho wubp little the worse for weai, but wasstill fibln to ki ep bis wntoh ondeck. The Allmit has ou board'an uniiBunlly hoavy cargo and willtoday take aboaul u Inigo consign-nieii- t

of horsoH nnd mules forwork ou tho plautatious

The Examiner hns n picturo ofChnrles Dole, Stanford's truckeoptaiu, in full nthletio co6tuniOilie is a son of Geoigo Dolej,formerly of Kauai, and a nephewof tho President.

pmeiy JopieThe arrival of the last Aus

tralia was greeted with a sigh J

oi rejier irom tne whole com-munity. The unusually long in-

terval between mails had madepeople quite anxious, and rum-ors of war and other politicaldisturbances were flying asthick as leaves in Vallambrosa.The encouraging news of theprobable passage of the Ding-ey bill, imposing a duty on all"oreign sugars while preserving'or Hawuif nei the advantagesof the Rccipiucily Ticaty, glad-dened the hcaits of all, plantersas well as merchants, who pre-

dict a new era of prosperityand progress for these beauti-ful Mes'of the Pacilic. Newswas. also brought ol the knock-ing out of Champion JimCor-be- tt

by his sturdy opponentHtzsimmons.

"T Urt Tumi imp Cliv-- ! r? ", ",

I i0Ck'S them all Olll. Like the' Komail tllOUIieb Ol Old, it Standson a pinnacle ol tame, elevatedabove all others, and like Fitz-simmo- fis

it beats all the otherchampions.

The '97 Model is the acmeof peifection in wheels; it hano equal, we revived a num-ber of them by this Australiaami can fuimJh ihefn in black,royal, blue or maroon.

The Saici Pneumatic Saddleis recognized as the best forease and comfort; no diseaseof the spine or jar to your nervesif you ride this saddle.

The Stoddek Puncture-le- ss

Tire is impenetrable byglass, nails, thorns, pins, etc ,

and yet it retains all the elasticand resilient qualities. EveryTire guaranteed for one year.

In addition to the above wehandle the Zimmy, Stormerand otner bicycles and carry afull line of M. & W. Tires,Rims, Handle Bars in woodand nickel, Bells, Cyclometers,etc., etc.

Come and inspect our newstock.

TT--I KHawaiian Hardware Co.



Jet! .


The best variety uf Jet Piusin the city will bo found dis-

played fdat the j


.BAZAAR IIt is not always tho amount I

of money paid for an articleMini, detemi.nes irs vutui. yCheaper nnd much commoner mgoods aro often sold for more B

money than is asked for this Iline, ,tn inspection of which issolicited. g


J. M. WEBB, j


No. 316 Fort Street. M

$Son Francisco and Yoko-



Transportation wj


The First Steamer

Hakusan MaruOf (lie nbovo line will bo ilu from

Kulit, J.intu, iii itr utiuui iIih

aotli OF AVItILAnd will lmvd dlHpaloh for San


(3ii For partli'iilarH, Imjulre of

G. E. UOA11DMAN,6si-:t- Agent.


Tho "Australia" takes avayorders for delicacies which wohave introduced to tho Hono-lulu public and which findplaces ou tho tables of thoepicures of Honolulu.

Tinned Goods, many of thorn,but they are prepared so capi-- 1

tally that they surpass eventhe fresh goods. The demandfor these special lines is grow-- 1

ing mainly because of the caretukun in the factories wherethey arc put up. The materialis carefully selected and onlythe best is sent to Honolulu.

Wo have now on our shelvesand ready for delivery theEpicurean Brand Vienna Sau-

sage, Shrimps with'Tomatocs,Baked Beans with Tomatoes,Lobster and Lunch Oysters;for tho table no better goodshave ever been brought to thoislands.

Wo havo also a superiorquality of Ground Chocolateand Schilling's Best Teas andSpiec; Crackers and FancyBiscuits.v Telephone orders for thesegoods, will havo immediate at-

tention. Our wagon is alwayson the go for the accommoda-tion of our customers.

I. T. WATERHOUSEQueon Streot.


Stil! They

borne tasKO&'wiS

Eoeh day udds n number ofmembers to our popular

Watch ClubsClub ono nnd two drew 1n)t

Saturday. Club three is rapid-- S

ly filling up. Tho samo on-- m

thusiasm na of old exiifta. nilclnsBos aro nnxious to join, bocaufio it is a clear saving of

The Dollar

You Throw Away

Every Week.Besides nnoUior vital point

ndde to tho jiopularity, and thatis tbnt wo do not make itobligatory to tako n wntch, butnllow you to Boloct any ono ormoro articles in the storo, nomatter in what lino. Couldnuytbing bo fairor to you?

Wo want to say right bore,that wo will back up" any unciovory articlo oelected in ourclub "with tho bhuiq full andcomploto guarantee which goeswith ovory piece of goods soldin tho store. You tako no riskwhntovor. AVo tako it all.

EL F.Wicliman




OmiiKi 203 Morclianl Ktreet, OiunjitieUItlock treiw Of J. O. Cwtor'n office, P. O,Hoi 33tJ

CAUTIONTHE greatly increased price of cream of tartar, the

ingredient of a pure baking powder, has in-duced some manufacturers to substitute burnt alum(which costs but 3 cts. a pound), largely or wholly in

3' lieu thereof, making a very low cost but a very un--0

wholesome baking powder: and great efforts are made?rJ Tf iU r J 4 11U1HU AAK .Jjkua f ifiu luiai incit uutiiur juwuers upon consumers Dy tne

inducement of a lower price and by grossly false repre-sentations as to their ingredients and comparative value

v Alum baking powders have been declared by the mostV competent authorities injurious to health. Thereforeg every precaution must be taken to keep them out of0 the house. They masquerade under many names, and$ new brands are continually appearing.

g It is safe to avoid all new brands. Baking$ powders that are sold either wholesale or retail at

j a lower price than Royal are almost invariablyjvj made from alum, and therefore not only inferior

in quality, but positively dangerous to health.

p! Consumers can be more certainly protected fromalum baking powders, and make the wholesomeness

gj of their food doubly sure, by rigidly refusing all sub--stitutes for Royal Baking Powder. The Royal is cer--tified by the Government and State chemists free fromalum, absolutely pure, and superlative in leavening g

g power. ' jjf

2 It is unwise to take chances by the fcj

tj . use""

of other brands. $Cm



The (VSanufacturinq Harness Go.Kovt mikT

Tklki-hon- e 228.

OUR SPJiOlA-LT- ISFine Handmade Harness, Etc.

G3si Wo keep in stock and sell goods exceptOUK OWN rANUFACTURE.




The Annual Meellncr of tlio Aloha


Is tlmt nilthe


in,', sh '.(9U


A. V.

;'i No. 310 St.

t. .. ..





.P. O. Box :i22.

viz :

u'.y lUttrp, no oranu, wnite enip011 liiu lo the nose,right hlud foot two fore feetleft hind foot blaek and theniuiu) cur us uio tne lull, all lour feetshod.

And If such la tint claimedand all on orii'". i.tJ7.11 o clock iicmu, tlieoamo will solden 'hut dato and hour lo the highest


I., April o. I&97.SSfl 3t

for tho Uol- -LKHN 76 oonta per

if- - DAnry I .

i'rt' i --- a-- mo :" i 3


i i will prove their ' ,0

CoH' Coni)viiiv.plueein tli of Mi 10. I'eclt, Nntlee le hereby given tlmt the fol-o- n

April U 18)7, at t estray line been Impoumleilp. in. S. ti. I'KOIC, ' In Hit PouuiUit Alaktkl.

Honolulu, April lb7. 581-a-

Notice.XotloH glvou

uuilfrHlctied of FOURMONTIIK or lonuer Htandhiir be

lo hundx uf our attorneysfor collfi-thii- i lnim",l



Telephouease, : : Kiss


lCinrr Streets

Poundmaster's Notice.


foreheud cxtBUdluf,'white,


estraypound)!l''"-'i.inils- i at


bidder. KEKUENI'oundmaster.Honolulu, H.

Subioribo Evkningmonth,

23c;LicjArt liiVirri-- "a

smm ?fpBc,ALi wost;j

ase2$SPoie:Tnit meriirr''lrtfl,MtTl1Mw''1'ITflHyrirt-lfl






Ijlmllfil, wllllnknlKpsiileiifin

HHtiirday, lowingo'clock Ooverunieut






v v;

Page 5: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7872/1/1897041001.pdf · J x ' J "t '(ea0f09OO9O Best lldmlhi& Medium, f 7?AIIKir. The Oldest S Tap i




' Dr. A. It. Itowat is in tlio city.

Road J. M. Webb's now udver-tiecmen- t.

President Dole received a letterfrom Minister Hatch.

A meoting of tbo Aloha CoffeeCompany is called for April 24.

Minister Coopor's mail was sontto him at tbo quarantine station.

Now fashion tailor goods are theattraction at H. "V. Schmidt .fc

Sous.Registration has taken a jump,

going away beyond tho centurymark,

Tho number oE inhabited housesin Loudon is estimated (it aboutC 18,300.

Tlioro was n fair attondanco attho second battalion drill lastoyjniug.

The Stai-- aud Kamohntnohasplay ball this afternoon nt tho Ma-ki- ki

grounds.In Norway people who are not

vneciunted tiro not allowed to votoat an election.

No business of public interesttook place at tho Sharpshooters'mooting last night.

Tho Temple of Fashion willopen Monday with ribbons andlaces as a specialty. .

Ohiolou pot pio family stylofor dinner tomorrow at L'opplo-ton'- s.

JTomein.iitlo broad andpics.

Chisluilui vfc Conghlin aro soncl-iu- g

a sot of harness by tho Mari-pos- u

to Dr. McLennan at Nakua- -

lofn, ioiiga.The Government band will play

at Emma ocuiaro this afternoonand Makee Island tomoraow at thousual hours.

Note tho prices that Jordanqnoti's on high grade ribbons.They will bo ro'udy for inspectionand salo Mouduy.


No chango in raw sugar, but aslight ad vunco notod iu Now York.Granulated sugar has advanced to5 cents in San Francisco.

There was quite a crowd at thowharf this morning watching theanimals of Bristol's horso showgoing on board tho Alameda.

Dr. Uyde'a.Biblo Class Sundayaftornoon 1 o'clock, at tho parlorsor tho Y. M. Cj A. Subject 5thchapter of Ephefciaus. For yduugmen.

Hawaii's mYoung Pooplo forApril has been recoivod, somewhatimproved in appearance and itscontents attractive to tho youngidea.

Tho Hawaiian Mission Children's Sociecy will meet at 7:30o'clock this oveuing at the homeof Dr. aud Mis. Whitney, Puuu-ho- u

street."Wall, Nichols Co. has issued a

bullotin of now books, which bookbuyers ought to consult. ThoHot is loug and contains nmiiyable authors.

Q. E. Board man, agont, an-

nounces tho first steamer of thoSan Francisco uud YokohamaTransportutiou Co., tho HakusauMaru, to sail hence for tho GoldouGate on tho 30th inst.

J. F. Brown, agont of PublicLands, at noon sold by auctiona lotuaindor of lund, 3.40 acres,above the road opposite PresidentDole's seaside lodgo nudor Dia--rnn"l fTnnil Jfr wqn !,oirr)jt Uy

tho Presidont for S370.

Note This Dimities, 15 yds$1.00; printed ducks, 11 yds $1.00;white cottons, 21 yds 81.00; browncottous, 25 yds 81.00; 81 inchbleachud sheeting 15c; 'JO inchblenched sheeting 20c. All lastseason's drobs goods 10o; whitodross goods 10 x0B S1.00; bedspreads GD,o, Too aud S1.00; men'sstraw hats at 25c, formerly Sl.OO,$1.25 aud $1-50- ; table liueu, 3 ydS1.00; dotted swiss, 9 yds Sl.OO;

Fauwtll cottons, 14 yds $1.00; 45inch pillow casing, 10 yds $1.00;lr.co furtain", 50c, 75c nnd $1.00tho pair, by the yard 10c; linediupories, 10 yds 01.00; damasknapkins, 75o perdoz; llannolettes,20 v(1h $1.00; ginidiams, 25 veils


Best possible terms fortea balinr powdercoffee flivorimrtxlMCttoda aud ilcti.

Your money back (fromyour grocer) ifyou don't like

Schilling's Best.


An.iiuiT. iii:ahdsi,k: awaiti.noOKDMIS TO .SMI. I'Olt IIONOI.DI.1).

Neim of Trouble rrom Jupnnocthe Cine Mny Msntly Annot-

ation Pullcv.

While tho United States flag-shi- p

Philadelphia was being scrap-

ed preparatory to painting, at SanDiogo on tho 1st inst., AdmiralBeardsloo received a telogram thatchanged tho labor of tho bluo-jacke- ts.

Ab ho explained the fol-

lowing day it was not nctually anorder to sail, but an intimation inHis dispatches from Washingtonthat tho Philadelphia might lyi

ordered to Honolulu at any time.Outho rocoipt oE the telegram tho.work was stopped and an oilicersont ashoro to arrange for tho coal-

ing of tho flagship.Stores woro to be rushed from

San Francisco. If extra effortsworo mado at Maro Island thocruiser might got away on Sun-day, but tho officers woro inclinedto balieve that she would not bonblo to sail before Wednesday af-

tornoon. In tho ordor for storosfrom Maro Island was a full equip-ment of rovolvers and small arms,which was construed by tbo sail-ors to mean that they would booidorod ashore to do somo fight-ing, aud they wovoBpoiliug for thochance iMoro than one bluejacket,remarked that "tho Americauswanted only one chance to showtho Japs that they were not deal-in- ir

with Chinese."One of the ollicors of the Phila-

delphia surmised that the Japa-nes- o

trouble on Maui was tbocause of tho now osiers. Hothought that it was simply a pre-lude to a gouoral insurrection ontho part of tho Japanese agaiust !

tho republic. In that caso tholives and property or tuo Americ-ans would bo peculiarly endang-ered, as thoy coinpriso tho covorn-in- g

class."Tn fnll vmi tlin trnHi." Raid Mm

officer, "we exoect sorious troubloin Honolulu. From all I can learnPresident McKinley is about to ;

vttwnwnn1 I ' A. A A r I 'n t. lnt lutlli..i-."iii.r.- 1- 7,1,.' T" "u

rugncu w iuu jhiiiiiiib. Japanese question has forced the Unit-ee- l

States Govornment to action.Wo expect to bo in Honolulu sixmonths, and I should not be sur-prised if the American flag wouldbo lloatmg over tho islands beforowo leave there. Tho United Stateswill never allow Japan to tako tho I

islands, and nuy attempt to do sowill result in serious trouble. ThoMnrion is ulready at Honolulu, !

and tho Petrol has boon orderedthero with us. Tho Oregon, whichis soon to go on Port Orchard drydock, will piobably wait for ordersiu Pugol Sonud." j

The samo officer thought Ad- -j

miral Boardsleo would not be (.li- s- '

pleased,- - although he hod expect- -

od to be rolieved shortly by Com- -

modoro Dowoy, as ho would bo incomplete charge at Honolulu iutho absence of a Miuibter. Therewas not a man on Hoard tuoPhiladelphia who would not boglad of tho chance to get out and i

do a little lighting, especially itthere was a chance to bring aboutthe aunoxation of Hawaii.

Admiral Ramsay, intorviowodat Washington, wos emphatic intit. ,lllli . In if L.jt IH t.fllti,.- - jfno


significance in tho war vessel's.. i IT ..- - 1

going to uuuuiuiu, lib bui'u ucruiso would be in tho ordinaryroutiuo of the squadron.

A .Washington dispatch ofApril 2 says: Regarding tho ul-

terior motivo of tho Administra-tion iu ordoring tho cruisor Phila-delphia to Hawaii, it is roportedfrom good bouroea, that ueopilutho pacific assurances of officialsthere is much moro significance inthe orders than tho Administra-tion

tcares to have the public know

at this time. In official chcleshero it is taken to moan that thoAdministration is favorable to

aud tho doptirture of thePhiladelphia is tho first stop inthat direction. There h nothingin the existing political situationin Hawaii to justify iutorforeucoby tho Unitod States Governmentundor tho existing friendly rela-tions with Japan and Hawaii. Acombo of action which would pre-vent the Japanese from gettingcontrol of the islands would, how--

over, bo necessary in tho probableoveiit ,t n .,,,.,,, oE n TH,tv nfannexation with tho Hawaiian r0public

JtFS&feSout of condition, and it was thointention of the departraont, juntas soon as repairs to the lliilli-moi- o

wore completed, to uh.- - herI to replaco the Philadelphia asflagship at the Paoifio station andput tho lalter.craft out of commis-sion aud.thoroughly ronovato hor.It is conjocturcd Unit the Marionmay bo sent to Samoa to show thoUnitod States ling iu that quarterof tho globe for tho first time infour yoars.

srrrit ox tiik juitv.

.Sec II Your ume Ih nn Mil. Llillor Mil)' Term.

Goorgo Lucas, deputy clerk oftho Judiciary, drow tho followingjury panels for tho May term oftho First Circuit Court beforoJudge Perry this morning:

Hawaiian Wm Chung Iloon,Win Kckipi, J Poai, Job Mouaso,WO Elia, G 11 Geomaka, JosephOlivu, C P Kauakanui, JamesMahony, J Padokon, J Orowell,Keola Koiki, S M Kamakau, J WKoakanu, H P Paulo, Jacob Wat-son, J W Mahelona, T P Cum-mins, John Akina, Antono Mor-ris, W Kalopo, D Kukahoe, H NCrabbo, J Mana, J G M Sheldon,D K Eli, II Koloinoku, Mokuahi,Sam Stone, W H Pnhinui, Kaho-lolio- ,

J D Holt Jr, G W Mncy,It Limahaua, Isaac Adams, JRoss.

Foreign S I Shaw, E H Wodo-hous- e,

W C Wiiedon, W A Lovo,W W Chamberlain, M A Gon- -salves, H G Dauford, Thos KingJr, E O. Whito, J Schlief, R BFrouch, U HiiBtaco Jr, OF Murray, 0 L Brown, J L Torbort, GR Grau, Louis Siuuer, D FThrum, O liolliua, J M Tracy", FB Auerbach, W J Coon, FrankHustace, E A Molnerny, K G RYallace, G P Oastlo, C II Olapp,

Frank Gortz, J Weir Robertson,J W Grace, T S Douglas, G WFarr, F T P Watorhouso, O RCollins, C B Gray, F S LymanJr.

No Causefor Alarm!!!

Now that we have found apreparation that is a powerful


..perfectly" ' harm--

less, freo irom ouor, convenient to use and at tho re-

markable low fiuuro of

5 Cents a Gallon.No prudent housokct'por can

all'ord to run tho risk of con-

tracting sickness, which is sureto occur, should you neglectto keep the sewers, ocss-poo- ls

and outhouses in a peif'ectlydeodorized condition.

Purifine 25c;Any Physician will endures

what we claim when we tellyou that nine tenths of allfevers and alike jllness is thoresult of carelessness abouttho sanitary conditions of thopromises.

Purifine 50c.Ono great objection to most

Ldisinfectants is that thoy have. n tli 2...-.1- . oif.r. l uri

lino is odorless,

Purifine $1.00.Don't dolay in purifying tho

air you daily breatho andtrust to kind providence thatyou may cscapo illness. Nowis tho timo to commence thetrood work, don't wait untiltho doad heat of sunimor hasarrived; it may bo too Into.

Tako timo by tho forelock.To bo forewarned is to ho fore-

armed.Purifine in ijuuntTtics to suit.

Wo are the Solo Agents.

Hollisler Drug Go.

Removal Notice.On aud aftor April let, Drx. Cooper

fc Hnvninu I will iMvupy thn olllen of' Or. MuUruw nn HoU.l btreet. Ollico,ilUit from 8!)()lol0u , 1JWtoBami 7 to 8 p. Hi. I'Llcplioue Nn. 151.

670 liu

Easter Openiiii

The Event of the SeasonIN



SATURDAY,April Sth, 0th aud 10th,

I will display the lluest Ilnoot



MISS A. CAHILL,577-5- t Hotel Street.

Scotch Tweeds

Blue SergesIn Suitings TorSummer "Wear.

A Perfoot Fit Guaranteed.



H42 Fort Street. ,EiT TELEPHONE 012 Jijl

IN THE OIUCl'IT COURT OKthe First Circuit, Hawaiian Islands.In Bankruptcy. Iu the mattnr of theBankruptcy of Nnkuruura, Otufuku,Klmura and Kamaga. doing bulutvwas Otufuku & ..oat lliuiapypo. Kaua!Creditors of tho said Bankrupt arohoreby notified to eonio lu uiiu pruvutheir uebtH before the clerk of thu Clr- -

cult Court of the First Circuit atHonolulu, on Mouday the 12th day ofApril, 1897, between tho hours of tono'clock In the forenoon and noon oftho said day, and elect an Assignee oftbo said Bankrupt's Estate.

By the Court:GEORGE LUCAS, Clerk.


. . .

whatever you oiler.


iM ut, .. v EaM.&.'.i,' n imifT 'rinr ifiKiiriw iwiii I'iiiiim rnniTiTBinwiiTmiMMiT tmiii' n ii vrn- - r rr-- tr


Easter Hats a BonnetsThat arrived on the "Australia" is now open at

N. S. SACHS'520 Fort Stroot


Children's Trimmed Easter HatsLatest Novelties in llihbons, Swell Shirt Waists,Exquisite Organdies and Muslins,

Latest Collars and CuffsNew Dress Silks and Silk Waibt Patterns,

Elegant Assortment of LncesE3 INSPECTION SOLICITED, -- a

Since We Musi Eat to Live, Let's Have the rDest.

Just Opened "CJp anInvoice of

SctijL'iL.Ljjqs Best TesCONSISn.NO

Japan English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also,


Giro them trial. Money back you dou't like them. Also, Just rctoived

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,"Fidelity Br.ind Bacon, Hams, Crackers and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef,Choico Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc

Chas. Hustace,212 King street, next to the Arlington.


At Your Own PricesAt Your Own Prices

Extra Quality Sash RibbonsFormorlv S4-o- 0 :Nov Sl.OO

Extra Quality Sash Ribbons ...lormorly 82.50 JSTow 75 Cents

Extra Sash RibbonsFormerly 81.00 Now 25 Cents

BROCADE VELVET RIBBON,Almost Given Aways It AvasiEformerly 82.50, and is I7ov To Cents

All nibbons except


fiiDMBmtmriTMT'flwwww- iimdiia


those mentioned in this advertisement aro to bd'hnd' at

the Price"We

.AJ'.! iwfJ4W



. . .


n if




'it1... ". ,


-- a. n

Sell the Goods!SSillsL IPiULgrgrewrioe; 23 Cents

E5- - "W. ar03EtXJ5LTr!'fSS

m. 10-E- 01iT STREET STOtiE-t- fo. 10









it ,'



Page 6: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7872/1/1897041001.pdf · J x ' J "t '(ea0f09OO9O Best lldmlhi& Medium, f 7?AIIKir. The Oldest S Tap i


"". 'a'j "f'flHlU

i( i '), ; .' , t t .

?'--. f EVENING BULLETIN, APRIL 10, 1897.


rt- -








Scientific Remedy

Thoroug-hl-y Tested by


Uo Suffering 'During Treat-


5fo Injurious After Effects.

Up Loss of Time from 'Busi-


Improved physical condition,

absolute freedom from nnydesire for Alcoholic stimu-


Length of time required fen

treatment Three weeks.

Fees charged $100 for Alco-


$40 for Tobacco.


Institute located in Arling-ton Cottage, Hotel Street,Honolulu.

All communications or in-

terviews strictly confidential.

For further particulars, ad-


Secretary Hagoy Institute.Honolulu.

The Sunlight is

Glistening on

Those " Orange Rims,"

but unfortunaloly for us it isnot glistening on thorn iu thiscountry, an our shipment ofSTEAltNSwlicols was put ontho"W. H.Dimond," so is notduo horo for a wcok. OurCOLUMBIAS nleo nro stillout of vheoliuj range, ns thoypot to S. F. tho any boforotho stcmnor sailed, and uojnoro freight would bo od,

but thry will couioalong soon, and in tho menu-tim- o

wo want you to knowthnt wo received 97 HAM-BLEB- S

by yestoarday'ssteamer, and can fit you outwith either a '9G or '97 whbol,and wp know wo can suit you.Tho 1896 1UMBLEB is thobargain of tho year and thochanco to buy a well knownhigh grado whool for $7G aud

. !S0 will not last long, as woaro informed by tho makersthat this is tho last lot of '96wheols thoy can furnish, for,a they writ', "our ealna havebeen phenomenal, and youtook tho last '96 wheels we hadin stock."

B We pent bicycles by thohour, day, week or month, and worout high grado now wheols, suchas ItAMULKBS, 8TEABNS,and COLUMBIAS, so if youwant a short rido or a long ride,want to rido singlo or want to ridodouble, drop in aud seo hownicolywo can fit you out. You will getjuRt as good a mount if you tolo-phon- o

ucj, una wo will sand yourwheol to your door. Your chancoto buy a "JG RAMBLEB cheapwill only Inst a fow days, don'tmiss it.

E. 0. HALL & SON,

Corner Fort aud King Sis.


Art -:- - Ftrtos

The Most Complete

and Artistic Seriesof Island Views EverExhibited.

The Latest Applicants for FineWoik pertaining t Photography.

521,1 Foiiot. Tel. bi

u,ttVAi3AXa gk

210 King street.

Difficult Collections a Specialty

O. B. DWlttHTTakes contractu for nil kind of STONE

WOKK, inouuuHut work, tcuifltit midstono sidewalks iiuil curbing I lnvo onhand the best Hawaiian Hi one, Chinesegranite, eto. 1 ino ptono for monumentalwork, Estimates given find lowest pricesassured. Telephone 83:1.



Oor, Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Wholesale Importers nnd Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods

Fort aud Queen StreetH, v


Dealers in Lumbor and Coaland Building Materials of allkinds.

Queen Htioot, Honolulu,

ciiuitmi .seiivicks.

Where Honolulu Prop to 31.1) lr-1il- p


Central Union Gituitcn. Cor-ner Berotania and Bichnrds street,Douglas P. Birnio, minister. Servi-ces Sunday, April llth: At 9:C5, a.m. Sunday School and Bibloclass; 11a. m., public worship andeorimm; 3:30 p. in., Junior En-don- vor

meeting; G:30 p. in.,Y. P. S. C. 15. prnyer mooting;7:30 p. m., public worship andsormou. Palntna Chapol Kov.J. 11. Lewis, pastor. 9:45 u. m.,Snnday school4, 7:15 p. m., gospolsorvico; prayor meeting, Jbridnyat 7:15 p. m., Sunday 'schoolsJapnucso in Lycoum ut 10 a. m.,Portugucso on Punchbowl streetand llotol street mission ut 2:00p. m. Special services nt thochurch ovory night this wcok at7:30 p. in. A coidial wclcomofor all at ovory sorvice.

CimiKTiAN Ciiuncn. Alnkoastiuot near King. J. M Monroe,pastor. Services lor Lord's D.iy,April lllli: Preaching at 11 n.m., and 7:30 p. m., oy tho pas-tor; morning thouio, "Sympathy;"tviuin aubjvct, "Tho Purpos'. ofGod Concerning Man." Sun-day school at 9:45 a. m.; com-munion Bervico at 12 m. ; Smith

t. aiLoiu., at 3 p. in. Tho youngpeoplo will participuto in theunion services of the sovorulchurches at tho Y. Mi. O. A. hallat 6:30 p. m. Prayor mooting,Wednosday ovening, at 7:30;Ladies prayer mooting Friday at2:30 p. m.; mooting of ChristianWorkois Friday, at 3:30 p. in. atY. M.JO. A. hall. Alhiro oor.liullyinvitod to attend theso services."I was glud whon thoy said untomo: Let ns go unto tho Houso oftho Lord."

Iiiwr iMkthodist 1',pi-coi-

Chciicii. Coruor of BeiotnninundMil lor "streets. Bov. 13. W. I'eok.pastor. Sunday, April llth:At 10 a. m., Sunday School andpastor's Biblo class; 11 a. in.,address to childron; 11:10 a.m.,sormon, 0:30 n m., SeniorEpwoith Loague; 7.30 p. in., sor-

mon by pastor. Pearl City: 2:30 p.m., Sunday School; 3:30 p. m.,

, iju Lj pallor. Effa Plauta-tio- u,

7:30 p. m., Song service andsermon. Wednosday, 2:30' p. m.,Junior Epworth Loaguo; Wed-nesday, 3 p. m., junior proba-tioners class; Wednesday, 7 p.m., class meeting; Wednoeday,7:30 p. m., prayor sorvioe; Fri-day, 7:30 p. m., "PentecostalMeeting." A cordial wolcomo toall fcorviccs.

Boman Catholic Catiiedii.t.Services will ho as follows: 0 aud7 am, Low Mas3 with Holy Com-

munion; 9am, Mass, with Englishinstruction; 10:30 a m, High Masswith native sormon; 2 p in, Horaryand nativo instruction; 4:30 p in,nntivo instruction a'A Bonedic-tio- n:

Weekdays, Low Muss at i

and 7 a m.

Sr. Andrew's CATiir.uiiAi..April llth, sixth Snuduy in Lent.Palm Sunday: At 7 a. m., holycommunion; 11 a. in., pulnalnahi;7:30 p. ni., evensong and sormon.Tho sorvices of tho Second Co- n-

" "iidi. .'aihl, - nul' 1 -1

dral teiuc-rio- (ouncmy) will uoas follows: At O'-i- a. m., mor-ning prayor with sermon; Heno-dicit- e,

Unch, in D, 0:30 p in ,

ovensong, with sormon; magnifi-cat and nunc dimittis to chants.

Latteu - UaV Saints Beorga-nize- dChurch of Jesus Christ of

.'' D- -i fc.i;t -- , M.l lam Hull,loar of Opoia Iloiibo. Survicoswill he held on Sunday ns follows;10 a. m., Biblo oluss 11:15 a. m.aud U:o0 p. in., prouching.

Y. M. O. A. Sunday, 11 a. m.,sorvice at Oahu jail;!) p. ra., boys'mooting in Association Hull;praiso sorvico in Y. M. C. A. Hallat G:!J0 p. m.

Itt'iiaoiin Why.

Thoro aro two reasons whypeoplo aro ow paying car faroall tho way from Waikiki to thoPalama Grocery and back. P.eason1. It is tho only place on thoIslands whore tho celebrated Sal-vatio- u

Army toa ieisold. llcason2. Aftor paying car faro bothways patrons find thoy aro monoyiu pocket by doaliug at this "livoand let livo" establishment. "Wo

also delivor goods between Dia-mond Head and Moanalua frco.

Hauiiy Cannon,Palama Grocery.

Opposite Jinilwny depot, Kingstreet. Tol. 755.

J, S. Walker,

Real - Mate - Broker



Dealer inReal Property,Improved

orUnimproved.Has for Sale and Lease on

Liberal Terms.


1. I.arRO Lot, Makikl Bttoet, fenaed, 223fuct frouUfje.

2. Lot on Kiunu street between Alapalnnd Knplolnni strecU UO feet frontage

ut on Luualtlo btrcet between Alnpniand Ilnckfold Blrretq.

4. 3 Inrgo Lots on Prospect street.5. Hon bo nnd Lot on Oreen strcot be-

tween Eapiolani and Victoria.6. The Building known asTliomrut'Block,

2 storie and embracing 5 (rented) storeson leased ground.

7. Lot corner of Kinnu nnd 1'ilkoi strteti.8. Rico Land nt Wiflkuno, Koolim.9. Lot on corner of IIculu and Kecna-niok- u

strtft", between testdenca of W. A.Howcn and lot of W. 11. Gifl'ard. IirtIdl'frontage on Heulu ntrcet 2G0 feet.

10. Lok 0 imd 7 nitU lloiife, Kalin,Waikiki rond.

H. Half Acie Lot in IIilo Town.


1 3 Cottages on Queen strict near l'unch-bow- lHtreCt. ,

2 3 Cottages nt Old Wniblki.3. Storo aud Dwelling, conn r Wlhe

nnd Nuuniiu, leiiily for occupancy.4. Lot corner Mcicbuut and Ilicbanlu


Properties Managed, Collec-tion, of Rents, Loans Nego-tiated and Advances made onIleal Estate.

JOHN S. WALKER,Spreckela Block, Honolulu;

P. O. Box. 339. Tel. ,331.

John BSoit,Importers and Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.121 & 123 King Street.


WHAT?My S10.00 Unth Tubs, lined with best

quality, No. 10 iluu, Q in. Pipe, (Jliain andPlug, with wood rim all ooniplete. Otherdealers nro duuifoundcd, nnd resort to nilciuuuer of Trteks nud Excuvs.

He not deceived, theso Path Tubs have,been sold for $14 until I reduced the price.

I am prepared to do nil work in my linennd gunranteo satisfaction! Estimates fur-nished.' Tf von wnnt n cood Job chean for Cain.

'ring up Telephone, 8 U, nud I nm yonrmam

JAB. NOTT Jn,Tinimith it Plninbor


Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 Fort Street.

Carriage BuilderAND nEPAIIIEIt.

BhcWliiiig ll Its Branches.

W. W. WKIGUT, Proprietor.(Successor to O. Wost)


Livery and Boarding StablesCorner Merchant and Richards Sts.


rjf Carrlajru, Surrcja and Hncl at allhours. 1ELK1'1I0NE.


. i,y '&& i ttfilr S'mtirtA- - Vi1W; ' 'kj H &

Mvii B&Jl'A''?- - '

Patent Shaft- - Springs. -. -,- 1,w. ,, . ",r

Inveiileil and Patented by W. W. WRIGHT.

It Obliterates AU Horse MotionThis dovice can bo attached to Any Brakowith Straight Shafts

115Y. For full particulars, cnll on or

W.WG.tf Proprietor IIonoluu Carriaga

VRIG1-IT,street, Uotel.

CLUB STABLES,oxt Street, - - - - Tel. -- W

BOARDING, -:- - SALE -- : AND -:- - LIVERY.zb:k:b.a.:k::e:tgh x3:o2se:sTO

HARNESS JSHDspecialty.



The of given to animals left with ns. Careful drivers, respeotfattendants, promptness, llaoks, Bnrriea, Brakes. Ilugeies.I'haetons. Wasrnnettes.


Oilv Furniture Store,(Comer of Fort and Ilcrctanta 6tietts.)



Undertaker nnd Embalme

Main Telephone No. C3. P. O. Box No. 222 Urnnch Office Telephone

Oahu Lumber and Building Co., L'd.Lumber Merchants, Qon.tractors & Builders.


Doors, Saslios, Puints, Oils, Buildors' Hardware, "Whll Pnpors andMatting, Etc. Manufnotuio All Kinds of Moulding.

Main Office, Leleo, Branch and PlanSug corner King nndBothil stuets, I.nmbcr Yards, Ltleo nnd Lot near It. R. Depot. Private track connecting with O. It. L. Co. U. R. runs through onr yards to It. R. wharf nud any part of

and Waianae stations.

Bulletin, 75c. der MonthA GOOD THING

Ohia, Algeroba and Pine Firewood

Cut and (ready for the Stove).Also,



At Lowest Prices, delivered to any part oltho City.

v TELICr'UONE t i 1 414

lltfSTACE & CO.,31 Queen Strcot.


Is prepared to furnishi

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo order for 1896.

In Quantities to Suit:

gjtiT Orders solicited for a futare detivery.

A. F. COOKE, Manager.



Na. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisement of SealEstato and Furniture.

the Evening Bulletin, 75 centsper month.


V.Miinufactory, Port abote

:- -- -:-- SA.IDDLEA

best attention

Offie irc.SSS,

King street. Office Mill,

i:Ewn 4s:Mf




Contractor and Builder.

OlUcvsnnd Stores lltled.up andEstlmatisKlveii on


KT OHlco nud Shop: No. C19 Fort street,adjoining W, W. Wright's Carriage Shop.

W. H. RICKARD,General Business AgentWill nttond to Conveyancing in

all its Brunches, Collectingnnd nil Business Mnttora

of trust.1

All Business entrusted 'to himwill receivo Prompt nnd CnrofnlAttention. Oilice:

Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii,'

A New Abstraot Office.

As a result of 15 yenr's oxpori-enc- e

in tho Abstrnct Business, Iam prepared to mnko Abstrncts ofTitlo in n most thorough, nccurntoand complete manner, and onshort notice.

F. W. Makinnev.In W. O. Smith's Oflico, 318

Fort Street. 215-t- f

Evening Bulletin 75c per month.

l o.;

Y '



Page 7: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7872/1/1897041001.pdf · J x ' J "t '(ea0f09OO9O Best lldmlhi& Medium, f 7?AIIKir. The Oldest S Tap i

' r f f tP V 'itfST'r ;i. t1 1M ,' ,

Pflr'HsTW'' EiX&H ?nr,;jLjr'T;--V 7T Tjp--r

r --. wwf"yvv :TriF'4 ?'"!jpffl "3.WV-f-twgrvaiBwsrmpwfttwwBww VPTty! vs7

. ., ifEVENING BULLETIN, FRIL 10, 1897.

an fciM nm c rnwjn rowwiw






Naw Contractors.) Refrigerated Poultry


Fresh Salmon


Meli'opolita lzti Co.

Telephone 45.

RING OP (04!The Central Meat 'Market

21-- Nuuand Street. '

For Your ClioiceOrders

The finest-- OF-

1 RsMgefalcd .--, Meaty

Alwnjs on Haul OrdersII jtnijtiij uuui'ajuiuij uin.1."- -

ed to.

HERBERT OARES,Solo Proprietor.

Fresh Groceriesl(y Knell Steamer.

-- Table .'. DelicaciesA specialty at v

VOELLER & CO.'S,20 Bcretania Sheet, Warinc Block.

tS Telei'UONE G30 . "HH. iY .co.

Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 As 517 Fort St., Honolulu

Telephoner 22 P.O. Box 470

Commissioner of Deeds-- FOIf THE- -

Slate of Caiifornia.

Having been appointed and commissioneda Commissioner of Deeds for tliu mate of Cal-

ifornia, I am prepared , '

To administer and certlly oath.To take and certify depositions and ulllda- -

riu.To take and certlly me acKUOwieogmcm orproof of powers of uttoruey, mortgages,transfers, grants, deeds or other Instrumentsar recora.

A. V. GEAR,relephono 250. 310 King Street.

Pioneer Building andLoan A3soc!atlon.

Assets Jy,ly, 1S9G, $106,55.15

Honey Loaned on Approved Security.A Savings Hank for Monthly Deposit.Houses Uuilt on the Monthly InBtnllinent

l'lan.Thirteenth Series of Stock now open.

For further particular apply to

A. V.'GKAB, Secretary.Chamber of Commerco Ilooms.Ofllco hours, 12:30 1:30 P.M. 373--

J. S. WALKER,liftjsEiut. Aobt Fo Hawaii i Islaniis.

Royal Iusnranco Company.Alliance Assuruuco Company.Allinuco Marine and Omlernl Assurance

jompany.Hun Iife AHsurnuce Company of Canada.Wilholnia of Martgeburg liiHurnuco Com.

Lnuy.I Scottish Union and National Insurauee'ouipauy.kgnra 12 Spreckels Block, Honolulu, II. I.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

tie Life Assurance Society

ROf tho United Statos for the HawaiianInlands.

)rw. Merchant streot, Honolulu.


Yaluao Business Property on

Nuunnu street, bringing a good


Suvor.il Lots near Punchbowl

and tit Mtikiki, tlio Choicest Rosi-deiio- o

Property in tho city. A'

perfect vie,w from Diamond Hoad

to Ewa, Honolulu nnd Hajrbor.

Four Houses and Lots on Punch-bow- l

stroot, .only fivo minutes

walk from the Post Oflico.

We also have Comfortable

Houses for sale on easy tortus si-

tuated on the following streets;

Lunalilo, Kinau, .Knkui, Has-sing- er,

Berotania, Young, Vic-

toria, Green, Thurston Avenue,

Pumthou, Liliha and Nuuauu.

Building Lots in all parts of tho

city on the iustalmont plan. -

Several woll established Lodg-i-ng


Cofl'oo Lands on Hawaii nnd a

Pinoapplo Banch with limo and

other fruit trees near Honolulu.



210 King Street and-20- Mcr-'cha-nt

Street, v

Business Agency

L. C. Allies & Co. AXGear&Co.

Ofllce'.'OTMercliantat. o'lllcoaiOKIngSt.

XS.I2A.0Li 13STATI13.... AN'U ....

general Business Agents

; Loans Negotiated and CollectionsMade.

Stocks .Bought and Sold.

Books Audited Bnd Accounts Adjusted,

Bllla Bought anil Notesrjiscountaa, ' .

Fine and Life Ingitfaiice Ageqt

NOTH AND LETTER paper.llio Latca! Sluipn In T'nalilouithlc Statio-

neryThe Monogram -- llipcr ir Men.Tim latest shape In fnshiounbro nntn

nnd letter writes u oontributot tnTho Commercial Advertiwr, mea-su-

fully h of wi inch moro inwidth than in length. For instance, thesize- ncd for note is Gtf inches aero?nnd only 5 iuchnx np nnd down. Thatused for lottors In a trifle longer, bnt oftho same shape. Tho oxtra widtli giventho pjper rather n "land of tho woodennhoo" look, which, however, disappearswhen it is folded uud plarod in tho long,narrow envelope, with its square cutflap. Then when your noto finally malceiits. appeuraneo in public, it hns quite uslender, well lirednir. Asforcolor, deli-cat- o

tintH of bluish tone uro tho favorite.Then- - nro "nzuro," a now palo grayblue; "sapphire," which somowhnt re-sembles tho robin's egg lu color; "silvergray, " or, if your taste is for Domcthingmore deeiiled, nsk for "bleu du rol."

Tho ninuogram, fichlon decrees, shalllie inelos"d in some small de1ce, circle,oblong, or what you fancy so long us itis quito small. This is placed in thocenter of tho sheet, ubont half an inchfrom th upper edge. If you wih yourresidence nUo on tho paper, the. mono-gram is moved to tho left and tho ad-dress stamped at tho right, but ratherlower down on tho sheet. Theso littlemonograms nro veritable works of art,so fine and dainty nro they. All aroiuado from die, which givos tho raisednpiearance. Those which aro illumi-nated nro first stamped on tho paperwithout color. Tho ground color is thenlaid on by hand, after which it is againstamped with tho required brouzo orcolor.

For use on men's stationery, con-cludes tho authority quoted, come mono-grams of very different character. Thodesigns am much bolder and nro not in-closed. Ilninzo is hero tho favorite me-dium also. Tho paper is moro conserva-tive in form. A (.pccimt'it of nolo-- si;:omeasures (l inehes in length and 4 ,,

inches in width. It will readily lie seenthat euvelopes for this paper will 'ueiuvr square in .shape, us it is allow-able to fold paper but once. They haveeither a Knurn-llii- p or ono veiy sharplflMiinted. The envelopes in all cases re- -

. main Unstamped with tho monogram,altliough ir you so doslro tho residenceaddress may appear thereon withoutseriously coinproinisiug yon, but thoseal must be a reproduction of tho dieu"ed for tho monogram, anil tho wasmatf h tho color used in it. Tho la!ottext used in visltlug curds is the Komau.In bhapo they remain unchanged.


"So your stomach's gono bavkon yocgain? What havo you been eating?""I beliove, doctor, I looked too long

into n delicatessen shop window (renterdai." Fliegcndo Dlattor.

A .VOICE FHOM TIU: DLEACHEltS.i Local Interest in the criiket gamesns reflected from the "bleachers" is In-

creasing. Durlnf.- - Saturday's gamesthe "bleachers" were? particularly

and V'l't the players under arunning tire of good natured banter.One small boj-- brought down thocrowd by ad Islng the batsman to "gobuy a 'case of Itaiuier Beer' and getsome life in you." The crowd applaud-ed the remark, knowing that IlainierHeer is celebrated for lta iavieoratlngand strength-givin- g propensities.

On tap or In 'jottles at the Criterion.- vt'ur lli-iii- .

A ecago, c'ti'rfrucI ROfvnut'H quarters, situate ouWilder tavonuc Larpo Rrouiulswell lnid out and planted withfruit nnd ornamental trees; onofull sot of furnituro nnd cookingstove can romaiu in the houso ifwanted. Apply to A. V. Gear,210 Kinj; street.

Portraits onlargcd from smallphotos nnd lmndsomoly framedfor S10 at King Bros.

Dr. O. B. High, dentist, gra-duate Philadelphia Uontnl Col-Iob- o,

1802. Masonio Tomplo.

That picture in King Bros',window whioh has nttracted somuch attention is not tho portraitof anyone hero.

Bevoro "Granite" Garden llosois exhibited iu tho window of thoPacific Hnrdwnro Co. Thny showa sample .of thin -- hose, which hasboon in constant uso for sisyears.

Oity Onrringo Co.. J. S, And.rudo, mannger. If you want n

haok with good horso and care-ful driver ring up Telophnno 113,oomor of Fort and Merchantstreets. Huok at all hours,



In Quality Excollod by None,

PBavn a.BsiiaeBEw3 Sium' V9l Si

t VT i ' ' i .!w i . .. - -ll

jjiwy. -

a-- j:.r..xi

Atlantic Red Engine,Especially adapted to Centrifu-gal Machinery and High SpcodEnginos.

Capitol Cylinder,For Cylinders, etc.

Castor Mineral,For Steam Plows.

Summer Black,For Car Boxes, etc.

Steel Plows

Wo carry tho following linemanufactured by tho OLIVEBBROTHERS' PLOW WORKS:

The C & C. RICE PLOW,Sizes 5 to 10 inij made for lightcultivating and all ordinary use.

The QUEEN,Sizs t, 8 and 10 in.; for extraheavy work.

The MONARCH,12 and 1-- in.; fur bioiking andhoavy plowing.

K2TTIiese p0,V!j miu0 ox.pressly for us, are well braced,strong, light, and are tho result ofcarelnl study of plantation needs.They liavo mot with utiiversalapjiroval wherever usod.

J its i-- Tx eceiveel


Ice ShavesWhich you will (ind conve-

nient for making quickCold Drinkrt.



iLIFJ-f- l and 111 IIS

IpUR;MdE AtjEplT

AGKNT3 FOft ..

New England Mutual Lifeco. of boston.

Etna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.



LUMBER,IB-u.ild.e- rs


Paints, Oils and Glass

Wall Paper, Mattings,

Etc., Etc., Etc.


473Fort Street, ., . . - Telophono 20.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. Q. Irwin, - President and JlnnngerGlaus Spreckels, - - -W. M. Qiffurd, - Secretarj' and TreasurerThoo. O. Porter, . . . Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission. Agents.t





Qucun street, Honolulu, II I,

AGENTS FORHawaiian Aerlcultur.il Company, Onomea SuiirCompany, Houomu Sueari Company, WallukubuRar Company, Walhce Sugar Conipiny, MakcehuearCompany, HalcakalaTlanch Company, Ka.papala Ranh. --- riantcn' Line San Wanclscoratkets, Cha$. Brewer c Co.'t Line of Bostonrackets.--Agen- ts Boston Board or Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

list or orncEnsiPC Jones, President: Guorge II Bobortson,Manager; E F Bishop, Treasurer and Secretnry; Col. W F Allen. Auditor: (JM Cooke,II Watcrhouso, A W Cnrter, Direoforn.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT Alii, nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoA1.WAYH OS HAND.


I". ICrotujo, ... lETop.Per Day 8 2.00Per Week , 12.00

Spa:ltxl U.tlTho Btt of Attendance, tho Beat Situa-tion and the Finest Meals in this City

SINGER'S -:- - BAKERYEitabllshed 1S74.

King St. near Thoraus Squaro

Home-Mad- e BREAD,Cakes : and : Pies

B"" Served Fresh Evory Day.

H. 'F, SINGER,Tolophono 872. Solo Prop'r.

Oyster 'Cocktails

5y... AT....

The Elite Ice Cream Parlors

hbaz:bbt iHotel Htiret, uear Fort.

BREAD, PrES and CAKESOi all kind,

MThe Finest Imported 'and Homein ado Coulcctionery,

.M-MHflmHHBM- lB a


Real Estate

For Sale.1 Two Stores on Nuuanu street.a Lot on Magazine Hill, I20x?'ji feet,

commanding nu excellent view of the cityand harbor.

3 Lot on Hackfcld street, 80x100.4 -- A Choice Kesldcncc on Lunalilo street,

having All modern Improvements.5 lour Houses and Lots on l'unchliowl

street, all rented nt a monthly rental of flitt.This property Is L'tllfcct on l'unclibowl strc-c- ,

with a depth of 222 feci running to the drillgrounds or armory, with a frontage on samefor 4 orS more cottages. The central loca-tion of the 'property makes It most available.

fl A Fine Itcsldcncc centrally located,containing 15 rooms. Lot i'JOs'Juu ft. Two"small cottages un thu lot bringing In good '

rental.7 A Commodious Ilcsldcnce on Hasslnver

strcet,lltlcd with nil modem conveniences. Orwill trado tor suburban property.

a. a utilise ntw i.oi on roung street.U Ilouo and Lot corner Victoria nnd

Deretaiili lrout, uppiolle Tl.nmas snufiie,bullae ( onttiin i louiiM

1U llmm- still Lot in Vntliig slncl nrrthu nsidi-ne- ol the Iter. Mr ll)dy. LottllKHn. Hotfi- eniilftiiis eijihl looms.

II l'enrl Cltv I'niierly.12 Dcslialik- 'I r.n-- t of Colfee Land on Ila-wa- ll.

IU A nio..t Desimble Honic on Tliurstonuremic. Lnrgu Knmud-- i nnd beautiful flow-

er gardeu; houM fnniitlivd throughout Inhard wood with nil hit. t improvementKxiellcnt view of the citv mill uccau. andone which cannot lie cut oQ.

U V Inrge Lot nnd Comuiodioua OwUlingouOrcen Street, commanding an un.obstructed view of tho city nnd harbor." No'choicer residence 1h to l'o had in the cityeven by tho most fastidiotia.

in A New Houru ot seven rooms withelectric lights throughout, bath, patent WO. eumnts' iitinrtcrsand stables. One blockfrom ear Hue nl l'uo.ihuu.

Ill-- Only 4 of those Lots left near Kamelu-mcli- nschool.

17 Two Houses and Lots on Llllba street.IS A House and Lot on AInkea street.Ill A lli'Millful Ilnltdlng Lot at Kallhl,

l'.Xix"0'l, tlinredj leneed and water hid ou.20 A (icntly Sloping Lot on Thurston '

uentn-- , i, liiilnga Irontute ou On-e- '

strict of 10.", feet, and coinmnndlng a bird's-ey- e

view of the city and harbor. .

'I Elegant Jlea'li I'ropcrty at Walklkl.--"., lloiisu nnd Lot on IVtcrsou Lane,

House contain a rooms. Lot 75x11112 Dwelling House of 0 roenis,' lilted llh

all modern comenlences Lot l""ixll0Sltuattd at 1'alnm.i. '

Ut Vacant Lot on WalklKl Itoad, lOOxtlli.25 House and Lot on Nuuanu urn-i- .

House contains eight furnished rooms.Very conveniently located near thy businesscenter of the city.

'20 Elegant ltcsldcnceat I'unahou. He useof 7 rooms l(U all modern convenience's.Lot looxtjoo, nitdy plaulcd with Irult nudornamental trees.

2712 builrt ol Furniture complete andtho rontal ot the most desirable and

locatid Lodging Houso iu tho city.28 Pineapple ltanch 26,000 fAilinR

plants, COO limo trees, 50 Avocado martrees, peach trees and Alfalfa crop. TwoDwelling, barn, etc. An Al inveslmtint.

'29 A Lodging House on Fort street con-sisting of twenty furnished room, all occu-pied by lodgers. A bargalu for the tight iperson.

Notice: Can Negotiate Loans on Ahrotthe aboo property lor purchai-r- desiringsame at from SO to 75 per cent of the value.

Hawaiian Business Agency,210 King street and 207 Merchant street.

To My Patrons:It gives mo much pleasure

to anmmnee that MR. M. R.COUNTER, ono of the mostskilled watchmakers evor inthose Islands, is now managingmy repairing depaitmont. Nowatch is so complex in itsmechanism hut wo can givo por-fo- ct

satisfaction iu correctingtho evils to which watches arehoir. Watches aro delicatething lo handle. Wo guaranteothat they will receive no injuryat our hands and will leave

, our storo in perfect repair.Respectfully,

E. A. JACOBSON,507 Fort Street.



The celebrated EnterpriseEr.Ku on oJi.iugiib unu inBottles. ,



225 Quoon stroot, Honolulu, H, I.


For tho Equina Tablo in theway of all Kinds First Class

HAY, GRAIN 0 FEEDAro on sale by tho


138 Fort St. Tol.,422.


Real Estate and Commission Agent.

Stock Hrolur. Tiro nud Life

Campbell lllock, 200 Merchant Street,

,. Jh feiviAfiycv''. &U&L 'Istuiii. 8&&&M&s&

.'umull-tft'wtaW-V''- -' sitJLMUiM&Aftt JMiktLl.

-- "&

r --.




. v.l



j iWI

Kn, yJZ

in'. -- ?:i

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Page 8: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7872/1/1897041001.pdf · J x ' J "t '(ea0f09OO9O Best lldmlhi& Medium, f 7?AIIKir. The Oldest S Tap i











Opens'! MONDAY, April 12th,











With Ties to Match !

Latest Styles



25 on





M. G.





New Designs

Per Cent the Cost 25

Forget the. Hale

wu m wi'Mwwiiiiiiiiii





Temple Fashion.

PER CENT--2- 5


Shirt Waists Shirt




Don't Forget the Discount

25 Per Cent on Actual Cost







Hark IllicliUud Llsbl HnlW-Auot- hcr

War Vel lloiiml for ThinI'ort-Otli- er Nfwi.

The steamer Helcuo leaves nt 2o'olock this aftomoon for Ha-waii.

Tho Amorican bark HighlandLight sailed for Fugct Sound thismorning.

Tho barkeutiue AV H Diraondnnd bnrk Mohican will sail forSan Francisco next week.

Tho schooner Jonnio "Wandsailed from tho Coast for Kalm-lu- i

on tho first of this month.The bark 0 D Bryant and

barkenliuo Archer sailed fromSan Francisco lor this port onApril 2.

Tomorrow, high tide largo ....p m; high tide small 11:50 am; lowtide large 1:35 p m; low tide small0:25 a m.

N C "Walton Jr, a very pleasantgontleman, is taking tho place oftho reynlnr purpor of the Maripo-sa this trip.

Tho ships Luzon and AV FBabcock are both about loaded,and will sail for New York thofirst of next week.

Purser Beckloy of ' tho MokoliiBay 8 ho and others saw "what theysupposed was tho steamer Kaon aoft Lahnina on Tuesday night.

Th V S S Philadelphia liasbcon ordered to Honolulu. SanFrancisco papors say there isfear of trouble hero over theJapanese.

.I'l'IM'l lit llllo.

The steamer fwalaui, which d

fioin llamakun this morning, reports that tho L'uitedSlntcH '

gunboat Petrol arrived at Hiloyesterday from San Francisco.

S. S THlll-ilioii-I

The OSS Mariposa arrivedthis morning after a very smoothnnd pleasant passngo. Sho loftSan Francisco at 9 :11 p m April3, dropping the pilot at 11:15. At3am this morning tho steamshipontorcdIonolulu harbor. Therewero a few passengers for thiscity and about tho usual numborfor tho Colonies. Tho notoriousmurderer Butler is chained to the,floor of one of the staterooms ontho starboard sido.


From Hawaii, perBtmrlwalaui, j

April 1U Jonn li. Alexander.From Molokai, Maui and La-n- ai,

por stmr Mokolii, April 10Miss Finkloy, Mrs Panola, MrsL Fua, Miss T Gibson, J Hansman aud 11 deck passengers.

From Maui aud Hawaii ports,per stmr Muuna Loa, April J..G 0 Hewitt, Robert Howie, HGormau, J C Leuhart. Thos EAyoib und wife, J Wakefield, JII Wilson, L M Whitohouse, DrA B Rowat, AV A Wall, E Lof-quia- t,

A Perry, Mrs dipt Free-man, Mies Annie Kawolo, Mrs ELazarus and child aud 75 ondeck.

From Sau Francisco, per S SMariposa, April 10 For Honolu-lu: Miss L L Chaffee, ChasCopouhavro, DrA L Cunningham,S M Dodgo, VF II Frisbeo. 11 OGoor and wife, AV E llowoll, C JHuicmhd, wife and child, C Jnmeaand wife, Miss Anna Paris, JyiiSmith, Miss Smith, AVm AVaTsh.For Apia: AVm It Hewitt. ForAuckland: O.A Abbott, D Clen-n- oll

Fouwick, E J Fronch, HReynolds. For Sydney; Rev JosCampboll, M A Conroy, It IIAVallnco Frasor, A AV Jones andwife, JamosMoIIattio.O II Palmor, J

Airs 1j 1'ost, Air Tost, UrBULPottor, Capt H L'Read, wifo andchild, John Rooho, Carl Sanduors,A Areruon, A E AVnlkor, O AAValkor, J It AValker und wife,Mrs M AVilliamsoii! Join atHonolulu for Auckland: ProfD M Bristol, A AV Konnedy. Joinat Honolulu for Sydney: Mrs JK Barnoy, Juo Burko and wifo,AV Howard and wifo, Gus Jordan,Hy Jordan, L M Jordan and wifo,Miss L C Jordan, Miss NellieJordan, F Morlo and wife, VMerlo, AV Olifant, AVm Potrio andwifo.

A strootcar conductor in NowYork City had a man arrested forspitting on tho floor of a car, andnow thoio is talk of orouting amouumout to him.



aiikivai.s.BvruiiiiAi. April 10.

Stmr Iwilnnl, (IrtRorr,' from Hawaii.Btrar Kaala. Mother, from Oihu porU.Btrar Keauhou, Thompson, from Hawaii.OSS Marlpoaa, Hayuurd, from Ban Fran-clac-

Btmr Mokolii, Bennett, from Molokai,Maul and Lnnal.


nErAiiTonns.BlTURDAT, April. 10.

Sclir Ka Mol for Hawaii.UBS Marlpoaa, Harvard, for I lie Colo

nit?.Am bk HlRlitand Lihl, Lewis, forl'iigct

Sound,Stmr Ilclcnc. Fltrccrald, for l'aaubaua Oo-ka- la

and Mihukona. 9

OAitaoES" rnoM islandKx Mmr Kaala 2030 Iiur rice.Ex ttmr Iwalani 1701 bag uj;.ir.

Ex itmr Keauhon 383? baj;s miliar.Ex ttmr Mokolii- CM bnun Mtirur, 150

ehicp, 10 lnmbe, 1 deer, 1 cow, 1 fair, 10bale wool, cte.

Ex ctmr Mnnna Loa SJ75 bags nigar, Jo2bairt coiree, ?T bal awa, 'ii bills bliljt, -- 1

head cattle. 1 horse.


NAVAL.UBS Marlon, Greene, Ban Dlcgo, March U.


(Coasters not Included In this lift.)Am ship W F Uabcock, Graham, 8 F,

Mr 'J.Haw bk Dliraond Head, Ward, 1't Blakcly,

March 'ii.Am bk Matilda, McKcnzlo, l'ort Illakely,

March 20.Am slilp Geo Curtis, Sproul, Kacasakt,

Mar 20.Am tlilp Iroquois, Tailor, Ban Francttco,

April 7.Am fclir Alice Cooke, I'cuhallow, l'ort Gam-

ble, April S.Jap 8 8 Klnal Mam. S.ikata, Kobe, April 0.Am ship Luzon, I'nrk, Sliatichal, Mar 28.Haw W Hofa!l. SIcii.ChemiImns. Feb 21.Am bk Mohlcau, Biundcrt, S F, April !!

Am bk ijcininolr, Wccdon, Newcastlo, Apr 5.Am bktn U II Diuttid, Mlsou, 8 F, AprS.


Vvsbt-l-s whcrcirom DueMc bk Dominion, ....New cattle DueGer bk Paul hcubcri:.. ..Lhcrpoo! DuvSchr Louis NewcastleIlk Kewsboy Newcastle

r No city NowcnMloA in Mlilp H c.i per. . . Nuw'cnstliIlk Fortutia ....Nowiastlc Apr 0Selir (icildeu Shore. ..NewcastleSchr Echo XcwcaMlclaw bk lolatil New York .... May 31Schr Oljja Newctlo MarSIIlk Niiunuu New YorkSilirWm How den.. ..Newcastle AprilAm SchrOccanla Vance,.. Newcastle, Apr SOAm bktn V II D!niond,..S FSchr W II Talbot,.. Newcastle Apr 30Am bk Albert B FAm bk Ahlcu Hesse 8 FAm bktn Mary....VInkclman.... Newcastle88 Warrlruoo Victoria ..Apr 108 8 Rio Janeiro 8F Apr 17

So Australia 8 F Apr 278 8 Doric Yokohama Apr 2.1

8 8 Mlowera Sydney Apr 218,3 Alameda Si (liny Apr 20

l'i(!z'ii Attention.

These aro days of considerableanxiety and perplexity to all whohave possessions or other interestsin the llepublic of Hawaii, and itis time that our citizens camo to amutual understanding on severalimportaut issues. Tho prospectsfor Auuoxation appear at prosontvague aud indistinct, nnd ourdestiny cannot bo foretold withcertainty. Thoro are thoso, also,whp still fondly cling to tho hopoof a return to tho old ordor ofthings, and who cannot bo per-suaded otherwise, yet this out-look appears far moro hazy thanthat of Annexation oven to themost hopeful disciples of thoMonarchy, uut, fonnniuoly, intho midst of all this uncertaintythoro is solaco in tho fact thaiBuffalo Boor has came to stay andthat patrons of all sorts andopinions may equally shar.o thobenefits of its invigorating' andsustaining properties. AVo aremoreover assured that this favoritebrow will continue to bo dispens-ed as heretofore at tho ltoynl,Pacific and Cosmopolitan Sa-


s( utile ::ocii.

By tho steamor Miowora, thoCriterion Suloon recanod a largeconsignment of tho celebrated bookboor, browed by tho Seattlo Browing and Malting Co. This is thofirst bopk to miiko its appearance,and is a sure indication of betterdays.

PRESIDENT DIAZ DKCOIUTHD.HKKMN The Jlclclisnr vW. jl-clnl- ly

announces that I'n - Dluz,of Mexico, has been decora.. .. bj Era-per-

William with the jrrana ross of"itulnier." President Diaz Issued anedict to the ellect that no beer excepttho sparkling "Kainier" be served inpublic places, or on state occasions.

On tap or in bottles at the Criterion,

Printed ducks aro just as good,if not bettor than anything elsefor boys' shirt waists. They washand woar well, two very importantconsiderations. Korr has them ina largo variety of pattorns at eightyards for ouo dollar.


i.iiixi' ruuiiiij.v m;u,

Continual from Jul I'mjc.

Auson Burliugamo Johnson ofColorado, Consul at Amoy, China.

Uonjamin Butterworth of Iowa,GommisBionor of Patents.

OlivorL. Spaulding of Michi-gan, Assistant Socrotary of theTreasury.

AVilliam B. Howoll of NowJersey, Assistant Soorotary of thoTreasury.

Captain Robort Craig of thoSignal Corps to bo Major.

Tho Sonato confirmed Charlo-niog- no

Tower of Pennsylvania tobe Minister to Austro-Hungar-

AVilliam 8. Hallonborgor to boSecond Assistant PostmasterGeneral; Penrose A. McOlain ofPennsylvania to bo Collector ofInternal ltovouuo for tho Firstdistrict of Pennsylvania; Alox-and- or

Montgomery Thaokory ofPennsylvania, Consul at Havro,Franco, and several positions intho Army and Marino Corps oftho Navy.

Colonel Fred. D. Grant, son oftho lato Presidont, has beon of-for-

the position of AssistantSecretary of AVur.


In tho examination of Sir JohnWillouylii3 , military dcr oftho Jameson raid just out of jail,beforo the parliamentary commit-tee, Henry Labouchero caused

by Baying if they couldnot have tho information desiredfrom witnosBos tho inquiry was a ,farce.

Chess players of tho House ofCommons want to hnvo a tourna-ment of sovon tables with mem-bers of tho American Houso ofRepresentatives by cablo.

Russia's treasury had a deficitof 80,000.000 rouble" 't"t ymr,caused by gold transactions.

Emporor AVilliam sent congra-tulations to Prince iBiemarck onApril 1, his 82nd birthday.

Tho Fronch Chamber, is askedto vote 80,000,000 frau'esfor nowwarships.

Tho Fronch Chamber of De-puties has adopted tho port dutiesbill, imposing a tax upon foreignvessels of 1 franc 25 centimes pormetric ton upon merchandise andupon each 'head of cattlo or pas-senger landed.

Presidont Fauro has beenofficially informed of tho ap-proaching visit of tho Czar andCzarina to France.

'cunt.Orders have been received from

Spaiu not to shoot Rivera, as itmight havo a bad offoctin Europe.

Rivora was captured in a hos-pital and not on the Gold.

General Sanguilly has slippedaway from Florida for Cuba totake a leadiug position with tbjirebel forces.

Ona Melton, a Jacksonvillenowspaper correspondent, 'whowas captured by the Spanish lastyear, isjroportud to bo dying in ndungeon. ,

AVoylor claims ho has Gomezhemmed in by a liny of - fortsacross tho island of Tiriguaua.

VtJt'OI"! !.''Spain has advices oF the'ean-tur- o

by storm of sovoral rebelstrongholds in tho Philippine Isl-ands. Cavilovego was shelled bytho ileet and 10U0 prisoners sur-rendered.

Mexico has effected a treaty ofpeace with tho troublesome YaquiIndians.

Sugar planters of Peiu proposea commercial reciprocity tieatywith tho United States on tho ba-

sis of reduction of duties on Poru-via- u

sugar and American wheat.Of 1111 doaths in Bombay lost

weok, 15" wero duo to tho plague.

Original Itoclf.

Tho AVarrimoo that is expectedhero April 1G from Victoria willbring a largo consignmout ofOriginal Bock Boer for tho An-

chor Saloon. "While thoro hasbeon Book Boor on tho Honolulu'4markot, it does not begin to com-pa- ro

with tho consignment thatthe Anchor will havo on tap aftertho arrival of tho AVariiuioo. Thoreason for this ib that tho Book-tha- t

has already arrived is toofresh. Tho Bock Beer in theStates is made at tho first of theyear and kept till May 1. Tho con-signment to .arrive is sonio of theoriginal beer and is guaranteed tobo bettor than any Book evor im-

ported. AVait for it. It will boon tap at tho 'Anchor aftor thoarrival of tho AVarrimoo.

-- -v .rjftfw,i,;tf.iltfr,.'fti.

)...., uiJWL.?, "l'miH1lM-- k' is .! vt'i