1. 4 mm i Willi Vol. XL No 1G8G. HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 11, 1887. CO CENTS flUBSORIPTION PER MONTH Insurance. Professionals. THE DAILY BULLETIN GEORGE LUCAS, Grand Annual Mammoth -- AT Till POPULAR MILLINERY 104 Fort Street, Honolulu, IV. S. SACHS, To Commence on, Monday, Positively for Two Weeks Buna-Fl- ic Sale and Immense Is printed and published at the office, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 60 cants par Month. Address nil Communications Dailt BuLIiKTIN. Advertisements, tc ensure Insertion, should be handed in before one o'clock P. M. WALTEB HILL Editor and Proprietor W.A.8. Boats Shipping Reporter & Collector JAS. 0. CLEVIOR, Manager. Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of all kinds douo on the most favorable terms. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 Commission Merchants. HACIITELI & Co., jj General Commission Agents. 107(5 iy Honolulu Q. W. MAC7ABXANE & Co. MPORTER3 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, H. I. Honolulu. Queen street, Brewer & company, c (Limitxd) Gknbbai. Mkhcantilb and Commission Agents. usror ofimckbs: P. 0. Jomss, Jr. . .'.President & Manager J. O. Caktbb. .. ..Treiurer & Secretary DIBKCTOKS! Hon. C. B. Bishop. 8. C. Allen, H. WATrtlllOLSE. 338 ly T. WATERHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1 8. N. Castl'e.-- J. B. Athorton-- G. P. Castle A OOOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchant. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, Mo. 80 King St., Honolulu. 1 Wm. O. Irwin. Clam Bpreclscu. IRWIN & COMPANY, , WQ. Factors and CommissiOB Agents, Honolulu. QRINBAOM & CO., MS. Importers of General Mer- chandise aiid Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 124 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. S CO., WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints, "Oils, Nails, Sal1, and Building Materials ot every kind, cor. Fort and Queen ste., Honolulu. i B. Lewcrs, F. J. Lowroy, 0. M. Coke. EWERS & COOKE, L (successors to Lowers Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu. 1 Gonsalves Sc Co., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 289 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Tho entire stock will bo oflercil iKSr'-A-- t CoHt and Less tlimi In fact, a great many of the A rices will be Cut HOUSE, JProprie tor July 11th, Only. Bargains ! CostgI in Two ! Edinburgh & Queen Streets. BULLETIN Positively no reserve and all goods will be marked in Plain Figures and sold for Cash Only. Look at the price list circular. and Bulldor,? Honolulu Steam rianlng Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Moulding, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attvuded to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other ls-an- solicited E. E. MAYHEW, CONTRACTOR A BUILDER, 86 Hotel street, - Honolulu, II. I. (Opposite Fashion Stables). P. 0. Box 315; Bell Telephone 53- - All work in my line faithfully done. Plans and specifications made. Job. bing in all details dona at short notice. diood Work and Low Charged la my Motto. 99 CKAVANAQH, Steam Boilers, Furnaces and Ranges Set. Brick and Stonework done on reasonable terms. 29 Bcretania St., nczt Commercial Suloon P. O. Box 457. Orders from the other Islands punc- tually attended to. 2y FRED HARRISON, Itulltlor and Contractor, 30 P. O. Box 478. 1. IXeIiElVZIE, Contractor nnd Builder. S'ores and offices fitted up, Estimates given on all kinds of brick and wooden buildings, Plans and Specifications fur- nished. 63T Office, 110 Bcretania St.; Mutual Telephone, 35 J: Postofflce Box, 190. 822 ly NTERPRISI PLANma MILL. Alakea, near Qnecn St. Telephone SS. F. RUPPRECHT, 0 Fresco I?aiiitei 126 Nuuanu St, Honolulu, HL 60 3m Honolulu Iron Works, ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attcutiou paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 R. MORE & Co., Ship's Blacksmith & General Machinist. VST All Tvork Promptly and neatly Per. formed. 205 3m ALVIN II. RASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPER-RULE- and BLANK-BOO- K Manufacturer, Book Binding of all description neatly and promptly executed. Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and ll,Mcr. 722 chant street.' : ly Hustace & Robertson, as DHAYME2V. LL orders for Cartage promptly at. iA tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 982 ly Mutual Tt lepbone No. 19. HAWAIIAN HOTEL CARRIAGE CO. Carriages at all hours, dny and night. Saddle Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes and Village Carts with stylish and gentle horses to let. FOR SALE. A few Horses, guaranteed. Second hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Carts and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to MILES & I1AYLEY. 1574 ly EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OF THE UNITED STATES. Assets Jan. 1, 1887 $75,510,472.76 Surplus New York State Standard .... 20,495,175.78 New Insurance written In 188S 111,540,203.00 The Free Tontine Return Pre- mium Policy Contains all the latest concessions, the most liberal form of Policy extant. 1st. No restrictions whatever upon travel, residence or occupa- tion after 1 year. 2nd. Indisputable at law, or otherwise after jearw. 8rd. Non forfeitable after 3 yearn. 4th. The Society guarantees to pay not only the face of the Policy in case of do.lh during the Tontine period chosen, but to return all premiums paid as well. 5th If assured survives the Tontine period Six varied and attractive op- tions are ollcred him three of which allow him to terminate the contract, and three allow him to continue the same. t9 A Bulletin is issued monthly cf Death Claims paid in all parts of the world. Claims paid immediately upon receipt of satisfactory proof of death, and not alter CO days. ISTNo law suits. tyNo delays. For further particulars consult ALEX. J. CARTWKIGHT, General Agent nawaiiaa Islands. 1010 FIRE, LIFE, MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assets, $5,055,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) " Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South tish Fire and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance Co- - Assets, $75,000,000 C. O. BERG-EE- , HONOLULU. General Agent, Iluw'n Islands. 1053 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marine Insur'ce Agents. AGENTS FOll The Sew England MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, " of Boston. The jtna Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. The Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of San Francisco, Cala. 191 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'v ESTABLISHED 1843, Capital, 9,000,000 Reichsmarks, pHE undersigned, having been ap noint.l(i ftirnnt of tlifAhnvirnmnonv for the Hawaiian Islands, is nrpnnrnf la accept risks, against Fire on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Bngar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable in Honolulu. II. RIEMEN.SCHNEIirEU. G70 ly at Wilder & Co's. The Inter- - Island Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for sale Steam Family and Blackcmith Coa and a general assortment of 415. Rar Sron. F YOU LOSE ANYTHING, l advertise it in the Dailt Bullktuu CLARKNCB WILDER I YOLNET VAILLANOOU11T ASHt'OUU. I AS11VOHU. ASHFORD & ASHFORD, Law, Chancery, Conveyancing, ' Admiralty, Uankrnptcy, Probate, Etc., Etc., Etc. Office: Old Capitol Building, adjoin- - Ing General PoHt-Olue- 3 JM. MON8ARRAT, ATTOHNKY AT LAW and Notary Public. Heal Estate in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans negotia ted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 196 CECIL BROWN, and Counsellor at Law-Notar- Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowledgments of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u. 1 Alfred Maooon, - J ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly T. DARE. JOHN Attorney and C'onnellor-at-l.aw- . Office: No. 12 Bpreckels' Block, Honolulu. 03 M. THOMPSON, A. 1 1 o r no y -- a, t-- w. Office In Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort & Merchant Sis., Honolulu, H. I. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. I2T When desired, will give the law in a written opinion, as to the probable re- sult of the contention upon tho facts Btated. 15881y John A. hassinger, If Agent to taite Acanowieagmeuu to Contracts for Labor. Interior JlBce, Honolulu. GRAY. M. D., PP. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, first door west of Library Build- ing. Hours, from 9 to 11 a.m., and 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a.m. fy Residence, No. 40 Alakea, near Hotel Street. R. EMERSON, Eesidence and Office, 196 Port St, ( 8 to 10 A.M., J l to 8 p.m.. ( 7 to 8 Evening. Telephone (Bell and Mutual), No. 149. 177 tf JOHN MAOOON, Office 42 Merchant St., Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18 ly BENSOH. o. w. SMrxa. 0. M. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Bocricke & ScouUlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, S i checker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i 2y HOLUSTER k CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21- 6 Honolulu, H. I. A. M. HEWETT, - Stationer & Newsdealer, erchant Street, Honolulu, H. Mutual Tel. 871. - Bell Tel. 80. Law Booki & Lawyer;' Stationery a Specialty. Orders taken for Newspapers, Periodi-cals- , Books, Music, etc., from any part of the world, having mado all arrange- ments therefor whilst in San Francisco. Ited Rubber Stamps to Order. 71 J. IX. SOPER, (Successor to J. M. Oat, Jr. & Co.) Dealers in all kinds of STATIONERY, The Latest Foreign Papers always on hand at the Gazette Slock, Merchant Street EST The English Admiralty Charts always on hand. 1 by Chas. T. Gulick Notary Public Records Searched, Abstract of Title Furnished, and Conveyances Drawn on short notice. Collection Agency. Mr. JOIIN GOOD, Jk., Authorized Collector. Employment Agency. Mr. F.MARCOS, 8: eciul Agent, General Business Agency. No. 38 Mer- chant Street. N BeU Telephone 848. I. O. Box 415. 83tf "ft r WM. McCANDIiESS, No. 6 Queen street, Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Beef, Veal, mutton, Vlah, ., and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 846 ly o. WEST, E. 8.SCQUMAN. President. Manager. Haw'an.Carria8MTGo. (Limited) Importers & Dealers In HAY HAY and -- GRAIN GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest Quality, Lowest Prices. UNION FEED CO., Telephones 175. Corner THE DAILY J Wolfe & Company, Grocery and Feed Store, 67 and 69 Hotel street, Fresh Groceries and Provisions received every Steamer. P. O. Box 130, Boll Telephone No. 349 Mutual Telephone No. 104. 561 Km 1 Iron, Cumberland Coal, Hard Wood Lumber, : And all kinds of : Carriage and Wagon Materials. 82 6m Thos. Lindsay, MANUFACTURING JEWELER, 168 No. CO Nuuanu I trect. ly WENNER & CO. Manufacturing Jewellers, NO. OS I'OBT 8TKEET, Constantly on hand a large assortment of every description of Jewelry, Watches, Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 908 ly PIOIVEEIl STEAM CAHDY FACTORY AND BA-lCEll- F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- H2T Telephone 74 LAINE & CO. nave a Large Stock of tho VERY BEST HAY. Grain, Etc., Which is offered at Lowest Market Prices AND Delivered Free to any part of the City AGENTS FOR THE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for the Hoover Telephone. CommissionerofDeedsforCalifornia Telephone No. 147. 708 GERTZ, fife. CHR. No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.fT Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. WILLIAM MILLER Cabinetmaker And Upholsterer, No. 63 Hotel street, Opposite International Hotel, Canes and talking Sticks, Made of every kind of NATIVE WOODS rackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c, made of the latest designs. CITY CARRIAGE CO, STAND : Corner of Knuana A Hotel Streets. BINGr UP TELEPHONE 457. This Carriage Company has been re- cently organized, and guarantees to furnish good conveyances, trustworthy drivers, and will make no extortionate charges. All calls will be promptly attended to. 63 BOOH AND JOB PRIHTnl -- OFFICE- Every Description of Sook and General Printing Executed with, neatness and dispatch.

evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...1. mmiWilli4 Vol. XL No 1G8G. HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 11, 1887. CO CENTSflUBSORIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Professionals

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Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...1. mmiWilli4 Vol. XL No 1G8G. HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 11, 1887. CO CENTSflUBSORIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Professionals






Grand Annual Mammoth

--AT Till

POPULAR MILLINERY104 Fort Street, Honolulu,


To Commence on, Monday,Positively for Two Weeks

Buna-Fl-ic Sale and Immense

Is printed and published at the office,

Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 60 cants par Month.

Address nil Communications DailtBuLIiKTIN.

Advertisements, tc ensure Insertion,should be handed in before one o'clockP. M.

WALTEB HILL Editor and Proprietor

W.A.8. Boats Shipping Reporter & Collector

JAS. 0. CLEVIOR, Manager.

Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of

all kinds douo on the most favorable

terms.Bell Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. 250

Commission Merchants.

HACIITELI & Co.,jjGeneral Commission Agents.

107(5 iy Honolulu



MERCHANTS,H. I.Honolulu.Queen street,

Brewer & company,c (Limitxd)

Gknbbai. Mkhcantilb andCommission Agents.

usror ofimckbs:

P. 0. Jomss, Jr. . .'.President & Manager

J. O. Caktbb. . . ..Treiurer & Secretary


Hon. C. B. Bishop. 8. C. Allen,H. WATrtlllOLSE.

338 ly

T. WATERHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1

8. N. Castl'e.-- J. B. Athorton-- G. P. Castle

A OOOKE,CASTLE Shipping and CommissionMerchant. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, Mo. 80 King St.,

Honolulu. 1

Wm. O. Irwin.Clam Bpreclscu.IRWIN & COMPANY, ,WQ. Factors and CommissiOB

Agents, Honolulu.

QRINBAOM & CO.,MS. Importers of General Mer-

chandise aiid Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

124 California street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

S CO.,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints,"Oils, Nails, Sal1, and Building Materialsot every kind, cor. Fort and Queen ste.,Honolulu. iB. Lewcrs, F. J. Lowroy, 0. M. Coke.

EWERS & COOKE,L (successors to Lowers Dickson,)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu. 1

Gonsalves Sc Co.,

Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

289 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Tho entire stock will bo oflercil

iKSr'-A-- t CoHt and Less tlimiIn fact, a great many of theA

rices will be Cut


JProprie tor

July 11th,


Bargains !


in Two !

Edinburgh & Queen Streets.


Positively no reserve and all goods will be marked

in Plain Figures and sold for Cash Only.

Look at the price list circular.

and Bulldor,?

Honolulu Steam rianlng Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Moulding,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attvuded to and workguaranteed. Orders from the other ls-an-



86 Hotel street, - Honolulu, II. I.(Opposite Fashion Stables).

P. 0. Box 315; Bell Telephone 53- -

All work in my line faithfully done.Plans and specifications made. Job.bing in all details dona at short notice.

diood Work and Low Chargedla my Motto. 99

CKAVANAQH,Steam Boilers, Furnaces and Ranges

Set. Brick and Stonework done onreasonable terms.29 Bcretania St., nczt Commercial Suloon

P. O. Box 457.Orders from the other Islands punc-

tually attended to. 2y


Itulltlor and Contractor,30 P. O. Box 478.

1. IXeIiElVZIE,Contractor nnd Builder.

S'ores and offices fitted up, Estimatesgiven on all kinds of brick and woodenbuildings, Plans and Specifications fur-nished. 63T Office, 110 Bcretania St.;Mutual Telephone, 35J: Postofflce Box,190. 822 ly


Alakea, near Qnecn St.Telephone SS.


Fresco I?aiiitei126 Nuuanu St, Honolulu, H L

60 3m

Honolulu Iron Works,ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attcutiou paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

R. MORE & Co.,Ship's Blacksmith & General Machinist.

VST All Tvork Promptly and neatly Per.formed. 205 3m



Manufacturer,Book Binding of all description neatly

and promptly executed.Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and ll,Mcr.722 chant street.' : ly

Hustace & Robertson,


DHAYME2V.LL orders for Cartage promptly at.

iA tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.982 ly Mutual Tt lepbone No. 19.



Carriages at all hours, dny and night.Saddle Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes andVillage Carts with stylish and gentlehorses to let.

FOR SALE.A few Horses, guaranteed. Second

hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies,Carts and Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to

MILES & I1AYLEY.1574 ly


Assurance SocietyOF THE


Assets Jan. 1, 1887 $75,510,472.76Surplus New York State

Standard .... 20,495,175.78New Insurance written In

188S 111,540,203.00

The Free Tontine Return Pre-

mium PolicyContains all the latest concessions, the

most liberal form of Policy extant.

1st. No restrictions whatever upontravel, residence or occupa-tion after 1 year.

2nd. Indisputable at law, or otherwiseafter jearw.

8rd. Non forfeitable after 3 yearn.4th. The Society guarantees to pay not

only the face of the Policy in case ofdo.lh during the Tontine periodchosen, but to return all premiumspaid as well.

5th If assured survives the Tontineperiod Six varied and attractive op-

tions are ollcred him three of whichallow him to terminate the contract,and three allow him to continue thesame.t9 A Bulletin is issued monthly cf

Death Claims paid in all parts of theworld. Claims paid immediately uponreceipt of satisfactory proof of death,and not alter CO days.

ISTNo law suits. tyNo delays.For further particulars consult

ALEX. J. CARTWKIGHT,General Agent nawaiiaa Islands.



MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,055,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)

Assets, $450,000Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation

(Fire and Marine) "

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South tish Fire and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000

New York Life Insurance Co- -

Assets, $75,000,000

C. O. BERG-EE- ,


General Agent, Iluw'n Islands.

1053 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire & Marine Insur'ce Agents.



" of Boston.

The jtna Fire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

The Union Fire and

Marine Insurance Co.of San Francisco, Cala.

191 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'v


Capital, 9,000,000 Reichsmarks,

pHE undersigned, having been apnoint.l(i ftirnnt of tlifAhnvirnmnonv

for the Hawaiian Islands, is nrpnnrnf laaccept risks, against Fire on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, BngarMills etc., on the most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable inHonolulu.

II. RIEMEN.SCHNEIirEU.G70 ly at Wilder & Co's.

The Inter- - Island SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for sale

Steam Family and Blackcmith Coa

and a general assortment of

415. Rar Sron.

F YOU LOSE ANYTHING,l advertise it in the Dailt Bullktuu




Law, Chancery, Conveyancing, '

Admiralty, Uankrnptcy, Probate,Etc., Etc., Etc.

Office: Old Capitol Building, adjoin- -

Ing General PoHt-Olue- 3


and Notary Public. Heal Estate in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans negotiated, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 196

CECIL BROWN,and Counsellor at Law-Notar-

Public, and Agent for taking Acknowledgments of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u.


Alfred Maooon, -J ATTORNEY AT LAW.

173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly

T. DARE.JOHNAttorney and C'onnellor-at-l.aw- .

Office: No. 12 Bpreckels' Block,

Honolulu. 03

M. THOMPSON,A.1 1 o rnoy --a, t-- w.

Office In Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort &Merchant Sis., Honolulu, H. I.


I2T When desired, will give the law ina written opinion, as to the probable re-

sult of the contention upon tho factsBtated. 15881y

John A. hassinger,If Agent to taite Acanowieagmeuuto Contracts for Labor. Interior JlBce,Honolulu.


Office, first door west of Library Build-

ing. Hours, from 9 to 11 a.m., and 2 to 4and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a.m.

fy Residence, No. 40 Alakea, nearHotel Street.


Eesidence and Office, 196 Port St,( 8 to 10 A.M.,J l to 8 p.m..( 7 to 8 Evening.

Telephone (Bell and Mutual), No. 149.177 tf

JOHN MAOOON,Office 42 Merchant St., Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.18 ly

BENSOH. o. w. SMrxa.0. M.


Manufacturing and Dispensing


113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Bocricke & ScouUlk's


S i checker's Perfumes and ToiletRequisites, i 2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21- 6

Honolulu, H. I.

A. M. HEWETT,- Stationer & Newsdealer,

erchant Street, Honolulu, H.

Mutual Tel. 871. - Bell Tel. 80.Law Booki & Lawyer;' Stationery a Specialty.

Orders taken for Newspapers, Periodi-cals- ,

Books, Music, etc., from any partof the world, having mado all arrange-ments therefor whilst in San Francisco.

Ited Rubber Stamps to Order.71

J. IX. SOPER,(Successor to J. M. Oat, Jr. & Co.)

Dealers in all kinds of

STATIONERY,The Latest Foreign Papers always onhand at the Gazette Slock, MerchantStreet

EST The English Admiralty Chartsalways on hand. 1 by

Chas. T. Gulick Notary PublicRecords Searched, Abstract of Title

Furnished, and ConveyancesDrawn on short notice.

Collection Agency. Mr. JOIIN GOOD,Jk., Authorized Collector.

Employment Agency. Mr. F.MARCOS,8: eciul Agent,

General Business Agency. No. 38 Mer-

chant Street.N

BeU Telephone 848. I. O. Box 415.83tf



WM. McCANDIiESS,No. 6 Queen street, Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestBeef, Veal, mutton, Vlah, .,

and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 846 lyo. WEST, E. 8.SCQUMAN.

President. Manager.


Importers & Dealers In


GRAIN.Largest Stocks,

Choicest Quality,Lowest Prices.

UNION FEED CO.,Telephones 175. Corner

THE DAILYJ Wolfe & Company,

Grocery and Feed Store,

67 and 69 Hotel street,

Fresh Groceries and Provisions receivedevery Steamer.

P. O. Box 130, Boll Telephone No.349 Mutual Telephone No. 104.

561 Km


Iron, Cumberland Coal, HardWood Lumber,

: And all kinds of :

Carriage and Wagon Materials.82 6m


168 No. CO Nuuanu I trect. ly

WENNER & CO.Manufacturing Jewellers,

NO. OS I'OBT 8TKEET,Constantly on hand a large assortment

of every description of Jewelry, Watches,Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

908 ly



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. -- H2T Telephone 74

LAINE & CO.nave a Large Stock of tho

VERY BEST HAY.Grain, Etc.,

Which is offered at Lowest Market PricesAND

Delivered Free to any part of the City

AGENTS FOR THEPacific Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Agents for the Hoover Telephone.


Telephone No. 147. 708

GERTZ, fife.CHR. No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.fTImporter and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.



And Upholsterer,No. 63 Hotel street,

Opposite International Hotel,

Canes and talking Sticks,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSrackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c,

made of the latest designs.



Corner of Knuana A Hotel Streets.


This Carriage Company has been re-

cently organized, and guarantees to

furnish good conveyances, trustworthydrivers, and will make no extortionatecharges.

All calls will be promptly attended to.63


Every Description of

Sook and General PrintingExecuted with, neatness and dispatch.

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...1. mmiWilli4 Vol. XL No 1G8G. HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 11, 1887. CO CENTSflUBSORIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Professionals

'i atfft"

Ml'11l(fcllftliliMrf.t lilt- I" ifrjKjtf

BY AUTHORITY. Bail TjI. 173. Mutual Tel. 873.P. O. Dux Ii07.


Editor Bulletin--: In an articlein jebterday's Bclletin you say:"As this paper has contended timeswithout number, fitness is the oneconsideration which should pievailin making appointments, regardlessof ull other considerations whatso-ever, and the saiuo principle shouldopcratn in retaining and dismissing.y'e believe the present GovernmentU endeavoring, as fur as possible, toact on this principle, and iu so doingit w ill have the support of all honestand disinterested men."

Now, let me ask you if in one in-

stance, at least, the Government isacting on this principle. I refer tothe appointment of Captain Mist asfirst clerk in the ollice of the Min-

ister of Foreign Affairs. Is liebetter qualified than Mr. Webb toOil the position? Is he more popularwith tho general public? Have theGovernment found anything wrongin the accounts of Mr. Webb? Andif so, have they given him a chanceto return and make explanation? L)r

have they acted on the old line,


Night Sale of JewelryOn Saturday Night, July 16th,

At .7 o'clock.I will sell at puUle aim Ion, at the "tnreof Al.rRED SHEPHARD, G5 Holdstreet, who is leaving the Kingdom, thowhole of his stock el

Jewelry and Fixtures,Consisting of

GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES,Clocks, Watch Chain, Sleeve Links,

EAR-RING- S AND PINSBracelets and flings.Wutuh Charms, Show Cases,


84 3t Auctioneer.

Tax Assessor'sNOTICE.

ore logil and must be paid. Butbesides the just claimants upon thepublic treasury, there are many who

have taken advantage of the official

changes to bring in old bills of worsethan doubtful character. All of thisis keeping tho ministers busy. Assoon as all proper claims against thegovernment are adjusted, the workof dredging the harbor and makingroads will be prosecuted. It is con-

fidently hoped that this work willnot be delayed much longer.

Our reporter also learned that thocarts and horses heretofore men-

tioned in the papers as belonging tothe friends and relatives of the roadsupervisor and employed by thatofficial at public expense, will bedispensed with hereafter. The gov-

ernment owns ull tho horses andcarts that it needs. Mr. Alapai hastendered his resignation, and it will

probably be accepted.A petition signed by nearly all of

the white people of tho district andalso by a host of natives to have Dr.B. D. Bond appointed governmentphysician for Kohala district hasbeen presented to the Board ofHealth. Dr. Thompson, the presentincumbent, is now on the const.Similar petitions have been presentedon several former occasions.

Mr. Jonathan Austin has filed hisbonds and will take charge of theRegistrar's oflice at once.

The reporter also heard that thegovernment narrowly escaped havinga 1,400 ton man-of-wa- r, armed tothejteeth, to support-o- r sell.

The cool assumption that MinisterGreen is too feeble to attend to hisoflkial duties is rather amusing tothose who know the facts. He notonly attends to the duties of hisown ollice, but also assists in otherdepartments. He is in his placefrom 9 o'clock till 4, not even goingout to lunch.


Editor Bi i.lf.tin : Jim Sherwoodhas got it nearly' right about thatrailroad crossing on Beretania street.It is a frightfully disagreeable anddangerous place to drive over. Thecost in repairs to damaged car-riages, to say nothing of perils tolife and limb, is a big item. Theroad supervisor, if there is such anofficer, should do something to that


lMIuPhnn Slioes


LeSS than OoS

Intending to close up my businessnt tiie end of tho present month,

I am offering my stock at

AslisMilf Lw Pricesand will continue to do so

Forthe next 15 days

Come at Onceand eecurea good article at a trilling


P. McINERNY,Fort Street, abovo King.

Honolulu, July 12, 1887. 81 2w

W. R. LAWRENCE,Civil Engineer and Surveyor,

IlyJi-nuii- anil Railway Surveys aidFstiniatjs.

Ollice, 28 Men ha u St. P. O Box 4'--'8



Ladies' Fashionable Hair Cesser andShampooing.

Al,-- o Combings male up in thelate-- tstj lis a;id at

LOWEST PRICES'.Will go to residences If desired. Apply

at L. ADI.lIfS shoe ttoie, No l:) Nunaim street. 71 lm

American Uail Koad Pas-senger Agency.

rPHE UNDERSIGNED HAVINGL been appointed a'i'iitiit Honolulu

for lint I'uriington Route, are preparedto grant tickets from San PraucUco toNew Yi rk, liosti n. mid Eali ru cities,ni nweri raws. I' or passage tickets andall ii.foriii.itioj. npplyto

J. E. liROWN&Co.No. 8 Merc! a). i trect. 82 td.

NOTICE.AND AFTER THIS DATE DR.ON Miner can bj found ut the Mnk e

n sid iu liurctania sin et Oflice ho rsfrom 8 to 1 (l a in n in from 2 to 4 andlioui 7 to 8 p. in. Telephones Mutual4 0 He 1 :i 4. 82 id


DUKING MY ABSENCE FROMmiM limit rH nl'Or'lohpv

AV. L. Beku will act for me under fullower o: Attorney.

JOHN BUDDIE M. V).ILinolulu July tt'i. 8a lw


IX. s'ockh ilders of the lleeia Agricul-tural Co., Mmilei, will he held at Iheollice of M, S. Grinbauin & Co Quei nStreet, en Tliur.-dn- y Juli- 2M, nt 3O'CIOCK p. m. A. UAHTKXMK',

Secretary I'ccia Agti, ultun 1 t o.Honour u July I2ih, U87 84 t


ED.MLND NOKRIE RECOMMENDShimself lo the public as teacher iu

piano playing. Lessons given in thepupil's home nfiar a conect and easilyi onipri-hc- i sible method and at reason.able to ins. Air nucmcnt made hv

l pi lu to Air. A. M. llfwetr,Meichantstreet. 81 If


A MPTlTf utit riTntiirnMfifllUAll



n iw.



dispatc'ted from New York forHonolulu to leave in nil September. Allorders to come by this vetsel should beforwiudid as soon as possible. Forfurther information address the NewYork Agents. Jle-sr- W. H. Crossman& iiro., 77 and 79 Broad street. NewYoik City or CASTLE & COOKE.Honolulu. H. I. fa m

Weikiki Beih House!

MR. W. CROOKS having tikenthe Wuikiki Rath House,

bees to inform the nulilir- - tlmi ntrun the place as a first-clas- bathing

MRS. CROOKS will ntlnnrl...... nil,.l.,l.v. iu un, idijinatrons or lln- - nlnm. nnH .... ..ir...will be made lo make it attractive.

CO lm


FOR SALE- - ILARGE I 0 con er PotisacnlaONE Lunalllo Ms,, which can he

divided Into two or more building lots.Kurpilro of G. V L'ST,

1051 Of West, flow Co.

PARTIES AVI10 HAVE ORAIL the outll', can have niino bynpplvingat J.H. 8FER8.No. 10 Mi ri b mt street. 73 lm


Ki g direct nxt to theMetropolitan Market. (si lm

y-- r vwT.r!THTriDr.FIERCE'S

Unlr Fftrrnot BELTwvarinvnnt' lIUTMADCtIO!wiiiKlao Chronic Ohutrio Ourrnnt emmMmnt tu.lkaiT.' ij warwunorwirH-ou- t aKxiCKCiirMl

AOIDH. WIUiiitilMl!rli.iS:i.kothio HtmpiCNlnnT IK79. Hfnct for

UK K with vrv Hole fatah. No.2.VMr, MAGNETIC cLA9T!Q TRUH8 CO.,.O WOVTll A!f4 llDTDV.l M T All.B Wl

1704 ST . BAN Fit AWCIBOO, CAL.'

Feb. 8, 87. 1571 ly

Who is Mother seiokl ?

She Is a lady who, by the merest nccl.dent, has made a most valuable discov-ery, end hIii is crcnting the wildest en.thti-ias- all over the country, and every,body is talking about hot and asking

What is Mother seiqel's Eeptj-tatio- n?

and she tells them to read the thousandsof loiters, something like tho followingIrom Mr. Perkins :

A WONDK11FIX TKSTIHONUU"Giove Pi armiuy, Ealing, W,

Jan. 2, lt8,i."Your medicine must lie the meat

wonderful, for during my experience ofmore than twenty years, 1 never knewany proprietaiy or paten mcdUliio insuch universal f ivor and demand. It issimply extraordinary, and il'Iwcielosend you an account of every ia cmentmade to me iu its favor, you would haveto publish n separate hook to containmy testimonials alone.

(Signed) "Thomas J. Pehkins"And then people a-- k

What does Mother Seigel do?'OIVE8 liLI.lliK A ONCE.

'C9, Bloomlleld joad, Plumatead,"Jan. 7, I8s5. ;

"I find tho sale of your medicine In-

creases every yea, nud everyone speakswell of them that tries tlieni. I know alady that attended the Fenride Hospitalin efoho-squar- e for some months, withpains in hack in I, side and bilious, andcould take no food, b.it got no beuctltfrom any of the medicines they gaveher. Uuforc she had taken all tho con-tents of tme bottle ur Syrup shefelt lelief and is now quite well.

(Signed) ' W. K. Bakeb."


"Medical Hall, Bangor, Jan. 5; 1885."I henr peopie constantly speaking

very highly of Suigel's Syrup. There isa case of a young married lady In

who had been suffering fromstomach asthma for a long period, whohad consulted some of tho best physi.cians of tho day, but without derivingany benefit. She was daily gettingworse, hut at last a friend persuadedhej to try Btigel'g Syrup. She procureda bottle, and the effect was marvellous jsho rapidly improved, and now sha isns strong and healthy us ever she hasbeen.

(Signed) "H. Llovd-Jonks.-

What is Mother seioel goodFOR?


Mr. J. W. Baviix. of Dunmow, Essex,writes September J8S4; "I introducedyour medicines into Duumow almost assoon as they wore brought out in London. I sold in a short time eighteenpounds' worth, I have known manygrand cases of permanent cures; and, asyet, no case af failure. Nothwlthstand.ing many competitors, Mother Scigel'sSyrup holds its own ground. I believeit a good medicine it will not restorethe dead to life, but appears to savethe living from dying."


"Feltham, Jan. 6, 1885."It has always given me pleasure to

recommend your medicines to my custo.niers, and the results of their use haveinVHri.'Lhlv hrtn mnel Qiitiafnrtnnr T

could furnish you many testimonials.vnv woe juai now uucurs io my minu.A coustablo of tho polico force of Toot,ing, 8. W., where I for many years hada shop, was a patient of mine, sufferingfrom a bad attack of gravel. He wasnorsuaded tot,rv'Mnilir m..(r.,l'a siernr.He purchased a bottle at my shop, andby the time ho had taken half of it hereported ijiinself to mo as quite cured.mo uueui was sunpiy miraculous.

(Signed) "J. D. Flobance."

Is Mother Seigel reliable?Wo'lld reseectabln chemists wriii. liko

the following if not?A SURGICAL OHEUATION AVERTED.

"Ticehurst, Dec, 1884.Mr. EOWAIIT) Coiikk f!lumlot

''Your medicine maintains a steady salem uus uisirici, ana is welt establishedin ncneral favor. I know on nlrl manover seventy, who some three or fouryear' ago was advised to submit to theoperation for stone. He cortitinly wassutlo ing from ome distressing symp.toms. and COllld seliei'lv wnllr Inola,lof taking that advice he tried Siegel'asyrup, wiin me result that after onebottle, he could wiillr nl mill, fnirlw wnlland, having taken three oi four 2s. 6dllOtt.lpS. tin Wfia r,iv,rtl..t..t.. IT.is still about, halo and hearty for his

cain. it nny i tu0 symptoms or theold tl'Ollbln ,omn nn lm l.trr. . t,doses of tho Syrup,' and all is wellagain."

What people sat aboutMother Seiqel.AN EXPERIENCE OF FORTY YEARS.

"Cosham, Hants, Jad. 2, 1885."My customers, over a wide country

district, are not very ilemonstrative, and1 have no written testimonials to send;hut verbal admiration of your med icineis in the ascendant, and my experienceof foity years' assures me that no pre-paration has bo rapidly acquired a pop-ularity, and to firmly maintaint Itsrepu.tation as Mother SeigePs Syrup.3 (Signed) "InoiiAs H. Baker."

Campbell Slock, Ucvcliant St-- ,

For Sals or toaco ti e Nuuaim ValioyRaueh, head of Nuuiinu Yallej , easyterms.

Blacksmith Shop in th'e now BrickBuilding ou King stn et near Nuuanu,recently occupied by C. T. Hoyt.Opposite Old Station House.

Shop on King Street In now brick build-ing near Nuuanu, next door to theChinese News Co. s Ollice.

Two Cottages on Punchbowl street betweenKing una Beretnniu.

Handsome Residence on Pauoa Road nenrPum hMiwl street, large ground with

s etc. Rent if O a niou h,

Collection Department.MR. THOMAS ISCOVESCO I

nut:iori.ed to collect moniej and sign


Employment Department.All kinds of belli promptly provided

Properties Kented and Sold

Insurance Effected,

Custom House Work Done.

Leases, Contracts, Agreementc,&c., Drawn on ShortNotice.

aS Merchant Street id

Bi ll Tel. SJK. Mutual Tel. 130P.O. Box 4 13.

CULICK'S)iininnriri I


MR. JOHN GOOD JR. AuthorizedCollector

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

Conveyancing aSpecialiy Ueeoich senrcleed and abstracts of title furnished onHun t notice.

Several Valuable pieces of rial estate forsure on easy terms.

?rtf A I tnniitxn la flnAI .U.. 11...1 .1

very desirable collage on Vinyard streetjust a hove the first bridge, at presentoccnp el by Mr. J. H. Reist, which isnow ollercd P r sn!e on favorable termsami is a rare chance for a small familyConvenient Cnllanix in ,l,..i,i,i,, i,...i...

locations in an near the ciiy to let or

Custom House brokerage Fire and Lifeinsiunnco receive prompt attention

Full piuticul irs given on applicationat tins oiuce.

New Photograph IJooms,

OVER Nichol's store, Fort streetthe Shooting Gallery, Pic

Hires, Portraits and views. First-clas- s

work. Satisfaction guaranteed.1 1201 y J. A. IK) N SALVES.




Hoffnung & Co,, Sydney,

'Then goods comprise every description01 Liidios'

Notions ami Novelties!

Ladies' & Gent's Saddlery, &c.

Will be sold at

GREAT REDUCTIONin quantities to suit.

The gooJs are row on sale !n tho room

Over Yates and McKenzie's,Opposite the Oceanic Co's Wharf.


Notice io Creditors!13 A. MAS.OF KOHALA, HAWAII.

i having made an assignment of allhis property to tho undersigned for Ihebenefit of his creditors, ull persons hav.ing claims against tho said estate willpresent Ihe same to J. M. McOhesncy, atIhn oflice nf Mi W A K.o42 and 44 Queen stieot, Honolulu, with'in jo tiays. ah persons owing the saidP. A. Dins, will make immediate pay.moot. J. M. McCHESNEY.


Honolulu, June 28 1887. 73 2w


I)URING MY ABSENCE FROM TIIEKingdom, until August 6th, my

ollloo will be closed.M, GROSSMAN.

Dentist 93 Hotel street. 70 td


rent; furniture at a bargain.For purticulars enquire cf Jno. Magoon,Agent. Merchant street. 27 tf

OB PRINTING of all kind ess.' cuted at the Daily Bulletin Office

Ioiiirtiiient of Finance.

July llJUi, 1S87.

Captain John Ross ha thin daybeon appointed Tux Assessor for theDistrict of Honolulu in place of F. II.llayselJen, rt'signod.

V. L. GREEN,W Ht Min'iKter of Finance.

DEI'AHTJIEXT of FI X AXCE.July 12th, 1887

All persons having chums againstthe Hawaiian (iovcrnineiit are re-

quested to scud them in with aslittlodelay ns possible, to the Departmentsresponsible for their liquidation.

W. L. GKKKN,81 1 in MiniHtcr of Finance.

BISHOP & Co., BA.NKEKSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

Draw Exchange on the

Ituulc oi California, M. IP.And their agents in


Messrs. N. M. Hi thsohlld Jt Hon, LondonThe Commercial Bank Co., of JSydncy,

London,The Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

Sydney,The Bank of New Zealand: Auckland,

Christchureh, mid Wellington,The Bank of British Columbia, Vic

toria, B. C, and Portland, Or.

Transact a General Banking Business.U(i lv

NOTICE.J. E. BROWN &CO.MESSRS lo collect lor the

BULLETIN.Honolulu June 8th. 1887. 57

Fledged to neither' Beet cor Tartj.But eitabllthed lor tit benefit of all.

THURSDAY. JULY 14. 1887.


AVe have always held that thepublic policy of this country should,first, foremost, and above nil things,aim at internal development andimprovement. Too much attentionhas been given to the position ofthe country abroad, nud too little toits condition at home. 'evcr mind

about Samoa, or Tonga, or Tiiu-bucto- o,

or any other country. If'they ' are incapable of managingtheir own rffairs, that is none ofour business. We have more thanwe can do to attend properly to ourown concerns. Our energies andreveuuo should be expended for thedevelopment and betterment of thiscountry. Roads, bridges, andwharves are our great needs. Ifthe unoccupied and waste lands ofthe country are made accessible bythese, and thrown open to thosewilling to occupy them, populationand development will rapidly follow

without any special fostering or en-



The news received by the S. N.Castle this morning is not of a verystartling character, but it tends toconfirm the belief that politicalmovements on these islands arelooked upon in the United Stateswith a great deal of solicitude. Thedespatching of men-of-w- to thisport at this particular period is

significant in itself. The action ofother powers at this time is alsojealously watched. The "Exam-iner" in commenting on this subjectsays: "But certain it is that otherpowers have deemed the occasion ofsufllcicnt importance to warrant thedispatch to the islands cf ships ofwar. If the rumors of revolutionprove to have any reliable founda-tion, it is certain that both theAmerican and British squadrons willconcentrate their forces at Hono-



A reporter for the Buixiitin calledat the Government building thismorning to inquire into some reportswhich were circulating on the streetsregarding public affairs. lie learnedfrom head-quarte- rs that the call forclaims advertised "By Authority"has met with a very ready and fullresponse. Bills of all kinds arecoming in on the different depart-ments. Large amounts arc askedfor damages due to owners of realestate taken to widen the streets ofHonolulu after the late fire. Billsfor the Samoa folly are coming in innumbers. They amount f t presentto about 13,000 and more bills areexpected. However great the follywhich led to this expense, jthe bills I

"To the victors belong the spoils?"Faik Plat.


Under the heading of "HawaiiWar Clouds," the "Daily Examiner" publishes an article on theconcentration of naval forces at Ho-nolulu. Much of what is predictedabout revolutionary preparations atHonolulu has past and gone.. J liesquadrons available are enumeratedas follows:

The American squadron, in addi-tion to the Adams, is composed ofthe Vnndalia, second rate, CaptainHenry L. Howison, at present theflagship of Acting Rear AdmiralKiinberley; Juniata, third rate,eight guns, Commander George T.Davis; Mohican, third rate, eightguns, Commander Benjamin F.Day; Iroquois, seven guns, Com-mander Richard 1'. Lcary; Alert,third rate, four guns, CommanderJames D. Graham. The store-shi- p

Monongahela, two guns, Com-mander S. II. Baker, at Coquimbo;l'iuta, fourth rate, battery of howit-zers, Lieutenant Commander JohnS. Newell, on Alaska Station; theThetis, fourth rate, Lieutenant Wil-liam II. Emory, on the way outfrom the Atlantic for duty, also onthe Alaska Coast. These last threeare not to be taken into account.The active force is therefore sixvessels, the Vnndalia having a crewof about 225 and the others from150 to 170 men.

The British squadron under Yice-Aduiir- al

Sir Michael Culmc-Sey-mo-

is composed of the ironcladTriumph, 14 guns, flagship. Steamcorvettes Conquest, It guns; Ca-

roline, 1 I guns, and Hyacinth, 8guns. Steam sloops Cormorant, (!

guns; Pelican, G guns, mid WhitoSwan, 8 guns. Sailing ship Liffcy,stoicship at Coquimbo. TheTriumph and Conquest have alreadysailed from Esquimalt, B. C, forHonolulu. The Triumph has acrew of some COO and the Conquestabout oOO men, tho average num-ber for corvettes. The sloops havefrom 125 to 150 men each.

The British vessels are all cruis-ing vessels, built after the latestand most approved methods, andcarrying rilled canon of heavycalibre. The American vesselsare well, it is unnecessary to referto them, for their history is knownto the generations that, like thevessels themselves, have outlivedtheir usefulness. The gathering ofall these men-of-w- ar at Honolulu isundoubtedly fraught with much sig-

nificance, and the earliest newsfrom the islands is eagerly lookedfor.

The Chief Justice of Virginia saysthat the law passed at the law ses-

sion of tho General Assembly, giv-ing the Governor the power to re-

move city and county ollicers em-

powered to collect the Stale revenue,in case they fail or refuse to executetee laws of the State, is unconstitu-tional.

A few years ago Wilton was oneof the most flourishing villages in.Minnesota. A railroad built thronghthat section, left the village to oneside, and now the place is dead.One of the original proprietors hasjust sold 115 lots to one purchaser,and the old town site is convertedinto farming land.


A SMALL HAND SATCHEL, cont-aining kevs and sundry articles of

no value to any but the owner. Kinderwill please return to this ortice or II. S.Tregleai, corner Fort and Hotel streets.- 8fl 31


desins a positioneither lis wa'chinin, copyist or in an officeto intend telephone. Wugis no object.Refircuccs given, Please uddie-- s thisefflce. t,5vv


HAVING REASON TO BELIEVEtwo of my horses have been

wounded by careless sportsmen in thepnsturo and swamp at PAW A A, noticeih hereby given to all persons that ullshooting in any part cf PAW A A extend-ing from Mr. Cummin's to the Lislmianpasture (opposite 0 L. Hoi kin.--) isstrictly foibidden and all , trespasserswill be prosecuted. A. F..JUDI).

Honolulu July 13th, 1887. 85 3t



instrument is wanted, for which acool piiee will be paid, it is nn ironframe instrument, with a roller coveredwith chamois skin. Address.

A. B. C.4 lw Post Office.

The Assessor for Honoluluwill be iu his oflice to attendto Tax Returns, from Stoli-

dity the 18th, to Saturday,the IiOth of July, from 8 a, in,to 5 p. in.

After July SOlh, tho Asses-

sor will bo engaged on theoutside limits of the district.


Tax Assessor,SO td for Honolulu.

NOTICE.All persons indebted to theundersigned will please makepayment before the 2.'id inst.After that date all unsettledaccounts will be placed he-fo- re

the COl'RT for collec-tion.

All persons having claimsagainst the undersigned willplease present them withoutunnecessary delav.

P. Mel N KILN V,Honolulu, July 11th, ISS7. 80 lw

SPECIAL NOTICE.On nc'ceount of departurefor tho Coast the undersign-ed requests all acecounts duehim to bo paid before July23rd, and all accounts stand-ing over four months not paidby that date will be bandedfor collection without furthernotice.

N. S. SACHS,July 1 3th, 1887. 85 td


IflVK STALLS FOR HORSE-"- , WITHgon sleds Mid bum for Ft ed,

nn I ot, ir convenic meg. For pnitieu-iir- ,p,'ly at this oflice. lin4

TO KENT.THE HOUSE AT PRESENT,, ,,:,! l. , .. i, i

i.O if W. C. PA 1KB


OX AUG 1ST 1st, THE STOitE ATpieM-ti- l occupied by A Shepherd,

'o. To Hotel street near Nwtianu. Applyto Mi LEAN BKO'S.83 2v tiH Nuiinnu street.


MISS. CL.VRK, WOULD INFORMr customers that she has remov-

ed hi r establishment itom101 Alakca sireit to No. 4 Adams Latie.

81 lm


LARGr BAY MA UKlive years old. Per.fccllv senile to 1 nr.

-- i- ness. in Ion! (tvyoiiiiu Venture) ulso single Boated phne.ton, goou as new. Terms lvasomibleapply to jvi km. A. JUJNU,

83 lw l'auoa

NOTICE.TX THE SI PIIKJIK COI'KTJ-- of Ihe Hauiiiian flund. In thematter of MAX HONG doinjr businessas MAN 1IOXG & Co. against whom apetition tor adjudication was filed on theoui day ot July, 1HH7, in said Court. JnB.inkiuptcy. 'Before Ilon.R. F. liickcr-ton- .

The 9th day of July, 1887.Upon rending tho said petition, and

upon proof before me taken, I do findthat the said Mun Hong doing businessns Man Hong & C ., lias becnie a bank-rupt within the tiue intent and meaningof the Act approved on thc2!Hh day ofAugust, 1884, entitled "an Act to regu.late proceedings in Bankruptcy in theHawaiian Islands."

And I do hereby declare and adjudgehim bankrupt accordingly.

And I do further oidr 1hat the credi-tors of the bankrupt come in andprove their debts before such Justice ofthe Supremo Court as thall be inCham hers- - at Aliiolani Hale, Honolulu,on tho 22nd day of July, 1887, betweenthe hours of ten o'clock in the forenoonand noon of the said day, and elect oneor more assignee or assignees of the saidbankrupt's estate.

And that notice thereof be publishedin the "Daily Bcllki in" and "HawaiianChinese TVVtcs" newspapers published inHonolulu, in the English and Chineselanguages.

And that the said bankrupt havingleft the kingdom the petitioning credi-tors shall immediately tile witli the Clerkof this Honorable Court a schedule ofthe bankrupts creditors and assets, as faras lhcy can ascertain.

R. F. EICKERTON.Justice of the Supreme Court.

Attest: J. H. Reist,2d Deputy Clerk. 83 lot

rpHE DAILY BULLETIN TheX most popular paper published.

crossing without delay.TllAVEI.EIt.


Editor Bulletin: I wonder isthere any money left from the loanfund for making that long-talke- ofroad over the Tali to the Koolaudistrict. Money could not be moreprofitably expended. A good car-riage road, with easy grades, fromHonolulu to the other side of theisland, would increase the taxablevalue of the property there manypercent, and place within easy reacha health and pleasure resort for thopeople of the city. Wc now havean energetic Minister of Interior,and it is to be hoped he will see hisway to undertaking this work.



Editor Bulletin: You havemany times referred to the Govern- -inent street roller, and called at-

tention lo the dangers attending itsuse oi irishtcnina horses and causing them to bolt, etc. 1'lease allowme, tnrougn your columns, to sug-gest that it would at least lessen the.danger if an early hour of the morning were usect ior the removal ofthat hideous-lookin- g but useful ma- -

cnine to the places where it is re-quired to be operated, instead oftaking it through the public streetsduring the day when they are fullof hones, carriages and people.The Government is now in the handsof men willing and anxious to servethe people, and one is encouragedto offer suggestions, feeling assuredthat if they are sensible, attentionwill be paid to them. The sugges-tion just now made may be of thatcharacter. Anyhow, I give it forwhat it is worth. Caption.


Editor Bubletix : The appoint-ment of Mr. Jono. Austin as Reg-istrar of Conveyances, vice JuniusKaae resigned, has, I believe,given general satisfaction. Suchjudicious appointments go fartowards restoring confidence in thegovernment, and if carried out inevery department, the administra-tion Will SOOn be established nnnn nfirm

, Ifooting,


and the Herculean... taskoi cleaning me Augean stables willbe reduced to a minimum. Suchan appointment as this marks a e

in Hawaiian ndministra-tie- v

affairs, and it is refreshing toknow that intrigue, toadyism, andother kindred accomplishments, arescrupulously ignored in the appoint-ments to responsible governmentpositions, and in their stead honesty,and uprightness of character, withability to perform the duties de-volving upon them, are te char-acteristics now sought for. I hopethe reign of "Jweedism" is at anend, and with the hearty cooperationof such men as the present incum-bent of the Registrar's office, thedawn of prosperity will soon breakupon us. s. x. A.

Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...1. mmiWilli4 Vol. XL No 1G8G. HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 11, 1887. CO CENTSflUBSORIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Professionals

Nw York, July 1. Tho friendsPOLICE COURT.

Thchsdat, July 11th,

A Chinaman charged with the

their confidence to take possessionof a tract of country in NorthernMexico, and there they lived undis-turbed, nnd made some progress rd

civilization. Their passionwas horse-racin- One Sunday apriest by the name of Lscalante anda Mexican got up a race, and the

THURSDAY. JULY H 1887. ?MM & COiMPonrims of

fat's, falli's nod Doy's Fine Custom Made (Ming

flats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, Trunks and' Valises.

-- ALSO,

Very Fine Line of



The cargo of tea from Japan, viathe Canadian rnciliu road, lias justarrived in Loudon. The journeyoccupied thirty days and sixteenbouts.


The auction sale of the old woodenbuildings and a few odd trinkets onFort and Merchant streets by Messrs.K. 1 Adams & Co., yesterday,amounted to $210.50. Mr. Burgessbought the Mcluerny building for8120, and Quong Yet Lung the build-ing lately occupied by Mr. Spearfor $80, the odd trinkets broughtI1G.50.


Mrs. Wagner's bouse, corner ofFort and Kukui streets, was robbedyesterday. Mrs. Wagner was outin the yard knocking mangoes offthe trees, when a native womanwalked into the front bedroom, andstole a highly ornamented blue satin

and a costly straw hat.With the assistance of Ah Fong, theChinese boy, Mrs. Wagner followedup the thief, and had her arrested.


Tho explanation of the doublelighting of the streets in certainplaces by electricity and gaso-lin- o

is this : There is a contractfor a specified period to light thostreets w ith gasoline, and the con-

tractor or his agents continue tholighting in accordance with thoterms of agreement, regardless of

Honolulu, IT. I.

The World's BreakfastPropared from Snow Flake Wheat.

Also, Highland Scotch Rolled Oats !

Are an entirely new preparation of wheat and Oats f ccokcdj'iy Steam, and

only requiring aUiort lime to pripwe them for tho tabic.tJTTho mo-- t nutritious food known.0

Also, Gcrniea, Gem, Graham Flour, Smoked Salmon,Smoked Halihut, Hams, Bacon, Choice I itc. I'lUiie?, NutJ, J!aislns,

New Zealand, California, nnd Island Potatoes, &t:Also, Broom Corn, excellent for chicken tVol, for sale ly

CIiiin. Ilnwtsice, - - liiiig; Street.

J. IIOPP & CO.71 Kin Mrect.

Manufacturers nnd Importers of allkinds of

Furniture & Upholstery Goods


All kinds of Jobbing promptly attended to.

CHAIRS TO RENTFor Bil'i. or IV tie In small or lttrge

8!1 quantitiiVi. ly.

Yosemite Skating


Open every afternoon andevening.

Music every Saturday Night.

T1IOJ1AH 10. WALL,1001 Proprietor. lyr


A- -

Gent's Shoes







ATTKXTION OF ALL INTER.T tstcd in improving the pasturelands of thu Islands U called to thoabove valuable needs, wlili h we ofler forsale in lols to iuit purchasers.

We have oho on hand sample lots ofVThite Clover, KngliHti Alsyke, Timo-thy, RihGra-g,0ste- d Dog's Tail, TailFescue, Italian Rye Grass and Lur-crn-

seeds, which we idler In small lots fortrial, and will nlo r. ccivo orders forquantities of not liss than half a louweight, and execute fume with dispatch.

WM. O.IRWIN &CO.05 tf.

EEarer 4. Saloon

The Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at ill Hours

The lnestBiaudoi

Cigars ol i obaccoalways on hand.

U. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.


Hollister & Go.'sassortment of

and followers of James G. Blaine inthis city are very much worried" atthe news tlio European mails arobringing of the Republican leader'sconduct toward prominent men whohave been valiajit workers in theparty.

With one or two exceptions everycaller on the Maine statesman sincehis arrival in London has met witha rebuff. "Out," was tho invariableanswer to the numerous callers whosent up their cards. One gentle-man was so angry that he cabled toa member of the Republican Na-

tional Committee in this city to knowif Blaine's exclusivcness was part ofthe party programme.

The cable to-da- y brings news thatBlaine was not at home when someAmericans called on him, but LordRosebery found him. He wantedhis company for a drive.

A case of Asiatic cholera has ap-

peared at Detroit. The victim issuffering terribly, and uot expectedto live.

London, July 1. The Count ofParis arrived on the Isle of Jersey

He was met at St. Helier's,the capital, by a large crowd, manyof whom welcomed him willi cries of"Vive le Hoi."

Paris, July 1. A parly of 200Royalists went to Silkalo to-d- tovisit tho Count of Paris, and anotherparty of 200, including General LaCharcne, will followRadical newspapers here denouncetho proceeding us a conspiracy.


The timo had come in my boyhoodwhich I thought demanded of me acapacity to smoke. The old peopleof the household could abide neitherthe sight nor smell of the Virginiaweed. When ministers came there,not by positive injunction, but by acertain instinct as to what woirld bothe safest, they whiffed their pipeon the back steps. If the housecould not stand sanctified smoke, itmay be imagined how little chancothere was for adolescent cigar-pun-in- g.

By soino rare good fortune whichput in my hands three cents, Jfound access to a tobacco store. Astho lid of the long, narrow, frugrontbox opened, and for the first time Iowned a cigar, my feelings of ela-

tion, manliness, superiority, and an-

ticipations can scarcely be imagined,save by those who have had thesame sensation. When I put thecigar to my lips, and stuck thelucifer-matc- h to the end of the weed,and commenced to pull with anenergy that brought every facialnmsclo to its utmost tension, mysatisfaction with this world was sogreat my temptation was never towant to leave it.

The cigar did not burn well. Itrequired an amount of suction thattaxed my determination to the

You see that my worldlymeans limited mo to a quality cost-

ing only three cents. But I hadbeen taught that nothing great wasaccomplished without effort, and soI puljcd away. Indeed, had heardmy older brothers in their Latinlessons say, oviiia vincit labor ;which translated means, If you wantto make anything go, you mustscratch for it.

With these sentiments, I passeddown the village street, and out toward my country home, My headdid not feel exactly right, and thestreet beean to rock from side toside, so it became rather uncertainto me which side of the street I wason. So I crossed over, but foundmvself on the same side I was onbefore I crossed over. Indeed,imagined I was on both sides at thesame time, and that several fastteams were driving between. I metanother boy, who asked me why Ilooked so pale, and 1 told him thatI did not look pale, but that he waspale himself. After some furtherwalking, I sat down under thebridge near my bouse and began torellect ou the prospeot of an earlydecease, and the uncertainty of allearthly expectations. I had deter-mined to smoke tho cigar all up, andthus get tho worth of iny money,but was finally obliged to throwthree-fourth- s of it away. I knew,however, exactly where I threw it,in case I should feel better the nextday.

Getting home, the old people were

frightened, and demanded of me anexplanation as to my absenco andthe rather whitish color of my com-

plexion. Not feeling that I was

called to go into particulars, andnot wishing to increase my parents'apprehension that 1 was going to

turn out badly, I summed up thecase with the statement that I feltmiserable at the pit of the stomach.Mustard plasters were immediatelyadministered, and I received carefulwatching for some hours, Finally,I fell asleep, and forgot nry disap.pointment and humiliation in beingobliged to throw away three-fourth- s

of my first cigar, PL DeWitt Tal-mag- e,

in Brooklyn Magazine,



Until the recent deliverance fromscourge of Gcronimo's hand, North-ern Mexico has known no peace

with the Apaches since about 1845.

In that year those Indians startedon the war-pat- h, and they continuedto kill people and terrorize the coun-

try for nearly a half a century. A

curious story is told by DomingoDuron of Bacuachi, a town in a,

about the outbreak of thisApache war. For forty years pre-

vious to 1815 tho tribe lived atpeace with the Mexicans. J'hcy hadbeen induced by a priest who won.

larceny of a pig was remanded until

A white youth was charged withvagrancy, lie was unaoie to giveany satisfactory account of himselfor his occupation. JIis Honor remanded him in order to sec whatcan be done for the youth.

Ah Lo came up on remand chnrg--

ed with assault and battery on ayoung native girl. After a longstory had been related, Mr. Jona.Austin, counsel for defendant,moved for bis discharge, which was

granted.Five solemn-lookin- g mnainen

appeared to answer a charge ofgaming. Mr. ram iNeumunu ue- -

fended the innocents. case noiover at noon.

Late Foreign News.

The barkentine S. N. Castle, arrived iltis morning with one day'slater news. The following newsitems are selected from Hies of the2nd instant:

A lengthy debate on the CoercionBill took place in the House ofLords on the 1st instant. LordSalisbury moved the omission of thepurchase clause on the grounds thatit was irrelevant to mo main onjeciof the bill likely to lead to extendeddiscussion in the Commons andprove inimical to the passage of thebill.

Lord Spencer said he hoped theGovernment would not persist inomitting the clause. lie believedthe clause ought to be welcomedrather than opposed.

Earl Cadogan intimated that theGovernment would not press themotion to omit the purchase clause.

The report of the bill was thenogreed to and the third reading fixedfor Monday.

Smith will announce in tho Commons on iuonuay mat, me minireading of the Crimes bill will bepostponed until Thursday, in deference to the wishes of the Opposition, who aro desirous of ffbnsider-in- j:

the Land bill.London, July 1. Lord Ilarling--

ton has decided that the Liberal-Unioni- st

conference next week shalldevote itself solely to the consideration of the Land bill.

Parncll has issued an urgent whip,calling upon all Nationalist membersto be present in the Commons on the5th instant.


Paris, July 1. Tho Journal lesDebats, referring to the action ofthe French Embassador at Constan-tinople in relation to the Egyptianconvention, says ; Nothing is morenatural than that French diplomatsshould at one time have consideredthat possibly France would assentto a convention shortening by sev-

eral years the period of Engfishoccupation of Egypt. We are readyto negotiate on that basis now, butwe cannot agree that England, byanyiretext should have the right toperpetuate the occupation of thecountry, or that she should be al-

lowed to it for reasonsof which she alone should be thejudge. No Frenchman of commonsense would thus sanction a Britishprotectorate, and convert into aright recognized by France whatnow merely is a fact.


Belgrade, July 1, M. Risties,the new Servian Prime Minister,has sent circulars to the various re-

presentatives of Servia abroad, sta-

ting that tho chief points in thepolicy of his Government are lo im-

prove the financial condition of thecountry, reform the Constitution,maintain the entente cordiale withall the Powers, including Austria,und improve relations with Russia.The circular concludes as follows:"We desire to become tho support-ers of peace and order in the BalkanPeninsular."


Heavy rains continue in Mexicoand there is danger of its inundatingsome of the lower portions of thecity. Floods arc reported all overMexico.

Information has reached Viennaof an accident to two tourists in theSyrian Alps, one being killed andthe other severely injured. Theyfell over a precipice.

Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Cobur- g

leaves Vienna for London(July 2) to consult Lord Salisburyand the Queen on the subject of hiscandidacy for the Bulgarian throne.

France has protested against theconduct of Italy in minimizingFrench rights In Selah, on the RedSea, near the Abyssinian frontier.

Subscriptions for the first 10,000,-00- 0

marks of the new German Im-

perial loan will be opened July 5that all the great banks of the Empire.

The French Government present-ed in the Chamber of Deputies a billto abolish the State monopoly ofthe manufacture and sale of gun-

powder.A demonstration In favor of Bou-lang- er

is being ' organized in Parisfor the national fete, July 14th,the celebration of the fall of Bastile,

Constantinople, July 1. Mr,Straus, United States Minister, pre-

sented his credentials to the Sultanto-da- y and was warmly received.

Cologne, July 1. ArchbishopCrenieuU yesterday christened theEmperor's bell in the Cathedral,civiiis it the name of ''Gloriosa.

Emperor Dom Pedro, of Brazil, hassailed for Europe,

priest selected as his rider anApache chief. Ihe priest lost therace and accused the Indirn of notdoing his best. In his rngo hostruck the chief in the face with aloaded quirt and knocked out one ofhis eyes. The other Indians took itvery well and did not appear to feelresentful. But on a Sunday, a fewweeks afterward, the priest startedfor Fronteras to hold service. Hewas accompanied by a single Mexican, un the road about twelvemiles from Bacuachi, the Apachesovertook and made captives of thetwo. 1 hey cut out the priest 8 eyesand tied him to a tree. They muti-lated and killed the Mexican. Aftersitting around and enjoying tho suf-ferings of the priest until their vene- -

gatice was satisfied, they killed him.rrom that time the Apaches were atwar with Mexico until the recentcapture by tho United States troops.1 lie place where the priest and hiscompanion were tortured, and wherethey were buried, is still pointedout. The story is given as the ori-gin of the intense hatred the Apa-ches feel for the Mexicans. ThoMexican Government could neverhave done anything with them bypeaceable means, and was very gladto transfer tne responsibisity forthtflr future to the United States.fS. F. Bulletin.


Ob, no, the vessel didn't rock abit, except when they fired off thathorrid torpedo. It was perfectlylovely, only there wasn't enoughgentlemen aboard and the officerswere nearly danced to death. Yes,she was most artistically dressedand her hair trailed on the ground.Won't it be glorions when all thomen-of-w- come here, so that allthe girls will have a chance. Thcsoare so thoroughly monopolized, youknow. Ain't it strange that al-

though there aro twice as inonyyoung men as there are ladies inHonolulu, nnd yet lots of the girlsdon't get married. Oil, he hasn'tgot sand enough to propose, thoughhe has been greatly encouraged, andI'll be glad when leap-ye- ar comes.I wonder if many will be in fulldress at tho party night.I hope not, because I've become sothin of late, and what's more, someof the young men do look too funnyfor anything in' swallow tails, andMiss looks utterly awful in a lowneck, her bones stick out bo. Iwonder how tho bride looksThe wedding is going to be strictlyprivate, but know all about it

Here the prattle isbroken up by the telephone ringing,and all hair's rushing off toanswerit.


GREAT CLEARING SALE atSAC1I6' i now lu progress.

VT S. SACHS' GREAT CLEAR- -1A ing bale will continue for twoweeks ouly.


I liiil at the Clearing Bale at N. S.104 Fort street.

THE HOTEL FREE LUNCHX is spread every evening in the bar-

room, and patrons will flnil everythinglo suit llio taste of Ihe most fastidiousepicures. 47 tf

PALL EARLY & GET FIRSTchoice of bargains at Great Ccar-iii- g

Sule at X, S. Sacl.s'

HAVING recently engaged aand Moulding Maker,

we are now fully prepared lo manufac-ture, repair and re gild any kind of workin our line. Old Minor and PictureFrames made over as geoil as new, nndat prices within the reach of all. Thepublic nie inviled to call anil inspectfomn of this work. Itemeinbor, anything that needs renewing in Gold, OldGold, Bronze, Copper or Metal we cando. KING BUGS., Akt Stork. 17

GOODS AT LESS THAN COSTat hach:v tiona-IUI- clearing sulu.

S PERRY'S No. 1 Family Flour isoffered for sale bjGONSALVES &

CO , Queen Street. CI


and other cUsscs of help

furnished promptly by

J. E.BROWN & CO,'43 tf 28 Merchant street.


family Marc; perfectlysafe to drive by ladiesor children. Apply to

G. WEST,21tf At No. 'iO Queen St.


Q WHALE BOATS; 1 Dkcd0 Whale Boat, 30 feet lonn, 8 feetdeep; 8 feet wide; 2 2a feet Surf Boats j

1 18 feet Surf Boat; 2 Decked Hunger,10 feet long, 6 feet 6 inches widr, 2 feet6 inches deep, with mast and sails allcomplete; 1 2) feet Sailing Scow, withmast and sails nil complete. Antdv to.

E. R. RYAN.Boat B'li'dni and General Jobber. 01 tf

HYAN'S BOAT BUILDINGIt SHOP. Rear, of Lucas.' Mill.


ARRIVALS.July 1- 3-

II B M 8 Conrpicst 1 1 days from Esqulniault B U

BktuoSN !ustlo from 8ati KranelxeoStun- - lwahiul front lltimakiut

July 14-- Stinr

J A Cummins from Kuuluu"

OEl'AtMURtSr"July 11

Sluir Kilauea IIou for llamakuu


Stmr W O Hull for Lulialua, Mualaea,Hnua and Kan at 10 a in

Behr Wttilfle for Kuan

""passengers.From San FrancUeo, per bktne S N

Ciistln, July 14 .vilss N Tregloau, Mau-

ler II Treirlouu, J Huikc, A Stark, and0 Holt.


Stmr lwaluul 0,100 bags of sugar, and148 bags of turo


The bktue Amelia, Captain Newlmll,arrived last evening, 12'$ days fromKureka, Humboldt, with 312,14:1 feet oflumbers and 140 bundle of idling) ' t rAllen & Robertson.

VESSELS IN PORT.Bk AmeliaBk Kulukuim.Sclir Kva, WiktnunBk Caiburlen, l'ci kinsBk Uutllermo,Bk O Whitmore. rl'liniiixon


Tub Conquest has no band.

II. B. M. Flagship Triumph is notcoining here.

Many thanks to dipt. Hubbardfor lato news favors.

Company A of tbo Honolulu Rifleswill drill this evening.

A lout satchel containing keys andatuidry articles is advertised for.


On the arrival of H. B. M. 8. Wild.Swan the Conquest will leave.

Mb. Lewis J. Levey will hold hisregular cash sale at 10 a.m.

Tub Hawaiian Band will play atthe Queen's Hospital at 3 :'M o'clock


The regimental court-marti- of

the Houolulu Killes will be held to--

morrow evening.

Steamkh W. O. Hall will sail at 10

o'clock morning, for Laha-in- a,

Maaluca, Kono and Kau.

The adjourned meeting of theBoard of Representatives of the Ho-

uolulu Fire Department will be held

thu evening.

Mr. Geo. Farr has resigned theclerkship of the steamer Kilauealion, to accept a position with Messrs.

McCbesney & bon.I I

Vessels in the arbor, notably theIron Craig and Forest Queen, were

decorated with ilags y in honorof the fall of tho Basilic.

The officers of H. B. M. S.

Conquest will probably bo presentedto the Minister of Foreign Affairs to-

morrow, and on the following day tothe King,

THEbarkentine W.U. Dimond is

paid to have been chartered at SanFrancisco, to take provisions to theRussian stations on the AmoorRiver, Liberia.

JIeports says that the drinkingwater is so scarce at Taauhau, lianm-Jui- a,

Hawaii, that it is peddled roundand served out by the bucket, andeven this is brakish.

Captain John Boss, assessor for thedistrict of Honolulu, will "he in theAssessor's office from the 18th to

30th, of the present month, from 8 a.

m. to 5 p. m. to uttend to tax returns.-- r-

The closing evercises of St, 's

College will commence at 10The principal willa. m.

he glad to see parents and all friendsof the institution. The vacation fol-


Next week Messrs. Becklcy andWallace will resume their formerduties' on board the steamer Kinau;Mr. W. R. Sims will go back to theLehua, and Mr. W. H. Aldrich, will

be transferred to the Kilauea Hmj.

The barkentine 8. N. Castle, Bub-bar- d,

arrived hero this morning, 11

days from San Francisco, with J00hogs for John Burke, a largo hst of

miscellaneous merchandise, includingpowder. Several passengers, andone day's later news also came by


Mb. K. J. Lillie, at T. II, Davies

&. Co., and Miss D. 0. Schute will be

united in wedlock, by Rev. Dr. Beck-wit- h,

at the residence of Hon. J. b.

Walker, this evening. The weddingwill be private, only relatives andintimate friends of the bridal couplebeing present.


Two gentlemen were, talking to-

gether on Merchant street this morn-

ing, and one who was desirous of

selling a horse to tho other, Btated

that he had beaten the steamer toWaianae on that horse, to which hisfriend replied that he (the friend)had beaten the steamer to Sydney onone occasion I

The Wisconsin Legislature made"bad blunders in reapportioning theState into legislative districts, and

.an extra session, it is feared, will benecessary unless the Attorney-Gener- al

can dise&taugle the snarl.

electric lights furnished from aii- -

other source.

IC. OF P., MYSTIC LODGE, NO. 2.Mystic Lodge, No. 2, K. of P.,

met last evening, at tneir usualmeeting place. 1). S. C, DavidDayton, assisted by 1' Ci., I. Bur- -

gett, installed the olhcers for theensuing term, as follows:

E. M. Fuller, 1". C.A. Gartenberg, C. C.J. Roth well, V. C.T. O'Brien, P.F. Waldron, K. of It. and S. and

M. of F.J. II. Lovejoy, M. of Ex.L. Kenacke, M. at A.J. McLane, I. G.C. Ziegler, O. G.


Mr, Henry Hart, showed to aBclletix reporter hist evening awalrus tusk, in splendid preserv-ation, that had been exhumed whiledigging a hole for the electric lightpole, at the corner of Fort and Hotelstreets, yesterday afternoon. It isnot exactly known how the walrusgot in that peculiar place, nor is itknown what ho wanted there. Butit is presumed that the animal crawl-ed up through a sewer, and havinggot in a tight place, left one of histusks there. This may be doubted,but Mr. Hart is willing to show any-

one the tusk, and to point out theplace where it was found.

L i LI ..lL


A telegram dated New York, July1, states it was rumored hi Wall6treet yesterday that John W. Mac-ka- y

and Jay Gould were in confer-

ence at the Western Union building,presumably in regard to telegraphmatters. Mackay, who was foundat 'the Nevada Bank, said he knewnothing of any conference. "Thereis not a word of truth in the story.It is simply on a par with manyothers connecting my name withGould's that have been floatingabout. It would take all my timeto deny the yarns which have beenstarted about me, I am not negotiating with Gould or any one

his interests, with a view

to cable or telegraphic consolidation."


II. M. S. Conquest, Captain Chas,

L. Oxley, arrived off port shortlyafter 5 o'clock last evening, 11 daysfrom Esquimaiilt, B. C, and saluted the Hawaiian flag. On comingto an anchor in the harbor she was

boarded by II. B. M.'s CommiS'

sioner, Major AVodehouse, whothe customary salute of 13

dins.The Connuest was built on the

Clyde in 1878. She is a steel corvette. eased in wood, of 2,880 tons,Her engines are 2,070 horse powerand can propel the vessel ao tnerate of 14 knots per hour. TheConquest carries 14 guns and has a

, 4. or-.- llcomplement oi oov men, uu iuiFollowing is the list of officers :

Captain, Charles L. Oxley.Lieutenants, Richard J. Symonds,

Ebenezer Re, Richard A. Gwynn,John Martin,

Navisralina Lieutenant, WilliamII. Maunsell.

Lieutenants, R. M. L. I., Chas.Clarke.

Chaplain, Rev. Matthew R. L. On-

slow.Staff Surgeon, Albert C. Queely.Staff Engineer, John Johnson.Staff Paymaster, M, B. Williams,Engineer, Samuel Aston.

Chas. Mure.Assistant Paymaster, R. E. Smith.Assistant Engineer, E. Swinney.

A story conies from Washingtonto the effect that owing to the battle-

-flag episode, an attempt will bemade to divide the Grand Army ofthe Republic and start an organiza-

tion of DemocraticA company has purchased the

celebrated Weyer's Cave, Va., andwill build a bote' and open the caveto visitors.

The Undersigned, F. HORN, Proprietor of the

Pioneer Steam Candy Factory, BakeryAND ICE CREAM PARLOR, .

(ExtabliNhtd 1;(3.)Respectfully informs the public that from this day on lie is fully prepared

to receive orders for

Lunches, Dinners, Suppers, Banquets, Balls,And guarantees in all cases the fullest satisfaction, as given in formeryears, not only abroad, but also in Honolulu. Having references datingback as far as the year k

18 G 3In Honolulu, having catered on all state occasons, as aluo for select par-ties given by their Into Majesties Kamehameha IV, Kaniehnnieha V, andLunalilo, and having tho honor of supplying the present royal householdwith the delicacies produced in my establishment ; having over forty yearspractical experience in this line of business.

F. HORPrnctloul Confectioner, Pantry Cook and Ornamentcr In Honolulu.

Factory, Store and Ice Cream Parlor: No. 71 Hotel Street,Between Hotel and Nuuanu Streets,

Both Telephones No" 74- (." 3m) Eoiolalu. H. I"

Just Received at--A large

PERFUMES ! PERFUMES!Comprising the well-know- n brands of




iyr nle tit Iteas imlle Prices.1592 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL

Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...1. mmiWilli4 Vol. XL No 1G8G. HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 11, 1887. CO CENTSflUBSORIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Professionals

.iinii - -irawspytM ....

Why am I eo Miserable? I Jjf, 'QM gjttHflitt. Engelbrecht'sH. E. MclNTYRE 81 BRO.,0. S. S. CO.'S TIME TABLE.

Arrive it Honolulu from San Franclico..

Australia July 26Ulnrinosa August 5

latter days. Gen. Sheridan i not

over live' feet five inches high, andhis shoulders aro very broad andvery full. His chest is well thrownout, and his large round head is,...( 0,1.1,1 in the trunk by a very

iron 1 nml lmiriiidt Whv SUelle..i. I --..!.. .11 - J ' "


Groceries, Provisions and Feed, Australia August 23U. Jl

Zealandia septemoer t

heartburn und pains in the stomach,Mich acidity, ami such an unpleamuttiitte in tho mouth? Why at times Mich

a gnawing appetite, and then again nu ll

dlsiolUh for food r Why i the l'd w"

frequently Irritable, defending, melan-thol-

and dejected? Why does oneoften feel under the apprehension of

t,u.rl,.ul'V ilunin.r. Hlllt HtlLl'l St BIlV

short fat, florid neck. A line drawnfrom tho tip of his nose through tothe back of his head would measureii.ti u,iv inches, and his red fore





Australia teptcmocr zvAlameda September 80

Australia October 18head wrinkles like a seer-suck- er

u becomes annoyed, as Mariposa October 28Australia November 15

Zealandia November 25ho was somewhat during his pre


New Goods received by every Packet from tho EaKtern States and Europe

Frwh California Troduce liy every Steamer. All orders faith fully attended to.

and Goodi delivered to any purl of the city free of charge. Islandcited, gatlifactlon guaranteed. Pout Office Box 145. Telephone No. M. 108 ly


! nx 207,Telephone-B- oth Companies 340. -


The noted Generals oi the armyore fast passing away, and we will

Ei'iue iiiiuHiwij ., v

unexpected noise, becoming agitated asthough some great calamity was Impend-ing? What is the meaning of thesedull, eluk headaches; tin se violent pul.pitations of the heart, this feverish rest

Australia December 13siding over the reunion, oncriannnn bnrdlv nt home when speaking.

Alameda December 23soon have no more aucu reunions usHis trade is war,

.not oratory,

M til.-- .and,i,-i- t nf tho Armv of the Uimner-

linwi ubi..h took ulacc here last during this meeting ue.iorgoi mebenediction and mado several other Leavi Honolulu lor San Franclico.

.n,.t, Tiur Is scarcely a notedZealandia July 29little mistakes, which were gra

lessness, lliese uigiu sweaisj iuis moturbed and dreamy sleep, which bringsno refreshing rest, but only lnoanlngsund iiiuUeiluge, and the horrors of thenightmare?

The answer Is: These are the symp-

toms ot ludigestion or Dyspepsia the

General now living whoso hair is not

gray. Logan; Hancock, McClcllannml r.rant have died within two

ninnslv nardoned DT tllO ailUlCUCC Australia August aAlameda .'August 26Tin iu however, very popular, inAnalrn a AUgUSl OUWashington and makes a good head

tr.v Hm nrmv. Ileis democratic in Mariposa September 23year9, and the wrinkles are fastcreeping around tho eyes of Gen.Sherman. Sherman's hair is still

beginning ana uie loreruuuer ui miuumevery other humiiu disease. Indigestionis a weakness or want of power of thedigestive iluids of the stomach to con-D- m

f.i.,,1 inin lipnli li v matter for tho

WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS.oVaB" A complete line of --iuo

STAIL.ia ATS'1 FANCY OHOC1CUIK-- ,Fresh Goodi on Ice by each arrival of the O. S. S. Co'. Steamers. Goods delivered

to all parts of Honolulu.

Island order solicited and packed with care, and shipped to any part of the Kingdom11(13

Australia sepiemmp n,lia October 21

his ways,but lives in uie laswonuuiepart of the city. Washington let

Australia October 25brown, however, though ins ntguforehead is fading off into baldness,n,wi bia klmi-- t red beard is as white

ter in Montgomery Advertiser.proper nourishment of the body. It iscaused most frequently by the Irregu- - Alameda November la

Australia November 22CRUISERS BUILT TO RUN AWAY.T watched him closely aslainy or aiet, or improper iouu. num. .

l...lil,u DiurpUn nml nure outdoor air. New York. June 28. The World4 a uiiv" "he spoke to the soldiers, and ho is Mariposa December 1C

It may bo induced by mental distressAustralia uecemocr iv1 in anniB h lint, la enieu with an attempt at facctiousness,


Your wives and children will rejoice,

4i. nf l.n in the earlv sixties. He Zealandia (1888) January 13GEO. EMELHARDT anra; It is teleLaanbcd irom anUie shock (il some greav eumniuj.may be, and often is, uggravated und

if not originally brought on, Francisco that tho steel stern-po- st

im nv honciinn Tin in liniwihH iiiijiilui ni"stood upon the platform part of thotime, with ono hand in his pocket,nn,1 nwkwfl rdlv ns he cestured, he

of the cruiser Charleston 7ar exceeds n 1 rtmTinin Btrcncrth the Government require- - V U I . U K I H. rvplication, of physical overwork, domes-

tic troubles, anxiety in business, or lluan-ciu- l

embarrassments, If tho stomachcould always Le kept in order, death

. This annears to satis- - U. A"-- . vseemed perfectly at home. Ho is

fiipt.nrv state of allairs wnon .u is Has on hand for sale, In quantitiesto suit:

nearly as tall as uts urouiur uuuu,who sat behind liim, and bo is, like

Having found the Sampler Cigar your choice.


remembered that the new cruiserswould no longer ue a suujeei u: .i... o.i.i niiilillp.mred.

nm built with the purpose of runall his tribe, a good spcech-mau- er

but what would be contemplated by all Departure Bay Coal, Newcastle Coal,nliiinlv dressed, with a n nr away from tlio enemy, ins

(Formerly with Samuel Nott).

Importer and Ienlcr in



Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block, - - - Fort Street.

Store formerly occupied by 8. NOTT, opposite Spreckels 4 Co.'s Bank. -- I106

t,iTh llenrv Clav collar and a plain Charcoal.as a visit ot an expecieu menu m mclose of a peaceful and happy old age.

. .i. .i...,. l. ...:!., i.itr.nl.iv minnalways well to turn a strong stern to

tana allOwinC OUt ab0V6 it. LlS blUO the pursuer. Hard and Soft Wood, Sawed and SplitHowever, iuc iibuiothe domain of health and happiucMi is

eves sparkled with good feeling ashave neither time nor inclin "Manlenle" Hay,he talked, anu no iouh.cu, us

in full Hvmnalhv with the world. ation to nass nareirorics on the de

21 First Street. 8. P. 89

For sale Everywhere.95

Indigestion.Is there any relief, any remedy, any

cure? That is the question of the suf-fcriu-g

and unhappy dyspeptic. hat iswanted is a medicine that will thorough- -

ceased," remarked a iunerai oruiur."Panegyrics," corrected a person


No man in tho United States enjoyslife better than William TccutnsehSherman. There is no nge in Ins

ffdinrs. and ho is as warm-hearte- d

California Hay,

Bran, Oats,

Barley, Corn,

Cracked Corn,"

Wheat, etc.

ly renovate tue sioraaeu, cowcis, mui,Li.hw.va nml iifl'iinl sneedv and efRibbons, Hats, Millinery. "As voti nlease. sir. remarked the

fectual assistance to the digestive organs,Australian fail Smice. orator stillly j "the words are anonand restore to tue nervous anu mmtuuusystems their oi igiual energy.

u,,i. o i.wwlinim. la linniiilv nt hand.

and impulsive now as a boy. Helikes to kiss a pretty girl as well aswhen ho was courting tho daughter

anlteitpd and will'ymous.fen Lilly Hat!Tie1TKATSCE. .

Conthfental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 Eue de Dunkerque, Paris.

be delivered at any locality within thecity limits.Never in the history of medical discov- - "There are good md bad points

about this coffee," said the boarder,of Tom Kwing, then Secretary oiHi a interior under President Taylor.ALL THE GOt No. 8 ISIISO 8TKEET.in n bid c al tone, "lhe good point

cries, cvldenceu uy a uoz.eu jranough ust, has there been found a remedyfor Indigestion so speedy, so sure, andso surprising in its results as feiegel s He would not have the Presidency is that there is no chicory in it ; the Both Telephones. 17. 64

bad that there is no conee in it.if it were offered htm, ana no uasnimrnrtorizcd White House life asf 'iii- - it vi. muio-uu- v 11 isuauiuunii

Executes Indents for every descriptionremedy for that almost universal aUlic--I

rnnntrv in Eiirone.

Go inspect Mr. Fishel'i New Goods !

BY THIS STEAMERworse than tho darkest pictures oflinnii.'a "Infornn." of French, Belgian, - -Mother


The new and fine Al steel 6teanuhip

"Zealandia,"Of 'the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from Sydney, and Auckland ou or about

July 29, 1887,

Asia, Africa aud America. Public tes PooMiDps Stock(ion. Rosecrans. though oldertimonials and private leucrs iroiii iiiui-t.iv- v

ndl'pra. hunkers, merchants, shipSwlS!, uerman, anu x,ujjiibu vuuub,the best Manufacturers' Lowest Prites.

Commission, Two.and-a.Hal- f per cent.All Trado and Cash Discounts allowedilmn Sherman, is also voun in ap--

captains, mechanics, farmers, and theirnearancc. His face shines withCHARLES J.FISHEL

nmi li ninnr and lie looks like a fat,wives aim uaugnwTs, uime luuinmcurative powers.

to Clients. Original Invoices lorwaroeuwhen requested.

Kemittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery of

eluiniir. rrrnv- -headed bov as heNearly Raised him from theHas received a full line line of

LADIES'moves about Washington dressedin the most common of businessf.intbea. and liavins no regard to IOIX HALE,




Shipping Qocumems; or, oiieti iu iuomannger.

The Agency Represents, Buys, and.Grave.

Swiss Cottage, Walton-on-thc-Naz-

AucustSith, 1880.

And will leave for tho above port withmails and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or Tmnaafre, having SU-


WM. Q. IRWIN & CO, Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,

Bull Calvoi Iroin 10 to 13 months old.personal appearance. There is no Sells, fr Home aud Colonial urns.

ider'd SuitsEmbro Heller Calves from 10 (0 13 months old.A. J. White, Limited.snobbishness aDoui itosccrans, nunhe is hail fellow well met with everymw. He is sixtv-ciuh- t years old, AITLY TOJJear Sirs: II a testimonial i

use to you respecting the remarkablecure I have derived by taking yourIn White, Cream and Colored.

A full line of J. I. DOWSETT.and is a much younger-lookin- g manthan Senator Edmunds, who is a fullton vears vounMr. Rosecrans is, Honolulu, June 24, 1837.

For Constipation,LACES!ORIENTAL

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks, Velvelb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Glass, andChina-ware- , Clocks, Watches,Jewellry, Fancy Good,Electro-plat-e, Musical Instrument?,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &c ,

Oilman's Stores, Books, ArtisticFu rniture, Stationery ,Chromos, Machinery, &c, &0.

iao ly 8

however, a queer combination. Hewas a bravo otllcer and ho made agood reputation in Congress, butho has never gotten over his removalfrom the command of the Army of

Metropolitan Market, Sluggish Liver, etc.Corsets, Hosiery,Linen, Torchon Laces, KING STREET,ttin f umliorland. anu one oi mo

"Siegers syrup," you nraaniucn i

make any use of this you may deemjest. For ipwards ot twelve years Iaave suffered from extreme Nervous

nud (la-tri- Catarrh whichme so that I was totally unable to

do any business, and caused great pros,tration nml weakness. About threeyears ago I h:id tho advice of severulmembers of the medical faculty, andunder their treatment derived little orno good. Being in town gome tenmonths ago, I was advised to try yourCurative Bvrup, and purchased a botile.I had not Taken ninny doses before I be-ga- n

to feel a fresh n an. I could walkwith case, while before I had hard workto carry one leg the other. Mystrength gradually increased and my

irnt lmiii-r- . which before I fre

most pathetic sights of the reunionCt. J.VAIiLKIl, Iroprletor.

CHAS. J.FISHEL, many kinds of catharticUNLIKE do not make you

The new and fine Al steel steamship

" Mariposa,"Of the Oceanic Company, will

be due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco cd or about

Aug. 5th, 1887,And will have prompt withmails and passengers for the above ports.

For freight or passage, having SU-

PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WM. 0. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

was his explanation to ins oui troopsnolo how his removal took place.

Choicest Meats from Finest Herds.He told tho boys how Thomas had feel worse before j'ou feel better.Leading Millinery House.

Cor. Fort & Hotel Streets.5i Families and Shipping Their operation is gentle, but thornot, as was stated Dy a late uook

niililished on the subject, thoughtough, and unattended with disagreeSUPPLIED ON SHORT NOTICEable effects, such as nausea, griping

and at thehimself superior to Kosccrans, andhow Gen. Garfield had told him atthe request of Thomas that he

Tiinmn'sl would net serve in theRichard Cayford,

Honolulu LibraryANB

Reading Room Association.pains, &c.

Lo-w?- t Market Prices. Seteel's Operating Pillsquently lost, owing to the malady aris.ing from a sluggii-l- i liver, often in bedf. r several days with piles, and could

ah mnnta .loiivpred from this MarketArmy of tho Cumberland under anyother commander than him, and thatho was nerfectlv satisfied to have him

are the best family physic that has

ever been discovered. They cleansehardly move, ram uiauniu ioto God for nearly raising mo from thegrave, for it was nothing hut your 8e.gel's Syrup that has restored nie to ro- - the bowels from all irritating sub Cor. Hotel & Alnkca Streefa.

Open every Day and Evening,

The Daily BulletinAND


Can btjhad from

as hi3 chief. Rosecrans described


Shoeing? Foi-jyo- ,


Horses and Cattle Treated forall Disease?.

arc thoroughly chilled immediately afterkilling by means of a n Pa-

tent Dry Air llefrigeratoi. toeat sotreated retains all Its juicy properties,and is GbAiiANTKRD to Keep Longer

.h a Rfiono in the tent at Chattamist neauu. ours laiiiuunj-- , stances, and leave thein in a healthy

condition.A. rucuoiJi'. nnnirn. when ho received his dispatchAPTKB DWiIVKRYTdAN V ItKSIILY-KI-relieving him of his command and Tho best remedy extant for theRH MffiAT. 74 ly

when he announced tho fact to IJ. II. Sopeb, : : : Mei chant Streit," "A.M. Hkwett. : :

Rovesby, near Boston,December 31st, 1S8C.

.T. W. Hikoley. : : : : Hotel StreetA J. While, Limited.Residence: 31 Alf.kea Street,

1. O. JtO 408. 20tf

tBell telephone 331.JJear Sir: rour oiegeis o.yiupi ""

has an increasing sale in this neighbor- -

l,.n.l nml tlinll lllwRVS (lO mV bOit tOI"FYOU WANT A SERVANT,advertise, in.the Daily Bulletin,

further the sale of an articlo that every

Thomas. His story had not beenpublished in the newspapers, but itwas to my mind the most interestingpart of the meeting. "It was atnight," said be, "that I receivedthe order, and I sent for GeneralThomas. He came alone to the tentand took his seat. I handed him

the letter. He read it, and as hedid so his breast began to swell andhe turned pale. He did not want to

The library consists at the presenttime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

The Reading Room is supplied withabout fifty of the leading newspapersand pcriodleuls.

A Parlor Is provided for conversationnd games.Terms of membership, fifty cents a

aionth, payable quarterly in advance.No formality required in joining exceptsigning the roll. -

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors from the other islands are wel-come to the rooms at all times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of support except the dues ofmembers, it is expected that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them- -.aI.-a- tta Yt,.iiMlnroa nml all who feel

one that purchases speaas nigmy m nofavor. 1 also liave great satisfaction inon,.inn- ii.oi l niitiii lw lieve inv wife wanM ITT, 1. 8 Kaalimnaiiu Street

bane of our lives constipation and

sluggish liver.These Pills prevent fevers and all

kinds of sickness, by removing all

poisonous matter from the bowels.They operate briskly, yet mildly,without any pain.

If you take a severe cold, and are

threatened with a fever, with painsin the head, back and limbs, one ortwo doses of Seigel's Operat-ing Pills will break up the cold

and prevent fever.A coated tongue, with a brackish

tcrmaneiitlv cured of Indigestion and.... . .y i c ...i.:nl. ctiaWintt on tue siomacn, iruin uituhad iufl'ered sntensely sometime previous,. m V

to taiunc it. ianniuiiy jouis,A tliiiivA. uuiuii

S3 5 2,

3 B 22 ts ts" Et s- -

I S g Ai" s 12 ?

A & i WEi . m ro ..

t g" p . k C5 I Q

& s 00 a'

1 s a- 5.S g . Ct3 g' P.

ei.a v ..n . . -

an Interest in maintaining an Institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand become regular contributors.

A. J. CARTWRIGHT, Pres.,M. M. SCOTT, nt,

II. A. PARMELKE, Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Treasurer,C. T. RODGERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Committee.


accept the command, but we agreed,upon consideration, that he must do

so, and I told him that I could notbear to meet my troops afterward.'I want to leave,' said I, 'before thoannouncement is made, and I willstart in the early morning.' I pack-

ed up that night, and tho nextmorning about 7 o'clock I rodeaway through the fog which thenhung over the camp. The best ofrelations prevailed between Gen.Thomas and myself, and as to thostatement that he considered hiin- -

taste, caused by foul matter in the

stomach. A few doses of Seigel'sOperating .Pills will cleanse the

Atlanagh, Abbcylcix,Queen's County, Ireland,

December 24lh, 1S80.

A. J. White, Limited.Dear Mr: I hope that your Sirgel's

syrup and Pills may get the sale they sowell deserve. I had a very delicatechild, a boy now over nine years, butbeing averse to eating any kind of veg-

etable or food from his birth, I begangiving him Mother Sicgcl's CurativeSyrup, and after a few weeks he recov-ered so as to be able to consume as muchfood as other boys of his age, and to thegreat astonishment of his neighbours, heis lively, getting into flesh, and thrivingas well as boys of his ago do. We giveall the credit of his recovery to Siegel'sSyrup. Yours faithfully,

1007- - 1 S.Maxwell.

5 t??2pB Health is Wealth I,. self my superior, and obe3'ed orders ,5iv'I - .. I BRAIN '

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware I


stomach, remove the bad taste, and

restore the appetite, and with itbring good health.

Oftentimes disease, or partially

decayed food, causes sickness, nau-

sea and diarrhcoa. If the bowels are

cleansed from this impurity with a

dose of Seigel's OperatingPills, these disagreeable effectswill vanish, and good health result.

Seigel's Operating Pillsprevent from excess in

eating or drinking. A good dose atbedtime renders a person fit for busi-

ness in the morning.These pills, being Sugar-coate- d,

are pleasant to take. The disagree-

able taste common to most pills is


Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,


House Keeping Goods,

only irom a sense oi uuiy, x ussuicyou it was not so."

As Rosecrans bowed to the audi-ence and stepped back from theplatform there was not a man pre-

sent who did not feel sorry for him,and he was so much affected him-

self that his voice trembled as heuttered his closing words. Ho talk-

ed in a low tone and his accentswere almost pleading.

General Sheridan was a promi-n-

figure throught the reunion. Hehas grown much fatter sinco herode that dashing ride to AVinches-te- r,

and his hair which was blackthnn. is now a frosted silver. Sheri

ECLIPSE. - Taliiti LemonaflB Dejot,JIOTEIi STKEKT,

Teleiihonc, 30. 1". O. Box 460.PLUMBING, TIN, COPtfEB ANDii tt


dan has a big head, a big body and

Db. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Tjiat.stent, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, DizzUness. Convulsions. Jfite, Worrous Neura!((i,Heuilnche, Nervous Proet ration, caused by thousaof alcohol or tobuooo. Wakefulness, Mental Upression. Softening of the Brain. roscUiiig in insanity and lmidini? to misery, deco; and dwttlnPremature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of remapin either sex. Involuntary Lnsaes and Sporrautorvrhcen, caused by of the brain, eelfabuse, or Each box conte4u4one month's treatment. 81.00 a box, or six boxesfor $5.00, sent hy mail prepaid on receipt of price

WK UAHATEE BIX KOXKHTo eure any ease. Witheaehordrfrreoeivedbj'Bsifor six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, wo i)send tho purchaser our written guarantee to re.fund the money if th& treatment does, not effecta cure. Guara,ntet issued only by


S500 REWARD ITTC will pnr the abort ttwird for any ea of Uvtr Comprmlirt

Driptpiift, Blck Hewlacb. Indigestion Constipation orCtletmtwe cannot enra with Watt's Vegetable Liver Fills, whan the dine--

Uooaare strictly oomplie with. They an purely vegetable. a4Mm fall to Rive latitbcUoa. Sugar Ceated. Large feasts,

80 pilli, $5 ceoU. Far tale by all dnifrgUti. Beware efcounterfeits and tmUatroni. Tlja genuine manufactured oiity byJOHN O. WEST CO., Ml A ltd W. MmIum 8L, Chicago,(na tiial package sent h? stall prepaid on nMiytof m 2 caatttuip

JJIolHetor fc Co..80 6m Wholesale and Retail Agent

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd.(Successors to Dillingham & Co., Samuel Nott.)

IRONMONGERS.For Sale by all Chemists, Druggists

and Medicine Vendors.

THE BEST AERATED WATERSThoroughly puro and made by steam, inIt viand's Ant Apparatuswith jjlass pumps. All copper dis-

pensed with. The newest patent inEurope (1S8HJ.

Crystal Valve BottlesOnly in use for Tahit i Lemonade, Grcnadiuo and Perfect Ginger Ale, at 75 centspur dozen, delivered to any part of thecity. And Codd's Patent Glass Stoppersfor the celebrated plain dry

BOBA WATER,6o hlchly efficacious for dyspepsia, assupplied to all the principal families inHonolulu, and exclusively to II. B. M.'svessels of war.Island orders promptl;" attended to.


April 1,1887. 1599 ly

annA for the Holidays! Silver Plated Ware

short legs, lie iooks larger Strangdown than when standing, and whenhe has a statue it will undoubtedlybe placed upon horseback. Helooks now like a well-to-d- o Frenchcount who has a goodly estate andwhose cellars are full of rare oldBurgundy. He might have steppedout of one of Rubens' pictures, hiscomplexion is so florid, his eyes soblue and his hair so white. He hasthe form of the ereat Napoleon,

ucn ww- - "in New Designs.


A, J, White. Limited1013I.OXDOX.

f romme very oes muneio.


X Complete Stock oi' Goods in Xvery Line,


though his abdomen was not so TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONJL advertise in the Daily Bulletin.large as Napoleon's was during his