1279 © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim wileyonlinelibrary.com small 2012, 8, No. 8, 1279–1284 1. Introduction Conventional semiconductor memory technologies, including dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) and flash memo- ries, are rapidly approaching their bottleneck to continue scaling down beyond a 16 nm threshold, [1] due to the fact that the operation of such devices is established on charge storage which leads to major difficulties in information storage and Evidence for a Crucial Role Played by Oxygen Vacancies in LaMnO 3 Resistive Switching Memories Zhong-tang Xu, Kui-juan Jin,* Lin Gu, Yu-ling Jin, Chen Ge, Can Wang, Hai-zhong Guo, Hui-bin Lu, Rui-qiang Zhao, and Guo-zhen Yang retrieval for the shrinking cells. [2] Motivated by the explora- tion of alternatives with improved functionality over conven- tional memories, extensive investigations of intriguing novel memory concepts have been carried out up to now, which range from phase-change RAM (PCRAM) [3,4] and ferroelec- tric-related RAM [5–8] (FeRAM) to resistive switching RAM (RRAM). [9–16] Among all these proposed concepts, robust RRAM with great potential for high-density, high-speed, nondestructive readout and nonvolatility is one of the most promising candidates for the next-generation memories and has attracted considerable attention. [17] In general, the RRAM device has a simple capacitor- like structure with a metal/insulator (or semiconductor)/ metal (MIM) stack. The basic operating principle is that the resistance state can be switched between high and low states with the application of an external electric stimulus. A large variety of materials have shown resistive switching properties. [17] In particular, transition metal oxides, [18,19] in DOI: 10.1002/smll.201101796 LaMnO 3 (LMO) films are deposited on SrTiO 3 :Nb (0.8 wt%) substrates under various oxygen pressures to obtain different concentrations of oxygen vacancies in the films. The results of X-ray diffraction verify that with a decrease of the oxygen pressure, the c-axis lattice constant of the LMO films becomes larger, owing to an increase of the oxygen vacancies. Aberration-corrected annular-bright-field scanning transmission electron microscopy with atomic resolution and sensitivity for light elements is used, which clearly shows that the number of oxygen vacancies increases with the decrease of oxygen pressure during fabrication. Correspondingly, the resistive switching property becomes more pronounced with more oxygen vacancies in the LMO films. Furthermore, a numerical model based on the modification of the interface property induced by the migration of oxygen vacancies in these structures is proposed to elucidate the underlying physical origins. The calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental data, which reveal from a theoretical point of view that the migration of oxygen vacancies and the variation of the Schottky barrier at the interface with applied bias dominate the resistive switching characteristic. It is promising that the resistive switching property in perovskite oxides can be manipulated by controlling the oxygen vacancies during fabrication or later annealing in an oxygen atmosphere. Memory Devices Dr. Z. Xu, Prof. K. Jin, Prof. L. Gu, Dr. Y. Jin, Dr. C. Ge, Dr. C. Wang, Dr. H. Guo, Prof. H. Lu, Dr. R. Zhao, G. Yang Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Science Beijing 100190, China E-mail: [email protected]

Evidence for a Crucial Role Played by Oxygen …l03.iphy.ac.cn/l03/papers/2012/ZTXu_Small.pdfEvidence for a Crucial Role Played by Oxygen Vacancies in LaMnO 3 Resistive Switching Memories

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Page 1: Evidence for a Crucial Role Played by Oxygen …l03.iphy.ac.cn/l03/papers/2012/ZTXu_Small.pdfEvidence for a Crucial Role Played by Oxygen Vacancies in LaMnO 3 Resistive Switching Memories

Memory Devices

Evidence for a Crucial Role Played by Oxygen Vacancies in LaMnO 3 Resistive Switching Memories

Zhong-tang Xu , Kui-juan Jin , * Lin Gu , Yu-ling Jin , Chen Ge , Can Wang , Hai-zhong Guo , Hui-bin Lu , Rui-qiang Zhao , and Guo-zhen Yang

LaMnO 3 (LMO) fi lms are deposited on SrTiO 3 :Nb (0.8 wt%) substrates under various oxygen pressures to obtain different concentrations of oxygen vacancies in the fi lms. The results of X-ray diffraction verify that with a decrease of the oxygen pressure, the c -axis lattice constant of the LMO fi lms becomes larger, owing to an increase of the oxygen vacancies. Aberration-corrected annular-bright-fi eld scanning transmission electron microscopy with atomic resolution and sensitivity for light elements is used, which clearly shows that the number of oxygen vacancies increases with the decrease of oxygen pressure during fabrication. Correspondingly, the resistive switching property becomes more pronounced with more oxygen vacancies in the LMO fi lms. Furthermore, a numerical model based on the modifi cation of the interface property induced by the migration of oxygen vacancies in these structures is proposed to elucidate the underlying physical origins. The calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental data, which reveal from a theoretical point of view that the migration of oxygen vacancies and the variation of the Schottky barrier at the interface with applied bias dominate the resistive switching characteristic. It is promising that the resistive switching property in perovskite oxides can be manipulated by controlling the oxygen vacancies during fabrication or later annealing in an oxygen atmosphere.

1. Introduction

Conventional semiconductor memory technologies, including

dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) and fl ash memo-

ries, are rapidly approaching their bottleneck to continue

scaling down beyond a 16 nm threshold, [ 1 ] due to the fact that

the operation of such devices is established on charge storage

which leads to major diffi culties in information storage and

© 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbHsmall 2012, 8, No. 8, 1279–1284

DOI: 10.1002/smll.201101796

Dr. Z. Xu , Prof. K. Jin , Prof. L. Gu , Dr. Y. Jin , Dr. C. Ge , Dr. C. Wang , Dr. H. Guo , Prof. H. Lu , Dr. R. Zhao , G. Yang Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Science Beijing 100190, China E-mail: [email protected]

retrieval for the shrinking cells. [ 2 ] Motivated by the explora-

tion of alternatives with improved functionality over conven-

tional memories, extensive investigations of intriguing novel

memory concepts have been carried out up to now, which

range from phase-change RAM (PCRAM) [ 3 , 4 ] and ferroelec-

tric-related RAM [ 5–8 ] (FeRAM) to resistive switching RAM

(RRAM). [ 9–16 ] Among all these proposed concepts, robust

RRAM with great potential for high-density, high-speed,

nondestructive readout and nonvolatility is one of the most

promising candidates for the next-generation memories and

has attracted considerable attention. [ 17 ]

In general, the RRAM device has a simple capacitor-

like structure with a metal/insulator (or semiconductor)/

metal (MIM) stack. The basic operating principle is that

the resistance state can be switched between high and low

states with the application of an external electric stimulus.

A large variety of materials have shown resistive switching

properties. [ 17 ] In particular, transition metal oxides, [ 18 , 19 ] in

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Figure 1 . SXRD patterns for LMO thin fi lms fabricated under oxygen pressures of a–c) 10, 5 × 10 − 2 , and 5 × 10 − 4 Pa, respectively.

which complex combinations of charge-, spin-, and orbital-

ordered states appear, [ 20 ] occupy an important position in this

emerging fi eld, [ 21 ] offering opportunities for further integra-

tion of potential multifunctionality into one device.

At present, a common perspective for the underlying

physical origins of the resistive switching phenomenon in

transition metal oxides is that the migration of oxygen vacan-

cies (or oxygen ions) plays a dominant role, thereby giving rise

to the modifi cation of the interface barrier [ 18 ] or inducing the

occurrence of the redox process. [ 22 ] So far, the important role

played by oxygen vacancies in resistive switching has been

widely discussed in many previous works. [ 23–32 ] However, it

would be more attractive and convincing to directly map out

the oxygen vacancies by an electron microscope technique

with a high resolution, and more direct proof of whether

oxygen vacancies are responsible for resistive switching

would be crucial for further development of RRAM. [ 17 ] Thus,

much effort is still needed to advance toward real-product

implementation, especially after clearly clarifying the funda-

mental origins.

Herein, we present a comparative study carried out

systematically to reveal the crucial role played by oxygen

vacancies in the resistive switching property in LaMnO 3

(LMO) fi lms. LMO fi lms, a typical perovskite oxide material,

were deposited on SrTiO 3 :Nb (SNTO, 0.8 wt%) substrates

under various oxygen pressures to obtain LMO fi lms with

different concentrations of oxygen vacancies. The results

from synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction (SXRD) veri-

fi ed that with a decrease of the oxygen pressure the c -axis

lattice constant of LMO fi lms becomes larger, owing to an

increase of the oxygen vacancies. To further characterize

the concentration of oxygen vacancies and the structural

evolution of these LMO fi lms at atomic sensitivity, sophis-

ticated aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron

microscopy (STEM) was utilized, which directly confi rmed

that with a decrease of the oxygen pressure during fabrica-

tion, the number of oxygen vacancies increased. Meanwhile,

measurements on the resistive switching showed that a

larger variation of resistance can be obtained with a forward

and reverse bias in LMO fi lms with more oxygen vacancies.

It is thus concluded that oxygen vacancies play a dominant

role in RRAM devices composed of transition metal oxides.

Furthermore, a numerical model based on modifi cation of

the interface property induced by the migration of oxygen

vacancies is proposed to elucidate the underlying physical

origins of resistive switching. Based on the present results,

it is promising that the RRAM property in the perovskite

oxides could be manipulated by controlling the oxygen

vacancies during fabrication or later annealing in an oxygen


2. Results and Discussion

Figure 1 shows the results of SXRD of LMO fi lms fabricated

under various oxygen pressures. The diffraction peaks of

the LMO fi lms shift towards smaller diffraction angles with

a decrease of the oxygen pressure. The calculated c -axis lat-

tice constants of the LMO fi lms fabricated under oxygen

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pressures of 10, 5 × 10 − 2 , and 5 × 10 − 4 Pa are 3.892, 3.973, and

4.014 Å, respectively. We attribute the modifi cation of the

lattice constants to the infl uence of the oxygen vacancies,

naturally produced during the laser molecular beam epitaxy

(LMBE) processes. [ 33 ] Manganese ions vary from high to low

valence states due to the existence of oxygen vacancies, thus

leading to a larger manganese ionic radius and a larger lattice

constant. [ 34 ] It is worth mentioning that similar phenomena of

enlarged lattice constants induced by oxygen vacancies have

also been observed in previous works. [ 34–36 ] In other words, a

larger c -axis lattice constant corresponds to a larger number

of oxygen vacancies, which could be induced by structural

distortions in the thin fi lms fabricated under a lower oxygen


Recent developments of aberration-corrected electron

optics have signifi cantly enhanced microscope performance,

thus enabling identifi cation of individual light atoms such as

oxygen. [ 37–39 ] In this study, we exploited an aberration-cor-

rected annular-bright-fi eld (ABF) imaging technique, which

is extremely sensitive to the presence of oxygen vacancies.

Figure 2 a–c display typical cross-sectional ABF micrographs

obtained from the LMO/SNTO junction viewed along the

[001] axis. La as well as Mn and O sites are clearly visible,

which can be distinguished according to the image contrast.

La is represented as the darkest spots, whereas O is the

lightest. These images reveal that the LMO fi lm was epi-

taxially grown on the c -SNTO substrate. Under extreme O

depletion conditions, however, the LMO thin fi lm exhibits

substantial structural distortions, possibly leading to the

formation of lattice defects as shown in Figure 2 c. Line

profi les along the vertical direction with the markers exhib-

ited in Figure 2 a–c are shown in Figure 2 d–f, respectively.

Note that the O sites are marked with red arrows and the

red/blue disks display stacking sequences of O–Mn with

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Role of Oxygen Vacancies in LaMnO3 Resistive Switching Memories

Figure 3 . Typical I–V curves for Pt/LMO/SNTO devices under oxygen pressures of 10, 5 × 10 − 1 , 5 × 10 − 2 , 5 × 10 − 3 , and 5 × 10 − 4 Pa. The direction of bias sweeping is indicated by arrows. The inset shows the measurement confi guration of the devices.

Figure 2 . a–c) ABF micrographs of the LMO/SNTO interfaces along the [001] axis corresponding to oxygen pressures of 10, 5 × 10 − 2 , and 5 × 10 − 4 Pa, respectively. Note that La is represented by the darkest spots, whereas O is the lightest. d–f) Line profi les along the vertical direction with respect to the markers shown in (a–c). The O sites are marked with red arrows. The red/blue disks display stacking sequences of O–Mn; lighter red ones stand for the presence of O vacancies. g–i) Line profi les along the horizontal direction with respect to the markers shown in (a–c).

lighter red ones standing for the presence of O vacancies.

Line profi les along the horizontal direction are shown in

Figure 2 g–i, together with the profi les in Figure 2 d–f. The

oxygen vacancy concentration is possibly controlled by

the growth kinetics. [ 40,41 ] Herein, it is confi rmed that the

number of oxygen vacancies increases with a decrease of

the oxygen pressure for our samples, consistent with the

SXRD measurements.

Figure 3 displays typical measured current–voltage ( I – V )

characteristics of LMO fi lms under various oxygen pres-

sures with Pt as top electrode (TE), and the inset exhibits

the schematic setup for I– V measurements. The forward bias

is defi ned by the current fl owing from the TE to the SNTO

bottom electrode (BE). The voltage bias was scanned as 1 →

2 → 3 → 4, as shown in Figure 3 . Obviously, the switching

hysteresis under forward bias is more pronounced than

that under reverse bias. A forward bias sweeping tunes the

memory into a high-resistance state (HRS or OFF), while

a reverse bias sweeping switches the memory into a low-

resistance state (LRS or ON). Figure 3 clearly shows that a

larger loop of I–V curve can be obtained in LMO fi lms fabri-

cated under a lower oxygen pressure. The resistance changes

© 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbHsmall 2012, 8, No. 8, 1279–1284

under the electric fi eld, which demonstrates that larger resis-

tive switching can be obtained in the LMO fi lms with more

oxygen vacancies under a sustained bias.

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Figure 4 . Pulse measurements of the Pt/LMO/SNTO devices with a fabrication oxygen pressure of 5 × 10 − 4 Pa. The pulse condition for the HRS is + 5 V with a pulse width of 1 ms and for the LRS is –5 V with a pulse width of 1 ms. The resistance was read out at 0.1 μ A.

To evaluate the stability of the devices, we performed

pulse endurance measurements. The results for the Pt/LMO/

SNTO structure fabricated under an oxygen pressure of

5 × 10 − 4 Pa are shown in Figure 4 . Bistable HRS/LRS

switching was achieved by applying a pulse voltage of + 5 and

–5 V with a 1 ms width for reset (LRS to HRS) and set (HRS

to LRS) operations. The resistance was then read out with a

read current of 0.1 μ A. It was observed that stable HRS and

LRS states were achieved with an R OFF / R ON ratio of about 18,

and no signifi cant change of the resistance ratio was observed

during pulse measurements. With further increase of the

number of cycles, the devices show no signifi cant resistance

decay in both the HRS and LRS.

From Figure 5 we can see that the R OFF / R ON ratio indi-

cated by numbers becomes larger with the decrease of the

oxygen pressure, except for the LMO fi lm with the largest

number of oxygen vacancies, that is, the fi lm fabricated under

5 × 10 − 4 Pa oxygen pressure. We think this is due to the exces-

sive structural distortion associated with too many oxygen

vacancies for the LMO fi lms fabricated under 5 × 10 − 4

82 www.small-journal.com © 2012 Wiley-VCH V

Figure 5 . Dependence of the HRS and LRS on the fabrication oxygen pressure. The R OFF / R ON ratios are indicated by numbers.

Pa oxygen pressure, which can be verifi ed by the ABF micro-

graph shown in Figure 2 c. According to the detailed char-

acterization of SXRD and aberration-corrected STEM, it

is known that for the structures fabricated under a lower

oxygen pressure there are more oxygen vacancies. Therefore,

more free carriers and mobile oxygen vacancies are obtained

for the fi lms fabricated under a lower oxygen pressure, which

induce a larger current and R OFF / R ON ratio. In other words,

the resistive switching property becomes more pronounced

in the fi lms containing more oxygen vacancies. This is direct

experimental evidence for the crucial role played by oxygen

vacancies in resistive switching.

To theoretically reveal the underlying physical origins, we

propose a numerical approach based on the oxygen vacancy

migration model. Detailed descriptions of the numerical

model can be found in the Supporting Information. The oxy-

gen-defi cient LMO is usually regarded as an n-type semicon-

ductor, because the oxygen vacancies act as donors in oxides

and become positively charged after releasing electrons

to the conduction band. [ 42 ] The work functions of Pt and

SNTO are about 5.3 [ 43 ] and 4.05 eV, [ 44 ] respectively. There-

fore, ohmic contact can be formed at the interface of LMO/

SNTO, and the Schottky barrier at the interface between Pt

and LMO will dominate the transport property of the entire

system. Hence, it is proposed that there exists an evolution

of several states for Pt/LMO/SNTO according to the number

of oxygen vacancies at the Pt/LMO Schottky interface under

the electric fi eld. When a negative voltage is applied on the

TE, the oxygen vacancies will accumulate at the Pt/LMO

interface, which makes the doping density at the interface

increase, while the oxygen vacancies will migrate away from

the Pt/LMO interface, thereby giving rise to a decrease of

doping density under the forward bias. The variation of the

carrier concentration due to the oxygen vacancy migration

will result in different states at the Pt/LMO Schottky barrier,

which causes high and low resistance states.

Because of the unobvious resistive switching property

under the reverse bias, only one state is taken into account in

the reverse bias for simplicity. Thus, we regard the system as

an evolution of three states, S1, S2, and S3, in the whole bias

sweeping process as shown in Figure 6 . The necessary param-

eters for calculations are listed in Table 1 . The doping density

of as-grown LMO (5 × 10 − 3 Pa) fi lm is measured as 3.5 × 10 19

cm − 3 with a Quantum Design physical property measurement

system (PPMS-9). The bandgap of the LMO fi lm is 1.6–2.0 eV

as reported by previous works. [ 45–48 ] With the decrease of

the doping density, the bandgap becomes larger according

to the well-known bandgap narrowing effect, [ 49 ] and the car-

rier mobility will become larger. The theoretical results are

in good agreement with the experimental data, as shown in

Figure 6 , which reveals from a theoretical point of view that

the migration of oxygen vacancies and the variation of the

Schottky barrier at the interface with applied bias dominate

the resistive switching property.

The band structures of S2 and S3, which are the states

of Pt/LMO/SNTO before and after applying forward bias,

respectively, are shown in Figure 7 . It can be seen that for

state S3 the width of the depletion region becomes wider and

the barrier height becomes larger compared with S2. In this

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Role of Oxygen Vacancies in LaMnO3 Resistive Switching Memories

Figure 7 . Calculated band structures of S2 and S3. E c , E v , and E f represent the conduction band, the valence band, and the Fermi level of LMO, respectively.

Figure 6 . Calculated I–V curves of states S1, S2, and S3 (solid lines) compared with measured I–V curves (open squares) of the structure fabricated under an oxygen pressure of 5 × 10 − 3 Pa. Arrows indicate the direction of bias sweeping.

simplifi ed model, we only consider the homogeneous oxygen

vacancy distribution at the Pt/LMO interface. The dynamic

inhomogeneous distributions of oxygen vacancies should be

further investigated for the resistive switching phenomenon

in the future.

3. Conclusion

We have designed a series of comparative experiments for

LMO fi lms fabricated under various oxygen pressures, and

proved a dominant role of oxygen vacancies in the resistive

switching property. The results of SXRD verifi ed that with

a decrease of the oxygen pressure the c -axis lattice con-

stant of LMO fi lms becomes larger, owing to an increase of

the oxygen vacancies. Aberration-corrected STEM was uti-

lized to further characterize the structure of the LMO fi lms

with atomic sensitivity, which directly confi rmed that with

a decrease of the oxygen pressure the number of oxygen

vacancies becomes larger. Correspondingly, larger resistive

switching can be obtained in LMO fi lms with more oxygen

vacancies under a sustained bias, while a consistent condition

is obtained under pulse bias except for the LMO fi lm with

the largest number of oxygen vacancies, the fi lm fabricated

under 5 × 10 − 4 Pa oxygen pressure, due to excessive structure

distortion associated with too many oxygen vacancies. The

resistive switching property becomes more pronounced with

LMO fi lms containing more oxygen vacancies. Furthermore,

© 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag Gmbsmall 2012, 8, No. 8, 1279–1284

Table 1. Overview of the parameters used in the calculations.

S1 S2 S3

concentration [cm − 3 ] 9.8 × 10 19 3.5 × 10 19 5 × 10 18

mobility [cm 2 (V s) − 1 ] 1.5 2 7

bandgap [eV] 1.55 1.6 2.0

a numerical model based on the modifi cation of the interface

barrier induced by the migration of oxygen vacancies is pro-

posed to elucidate the physical origins. The calculated results

are in good agreement with the experimental data, which

reveal from a theoretical point of view that the migration of

oxygen vacancies and the variation of Schottky barrier at the

interface with applied bias dominate the resistive switching

characteristic. It is promising that the RRAM property in

perovskite oxides could be manipulated by controlling the

oxygen vacancies during fabrication or later annealing in an

oxygen atmosphere.

4. Experimental Section

Sample Preparation : LMO thin fi lms were epitaxially grown on SNTO (001) substrates with 3 × 5 mm size and 0.5 mm thickness by computer-controlled LMBE with a pulsed XeCl excimer laser beam ( ≈ 20 ns, 2 Hz, ≈ 1.5 J cm − 2 ) focused on a sintered ceramic LMO target. The SNTO substrates were carefully cleaned with alcohol, acetone, and deionized water before fabrication. Subse-quently, LMO fi lms with a thickness of 100 nm were deposited at 750 ° C under oxygen pressures of 5 × 10 − 4 , 5 × 10 − 3 , 5 × 10 − 2 , 5 × 10 − 1 and 10 Pa, and then annealed in situ under the same conditions for 20 min before cooling to room temperature in an oxygen atmosphere.

Characterization : The crystal structure was identifi ed by high-resolution synchrotron X-ray diffractometry by the BL14B1 beam line of Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF), using 1.24 Å X-rays with a Huber 5021 six-axes diffractometer.

Aberration-corrected STEM was performed using a 2100F trans-mission electron microscope operated at an acceleration voltage of 200 keV (JEOL, Tokyo, Japan). A CEOS probe-forming aberration corrector provided the ABF images with a spatial resolution better than 0.1 nm.

Electrical Characteristics : The dc and pulsed current–voltage ( I–V ) characteristics were measured by a Keithley 2400 source meter and Tektronix AFG320 arbitrary function generator at room temperature. The inset of Figure 3 shows the schematic setup for

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Supporting Information

Supporting Information is available from the Wiley Online Library or from the author.


This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2012CB921403) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 10825418 and No. 11134012). The XRD measurement was supported by the Shanghai Synchrotron Radia-tion Facility (SSRF).

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Received: September 1, 2011 Published online: February 20, 2012

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