THE SAN GALL. THURSDAY, JANUAR^ 20. 1910: EVENTS IN THE COUNTIES BORDERING ON THE BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO EAST SHORE SEEKS ALBANY FRANCHISE HUSBAND AFRAID OF HIS AFFINITY W/H. Sawtell Head of Qdd Fellows/ Plans for the Kirmess Insure Success of Fete RECORD OF MARRIAGE CLEARS TITLE TO LAND OAKLAND, Jan. 19.—-A certified copy of the marriage certificate of Alexan. der Dunsmuir and Josephine TVaJlacft. was filed with tho county recorder to^ day by Attorney T. C. Coogan to cl«a? the title to property in tlils city which, the late Mrs. .Dqnsmuir owned. Sho was the mother of Edna Wallace Hop- per, the actress, and was married ta Dunsmuir at San Pablo, Contra Cost* county, December -21. 1399. nial Venture Is Filed Certificate of Second Matrimo* OAKLAND. Jan. VX Judsmen: against J. Z. Bohannon, proprietor o! a sanatorium in Fruftvale for $149.2^ was given today by Justice Qiann in favor of J. C. Hill, an Insuranceman of Fresno. Hill 'sued to recover raonev paid Bohannon to treat Mrs. Hill un- der a contract alleged to provide tha: the money should be refunded If a curs was not effected. Mrs. Hill died. HUSBAND WINS SUIT OVER MEDICAL CHARGES ODD FELLOWS OPEN 1910 CONVENTION "BERKELEY, Jan. 19.— T0 span the breach between the terminus of the East Shore »and suburban Richmond electric system at the "county^llne, and the* proposed \ ; Southern Pacific' loop at Ninth street in West Berkeley, a fran- chise has been asked for by the street car corpora tion" from -the - trustees of Albany, and it will be considered by a committee of the/ whole board in the 'school "house tomorrow night. 1 . At the present time thejterminus . of the East Shore line is at the county line between Alameda nnd 'Contra Costa counties. There^ it-makes con- nections with the San Pablo avenue cars of the Oakland traction company. . It is now proposed' by President E. A. Gowe of the East Shore to cross the Alameda county line, enter \u25a0 Alhany In San Pablo avenue," traverse that street southward. 90 feet, then westerly over a private right of way to Adams acreet, thence to Main street./. ." There the trains of the Southern Pa- cific electric system, which is;how be- ing build, will touclv and it is pro- posed to have a* transfer system where- by passengers from Richmond on the East Shore line can reach the Southern Pacific railroad by the payment of one fareof 5 cents Instead of the 15 cents now exacted. .It is probable that a transfer arrangement between the two roads' will -be perfected. - * Ifthe franchise is granted Richmond, Stege, San Pablo. Rust and other small cities between Albany and Richmond willbe linked together by a road which wilUaffard easy travel to the lines of the | Southern Pacific * offering trans- bay "travel. - Richmond Line Would Join With S. P.Loop in West Berkeley ; OAKLAND, Jan 1 9. Itwqul<> not do for Fred Mitchell's affinity to see him with his wife, according to the story told by the latter in the divorce court. Whether the affinity thought that Mitchell was a single man or whether she. was just naturally jealous did;not appear, but ; Mrs. Amy CV Mitchell, the wife, testified that whenever. her hus- band* walked with her lie"" made:; her walk in: front of him so that it would" not appear, that they~ were together. - : , Mrs. Mitchell -said that he . seldom took her to. any places of amusement and that his peculiar actions in the street-were mysterious to her until, she overheard a certain telephone conver- sation: between Mitchell and another man. V lt ; was to'"'this eflfect: :'• ' J " "Hello,* Ed. ; Well, I couldn't' help; it, for I had the tickets and I had to take her. ? I took particular pains :to keep behind'her and I don't think the party you mean saw me."- Afterward Mrs. Mitchell learned that her husband was in the habit of taking another .. woman,; to •. places .of amuse- ment.-Once, she testified, to make peace with * her Mitchell^ volunteered to get her some ice, cream. He went, but he did, not- conic back -for six hours, and f when he arrived, he did not have the ice cream. | She was granted an inter- locutory decree.- \u25a0 '\u25a0-•\u25a0.• Julia *E.'Nlnemeyer was granted a final decree of divorce on the ground of desertion from Fred \N*lnemeyer.-, The following, new suits for divorce were filed today: Xellie- against Charles G. Campbell, cruelty; May E. against Milton J. Higuera^ desertion. Fred Mitchell Did Not Dare : to Be Seen in Public AVith j Two of the active workers in furthering arrangements for the kirmess to 1 be held in Oakland. BONDS ISSUED TO CONSTRUCT DOCKS SOCIETY FOLK ARE TO RAISE MONEY Jan. 19. Revision of the business license fees may be taken up by theiclty council at an early date as a j means of increasing the municipal revenues.-. ;lt£ is possible that the Oak- land ordinances-will be patterned after the Los Angeles system, which provides .for license fees from 137; classes fat trade. Only 67«different branches are taxed for business licenses in this city. Suburban Brevities MAY REVISE LICENSES TO INCREASE REVENUE Mandate of Alameda Council- men to Traction Corporation ALAMEDA,Jan. ID.—That the pat- rons of '"the Oakland traction- company j may be given better service in Alameda the city council has adopted a resolu- tion ordering the corporation to lay tVpuble tracks from Santa Clara avenue and Park street to San Jose avenue ! and Park * street; to place two addi- tional turnout switches in' San Jose avenue between Park and Ninth streets; to broad, gauge its San Jose avenue line east of Park street to High street and Central avenue, and to extend its Clara avenue line | from Santa 'Clara avenue and Webster street to Santa Clara avenue and Third. street. Councilman William Hammond Jr. fathered the resolution. The traction \u25a0fcompany.is also ordered to improve its system of transfers in Alameda. | j According to Councilman E. B. Bul- lock the'clty municipal legislators have the ' authority "'under ; the franchise granted- to the Oakland, traction'com- pany to compel-the corporation to carry out' the demands made upon it with re- gard- to its local system. COMPANY ORDERED TO IMPROVE CAR SERVICE OAKLAND,- Jan. 19. Bonds to the amount 1 of J200.000 have been issued by the De" Fremery .wharf :'and "land company, for the improvement of Clin- ton basin in- East Oakland. ; with wharves -and* docks- and a better ap- proach to: them : in the channel of the ' estuary.: The First. Federal trust com- '\u25a0 pany, took, the issue.. A deed of trust and a mortgage to secure the issue were recorded today. Both were^ given to the First; Federal trust company r by the De : Fremery wharf and land" company and- covered the De Fremery:* holdings in' Clinton basin, which consist of two pieces of property. ; One has for its* northern boundary the Southern Pacific right of way and for its southern the pierhead line of the estuary, while its eastern line is. the center of : Xiritb avenue and ; its western boundary is a- line to and 75 feet east of Seventh avenue. The other, parcel. has the- same eastern , and western, limits;- but .extends from j the pierhead line^southward to the ship ! channel. ' Improvements have - been under way. ; ; for some time in the De Fremery basin. De Fremery Company Alort= gages Water Front Property in Clinton Basin i OAKLAND, Jan. 19.—A collection of pictures, books and trinkets which were valued for sentimental reasons by their owner, Rev. Thomas McSweeney, pas- tor,of St. Francis de Sales church, were destroyed in a fire ".which broke out this afternoon in the priest's studyat the parish house. 590 , Hobart street. •Father McSweeney ' was out of the dwellingr when the blaze was started by a gas heater. The fire alarm was turned in by a passer by who saw the smoke. . The study was locked when the fire- men reached the place and axes were used in reaching.the blaze. PRIEST'S HOA)E TAKES , FIRE FROM GAS HEATER LOBES BADGE OF OFFlCE—Oakland, Jan. 19. Captain of Police J. F. Lynch ld«t his \u25a0 Talu- .; able gold police- badge (the gift of friends) \u25a0.while answering a summons la Kast Oaklan-1. The badge >bearß his initial?. - HELD FOR'INSA»ITyT-Oakland.'- : Jan. 19.— W; :Klersted.: : :h . waiter found beatin? . his' head 1 aeain>t the floor of his room at .411 Fifteenth \u25a0 .street," wa» taken to the reoelTlng. hospital to- day on a charge of insanity. . \- SAILOR HIT BT CAR—Oakland. Jan. 19 | . While pettinp off «i street car on : the wron< side this mornhisr. -Js. -F. White."*;aC sailor,. Jumped in "front'o.f aupther car-)?olnj;iln the . opposite rtlrectlofi.^;Hls;collarsbone was broken. BOY HTJHT LEAD&JG;C%'W—Berkeley. Jan. J9. While leading, «'«>Tr^ftom- pasture this ;after- ' noon. Quicreyl SttiithSA boy \u25a0 residinjt'at '1342 Berkeley, way. stumbled and fell. .The '.chain by which the cow was being, led caught in his ear,; badly lacerating- it. . . vf. - BANQUET FOR PABTOR-H>atland. Jan.: 19.— Rer.' E. Tj." : Kleb, former pastor of the Presby- terian church at .TVat«oUTHle.: was tbe<soest of honor \u25a0 last \u25a0 night : 'at a : 'dlnner (ri T en by. men of Union street Presbyterian church. .\u25a0 - for or^anizinjra men's ;leasrue. were digcussed. WILL' ADDRESS BANXERS^-Oakland. Jan. v*l!». R. M..Welch, secretaryr of the California .bank- ers' association, will address Oakland chapter, 'American: Institute of, banking, in, the ".club \u25a0-. rooms in the, Oakland .'clearing house huildlns Thursday erefilns. :,His subject will be Erolutlon.'of the California. Banking Law." » TRIAL FOR BURGLARY—OakIand, . Jan. The trial? of James S. \u25a0 Campana, who Is ae- . cused of ', steal in r : a :; wagon * load ; of j furniture 1 from thehouse of.W. .1. Wymer,of EastOak- f land, -..was - begun -today, in; Judge 'Brown's court. The particular exhibit in the case, is a large walnut mantelpiece, topped "with n -. mirror. ;!i.. : ,'...\u25a0 \u0084--'\u25a0'.,-\u25a0- _\u25a0.'--.,-\u25a0:..;' '*.-;.\u25a0 WANTS : NEW; CHARTER— Oakland. Jan. in.— \u25a0In a;- speech' delivered before the \ Merchauts' exchange last -crenlne.'-T. F. Marshall, chalr- : man^of the- Greater- Oakland charter 1 commit- tee, announced that ' he_. would call •' a conren- tlonof local, cirlc, labor, social and ImproTe- I < raent ' orpa niza tions to I take ,steps jto secure a ;.- new charter for the city. : I LECTURES ON SCHOOLS-^Berkeicy, .Tan. lfl.— | first lwture of the sen*. on the schools of -.California deliTored by prominent '\u25a0. e«lii- \u25a0- catora under the auspices of the department ; ' of education of .; the -uniTersity will be jrlven ; tomorrow afternoon in California hall at 4 , o'cloi-k: Tim ; adilresces . will be delivered weekly throughout the; semester. WILL GUARD DANCE HALLS—Oakland. Jan. .:- 19.—Chief of \u25a0' Police "Wilson was directed by, - the police and fire commissioners today toln- ;;Testijate the 5 cent dance halls In this:oltv.' -:; A protest was received from the Ebell club.. ln in-hlch it was alleged- that minor girls: attend . the , places, i Chief . Wilson will keep a ' police- .rman on guard to prevent, minors from entering \u25a0f"', the resorts. '\u25a0--.\u25a0\u25a0'. ,--' r -, ::"- : '. .. .'\u25a0 .- -' : \u25a0\u25a0 MASONIC OFFICERS INSTALLED— BerkeJey. V{J«n. 19.—Officers of, Berkeley chapter Xo o*2, .Roral Arch ;Ma.«on»'< of 'this -city.- were. In- stalled in the,' Masonic temple tonight. "Fin-" ..ley Dozier, the 'retiring high:priest, -and. B. P. \u25a0,r Bull. past. ; high •priest,', officiated. ».; King Oc- \u25a0:;tarlns; Cloudman succred»d ' to v the office . of *thigh priest i and; Albert Jay S Walker assumed -;the title of: klnp. -•- -\u25a0'\u25a0.' VIOLATE MILK LAW— J.- Kennell, proprietor ot the Nexr Bojib dairy.: was flne<l $25 yester- day far Mllinc skimmed milk, and' D.Galballr ' of the New Waphington restaurant. COO Fourth *' street. 'slo for Belling watered milk.- ; [Special Dispatch to The Call] ~ . \ BERKELEY, Jan. 19.—Xels. Christy, a | driver for Bernard & Erickson, grocers'in^Emeryville, was held up and robtied of "J" J 530; df : the' firm's money at Portland and San, Pablo avenues, Al- bany, tonight' by a young stranger, whom; he; had taken into his wagon ; late lnr'the; afternoon at Point Rich- mond and : had left k at a county .line saloon. ,/ When, Christy,"\u25a0 reached j Port- land "avenue "tonight the . highwayman stepped ' from a saloon and ordered him to hold up his hands. He took Christy's purse,; which; he emptied and threw into his -victim's face. f ' . . , Emeryville Tearnsterjls Robbed and Insulted driver held up by newly; Made friend .-'.- i \u25a0«•-•' s ~ .\u25a0.'-'\u25a0'\u25a0:\u25a0 OAKLAND. * Jan. 19^ Odd Fellows from all parts of California gathered in Hamilton hall at the opening ses- sion of the annual; district convention of Manchester unity/independent Order of Odd. Fellows. Members of thi local podges welcomed the visitors and enter- tained them tonight at a ball given in their honor. > The session was opened by Provincial Grand Master AVilliam H. Sawfell, who appointed the full quota of assisting officers. ;W. G. Wallace- was :named as guard, James ; Currie as : past deputy! grand' master and Samuel Pinkerton assistant secretary. Encouraging reports of progress were read by. the provincial grand mas- ter and by -Provincial Secretary Coes. A large increase in membership during the past year was also reported. --\u25a0'"' A:possible] increase in the amount of sick benefits was discussed during the morning, session.; The ; afternoon /ses- sion was largely. ; oceupied; "with secret | balloting for nominations of officers to| be voted for at the annual flection to- j morrow. -'The convention will close to- morrow evening with- a banquet. -The following committees were ap- pointed today: ' . . , Credentials— Thomas M. Miller, San Francisco; O. LeFebre,, San Francisco; iWi G. Wallace, Oakland. Laws and" supervision— W.K. Hull. San Francisco: "Joseph Hagan, San Francisco; H.H. Herrington, San Fran- cisco. "";-;.;• -\u25a0•'";\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 . ' \u0084..,....\u25a0 -.... \u25a0 State of the order-^— James Currie. gan Francisco;: Ernest Lauf, San Francisco; A. E. Bennett; Melrose. Ways ami means John A. Johnson. Oakland; E. M. Cooper.. San Ffancisco; Charles. A. Roberts, f?an^ Francisco. Press— X. R. Tait, W. S. Harmon and John A., Compiano, Oakland. Finance— Thomas M. Miller. H. H. Rungan, Duncan McCallum, San Fran- cisco. •- - ; State Attend Annual Meet* ing in Oakland Delegates From All Parts of the OAKLAND, Jan. 19.—With Miss Emma Mahoney as chairman, subscrip- : tion day, Friday, January 28, will be one of the most important dates pre- ceding the kirmess. Miss Mahoney is marshaling a large committee to as- sist her in the elaborate- plans which have not as yet been completed but which promise to create considerable enthusiasm for the festival of dancing and to bring into the coffers of - the anti-tuberculosis society of Alameda county a goodly sum. t.J ; - s :, A large party of prominent" society women will receive the guests \u25a0 who will enjoy the kirmess tea tomorrow afternoon at the residence of Mrs. A.D. Thomson in Thirteenth street, Mrs. Thomson, Mrs. Charles ; H. King, Mrs. Erenst Tanner and Miss Anita Thom- son serving as hostesses." Dr. E.N. Ewer will give an 4 address.^ at •f:3O o'clock,; having local hygienic condi- tions as his theme. \u25a0 Each-'^afternoon and ayening- the groups of young folk who "make up the feast of ~ 600 having a part in the kirmess are busily rehearsing their roles either at: the Rice Institute. or- at the~K«y Route hotel. Miss Hazel Mac- Kenzie, a talented young pianist, is serving as. accompanist. The complete list of patronesses is as follows: . .. \y-i' Mrs. Mark Reqna Mrs. Walter Starr > Mra. Henry W*tbcrbee Mrc. Wallace Alexander Mrs. F." M.* Smith Mrs. W. B. Sharon Mrs. T. C. Coogan Mrs. Rupert Whitehead Mrs. Act li. White Sirs. Isaac Kequa Mr*. H. C. Oapwell Mrs. N. H. Cbamber- i Mrs. Harry AUeton Wil- lain liams . Mrs. W. B. < Dousherty ! Mrs. Bernard Miller Mrs. James Allen Mrs. Cbarft* Butters Mrs. E. B. Braden Mrs. Ralph Kiowr Mrs. Philip Bopne Mr». Oscar F. Loop Mr*. James K. Mofflt Mr*. James Higgtnx Jr.- Mrs. JoUd ' B«kf well Mr*.' Fred 'Magee - Mrs. H. C. Taft Mr?/ Edward yon Ade- Mr». Wickbam HaTens lunjc -••", Mr*. Charles Wlnpate Mrs. John Smith Mrs. K. R. Foltrer . Mrs. Frank Havens Mrs. Frank I*Brown Mrs. Kenneth Millikcn Mrs.* Robert Knight- Mlfk GraVe TreTor - Mm. Harry. Bt«taop - Mrs. ' Hugo Abraham- Mr».C. C. Clay son : z/ey < Mrs. Ilarry Maxwell -. \u25a0 \u25a0-- - \u25a0 . - - - -\u25a0 \u25a0 ; <^' \u25a0 : "- ' - j-'-f Anti-Tuberculosis Campaign in Alameda County to Be Given . Substantial Aid ALAMEDA, Jan. 19. Two sons of Mr. and Mrs. George, E. Plummer will take brides thi* week. George T. Plummer and Miss Kathryn Burns will be mar- ried Thursday evening at the Madison Park apartments in Oakland. Satur- day evening Elliott E. Plummer and Miss Caroline Schenck will be united in wedlock in this city.. George T. Plummer will take his bride to Stock- ton to live. He is connected with an electrical company in that city. Elliott E. Plummer and his bride will dwell liere, where Plummer is engaged in business with his father. ". V'- The annual breakfast of the Oakland club was a pretty celebration of the afternoon at whicn the three past pres- idents, Mrs. Cora Jones, Mrs. -George Bunnell and Mrs. Frances Gray were Ihe guests of honor. Mrs. Leon ""Hall was the presiding hostess, assisted by the members of the board of directors. Mrs. Wallace "Wheaton Briggs, accom- panied by Mme. Aurora Thompson and Robert Thomas, accompanied . by, "Vin- cent de Arrilllga,. contributed the mu- sical numbers, which were arranged by Mrs. E. I. Bartholomew. The half hundred members of the younger set who are enjoying the series ef dances of the Berkeley Sat- urday Night club this winter will gather in the Town and Gown club Ijouse this week for a prettily arranged assembly. The patronesses of the club are; Mrs.-Heurx Marsjfl'z Mrs. A. M. Suttan. Mr*. William Bopricke Mi*. Edward E. Good- Mr*. E. J. VTieks-m rich Mrs. Frederick Slate iMrs. Olirer V. Erana Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sanford How- ard plan to spend the weekend in Niles, where they will be the house guests of Mrs. Howard's mother. Mme. Ada Dow Currier is a disjin guizhed woman -who is spending th* \u25a0winter in Berkeley, where she will re- Tna.in for several months in the apart- ments which she has leased for the eeason. Mm?. Currier is a gifted in- terpreter of the drama and claims the iionor of being a protege of the late Joseph Jefferson. Her friends in Cali- fornia are persuading her to undertake the pastoral presentation of "As You 3Jke It." the oat of door production In which more than 300 are engaged in the cast, early in the summer. Mme. Currier has directed the play in the Cast and abroad. Mrs. F. F. Titus is planning an even- ing- in honor of the. score of married folk who are meetlng v together fre- quently for an evening of bridge early next, month, when she will entertain -<it dinner and cards at the Claremo:»t country club. Mrs. Henry Dalton, wl-o is settled in her new home at Adan*s point, will entertain the same frienes at a game of bridge January 31. More than half a hundred guests en- jovfed the informal supper at which the Press club entertained last evening, the occasion being the second which has been given by the newly organized club among the writer folk on this tide of the bay. George Sterling was a guest of honor, reading an original poem. A blograph of President Diaz %vas given by Herman Whitaker. Toasts were offered by Doctor Ellsworth Law- ton. A. A. Denison and James Henry McLafferty. At a prettily appointed wedding this afternoon at 4 o'clock in Trijaity Epis- copal church Thomas Joseph Peterson claimed Miss Alpha Phipps as his bride, K.O friends nitr»essing the mar- riage service, which was read by Rev. Clifton Macon, rector of the church. The bride was gowned in a handsome cloth robe in one of the new brown shades and wore a large hat- She car- ried a shower of lilies of the valley. Her only attendant was Miss Ida Biven, who served as bridesmaid- Ed- ward Clark assisted the bridegroom as l><?s=t man. Following the service at the church the members of the immediate families partook of a dainty repast at the family home in Magnolia street before Mr* and Mrs. Peterson left for the southern part of the state, where they will spend their honeymoon. A charming home has been made ready for their occupancy in Berkeley. Peterson is the son of a well known family of the college town and is en- gaged in business In the bay cities. His bride is the daughter of Mr., and ilrs. A. G. Phipps. OAKLAND. Jan. 19.—3Jrs. Arthur FCood lias planiffed a delightful affair for Friday afternoon, including 30 guests Sn her invitation for bridge with a few friends coming in later for tea. Mrs. Flood will entertain at the Hot*-1 Carltou in Berkeley, where she and^ljf r husband have apartments. Many Friends Witness Nuptials of Thomas J. Peterson and Miss Alpha Phipps VOWS SPOKEN AT CHURCH WEDDING OAKLAXD, . Jan. 19."— : The union bakers; of Alameda county, are prepaS ing to take up'.the-sanitary.'campaigri which- has been' inaugurated in \u25a0; San "Francisco- and elsewiiere to^ compel, manufacturing /. bakers .. to r keep 'their bakeries in good ; condition. .;. Local - 119 \u25a0 of : the .bakers';'; union has decidedto accord; the" union label only, to such'shops asmeet'thejrequirements or the: unjonr in regard:; to; cleanliness and other sanitary. "conditions. ''*'' '''\u0084 The annual "relectionv of ~ officers, of local 119 = resulted as .follows: ; Presi-' dent, D. .M- McDuff ; vice gjj pregideht^ Joseph Hays;, recording.' .secretary, Robert Brletenbach;. \u25a0 flnarfcial .'secre- tary and. business agent, 'Cy; Cooey; sergeant at arm^.; George .Rouck; -' : : 7 ; A ball," the "proceeds "of .which will be devoted to the sick and death- fund of the union, will be*i held in Germariia hall; February 28. . . . Union Label Campaign to Be Started in -Oakland BAKERS WILIInSIST A ON SANIfARY SHOPS BERKELEY, Jan.-19— The original passenger list of the Italian- clipper ship Maria, .which-.; rounded 5 the Horn in ISS2, was given .to the Merchants' exchange of this "city today ,by: Walter A.- Gompertz, executor for -Mrs. Annie S. j Denton,; who died recently. The ; pa- per, in" spite :of its 58 \u25a0 years.-- is ' in ' a good state of preservation. Among, the passengers on; the , Maria' were^Mr. ;and Mrs. "Denton ~ and .l2:.others. , ! Saved Recorti -, of Trip Late. Mrs. Annie S. ! Denton OLD PASS ENGER LIST PRESERVED BY PIONEER City Council, of "A lameda Mbol« ishes Noisy Alarm Signal;; \u25a0 ALAMEDA, ' Jan. 19.— The bigVnre whistle- at the municipalVelectric light arid power plant ; at : the south end of \u25a0Park street;- which; has soundedfalarms for years, isjtofbe^heard' -no more. : '^Acting^onrnumerous^complaints: that ! 4 have been v made *5by; residents ; Hying ; within hearingjof ;the; whistle. (the fcityi council Xhas to < do-* away with; the noisy signal | that served : to the "call", men- of the .fire : department. ''.".. That sick -childrpn /and 1adult-pa- tientsi had been thrown into a | highly' nervous -end often, dangerous condition by^tlie blasts of the fire wliistle'^was ,the s statement niadft' to; the city.'icoun- cil; by ;Charles 'J. Kuchel of 839 \ Oak 'Street.*.^; "'"\u25a0 \u25a0':'\u25a0;"_\u25a0 ' '." ;\u25a0'/'.- .-;":' '; ;: . ':.; BIG FIRE WHISTLE WILL BE SUPPRESSED BERKELEY,} Jan. 19.—1n line with the sanitation campaign being Swaged In the * schools Tof this city,*;the , board of education last night ordered the pur- chase of "5.000* paper napkins if or use in the* schools 1 to replace .roller; towels; declared by!MedlcaL Examiner Hoag to be collectors cof germ diseases. '-'.*\u25a0" / Eliminates Germ Collectors Berkeley Board of Education NAPKINS TO REPLACE . TOWELS} IN SCHOOLS OAKLAND, Jan. 19. J. W-. Mcßean, c. contractor painter, blamed his mother in law this, morning: when he was given his preliminary examina- tion before Police Judge Samuels on st charge of failure to provide for his wife and his minor child. He men- tioned his wife's mother, Mrs. Mary ilcDonald. by name in -his own testi- mony and was flatly contradicted by his wife when she took the -witness stand. Mcßean testified that his wife was induced to leave his own mother's home in East Oakland, where he was living with his family, removing' with the child to Mrs. McDonald's. Later, he asserted, his mother in law induced her daughter to cause his arrest.; Attorney Clarence Wilson, defending Mcßean, got the case .continued till February 28, with Mcßean free on his own recognizance on promise to'pro- vide for his wife and child. Failure to Provide Oakland Contractor Accused of MOTHER IN LAW BLAMED FOR TROUBLE IN FAMILY - BERKELEY, Jan. . 19.—E7 M. : Brod/sn- stein j was 'found ' gui Itytof battery today on; a charge; brought by*Dr. : Ethan sW. Scott,' who': last ': week was ; fined $100 for carrying Ta concealed » weapon.' j/.The arrest of j both men was the "outcome of a street ; row*caused' by the of Scott-- to^MlssVMlhnie ißrodensteln7 his p former^, sweetheart* '"> I* fC. •;Simp- son, a companion iof jßrodenstein.^wiH be tried "for disturbing Z Scott's/ peace tomorrow after Brodenstcin -is sen- tenced. : DENTISf-'S ASSAIIiANTr GUI LTY OJg^BATTERY KETIBED ; RAXCHEB. . DlES—Oakland, Jan. 19. \u25a0' * Miranda " Klmball. .-77*, years .;•• old, a s retired -- rancher. \ died ' yesterday,, at ' his : borne ' in ' Semi- nary, aTcnuc'-wbere", he had •lived? for? nearly =•) 30 years. \u25a0:'• He i lea res i a ;, wldopv 1 Mr*, i Sarah ' J.* ;~ Kirn bait."- and ' three. 1 sons',* Charles 'W.f Kiinball, F. n..KiiabaU'aßd;E. ls A.:Kimball.riHeiiras a . natlre of Johnstown,*/ R.VI.v. Kimball held •i turning interests near i Hayward < for years. * ; r Alameda High School Boys Are Suspended for Gambling . ; ALAMEDA, Jan. 39.—Following-: the arrest of a number of schoolboys In a poolroom conducted by a Japanese at 1615 Park street, the board of educa- tion is considering the adoption of a rule that willbar. any high school stu- dent caught frequenting a poolroom from further attendance at the educa- tional institution. Of the boys taken into. custody; in the ; .Japanese poolroom tfcree have been* in-. ! definitely suspended from; the high »ch/>ol by,; School ; Superintendent Will \u25a0c; wood, i . '. , i .\u25a0.: \-; j- . i; r;..-;-.v| . The,, superintendent . i say's that this \u2666policy,^ \rill be : pursued ,in; the cases of all students 'detected frequenting pool- rooms, v ; U; >^^MHMfl| STUDENTS MUST NOT FREQUENT POOLROOMS 8 -Weekly Gall, $1 per Year -- | . Man's Misery I Promptly Banished, I ' ' (From "Man's Maladies.") ' , A certain sort of misery which ' causes a man to become abject ' in manner, timid, suspicious and ' jealous without real -warrant, can ' readily banished by a sysiem- ' atic nerve treatment which can f be followed out in the privacy of home and restoration of a f normal or natural condition speedily ensues. A man feels and knows when i he -is not getting: out of life all , that it holds, and this knowledge < ' makes the misery which occurs ; with such symptoms as unsteady >, gait, weak voice, downcast eyes, \u25a0 cold extremities, loss of flesh, ; loss of self 'control, lack of self- ; esteem, pains in the back and ; back part of the head, shooting \ pains, heart palpitation, nervous- ; ness, sleeplessness, hollow eyes, i sunken cheeks. colorless lips, > dizziness and trembling. ' » The requirement to overcome . these dreadful symptoms is . a i restoration of power and strength to the nervous system. »" which has been poorly nourished \u25a0 or abused by thoughtless eat- > Ing. drinking- or social duties, > perhaps superinduced by over- work. Keen, strong:, sensitive nerves -which carry every sen- » sa tion or emotion, to the brain centers of consciousness can. and 1 should be the possession of every living individual. Let this r prescription be used and the re- | suits will surely reward the ef- f forts. Obtain of any good dry.gr- ' gist three ounces of syrup sarsa- ' - parilla compound. -in a six ounce '. bottle. Add one ounce of com- '.potmd fluid balmwort. shake and ' let stand for two hours, then add J one ounce of tincture cadomene compound (not cardamom) and \u25a0 one ounce of compound essence , cardlol. Mix. Shake' well and ; take a teaspoonful after each , meal and one when retiring. The .three last named ingredients are , specially prepared and powerful i concentrations. much used in | various prescriptions, but con- ; tain no opiates to harm the sys- , tern. , - / . - - Marriage Licenses ] OAKLAND, J»n?- lfl.^The followias manias* licenses were issiwtt today :• Carl H.- Stiffens. 23, and Millie A. Xatsmlta. 22. both of Oakland. Ales P. Bayer. 32, Oakland, and Lnla M.WII- belm. 25.-Alamwla. . \u25a0 •- Rowland R. mil. 4:5. and Kelso E. McEac- hern, 43; both 7of Oakland. . \u25a0 .. Frederico Havizza. 25, \ Berkeley, and Caroline Bonso, 21, Oakland. ' Albert R, Wilson. 30, ' Grayton, and Alicei Coset. 26. Oakland. George T. Phinimer. 23, Alameda, and Kathryn I.Barns. 23. Oakland. , Office Phon« I Residence Phoa* Market 301 West 18*9 S to 5 p. m. | 7 to 9 p- ta. JOHNJ.DEANE NOTARY PUBLIC ! Real Estate and Insurance ROOM 415 POSTOFFICE B?TLDrSQ i HOTELS "" Ipalace HOTEL Announces special aft«r thea- ter supper service and musical program in the GRILL Each Evening HOTEL ST. JAMES VAN NESS AXD McALIJiTESC. Ksduc»d Bate*: ?3c DiT. - 13 ffwt . SX2.ZO Moatb. KAHNS—The Always Bnsy Store— KAHNS \ :"... .It Pays to Trade in Oakland . . JANUARY ~ CLEARANCE The Bargains Grow Bigger as the . Sale Advances Tomorrow—Friday-Morning at 9 o'clock— and Not Before— We Will Place on Sale Several Thousand Pairs of Women [s Silk Lisle Stockings at 35c (Or THREE PAIRS FOR A DOLLAR) THAT ARE V/ORTH 50c TO 75c A PAIR See Big Window Display at Twelfth Street Entrance Some arejDlack— some are colored. -Some are plain— some have lace ankles— some are m all-over lace effects. Not a pair lesyhan 50c— the bulk of the offering is of splendid 75 c values, romorrow morning at 9 o'clock you can buy them at 35c a Pair— Or 3 Pairs for $1.00 THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE^ . Twelfth and Washington Streets— Oakland TAFT & PENNOYER JANUARY DISCOUNT SALE CONTINUES BUT TEN DAYS LONGER ; Remember; this is the largest Discount -Sale wo have csspr held. Remember that ever j Price and ~Re- : duction is Genuine. that we stand back of "# every piece \}6f :MercHandise thatleaves the Building^ SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON THE FOLLOWING : fCloaksandi Suits :at from 10 to 50 I>erscent Reduction.^ Furs at 33 1-3 per cent Discount. - . Jewelry at 25 per «cent^Discount. ;^ :Rugs, Domestic and Oriental^ at' 2s"per cent Discount; Furniture at 25 per cent Discount. Millinqry at 50 per cent i)iscount. Imported I^ce Robes; demi made^Silli: Department, at; \u25a0 25 per cent Discount. . > Selected lines Men's Neckwear 'at 25 per cent Discount; Toys at 25 per cent Discount. ' •; De^ ward in discounts oil all Mercliandise. Z ' CLAY STREET = > = 14th to 15th The Army of I Constipation i j It Growing Stnaller* Etctt P*7» ! CARTER'S; UTTLE^^&fc*--. ( ?UVER PILLS responsible they not^jßHT^i i only pve relief—^B| H f^ADTF D\ they permanently JBmGfR Mn?i| r :<neCiutipi-i| If WIVEP them for yVw> ***** ' nci», ladiftition, Sick Headacke, Sallow Skm. SMALL PILL, SMALLDOSE, SMALL PRICE - GEKUDiE mast bear signature : ,

EVENTS IN THE BORDERING ON THE BAY OF SAN ......final decree of divorce on the ground of desertion from Fred \N*lnemeyer.-, The following,new suits for divorce were filed today: Xellie-against

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Page 1: EVENTS IN THE BORDERING ON THE BAY OF SAN ......final decree of divorce on the ground of desertion from Fred \N*lnemeyer.-, The following,new suits for divorce were filed today: Xellie-against





of Qdd Fellows/Plans for the KirmessInsure Success ofFete


OAKLAND, Jan. 19.—-A certified copy

of the marriage certificate of Alexan.der Dunsmuir and Josephine TVaJlacft.was filed with tho county recorder to^

day by Attorney T. C. Coogan to cl«a?the title to property in tlils city which,

the late Mrs. .Dqnsmuir owned. Showas the mother of Edna Wallace Hop-per, the actress, and was married ta

Dunsmuir at San Pablo, Contra Cost*county, December -21. 1399.

nial Venture Is FiledCertificate of Second Matrimo*


Judsmen:against J. Z. Bohannon, proprietor o!a sanatorium in Fruftvale for $149.2^

was given today by Justice Qiann infavor of J. C. Hill, an Insurancemanof Fresno. Hill'sued to recover raonevpaid Bohannon to treat Mrs. Hill un-der a contract alleged to provide tha:the money should be refunded Ifa curswas not effected. Mrs. Hill died.



"BERKELEY, Jan. 19.—T0 span thebreach between the terminus of theEast Shore »and suburban Richmondelectric system at the "county^llne, andthe* proposed \;Southern Pacific' loop at

Ninth street in West Berkeley, a fran-chise has been asked for by the street

car corpora tion" from -the-

trustees ofAlbany, and it will be considered bya committee of the/ whole board inthe 'school "house tomorrow night.1.

At the present time thejterminus .ofthe East Shore line is at the county

line between Alameda nnd 'ContraCosta counties. There^ it-makes con-nections with the San Pablo avenuecars of the Oakland traction company.. It is now proposed' by President E.A. Gowe of the East Shore to cross theAlameda county line, enter \u25a0 Alhany InSan Pablo avenue," traverse that street

southward. 90 feet, then westerly overa private right of way to Adams acreet,thence to Main street./. ."

There the trains of the Southern Pa-cific electric system, which is;how be-ing build, will touclv and it is pro-posed to have a* transfer system where-by passengers from Richmond on theEast Shore line can reach the SouthernPacific railroad by the payment of onefareof 5 cents Instead of the 15 centsnow exacted. .It is probable that atransfer arrangement between the tworoads' will-be perfected.

- *

Ifthe franchise is granted Richmond,Stege, San Pablo. Rust and other smallcities between Albany and Richmondwillbe linked together by a road whichwilUaffard easy travel to the lines ofthe |Southern Pacific

*offering trans-

bay "travel.-

Richmond Line Would JoinWith S. P.Loop in West


;OAKLAND,Jan 19.—

Itwqul<>not dofor Fred Mitchell's affinity to see himwith his wife, according to the story

told by the latter in the divorce court.

Whether the affinity thought thatMitchell was a single man or whether

she. was just naturally jealous did;notappear, but;Mrs. Amy CV Mitchell, thewife, testified that whenever. her hus-band* walked with her lie""made:; herwalk in: front of him so that it would"not appear, that they~ were together.

-:,Mrs. Mitchell -said that he . seldomtook her to.any places of amusementand that his peculiar actions in thestreet-were mysterious to her until, sheoverheard a certain telephone conver-sation: between Mitchell and anotherman. Vlt;was to'"'this eflfect: :'•



"Hello,*Ed. ;Well, Icouldn't' help;it,for Ihad the tickets and Ihad to takeher. ? Itook particular pains :to keepbehind'her and Idon't think the partyyou mean saw me."-

Afterward Mrs. Mitchell learned thather husband was in the habit of takinganother .. woman,; to •.places .of amuse-ment.-Once, she testified, to make peacewith *her Mitchell^ volunteered to gether some ice, cream. He went, but hedid, not- conic back -for six hours, and fwhen he arrived, he did not have theice cream.

|She was granted an inter-locutory decree.- \u25a0 '\u25a0-•\u25a0.•

Julia *E.'Nlnemeyer was granted afinal decree of divorce on the groundof desertion from Fred \N*lnemeyer.-,

The following,new suits for divorcewere filed today: Xellie- againstCharles G. Campbell, cruelty; May E.against Milton J. Higuera^ desertion.

Fred Mitchell Did Not Dare :toBe Seen in Public AVith

j Two of the active workers in furthering arrangements for the kirmess to1 be held in Oakland.



Jan. 19.—

Revision of thebusiness license fees may be taken upby theiclty council at an early date asa j means of increasing the • municipalrevenues.-. ;lt£is possible that the Oak-land ordinances-will be patterned afterthe Los Angeles system, which provides

.for license fees from 137; classes fattrade. Only 67«different branches aretaxed for business licenses in this city.

Suburban Brevities


Mandate of Alameda Council-men to Traction CorporationALAMEDA,Jan. ID.—That the pat-

rons of'"the Oakland traction- company jmay be given better service in Alamedathe city council has adopted a resolu-tion ordering the corporation to laytVpuble tracks from Santa Clara avenueand Park street to San Jose avenue !and Park

* street; to place two addi-tional turnout switches in' San Joseavenue between Park and Ninth streets;to broad, gauge its San Jose avenueline east of Park street to High streetand Central avenue, and to extend its

Clara avenue line|from Santa'Clara avenue and Webster street toSanta Clara avenue and Third.street.

Councilman William Hammond Jr.fathered the resolution. The traction\u25a0fcompany.is also ordered to improve itssystem of transfers in Alameda.|j According to Councilman E. B. Bul-lock the'clty municipal legislators havethe 'authority "'under


the franchisegranted- to the Oakland, traction'com-pany to compel-the corporation to carryout' the demands made upon it with re-gard- to its local system.


OAKLAND,- Jan. 19.—

Bonds to theamount 1 of J200.000 have been issuedby the De" Fremery .wharf :'and "landcompany, for the improvement of Clin-ton basin in- East Oakland. ;withwharves -and* docks- and a better ap-proach to: them :in the channel of the


estuary.: The First. Federal trust com- '\u25a0

pany, took, the issue..A deed of trust and a mortgage to

secure the issue were recorded today.Both were^ given to the First;Federaltrust company rby the De :Fremerywharf and land" company and- coveredthe De Fremery:* holdings in' Clintonbasin, which consist of two pieces ofproperty.;One has for its* northernboundary the Southern Pacific right ofway and for its southern the pierheadline of the estuary, while its easternline is. the center of:Xiritb avenue and;its western boundary is a- lineto and 75 feet east of Seventh avenue.The other, parcel. has the- same eastern ,and western, limits;-but.extends fromjthe pierhead line^southward to the ship!channel.


Improvements have-been under way.;

;for some time in the De Fremery basin.

De Fremery Company Alort=gages Water Front Property

in Clinton Basin

iOAKLAND, Jan. 19.—A collection ofpictures, books and trinkets which werevalued for sentimental reasons by theirowner, Rev. Thomas McSweeney, pas-tor,of St. Francis de Sales church, weredestroyed in a fire".which broke outthis afternoon in the priest's studyat

• the parish house. 590 ,Hobart street.•Father McSweeney

'was out of the

dwellingr when the blaze was startedby a gas heater. The fire alarm wasturned in by a passer by who saw thesmoke. .

The study was locked when the fire-men reached the place and axes wereused in reaching.the blaze.


LOBES BADGE OF OFFlCE—Oakland, Jan. 19.Captain of Police J. F. Lynch ld«t his \u25a0 Talu-

.;able gold police- badge (the gift of friends)\u25a0.while answering a summons la Kast Oaklan-1.The badge >bearß his initial?.

-HELD FOR'INSA»ITyT-Oakland.'- :Jan. 19.— W;

:Klersted.:::h . waiter found beatin? .his' head1

aeain>t the floor of his room at .411 Fifteenth\u25a0 .street," wa» taken to the reoelTlng. hospital to-

day on a charge of insanity. . \-SAILOR HIT BT CAR—Oakland. Jan. 19

—|.While pettinp off «istreet car on:the wron<

side this mornhisr. -Js. -F. White."*;aC sailor,.Jumped in "front'o.f aupther car-)?olnj;iln the. opposite rtlrectlofi.^;Hls;collarsbone was broken.

BOY HTJHT LEAD&JG;C%'W—Berkeley. Jan. J9.While leading,«'«>Tr^ftom- pasture this ;after-'noon. QuicreylSttiithSA boy \u25a0 residinjt'at '1342Berkeley, way. stumbled and fell. .The '.chainby which the cow was being,led caught in hisear,; badly lacerating- it. . . vf.

-BANQUET FOR PABTOR-H>atland. Jan.: 19.—

Rer.' E. Tj.":Kleb, former pastor of the Presby-

terian church at .TVat«oUTHle.: was tbe<soestof honor \u25a0last \u25a0 night:'at a:'dlnner (riTen by. menof Union street Presbyterian church. .\u25a0-for or^anizinjra men's ;leasrue. were digcussed.

WILL'ADDRESS BANXERS^-Oakland. Jan. v*l!».R. M..Welch, secretaryr of the California .bank-ers' association, will address Oakland chapter,

'American: Institute of, banking, in, the".club\u25a0-. rooms in the, Oakland .'clearing house huildlns

Thursday erefilns. :,His subject will beErolutlon.'of the California. Banking Law." »

TRIAL FOR BURGLARY—OakIand, . Jan.The trial?of James S. \u25a0 Campana, who Is ae-. cused of ',steal inr:a :;wagon *load ;of jfurniture

1 from thehouse of.W. .1. Wymer,of EastOak-f land, -..was

-begun -today, in; Judge 'Brown's

court. The particular exhibit in the case, isa large walnut mantelpiece, topped "with n-.mirror. ;!i..: ,'...\u25a0 \u0084--'\u25a0'.,-\u25a0- _\u25a0.'--.,-\u25a0:..;' '*.-;.\u25a0

WANTS :NEW;CHARTER—Oakland. Jan. in.—\u25a0In a;- speech' delivered before the \ Merchauts'exchange last -crenlne.'-T. F. Marshall, chalr-: man^of the- Greater- Oakland charter 1commit-

tee, announced that'he_. would call•'a conren-

tlonof local, cirlc, labor, social and ImproTe-I<raent 'orpa niza tions toItake ,steps jto secure a;.- new charter for the city. :ILECTURES ON SCHOOLS-^Berkeicy, .Tan. lfl.—| first lwture of the sen*. on the schools

of -.California deliTored by prominent '\u25a0. e«lii-\u25a0- catora under the auspices of the department;'of education of .;the -uniTersity will be jrlven;tomorrow afternoon in California hall at 4, o'cloi-k: Tim;adilresces .will be delivered

weekly throughout the; semester.WILL GUARD DANCE HALLS—Oakland. Jan..:- 19.—Chief of \u25a0'Police "Wilson was directed by,-

the police and fire commissioners today toln-;;Testijate the 5 cent dance halls In this:oltv.'-:;Aprotest was received from the Ebell club.. lnin-hlch it was alleged- that minor girls:attend.the,places, iChief .Wilson will keep a


.rman on guard to prevent, minors from entering\u25a0f"', the resorts. '\u25a0--.\u25a0\u25a0'. ,--'r -, ::"-:'. .. .'\u25a0 .- -': \u25a0\u25a0

MASONIC OFFICERS INSTALLED—BerkeJey.V{J«n. 19.—Officers of,Berkeley chapter Xo o*2,

.Roral Arch ;Ma.«on»'< of 'this -city.- were. In-stalled in the,' Masonic temple tonight. "Fin-"

..ley Dozier, the 'retiring high:priest,-and. B. P.\u25a0,r Bull. past.;high•priest,', officiated. ».; King Oc-\u25a0:;tarlns; Cloudman succred»d ' to v the office.of*thigh priestiand; Albert Jay S Walker assumed-;the title of:klnp. -•- -\u25a0'\u25a0.'

VIOLATE MILK LAW—J.- Kennell, proprietorot the Nexr Bojib dairy.:was flne<l $25 yester-day far Mllinc skimmed milk, and'D.Galballr' of the New Waphington restaurant. COO Fourth*'street. 'slo for Belling watered milk.- •

; „

[Special Dispatch to The Call]~.

\BERKELEY, Jan. 19.—Xels. Christy,a |driver for Bernard & Erickson,grocers'in^Emeryville, was held up androbtied of


J530; df:the' firm's money atPortland and San, Pablo avenues, Al-bany, tonight' by a young stranger,whom; he; had taken into his wagon ;

late lnr'the; afternoon at Point Rich-mond and :had left

kat a county .line

saloon. ,/When, Christy ,"\u25a0 reached jPort-land "avenue "tonight the .highwaymanstepped 'from a saloon and ordered himto hold up his hands. He took Christy'spurse,; which;he emptied and threw intohis -victim's face. f

' . . ,

Emeryville Tearnsterjls Robbedand Insulted

driver held up bynewly;Made friend

.-'.- i \u25a0«•-•' s~


OAKLAND.* Jan. 19^—

Odd Fellowsfrom all parts of California gatheredin Hamilton hall at the opening ses-sion of the annual; district conventionof Manchester unity/independent Orderof Odd. Fellows. Members of thi local

podges welcomed the visitors and enter-

tained them tonight at a ball given intheir honor.> The session was opened by ProvincialGrand Master AVilliam H. Sawfell, whoappointed the full quota of assistingofficers. ;W. G. Wallace- was :named asguard, James ;Currie as :past deputy!grand' master and Samuel Pinkertonassistant secretary.

Encouraging reports of progresswere read by. the provincial grand mas-ter and by -Provincial Secretary Coes.A large increase in membership duringthe past year was also reported.

--\u25a0'"' A:possible] increase in the amount ofsick benefits was discussed during themorning, session.; The ;afternoon /ses-sion was largely.;oceupied; "with secret |balloting for nominations of officers to|be voted for at the annual flection to- jmorrow. -'The convention willclose to-morrow evening with-a banquet.

-The following committees were ap-pointed today: ' . . ,

Credentials— Thomas M. Miller, SanFrancisco; O. LeFebre,, San Francisco;iWi G. Wallace, Oakland.

Laws and" supervision— W.K. Hull.San Francisco: "Joseph Hagan, SanFrancisco; H.H. Herrington, San Fran-cisco. "";-;.;• -\u25a0•'";\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 . ' \u0084..,....\u25a0 -....

\u25a0 State of the order-^—James Currie. ganFrancisco;: Ernest Lauf, San Francisco;A. E. Bennett; Melrose.

Ways ami means—

John A. Johnson.Oakland; E. M. Cooper.. San Ffancisco;Charles. A. Roberts, f?an^ Francisco.

Press— X. R. Tait, W. S. Harmon andJohn A.,Compiano, Oakland. •

Finance— Thomas M. Miller. H. H.Rungan, Duncan McCallum, San Fran-cisco.•- - ;

State Attend Annual Meet*ing in Oakland

Delegates From AllParts of the

OAKLAND, Jan. 19.—With MissEmma Mahoney as chairman, subscrip- :

tion day, Friday, January 28, will be

one of the most important dates pre-

ceding the kirmess. Miss Mahoney ismarshaling a large committee to as-

sist her in the elaborate- plans whichhave not as yet been completed butwhich promise to create considerableenthusiasm for the festival of dancing

and to bring into the coffers of-the

anti-tuberculosis society of Alamedacounty a goodly sum. t.J ; -

s :,

A large party of prominent" societywomen will receive the guests \u25a0 whowill enjoy the kirmess tea tomorrowafternoon at the residence of Mrs. A.D.Thomson in Thirteenth street, Mrs.Thomson, Mrs. Charles ;H. King, Mrs.Erenst Tanner and Miss Anita Thom-son serving as hostesses." Dr. E.N.Ewer will give an


address.^ at •f:3Oo'clock,; having local hygienic condi-tions as his theme. \u25a0

Each-'^afternoon and ayening- thegroups of young folk who "make upthe feast of

~600 having a part in the

kirmess are busily rehearsing theirroles either at: the Rice Institute. or- atthe~K«y Route hotel. Miss Hazel Mac-Kenzie, a talented young pianist, isserving as. accompanist.

The complete list of patronesses isas follows: . ..\y-i'Mrs. Mark Reqna Mrs. Walter Starr >Mra. Henry W*tbcrbee Mrc. Wallace AlexanderMrs. F." M.*Smith Mrs. W. B. SharonMrs. T. C. Coogan Mrs. Rupert WhiteheadMrs. Act li. White Sirs. Isaac KequaMr*. H. C. Oapwell Mrs. N. H. Cbamber-

iMrs. Harry AUeton Wil- lainliams .Mrs. W. B. <Dousherty!

Mrs. Bernard Miller • Mrs. James AllenMrs. Cbarft* Butters Mrs. E. B. BradenMrs. Ralph Kiowr • Mrs. Philip BopneMr». Oscar F. Loop Mr*.James K.MoffltMr*. James Higgtnx Jr.-Mrs. JoUd 'B«kf well Mr*.'Fred 'Magee

-Mrs. H. C. Taft Mr?/ Edward yon Ade-Mr». Wickbam HaTens lunjc-••",

Mr*.Charles Wlnpate Mrs. John SmithMrs. K. R. Foltrer . Mrs. Frank HavensMrs. Frank I*Brown Mrs. Kenneth MillikcnMrs.* Robert Knight- MlfkGraVe TreTor

-Mm. Harry.Bt«taop

-Mrs. ' Hugo Abraham-

Mr».C. C. Clay • • son : z/ey <

Mrs. Ilarry Maxwell-. \u25a0


\u25a0 .-- --\u25a0

\u25a0 ;<^'\u25a0 :


Anti-Tuberculosis Campaign inAlameda County to Be Given.

Substantial Aid

ALAMEDA,Jan. 19.—

Two sons of Mr.and Mrs. George, E. Plummer will takebrides thi* week. George T. Plummerand Miss Kathryn Burns will be mar-ried Thursday evening at the MadisonPark apartments in Oakland. Satur-day evening Elliott E. Plummer andMiss Caroline Schenck will be unitedin wedlock in this city.. George T.Plummer will take his bride to Stock-ton to live. He is connected with anelectrical company in that city. ElliottE. Plummer and his bride will dwellliere, where Plummer is engaged inbusiness with his father. ". V'-

The annual breakfast of the Oaklandclub was a pretty celebration of theafternoon at whicn the three past pres-idents, Mrs. Cora Jones, Mrs. -George

Bunnell and Mrs. Frances Gray wereIhe guests of honor. Mrs. Leon ""Hallwas the presiding hostess, assisted bythe members of the board of directors.Mrs. Wallace "Wheaton Briggs, accom-panied by Mme. Aurora Thompson andRobert Thomas, accompanied .by, "Vin-cent de Arrilllga,.contributed the mu-sical numbers, which were arrangedby Mrs. E. I.Bartholomew.

The half hundred members of theyounger set who are enjoying theseries ef dances of the Berkeley Sat-urday Night club this winter willgather in the Town and Gown clubIjouse this week for a prettily arrangedassembly. The patronesses of the clubare;

Mrs.-Heurx Marsjfl'z Mrs. A. M. Suttan.Mr*. William Bopricke Mi*. Edward E. Good-Mr*. E. J. VTieks-m richMrs. Frederick Slate iMrs. Olirer V. Erana

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sanford How-ard plan to spend the weekend inNiles,where they willbe the house guests ofMrs. Howard's mother.

Mme. Ada Dow Currier is a disjinguizhed woman -who is spending th*\u25a0winter in Berkeley, where she will re-Tna.in for several months in the apart-

ments which she has leased for theeeason. Mm?. Currier is a gifted in-terpreter of the drama and claims theiionor of being a protege of the lateJoseph Jefferson. Her friends in Cali-fornia are persuading her to undertakethe pastoral presentation of "As You3Jke It." the oat of door production Inwhich more than 300 are engaged inthe cast, early in the summer. Mme.Currier has directed the play in theCast and abroad.

Mrs. F. F. Titus is planning an even-ing- in honor of the. score of marriedfolk who are meetlng

vtogether fre-

quently for an evening of bridge earlynext, month, when she willentertain -<itdinner and cards at the Claremo:»tcountry club. Mrs. Henry Dalton, wl-ois settled in her new home at Adan*spoint, will entertain the same frienesat a game of bridge January 31. •

More than half a hundred guests en-jovfed the informal supper at which the

Press club entertained last evening, theoccasion being the second which hasbeen given by the newly organized

club among the writer folk on thistide of the bay. George Sterling wasa guest of honor, reading an originalpoem. A blograph of President Diaz%vas given by Herman Whitaker. Toastswere offered by Doctor Ellsworth Law-ton. A. A. Denison and James HenryMcLafferty.

At a prettily appointed wedding thisafternoon at 4 o'clock in Trijaity Epis-

copal church Thomas Joseph Petersonclaimed Miss Alpha Phipps as hisbride, K.O friends nitr»essing the mar-riage service, which was read by Rev.Clifton Macon, rector of the church.The bride was gowned in a handsomecloth robe in one of the new brownshades and wore a large hat- She car-ried a shower of lilies of the valley.

Her only attendant was Miss IdaBiven, who served as bridesmaid- Ed-

ward Clark assisted the bridegroom asl><?s=t man. Following the service at thechurch the members of the immediatefamilies partook of a dainty repast atthe family home in Magnolia streetbefore Mr* and Mrs. Peterson left forthe southern part of the state, wherethey will spend their honeymoon. Acharming home has been made ready

for their occupancy in Berkeley.

Peterson is the son of a well knownfamily of the college town and is en-gaged in business In the bay cities.His bride is the daughter of Mr.,andilrs. A. G. Phipps.

OAKLAND. Jan. 19.—3Jrs. Arthur

FCood lias planiffed a delightful affair

for Friday afternoon, including 30guests Sn her invitation for bridge

with a few friends coming in later for

tea. Mrs. Flood will entertain at theHot*-1 Carltou in Berkeley, where sheand^ljfr husband have apartments.

Many Friends Witness Nuptialsof Thomas J. Peterson and

Miss Alpha Phipps


OAKLAXD,. Jan. 19."—:The unionbakers; of Alameda county, are prepaSing to take up'.the-sanitary.'campaigriwhich- has been' inaugurated in \u25a0; San"Francisco- and elsewiiere to^ compel,manufacturing /. bakers .. tor

keep 'theirbakeries in good;condition.

.;. Local -119 \u25a0 of:the .bakers';'; union hasdecidedto accord; the"union label only,to such'shops asmeet'thejrequirementsor the: unjonr in regard:; to;cleanlinessand other sanitary. "conditions.


The annual "relectionv of~

officers, oflocal 119 = resulted as .follows: ; Presi-'dent, D. .M- McDuff; vice gjj pregideht^Joseph Hays;, recording.' .secretary,Robert Brletenbach;. \u25a0 flnarfcial .'secre-tary and. business agent, 'Cy; Cooey;sergeant at arm^.; George .Rouck; -'::7;A ball," the "proceeds "of.which willbedevoted to the sick and death- fund ofthe union, • will be*i held in Germariiahall;February 28.

• . -» . .

Union Label Campaign to BeStarted in-Oakland


BERKELEY, Jan.-19— The originalpassenger list of the Italian- clippership Maria, .which-.; rounded 5 the Hornin ISS2, was given .to the Merchants'exchange of this "city today ,by:WalterA.- Gompertz, executor for-Mrs. AnnieS. jDenton,; who died recently. The ;pa-per, in" spite :of its 58 \u25a0 years.-- is


good state of preservation. Among, thepassengers on;;the ,Maria' were^Mr. ;andMrs. "Denton

~and .l2:.others. , !

Saved Recorti -, of TripLate. Mrs. Annie S. !Denton


City Council,of "Alameda Mbol«ishes Noisy Alarm Signal;; \u25a0

ALAMEDA,'Jan. 19.—The bigVnre

whistle- at the municipalVelectric lightarid power plant;at :the south end of

\u25a0Park street;- which;has soundedfalarmsfor years, isjtofbe^heard' -no more. :

'^Acting^onrnumerous^complaints: that !4have been v made *5by; residents ;Hying;

within hearingjof ;the; whistle. (the fcityicouncil Xhas to< do-*away with;the noisy signal|that served :tothe "call",men- of the .fire:department.''.".. That sick -childrpn /and 1adult-pa-tientsi had been thrown into a|highly'nervous -end often, dangerous conditionby^tlie blasts of the fire wliistle'^was,the s statement niadft' to; the city.'icoun-cil;by ;Charles 'J. Kuchel of 839 \Oak'Street.*.^; "'"\u25a0 \u25a0':'\u25a0;"_\u25a0 ''." ;\u25a0'/'.- .-;":'';;:. ':.;


BERKELEY,} Jan. 19.—1n line withthe sanitation campaign being SwagedIn the

*schools Tof this city,*;the ,board

of education last night ordered the pur-chase of"5.000* paper napkins ifor usein the*schools 1to replace .roller; towels;declared by!MedlcaL Examiner Hoag tobe collectors cof germ diseases. '-'.*\u25a0" /

Eliminates Germ CollectorsBerkeley Board of Education


OAKLAND, Jan. 19.—

J. W-.Mcßean,

c. contractor painter, blamed hismother in law this, morning: when hewas given his preliminary examina-tion before Police Judge Samuels onst charge of failure to provide for hiswife and his minor child. He men-tioned his wife's mother, Mrs. MaryilcDonald. by name in-his own testi-mony and was flatly contradicted by

his wife when she took the -witnessstand.

Mcßean testified that his wife wasinduced to leave his own mother'shome in East Oakland, where he waslivingwith his family, removing' withthe child to Mrs. McDonald's. Later,

he asserted, his mother in law inducedher daughter to cause his arrest.;

Attorney Clarence Wilson, defendingMcßean, got the case .continued tillFebruary 28, with Mcßean free on hisown recognizance on promise to'pro-vide for his wife and child.

Failure to ProvideOakland Contractor Accused of


-BERKELEY, Jan. .19.—E7M.:Brod/sn-

stein j was 'found'guiItytof battery today

on;a charge; brought by*Dr.:Ethan sW.Scott,' who': last ':week was;fined $100for carrying Ta concealed » weapon.' j/.Thearrest ofjboth•men was the "outcome ofa street ;row*caused' by theof Scott-- to^MlssVMlhnie ißrodensteln7his p former^, sweetheart* '">I*fC. •;Simp-son, a companion iof jßrodenstein.^wiHbe tried "for disturbing ZScott's/ peacetomorrow after Brodenstcin -is sen-tenced. :


KETIBED;RAXCHEB..DlES—Oakland, Jan. 19.\u25a0' *Miranda

"Klmball. .-77*, years .;•• old, a s retired- -rancher. \died'yesterday,, at

'his:borne 'in'Semi-

nary, aTcnuc'-wbere", he had •lived? for? nearly=•) 30• years. \u25a0:'• Heilearesia ;,wldopv1Mr*,iSarah


;~ Kirnbait."- and 'three.1sons',* Charles 'W.f Kiinball,F. n..KiiabaU'aßd;E. ls A.:Kimball.riHeiiras a. natlre of Johnstown,*/ R.VI.v. Kimball held

•i turning interests neariHayward <for years. *;r

Alameda High School Boys AreSuspended for Gambling . ;

ALAMEDA,Jan. 39.—Following-:thearrest of a number of schoolboys In apoolroom conducted by a Japanese at1615 Park street, the board of educa-tion is considering the adoption of arule that willbar. any high school stu-dent caught frequenting a poolroomfrom further attendance at the educa-tional institution.

Of the boys taken into.custody; in the;.Japanese poolroom tfcree have been* in-.!definitely suspended from; the high

»ch/>ol by,;School ;Superintendent Will\u25a0c; wood, i . '. , i .\u25a0.: \-; j- .i;r;..-;-.v|. The,, superintendent .isay's •

that this\u2666policy,^ \rillbe :pursued ,in;the cases ofall students 'detected frequenting pool-rooms, v;U;>^^MHMfl|



-Weekly Gall, $1 per Year --

|. Man's MiseryI Promptly Banished,I '' (From "Man's Maladies.")' , A certain sort of misery which' causes a man to become abject'

in manner, timid, suspicious and'jealous without real -warrant, can'b© readily banished by a sysiem-'atic nerve treatment which can

f be followed out in the privacy•of home and restoration of a

f normal or natural condition•speedily ensues.•

A man feels and knows wheni he -is not getting: out of life all, that it holds, and this knowledge< 'makes the misery which occurs; with such symptoms as unsteady>, gait, weak voice, downcast eyes,

\u25a0 cold extremities, loss of flesh,; loss of self 'control, lack of self-; esteem, pains in the back and; back part of the head, shooting\ pains, heart palpitation, nervous-; ness, sleeplessness, hollow eyes,i sunken cheeks. colorless lips,> dizziness and trembling. '» The requirement to overcome. these dreadful symptoms is . ai restoration of power and• strength to the nervous system.»" which has been poorly nourished

\u25a0 or abused by thoughtless eat-> Ing. drinking- or social duties,> perhaps superinduced by over-• work. Keen, strong:, sensitive• nerves -which carry every sen-» sa tion or emotion, to the brain• centers of consciousness can. and1 should be the possession of• every living individual. Let thisr prescription be used and the re-| suits willsurely reward the ef-f forts. Obtain of any good dry.gr-'

gist three ounces of syrup sarsa-' - parilla compound. -in a six ounce'. bottle. Add one ounce of com-'.potmd fluid balmwort. shake and'

let stand for two hours, then addJ one ounce of tincture cadomenecompound (not cardamom) and

\u25a0 one ounce of compound essence, cardlol. Mix. Shake' well and; take a teaspoonful after each, meal and one when retiring. The.three last named ingredients are, specially prepared and powerfuli concentrations. much used in| various prescriptions, but con-; tain no opiates to harm the sys-, tern. ,

-/. - -

Marriage Licenses ]OAKLAND, J»n?- lfl.^The followias manias*

licenses were issiwtt today :•Carl H.- Stiffens. 23, and Millie A. Xatsmlta.

22. both of Oakland.Ales P. Bayer. 32, Oakland, and Lnla M.WII-

belm. 25.-Alamwla. . \u25a0 •-Rowland R. mil. 4:5. and Kelso E. McEac-

hern, 43; both 7of Oakland. . \u25a0 ..Frederico Havizza. 25, \Berkeley, and CarolineBonso, 21, Oakland. • '

Albert R, Wilson. 30,'Grayton, and AliceiCoset. 26. Oakland.

George T.Phinimer. 23, Alameda, and KathrynI.Barns. 23. Oakland. ,

Office Phon« I Residence Phoa*Market 301 West 18*9S to 5 p. m. | 7 to 9 p- ta.


! Real Estate and InsuranceROOM 415 POSTOFFICE B?TLDrSQ



Announces special aft«r thea-ter supper service and musical

• program in the

GRILLEach Evening


Ksduc»d Bate*:?3c DiT. - 13 ffwt . SX2.ZO Moatb.

KAHNS—The Always Bnsy Store— KAHNS\:"... .ItPays to Trade in Oakland . .JANUARY


CLEARANCEThe Bargains Grow Bigger as the .Sale Advances

Tomorrow—Friday-Morning at 9 o'clock— and NotBefore— We WillPlace on Sale Several Thousand Pairs of

Women [s Silk LisleStockings at 35c


See Big Window Display at Twelfth Street EntranceSome arejDlack— some are colored. -Some are plain— some

have lace ankles— some are m all-over lace effects. Not a pairlesyhan 50c— the bulk of the offering is of splendid

75c values, romorrow morning at 9o'clock you can buy them at35c a Pair—Or 3 Pairs for $1.00

THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE^. Twelfth and Washington Streets— Oakland



;Remember; this is the largest Discount -Sale wohave csspr held. Remember that ever jPrice and ~Re- :duction is Genuine. that we stand back of "#

every piece \}6f:MercHandise thatleaves the Building^

SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON THE FOLLOWING :fCloaksandi Suits :at from10 to 50 I>erscent Reduction.^Furs at 33 1-3 per cent Discount.

- .Jewelry at 25 per «cent^Discount. ;^:Rugs, Domestic and Oriental^ at' 2s"per cent Discount;Furniture at 25 per cent Discount.Millinqryat 50 per cent i)iscount.Imported I^ce Robes; demi made^Silli: Department, at;

\u25a0 25 per cent Discount. . >

Selected lines Men's Neckwear 'at 25 per cent Discount;Toys at 25 per cent Discount.


De^ward indiscounts oilallMercliandise. Z


CLAY STREET = > = 14th to 15th

The Army ofI Constipation ij ItGrowing Stnaller* Etctt P*7»! CARTER'S; UTTLE^^&fc*--.(?UVER PILLS


they not^jßHT^ii only pve relief—^B| H f^ADTFD\they permanently JBmGfR Mn?i| r:<neCiutipi-i| IfWIVEP

them for yVw> *****• '

nci», ladiftition,Sick Headacke, Sallow Skm.