VOL CI.---NO. 47 ALEXANDRIA, VA., MONDAY EVENING, FEBRTIARY 26, 1900 PRICE 2 CTS. To love and be loved. is every w o m a n' s tit To be beauti- ful is impossible for D. To be Mfht eyed, clear d, red lippcd, Yhraciona, attraetive is the privikge of alL 111 health, piniply facc, dnll eyca, palc 1i p a, hol low cfaeeka. these lock the door in L,ove's face. No man ad- tniresa sallow, backac h e y, htadachcy woou. I)r. Pii n B'a Pavorite Pre- acriptioa and 'Golden Medi- .(¦ry ,ue beautifiers Ix cause they Pri acriptioa is deaigned tinctly femlnine ailmenta. Itia girlsabouttobccoaic women ..; thia dangerona period mncb mfort It ia preacribed for whoare tronbled witb itii ii. irregnlarity, debilitating tb( raymptoma of deranfeinent feminine organiam. it is agcneral tbe whole ayatcm but wben auch :- needed it i> bettci to take the Mcdical Diacorery" in coaacc- IC " Kavorite Prescription." rce's Golden Medical Discovery licine for mea and children U well .; it is ¦ niost woaderfal blood and fleafa bnflder. Itaearchea ont lls diaeaae jrerms in the digestive blood and hinsjs and puts the * n aatroaf, healthy atate. e purchasing medicine of anykind ,- 111 write to Dr. R V. Pietce, at N Y.. ^..ttinfr your armptoma. He iagaoac yonr ease and preacribe foi of charge It may be that jou both "PaVoritc Preacription " and n Mcdical Discovery." or you inay v one. Poaaibly your cast reqnires ng entirely dinerent Wbatevei % .1 Dr Picrce will tell you without d co.-t to you. Itr. ¦.' »i'h »ou whethrr you rontlnne thj^ n,',,> bai.it. NO-TO-F*"' -" tObftCCO, witil^ diatlWM. t-ii tlsnic 'lioU, 58, "uuO boiM - .d. 400,000 Vn«oT(»¦ftictnM jour own drupRlMt, who 1 roucb for u». T»ke It with «ill,paU<-ntljr,persist<ntljr one box.il, uouallj curei; 3 boirs. »! 50, .. "(TTi»r»iitf<>d tocnre, orwer^funrt mmiey. Swrllaf Brmrdjto., Ckleifo, «o»tr»»l, N«w f orl. For OrerFtftr Yeara D anp Well-Tbikd Bkmkdy..Mru Wii:::ow's Soothing Syrup haa beon u*?d /or over flfty yeara oy mitlions of mothors for their children while teething. with porfoet i [1 aoothea the child, softens the fetuna, kllpala, jareo wind colic, and Is the . for Diarrhis*. Tj pleaaant to the t Drugnista iu overy part of the a, .'ty-five cents k bottle. Itt viilue , abla Hc mra and nak for Mra, Wini- .-'.T.njiSyrnp and taV% na othar tlnd. »i hronchitis every winter for yoar.», laedlniLO gave me permnnent relief gaa to take Ooo Minute <oui(h Cure. [k v it is the bn»t eo'iuh inediHn- m»de," layi J. Krotitz, ("orrr, P-. It qui kly euree oolda, roap, nsthnu, >;r'p',»e and thr h' tneblM It I? the ehiHren'a favor .,-,ty. ( uroa quiekly. i, n BBOMO-OCLIBT. Try thia »i romody for Haaitaabaa Nanr»l«:> flt mctimm !Or«nU. KLOUH. You don't h'irr U << W "iifl'ir. Success 40ur Xevv Soiith" Plour. |l anything depends on th-i way you *t*Tt. In bk- |Bg Bread, KolK Cskos and t'i.a eHrt. out with THE !!KS> tl>ur-"()ur New -outb,,-Hiid vour ffforts ¦nctrtola to be trowued wlth IIWfeMt »¦*.*.¦ .:-frTry it ncxt timo. YOUR GROCER SELLS IT. W. H. TENISIEY & SONS, Ctpital Milk "<>th & W i'cr 8tro6ts. WA8HINOTOH. D r-_ /THE IfBEST HOQ9IWIFX WANT-* *h,i, ho purchacee flonr for ber bread. cak. « i.v*irv. She can n- v«i ro»k> *ny ^>*tH*° «¦ h. -i) .hooainic the 'Pride" flour.nnde b»«" m Ml improvod procow from tbo choirest\F" I iwkMLMM is minufactared »ttno 1-." iiurlmr ia uniurpas-ed lor qunlity. divor and strei gtb. JNO. W. KMMKRT &CO. Unlon Btreot. Thoue*.Rell 29; Homo 148._ MEETINGS.^_._I V mCt-MMTIMG 01 THE SToCK- ^\ ii >ldub of the ca/m MANU- FAOrDBING OOMPANY.-The aunual A Btiai of the stockbollers of The UNM fennfaetatiag OnMM? wiU *** J^.cld » Hov-l KloUchmann, Al*x»ndrU, Vlrpnw. «t 2 ...:.(k n. m, 01. THUKtfl^Y. M«r-h 1, By orrter of the President and Board of l>ir«.e\,or*. B .N'BY F. O'-'.TZ, Actin* Secrctiry. »td _ ?s««« «*sfflfiSBStf* |U*xattdria 4$*i*tt^ Hni.JFHKD DAILT AJfD TKI-WXXKLY AT >aaett« Buildliut.SlO * 813 Prlnoe at TEEM8: Daily. I Tri-Wkkkly. 1 Yoar.$5 00 xTeu.M 00 « Montha. 2 60 6 Montha.. 1 50 i Months. 1 25 3 Montha_ 75 1 Month. 43 1 Month. 25 1 Vnck. 10 AI1 tmoBient edvertiiemaL n mturt be paid foi m advance. outract advertiaera wili not be aiiowad to ez- csed their spaoe nnleea the ezceaa n paid for at :.-.!¦¦.¦:: ratoa, and nnder no drcnrn- 'Mnoea will they be aUowed to adxertlsa . tJiot thaa their lojritimate bnalnaaa in tha jpao© coctracted foi. Mirriage and death notioae moat be paid foi it> ft'lvanoa. K»jeolnt:onj in memoriani, of thanka, trlbatea c. roapoct, reeolutiona adopted by eocietiet or peraona, onloaa of >ablic conoem, wil] nalj be prtatad in th papar aa advertiee. mer.te. ' he Gazcttx offloa ia oonnectod with tht TalephoM Exchanxoa. AdyeitiaamnnU, or- .ie. '.' the paper, newi or any infoinucioo . B4M cun be »ut by tclephona. at the Poatoffl:* Ai^xacdria, Y'.'tin 1i '.vcond-dnai raattor.T STATE APPROPRIATION BILLS. Ttie genetal appropriation bill, ri- por'.ed to tbe Senate oo Saturday by tbe finance coramittee of tbat body, niattts an ioereaan io appropriations amouoting Io 186,670. O t bis increase #81 000 is to the credit f piiDlic ipptiluuons, and $6,670 is due to (he -' i it !'>r, of the saUries of ofli- OigJl to whal tliev were before beiug cuf down by tbe General A&sembly of 18D7-"JS, aud to other iccreasea. Un- ner thu bead of public inatitutioDS is in- olodad tbe cost of maintaiuing ineano >ii couotj j-iils aud peuBions to (.' mfed- era" loldlOTff. Wtiere ealaries are restorert it has iKii to put them bick practically to wbttt they were before beirjg reduced by tbe General Assembly of 1897-:<J8. Tneacoountapproprhved io pay p«n- iotia i- lucre&yed from $85,000 to $100.- 000. The Soldiers' Hjmegets $85,000. Tbe 8UD.1 for the support of luim'io i |aUa is increaa d to $20,000 from $5,- 000 iha S ate C^atral Hoapital (colored) teceivts $80,000 iustead of $75,000, and .;tttn, iu additioD, $25,000 for new build- logl and other neces*ary improvemeots, rtj« Sourbwestern State Hosoital re- cvive,: $55,000, instead of $49,000, with t; e uucieistanding tbat $2,500 sball be use i tbe flrat year or repairs aDd build- i! £->, aud $5,000 tbe Hecond year. Iu additiou to the $15,000 voted to tbe State Female Normal School, the r>ame as laat year, it also receives a -irutlar amouot f >r the establishment of an iohrmary, aud tbe installation of ru'hs, riteam heating apparatu», and n launiry. The appropnation to the U''iv»rsity of Virjjinia is intrdaeed to 160,000 from $45,000. with tbe provis- ion tbat $15,000 of this sum is to be j.-ti I lor tbe erection of ao eleotric- IgOl plant, aud to ezteod the ateam c i mg upparatus. i'ae approiiriation to tbe Virginia ¦ciiool for the Deat and Blind is in- ore std to $40,000 from $35,000. William and Mary College reoeives be former amouut of $15,000, and $10,- 000 io addition thereto ior repair-. The iltd cal College of VirgiDia getB $4,000. Tne Richmond Eye and Eir Intirm ary receives $1,000, as last year. Support of lunat cain jails ia increas- td iroin $5,000 to $20,000. Central State Hosoital from $75,000 ro 480,000 and $20,000 for new build- iugs. gouthea9tera Hospital from $49,000 to$55 000. The iucrease in salaries are numer- oub. The salary of the clerk to the at- .ornry Keneral is increased from $600 .. 1000. Mr. MoDtague was allowed $100 udditional for contiDgect ex- ueririee. Firat Auditor Marye's salary is in- oreased lrom $2750 to $3,000. He ijets >»n ndditioual $1,000 for hisclerks, $11,- 000 io hII. Becond Auditor Ryland'sallowance i creased to $3,280 from $3,000. He etn $50 raore for contigent expeneee. Treasurer Harman'a salary is increas- i d from $1,500 to $1,750. He is allow- ed $5,000 lor clerke, an increase of $1 000. becretary Lawleas receives $3,200 with which to coDduct his ofiice. To make needed repoire and for hie con- tioc*'iit fund beis ioget $1,000 instead of $750. Col. RichardsoD, of the land office, uet*, $1,200 with f*ee not exceeding $1 500 in ull, and $300 for contingent i-xpeoses. His clerk and mesHenger ib Ul rfceive $1,000 instead of $480. Tbe -dlowanco forsix capitol police ie in¬ creased from $4 320 to $4,680. The Caort of Appea s night watchman gets $480 inetead of $370. Tne Baiaryof the clerk to Bail- ,»ftd Commisaioner Hill b increased to $1,800 The contingeut expeoses of i.> otlice are iucrease! from $500 to $1,000. A.ijt. Gen. Nalle's salary Ib increased trout $1,500 to $2,400, to be paid out of .iie military fund. The receiviDg and forwarding docu- Hient clerk aort m^ssenger gets $1,000 iiiHtead of$840. The Btate Hin>erinteMdent of Public 1 utruc lon'a 8*lary ie ijcreased to $2, 000 from $1,800. M»j. Heims, tuperintendent of the penttAOtlarj, is to get $2,000 ineteal of Tne clerk of the Senate gets $1,4(K) ins^ad of $1,250. Thocnmiual expenses allowance is cut down from $260,000 to $240,000. fctory of aSUve. To be bound baod and foot for years bv the chains of diaoaae is tlfraworst formof slavery. GeorgeD WUm* of Maacbeater, Micb., tells how euch a «|ave waa made free. He aays: My wife has been so belpleaa for flve years tbat sbe could not turaionr in bed alnne After Uriug two bottlea o( hlec- u^Bittera, abe is tonderfall,¦ i-proj «d »nd able to do hor own work rhw eupreme remedy for female diaeaaea qtnckly cune nervonaneas. *£~~ Llancboly. headacMe, baekacbe. amt ini: aud dizzy eoella. Ibu miracie Morkinu BMdkiaa ia b Bodaend to weak Biealy, raadowa people. lw«l_»*g E 6. Leadheater&Sooe'Drugdtore. MEDICINAL. MKDICINAU Dr. Bull's cough rrf SYRUR£ has l*vn n ts^^ Meailngfac ^»» ovcrli.ii.'.ii'.'ntury .IteunsiutiKliuuUaaeuugli. .cokUand koanaawi in jroaagor old pcoole. wiien mdden cnaagM in v. ihtrnappen.Uwn look fordaa* mer. Dr. Bull ¦ laagenaiM pbjrclcian'i praaerlp' tion, ihii.Il' of ttie paiWt iugredieuts, uud it cutu. Havea u>ttle ready. M rmtfl.llfl lllllnft.rj .**-*! "Wehiveu»«inr.BuirnC.ii|;.i Bmpf rUwputtwi t? iwiaAiiifc'Mjaaawfcuiiiyrwwiamii -' fccptMady. Wc u-,-ii rtMMW taj . «f us luve a MM auUitb^ncvci biMdl ICOTM. WlM* l,c»cf will.out It. Jfrfiw Ifraalain A. C. METER & CO., Baltimore, Md. 1H. Jiulfl J'lU. <u,e J,y^fJ,tia. Jrut UOJur 5c AtaUJtuUrl or l.,j .,;,! COLD'nHEAO gatarrh CATARRH In all it- stages thcre| ati<> i"i bo clennl Ely's Cream Balml c'e^nses, soothos and h( * s the dheaser' ni' nfcnaa It cure1- ratirrh and drivetl awny h co'd in the h.a (j'licklv. < rr m HhIm i plaved into tho mof trile, sproads ov<r t*ie iixmbrane and ig intortted. Ue.ief is im- awdiata and a <uie follow*. It is not dryine --dOdH imt produee sneczing. I*ar«o size, 50 certs at DrugfisMor by m»il; trial siio, 10 CUIitS bv 111ft'1 BILY BBOTHES8, 6G Warren stree\ New York._ The best Medlclne for Kheumatiam. "I thiuk I would jjo crazy witu pain were it not for (Jhamberlain's Paia Bilin," writes Mr. W. H. rit pleton, Herminie, Pa. "I have been afflicted with rheuinatinm for aeveral yeare and Iihw tried rt'im'di'.'- without cumber, hut Pain Balm ia th" best medictne I have got hold of." One applioation re- lieves the pain, For sale by a 1 drng- giets. QUESTION ANSWERED. Yea, Aumist Flower still baa the largest sale of any medicine in the civi- lized world Your motheraand grand- mothers never tbought ofueius: any- thinie else for Indigedtioo or Bilioue- nepp. Doctora were pcarce, and they Ht<)<lom heard of Appendictis, N jrvoup Prnetration or Heart failure, etc. Tbey u c Auguat Flower to clean out tbe i»\-!eni and a'op fermeotation of undi- Ko-ted food, reculate the action of the liver, aiimulate tbe nervoua and organio action of the pyatem, and that !b all thev took wben feelint* dull and had with headaches and other acbefl. You only oeed a few donea of Green's AuijiiPt Flower, in liquid form, to make you satiafied tbere ia nothing aerioiH the matter with you. For aale by $500 BKWABDJ We will p»y the above ruward for any caae of liver Coruplaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Head* ache, Iii'lii'e tion Constipation or (ostivenees we c*nnot cure with I.iverita, tho Tp-toDate Little Liver Pill, wheD tho directiorjg are stnetly complied witb. They are pniely Vegetable, and nover fnil to k'VO aatisfaction. 25c boxes corjtain 100 Pills, 10c boxee coiv Uin 40 Pills, 5c hoxes contain 15 Pills Be- ware of *o>stitations and imitatiooa. Sent by mail. etampsUken. NEBV.TA MEDIOAL < O., Coi. ('linton and Jackson sts., Chicago, IIi. 8old by Edgar Warfield, jr. druggist, Alexandria, Va. DorTt To'mrro Spit ui.il KnmLe Jour l.lfe Anay, To qult tobacco c:isily and forever, be mag- netic. lullof life, ncrve ;ir,d vipor, take No-To- Buc.thewonder-worker, tli.it makes weak men strong. AU drugcists, SOcorfl. Cvreguaran- teed. Booklet and sampie free. Addresa StorUne fiemedv Otv ChicAeo or New Yorl*> Geo. Barbe. Men.ioU, Va aays: "Nothing did ino so much good aa Kodol Dyspepaia Cure. i-e dose roiit v -d me ; a few bottlea urcd me.' It digeats what you eataodal- waya (iirt-i- djaoepsia. A New Line of Dinner Sets have just boen opened and we call your att intion to them. Handsomnlr derorated nn tbo lateat pattems. Neat designs and Kold'r K«d. Also a large lot of fanry goodi making nice and dainty card priac*. Also we have the pat nt INCANDE8CENT OAH BUBN- EK with MANTEL, 8UADE and CHTMHKY at 50s cvh, at Carter & Howard's, 423 KTNO PTRRKT. Tho line of progross is as irreaistible as deatiny, and tbat electricity leada the line of uoaterial prokress in this age of the wotd's hiatory is a truth univeraelly conredtd. Iu latest conqaeet is the AUTOMOBILE. Come, eend or write ub forinforniationon thisoubject..THOMP- SON ELE(TBIC CO., 427 King atreet. The queen of VI table cra( kers is HILL'8 CBEAM BI6CDIT, delicate. criap and noortahing. G1INOEB ALE..lmported and Anierican JT Oinecr Alejuat receifed by J « MILBUBN P~"oLK MILLEB'8 IN8ECT POWDEB- Jnst rcooived a t'reah Bapply of POLK MILLEB'8 ITALIAN INSECT POWDEB at was'VIPt.MA WALI/B BBOOMS have advanced, but we are atill ael.ing tbem at comparatively low pricee. J. C MILBDBN. ANOTHEB INVoICE OF CHOICE CAL- IFOBNIA LEMON CL1NQ 8LICED PEACHES, in cans, roeeived and for aale by J (\ MILRTTRN QUALITY TELL&.A carefully aalected stock of Nuta, Candies, Figa, Oranges Orapoa, Ac, for sale by T. O MTTBTTRN. EINZ'3 8WEET and 60UB PICKLES ao<l Mostard, just reeeivod aud for aale in uuniuities to sait by _J tt MILBI7RN IO CLOsE THEM OPT.15c Figa m duccd to 12c; 12c Figi redneed to 10c. _j C. MILBnRN "..3E FAMOUS BRIGHTEST and BKST i, OIL STOVE8 at _CABTFR A HOWABIV8. BEBH BOLLED OATS for aale in pacfc* ateeo »^d by Ihe ponnd at J.UMILBUBH. T F F FOU SAIjE r»U RBW. I6H WHABF FOR BKNT fcY AUCTIOH Atl'io'clo-k in., i.ti RAVTOBDlY, Mank 3, 1900, in front of tho Markit Ci l.dn x, M Boyal -tf "'t, the O.'RPOBATION laVH WHAKF will be reuted for the aatciaf nino month'. The rorjtor * 11 be rnjnired 'o furuish tnxte- rial for aod hy plHtioim sulli ifii'. I* arcoB* m>dato the tr*<1u All |i«^w.«>h inii-t b k< it upen free from cb truriion Tbe ren.or t.) ' fre(t no bni dintr witinn h 1(88 distanc a'han 70 feot lr.m the south front. *o privilego for the aale of ibjuors will be granti-d inror- sii-tent wilh the laws of the city M that eub- ject. The rentor will be roquirel to IMMY« the offal within48 bonrj, and none of it shall bo thrown into the river. Poseesion will be given ou the 3d of Marrh. 1900. No bids Will bo con*idcrcd unlcss tho bid- ders shall ba known or \ouched for to the auctioneer as retponsibie. The rightto reject any or all bids is rc- served All articles landod on the wharf for the ose of the city to bo free frotu wharfage. Tinm: Casb, payable imtuediately after tbe salr. By ordor of the Joint (ommittee on Pub'ic Propeity. HDBCBT MOWDSN, feb23 td _Chairmstn, FORSALE. THIRTY A(;RES OF LAND lying immediately in front of tho Episcopal Theological Setninary. For terms apply at tbiaoffice. F OB 8ALE OB BENT. The COMFORTABLE BESIDENCE, >o, 219 uorth 8t. Asaph street (betweon Catueron and Qaeen streets.) Batbroom. Ac. Apply at this office. doc27 tf B BENT OB 8ALE. The three-story FBAME DWKLLING, No. 427 south Waihiagton street. All modern improvementa and in thorongh repair. A p. ply at 417 Klng street._oct4 tf BBENT. 8IX ACRE8 OF LAND at Lochabor, jasl north of the city limit*. Good nUoo fort protiublo market irarden. Apply at thij afflr*. -W23 tf dk* o on-v PEBCALE8, handsomo aiwruent, 1 ysrd wide, bfwt mtke and latest p<tt- i:«, at 12}c. Percales, pretty line, 1 yard . d>. to run at 8c. Madraa. Bates Seeriacker, Langdol Zepbyr and Amoskeag, A. F. C. Ginghams, in ligbt plaids, checka and stripee, for waists, fa*t eolora, at 8 and 10c per yard Fine line Dark Ginghams for dresses t Hc. Pretty line Light Outings, for wrappers and dreating aacks, at 8 and 10c. Checked and Ptiiped Mu«lin=. full line. at 5, 6t, 8 and 10c. India Linens at all prices. Remnants heavy Unbleached Cotton, 1 yard wide, 1 to 10-yard piecea, a bargain at 5c. Remnants Unbleushed Cotton, 1 to 10-yard piecea, a bargain at 3ia Bemnants Bleached Cotton, Lace Cartains, Curtainettea, Scrims. Ac. Lateat stvle "Puliy" Bells in silk and satin, M* Fuli line of GENTLEMEN'S FUBNISH- ING8. The ABMOB8TDE, a celebratod nnbreaka- ble Coraet. Gaaranteed to give satisfaction. or money refanded after two wcoks' wear. Oall and examine. Foll line Umbrellas. A. C. SLAYMAKER, 429 KING 8TBEET. Euchre Prizes :0: Our buytr in New York wrtros - be has secured a splendid new . llce of goodi Rnitable for card - priaes ranging in price from . 25C tO $1, Wlll arrive here by Friday an 1 you will misa it if you do not wait to aeo them. E. J. Hiller and Co. Importers of Earthenware. There are Boda Crackora and Soda CrMkeii. HILL'ii FAMILY SODA ii a cliai in iUelf. uniformly good, inviriabiy latiaiaotory. _ I)RY GOOD9. |_DRY GOODM. S wan Bros (Successors to J. R. Chapman) NOS. 424-426 KIXG STREET. One Price. As th<- aoaion adraacai *pr ngw*rd wi flod sorao smill loti of Winter Gooda, wbich we n rti c:«rry tv r if we have to redace them btlow eoat prico as tbo roo they oc.upy is too v.i'iuble. f-piing and Siiinmer Groix »ro crowding us f >r roea, whirh causes such a reduc. tii:1 M fo.lows, on heivy flaaaatei o Wrappt-r-, WataUaud Lined Uudor t-kiiti. WRAPPERS. ' uttoiko! Flanneletto Wrappora ia not very larijo bot they uiuat bo clo^d out this w. i. 'fhtte Wrappers are all woll inido, and e»er/ one of tlum U a yenuinu btr«ain a1 ^u :h pricea, aa they bhvo been reduced to ael! aa foilowa: 1 No. 30 FUnnolrtte Wrapper, formor yriee $1. now. ( t)c 2 Ko. 34 Flanneletti Wrapperi, formor priae $1, now. I t)c 89, .98 1 eich No. 34, 3(3, 38 and 40 Flaunelett) WrapperB, fortncr price $1,'2.">. now. 1 each No. 34 and 30 Flannelette Wrappor, former prico $1.50, now... 1 oach No. 34, 30 Mid 38 Flannelette Wrapper, forwer price $1.09, now...tJ) X . L O WAISTS. All the hoavy Winter, Fltnnolotte, M >hair and Serye Wn:atj havo beon n.duced to stich a price that thersshould not ba one lefc boru by tomorrow. Thi-o W.tisti aro of elo^ant uuality and hulondidly made. Juat the kind for tin- ?nappy weathcr. 9 Black i-tr^e Waiat?, former prico $1.19, now.Ot/'' 6 All Wool Flannel WaieU, former | price $1.09, now.5|> AaV/tJ 3 Black Mohair Waiata, formsr price $1.69, now.W JLe*/tJ 5.AI1 Wool Flannel Waists, former prico $1 98, now.O A . A t/ 8 Moliair, Black and Blue Waiat--, formor prico $1.98 now .oli A *' 4 Mereeriaod Silk Wabti, former prioo $2.49, now._.t^X»0« " 5 Biack Mtrceriaid Silk Waist», fotmer price $2.69, now...?5> A . O k) 3 Black Mohair Fancy Wairts, former price $2.85, now.^p_l_«vJt-/ VVARM UNDERSKIRTS. All Heavy Ucderakirti, fancy and phin, bave been redueel to close. Wo do not have the room to carry ovtr auch gooda aa theaa so wo havj nnrked them at aucb priees as will -u; ly cloae the in ou t. 2 Fancy Underskirte, former price 98c, now. 9 tJ 0 4 Fancy Satoen Underskirta, formerprice $1.69, now. O -*.. J- ._/ 5 BWck Sat>en TJnderekirt former price $1 76, now.W A %£k O 1 Fancy i tripel Underskirte, formor price $2.25, now.tj) -L «TC \J BLANKETS AND COMFORTS. We have a few Blanketa and Ccmfort* lef', whi"h have baM groatly rtduend. We posi- tively do not carry Winter Gooda over, if c itting pricos will at lf tnem. WARMGLOVES. We havea fu'.l line of Men'a and Boys' Warm Wool Gloves from 25a np. ^a*-THE STANDABD PATTEBKSare known cverywhere. n wi i e the solo agency for Alexandria. 424-426 King street. Washington Stores 1810 and 2808 14th st. I8AAC EICHBERG & SON'S GREATiREDUCTION SALE OF Ladies9 Suits, Coats, Capes, Waists, Efc It's a Plain Question of Economy to Buy Herc Ladies' Ready Made Skirts. Lot 1, $1.25. now 98c. Lot2, $1.75, now $1.49. Lot 3, $3.50, now $2.49. Lot 4, $4.50, now $3.49. T.ic-o are Blaek Chcviota, Sorgea and Bro- caded. Plaid Skirts. Lot 1. $2.50, now $1.29. Lot 2, $3.99, now $2.69. Black Serge Skirts trimmad with Hercales Braid, sold for $3'"iO| now $2.49. Black Cheviot Skirts sold for $7, now $4.99 Black Crepon Skirts sold for $10, now $5.90 Ladies' Ready Made lailcr Suits. Silk Lined $15 Serje kuita. now $10.99. $15 Camel'a Hair Saita, now $10.99, $12.50 Gray Cheviot Hulta, now $10.49, $12.50 Graj Covet Cloth Saita, now $9.99 $12.50 Brown Covet Cloth SolU, now $9.99 Black Serge Suits aoli for $7.50, now $6 49 A few inore of thoae Tailor Male,Saita]ltf| a«$5. Now ia yoar chance to bay Ladle* and Children*! Coata and Capea, Ladies' Wrappoie aad WaUta. ^wi; 8TTI.T. orVR TRADF niSTOnNT OniTPOVa IT ECLIP8ES ALL. W. A. 8M00T A CO.'S High Grade OOAL AND WOOD. Leave your orlers at OFFICE, 529 KING 8TBEET, We are paying special attention to orders for family u-e. Office and Wbarves, foot of Prioceas street. aaTeiephonea, Bcll and Home, 57. New Arrivals in Town EUCHBE PBIZES (new line). PINK and BFD CANDLE 8HADE^ H)e GAS and BANQUET GLOBE8. COMPLETELINE FI8H GLOBES Our aim is to carry a ditferant -t'.rk from otken and not fill it up wit.': the sama ware to be found in Decartment Htores. Hoiite at* non and prompt servica assared you. It is a pleasare to have you call and look at oni eonitantiy changing etock. E J. MILLER & 00., IMP0BTEB8 OF EABTHENWABE. SPECIALTIES The George R. Hill Bakery, National Biscnit Tompany. Alexandria, Va. TraTelenr" Loch, the great qaart eup gooda, Animais, Lemon Nnta, Zooe, Kxeeisior Butter Crackera, Family Nxia kiacuit. N. B C, Pulb nvtn Oyster Craekers, FariDaOysterCrackers, Hill's l ream Biacuit, very fine. Oar line of staplos is unexcelled.bnaps. Lemons, Oystera, Sodaa. Watera, Penny C\kea. Do yoa know Uneeda Biacuit f Uneeda Jinger Wayfer and the American Beauty Ginger Saaps in pony banela DRT GOOD8. JWcKnew's Strictly Keliable Qualities. 8tore opens 8 a. m. and cluses 6 p. m There is an eiqaisitoairof i lpganoe and n- liiii iiiii'.t connocted with a fine tailor-mvle costumo whicb is notfound in any otber k>nd of coHtumn. Tho nobb^ ah.nt jac kutri aud t> ix-pleatod akirts shown in the new tpti; i r 'atmns loave uothing to be de&ired.they aro on rj generally haOMllajf to all tjgur»a than any oth> r ftyleof sui s evor introduro',. Wo shuulii lik" to have j our ofrtBtM of taa fnl'.owing new liioi whi'h liavi just arnv. d : Natty uew Bmwu aud Osfatw Keef- O (\ <rSuii», with bo'-peat^d akirf, at.(Pt/ ¦Stjli'h new Brawa ar.d '-Jray Ftjn uip», with box-plcattdfkirfc, (2* ~| ] Beautiful custutneH with Eton or tight-flttiug |ae»- et. in bhck, blne, miiQI f* fijf\ gray, at.«3> X OiOv 8 i ii g 1 e and Diubie-bna^ted Tieht-fifiug Costurnes, in lack, Ofc) < \ Hue, btawa aud gray, at.t^^i\7 iir Vene. ai and Ch.viot Ft >n '¦uin. taete- <£»0 "| ?tf\ fuilj appl.iiifd-Ht.tjp^4 JL .0\J A miinllfaal 1'ue of tbe tineat eoituuita ¦ptoHlti Fre« Delivery to Alexandria Every Day. Wm, H. Mcffnew, 933 PENN^YLVANIA AVENUE. Wanhitigton. D. C. Sole P C. Agents for Contejrueri Glov.w. Geueral D 0, Agouts for the Or. Jaoger Sana- tor.y Woolen Underwear »THrw, F. KNISHINU-. &o. tlack Frost UBPIOIB jNEITlir:, fAge nor condition. Take time by the forelock and providfc 'yonpjelf and boya with ono of our .SDITS. OVEROOATS or BEEFEBs. They aro jmade in tho hest of manner and at prices ,within tho reach of all. Men's Suits, $5 to $15. ftoys' Suits, $1.25 to$io. Men's Overcoats, $4 up. All tbe lateat ibades »n! alyles in light coloied Covert Overcoats from $7 to $li>. Itoys* light colored Covert Overcoats, 'rom $4.50 np. r Boya' Bcefera, with atorm or velvet collar from $2.50 ap. Suits and Overcoats made to or ler, flt < >guaranteed, from $13.50 op. A complete line of Gent'a Furnfehinge \ >»t loweat prices. All goods markfd in plat t figares and g:iaranteed as represented or monoy re- tonded. |R. Lee FieM, |i)ne-Price Clothier and Fiirnisher,| NO. 304 KING 8TBEET ??*(».iMIMMMM>M TN OBDEB TO MAKE BOOM FOE A 8PE- CIALDI8PLAY IN OUB MEBCHANT TAILOBING DEPABTMENT. we hava conclnded to cloee ont cnr Htock of Gents'FurnishingGoodsat and beloweost Tbe late Mr. Grime8 having purchaaed a magniflcont line of foreigu and domeatk w >' lena, we are prepared to inako np Hnita Overcoata and Trooseringa to pleaae tbe m.ial faatidioua. Entireaattafactioc guaranteed. ROBT. T. GRIMES, Merchant Tailor and Men's Furnishings, 322 Kinxstreet. Alerandria Va. ^JWATCHBH, JKWKLKY, *c. No Advance IN PBICE. No Reduction IN QUALITY OB FINIIsH OF Knives and Forks. In Fact I Hkvo Made a Reduction od Bomo of Them. Theae g>ods are made to apecial ordnr. The Knivea are roadeof the floeH ateel and p 'ti' g ib of the celebrated No. 12qoality. Tbe Forka are solid nickle and plated on e<|aality with tbe Knivea £acb Knife and Fork ia gaaranteed by mn aud is btampod with my name. '., Doa. Dinner Knivoa.~..$1 85 \ Doa. Dinner Forks...$1.H5 '.2 Dea Dessert Knivea.....*1.7."» £ Doa. Deaaert Fork.$175 HENRY W. WILDT 106 N. BOYAL 8TBJSET._ DIAMONDS. WATCHES, JEWELRY, OF EVEBY DEHCBIPTION ON YOUB OWN TEBM8. Onr 21 Jewel Bailroed Watoh a apecialty. BepreaenUtive will be in Aloxaodiie every FBIDAY. Write ua and we wiW c*ll with samples. All tranaactiona CONF1DENTIAL. Castelberg National Jewelry CoM 935 Penn Ave , Waahington, D. C and 108 N. Eutaw BC, BaJtimore, Md. jan5 lyr

EVENING, To |U*xattdria 4$*i*tt^ Dr. Bull'srrf S Bros · 2017. 12. 16. · cvive,: $55,000, instead of $49,000, with t; e uucieistanding tbat $2,500 sball be usei tbe flrat year orrepairs

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Page 1: EVENING, To |U*xattdria 4$*i*tt^ Dr. Bull'srrf S Bros · 2017. 12. 16. · cvive,: $55,000, instead of $49,000, with t; e uucieistanding tbat $2,500 sball be usei tbe flrat year orrepairs


To love and be loved.is every wom a n' s

tit To be beauti-ful is impossible for

D. To be Mfht eyed, cleard, red lippcd, Yhraciona, attraetive

is the privikgeof alL

111 health,piniply facc,dnll eyca, palc1 i p a, hol lowcfaeeka. theselock the doorin L,ove's face.No man ad-tniresa sallow,backac h e y,htadachcywoou.

I)r. Pii n B'aPavorite Pre-acriptioa and'Golden Medi-

.(¦ry ,ue beautifiers Ix cause theyPri acriptioa is deaigned

tinctly femlnine ailmenta. Itiagirlsabouttobccoaic women

..; thia dangerona period mncbmfort It ia preacribed for

whoare tronbled witbitii ii. irregnlarity, debilitating

tb( raymptoma of deranfeinentfeminine organiam. it is agcneral

tbe whole ayatcm but wben auch:- needed it i> bettci to take theMcdical Diacorery" in coaacc-IC

" Kavorite Prescription."rce's Golden Medical Discovery

licine for mea and children U well.; it is ¦ niost woaderfal bloodand fleafa bnflder. Itaearchea ont

lls diaeaae jrerms in the digestiveblood and hinsjs and puts the

* n aatroaf, healthy atate.e purchasing medicine of anykind

,- 111 write to Dr. R V. Pietce, atN Y.. ^..ttinfr your armptoma. He

iagaoac yonr ease and preacribe foiof charge It may be that jou

both "PaVoritc Preacription " andn Mcdical Discovery." or you inayv one. Poaaibly your cast reqniresng entirely dinerent Wbatevei

% .1 Dr Picrce will tell you withoutd co.-t to you.

Itr. ¦.' »i'h »ou whethrr you rontlnne thj^n,',,> bai.it. NO-TO-F*"' -"

tObftCCO, witil^diatlWM. t-ii tlsnic

'lioU, 58,"uuO boiM

- .d. 400,000

Vn«oT(»¦ftictnMjour own drupRlMt, who

1 roucb for u». T»ke It with«ill,paU<-ntljr,persist<ntljr one

box.il, uouallj curei; 3 boirs. »! 50,.. "(TTi»r»iitf<>d tocnre, orwer^funrt mmiey.Swrllaf Brmrdjto., Ckleifo, «o»tr»»l, N«w f orl.

For OrerFtftr YearaD anp Well-Tbikd Bkmkdy..Mru

Wii:::ow's Soothing Syrup haa beon u*?d /orover flfty yeara oy mitlions of mothors fortheir children while teething. with porfoeti [1 aoothea the child, softens the fetuna,

kllpala, jareo wind colic, and Is the. for Diarrhis*. Tj pleaaant to the

t Drugnista iu overy part of thea, .'ty-five cents k bottle. Itt viilue

, abla Hc mra and nak for Mra, Wini-.-'.T.njiSyrnp and taV% na othar tlnd.

»i hronchitis every winter for yoar.»,laedlniLO gave me permnnent reliefgaa to take Ooo Minute <oui(h Cure.

[k v it is the bn»t eo'iuh inediHn- m»de,"layi J. Krotitz, ("orrr, P-. It qui kly euree

oolda, roap, nsthnu, >;r'p',»e and thr h'

tneblM It I? the ehiHren'a favor.,-,ty. ( uroa quiekly.

i, n BBOMO-OCLIBT. Try thia»i romody for Haaitaabaa Nanr»l«:>

flt mctimm !Or«nU.


You don't h'irr U << W "iifl'ir.


|l anything depends on

th-i way you *t*Tt. In bk-|Bg Bread, KolK Cskos andt'i.a eHrt. out with THE!!KS> tl>ur-"()ur New-outb,,-Hiid vour ffforts¦nctrtola to be trowuedwlth IIWfeMt »¦*.*.¦

.:-frTry it ncxt timo.


W. H. TENISIEY & SONS,Ctpital Milk "<>th & W i'cr 8tro6ts.



HOQ9IWIFX WANT-**h,i, ho purchacee flonr for ber bread. cak.« i.v*irv. She can n- v«i ro»k> *ny ^>*tH*°«¦ h. -i) .hooainic the 'Pride" flour.nnde b»«"m Ml improvod procow from tbo choirest\F"I iwkMLMM is minufactared »ttno

1-." iiurlmr ia uniurpas-ed lor

qunlity. divor and strei gtb.JNO. W. KMMKRT &CO.

Unlon Btreot.Thoue*.Rell 29; Homo 148._

MEETINGS.^_._IV mCt-MMTIMG 01 THE SToCK-^\ ii >ldub of the ca/m MANU-FAOrDBING OOMPANY.-The aunualA Btiai of the stockbollers of The UNM

fennfaetatiagOnMM? wiU *** J^.cld »

Hov-l KloUchmann, Al*x»ndrU, Vlrpnw. «t2 ...:.(k n. m, 01. THUKtfl^Y. M«r-h 1,

By orrter of the President and Boardof l>ir«.e\,or*.

B .N'BY F. O'-'.TZ, Actin* Secrctiry.»td _

?s««« «*sfflfiSBStf*

|U*xattdria 4$*i*tt^Hni.JFHKD DAILT AJfD TKI-WXXKLY AT

>aaett« Buildliut.SlO * 813 Prlnoe atTEEM8:

Daily. I Tri-Wkkkly.1 Yoar.$5 00 xTeu.M 00« Montha. 2 60 6 Montha.. 1 50i Months. 1 25 3 Montha_ 751 Month. 43 1 Month. 251 Vnck. 10AI1 tmoBient edvertiiemaL n mturt be paid foim advance.outract advertiaera wili not be aiiowad to ez-csed their spaoe nnleea the ezceaa n paid forat :.-.!¦¦.¦:: ratoa, and nnder no drcnrn-'Mnoea will they be aUowed to adxertlsa. tJiot thaa their lojritimate bnalnaaa in thajpao© coctracted foi.

Mirriage and death notioae moat be paid foiit> ft'lvanoa.

K»jeolnt:onj in memoriani, of thanka, trlbateac. roapoct, reeolutiona adopted by eocietietor peraona, onloaa of >ablic conoem, wil]nalj be prtatad in th papar aa advertiee.mer.te.

' he Gazcttx offloa ia oonnectod with thtTalephoM Exchanxoa. AdyeitiaamnnU, or-.ie. '.' the paper, newi or any infoinucioo

. B4M cun be »ut by tclephona.at the Poatoffl:* Ai^xacdria, Y'.'tin

1i '.vcond-dnai raattor.T

STATE APPROPRIATION BILLS.Ttie genetal appropriation bill, ri-

por'.ed to tbe Senate oo Saturday bytbe finance coramittee of tbat body,niattts an ioereaan io appropriationsamouoting Io 186,670.O t bis increase #81 000 is to the credit

f piiDlic ipptiluuons, and $6,670 is dueto (he -' i it !'>r, of the saUries of ofli-OigJl to whal tliev were before beiugcuf down by tbe General A&sembly of18D7-"JS, aud to other iccreasea. Un-ner thu bead of public inatitutioDS is in-olodad tbe cost of maintaiuing ineano>ii couotj j-iils aud peuBions to (.' mfed-era" loldlOTff.Wtiere ealaries are restorert it has

iKii to put them bick practically towbttt they were before beirjg reducedby tbe General Assembly of 1897-:<J8.Tneacoountapproprhved io pay p«n-

iotia i- lucre&yed from $85,000 to $100.-000. The Soldiers' Hjmegets $85,000.Tbe 8UD.1 for the support of luim'io

i |aUa is increaa d to $20,000 from $5,-000iha S ate C^atral Hoapital (colored)

teceivts $80,000 iustead of $75,000, and

.;tttn, iu additioD, $25,000 for new build-logl and other neces*ary improvemeots,rtj« Sourbwestern State Hosoital re-

cvive,: $55,000, instead of $49,000, witht; e uucieistanding tbat $2,500 sball beuse i tbe flrat year or repairs aDd build-i! £->, aud $5,000 tbe Hecond year.Iu additiou to the $15,000 voted to

tbe State Female Normal School, ther>ame as laat year, it also receives a

-irutlar amouot f >r the establishment ofan iohrmary, aud tbe installation ofru'hs, riteam heating apparatu», and n

launiry. The appropnation to theU''iv»rsity of Virjjinia is intrdaeed to

160,000 from $45,000. with tbe provis-ion tbat $15,000 of this sum is to bej.-ti I lor tbe erection of ao eleotric-IgOl plant, aud to ezteod the ateamc i mg upparatus.i'ae approiiriation to tbe Virginia

¦ciiool for the Deat and Blind is in-ore std to $40,000 from $35,000.

William and Mary College reoeivesbe former amouut of $15,000, and $10,-000 io addition thereto ior repair-.The iltd cal College of VirgiDia getB

$4,000.Tne Richmond Eye and Eir Intirm

ary receives $1,000, as last year.Support of lunat cain jails ia increas-

td iroin $5,000 to $20,000.Central State Hosoital from $75,000

ro 480,000 and $20,000 for new build-iugs.gouthea9tera Hospital from $49,000

to$55 000.The iucrease in salaries are numer-

oub. The salary of the clerk to the at-.ornry Keneral is increased from $600.. 1000. Mr. MoDtague was allowed$100 udditional for contiDgect ex-

ueririee.Firat Auditor Marye's salary is in-

oreased lrom $2750 to $3,000. He ijets>»n ndditioual $1,000 for hisclerks, $11,-000 io hII.Becond Auditor Ryland'sallowance i«

i creased to $3,280 from $3,000. Heetn $50 raore for contigent expeneee.Treasurer Harman'a salary is increas-

i d from $1,500 to $1,750. He is allow-ed $5,000 lor clerke, an increase of$1 000.

becretary Lawleas receives $3,200with which to coDduct his ofiice. Tomake needed repoire and for hie con-

tioc*'iit fund beis ioget $1,000 insteadof $750.

Col. RichardsoD, of the land office,uet*, $1,200 with f*ee not exceeding$1 500 in ull, and $300 for contingenti-xpeoses. His clerk and mesHenger ib

Ul rfceive $1,000 instead of $480. Tbe-dlowanco forsix capitol police ie in¬creased from $4 320 to $4,680. TheCaort of Appea s night watchman gets$480 inetead of $370.Tne Baiaryof the clerk to Bail-

,»ftd Commisaioner Hill b increased to

$1,800 The contingeut expeoses ofi.> otlice are iucrease! from $500 to

$1,000.A.ijt. Gen. Nalle's salary Ib increased

trout $1,500 to $2,400, to be paid out of.iie military fund.The receiviDg and forwarding docu-

Hient clerk aort m^ssenger gets $1,000iiiHtead of$840.The Btate Hin>erinteMdent of Public

1 utruc lon'a 8*lary ie ijcreased to $2,000 from $1,800.

M»j. Heims, tuperintendent of the

penttAOtlarj, is to get $2,000 ineteal of

Tne clerk of the Senate gets $1,4(K)ins^ad of $1,250.Thocnmiual expenses allowance is

cut down from $260,000 to $240,000.

fctory of aSUve.To be bound baod and foot for years

bv the chains of diaoaae is tlfraworstformof slavery. GeorgeD WUm*of Maacbeater, Micb., tells how euch a

«|ave waa made free. He aays: Mywife has been so belpleaa for flve yearstbat sbe could not turaionr in bedalnne After Uriug two bottlea o( hlec-

u^Bittera, abe is tonderfall,¦ i-proj«d »nd able to do hor own work rhw

eupreme remedy for female diaeaaea

qtnckly cune nervonaneas.*£~~Llancboly. headacMe, baekacbe. amt

ini: aud dizzy eoella. Ibu miracie

Morkinu BMdkiaa ia b Bodaend to weak

Biealy, raadowa people. lw«l_»*gE 6. Leadheater&Sooe'Drugdtore.


?« Dr. Bull'scough rrfSYRUR£

has l*vn n

ts^^ Meailngfac^»» ovcrli.ii.'.ii'.'ntury.IteunsiutiKliuuUaaeuugli..cokUand koanaawi in jroaagorold pcoole. wiien mdden cnaagMin v. ihtrnappen.Uwn look fordaa*

mer. Dr. Bull ¦ laagenaiM pbjrclcian'i praaerlp'tion, ihii.Il' of ttie paiWt iugredieuts, uud it cutu.Havea u>ttle ready.

M rmtfl.llfl lllllnft.rj .**-*! "Wehiveu»«inr.BuirnC.ii|;.iBmpf rUwputtwi t? iwiaAiiifc'Mjaaawfcuiiiyrwwiamii -'

fccptMady. Wc u-,-ii rtMMW taj. «f us luve a MM auUitb^ncvcibiMdl ICOTM. WlM* l,c»cf will.out It.

Jfrfiw Ifraalain A. C. METER & CO., Baltimore, Md.1H. Jiulfl J'lU. <u,e J,y^fJ,tia. Jrut UOJur 5c AtaUJtuUrl or l.,j .,;,!


gatarrh CATARRHIn all it- stages thcre|ati<> i"i bo clennl

Ely's Cream Balmlc'e^nses, soothos andh( * s the dheaser'ni' nfcnaa It cure1-ratirrh and drivetlawny h co'd in theh.a (j'licklv.

< rr m HhIm iplaved into tho mof

trile, sproads ov<r

t*ie iixmbrane and ig intortted. Ue.ief is im-

awdiata and a <uie follow*. It is not dryine--dOdH imt produee sneczing. I*ar«o size, 50certs at DrugfisMor by m»il; trial siio, 10CUIitS bv 111ft'1BILY BBOTHES8, 6G Warren stree\ NewYork._

The best Medlclne for Kheumatiam."I thiuk I would jjo crazy witu pain

were it not for (Jhamberlain's PaiaBilin," writes Mr. W. H. rit pleton,Herminie, Pa. "I have been afflictedwith rheuinatinm for aeveral yeare andIihw tried rt'im'di'.'- without cumber,hut Pain Balm ia th" best medictne Ihave got hold of." One applioation re-lieves the pain, For sale by a 1 drng-giets.

QUESTION ANSWERED.Yea, Aumist Flower still baa the

largest sale of any medicine in the civi-lized world Your motheraand grand-mothers never tbought ofueius: any-thinie else for Indigedtioo or Bilioue-nepp. Doctora were pcarce, and theyHt<)<lom heard of Appendictis, N jrvoupPrnetration or Heart failure, etc. Tbeyu c Auguat Flower to clean out tbei»\-!eni and a'op fermeotation of undi-Ko-ted food, reculate the action of theliver, aiimulate tbe nervoua and organioaction of the pyatem, and that !b allthev took wben feelint* dull and hadwith headaches and other acbefl. Youonly oeed a few donea of Green'sAuijiiPt Flower, in liquid form, to makeyou satiafied tbere ia nothing aerioiHthe matter with you. For aale by

$500 BKWABDJWe will p»y the above ruward for any caae

of liver Coruplaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Head*ache, Iii'lii'e tion Constipation or (ostiveneeswe c*nnot cure with I.iverita, tho Tp-toDateLittle Liver Pill, wheD tho directiorjg are

stnetly complied witb. They are pnielyVegetable, and nover fnil to k'VO aatisfaction.25c boxes corjtain 100 Pills, 10c boxee coivUin 40 Pills, 5c hoxes contain 15 Pills Be-ware of *o>stitations and imitatiooa. Sent bymail. etampsUken. NEBV.TA MEDIOAL< O., Coi. ('linton and Jackson sts., Chicago,IIi. 8old by Edgar Warfield, jr. druggist,Alexandria, Va.

DorTt To'mrro Spit ui.il KnmLe Jour l.lfe Anay,To qult tobacco c:isily and forever, be mag-

netic. lullof life, ncrve ;ir,d vipor, take No-To-Buc.thewonder-worker, tli.it makes weak menstrong. AU drugcists, SOcorfl. Cvreguaran-teed. Booklet and sampie free. AddresaStorUne fiemedv Otv ChicAeo or New Yorl*>

Geo. Barbe. Men.ioU, Va aays: "Nothingdid ino so much good aa Kodol DyspepaiaCure. i-e dose roiit v -d me ; a few bottleaurcd me.' It digeats what you eataodal-waya (iirt-i- djaoepsia.

A New Line ofDinner Sets

have just boen opened and we callyour att intion to them. Handsomnlrderorated nn tbo lateat pattems. Neatdesigns and Kold'r K«d. Also a largelot of fanry goodi making nice anddainty card priac*. Also we have thepat nt INCANDE8CENT OAH BUBN-EK with MANTEL, 8UADE andCHTMHKY at 50s cvh, at

Carter & Howard's,423 KTNO PTRRKT.

Tho line of progross is as irreaistibleas deatiny, and tbat electricity leada theline of uoaterial prokress in this age ofthe wotd's hiatory is a truth univeraellyconredtd. Iu latest conqaeet is theAUTOMOBILE. Come, eend or write ub

forinforniationon thisoubject..THOMP-SON ELE(TBIC CO., 427 King atreet.

The queen of VI table cra( kers isHILL'8 CBEAM BI6CDIT,

delicate. criap and noortahing.

G1INOEB ALE..lmported and AniericanJT Oinecr Alejuat receifed by


P~"oLK MILLEB'8 IN8ECT POWDEB-Jnst rcooived a t'reah Bapply of POLK


BBOOMS have advanced, but we are atillael.ing tbem at comparatively low

pricee.J. C MILBDBN.


PEACHES, in cans, roeeived and for aale byJ (\ MILRTTRN

QUALITY TELL&.A carefully aalectedstock of Nuta, Candies, Figa, Oranges

Orapoa, Ac, for sale byT. O MTTBTTRN.

EINZ'3 8WEET and 60UB PICKLESao<l Mostard, just reeeivod aud for aale

in uuniuities to sait by_J tt MILBI7RN

IO CLOsE THEM OPT.15c Figa mduccd to 12c; 12c Figi redneed to 10c.


BEBH BOLLED OATS for aale in pacfc*ateeo »^d by Ihe ponnd at






Atl'io'clo-k in., i.ti RAVTOBDlY, Mank3, 1900, in front of tho Markit Ci l.dn x, MBoyal -tf "'t, the

O.'RPOBATION laVH WHAKFwill be reuted for the aatciaf nino month'.The rorjtor * 11 be rnjnired 'o furuish tnxte-rial for aod hy plHtioim sulli ifii'. I* arcoB*m>dato the tr*<1u All |i«^w.«>h inii-t b k< itupen free from cb truriion Tbe ren.or t.)

' fre(t no bni dintr witinn h 1(88 distanc a'han70 feot lr.m the south front. *o privilegofor the aale of ibjuors will be granti-d inror-sii-tent wilh the laws of the city M that eub-ject.The rentor will be roquirel to IMMY« the

offal within48 bonrj, and none of it shall bothrown into the river.Poseesion will be given ou the 3d of

Marrh. 1900.No bids Will bo con*idcrcd unlcss tho bid-

ders shall ba known or \ouched for to theauctioneer as retponsibie.The rightto reject any or all bids is rc-

servedAll articles landod on the wharf for the

ose of the city to bo free frotu wharfage.Tinm: Casb, payable imtuediately after

tbe salr.By ordor of the Joint (ommittee on Pub'ic

Propeity. HDBCBTMOWDSN,feb23 td _Chairmstn,FORSALE.

THIRTY A(;RES OF LANDlying immediately in front of tho EpiscopalTheological Setninary. For terms apply attbiaoffice.


The COMFORTABLE BESIDENCE, >o,219 uorth 8t. Asaph street (betweon Catueronand Qaeen streets.) Batbroom. Ac. Applyat this office. doc27 tf


The three-story FBAME DWKLLING, No.427 south Waihiagton street. All modernimprovementa and in thorongh repair. A p.ply at 417 Klng street._oct4 tf


8IX ACRE8 OF LAND at Lochabor, jaslnorth of the city limit*. Good nUoo fortprotiublo market irarden. Apply at thijafflr*. -W23 tf

dk* o on-v

PEBCALE8, handsomo aiwruent, 1 ysrdwide, bfwt mtke and latest p<tt- i:«, at 12}c.

Percales, pretty line, 1 yard . d>. to run at

8c.Madraa. Bates Seeriacker, Langdol Zepbyr

and Amoskeag, A. F. C. Ginghams, in ligbtplaids, checka and stripee, for waists, fa*teolora, at 8 and 10c per yard

Fine line Dark Ginghams for dresses t Hc.Pretty line Light Outings, for wrappers

and dreating aacks, at 8 and 10c.Checked and Ptiiped Mu«lin=. full line. at

5, 6t, 8 and 10c.India Linens at all prices.Remnants heavy Unbleached Cotton, 1

yard wide, 1 to 10-yard piecea, a bargain at

5c.Remnants Unbleushed Cotton, 1 to 10-yard

piecea, a bargain at 3iaBemnants Bleached Cotton, Lace Cartains,

Curtainettea, Scrims. Ac.Lateat stvle "Puliy" Bells in silk and satin,


ING8.The ABMOB8TDE, a celebratod nnbreaka-

ble Coraet. Gaaranteed to give satisfaction.or money refanded after two wcoks' wear.

Oall and examine.Foll line Umbrellas.


Euchre Prizes:0:

Our buytr in New York wrtros -be has secured a splendid new .

llce of goodi Rnitable for card -

priaes ranging in price from .

25C tO $1,Wlll arrive here by Fridayan 1 you will misa it if youdo not wait to aeo them.

E. J. Hiller and Co.Importers of Earthenware.

There are Boda Crackora and Soda CrMkeii.HILL'ii FAMILY SODA

ii a cliai in iUelf. uniformly good, inviriabiylatiaiaotory.



Swan Bros(Successors to J. R. Chapman)


One Price.

As th<- aoaion adraacai *pr ngw*rd wi flod sorao smill loti of Winter Gooda, wbich we

n rti c:«rry tv r if we have to redace them btlow eoat prico as tbo roo .¦ they oc.upy is toov.i'iuble. f-piing and Siiinmer Groix »ro crowding us f >r roea, whirh causes such a reduc.tii:1 M fo.lows, on heivy flaaaatei o Wrappt-r-, WataUaud Lined Uudor t-kiiti.

WRAPPERS.' uttoiko! Flanneletto Wrappora ia not very larijo bot they uiuat bo clo^d out this

w. i. 'fhtte Wrappers are all woll inido, and e»er/ one of tlum U a yenuinu btr«ain a1^u :h pricea, aa they bhvo been reduced to ael! aa foilowa:

1 No. 30 FUnnolrtte Wrapper, formor yriee $1. now. ( t)c

2 Ko. 34 Flanneletti Wrapperi, formor priae $1, now. I t)c


1 eich No. 34, 3(3, 38 and 40 Flaunelett) WrapperB, fortncr price $1,'2.">. now.

1 each No. 34 and 30 Flannelette Wrappor, former prico $1.50, now...

1 oach No. 34, 30 Mid 38 Flannelette Wrapper, forwer price $1.09, now...tJ) X . L OWAISTS.

All the hoavy Winter, Fltnnolotte, M >hair and Serye Wn:atj havo beon n.duced to stich a

price that thersshould not ba one lefc boru by tomorrow. Thi-o W.tisti aro of elo^antuuality and hulondidly made. Juat the kind for tin- ?nappy weathcr.

9 Black i-tr^e Waiat?, former prico $1.19, now.Ot/''

6 All Wool Flannel WaieU, former | price $1.09, now.5|> AaV/tJ3 Black Mohair Waiata, formsr price $1.69, now.W JLe*/tJ5.AI1 Wool Flannel Waists, former prico $1 98, now.O A . A t/

8 Moliair, Black and Blue Waiat--, formor prico $1.98 now .oli A *'4 Mereeriaod Silk Wabti, former prioo $2.49, now._.t^X»0« "

5 Biack Mtrceriaid Silk Waist», fotmer price $2.69, now...?5> A .O k)3 Black Mohair Fancy Wairts, former price $2.85, now.^p_l_«vJt-/

VVARM UNDERSKIRTS.All Heavy Ucderakirti, fancy and phin, bave been redueel to close. Wo do not have the

room to carry ovtr auch gooda aa theaa so wo havj nnrked them at aucb priees as will -u; lycloae the in ou t.

2 Fancy Underskirte, former price 98c, now. 9 tJ 0

4 Fancy Satoen Underskirta, formerprice $1.69, now. O -*.. J- ._/

5 BWck Sat>en TJnderekirt former price $1 76, now.W A %£k O1 Fancy i tripel Underskirte, formor price $2.25,now.tj) -L «TC \J

BLANKETS AND COMFORTS.We have a few Blanketa and Ccmfort* lef', whi"h have baM groatly rtduend. We posi-

tively do not carry Winter Gooda over, if c itting pricos will at lf tnem.

WARMGLOVES.We havea fu'.l line of Men'a and Boys' Warm Wool Gloves from 25a np.

^a*-THE STANDABD PATTEBKSare known cverywhere. n wi i e the solo agencyfor Alexandria.

424-426 King street.

Washington Stores 1810 and 2808 14th st.


Ladies9 Suits, Coats, Capes, Waists, EfcIt's a Plain Question of Economy to Buy Herc

Ladies' Ready Made Skirts.Lot 1, $1.25. now 98c.Lot2, $1.75, now $1.49.Lot 3, $3.50, now $2.49.Lot 4, $4.50, now $3.49.T.ic-o are Blaek Chcviota, Sorgea and Bro-

caded.Plaid Skirts.

Lot 1. $2.50, now $1.29.Lot 2, $3.99, now $2.69.

Black Serge Skirtstrimmad with Hercales Braid, sold for $3'"iO|now $2.49.

Black Cheviot Skirtssold for $7, now $4.99

Black Crepon Skirtssold for $10, now $5.90

Ladies' Ready Made lailcrSuits. Silk Lined

$15 Serje kuita. now $10.99.$15 Camel'a Hair Saita, now $10.99,$12.50 Gray Cheviot Hulta, now $10.49,$12.50 Graj Covet Cloth Saita, now $9.99$12.50 Brown Covet Cloth SolU, now $9.99

Black Serge Suitsaoli for $7.50, now $6 49

A few inore of thoae Tailor Male,Saita]ltf|a«$5.

Now ia yoar chance to bay Ladle* andChildren*! Coata and Capea, Ladies' Wrappoieaad WaUta.



W. A. 8M00T A CO.'SHigh Grade

OOAL AND WOOD.Leave your orlers at

OFFICE, 529 KING 8TBEET,We are paying special attention to orders

for family u-e.

Office and Wbarves, foot of Prioceas street.

aaTeiephonea, Bcll and Home, 57.

New Arrivals in TownEUCHBE PBIZES (new line).PINK and BFD CANDLE 8HADE^ H)eGAS and BANQUET GLOBE8.COMPLETELINE FI8H GLOBESOur aim is to carry a ditferant -t'.rk from

otken and not fill it up wit.': the sama wareto be found in Decartment Htores. Hoiite at*non and prompt servica assared you. It is apleasare to have you call and look at onieonitantiy changing etock.



The George R. Hill Bakery,National Biscnit Tompany. Alexandria, Va.

TraTelenr" Loch, the great qaart eup gooda,Animais, Lemon Nnta, Zooe, Kxeeisior ButterCrackera, Family Nxia kiacuit. N. B C, Pulbnvtn Oyster Craekers, FariDaOysterCrackers,Hill's l ream Biacuit, very fine.Oar line of staplos is unexcelled.bnaps.

Lemons, Oystera, Sodaa. Watera, Penny C\kea.Do yoa know Uneeda Biacuit f Uneeda

Jinger Wayfer and the American BeautyGinger Saaps in pony banela


JWcKnew'sStrictly Keliable Qualities.

8tore opens 8 a. m. and cluses 6 p. m

There is an eiqaisitoairof i lpganoe and n-liiii iiiii'.t connocted with a fine tailor-mvlecostumo whicb is notfound in any otber k>ndof coHtumn. Tho nobb^ ah.nt jac kutri audt> ix-pleatod akirts shown in the new tpti;i r 'atmns loave uothing to be de&ired.theyaro on rj generally haOMllajf to all tjgur»athan any oth> r ftyleof sui s evor introduro',.Wo shuulii lik" to have j our ofrtBtM of taafnl'.owing new liioi whi'h liavi just arnv. d :

Natty uew Bmwu aud Osfatw Keef- O (\<rSuii», with bo'-peat^d akirf, at.(Pt/

¦Stjli'h new Brawa ar.d '-JrayFtjn uip», with box-plcattdfkirfc, (2* ~| ]

Beautiful custutneH withEton or tight-flttiug |ae»-et. in bhck, blne, miiQI f* fijf\gray,at.«3> X OiOv8 i ii g 1 e and Diubie-bna^ted

Tieht-fifiug Costurnes, in lack, Ofc) < \Hue, btawa aud gray, at.t^^i\7

iir Vene. ai andCh.viot Ft >n '¦uin. taete- <£»0 "| ?tf\fuilj appl.iiifd-Ht.tjp^4 JL .0\J

A miinllfaal 1'ue of tbe tineat eoituuita¦ptoHltiFre« Delivery to Alexandria Every



Wanhitigton. D. C.Sole P C. Agents for Contejrueri Glov.w.

Geueral D 0, Agouts for the Or. Jaoger Sana-tor.y Woolen Underwear

»THrw, F. KNISHINU-. &o.

tlack FrostUBPIOIB jNEITlir:,

fAge nor condition.

Take time by the forelock and providfc'yonpjelf and boya with ono of our .SDITS.OVEROOATS or BEEFEBs. They aro

jmade in tho hest of manner and at prices,within tho reach of all.

Men's Suits, $5 to $15.ftoys' Suits, $1.25 to$io.Men's Overcoats, $4 up.All tbe lateat ibades »n! alyles in light

coloied Covert Overcoats from $7 to $li>.Itoys* light colored Covert Overcoats,

'rom $4.50 np.r Boya' Bcefera, with atorm or velvetcollar from $2.50 ap.

Suits and Overcoats made to or ler, flt< >guaranteed, from $13.50 op.

A complete line of Gent'a Furnfehinge\ >»t loweat prices.

All goods markfd in plat t figares andg:iaranteed as represented or monoy re-tonded.

|R. Lee FieM,|i)ne-Price Clothier and Fiirnisher,|





conclnded to cloee ont cnr Htock of

Gents'FurnishingGoodsat and beloweostTbe late Mr. Grime8 having purchaaed a

magniflcont line of foreigu and domeatkw >' lena, we are prepared to inako np HnitaOvercoata and Trooseringa to pleaae tbe m.ialfaatidioua. Entireaattafactioc guaranteed.

ROBT. T. GRIMES,Merchant Tailor and Men's

Furnishings,322 Kinxstreet. Alerandria Va.


No AdvanceIN PBICE.


Knives and Forks.In Fact I Hkvo Made a Reduction od Bomo

of Them.Theae g>ods are made to apecial ordnr.

The Knivea are roadeof the floeH ateel andp 'ti' g ib of the celebrated No. 12qoality.Tbe Forka are solid nickle and plated on

e<|aality with tbe Knivea£acb Knife and Fork ia gaaranteed by mn

aud is btampod with my name.

'., Doa. Dinner Knivoa.~..$1 85\ Doa. Dinner Forks...$1.H5'.2 Dea Dessert Knivea.....*1.7."ȣ Doa. Deaaert Fork.$175




OWN TEBM8.Onr 21 Jewel Bailroed Watoh a apecialty.

BepreaenUtive will be in Aloxaodiie everyFBIDAY. Write ua and we wiW c*ll withsamples. All tranaactiona CONF1DENTIAL.

Castelberg National Jewelry CoM935 Penn Ave , Waahington, D.C and 108

N. Eutaw BC, BaJtimore, Md.jan5 lyr