THE SUNDAY BIAR. WASHINGTON. D. C.. DECEMBER 30, 1923-PART 1. FRATERNITIES Grace M, associate conduc- tress, Florence A. Warner; secretary, Martha H. Gould (thirtieth term): treasurer, Elisabeth M. Chenoweth (fourteenth term); marshal* Marguer* Ite Del Sale; organist. Marguerite M. Fisher; chaplain, Susan B. Hill; warder. Ada Atkinson; sentinel, James A'. Kutherford: Ada, Helen Robbins; Ruth. Bertha Cooke; Esther, Florence Heflebower; Martha, Anno Qllford; Electa, Edith McCullough; representa- tive on board of directors Eastern Star Home, Past Grand Matron Fannie Taylor; trustee, Bertha 8. Wood. The presentation of past matron’s Jewel was by Elizabeth A. Gavin, and past patron’s jewel by Bertha S. Wood. Past Matron Carrie I. Isham present- ed the Incoming matron with a gift from Edith'A. Bauer, as a reminder of her twenty-sixth wedding anniver- sary*, as well as It being the occasion of Installation as worthy matron. Other presentations were by Past Pa- tron Doran and oy Marguerite M. [ Fisher. The gift of the chapter to I the retiring matron, Alice E. Veley, was a bridge lamp. Gavel Chapter, No. 29, Installed the following officers at its last meeting, Mrs. Mary E. Teachum officiating. Cora E. Myers acting as marshal and Esther Cross acting as chaplain. Tho Officers are as follows; Anna K. Vler- huchen, matron; B. F. Shaffer, patron; Effle Kessler, associate matron; Lou- ise Darby, secretary; Lillian Rouzee, treasurer; Florence Llppard. con- ductress: Edna Riddle, associate con- ductress: Harriet Shomo, chaplain: Regina Crouch, marshal; Sara Eck- hardt. organist: Susie Lewis. Ada; Clarice Hlbbs, Ruth: Bernadette Mil- ler. Esther; Alice Golladay, Martha: Noaml Grinder, Electa: Sara Hogs- ette. warder, and John Grinder, sen- tinel. The officers of Friendship Chapter were installed by Grand Lecturer Teachum December 22 as follows; Mrs. Margaret Federllne, matron: Fred H. Gore, patron; Mrs. A. Lillian Volkman, associate matron: Miss Anna M. Perna, secretary; Mrs. Cora L. Vo well, treasurer; Mrs. Florence B. Mires, conductress; Mrs. Frances B. Donald, associate conductress; Mrs. Christine S. Fletcher, chaplain; Mrs. Eliza B. Stanley, marshal; Mrs. Beu- lah W. Fort, organist; Mrs. Ethel Warren. Adah; Miss Bertha Rhein- bold. Ruth; Mias Mamie Carolyn Giles, Esther; Mrs. Katherine T. Stevenson, Martha: Miss Patla Smith, Electa; Miss Lydia Rhelnbold. warder, and Wil- liam Roy Burgess, sentinel. The program included solos by Miss Avery and Miss Mamie Carolyn Giles »nd dialect readings by Miss Hertzberger of Washington Centen- nial Chapter. The retiring matron was the recipient of a past matron’s jewel from the chapter, silver salad forks from her officers and silver spoons from her patron. The new matron was given flowers and silver from family and friends. The Junior patron received a watch charm from tho chapter, smoking stand from his officers and a silver cigarette case from the retiring matron. Mrs. Fort, organist, was given flowers by her family and Nora Riley was presented with napkins from the Junior matron. The retiring matron and,patron pre- sented each of their officers with an electric lamp. Grand lecturer Teach- uin was presented with the flowers received hy the star officers at their Installation. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, Mount Vernon. No. 5 met Wednes- day evening and elected officers, who will be installed next Wednesday evening as follows: Ogle J. Wells, chancellor commander; Clarence D. McClure, vice chancellor; Charles P. Galpln. prelate; Emil F. Jaehnke, master of work; Harry P. Willey, re- elected keeper of records and seals, after serving eighteen years: John M. Kline, sr., re-elected, master, of finance, after serving forty-seven years; Hamlin. M. Vandervort. re- elected, master of exchequer: Robert L. Edwards, master-at-arms; Theo- dore C. Keen, Inner guard; Joseph W. Williams, re-elected, outer guard; James N. Kline, Harry P. Willey and Arthur C. Moon, trustees: Henry A. Nau, re-elected, member of the re- lief bureau: John M. Kline, sr., Har- ry P. Willey. Hamlin M. Vandervort, James N. Kline and Emil F. Jaehnke, representatives to the grand lodge; Charles L, Whitlock. Ogle J. Wells and James N. Kline, auditing com- mittee. Remarks were made by Grand Chancellor Ellery W. Heiss, past Supreme Representative John M. Kline, past Grand Chancellor H. P. Willey and E. F. Jaehnke, chair- man, publicity committee. Myrtle, No. 25, last Tuesday eve- ning elected officers as follows: Chancellor commander, Charles A. Johnson; vice chancellor. Jacob Nuss- baum: prelate. F. H. Mellck: master of work, Frank Keeper; keeper of records and seal. Frank B. Crown; master of finance, Marlon C. Thomp- son: master of exchequer, H. E. Smith; master-at-arms, James Robin- son; Inner guard, A. A. Polvret; out- er guard, Marlon E. Crowther; mem- ber to relief bureau, Jacob Nusa- baum; representatives to Grand Lodge. Jacob Nussbaum, Frank B. Crown, H. E. Smith, F. H. Mellck and Frank Kerper. Installation of of- ficers will be held January 15. Union, No. 22 elected the following officers last Wednesday evening: Herman A. Woodey, chancellor com- mander; Samuel Steiner, prelate; William H. Hoover, master of work; H. B. Brown, keeper of records and seal; George W. Haley, master of finance: William H. Umhau, master of exchequer; J. T. Hurley, master-at- arms: A. Leonard. Inner guard; Wil- liam T. Thompson, outer guard; Al- bert Rusher, Charles T. Roderick and Samuel Steiner, trustees; George W. Haley, W. H. Umhau, H. B. Brown, W. T. Thompson and C. T. Roderick, representatives to the Grand Lodge. Webster, No. 7 has called off Its meeting scheduled for next Tuesday. The next meeting will be held Jan- uary 8, when the grand chancellor will install the new officers. Columbia, No. 26, last Wednesday evening elected the following of- ficers: John Montella, chancellor com- mander; S. Dl Carlo, vice chancellor; N. CTirardi, prelate; Jos. Fabrixlo, master of work; C. Ceremele, keeper of records and seal: J. F. Sorest, master of finance; P. A. Fabrizlo, master of exchequer; E. Mezzanotta, master-at-arms; A Parclla, Inner guard: R. Matera, outer guard; V. Fabrizlo, trustee: B. Tarantino, C. Ceremele, N. Girard i, A. Parella and P. Fabrizlo, representatives to the Grand Lodge; B. Tarantino, member of the relief bureau. The Installa- tion ceremonies will be' held Jan- uary 9. Friendship Temple, No. 9, Pythian Sisters had a business meeting last Wednesday evening and elected the following officers, who will be In- stalled next Wednesday evening: Estella V. Gray, past chief; Lillian Johnson, most excellent chief; Ade- line Teller, excellent senior; Flor- ence Woodey, excellent junior; Anna Sprlngman, manager: Annie L. Sulli- van, re-elected, mistress of records and correspondence; Ida Crown, mis- tress of finance; Mrs. Shoemaker, protector, and Carrie Banks, outer guard. At the last meeting of Hermlone Lodge, No. 12, the following officers were elected; C. C.. A. B. Baker; V. C., James E. Shoemaker: P., W. K. Rolllson: M. of W., L. E. Pyles; K. of R. and S., T. L. Kldwell; M. of F., William J. Little; M. of Ex., H«nry O. Wagner, N. of A., W. W. Donaldson: I. G., C. E. Stevens; O. G„ H H. Lowe; trustees, C. H. Wagner, W". K. Rolllson, W. E. Poole; repre- sentative to the relief bureau, John Bryant. G. L. Rep, H. G. Wagner, Wil- liam E. Poole. T. L. Kldwell, J. W. Jeffries, W. T. Hammer. Officers will be Installed January 9. 1924. A very lively meeting was held and the fol- lowing visitors were welcomed; F. H Farrar of Syracuslans Lodge, No. 10; John A. Neeb and Vincent Kale, both of Excelsior Lodge, No. 14. DAUGHTERS OF. AMERICA. Golden Rule Council, No. 10, elected the following officers at a meeting In the Northeast Masonic Temple last Friday evening: Councilor, Mrs. Elizabeth Shepherd: associate coun- cilor, Mr. T. B. Montgomery; vice councilor. Mrs. Ollle Montgomery; as- sociate vice councilor, Mr, John D. Simpson: junior past councilor, Mrs. Bessie Bryant; associate Junior past councilor, Mr. Charles Hillengass; conductor, Mrs. Eva Bury; warden. Mr. Frank Bury; outside sentinel. Mr. Wood: inside sentinel (name not re- ceived); recording secretary, Mrs. Ethel Windsor (re-elected fourth term): financial secretary, J. E. Flynn (re-elected fourth term); trsannrnr. Miss Nellie Teeple; eighteen-month AtuMee. Mrs. jC-W, Taylor. »• *-•-/» , . ¦ r* ' •' ---V . MASONIC. FIC VT ot the blue lodges have btsttlcd' down to business suc- ceeding the lull that always comes with the holiday sea- son, and unless the secretaries of the other bodies have failed to give no- tice for publication, those bodies also eeem to be still observing the holiday season vacation. Osiris Lodge, No. 25, announces the M. M. degree for Wednesday evening; Hiram, No. 10, the K. A. degree for Thursday eve- ning, and Lebanon, No. 7, the F. C. degree for Friday evening. These are the only bodies In Masonry that have reported work for the week. Washington Centennial Lodge, No. 14, at Its communication Wednesday evening will inaugurate a series of lectures on the traditions of Masonry with a lecture on "The Symbolism of the Apron,” by Reynold E. Blight, •dltor of the New Age magazine. The members of Lebanon Lodge, No.'7, have been Invited to attend a special service for Masons at the North Capitol M. E. Church, North Capitol and K streets, this evening at 8 o’clock. The lodge chaplain, Rev. Benjamin T. Hynson, will offi- ciate. In the degree Friday evening. Junior Warden Elgin Smith will offi- ciate at the head of the line. Degrees in the Scottish Rite bodies Os Washington will not bo resumed until Tuesday, January 8, when the fourteenth degree will be presented in full ceremonial form. Albert Pike. Consistory will not meet until Jan- uary 15, when new .officers will be elected. A reunion will be started Monday. February 11, with the fourth and fourteenth and continue daily thereafter tp Friday. February 15. when the tliirty-second degree will be presented. Saturday, Feb- ruary 16. tho ceremonies attending the elevation to the rank of kniglu commander of the court of honor will be performed at the Scottish Rite Cathedral. 3d qnd E streets, by a oast headed by Ellwood P. Morey. deputy of the Supreme Council for the District of Columbia, and deluding representatives from Maryland and .Virginia, with all the new knights-elect of those jurisdic- tions participating. The first Saturday in February, the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters for the District, will hold its annual meeting for reports, elec- tions and Instaflatlon of officers*. The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch .Masons will hold Its annual meeting the second Wednesday In February. Grand visitations to the councils ot Royal and Select Masters will be- gin January 9, with that to Zabud Council, No. 4, at Masonic Hall, Ana- costia. Benjamin B. French Lodge, No. 15. Will have a birthday party January 7, comprising a smoker and enter- tainment, to commemorate Its sev- entieth anniversary. Past Grand Master J. A. Wetmore will be tho ¦peaker for tho occasion. Kallipolis Grotto, Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets, will have Its next dance under the supervision of Past Monarch Gastieman P. Boss and his committee the evening of January IS at the New Willard, when the Grotto band and orchestra will be reinforced by Louis W. Brown, who will sing several of tho dance num- bers. The annual business meeting of tho Grotto will be held at Pythian Temple the evening of January 31, when the elections will occur. Brlghtwood Commandery, last Sat- urday evening, at Its kiddles? night, wgs host to about 350 children, among them 150 or more orphan children from various homes as well as other unfortunate little ones. An audience of more than 700 crowded Into the auditorium of the Masonic Temple at A vaudeville program specially arranged to interest and amuse the little ones was provided. After the program, each, child was presented with a package of good things, also a toy. The commandery. also, as a part of Its work, provided' some twenty-five very needy chil- dren with complete outfits of cloth- ing and their families with other necessities. The whole was under the direction of 3ir Knight Walker L. Gary, treasurer of the commanderv, assisted by his daughter, Mrs. Philip Morehead., The lonic Club of Master Masons in the Treasury Department, general accounting office and the Capitol has elected the following officers for the new year; President, Chester M. Sheppard; vice president, A. F. Elkins; secretary. W. W. White; treasurer, Frank J. F. Thiel; marshal, Edwin Smith; -doorkeeper, Joseph O. Burn- ham. The executive committee, in addi- tion to the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, is composed of J. L. McGrow, J. G. Bright. F. W. Alexander, C. M. Justice and C. A. Jaquette. Delegates to the National Association of Masonic Clubs—C. M. Sheppard. J. C. McGrew. C. A. Jaquette and J. O. Burnham. Alter- nates —A. F. Elkins. W. W. White. F. W. Alexander and K. F. Erickson. Representatives to the advisory board of Masonic clubs of the District of Co- lumbia—C. M. Sheppard, F. 11. Clute and E. A. Cook. The next meeting Is to be hold a the City Club, January 30, In con Junction- with the public installation of tho newly elected officers of ail Masonic clubs. This meeting will h open to both members and their ladles. ‘The Trestleboard Club at its De- cember meeting elected the following officers:•President, Ernest A. Hurdle; vice president. Charles A. Bladen: sec- retary. John W. Mee; treasurer. How- ard E. Sherman: steward. Charles A. Ecker; doorkeeper, Archibald K. Walker; representative to the advis- rtf board, Ernest A. Hurdle. Martin R. SpCelman and William J. Dow. The Library Circle of Albert Pike ‘"•nslstory has been accorded permis- sion by the executive committee to hold a tournament consisting of bil- liards, chess, checkers and cards Fri- day, January 4. at the cathedral, 433 3rd street northwest. Members wish- ing to participate must notify tho | general secretary, Stirling Kerr, ns early as possible. The committee on : arrangements Is composed of Milton Hopfenmaier. thirty-third degree; Sulaimaan Daavld. thirty-third de- gree; J. O. Bowen, thirty-third degree, and Monle Sanger, thirty-third degree. Deputy Elwood P. Morey, thlrty- thfrd degree, and General Secretary Stirling Kerr, thirty-third degree, have aided the committee. Tho Level Club has elected the fol- lowing officers for the year 1924; President, Samuel J. Oompers; vice president; F. J.- De Moll: secretary. Gall T. Judd: treasurer, J. H. Shep- herd; sergeant-at-arms, Benjamin Jackson. Short addresses were made by' the retiring president, E. W. Lib- bey, and the newly elected president, Samuel J.- Gompers. after which an entertainment was staged. Those con- tributing to tho program were: The Misses Llbboy. piano duet; baritone oolpa, Harry Angelico; Miss Elizabeth •Mfdlner, accompanist; reading. Mrs. m. Van Fosaen: mandolin and gul- tafQuet, Miss Alice E. Hill and Wal- ter Holt; soprano solos, Mrs. Ida Wlllla Seaton, Mrs. Richard Jones, accompanist;, piano solo, Mies Flor- ence Bruaw. The newly elected offi- cers will be Installed at the public Installation of club officers by the ad- visory board at the City Club Jan- uary 30. PATRIOTIC OEDEE OF AMERICANS. Camp No. 1 will hold the annual election of officers January 2. The Past Presidents’ Association will also meet the same night at 623 Louisiana naJKlnrsat. - ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR , The twenty-olghth annual session of the Grand Chapter of tho Dlstrlat of Columbia will be hold at Masonic Temple January 10 at 7 p.m. The last meeting of Loyalty Chap- ter, No. 32, was devoted to closing up the business of tho retiring ad- ministration and installation of the ¦now* officers. Mrs. Helen Butler Strait, associate grand matron, pre- sided as the installing officer, as- sisted by Mrs. Minnie E. Keyes, right worthy grand secretary of tho Gen- eral Grund Chapter: Mrs. Hallye C. Bogicy, past matron, as marshal, and Mrs. Mary B. Snavely* past ma- tron. as chaplain. ’Tho officers In- stalled were; Worthy matron.. Miss Sadia Haskell: worthy patron, Charles S. Hyer; associate matron. Mrs. Eva F. Lynch; secretary, Mr. Alexander Carnahan; treasurer. Miss Florence E. Baughman: conductress, Mrs. Bertha M. Davis; associate con- ductress, Miss Florence IT. Bosard; chaplain, Mrs. Hortense T. Fuller: marshal. Miss Pearl N. Fowler; or- ganist, Mrs. Hattie M. Hyer; Adah. Mrs. Annie E. Bowman; Ruth. Mrs. Elsie Bayne; Esther, Miss Wheelock; Martha, Mrs. Grace E. Tullar; Electa, Mrs. Sarah V. Darling; warder, Mrs. Enid K. Anthony, and sentinel, William W. Davis. The retiring matron. Mrs. Blanche S. Carnahan, and retiring patron. Delos W. Thayer, were presented with past officers’ jewels, respective- ly. by Mrs. Mary B. Suavely and Mrs. Grace E. Tullar. Mrs. Carna- han was presented with a sliver- mounted dish by her Star points and the .remaining officers presented her with a, necklace. The retiring mai- tron presented the line officers with address books containing the names and of the members of the chapter, and to each of her officers and others embroidered initial handker- Mr - Carnahan, Mrs. Etfie A. \\illianis Mrs. Hattie M. Hyer and Mr. William W. Davis, respectively, secretary, treasurer, organist and sen- tinel, were presented with gifts from the chapter. The newly Installed ma- tron received floral gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Hyer and son gave the new matron a matron’s ritual. Mrs. Eohrer also presented Miss Florence H. Bosard with a floral tribute. A program was rendered by Miss' Ella Ellis of Esther Chapter, sorprano solo, accompanied by Mrs. Mildred K. Schultz of Ruth Chapter; Troy A. Nubson, violin solo, and Mrs. H. I. Made, reading. Next Wednes- day evening tho regular meeting of tho chapter will be held and a gen- eral get-together social program will be the feature of the evening. Martha Chapter. No. 4. installed thfollowing officers Fridav night, with Past Grand Matron Flora Camp- bell as Installing officer and Miss Blanche Breeden as marshal: Matron. Mary P. Allen: patron. Frank Hursh; associate matron, Ellen Reynolds: conductress, Jean Brown; associate conductress. Mrs. Barker; treasurer, Charlotte Paine; chanlaln, Eva Hen- I uer.-cn; marshal. Margaret Sanford ; Adah, Margaret Conners; Ruth. Genevieve Duval; Esther, Pearl Wolfe; Martha. Helen Zuchnitt; Electa. Louise Webster; warder. Wflllmena Hall; sentinel. Con vis Parker. Mrs. Campbell presented her jewel to be worn by the matron of the Martha Chapter. Miss Blanche Breeden sang. Past Matron Fran- ces Robey presented Past Matron Norma Hines with a jewel. The re- tiring matron presented the retiring patron with a hand-painted cream pitcher. The retiring patron present- ed the retiring matron with a silver flower basket. Miss Rachel Thomas piesented the retiring patron with a hand-painted lemonade set, as a gift from the chapter. Past Matron Louise Unthicum presented the retiring ma- tron with a wrb.t watch, as a gift from the chapter. Past Matron Hursh presented the retiring patron with a scarfpln. Mrs. Buelah Grey pre- sented the retiring matron with a breastpin from her appointive offi- cers. Past Patron Roland Brown presented the treasurer, Charlotte Paine, with a hand-painted Jar. Past Matron Jessie Hover presented the worthy matron. Mary P. Allen, with a. lace scarf, as a personal gift from Miss Lave lie- Nefblt. Mr. Reynolds presented Miss MeCathran, chairman of the rummage sales, with a ring The chapter will have initiation next Friday. Esther Chapter, .No. 5, elected the following officers last Thursday eve- ning; Mrs. Bessie Hush, worthy ma- tron; John A. McGrew, worthy patron* Mrs. Etta W. Davis, associate ma- tron; Mrs. Charlotte M. Pine, secre- tary; Mrs. Alice Bradley, treasurer; Mrs. May P, Gibbons, conductress; Mrs. Ada E. Phillips, associate con- ductress: J. Harry Cunningham, treasurer; Mrs. Julia N. Streater. rep- resentative on the home board of the Masonic and Eastern Star Home. The new officers will be installed Thurs- day everting at & o’clock, t . Bethany Chapter, No. 24 met De- cember 21, at which the following officers were installed by Associate Grand Matron Mrs. Helen B. Strait; Mrs. Agusta O. Johnson. matron; Jesse B. Adrttris, patron; Mrs. Cecile Whaley, associate matron; Mrs. La- vlnia Dunham, conductress; Mrs. Ro- berta Fosse, associate conductress: Miss Ellen S. Myers, secretary; Mrs.’ Inez Garrlgus. treasurer: Mrs. Willie R. Goodwin, warder; Leland R. Rice, sentinel; Miss Georgia Johnson, Ada; Mrs. Adele S. Llebert, Ruth; Mrs. Amelia R, Marshall, Esther; Mrs \my Alf, Martha; Mrs. Mary M irooke. Electa. The following program was ren lered; Vocal solo, Mrs. W. E. Lawson iccompanied by Mrs. Guy Stevens presentation of fan to Worthv Ma- ron Mrs. Agusta O. Johnson by B. H. Goodwin; presentation of gifts to officers by Past Worthy Patron Bloomfield H. Howard; recitation, Miss Hettyc Johnson: presentation of roses to Associate Grand Matron Mrs. Helen B. Strait by Past Worthy Matron Mrs. Rose May Howard: ex- change of presents by the retiring worthy matron and worthy patron; presentation of beaded handbag to Past Worthy Matron Mrs. Rose May How- j ard and of billfold to Past Worthy i Patron Bloomfield 11. Howard by ' Miss Yeba Johnson, in behalf of tho Social Boosters; presentation of Jewel by Joseph C. Batt to Past Worthy Patron Bloomfield H. Howard; pres- entation of jewel by Pant Matron Mrs. Nellie G. Plumbley to Past Ma- : Iron Mrs. Rose May Howard; presen- i , tatlon of roses by Worthy Grand j Matron Mrs. TDlle C. Chauncey to . Mrs. Roberta Posse, associate con- | duefcress; vocal solo. Miss Minnie 1 Volkmann: presentation of silver vase , by Associate Matron Mrs. Cecile Wha- ley In behalf of the officers to Past , Matron Mrs. Rose May Howard; pres- entation of flosai tribute bv Asso- ciate Grand Patron William G. Betts to Worthy Matron Mrs. Agusta O. Johnson. . - ¦ j At a special meeting Wednesday J evening ¦ officers of Electa Chapter I were Installed by Past Matron Mi's, i Bertha Haines, assisted by Past Grand ! Matron Mrs. Flora Campbell as mar- shal and Past Aand Matron Mrs. Mary T. O’Brien as chaplain, as fol- lows: Mrs. Marjorie Haines Camp- bell, matron; Charles Etzler, patron; Ml's- Marlon Pollock, associate ma- tron; Mrs. Elsie Robinson, secretary; Mrs. Helen Roberts, treasurer; Mrs. Marietta Thompson, conductress; Mrs. Florence Fowler, associate conduc- tress; Mrs. Ida Bailey, chaplain; Mrs. Oregan, Haines, marshal; Mrs. Maud Pry, organist; Mrs. Anna Etzler, Adah; Miss Margaret Mills, Ruth; Mrs. Gladys Hollister, Esther; Mrs. Eliza- beth Harmon, Martha: Miss Alice Kelly, Electa: Mrs. Blanche Reldel, warder; Arthur Eno, sentinel. On behalf of the** chapter, the past matron’s jewel and a mahogany clock were presented the retiring matron, Mrs. Alvena Hughes, by Past Patron Joseph Kelly. The retiring patron, Walter Fowler, was presented with silver knives and forks by Past Ma- tron Mrs. Helen Buts. On behalf of the officers, Mrs. Frances Rice pre- sented salad forks to Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Marietta Thompson present- ed to-Mr. FowUr butter spreaders. Mrs. Elizabeth gave readings and S*-* 8 BUn * by Raymond Fllllus. Past Matron Mrs. Ethel, Copes Fra- zier was In charge of the evening. Oncers. °, r Esther Chapter, No. 5, l iV’ ta,led December 20. Past j Matron Julia N. Streater cou- ««««* £ ho Installation ceremonies, as- ?i 8 *f d b y Past Grand Matron Bertha f.Vi- as marshal and Grand Treas- Jrv. er C? ceI * a Atchison as chaplain. Jhe officers installed were -matron, Mrs. Bessie Bush; patron, John Linn McGrew; associate matron, Mrs. Etta Davis; treasurer. Mrs. Alice Bradley conductress, Mrs. May V,',?.. ?. n ass °clate conductress: Ada e. Phillips; chaplain. Mrs. Lena Van " le; marshal, Mrs. Sophia Rice: or- ganlst, Mrs.- Theodora Cunningham: Adiih, Mrs. Frances Perkins; Ruth, Miss Louise Bready; Esthe#, Miss Grace Wammcrsly; Martha, Mrs. Bryant; Electa, Mrs. Effile Wright; warder, Mrs. Catherine D. McGrew; sentinel, Robert J. Bell. The retiring matron. Miss Mabel K. Lotsch, was presented with a past matron’s jewel, on behalf of the chap- ter by Past Grand Matron Streater. A past patron's jewel, in the form of a Knight Templar’s charm, was given lo the outgoing patron, J. Harry Ihllllps, the presentation speech be- ing made by Miss Cecelia Atcblson. Addresses were delivered by Grand Patron James A. West, Past Grand Matron Flora Campbell and Senator Thomas Sterling of Sputh Dakota. At the next meeting. January 3, the evening will be devoted to an anni- versary celebration. At a special meeting of Temple Chapter, No. 13, last night officers were installed as follows: Worthy matron. Mrs. Sara Blum: worthy pa- tron, Ashby Flynn; assocate matron, ¦Mrs. Harriet Corwin; conductress. Mrs. Lena M. Elder; associate con- ductress. Mrs. Christine Rowzee; sec- retary. Mrs. Emma J. Smith; treas- urer. Mrs. Fannie M. Lyles. The offi- cers appointed by the worthy matron arc as follows; Adah, Mrs. Rae Peake; Ruth. Mrs. Addle Flynn: Esther. Mrs. Pearl Klrkstcln; Martha, Miss l/outse Easton: Electa, Mrs. Dolly Camp- bell; chaplain, Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas; marshal. Miss Miriam Augenstein; organist. Miss Alice Larimore; war- der, Mrs. Emma Dawson; sentinel, Charles Tweedale. Charles U. Lewis was elected as trustee to take the place of the retiring trustee. At a special meeting December 17 Fidelity Chapter installed Its officers. Past Grand Matron Coles and Mr. Coles were presented with a gift in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage. An entertainment was followed by a banquet. The Secretaries' Association will meet next Saturday evening in the graiTfi secretary's office. New Masonic Temple, at 7:30 o’clock for the trans- action of general business and the election of officers. Mrs. Lillie Mc- Kenzie, president of the association, will preside. Newly Installed secre- taries are urged to attend. At the last meeting of Washington Centennial Chapter Grand Lecturer Mary E. Teachum installed the fol- lowing officers: Lilian M. Trueworthy, worthy matron: Lester M. Culler, worthy patron; Mae M. Odenwald, as- sociate matron; Jessie Mount joy. sec- retary; Ella Woodward, treasurer; Mae H. Hill, conductress; Mabel Cook, associate conductress; Babel Black- man, chaplain; Lilian Albee, marshal; Katherlrte John, organist; Etelka Culler, Adah; Emma Emnett, Ruth; Mary Bayles. Esther; Beulah Seaborn. Martha; Audrey Koone. Electa; Oilie Shively, warder, and Webster Osmond, sentinel. The past matron's jewel was presented to retiring Matron Hannah H. Munroe by the patron, 'Lester M. Cullen, and Past Matron Ruth Ayler Morgan presented retir- ing Patron Clarence Warwick with a shrine‘ring from the chapter. The chapter will celebrate Its third birth- day anniversary January 4. * Past Matron Mrs. Frances Adams was' elected a member of the board of directors of the Masonic and Eastern Star Home to represent Harding Chapter, and Willis Fowler was elect- ed trustee of the chapter. The worthy matron. Mrs. Irene Biggs, has made appointments as follows: Adah, Mrs. Marcella Richardson; Ruth, Mrs. Blanche Thoden: Esther. Mrs. Morgan; Martha. Mrs. Minnie Curtiss; Electa, Miss E. Louise Gardiner; chaplain. Miss Rena Harding. The officers were Installed last Thursday evening. Past Matron Minerva Crawford being the installing officer, assisted by Mrs Vernon Conway, grand marshal, and Past Grand Matron Carrie Howdy as chaplain. At the last meeting of Areme Chapter. No. 10. the following officers were installed* by Grace I. Barr; Emma Freeh, worthy* matron; Julius B. Gay, worthy patron; Lillie Dow- rick, associate matron; Grace Barr, secretary: Helen Brashears. treas- urer; Emily Smith, conductress; Corlna Davis, associate conductress: Bertie Beit, chaplain: Hetty Bearley, marshal: Babel Hagen, organist; Alma Sohlosser, Adah: Violet Dow- rick, Ruth: Cecelia Michaells. Esther: Claribel Gay, Martha: Emily Hoff- man, Electa: Louise Capps, warder; Manard Twitchel, sentinel. Mrs. Freeh was the recipient of several pieces of silver, the gavel and other gifts. Past Matron Sellma Poster was presented with the past matron’s Jewel by the chapter, presentation by Dr. Grant S. Earnhardt, Past Patron George L. Lorher was pre- sented with a handsome electric waf- fle iron by the chapter. Mrs. Foster was also presented a gift of silver by, her worthy patron. George L. Lorher. He In turn was presented a "raternal ring by her. Mabel Hagen ad charge of the program for the' vening. The next meeting of the •hapter will be held January 2. Columbia Chapter’s officers were installed by the Worthy Grand Matron Mrs. Tlllle C. Chauncy, De- cember 22. an follows: Matron, Mrs. Antoinette L. Fischer, patron, James L. Evans; associate matron, Mrs. Mary E. Shade; secretary, Mrs. Mary Eppleshelmer; treasurer, Mrs. Freddie G. de Lesdernier; conduct- ress, Mrs. Jessie S. Post; associate conductres, Mrs. Lena Fisher; chap- I lain, Mrs. Laura Wight; marshal. Miss Rachel Lee; organist. Miss Bes- sie Bright; Adah, Mrs. Dorothy Arring- ton; Ruth, Miss Florence Thomas; Esther, Mrs. Maud H'eningsmith; Mar- tha, Miss Mildred Epoley; Electa, Mrs. Helen Hixson; warder. Mrs. May Evans; sentinel, Robert Burgess. The past matron and patron jewels were presented to Mrs. Ida Walles and Mr. R. Stone Jackson. A pleas- ing program of songs was rendered during the evening. The following officers of East Gate Chapter were installed December 21: Lena Vlerbuchen. worthy matron; Frank Beach, worthy patron; Etta F. Andrews, associate matron; Mable B. Green, secretary; Elsie H. Hays, treasurer: Anna R Keyser, conduct- ress; Dorothy Harding, associate con- ductress; Mallnda Gates, chaplain; Blanche M. Rudd, marshal; Myra Root, organist: Freda M. Thornton. Adk; Dorothy Dunbar, Ruth; May Caden, Esther: Florence M. Conklin, Martha; Gertrude Cross. Electa; Ver- dlc -Newman, warder, and James E. Payne, sentinel. The past matron's Jewel was presented by Mrs. Andrews, the past patron’s Jewel by Mrs. Arthur Henderson, and Eva Tucker, on behalf of the retiring officers of 1923, pre- sented the retiring matron with a gift. The incoming matron was the recipient of a diamond bar pin from her husband and a handbag from the officers of 1924. Elsie H. Hays making the presentation speech. Anna S. Castell, past matron, was the Install- ing officer. On behalf of the chapter she was presented with an umbrella by Myrtle B. Morgan. * The officers of Naomi Chapter, No. 3, were entertained by the retiring matron, Alice E. Veley, at her home in Petworth last Friday evening. Fa- vors were presented. Each officer was the recipient of a silver engraved “P. E. fit. 1923,” from lirs. Veley, as a memento, of the year. In- stallation of the new officers was held December 26, the Installing officer be- ing Associate Grand Matron Helen B. Strait, assisted by Associate Grand Patron Betz, as follows:- Worthy ma- tron. Ellen Kalstrom; worthy patron. Dr. Robert McCullough; associate-ma- tron, EUa B. BUkUnK eOadactrese, ... a » ODDFELLOWS. •„ Subordinate lodges not. heretofore reported have elected for the coming term as follows: Eastern Lodge. No. 7*—Noble grand, George Edmonds; vice grand, John P. M. Duvall; recording secretary, Walter I. Rhoades; financial secre- tary, Harry I* Andresen, P. G. M.; treasurer, William J. Rich, P. O. M.; representative to home. James L. Whiteside; representatives to Grand Lodge, H. L. Andresen, 8. E. Boyce, ur.; C. W. H. Brown, J. I. Brown, P. O. M.: G. B. Johnston, S. W. King. W. E. Lawson, W. F. Pape, W. J. Rich, J. W. Searle and J. L. Whiteside. Harmony Lodge, No. 9—Noble grand, John W. Dick; vice grand, H. E. Warrington; recording secretary, E. lx Dunn, P. O. M.; financial secre- tary. W. C. W. Burgess; treasurer, Thomas J. Gates, P. G. M.; degree director, R. L. Patton; representative to home, Joseph I. La Salle; repre- sentatives to Grand Lodge, George F. Avery, W. C. W. Burgess, Edward lx Dunn, Thomas J. Gates, Roscoc Jenkins, Joseph I. La Halle, H. C. Lybrand, William W. Millar, W. L. Overstreet, R. L. Patton and W. 11. Stewart. Friendship Lodge, No, 12—NoWe grand, Edgar W. Parks: vice grand, Darius Prather; recording secretary, Joe T. Allison; financial secretary, Thomas C. Baisden; treasurer, Joseph B. Kln’cer; representatives to Grand Lodge, J. T. Allison. W. J. Broadbent, E. W. Cummings, William A. Greer, William C. Hauptman, Rufus J. Kee- ler, Joseph B. Kincer, C. Brown Lampe and Eppa C. Royston. Covenant Lodge, No. 13—Noble grand, Wallace R. Florence; vice grand, Sidney Ehrlich; recording sec- retary. William E. Clapp; financial secretary, J. E. Chamberlain: treas- urer, E. C. Blackman: trustees, H. Chamberlain, H. Ehrlich and F. J. Buckley; representatives to Grand Lodge. E. C. Blackman, F. J. Buckley, E. E. Burdette, Sterling Chamberlain, James E. Chamberlain, W. E. Clapp, Harry Ehrlich, C. R, Sohutt, Harry Selali, W. H. Sparshott and L. L. Wehr. Federal City Lodge. No. 20—Noble grand, William C. Lakin; vlqe grand, William F. Estes; recording secre- tary, Simeon N. Mallary: financial secretary, Edward L. Weber; treas- urer, Charles E. Pyle; trustee, Wil- liam R. McCall; representative to home, Michael E. Murray. Amity Lodge, No. 27—Noble grand, R. E. Oliff; vice grand. E. B. Kin- caid; recording secretary, George Cummlng; financial secretary. B. B. Vaden; treasurer, R. A. Ford, P. G. M.; trustee, J. Harry Goodrich: rep- resentative to home, B. B. Vaden; representatives to Grand Lodge. Jo- seph G. Acton. James T. Ellett. E. Ix Hawkins, John Mullen, R. H. Sorrell. B. B. Vaden, John H. Windsor and Lemuel H. Windsor. Brlghtwood Lodge. No. 30--Noble grand. Clarence Manuel; vice grand. Bernard Lettau; recording secretary, J. K. Haight; financial secretary. Thomas Humphries; treasurer, W. M. Cowell; representatives to Grand Lodge, William M. Cowell, Hezektah Dodson, James H. Du Bois, Thomas Humphries. George E. Lund and Hugh Phillips. EaeMpaitati, The following are the elective of- ficers of the several encampments for the term beginning January 1, 1924: Columbian Encampment, No. I—Chief1 —Chief patriarch. L. H. Windsor; high priest, W. B. Randall: senior warden. J. H. Windsor; junior warden. Max Morris; scribe. Frank D. Selftert; treasurer, William W. Keck; hall representative, Frank D. Selffert. Magenenu Encampment, No. 4—Chief priest, George A. Murrlson; high priest, William W. Millan; senior warden. John O. Hammond; Junior warden, Henry W. Picken; scribe, Roscoe Jenkins; treasurer, Charles W. Cuthbertson. Fred D. Stuart Encampment, No., 7—Chief patriarch, Thomas C. Bale-* den; high priest, Elmer Cummings;, senior warden, Ernest L. Loving; Junior warden, McKenzie C. Warren; scribe, Fred N. Julian; treasurer, Robert A, Southworth, I Canton Washington, No. I—Captain, William P. Pumphrey; lieutenant, Al- fred H. Noakes; ensign, John L. Me- I Klnnon; clerk, Roscoa Wines; ac-. countant, Fred R. Wararholter. The installation Is to be held January 5. Dorcas Rebekah, No. 4—Noble grand, Kate C. Twltchell: vice grand, Martha Goode; recording secretary. M. Annette Emory: financial secre- tary, Maiw M. Dement: treasurer, Abble M. Gates; degree director, J. T. Blalock. The Installation Is to be held Thursday. Henry C. Bergman was given a welcome by the members of Friend- ship Lodge, No. 12. last Wednesday evening on the occasion of the sixty- first anniversary of his connection with that lodge. At the same time the lodge presented Wilfred E. Law- son, acting grand master, with a carving set. The officers of Federal City, No. 20. will be Installed Friday evening in I. O. O. F. Temple, 419 7th street northwest, by Deputy Grand Master James W. Wilkinson and a suite of officers selected from the district deputy grand masters of zone 8 of Maryland. Tho Rebekah Assembly and the Home Circle will hold their New Year reception at the Odd Fellows' Home, 3233 N street northwest, Tues- day evening, 8 to 10 o’clock. Brlghtwood. No. 30, has passed an amendment to the by-laws for a weekly meeting on Wednesdays. THE MACCABEES. A. W. Frye, who is well known In this city, was Installed as supreme commander of the Maccabees Thurs- day night, to succeed D. P. Markey. resigned, who held the position for thirty-three years. Mr. Frye has been active In the_ n.anagement of the Maccabees for twenty-five years. Joining the order In this city In 1899, he had charge suc- cessively of the states of Virginia. New Jersey. Maryland, Delaware and eastern Pennsylvania, going to the head office at Detroit as general deputy In 1916. In 1911 he was elect- ed supreme picket. In 15 supreme chaplain, and In 1919 supreme lieu- tenant commander. He Is a thlrty- second-degree Mason and a member of the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias. National Tent, No. 1, Is arranging for a big meeting to take place Jan- uary 2. The newly elected officers are to be Installed by a representative of the Supreme Tent. The ceremonies are open to the public and the member- ship of the Woman’s Benefit Associa- tion of the Maccabees are to be In- vited. The meeting will be held In the large reception hall in the Odd Fellows’ Temple. JR. 0. U. A. M. Edward J. Ross Council, No. 26. Thursday evening elected the follow- ing officers: Councilor. T. F. Jones (re-elected); vice councilor, Albert Jaeger: recording secretary, W. E. Saunders (re-elected); assistant re- cording secretary, G. W. Swift (re- elected); financial secretary, H. A. Beck (re-elected): treasurer, A. L Jennings (re-elected): warden, P. T. Groves (re-elected); conductor. J. L. O’Brien; Inside sentinel, A. C. Moran; outside sentinel, James Chapman (re- elected); degree master, P. T, Groves (re-elected); drill master, G. W. Swift (re-elected): chaplain, E. E. Nlckol- son; trustee, for eighteen months, W. F. Sinnott; trustee for E. J. R fund, H. A. Beck; pianist, A. C. Mo- ran; representative to F. B. A. U. S„ W. E. Saunders. 18. P. 0. ELKS. Members of Washington Lodge, No. 6, B. P. O. Elks, and their friends fill celebrate the passing of the old ear and the Incoming of the New 'ear by holding an oyster roast and ance at the clubhouse tomorrow eve- Ing. According to the predictions f the trustees, who will have Im*- mediate charge, the affair will be one df the best of Its kind that has ever Ueen undertaken. Dancing will begin ialt 8 o’clock and continue until 1 ofclock. I The committee having In charge the Mouvenler brochure which will be Is- ftued to all who attend tho Elks cfharlty ball to be given at tho WII- - ftrd Hotel on the evening of Febru- ary 21, announces that the preparing arid printing of the brochure Is well uf|der way. Chairman James T. Up an of the committee has Instructed tl*: members of that committee to ba| prepared to begin active and in- ÜBislve solicitation among the mem- biM'ship and other sources to procure cpfa ce donations for the brochure. The proceeds raised through space dona- tbriis will bo used to replenish the chkirity fund of Washington lodge. Ihe next regular meeting of the Boston Club will be held January 7 at t 8 p.m. Chairman P. J. Callan urges all members and their friends wh»u have not Joined the club, to do ko (without delay. In order that the holV.l committee may be In a position to imake definite arrangements for qu.’Uters at an early date. C.Hvlng to the Christmas holidays the< charity ball committee has de- cided not hold a meeting tomor- row- night. Ssm Richards, chairman, announcer; that the next meeting of tho i charity ball committee will be held* In the lodgeroom. January 7, at 8:30i p.m., and that meetings of the cornaniltee will "be held on every Mon- day T night thereafter until further notit-e. Title band and drill team will begin to Hold regular rehearsals and drills Imiriediately after the first of the new; year, iq order to prepare for entering the prize compelatlve con- test a which are to be held In Boston next:} July on the occasion of the Elk?* annual national reunion. Members of the order desiring cards of Invitation for the Elks dances whi rh are being held regularly, on eveiy Thursday and Saturday night, in t»ie ballroom, may procure such card a from the chairman of the dance committee, or any member of that convailttee or any one of the trustees. F. W. A. Brown Is chairman of the danefe committee. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Th fe Woodmen of the World In the District of Columbia have three spe- cial functions scheduled for the com- ing meek. Oak Camp will provide a Chrishnas tree for the children of memlijijrs and gifts will be distributed at Northeast Masonic Temple next Thur.alay night. The installation of the cffcnp’s new officers will take place publi(|ly at the same time. Sovereigns Smart, Stott, Cole, Williams and Kearijs are in charge of the prepara- tions, | The new delegates to the Boosters' Club ’gill present their credentials at the Jaxiuary convention and vote for the officers for 1924. Col. Freeland will announce the mustering of several new companies of the Uniform Rank January 7 at the home of Lieut. L. F. Llty, Capital Height*. Md. Hickory Camp is to hold an open meeting Thursday night, when the new oijjicers are to be inducted Into their stations. Sovereign Delegate Eckloft will be the installing officer. Sovereigns Tennyson, Shumate and Paradis head the entertainment com- mittee. will be served. The Boosters’ Club degree team, supported by the Uniform Rank, will initiate a class at Alpha Camp next Friday evening. The Boosters will also officiate at the Installation. An entertainment and supper will follow the ceremony. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. 3 o’clock, tho Knights of Columbus will be hosts to the orphans of the city of Washington 1 a .^ rl tma i 3 tree Party In their hall on 10th street northwest. More than one thousand orphans will be, the guests of the local "Caseys." A hug, Christ- v mas tree has been erected In the ball- room and this will serve as a setting for Santa Claus to distribute thousand* of gifts to the little ones. Many in- stitutions will be represented by ihetn. For those orphans who are too email to attend a supply of gifts Is being sent to their home. A feature of the entertainment thlis year will be the playing of Christmas carols by the Knights of Commons Band, under the direction of Frank .1. Weber. During the afternoon party the kiddies will sing accompanied by the band. Grand Knights Fitzgerald, Dewlap, { Ryan, Burns and Fahy are In charge \ of the party, under the general chair- manship of Paul Ratcllffe chairman of- - Washington chapter. Keane Council will give a mask bail In the Knights of Columbus Club House tomorrow night. Dancing will begin at 9 o’clock. The grand march will start at 10:30. Refreshments will bo ..served. The Famous Washingtonian* wi.i iur.i- ish the music. This is the big l£tilgh':aA of Columbus watch party ana al) metp-w hers are Invited to Join Keane Council s In bidding adieu to old 1923 and to wel- come 1924. Last Monday the Knights of Colum- bus Band committee met and discussed plans for the St. Patrick's day concert, card party and dance to be held at the Washington Hotel. Miss Anna E. Mur- phy was appointed chairman of tho committee on patronesses, and Mrs. Marv Adamson was appointed chairman of the card party committee. Miss Mary C. Boland, grand regent of the Catholic Daughters of America was i present and spoke, as well as Miss 1 Teresa Fitzgerald. ' A New Tear party is to be given under tho auspices of Carroli Council, in the Knights of Columbus Hall. James T. Ryan, grand knight of tho council has announced that there will be no meeting Tuesday, New Year day, but a social for all members will bo held Instead. “77” For Grip, Influenza COLDS To get the best results, take Humphrey's “Seventy-seven” at the first sign of a cold —the first \ chill, shiver or sneeze. It’s a , small vial of pleasant pellets; fits the vest pocket. Keep it handy. Medical Home Treatment mailed free. Price, 30c and 91.00, at Drug Stores, or sent on remittance or C.O.D. Parcel Post Our Bisk. Humphrey’s Homeo. Medicine Company. XSG WiEiam Street. New York. BumsteaasWormSyrup "To children an angel of mercy.’* Where directions are followed, IT NEVER FAILS. Despite scarcity and enormous cost of SAN* TONTN. it contains full dose. Stood sialy years' test. Sold everywhere or by mall, 50c a bottle. Est. C. A. Voorhees. M. D., Philadelphia. STILL NEARER TO PERFECTION I Important Improvements in the Hew Model Only Packard, perhaps, would have attempted to improve PACKARDS u n Single'Six. 4 in There was no obvious reason why even the minor changes < WASHINGTON should be made. Are Equipped with new model evidence> however> ofthe Bpirit Scare Tire Tube and Cover which moves Packard to strive ceaselessly toward an ever Bumper greater measure of perfection. Shoclf AbwVbers The more than 30,000 owners, in whose opinion the Single' Packard Windshield Cleaner Six cannot be greatly improved, will be gratified to know Built-in Stoplight that the car remains unchanged in fundamentals of engh Parking Light neenng and manufacture. Microscope ' Motometer The chief improvements in the Single'Six are: D. C. License A ist. Four-wheel brakes, as regular equipment; two flj •JQ Ui| additional brakes on rear wheels —a total of six; S£OOU 2 nd, Improved steering ease; larger steering wheel; Five-Passenger Touring 3rd. A still heavier and smoother transmission; Car Delivered 4th Artillery wheels of enhanced appearance; Ten other beautiful models, open . n . . , , , , and enclosed. sth. Battery located on the running board, as m the 1 Straight-Eight, and enclosed in a theft'proof box. Ask These improvements, of course, make the new Single'Six an MftU. even greater value, a still more saving investment. CVwn You will meur absolutely no obligation by ’phoning for a WHO Single'Six to call at your house or office for a demonstration. OllC Telephone now, or, even better, come in. P-W MOTORS Connecticut -Avenue North at S - 600 PACKARD SINGLE-SIX 26

Evening star. (Washington, D.C.) 1923-12-30 [p 26] · 2017. 12. 14. · the Apron, ” by Reynold E ... Rite Cathedral. 3d qnd E streets, by a oast headed by Ellwood P. Morey. deputy

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Page 1: Evening star. (Washington, D.C.) 1923-12-30 [p 26] · 2017. 12. 14. · the Apron, ” by Reynold E ... Rite Cathedral. 3d qnd E streets, by a oast headed by Ellwood P. Morey. deputy


FRATERNITIESGrace M, associate conduc-tress, Florence A. Warner; secretary,Martha H. Gould (thirtieth term):treasurer, Elisabeth M. Chenoweth(fourteenth term); marshal* Marguer*Ite Del Sale; organist. Marguerite M.Fisher; chaplain, Susan B. Hill;warder. Ada Atkinson; sentinel, JamesA'. Kutherford: Ada, Helen Robbins;Ruth. Bertha Cooke; Esther, FlorenceHeflebower; Martha, Anno Qllford;Electa, Edith McCullough; representa-tive on board of directors EasternStar Home, Past Grand Matron FannieTaylor; trustee, Bertha 8. Wood. Thepresentation of past matron’s Jewelwas by Elizabeth A. Gavin, and pastpatron’s jewel by Bertha S. Wood.Past Matron Carrie I. Isham present-ed the Incoming matron with a giftfrom Edith'A. Bauer, as a reminder ofher twenty-sixth wedding anniver-sary*, as well as It being the occasionof Installation as worthy matron.Other presentations were by Past Pa-tron Doran and oy Marguerite M.

[ Fisher. The gift of the chapter toI the retiring matron, Alice E. Veley,was a bridge lamp.

Gavel Chapter, No. 29, Installed thefollowing officers at its last meeting,Mrs. Mary E. Teachum officiating.Cora E. Myers acting as marshal andEsther Cross acting as chaplain. ThoOfficers are as follows; Anna K. Vler-huchen, matron; B. F. Shaffer, patron;Effle Kessler, associate matron; Lou-ise Darby, secretary; Lillian Rouzee,

treasurer; Florence Llppard. con-ductress: Edna Riddle, associate con-ductress: Harriet Shomo, chaplain:Regina Crouch, marshal; Sara Eck-hardt. organist: Susie Lewis. Ada;Clarice Hlbbs, Ruth: Bernadette Mil-ler. Esther; Alice Golladay, Martha:Noaml Grinder, Electa: Sara Hogs-ette. warder, and John Grinder, sen-tinel.

The officers of Friendship Chapterwere installed by Grand Lecturer

Teachum December 22 as follows;Mrs. Margaret Federllne, matron:Fred H. Gore, patron; Mrs. A. LillianVolkman, associate matron: MissAnna M. Perna, secretary; Mrs. CoraL. Vo well, treasurer; Mrs. FlorenceB. Mires, conductress; Mrs. FrancesB. Donald, associate conductress; Mrs.Christine S. Fletcher, chaplain; Mrs.Eliza B. Stanley, marshal; Mrs. Beu-lah W. Fort, organist; Mrs. EthelWarren. Adah; Miss Bertha Rhein-bold. Ruth; Mias Mamie Carolyn Giles,Esther; Mrs. Katherine T. Stevenson,

Martha: Miss Patla Smith, Electa; MissLydia Rhelnbold. warder, and Wil-liam Roy Burgess, sentinel.

The program included solos byMiss Avery and Miss Mamie CarolynGiles »nd dialect readings by MissHertzberger of Washington Centen-nial Chapter. The retiring matronwas the recipient of a past matron’sjewel from the chapter, silver saladforks from her officers and silverspoons from her patron. The newmatron was given flowers and silverfrom family and friends. The Juniorpatron received a watch charm fromtho chapter, smoking stand from hisofficers and a silver cigarette case

from the retiring matron. Mrs. Fort,organist, was given flowers by herfamily and Nora Riley was presentedwith napkins from the Junior matron.The retiring matron and,patron pre-sented each of their officers with anelectric lamp. Grand lecturer Teach-uin was presented with the flowersreceived hy the star officers at theirInstallation.

KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS,Mount Vernon. No. 5 met Wednes-

day evening and elected officers, whowill be installed next Wednesdayevening as follows: Ogle J. Wells,chancellor commander; Clarence D.McClure, vice chancellor; Charles P.Galpln. prelate; Emil F. Jaehnke,master of work; Harry P. Willey, re-elected keeper of records and seals,after serving eighteen years: JohnM. Kline, sr., re-elected, master, offinance, after serving forty-sevenyears; Hamlin. M. Vandervort. re-elected, master of exchequer: RobertL. Edwards, master-at-arms; Theo-dore C. Keen, Inner guard; JosephW. Williams, re-elected, outer guard;James N. Kline, Harry P. Willey andArthur C. Moon, trustees: Henry A.Nau, re-elected, member of the re-lief bureau: John M. Kline, sr., Har-ry P. Willey. Hamlin M. Vandervort,James N. Kline and Emil F. Jaehnke,representatives to the grand lodge;Charles L, Whitlock. Ogle J. Wellsand James N. Kline, auditing com-mittee. Remarks were made byGrand Chancellor Ellery W. Heiss,past Supreme Representative JohnM. Kline, past Grand Chancellor H.P. Willey and E. F. Jaehnke, chair-man, publicity committee.

Myrtle, No. 25, last Tuesday eve-ning elected officers as follows:Chancellor commander, Charles A.Johnson; vice chancellor. Jacob Nuss-baum: prelate. F. H. Mellck: masterof work, Frank Keeper; keeper ofrecords and seal. Frank B. Crown;master of finance, Marlon C. Thomp-

son: master of exchequer, H. E.Smith; master-at-arms, James Robin-son; Inner guard, A. A. Polvret; out-er guard, Marlon E. Crowther; mem-ber to relief bureau, Jacob Nusa-baum; representatives to GrandLodge. Jacob Nussbaum, Frank B.Crown, H. E. Smith, F. H. Mellck andFrank Kerper. Installation of of-ficers will be held January 15.

Union, No. 22 elected the following

officers last Wednesday evening:Herman A. Woodey, chancellor com-mander; Samuel Steiner, prelate;William H. Hoover, master of work;H. B. Brown, keeper of records andseal; George W. Haley, master offinance: William H. Umhau, masterof exchequer; J. T. Hurley, master-at-arms: A. Leonard. Inner guard; Wil-liam T. Thompson, outer guard; Al-bert Rusher, Charles T. Roderick and

Samuel Steiner, trustees; George W.Haley, W. H. Umhau, H. B. Brown,W. T. Thompson and C. T. Roderick,representatives to the Grand Lodge.

Webster, No. 7 has called off Itsmeeting scheduled for next Tuesday.

The next meeting will be held Jan-uary 8, when the grand chancellorwill install the new officers.

Columbia, No. 26, last Wednesdayevening elected the following of-ficers: John Montella, chancellor com-mander; S. Dl Carlo, vice chancellor;N. CTirardi, prelate; Jos. Fabrixlo,master of work; C. Ceremele, keeperof records and seal: J. F. Sorest,master of finance; P. A. Fabrizlo,master of exchequer; E. Mezzanotta,master-at-arms; A Parclla, Innerguard: R. Matera, outer guard; V.Fabrizlo, trustee: B. Tarantino, C.Ceremele, N. Girard i, A. Parella andP. Fabrizlo, representatives to theGrand Lodge; B. Tarantino, memberof the relief bureau. The Installa-tion ceremonies will be' held Jan-uary 9.

Friendship Temple, No. 9, PythianSisters had a business meeting lastWednesday evening and elected thefollowing officers, who will be In-stalled next Wednesday evening:Estella V. Gray, past chief; LillianJohnson, most excellent chief; Ade-line Teller, excellent senior; Flor-ence Woodey, excellent junior; AnnaSprlngman, manager: Annie L. Sulli-van, re-elected, mistress of recordsand correspondence; Ida Crown, mis-tress of finance; Mrs. Shoemaker,protector, and Carrie Banks, outerguard.

At the last meeting of HermloneLodge, No. 12, the following officerswere elected; C. C.. A. B. Baker;V. C., James E. Shoemaker: P., W.K. Rolllson: M. of W., L. E. Pyles;

K. of R. and S., T. L. Kldwell; M.of F., William J. Little; M. of Ex.,H«nry O. Wagner, N. of A., W. W.Donaldson: I. G., C. E. Stevens; O. G„H H. Lowe; trustees, C. H. Wagner,

W". K. Rolllson, W. E. Poole; repre-

sentative to the relief bureau, JohnBryant. G. L. Rep, H. G. Wagner, Wil-liam E. Poole. T. L. Kldwell, J. W.Jeffries, W. T. Hammer. Officers willbe Installed January 9. 1924. A verylively meeting was held and the fol-lowing visitors were welcomed; F.

H Farrar of Syracuslans Lodge, No.10; John A. Neeb and Vincent Kale,

both of Excelsior Lodge, No. 14.

DAUGHTERS OF. AMERICA.Golden Rule Council, No. 10, elected

the following officers at a meeting

In the Northeast Masonic Temple lastFriday evening: Councilor, Mrs.Elizabeth Shepherd: associate coun-cilor, Mr. T. B. Montgomery; vicecouncilor. Mrs. Ollle Montgomery; as-sociate vice councilor, Mr, John D.Simpson: junior past councilor, Mrs.Bessie Bryant; associate Junior pastcouncilor, Mr. Charles Hillengass;conductor, Mrs. Eva Bury; warden.Mr. Frank Bury; outside sentinel. Mr.Wood: inside sentinel (name not re-ceived); recording secretary, Mrs.Ethel Windsor (re-elected fourthterm): financial secretary, J. E. Flynn(re-elected fourth term); trsannrnr.Miss Nellie Teeple; eighteen-month

AtuMee. Mrs. jC-W, Taylor.»• *-•-/»

,. ¦ r* ' •' ---V .


FICVT ot the blue lodges have

btsttlcd' down to business suc-

ceeding the lull that always

comes with the holiday sea-

son, and unless the secretaries of the

other bodies have failed to give no-

tice for publication, those bodies alsoeeem to be still observing the holiday

season vacation. Osiris Lodge, No.25, announces the M. M. degree forWednesday evening; Hiram, No. 10,

the K. A. degree for Thursday eve-ning, and Lebanon, No. 7, the F. C.degree for Friday evening. Theseare the only bodies In Masonry thathave reported work for the week.

Washington Centennial Lodge, No.14, at Its communication Wednesday

evening will inaugurate a series oflectures on the traditions of Masonry

with a lecture on "The Symbolism ofthe Apron,” by Reynold E. Blight,•dltor of the New Age magazine.

The members of Lebanon Lodge,

No.'7, have been Invited to attend aspecial service for Masons at the

North Capitol M. E. Church, NorthCapitol and K streets, this evening

at 8 o’clock. The lodge chaplain,

Rev. Benjamin T. Hynson, will offi-ciate. In the degree Friday evening.

Junior Warden Elgin Smith will offi-ciate at the head of the line.

Degrees in the Scottish Rite bodiesOs Washington will not bo resumeduntil Tuesday, January 8, when thefourteenth degree will be presentedin full ceremonial form. Albert Pike.Consistory will not meet until Jan-uary 15, when new .officers will beelected.

A reunion will be startedMonday. February 11, with the fourthand fourteenth and continuedaily thereafter tp Friday. February15. when the tliirty-second degreewill be presented. Saturday, Feb-ruary 16. tho ceremonies attendingthe elevation to the rank of kniglucommander of the court of honorwill be performed at the ScottishRite Cathedral. 3d qnd E streets,by a oast headed by Ellwood P.Morey. deputy of the SupremeCouncil for the District of Columbia,and deluding representatives fromMaryland and .Virginia, with all thenew knights-elect of those jurisdic-tions participating.

The first Saturday in February, theGrand Council of Royal and SelectMasters for the District, will holdits annual meeting for reports, elec-tions and Instaflatlon of officers*.The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch.Masons will hold Its annual meetingthe second Wednesday In February.

Grand visitations to the councilsot Royal and Select Masters will be-gin January 9, with that to ZabudCouncil, No. 4, at Masonic Hall, Ana-costia.

Benjamin B. French Lodge, No. 15.Will have a birthday party January7, comprising a smoker and enter-tainment, to commemorate Its sev-entieth anniversary. Past GrandMaster J. A. Wetmore will be tho¦peaker for tho occasion.

Kallipolis Grotto, Mystic Order ofVeiled Prophets, will have Its nextdance under the supervision of PastMonarch Gastieman P. Boss and hiscommittee the evening of JanuaryIS at the New Willard, when theGrotto band and orchestra will bereinforced by Louis W. Brown, whowill sing several of tho dance num-bers. The annual business meetingof tho Grotto will be held at PythianTemple the evening of January 31,when the elections will occur.

Brlghtwood Commandery, last Sat-urday evening, at Its kiddles? night,wgs host to about 350 children, amongthem 150 or more orphan childrenfrom various homes as well as otherunfortunate little ones. An audienceof more than 700 crowded Into theauditorium of the Masonic Temple at

A vaudeville programspecially arranged to interest andamuse the little ones was provided.After the program, each, child waspresented with a package of goodthings, also a toy. The commandery.also, as a part of Its work, provided'some twenty-five very needy chil-dren with complete outfits of cloth-ing and their families with othernecessities. The whole was under thedirection of 3ir Knight Walker L.Gary, treasurer of the commanderv,assisted by his daughter, Mrs. PhilipMorehead.,

The lonic Club of Master Masons inthe Treasury Department, generalaccounting office and the Capitol haselected the following officers for thenew year; President, Chester M.

Sheppard; vice president, A. F. Elkins;secretary. W. W. White; treasurer,Frank J. F. Thiel; marshal, EdwinSmith; -doorkeeper, Joseph O. Burn-ham.

The executive committee, in addi-tion to the president, vice president,secretary and treasurer, is composedof J. L. McGrow, J. G. Bright. F. W.Alexander, C. M. Justice and C. A.Jaquette. Delegates to the NationalAssociation of Masonic Clubs—C. M.Sheppard. J. C. McGrew. C. A.Jaquette and J. O. Burnham. Alter-nates —A. F. Elkins. W. W. White. F.W. Alexander and K. F. Erickson.Representatives to the advisory boardof Masonic clubs of the District of Co-lumbia—C. M. Sheppard, F. 11. Cluteand E. A. Cook.

The next meeting Is to be hold athe City Club, January 30, In conJunction- with the public installationof tho newly elected officers of ailMasonic clubs. This meeting will hopen to both members and theirladles.

‘The Trestleboard Club at its De-cember meeting elected the followingofficers:•President, Ernest A. Hurdle;vice president. Charles A. Bladen: sec-retary. John W. Mee; treasurer. How-ard E. Sherman: steward. Charles A.Ecker; doorkeeper, Archibald K.Walker; representative to the advis-rtf board, Ernest A. Hurdle. MartinR. SpCelman and William J. Dow.

The Library Circle of Albert Pike‘"•nslstory has been accorded permis-sion by the executive committee tohold a tournament consisting of bil-liards, chess, checkers and cards Fri-day, January 4. at the cathedral, 4333rd street northwest. Members wish-ing to participate must notify tho |general secretary, Stirling Kerr, nsearly as possible. The committee on :arrangements Is composed of MiltonHopfenmaier. thirty-third degree;Sulaimaan Daavld. thirty-third de-gree; J. O. Bowen, thirty-third degree,and Monle Sanger, thirty-third degree.Deputy Elwood P. Morey, thlrty-thfrd degree, and General SecretaryStirling Kerr, thirty-third degree,have aided the committee.

Tho Level Club has elected the fol-lowing officers for the year 1924;President, Samuel J. Oompers; vicepresident; F. J.- De Moll: secretary.Gall T. Judd: treasurer, J. H. Shep-herd; sergeant-at-arms, BenjaminJackson. Short addresses were madeby' the retiring president, E. W. Lib-bey, and the newly elected president,Samuel J.- Gompers. after which anentertainment was staged. Those con-tributing to tho program were: TheMisses Llbboy. piano duet; baritoneoolpa, Harry Angelico; Miss Elizabeth•Mfdlner, accompanist; reading. Mrs.

m. Van Fosaen: mandolin and gul-tafQuet, Miss Alice E. Hill and Wal-ter Holt; soprano solos, Mrs. IdaWlllla Seaton, Mrs. Richard Jones,accompanist;, piano solo, Mies Flor-ence Bruaw. The newly elected offi-cers will be Installed at the publicInstallation of club officers by the ad-visory board at the City Club Jan-uary 30.



Camp No. 1 will hold the annualelection of officers January 2. ThePast Presidents’ Association will alsomeet the same night at 623 Louisiana

naJKlnrsat. -

ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR, The twenty-olghth annual session

of the Grand Chapter of tho Dlstrlatof Columbia will be hold at MasonicTemple January 10 at 7 p.m.

The last meeting of Loyalty Chap-

ter, No. 32, was devoted to closing

up the business of tho retiring ad-ministration and installation of the¦now* officers. Mrs. Helen ButlerStrait, associate grand matron, pre-

sided as the installing officer, as-sisted by Mrs. Minnie E. Keyes, right

worthy grand secretary of tho Gen-eral Grund Chapter: Mrs. Hallye C.

Bogicy, past matron, as marshal,and Mrs. Mary B. Snavely* past ma-tron. as chaplain. ’Tho officers In-stalled were; Worthy matron.. MissSadia Haskell: worthy patron,Charles S. Hyer; associate matron.Mrs. Eva F. Lynch; secretary, Mr.Alexander Carnahan; treasurer. MissFlorence E. Baughman: conductress,Mrs. Bertha M. Davis; associate con-ductress, Miss Florence IT. Bosard;chaplain, Mrs. Hortense T. Fuller:marshal. Miss Pearl N. Fowler; or-ganist, Mrs. Hattie M. Hyer; Adah.Mrs. Annie E. Bowman; Ruth. Mrs.Elsie Bayne; Esther, Miss Wheelock;Martha, Mrs. Grace E. Tullar;Electa, Mrs. Sarah V. Darling;warder, Mrs. Enid K. Anthony, andsentinel, William W. Davis.

The retiring matron. Mrs. BlancheS. Carnahan, and retiring patron.Delos W. Thayer, were presentedwith past officers’ jewels, respective-ly. by Mrs. Mary B. Suavely andMrs. Grace E. Tullar. Mrs. Carna-han was presented with a sliver-mounted dish by her Star points andthe .remaining officers presented herwith a, necklace. The retiring mai-tron presented the line officers withaddress books containing the namesand of the members of thechapter, and to each of her officersand others embroidered initial handker-

Mr- Carnahan, Mrs. Etfie A.\\illianis Mrs. Hattie M. Hyer andMr. William W. Davis, respectively,secretary, treasurer, organist and sen-tinel, were presented with gifts fromthe chapter. The newly Installed ma-tron received floral gifts. Mr. andMrs. Charles S. Hyer and son gavethe new matron a matron’s ritual.Mrs. Eohrer also presented MissFlorence H. Bosard with a floraltribute. A program was rendered byMiss' Ella Ellis of Esther Chapter,sorprano solo, accompanied by Mrs.Mildred K. Schultz of Ruth Chapter;Troy A. Nubson, violin solo, and Mrs.H. I. Made, reading. Next Wednes-day evening tho regular meeting oftho chapter will be held and a gen-eral get-together social program willbe the feature of the evening.

Martha Chapter. No. 4. installedth“ following officers Fridav night,with Past Grand Matron Flora Camp-bell as Installing officer and MissBlanche Breeden as marshal: Matron.Mary P. Allen: patron. Frank Hursh;associate matron, Ellen Reynolds:conductress, Jean Brown; associateconductress. Mrs. Barker; treasurer,Charlotte Paine; chanlaln, Eva Hen-

I uer.-cn; marshal. Margaret Sanford ;Adah, Margaret Conners; Ruth.Genevieve Duval; Esther, PearlWolfe; Martha. Helen Zuchnitt;Electa. Louise Webster; warder.Wflllmena Hall; sentinel. Con visParker. Mrs. Campbell presented herjewel to be worn by the matron ofthe Martha Chapter. Miss BlancheBreeden sang. Past Matron Fran-ces Robey presented Past MatronNorma Hines with a jewel. The re-tiring matron presented the retiringpatron with a hand-painted creampitcher. The retiring patron present-ed the retiring matron with a silverflower basket. Miss Rachel Thomaspiesented the retiring patron with ahand-painted lemonade set, as a giftfrom the chapter. Past Matron LouiseUnthicum presented the retiring ma-tron with a wrb.t watch, as a giftfrom the chapter. Past Matron Hurshpresented the retiring patron witha scarfpln. Mrs. Buelah Grey pre-sented the retiring matron with abreastpin from her appointive offi-cers. Past Patron Roland Brownpresented the treasurer, CharlottePaine, with a hand-painted Jar. PastMatron Jessie Hover presented theworthy matron. Mary P. Allen, witha. lace scarf, as a personal gift fromMiss Lave lie- Nefblt. Mr. Reynoldspresented Miss MeCathran, chairmanof the rummage sales, with a ring

’ The chapter will have initiation nextFriday.

Esther Chapter, .No. 5, elected thefollowing officers last Thursday eve-ning; Mrs. Bessie Hush, worthy ma-tron; John A. McGrew, worthy patron*Mrs. Etta W. Davis, associate ma-tron; Mrs. Charlotte M. Pine, secre-tary; Mrs. Alice Bradley, treasurer;Mrs. May P, Gibbons, conductress;Mrs. Ada E. Phillips, associate con-ductress: J. Harry Cunningham,treasurer; Mrs. Julia N. Streater. rep-resentative on the home board of theMasonic and Eastern Star Home. Thenew officers will be installed Thurs-day everting at & o’clock,

t • .

Bethany Chapter, No. 24 met De-cember 21, at which the followingofficers were installed by AssociateGrand Matron Mrs. Helen B. Strait;Mrs. Agusta O. Johnson. matron;Jesse B. Adrttris, patron; Mrs. CecileWhaley, associate matron; Mrs. La-vlnia Dunham, conductress; Mrs. Ro-berta Fosse, associate conductress:Miss Ellen S. Myers, secretary; Mrs.’Inez Garrlgus. treasurer: Mrs. WillieR. Goodwin, warder; Leland R. Rice,sentinel; Miss Georgia Johnson, Ada;Mrs. Adele S. Llebert, Ruth; Mrs.Amelia R, Marshall, Esther; Mrs\my Alf, Martha; Mrs. Mary Mirooke. Electa.

The following program was renlered; Vocal solo, Mrs. W. E. Lawsoniccompanied by Mrs. Guy Stevenspresentation of fan to Worthv Ma-ron Mrs. Agusta O. Johnson by B.H. Goodwin; presentation of gifts toofficers by Past Worthy PatronBloomfield H. Howard; recitation,Miss Hettyc Johnson: presentationof roses to Associate Grand MatronMrs. Helen B. Strait by Past WorthyMatron Mrs. Rose May Howard: ex-change of presents by the retiringworthy matron and worthy patron;presentation of beaded handbag to PastWorthy Matron Mrs. Rose May How- jard and of billfold to Past Worthy iPatron Bloomfield 11. Howard by 'Miss Yeba Johnson, in behalf of thoSocial Boosters; presentation of Jewelby Joseph C. Batt to Past WorthyPatron Bloomfield H. Howard; pres-entation of jewel by Pant MatronMrs. Nellie G. Plumbley to Past Ma-

: Iron Mrs. Rose May Howard; presen- i, tatlon of roses by Worthy Grandj Matron Mrs. TDlle C. Chauncey to

. Mrs. Roberta Posse, associate con-| duefcress; vocal solo. Miss Minnie1 Volkmann: presentation of silver vase, by Associate Matron Mrs. Cecile Wha-

ley In behalf of the officers to Past, Matron Mrs. Rose May Howard; pres-entation of flosai tribute bv Asso-ciate Grand Patron William G. Bettsto Worthy Matron Mrs. Agusta O.Johnson. .

- ¦ jAt a special meeting Wednesday J

evening ¦ officers of Electa Chapter Iwere Installed by Past Matron Mi's, iBertha Haines, assisted by Past Grand !Matron Mrs. Flora Campbell as mar-

shal and Past Aand Matron Mrs.Mary T. O’Brien as chaplain, as fol-lows: Mrs. Marjorie Haines Camp-

bell, matron; Charles Etzler, patron;Ml's- Marlon Pollock, associate ma-tron; Mrs. Elsie Robinson, secretary;Mrs. Helen Roberts, treasurer; Mrs.Marietta Thompson, conductress; Mrs.Florence Fowler, associate conduc-tress; Mrs. Ida Bailey, chaplain; Mrs.Oregan, Haines, marshal; Mrs. MaudPry, organist; Mrs. Anna Etzler,Adah; Miss Margaret Mills, Ruth; Mrs.Gladys Hollister, Esther; Mrs. Eliza-beth Harmon, Martha: Miss AliceKelly, Electa: Mrs. Blanche Reldel,warder; Arthur Eno, sentinel.

On behalf of the** chapter, the pastmatron’s jewel and a mahogany clockwere presented the retiring matron,Mrs. Alvena Hughes, by Past PatronJoseph Kelly. The retiring patron,Walter Fowler, was presented withsilver knives and forks by Past Ma-tron Mrs. Helen Buts. On behalf ofthe officers, Mrs. Frances Rice pre-sented salad forks to Mrs. Hughesand Mrs. Marietta Thompson present-ed to-Mr. FowUr butter spreaders.

Mrs. Elizabeth gave readings andS*-*8 BUn * by Raymond Fllllus.Past Matron Mrs. Ethel, Copes Fra-zier was In charge of the evening.

Oncers. °,r Esther Chapter, No. 5,liV’ta,led December 20. Past

jMatron Julia N. Streater cou-

««««* £ho Installation ceremonies, as-?i8 *fd b y Past Grand Matron Berthaf.Vi- as marshal and Grand Treas-Jrv.er C? ceI *a Atchison as chaplain.Jhe officers installed were -matron,Mrs. Bessie Bush; patron, John LinnMcGrew; associate matron, Mrs. EttaDavis; treasurer. Mrs. Alice Bradley

• conductress, Mrs. MayV,',?.. ?. n • ass °clate conductress: Adae. Phillips; chaplain. Mrs. Lena Van

"le; marshal, Mrs. Sophia Rice: or-ganlst, Mrs.- Theodora Cunningham:Adiih, Mrs. Frances Perkins; Ruth,Miss Louise Bready; Esthe#, MissGrace Wammcrsly; Martha, Mrs.

Bryant; Electa, Mrs. EffileWright; warder, Mrs. Catherine D.McGrew; sentinel, Robert J. Bell. Theretiring matron. Miss Mabel K.Lotsch, was presented with a pastmatron’s jewel, on behalf of the chap-ter by Past Grand Matron Streater.A past patron's jewel, in the form ofa Knight Templar’s charm, was givenlo the outgoing patron, J. HarryIhllllps, the presentation speech be-ing made by Miss Cecelia Atcblson.Addresses were delivered by GrandPatron James A. West, Past GrandMatron Flora Campbell and SenatorThomas Sterling of Sputh Dakota. Atthe next meeting. January 3, theevening will be devoted to an anni-versary celebration.

At a special meeting of TempleChapter, No. 13, last night officerswere installed as follows: Worthymatron. Mrs. Sara Blum: worthy pa-tron, Ashby Flynn; assocate matron,

¦Mrs. Harriet Corwin; conductress.Mrs. Lena M. Elder; associate con-ductress. Mrs. Christine Rowzee; sec-retary. Mrs. Emma J. Smith; treas-urer. Mrs. Fannie M. Lyles. The offi-cers appointed by the worthy matronarc as follows; Adah, Mrs. Rae Peake;Ruth. Mrs. Addle Flynn: Esther. Mrs.Pearl Klrkstcln; Martha, Miss l/outseEaston: Electa, Mrs. Dolly Camp-bell; chaplain, Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas;marshal. Miss Miriam Augenstein;organist. Miss Alice Larimore; war-der, Mrs. Emma Dawson; sentinel,Charles Tweedale. Charles U. Lewiswas elected as trustee to take theplace of the retiring trustee.

At a special meeting December 17Fidelity Chapter installed Its officers.Past Grand Matron Coles and Mr.Coles were presented with a gift inhonor of the twenty-fifth anniversaryof their marriage. An entertainmentwas followed by a banquet.

The Secretaries' Association willmeet next Saturday evening in thegraiTfi secretary's office. New MasonicTemple, at 7:30 o’clock for the trans-action of general business and theelection of officers. Mrs. Lillie Mc-Kenzie, president of the association,will preside. Newly Installed secre-taries are urged to attend.

At the last meeting of WashingtonCentennial Chapter Grand LecturerMary E. Teachum installed the fol-lowing officers: Lilian M. Trueworthy,worthy matron: Lester M. Culler,worthy patron; Mae M. Odenwald, as-sociate matron; Jessie Mount joy. sec-retary; Ella Woodward, treasurer;Mae H. Hill, conductress; Mabel Cook,associate conductress; Babel Black-man, chaplain; Lilian Albee, marshal;Katherlrte John, organist; EtelkaCuller, Adah; Emma Emnett, Ruth;Mary Bayles. Esther; Beulah Seaborn.Martha; Audrey Koone. Electa; OilieShively, warder, and Webster Osmond,sentinel. The past matron's jewelwas presented to retiring MatronHannah H. Munroe by the patron,

'Lester M. Cullen, and Past MatronRuth Ayler Morgan presented retir-ing Patron Clarence Warwick witha shrine‘ring from the chapter. Thechapter will celebrate Its third birth-day anniversary January 4. *

Past Matron Mrs. Frances Adamswas' elected a member of the board ofdirectors of the Masonic and EasternStar Home to represent HardingChapter, and Willis Fowler was elect-ed trustee of the chapter. The worthymatron. Mrs. Irene Biggs, has madeappointments as follows: Adah, Mrs.Marcella Richardson; Ruth, Mrs.Blanche Thoden: Esther. Mrs. Morgan;Martha. Mrs. Minnie Curtiss; Electa,Miss E. Louise Gardiner; chaplain.Miss Rena Harding. The officers wereInstalled last Thursday evening. PastMatron Minerva Crawford being theinstalling officer, assisted by MrsVernon Conway, grand marshal, andPast Grand Matron Carrie Howdy aschaplain.

At the last meeting of AremeChapter. No. 10. the following officerswere installed* by Grace I. Barr;

Emma Freeh, worthy* matron; JuliusB. Gay, worthy patron; Lillie Dow-rick, associate matron; Grace Barr,secretary: Helen Brashears. treas-urer; Emily Smith, conductress;Corlna Davis, associate conductress:Bertie Beit, chaplain: Hetty Bearley,marshal: Babel Hagen, organist;Alma Sohlosser, Adah: Violet Dow-rick, Ruth: Cecelia Michaells. Esther:Claribel Gay, Martha: Emily Hoff-man, Electa: Louise Capps, warder;Manard Twitchel, sentinel. Mrs.Freeh was the recipient of severalpieces of silver, the gavel and othergifts. Past Matron Sellma Posterwas presented with the past matron’sJewel by the chapter, presentation byDr. Grant S. Earnhardt, PastPatron George L. Lorher was pre-sented with a handsome electric waf-fle iron by the chapter. Mrs. Fosterwas also presented a gift of silverby, her worthy patron. George L.Lorher. He In turn was presented a"raternal ring by her. Mabel Hagen

ad charge of the program for the'vening. The next meeting of the

•hapter will be held January 2.

Columbia Chapter’s officers wereinstalled by the Worthy GrandMatron Mrs. Tlllle C. Chauncy, De-cember 22. an follows: Matron,Mrs. Antoinette L. Fischer, patron,James L. Evans; associate matron,Mrs. Mary E. Shade; secretary, Mrs.Mary Eppleshelmer; treasurer, Mrs.Freddie G. de Lesdernier; conduct-ress, Mrs. Jessie S. Post; associateconductres, Mrs. Lena Fisher; chap-

I lain, Mrs. Laura Wight; marshal.Miss Rachel Lee; organist. Miss Bes-sie Bright; Adah, Mrs. Dorothy Arring-ton; Ruth, Miss Florence Thomas;Esther, Mrs. Maud H'eningsmith; Mar-tha, Miss Mildred Epoley; Electa,Mrs. Helen Hixson; warder. Mrs.May Evans; sentinel, Robert Burgess.

The past matron and patron jewelswere presented to Mrs. Ida Wallesand Mr. R. Stone Jackson. A pleas-ing program of songs was renderedduring the evening.

The following officers of East GateChapter were installed December 21:Lena Vlerbuchen. worthy matron;Frank Beach, worthy patron; EttaF. Andrews, associate matron; MableB. Green, secretary; Elsie H. Hays,treasurer: Anna R Keyser, conduct-ress; Dorothy Harding, associate con-ductress; Mallnda Gates, chaplain;Blanche M. Rudd, marshal; MyraRoot, organist: Freda M. Thornton.Adk; Dorothy Dunbar, Ruth; MayCaden, Esther: Florence M. Conklin,Martha; Gertrude Cross. Electa; Ver-dlc -Newman, warder, and James E.Payne, sentinel. The past matron'sJewel was presented by Mrs. Andrews,the past patron’s Jewel by Mrs. ArthurHenderson, and Eva Tucker, on behalfof the retiring officers of 1923, pre-sented the retiring matron with agift. The incoming matron was therecipient of a diamond bar pin fromher husband and a handbag from theofficers of 1924. Elsie H. Hays makingthe presentation speech. Anna S.Castell, past matron, was the Install-ing officer. On behalf of the chaptershe was presented with an umbrellaby Myrtle B. Morgan.

* The officers of Naomi Chapter, No.3, were entertained by the retiringmatron, Alice E. Veley, at her home inPetworth last Friday evening. Fa-vors were presented. Each officerwas the recipient of a silverengraved “P. E. fit. 1923,” from lirs.Veley, as a memento, of the year. In-stallation of the new officers was heldDecember 26, the Installing officer be-ing Associate Grand Matron Helen B.Strait, assisted by Associate GrandPatron Betz, as follows:- Worthy ma-tron. Ellen Kalstrom; worthy patron.Dr. Robert McCullough; associate-ma-tron, EUa B. BUkUnK eOadactrese,

...a „



Subordinate lodges not. heretoforereported have elected for the comingterm as follows:

Eastern Lodge. No. 7*—Noble grand,George Edmonds; vice grand, JohnP. M. Duvall; recording secretary,Walter I. Rhoades; financial secre-tary, Harry I* Andresen, P. G. M.;treasurer, William J. Rich, P. O. M.;representative to home. James L.Whiteside; representatives to GrandLodge, H. L. Andresen, 8. E. Boyce,ur.; C. W. H. Brown, J. I. Brown,P. O. M.: G. B. Johnston, S. W. King.W. E. Lawson, W. F. Pape, W. J.Rich, J. W. Searle and J. L. Whiteside.

Harmony Lodge, No. 9—Noble grand,John W. Dick; vice grand, H. E.Warrington; recording secretary, E.lx Dunn, P. O. M.; financial secre-tary. W. C. W. Burgess; treasurer,Thomas J. Gates, P. G. M.; degreedirector, R. L. Patton; representativeto home, Joseph I. La Salle; repre-sentatives to Grand Lodge, GeorgeF. Avery, W. C. W. Burgess, Edwardlx Dunn, Thomas J. Gates, RoscocJenkins, Joseph I. La Halle, H. C.Lybrand, William W. Millar, W. L.Overstreet, R. L. Patton and W. 11.Stewart.

Friendship Lodge, No, 12—NoWegrand, Edgar W. Parks: vice grand,Darius Prather; recording secretary,Joe T. Allison; financial secretary,Thomas C. Baisden; treasurer, JosephB. Kln’cer; representatives to GrandLodge, J. T. Allison. W. J. Broadbent,E. W. Cummings, William A. Greer,William C. Hauptman, Rufus J. Kee-ler, Joseph B. Kincer, C. BrownLampe and Eppa C. Royston.

Covenant Lodge, No. 13—Noblegrand, Wallace R. Florence; vicegrand, Sidney Ehrlich; recording sec-retary. William E. Clapp; financialsecretary, J. E. Chamberlain: treas-urer, E. C. Blackman: trustees, H.Chamberlain, H. Ehrlich and F. J.Buckley; representatives to GrandLodge. E. C. Blackman, F. J. Buckley,E. E. Burdette, Sterling Chamberlain,James E. Chamberlain, W. E. Clapp,Harry Ehrlich, C. R, Sohutt, HarrySelali, W. H. Sparshott and L. L.Wehr.

Federal City Lodge. No. 20—Noblegrand, William C. Lakin; vlqe grand,William F. Estes; recording secre-tary, Simeon N. Mallary: financialsecretary, Edward L. Weber; treas-urer, Charles E. Pyle; trustee, Wil-liam R. McCall; representative tohome, Michael E. Murray.

Amity Lodge, No. 27—Noble grand,R. E. Oliff; vice grand. E. B. Kin-caid; recording secretary, GeorgeCummlng; financial secretary. B. B.Vaden; treasurer, R. A. Ford, P. G.M.; trustee, J. Harry Goodrich: rep-resentative to home, B. B. Vaden;representatives to Grand Lodge. Jo-seph G. Acton. James T. Ellett. E. IxHawkins, John Mullen, R. H. Sorrell.B. B. Vaden, John H. Windsor andLemuel H. Windsor.

Brlghtwood Lodge. No. 30--Noblegrand. Clarence Manuel; vice grand.Bernard Lettau; recording secretary,J. K. Haight; financial secretary.Thomas Humphries; treasurer, W. M.Cowell; representatives to GrandLodge, William M. Cowell, HezektahDodson, James H. Du Bois, ThomasHumphries. George E. Lund andHugh Phillips.

EaeMpaitati,The following are the elective of-

ficers of the several encampments forthe term beginning January 1, 1924:

Columbian Encampment, No. I—Chief1 —Chiefpatriarch. L. H. Windsor; high priest,W. B. Randall: senior warden. J. H.Windsor; junior warden. Max Morris;scribe. Frank D. Selftert; treasurer,

William W. Keck; hall representative,Frank D. Selffert.

Magenenu Encampment, No. 4—Chiefpriest, George A. Murrlson; highpriest, William W. Millan; seniorwarden. John O. Hammond; Juniorwarden, Henry W. Picken; scribe,Roscoe Jenkins; treasurer, CharlesW. Cuthbertson.

Fred D. Stuart Encampment, No.,7—Chief patriarch, Thomas C. Bale-*den; high priest, Elmer Cummings;,senior warden, Ernest L. Loving;Junior warden, McKenzie C. Warren;scribe, Fred N. Julian; treasurer,Robert A, Southworth,

I —

Canton Washington, No. I—Captain,William P. Pumphrey; lieutenant, Al-fred H. Noakes; ensign, John L. Me- IKlnnon; clerk, Roscoa Wines; ac-.countant, Fred R. Wararholter. Theinstallation Is to be held January 5.

Dorcas Rebekah, No. 4—Noblegrand, Kate C. Twltchell: vice grand,Martha Goode; recording secretary.M. Annette Emory: financial secre-tary, Maiw M. Dement: treasurer,

Abble M. Gates; degree director, J. T.Blalock. The Installation Is to beheld Thursday.

Henry C. Bergman was given awelcome by the members of Friend-ship Lodge, No. 12. last Wednesdayevening on the occasion of the sixty-first anniversary of his connectionwith that lodge. At the same timethe lodge presented Wilfred E. Law-son, acting grand master, with acarving set.

The officers of Federal City, No. 20.will be Installed Friday evening inI. O. O. F. Temple, 419 7th streetnorthwest, by Deputy Grand MasterJames W. Wilkinson and a suite ofofficers selected from the districtdeputy grand masters of zone 8 ofMaryland.

Tho Rebekah Assembly and theHome Circle will hold their NewYear reception at the Odd Fellows'Home, 3233 N street northwest, Tues-day evening, 8 to 10 o’clock.

Brlghtwood. No. 30, has passed anamendment to the by-laws for aweekly meeting on Wednesdays.

THE MACCABEES.A. W. Frye, who is well known In

this city, was Installed as supreme

commander of the Maccabees Thurs-day night, to succeed D. P. Markey.resigned, who held the position forthirty-three years.

Mr. Frye has been active In the_n.anagement of the Maccabees fortwenty-five years. Joining the orderIn this city In 1899, he had charge suc-cessively of the states of Virginia.

New Jersey. Maryland, Delaware andeastern Pennsylvania, going to the

head office at Detroit as generaldeputy In 1916. In 1911 he was elect-ed supreme picket. In 15 supremechaplain, and In 1919 supreme lieu-tenant commander. He Is a thlrty-second-degree Mason and a memberof the Odd Fellows and Knights ofPythias.

National Tent, No. 1, Is arrangingfor a big meeting to take place Jan-uary 2. The newly elected officers areto be Installed by a representative ofthe Supreme Tent. The ceremonies areopen to the public and the member-ship of the Woman’s Benefit Associa-tion of the Maccabees are to be In-vited. The meeting will be held Inthe large reception hall in the OddFellows’ Temple.

JR. 0. U. A. M.Edward J. Ross Council, No. 26.

Thursday evening elected the follow-ing officers: Councilor. T. F. Jones(re-elected); vice councilor, AlbertJaeger: recording secretary, W. E.Saunders (re-elected); assistant re-cording secretary, G. W. Swift (re-elected); financial secretary, H. A.Beck (re-elected): treasurer, A. LJennings (re-elected): warden, P. T.Groves (re-elected); conductor. J. L.O’Brien; Inside sentinel, A. C. Moran;outside sentinel, James Chapman (re-

elected); degree master, P. T, Groves(re-elected); drill master, G. W. Swift(re-elected): chaplain, E. E. Nlckol-son; trustee, for eighteen months,W. F. Sinnott; trustee for E. J. Rfund, H. A. Beck; pianist, A. C. Mo-ran; representative to F. B. A. U. S„W. E. Saunders.

18.P. 0. ELKS.

Members of Washington Lodge, No.6, B. P. O. Elks, and their friendsfill celebrate the passing of the oldear and the Incoming of the New'ear by holding an oyster roast andance at the clubhouse tomorrow eve-Ing. According to the predictionsf the trustees, who will have Im*-

mediate charge, the affair will be onedf the best of Its kind that has everUeen undertaken. Dancing will begin

ialt 8 o’clock and continue until 1ofclock.

I The committee having In charge theMouvenler brochure which will be Is-ftued to all who attend tho Elkscfharlty ball to be given at tho WII-- ftrd Hotel on the evening of Febru-ary 21, announces that the preparingarid printing of the brochure Is welluf|der way. Chairman James T.Up an of the committee has Instructedtl*: members of that committee toba| prepared to begin active and in-ÜBislve solicitation among the mem-biM'ship and other sources to procurecpfa ce donations for the brochure. Theproceeds raised through space dona-tbriis will bo used to replenish thechkirity fund of Washington lodge.

Ihe next regular meeting of theBoston Club will be held January 7at t 8 p.m. Chairman P. J. Callanurges all members and their friendswh»u have not Joined the club, to doko (without delay. In order that theholV.l committee may be In a positionto imake definite arrangements forqu.’Uters at an early date.

C.Hvlng to the Christmas holidaysthe< charity ball committee has de-cided not t» hold a meeting tomor-row- night. Ssm Richards, chairman,announcer; that the next meeting oftho i charity ball committee will beheld* In the lodgeroom. January 7, at8:30i p.m., and that meetings of thecornaniltee will "be held on every Mon-day T night thereafter until furthernotit-e.

Title band and drill team will beginto Hold regular rehearsals and drillsImiriediately after the first of thenew; year, iq order to prepare forentering the prize compelatlve con-test a which are to be held In Bostonnext:} July on the occasion of theElk?* annual national reunion.

Members of the order desiring cardsof Invitation for the Elks danceswhi rh are being held regularly, oneveiy Thursday and Saturday night,in t»ie ballroom, may procure suchcard a from the chairman of the dancecommittee, or any member of thatconvailttee or any one of the trustees.F. W. A. Brown Is chairman of the

danefe committee.

WOODMEN OF THE WORLD.Th fe Woodmen of the World In the

District of Columbia have three spe-cial functions scheduled for the com-ing meek. Oak Camp will provide aChrishnas tree for the children ofmemlijijrs and gifts will be distributedat Northeast Masonic Temple nextThur.alay night. The installation ofthe cffcnp’s new officers will take placepubli(|ly at the same time. SovereignsSmart, Stott, Cole, Williams andKearijs are in charge of the prepara-tions, | •

The new delegates to the Boosters'Club ’gill present their credentials atthe Jaxiuary convention and vote forthe officers for 1924.

Col. Freeland will announce themustering of several new companiesof the Uniform Rank January 7 atthe home of Lieut. L. F. Llty, CapitalHeight*. Md.

Hickory Camp is to hold an openmeeting Thursday night, when thenew oijjicers are to be inducted Intotheir stations. Sovereign DelegateEckloft will be the installing officer.Sovereigns Tennyson, Shumate andParadis head the entertainment com-mittee. will be served.

The Boosters’ Club degree team,supported by the Uniform Rank, willinitiate a class at Alpha Camp nextFriday evening. The Boosters willalso officiate at the Installation. Anentertainment and supper will followthe ceremony.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS.3 o’clock, thoKnights of Columbus will be hosts tothe orphans of the city of Washington

1 a.^rl“tma i 3 tree Party In their hallon 10th street northwest. More thanone thousand orphans will be, the guestsof the local "Caseys." A hug, Christ- vmas tree has been erected In the ball- ’

room and this will serve as a settingfor Santa Claus to distribute thousand*of gifts to the little ones. Many in-stitutions will be represented by ihetn.For those orphans who are too emailto attend a supply of gifts Is beingsent to their home.

A feature of the entertainment thlisyear will be the playing of Christmascarols by the Knights of CommonsBand, under the direction of Frank .1.Weber. During the afternoon party thekiddies will sing accompanied by theband.

Grand Knights Fitzgerald, Dewlap, {Ryan, Burns and Fahy are In charge \of the party, under the general chair-manship of Paul Ratcllffe chairman of--Washington chapter.

Keane Council will give a mask bailIn the Knights of Columbus Club Housetomorrow night. Dancing will begin at9 o’clock. The grand march will startat 10:30. Refreshments will bo ..served.The Famous Washingtonian* wi.i iur.i-ish the music. This is the big l£tilgh':aAof Columbus watch party ana al) metp-whers are Invited to Join Keane Council sIn bidding adieu to old 1923 and to wel-come 1924.

Last Monday the Knights of Colum-bus Band committee met and discussedplans for the St. Patrick's day concert,

card party and dance to be held at theWashington Hotel. Miss Anna E. Mur-phy was appointed chairman of thocommittee on patronesses, and Mrs.Marv Adamson was appointed chairmanof the card party committee. MissMary C. Boland, grand regent of theCatholic Daughters of America was i

present and spoke, as well as Miss 1Teresa Fitzgerald. '

A New Tear party is to be given

under tho auspices of Carroli Council,in the Knights of Columbus Hall.James T. Ryan, grand knight of thocouncil has announced that there willbe no meeting Tuesday, New Year day,

but a social for all members will bo

held Instead.

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