Evaluation task 2 How does your media product represent your particular social groups? Overall plot: in the opening two minutes sequence of our production we are introduced to four characters. It’s evident from the first two minutes what the professions of these people are which might be insightful for people trying to figure class and status. The job role of the main protagonist is an agent, which is evident through the clothing and the fact he has a gun, and two of the other characters are body guards for the target the main antagonist. The characters in our film can be likened to the main character in the TV series 24, which we used as inspiration for our production. They both have relatively similar professions where they have counteract any criminal action and they are both in a race against time to do so. They are both relatively young men, the protagonist in our production a few years younger but they also have the same ethnic background. The ethnic background being white, this is traditionally the ethnicity that has the role of the protagonist in action movies. Class and status: None of the characters in our film come from privileged backgrounds, however they’re all self made and successful which is reflective in their professions. Gender: All of the characters in the first two minute sequence are male, and their masculinity is portrayed, as there are many comings together, and the main protagonist shows a large degree of masculinity through the power he possesses with the gun.

Evaluation Task 2

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Evaluation task 2

How does your media product represent your particular social groups? Overall plot: in the opening two minutes sequence of our production we are introduced to four characters. Its evident from the first two minutes what the professions of these people are which might be insightful for people trying to figure class and status. The job role of the main protagonist is an agent, which is evident through the clothing and the fact he has a gun, and two of the other characters are body guards for the target the main antagonist. The characters in our film can be likened to the main character in the TV series 24, which we used as inspiration for our production. They both have relatively similar professions where they have counteract any criminal action and they are both in a race against time to do so. They are both relatively young men, the protagonist in our production a few years younger but they also have the same ethnic background. The ethnic background being white, this is traditionally the ethnicity that has the role of the protagonist in action movies. Class and status: None of the characters in our film come from privileged backgrounds, however theyre all self made and successful which is reflective in their professions. Gender:All of the characters in the first two minute sequence are male, and their masculinity is portrayed, as there are many comings together, and the main protagonist shows a large degree of masculinity through the power he possesses with the gun.Costuming: The use of the characters costume enables us to gather a lot about the character, profession, class etc ... with our main character we can see hes got a relatively prestigious job, hes also presented smartly. The colours used with the costuming have their own connotations though as the white in his shirt suggests a large degree of purity as he has good intentions, however the black shows a dark side, which is shown in him killing three people. The villain in the film is dressed in very casual clothing which reflects his casual approach as he has bodyguards doing his dirty work throughout the film.Age; The character in our film is young and although hes able to fend off his obstacles, hes quite vulnerable throughout and vulnerability is something that is quite heavily associated with young people regardless of their gender.