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Evaluation task 2

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Evaluation task 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

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You can see here that the pictures that I used in my Digi-pack were actually taken in the same place that I used to film my video. This means that the audience will recognise this place and immediately link their memory to the song and artist. You can also see that the guitar that is propped up in the background of my music video scene is the actual guitar that is used inside the digi-pack.

There is a subtle link between the angles and lines of these shots. You can see in the digi-pack that the writing is off centre and very wacky in its placing. This is represented again in the video with this shot as the stairs are off centre and resemble the placing of the words.

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We can see a clear link between the two pieces of texts. I have used an effect on the picture for the advertisement that is called “Cut-out”. This is a kind of trademark pose from the artist with his eyes closed and it really looks like he is getting passionate and cares for the song. These two poses are nearly identical and you could recognise the advert if you had seen the video as being the singers pose.


I have tried to interlink a blue theme with the inclusion of the blue drum kit pictures above in the background of the singer.

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There is a link between these two texts because they are both using a microphone to sing into. I thought that to include the microphone I both texts would highlight the professionalism of the artist and also draw similarities between the texts so the audience can recognise them both and it will stick in their minds. I have also decided to introduce the glasses into the music video because it adds in a certain intelligence and a smarter appeal to the artist that you wouldn’t get without them.

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CD Cover

Here I have added the same idea of a shot into the music video but with a slightly different angle on the drums. In the CD cover I took the picture from a kind of birds eye view angle, but now for the music video I have used the same idea with the drum kit the drum sticks and even the drum microphone being involved, but slightly changed the angle so that you are looking at it from side on. You can definitely draw a resemblance from these two shots and the audience will recognise them and link them to the artist.

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CD Cover

As you can see I have subtly included the exact same shot that I used in my CD cover shoot. This shot is the artist sitting in front of the bass drum on the floor of the music studio. The shot in the CD cover is hidden and can only be visible if you look for a while, so I decided to make this shot very visible and obvious to the audience. I think these shots work very well as it gives a kind of relaxed and chilled out perspective of the artist.