
Evaluation q1

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge informs and conventions of real media products?

From watching various opening sequences of heist movies I concluded that most start of dark and sinister e.g oceans 11, Inside man and The usual suspects with either the protagonist talking or a main character but some do start light and establish where the film will be set i.e Tower Heist and Italian Job. I also concluded usually mid shot or close ups are used to establish the protagonist. Lastly most opening sequences mention the heist in some sort of way e.g recall of the robbery, planning or what causes the heist.

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Therefore I would say our opening sequence develops forms and convention of real media products. Our opening sequence doesn’t start of dark it introduces the protagonist of the movie also there are three scenes in our opening sequence instead of the preferred one. However our opening sequence does include the favour table close ups and mid shots.