Photo Shoot Review (you are creative visual people… make this power point look more interesting! Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice Task 3 Selection of final images & review

Evaluation of photos

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Page 1: Evaluation of photos

Photo Shoot Review(you are creative visual

people… make this power point look more

interesting!Unit 57: Photography and

Photographic Practice

Task 3 Selection of final images & review

Page 2: Evaluation of photos

Aim of Shoot

• The aim of my photoshoot was to produce an image I could use on the front cover of a music magazine. I wanted to make the images fun and interesting to look at.

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Description of shoot

The photo-shoot took place in my bathroom because I wanted use water in my shoot. I took inspiration from the Miley Cyrus Rolling Stone. I wanted to use a pool for my photo shoot but because I could not access one so I had to use a bath. I used the flash on my canon camera for some of the photos I took. For some of the photos I took them manually to see the difference. I also choose a bath because I like the effect of the water and how clear It makes the picture look. Even though I haven't used any musical items I wanted to just feature the singer and to let the audience know that were going to know about this person.

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Editing effects

For the image I choose to use on my front cover I wanted to make it look professional and of a high standard. I opened the image in Photoshop and then started to make the changes I thought necessary. First of all I made Olivia’s under eyes darker to make it look more like her make up has smudged in the bath. I did this by selecting the paint brush and lowering the opacity to 16. I then drew black smudges under her eyes which has proved very effective and to make her smudged mascara more dominant. Secondly I wanted to change the colour of Olivia's eyes and make them more blue. I went on the mask tool and outlined her eye. I then went on colour balance and changed it to the colour I wanted. Thirdly I wanted to get rid of the shine on Olivia’s forehead so I used the clone stamp to take parts of her forehead which weren't shiny and then place them where the light was shining. Also in the right hand corner of the picture I had to crop a bit out to make it less obvious that I used a bath.

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Capture log

• The setting of the photo shoot was in a studio specially designed to take photos. There where professional lights set up all around and a plain clean background which are mainly used in many studio photo-shoots.

• The F stop for my final image is F/3.8 due to the fact the image is very bright. This means when the image was taken the camera was letting a lot of light in which is why it was so bright. The ISO for this image is ISO-640 which ones again shows us just how bright this image is. The higher the ISO the more light the camera is letting in. This is due to the two artificial lights we used.

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Final Images

This is the final image for my front cover of my music magazine. I am very pleased with this image because it doesn’t look to photo shopped which I find some front cover images do. I also like how clear the definition in the picture has become so you can see the water in the background which I wanted. You can also see a clear outline of Olivia which makes the picture look really sharp. The angle of view for this photo is from above. I think it has proven very effective because you can enough of Olivia to see what she's doing and where abouts she is. I think this would look really good on the front cover of a music magazine because my interview is mostly about getting to know Olivia therefore I didn’t want to use any props to distract the audience away from the main focus of my interview. I also chose this image due to the fact the F/stop is f/4 which means there's a great amount of light passing through which makes the image brighter in general. The ISO for this photo is ISO 400 which means the images isent too dull but isent to over exposed. However I also enhanced the brightness just to make it that bit brighter.

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Capture log

• For my next set of images I kept the theme of using Olivia as the main focus point. This time I had to produce a set of images I could use inside my magazine. I produced around 50 images I could use but only choose a select few. I wanted to choose photos that had a range of shots so the image wouldn’t all look the same. I also tried to us leading lines, symmetry, and depth of field in my images to make them more professional.

• The shoot took over an hour and I only used one location to keep the images more personal and so they connect to one another. I wanted Olivia to change positions in each picture just so all the image wouldn't look the same which would make the magazine boring. I also wanted the images to look classy and respectable therefore kept them tame.

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Editing effects

Similar to the first photo I photo-shopped I changed Olivia's eye colour to make them bluer and to make it the same as the front cover image. I did this with the masking tool by drawing around her eye, clicking on colour balance and making them bluer. Secondly I made her under eyes darker to keep up appearances with the other photos and to make it look like her mascaras very smudged. I did this simply by selecting the paint tool and decreasing the opacity. Thirdly I used the masking tool again to highlight Olivia's lips and make them a brighter pink to give them more of a fresh feeling.

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Final Images

These are my two final images that will feature inside my magazine. I choose these images for a number of reasons one being that the image themselves are very clear and have sharp edges.The first image uses depth of field by giving a clear view of Olivia and blurring the background. This shows the depth of the picture. The image is also symmetrical when we look at the background and the face which creates a strong visual effect. We can also see that the image uses leading lines which leads the audience to the back of the photo also. The second image also uses depth of field by focusing more on Olivia than the background. I also think that the spaced is used very well in the image and doesn’t leave any blank white space.

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Rejected Images

• This are the images I thought weren't as professional as the other ones I shot. I think these images are more for comedic value than for a serious music magazine. In the pictures I have chosen Olivia is also not ready and therefore it doesn’t look as effective. Also on the first and last picture I think the lightings too dull and doesn’t make the image very clear.

• The first image has a f stop of 3.5 however the water makes the image look darker then it actually is and therefore doesn’t look as professional.

• I also chose this images as rejects because I don’t like the angle they were taken from. For one not of them any depth of field or any leading lines which makes an image more professional.

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Aims for next project

From this shoot I have learnt all about the different kinds of camera angles and that there's much more to a picture then meets the eye such as depth of field. However in the next photoshoot I do I will spend more time testing out different angles and lighting so the pictures look different. I also have come to understand how important lighting is in a photo-shoot. The right setting needs the right lighting and can make a massive difference to the sort of message you want you photos to create.