Justification of photos

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The reason why I chose this image is because it is a low angle shot and it clearly shows the title of the club. ‘Club Record’

I also chose this image because it also shows the bright surrounding/atmosphere in contrast to the dark wall drawing more attention to the title.

The low angle shot and the editing of the background is used to create a focal point in the image. The fact that the club record is the only bold colour in the whole of the image it draws in their attention to the sign .

The colours in the image from light blue sky to the black glass creates this concoction of people that can and do appreciate music which ultimately unites the music industry.

This camera angle also shows a place that is very common to rock fans as many upcoming bands have performed at this venue. Therefore the low angle shot can show how powerful/successful the venue is as it has helped or contributed to a lot of up coming bands.

But the low angle shot also shows the venue as being discreet in such a well know place for the birth of music. For example it is not as well known as The Roundhouse but it plays a dominant part in the uprising of rock music.

Therefore the low angle shows the venue’s dominance.

This image will be used for my contents page and it will be a visual insight to the what is inside the magazine. Allow the reader to see what appeals to them visually


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The convention used is a wide angle shot which shows not only the model but the location that she is in.

The shot shows the model standing in a canal and it is very quite dark and mysterious.

The audience can get a clear view of the bricks on the other side of the wall and the river in between. The brick walls connotes for the danger, the edginess the magazine and the rock industry with hold. The water connotes for the flow of music and how it will never stop flowing. That rock along with other music is a part of a cycle that will keep on flowing.

The water provides a reflection so shows that the model is probably looking out into the river and looking back at the reflection they’re seeing and looking back the their music and their music career.

In this camera shot we can also see the blue lights on the ceiling of the bridge. It could connote for how music brings light into people’s life and the effects that it has on them.

The fact that there is no direct mode of address could make the reader drawn to the magazine as it is very unusual yet reinforces the idea that rock industry doesn’t conform to any mainstream ideologies and also heightens the sense of rebellion.

The dark surrounding shows the dark nature associated with rock and heavy metal music.

This image will be used for my double page spread as it relates to ‘a Musical Journey’ (double page spread)as this is the artists favourite place to get away.


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This model in this image is slightly above the camera. She is looking down at the camera which shows the models dominance.

This angle shows the model making direct mode of address so it gives the assumption that the model is directly communicating with the audience.

The dark brick wall connotes for the strong, sharp sounds that we hear in rock and heavy metal music but it also signifies the solidarity and strength in the rock industry for many years.

The fact that the model is wearing black connotes for a dark, sinful, unknown world the magazine will have. And it suggest that the model is enticing the audience into a world which is full of secrecy.

The juxtaposition of the models costume and the background suggests that she has a secret which if you want to find out about it you will purchase the magazine. The pose has persuasive edge to it.

The models make up is very dark, the dark eyeliner around her eyes show darkness and devotion to the music that she produces.

The models jewellery is very sharp and pointy which shows danger which can also entice people in reading the magazine. The ring on her index finger suggest a mystic side to her and her music. The fact that it is a stone connotes for the sentimental side of music and the deeper meaning of things.

This image will be used for my front cover as there is a clear focal point and if the image is edited well then the reader will focus only on the model.

None of the accessories the model is wearing distracts the audience. Therefore the mise en scene is okay for this shot.


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This is a ‘in the moment’ shot where I was at a concert and took this photo with my iPhone camera.

This is also a low angle shot which reinforces the band’s dominance and the intense music that they produce.

The dark background and the intensity of the models on stage show the enjoyment and electric performance that they’re putting on for the crowd.

The image is suitable for rock music readers as this band is not well known but this shot will bring awareness to the readers who are interested in discovering new music.

You can clearly see the instruments and the intensity of their body position. Their instruments and pose reflects the music as being different and shows a unique side of rock music infused with another genre.

Because there is no clear focal point it therefore emphasises that the during concerts there is a lot of chaos and the attention is on everyone who is on stage, creating a performance.

This image will be used for my contents page as it will give a visual insight to what the reader can find inside and it’s a clear image of what that they can find inside concert reviews.

This shot shows unity between the band and reflects the unity in the rock industry

The fact that no one is smiling directly to the camera shows the hard, intensity of rock music


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This is a wide/establishing shot which also allows the reader to see the area and central point in this image which is ‘Camden Lock’.

This shot can be quite distracting as there is a lot of people which can detract from my main interpretation of the image.

The shot is brightened by the lights and the addition of a flash which also allows the reader to clearly see the setting.

However because the image has a lot of things going on in it when I edit it will I intend to blur out the background or any bits that are distracting from my intended focus of the image.

Rock magazine usually contain images that show events or past events. But this image is to inform people of an area in London where there are lots of events for rock music

The fact that the photo was taken during the night might make the audience believe that the genre is very cryptic and has a dark nature behind it which will appeal to the fans of rock music.

The boldness of the bridge suggest that the magazine and rock genre has very bold elements to it even though it may appear dark at first.

This image will be used on my contents page again to give the reader a visual insight to the magazine.

This is also an eye level shot which doesn’t create or adds any dramatic power to the image as the scene does that itself. The angle also allows the reader to feel comfortable whilst looking at the shot.


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This image was not used because although the grey jumper does contrast the background it was initially meant to be the image for my front cover however the jumper adds a casual feel and more relaxed approach which is not what I wanted for the magazine. As rock music magazines are supposed to give connotations of power, abnormality and darkness which will appeal to my chosen demographic . The dark background works well in creating a focal point and also the black gives connotations of a darken world juxtaposed with the blue streaks which resemble the electrifying music however the metal gate is distracting as the flash makes it much more visible.

This was going to be the image for my DPS however the eye level shot creates a sense of normality but it is not as appealing as the other DPS shots that I saw from my research. Also the wind is blowing which is moving the model hair and it does not look as powerful and intense as I wanted this shot to be. There is a clear focal point but you can see the houses that are in the background which can be distracting. This shot is to casual/relaxed for the intense magazine I intend to have. The flash is also reflecting off the models jacket which makes the image look messy.

This image is an establishing shot that was going to be used in my contents page however I wanted some variety so I didn’t want to use flash. I wanted to capture the effect the streetlights had on the scene but when I went to take this shot with my Canon 60D it didn’t reflect my first intentions and therefore the reader will have no idea of what this image was supposed to portray and therefore I had to use flash when I redid this image. Although the image does look very mysterious it doesn’t have a focal point to the image and it would confuse the reader. If this image was used it wouldn’t enable me to compete with other rock magazines.