Evaluation 4 +5

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Who would be the audience for your media product?  How did you attract / address

your audience?

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The target audience of my magazine is aged 17- 25 years old and consists of both males and females. Through the production process I have conferred with my target audience to find out what they want. I have done this in the form of a Facebook group chat. I tried to appeal to both gender by using neutral colours that weren't gender specific. I carried this house style through out the 3 construction tasks. On the front page I have used reception theory to create a bond between reader and the artist with a direct mode of address

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 To attract both males and females I firstly confirmed what they don’t want to see in a magazine for both gender. This was objectification of either the males or the female body. Therefore looking at magazines such as billboard or MNE would although give me an idea for layout their main image style would have been a bad one to replicate.

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As I had an alternative target audience that dress in vintage inspired clothes rather than modernistic clothes I decided to keep my magazine as an alternative magazine. I therefore looked at similar magazines to get inspiration for colour schemes the magazine that I used the most was Clash music magazine. The colour schemes in my magazine I high contrasting white, black and a lot of grey.  On the front cover the model appears to be on a green lit background. I went against the convention of using social media links to interest my young audience as I know from trying to get in contact with them they are not interested that much in social media due it being ‘to mainstream’. I used reception theory to attract my target audience to my magazine this is so the audience can relate to the artists the magazine. This will create personal relationships this will make the reader want to return to the magazine time and time again to get the same emotional attachment they did the first time they read the magazine.

Eye contact with the reader (direct mode of address)