Evaluating along-strike variation using thin-bedded facies analysis, Upper Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Utah ZHIYANG LI*, JANOK BHATTACHARYA and JUERGEN SCHIEBER* *Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington, 1001 East 10th Street, Bloomington, Indiana, 47405-1405, USA (E-mails: [email protected], [email protected]) School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4L8 Associate Editor – Gary Hampson ABSTRACT Thin-bedded delta-front and prodelta facies of the Upper Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta Complex near Hanksville in southern Utah, USA, show signifi- cant along-strike facies variability. Primary initiation processes that form these thin beds include surge-type turbidity currents, hyperpycnal flows and storm surges. The relative proportion of sedimentary structures generated by each of these depositional processes/events has been calculated from a series of measured sedimentological sections within a single parasequence (PS61) which is exposed continuously along depositional strike. For each measured section, sedimentological data including grain size, lithology, bedding thick- ness, sedimentary structures and ichnological suites have been documented. Parasequence 61 shows a strong along-strike variation with a wave-domi- nated environment in the north, passing abruptly into a fluvial-dominated area, then to an environment with varying degrees of fluvial and wave influ- ence southward, and back to a wave-dominated environment further to the south-east. The lateral facies variations integrated with palaeocurrent data indicate that parasequence 61 is deposited as a storm-dominated symmetri- cal delta with a large river-dominated bayhead system linked to an updip fluvial feeder valley. This article indicates that it is practical to quantify the relative importance of depositional processes and determine the along-strike variation within an ancient delta system using thin-bedded facies analysis. The wide range of vertical stratification and grading sequences present in these event beds also allows construction of conceptual models of deposition from turbidity currents (i.e. surge-type turbidity currents and hyperpycnal flows) and storm surges, and shows that there are significant interactions and linkages of these often paired processes. Keywords Along-strike variation, Ferron Notom Delta, hyperpycnal flows, prodelta, storms, thin beds. INTRODUCTION The traditional tripartite classification of deltas into fluvial-dominated, wave-dominated and tide-dominated end-members was based on the relative influence of river input, waves and tides, as well as the plan-view geometries of deltaic sand bodies (Coleman & Wright, 1975; Galloway, 1975). Since then, many other parameters, such as type of feeder system, water depth and type of mouth-bar process, have been incorporated to expand this ternary classification (Reading & Collinson, 1996). However, these classification schemes deal poorly with the internal facies 1 © 2015 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2015 International Association of Sedimentologists Sedimentology (2015) doi: 10.1111/sed.12219

Evaluating along‐strike variation using thin‐bedded facies ... · 4 Z. Li et al. clay + 60% silt) and siltstone (20% clay + 80% silt). The variations in the grain size of mudstone

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Page 1: Evaluating along‐strike variation using thin‐bedded facies ... · 4 Z. Li et al. clay + 60% silt) and siltstone (20% clay + 80% silt). The variations in the grain size of mudstone

Evaluating along-strike variation using thin-bedded faciesanalysis, Upper Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Utah

ZHIYANG LI*, JANOK BHATTACHARYA† and JUERGEN SCHIEBER**Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington, 1001 East 10th Street,Bloomington, Indiana, 47405-1405, USA (E-mails: [email protected], [email protected])†School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton,Ontario, Canada L8S 4L8

Associate Editor – Gary Hampson


Thin-bedded delta-front and prodelta facies of the Upper Cretaceous Ferron

Notom Delta Complex near Hanksville in southern Utah, USA, show signifi-

cant along-strike facies variability. Primary initiation processes that form

these thin beds include surge-type turbidity currents, hyperpycnal flows and

storm surges. The relative proportion of sedimentary structures generated by

each of these depositional processes/events has been calculated from a series

of measured sedimentological sections within a single parasequence (PS6–1)which is exposed continuously along depositional strike. For each measured

section, sedimentological data including grain size, lithology, bedding thick-

ness, sedimentary structures and ichnological suites have been documented.

Parasequence 6–1 shows a strong along-strike variation with a wave-domi-

nated environment in the north, passing abruptly into a fluvial-dominated

area, then to an environment with varying degrees of fluvial and wave influ-

ence southward, and back to a wave-dominated environment further to the

south-east. The lateral facies variations integrated with palaeocurrent data

indicate that parasequence 6–1 is deposited as a storm-dominated symmetri-

cal delta with a large river-dominated bayhead system linked to an updip

fluvial feeder valley. This article indicates that it is practical to quantify the

relative importance of depositional processes and determine the along-strike

variation within an ancient delta system using thin-bedded facies analysis.

The wide range of vertical stratification and grading sequences present in

these event beds also allows construction of conceptual models of deposition

from turbidity currents (i.e. surge-type turbidity currents and hyperpycnal

flows) and storm surges, and shows that there are significant interactions

and linkages of these often paired processes.

Keywords Along-strike variation, Ferron Notom Delta, hyperpycnal flows,prodelta, storms, thin beds.


The traditional tripartite classification of deltasinto fluvial-dominated, wave-dominated andtide-dominated end-members was based on therelative influence of river input, waves and tides,as well as the plan-view geometries of deltaic

sand bodies (Coleman & Wright, 1975; Galloway,1975). Since then, many other parameters, suchas type of feeder system, water depth and type ofmouth-bar process, have been incorporated toexpand this ternary classification (Reading &Collinson, 1996). However, these classificationschemes deal poorly with the internal facies

1© 2015 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2015 International Association of Sedimentologists

Sedimentology (2015) doi: 10.1111/sed.12219

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complexities within ancient deltaic systems,because most deltaic systems are mixed-processsystems that have been influenced by rivers,waves and tides to varying degrees at the sametime (Gani & Bhattacharya, 2007; Ainsworthet al., 2011). The degree of influence of these pro-cesses is hypothesized to change with along-strike position. In addition, prodelta facies maybe less re-worked by fair-weather waves, com-pared with sandy delta-front deposits, and thusthe prodelta deposits may contain a better recordof storms and river flood events. Traditional del-taic facies models also tend to focus on the sandyparts of systems and general trends, such as over-all coarsening upward, versus bed by bed detailof sedimentary processes in the muddier parts ofsuch systems. As a consequence, few studieshave documented the bed-scale facies variationin prodeltaic facies through time and spacewithin a mixed-influence deltaic system.Recent spatially focused facies-oriented stu-

dies on both modern and ancient deltaic sys-tems may be more effective in revealing theinherent complexity of delta-building processes,compared with the traditional tripartite deltaclassification. For example, in a plan-view studyof modern wave-influenced deltas, the conceptof delta asymmetry was developed, suggestingthat where there is a dominant direction oflongshore currents generated by oblique waveapproach, the resulting delta shows a morewave-dominated updrift side, and a more flu-vial-dominated downdrift side (Bhattacharya &Giosan, 2003). These concepts have beenapplied in a number of ancient examples usingboth well-log, core and/or outcrop data, inwhich the organization and proportion of inter-nal facies architectural elements within theprodelta and delta-front deposits show a system-atic along-strike variation among wave, tidaland fluvial processes (Hampson & Storms, 2003;Hampson, 2005; Coates & MacEachern, 2007;Gani & Bhattacharya, 2007; Hansen, 2007; Char-vin et al., 2010; Dafoe et al., 2010; Fielding,2010; Hampson et al., 2011; Li et al., 2011; Bua-tois et al., 2012).Because depositional processes are the first-

order controls on the internal facies complexitywithin deltaic systems, Ainsworth et al. (2011)provided a semi-quantitative process-based clas-sification scheme to determine the dominantand subordinate processes in both modern andancient delta systems. In a modern deltaic sys-tem, the depositional elements/facies generatedfrom fluvial-dominated, wave-dominated and

tide-dominated processes can be identified and,by calculating the area covered by each elementin plan view, the corresponding relative propor-tion of each depositional process can be deter-mined (Ainsworth et al., 2011). Similarconcepts can be applied to ancient systems,using either core or outcrop data. The assump-tion is that dominant depositional processeswould produce the largest proportion of sedi-mentary structures and will have a greaterchance to be preserved in the rock record. Cal-culating the percentage of sedimentary struc-tures generated by different depositionalprocesses thus allows determination of the rela-tive importance of these different depositionalprocesses and a more quantitative process clas-sification delta depositional system.Prodelta units, which are typically thin-bed-

ded or laminated, are also typically depositedbelow fair-weather wave-base, and are morelikely to record primary depositional processesor reworking by storms, versus sandier delta-front and shoreface deposits, which may experi-ence greater reworking by fair-weather pro-cesses. As a consequence, there is apreservational bias in shallower sandy facies toreworking of sediment by fair-weather wavesand tides, as opposed to the initial deliverymechanism, which may be better recorded inthe prodelta. Most deposition in the prodeltatakes place during river floods and storm events(Mulder & Syvitski, 1995; Myrow et al., 2008).Primary formative processes of the thin-bed-

ded prodelta deposits include surge-type turbi-dity currents, hyperpycnal flows and stormsurges (Normark & Piper, 1991; Mulder & Syvit-ski, 1995; Myrow et al., 2008; Lock et al.,2009). Several recent studies have been con-ducted to investigate the variations in deposi-tional processes in deltaic systems byexamining the prodelta deposits along deposi-tional dip. Based on detailed facies analyses ofthe event beds from the prodelta units in theMinturn Formation, Lamb et al. (2008) illus-trated variations in the relative influencebetween turbidity currents and storm surgesfrom proximal to distal settings. These studiessuggest that the variability shown in the mud-dominated prodelta facies may directly reflectthe dominant sediment delivery processes(Schieber, 1999; Lamb et al., 2008; Myrowet al., 2008; MacQuaker et al., 2010). However,only a few studies have analysed thin-beddedprodelta facies in detail to evaluate along-strikevariations in depositional processes within

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ancient deltaic systems (Plint, 2014). The lackof such studies is mainly due to: (i) mud-domi-nated prodelta facies are commonly overlookedbecause the fine-grained deposits are thought tohave poorer reservoir quality and thereforeattract much less attention when comparedwith the sandy facies (Ainsworth et al., 2011);(ii) thin-bed investigation requires highlydetailed analysis (millimetre to centimetre-scale) to fully describe the thin-bedded prodeltafacies, and this can be very time-consuming(Schieber, 1999; Bhattacharya & MacEachern,2009; Seepersad, 2012; Plint, 2014); (iii) outcropand core data from thin-bedded units may belimited in availability, and subsequent weather-ing of mudstones, particularly in outcrop, maypreclude such detailed analysis; and (iv) theremay be uncertainties regarding the linkagebetween the flow characteristics of the primaryformative processes (i.e. surge-type turbiditycurrents, hyperpycnal flows and storm surges),as well as interactions between turbidity cur-rents and storm surges (Stow & Shanmugam,1980; Myrow et al., 2002; Mulder et al., 2003;Lamb et al., 2008; Lamb & Mohrig, 2009; Tal-ling et al., 2012; Plint, 2014).The primary objectives of the present study are

two-fold: (i) to evaluate the along-strike variationin this ancient deltaic system based on millimetreto centimetre-scale sedimentological analysis ofthe prodelta facies within a parasequence (parase-quence 6–1); and (ii) to summarize the typicalgrain-size grading patterns and typical verticalsequences of sedimentary structures present inthe event beds, especially those that allow thedistinction of formative mechanisms.


The Ferron Sandstone Member was depositedduring the Middle to Late Cretaceous in theWestern Interior Seaway (Bhattacharya & Tye,2004). It lies on top of the Tununk Shale Mem-ber and is overlain by the Blue Gate Shale Mem-ber. During overall regression, three clasticwedges constituting the Ferron Sandstone weredeposited along the western margin of the Creta-ceous epeiric seaway: these are informallynamed the Vernal, Last Chance and Notom deltasystems (Fig. 1).Regional palaeogeographic reconstructions

(Slingerland et al., 1996; Bhattacharya & Tye,2004) indicate that the Ferron Notom delta

was fed by a trunk river draining highlands inthe south-west and prograding towards thenorth-east (Fig. 1). Palaeoenvironmental recon-structions of the Western Interior Seaway,based on numerical simulations, suggest thatcirculation in the seaway was storm-dominatedduring deposition of the Ferron SandstoneMember, and that longshore currents and netsediment drift were predominantly directed tothe south along the western side of the seaway(Barron, 1989; Ericksen & Slingerland, 1990;Slingerland & Keen, 1999). Therefore, the Fer-ron Notom delta experienced relatively highsediment load from the nearby orogenic belt,and prograded north-eastward into a storm-dominated seaway, where the strong longshorecurrents deflected the sediment to the south(Fielding, 2010). Previous studies suggest thatthe Ferron Notom delta was exposed to bothstrong fluvial and storm influence (Ericksen &Slingerland, 1990; Slingerland & Keen, 1999;Bhattacharya & MacEachern, 2009; Li et al.,2011). The distal delta-front and prodelta facies(or the lower shoreface and offshore facies)consist largely of thin beds (Passey et al.,2006).A detailed sequence stratigraphic framework

of the Ferron Notom delta based on the out-crops located in south-central Utah (Fig. 2)indicates that it consists of 43 parasequences,18 parasequence sets and six sequences (Liet al., 2010; Zhu et al., 2012, fig. 15). The pres-ent study is focused on parasequence set 6(PS6), which was deposited during a forcedregression associated with a relative sea-levelfall and linked to an updip valley in Sequence2 (Zhu et al., 2012). Previous studies indicatethat PS6 contains both river-dominated andwave-dominated facies (Li et al., 2010, 2011;Ahmed et al., 2014) and shows strong lateralfacies variations along depositional strike(Fig. 3). Previous depositional models of PS6were derived based mostly on the facies charac-teristics shown in the sandy facies, whereas thevariability displayed in the mud-dominatedprodelta facies has not been evaluated to thesame degree. Parasequence set 6 is further sub-divided into three individual parasequencesPS6–1, PS6–2 and PS6–3 (Fig. 3). This articlefocuses on PS6–1, which is continuouslyexposed along depositional strike in the studyarea, and therefore provides an opportunity todocument the complex lateral variabilitybetween dominant depositional processesrecorded in the internal facies. Twelve detailed

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sedimentological sections of the thin-beddedprodelta and heterolithic delta-front facies havebeen measured along depositional strike inorder to quantify the lateral facies and processvariability (Fig. 2).


Thin-bedded facies analysis

Twelve sedimentological sections of the thin-bedded facies were measured along depositionalstrike within PS6–1. The term ‘thin bed’ is gene-rally used to describe beds with a thicknessranging from 3 to 10 cm (Campbell, 1967; Passeyet al., 2006). In the present study, beds measuredin the prodelta and distal delta-front facies rangein thickness from as small as 1 mm to as large as50 cm, although the thickness of most bedsranges from several millimetres to a fewcentimetres. Most sections were measured in

well-exposed outcrops, where weathering wasminimal. In places, small trenches were dug inorder to expose the lower part of the prodeltafacies. For each bed measured in this study,important sedimentological data were collected,including grain size, bedding thickness, sedi-mentary structures, palaeocurrent data, bioturba-tion intensity and ichnological suites. Thirty-onerock samples were collected to describe detailedfacies characteristics in polished slabs and thinsections. Each measured section included ca 150or more thin beds, and a total of ca 3500 bedswere thus described. For example, 480 thin bedshave been measured in section 4 which has atotal thickness of 6�2 m. The thickness of eachthin bed measured in section 4 ranges from 0�1 to25�5 cm, with an average bed thickness of 1�3 cm.In this study, the fine-grained mudstone and

siltstone were classified into five categories:clayey mudstone (80% clay + 20% silt), siltymudstone (60% clay + 40% silt), mudstone(50% clay + 50% silt), muddy siltstone (40%

Fig. 1. Palaeogeographicreconstruction showing the locationof the Western Interior Seaway anddelta complexes of the FerronSandstone Member of the MancosShale Formation. The Notom Deltais highlighted in grey (modifiedfrom Bhattacharya & Tye, 2004).

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clay + 60% silt) and siltstone (20% clay + 80%silt). The variations in the grain size of mudstoneand siltstone were determined by: (i) petro-graphic study of rock samples under the micro-scope; (ii) feeling and chewing rock samples toestimate silt versus clay content; and (iii) varia-tions in colour. Beds containing higher percen-tages of clay-size grains appear dark grey toblack, whereas beds containing higher amounts

of silt-size grains are lighter grey. Detailed dif-ferentiation of grain size helps to determine thegrading patterns of beds formed from a singledepositional event. Although petrographicanalysis is more accurate compared to the othertwo methods, it would be extremely time-consuming and expensive to estimate the claycontent in every thin bed under the micro-scope. Therefore, in this study, the clay content

Fig. 2. Location of the FerronSandstone outcrop belts betweenHanksville and Caineville. Red dotsbetween ‘A’ and ‘B’ indicate thelocations of all dip sections (Zhuet al., 2012). Red dots between ‘B’and ‘C’ are locations of all strikesections (Li et al., 2011). Blackcircles with numbers indicate thelocations of all the sectionsmeasured in this study.

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of most beds is measured using the two lattermethods in the field. Observations of thin sec-tions from specific thin beds can help to cali-brate these results.Sedimentary structures within each bed were

recognized and recorded mainly on the outcrop,and some small-scale sedimentary structureswere also identified in polished rock samplesand thin sections. In addition, palaeocurrentdata were recorded, including dip directions offoresets in current ripples and combined-flowripples. The strike direction of wave-ripplecrests was also noted.The Bioturbation Index (BI) of Taylor & Gold-

ring (1993) is used to depict the intensity of bio-turbation in the sediments. By connecting allthe bioturbation intensities of all the beds inone measured section using a continuous linecurve (i.e. the ‘BI log’ as suggested by Ganiet al., 2008), the vertical and lateral variation inbioturbation intensity can be readily evaluated.By combining the grain-size grading patterns,

vertical stratification of sedimentary structures,bioturbation intensity and ichnofacies data, thedepositional processes that formed these thinbeds have been inferred. For each measured sec-tion, the relative percentage of facies and faciesassociations generated by different depositionalprocesses has been calculated. Then the relativeamount of fluvial and wave influence was deter-mined in each measured section (Ainsworthet al., 2011). By combining all 12 of the mea-sured sections along depositional strike, the lat-eral variation between fluvial and wave influencewithin this ancient delta system is illustratedand interpreted in the context of facies modelsfor wave-influenced deltaic systems (Bhatta-charya & Giosan, 2003; Bhattacharya, 2011).

Criteria for recognition of thin-bed processes

In deltaic systems, surge-type turbidity currents,hyperpycnal flows and storm surges are alllikely to form within thin-bedded prodelta anddistal delta-front facies. Surge-type turbidity cur-rents and hyperpycnal flows indicate predomi-nant fluvial/flood influence, and storm surgesindicate strong wave/storm influence. Carefulanalysis of each facies and facies association isnecessary to avoid misinterpretation of thesedepositional processes. In the next three sec-tions, several examples of the different types ofthin beds seen in the Ferron will be given,together with a description of sedimentologicalfeatures and subsequent interpretation.F
































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Surge-type turbidity currentsSurge-type turbidity currents are generated frominstantaneous slump or sediment failure, andtherefore are short-lived (minutes to hours; Nor-mark & Piper, 1991; Mulder & Syvitski, 1995;Plink-Bj€orklund & Steel, 2004; Lamb et al.,2008). During the nearly instantaneous waxingphase, the flows tend to erode. As the flowwanes, sediments deposited from these flows arecharacterized by a normally graded successionof bedforms reflecting waning flow energy withtime, which generally are described as Boumasequences (Bouma, 1962; Ricci Lucchi & Val-mori, 1980; Stow & Shanmugam, 1980).Although traditional Bouma sequences occur

within the mud-dominated prodelta deposits ofthe Ferron, ‘fine-grained turbidites’ composed ofthe TC, TD and TE divisions of the Boumasequence are common. The three-fold subdivi-sion of TE proposed by Piper (1978) is used inthe present study to describe the fine-grainedturbidite beds; these include laminated mud-stone (TE-1), normally graded mudstone (TE-2)and structureless mudstone (TE-3). Several exam-ples are illustrated below.Figure 4 shows an example of a typical surge-

type turbidity-current deposit. From bottom totop, two partial Bouma sequences can be seen.The lower beds show basal massive bedding(TA), passing into parallel bedding (TB) and

overlain by current ripple laminations (TC). Theupper beds show incomplete Bouma sequenceswith very fine lower sandstone with current rip-ple laminations (TC) grading up to laminatedsilty mudstone (TE-1 units). The facies key forFig. 4 and later diagrams is included as Fig. 5.Figure 6 shows characteristic fine-grained Bou-

ma-type turbidites, also from the Ferron Sand-stone outcrops. Two partial fine-grained Boumasequences can be seen in Fig. 6. The lower bedsgrade from laminated muddy siltstone (TE-1) tonormally graded silty mudstone (TE-2). The upperbeds show a complete TE unit. The whole inter-val is characterized by very low BI (0 to 1), whichalso indicates a stressed environment due to arapid depositional rate caused by strong fluvialinfluence (MacEachern et al., 2005).

Hyperpycnal flowHyperpycnites are characterized by a coarsen-ing-upward basal unit overlain by a classicalfining upward Bouma sequence resulting fromwaxing and waning discharge during floods,respectively (Mulder et al., 2001). When themaximum flood discharge exceeds the erosionthreshold, the transition between the inverselyand normally graded units can be correspond-ingly erosional.Figure 7 shows an example of a typical Ferron

Sandstone hyperpycnite. The sandy interval

Fig. 4. Outcrop (photograph) showing typical Bouma TA to TC units and TC to TE units from 4�30 to 4�38 m inmeasured section 2 and the correlated measured section, interpreted facies associations and BI log. The pencil forscale is ca 1�5 cm in width. See Fig. 5 for facies key.

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Fig. 5. Facies key for the sedimentological sections presented in this study.

Fig. 6. Typical characteristics of a ‘fine-grained turbidite’ in outcrop. The terms TE-1, TE-2 and TE-3 represent lami-nated mudstone, normally graded mudstone and structureless mudstone, respectively (Piper, 1978). Photographshowing two amalgamated units of normally graded (indicated by red triangles) muddy siltstone from 2�79 to2�81 m in measured section 7. The undulating dashed lines indicate erosional surfaces. See Fig. 5 for facies key.

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between the bottom and top two thin beds ofsilty mudstone is interpreted to be depositedduring one hyperpycnal flow event. Within thesandy facies, the sedimentary structures passfrom the basal parallel bedding (TB), up to mas-sive bedding (TA), then back to parallel bedding(TB). The grain size also shows inverse gradingpassing from very fine lower to very fine upper.The bed shows normal grading upward into veryfine lower sandstone. Both the sequences of sed-imentary structures and grain-size grading pat-terns indicate waxing and waning flow energy,which are interpreted to be diagnostic of hyper-pycnal flows (Mulder et al., 2001; Bhattacharya& MacEachern, 2009).Figure 8 shows three typical examples of fine-

grained hyperpycnite deposits in the study area.Figure 8A shows amalgamated inverse to normalgrading which can be identified based on colourvariation. The grain-size grading patterns can bemore easily recognized on polished slabs(Fig. 8B and C). In the lower left area of Fig. 8C,the basal inverse grading unit (silty mudstone tomuddy siltstone) is overlain by a normallygraded unit (very fine-grained sandstone tomuddy siltstone) with an erosional surface.Towards the right below the sharp surface, thebasal inverse-graded unit is eroded away. Themultiple stacked inverse and normally gradedunits (Fig. 8) could be deposited from succes-sive hyperpycnal flows or, in some cases, from a

single hyperpycnal flow that waxed and waned(Lamb & Mohrig, 2009). The lack of burrowingbetween units suggests a single flood eventrather than multiple flood events.

Storm surge (tempestite)Storm deposits (tempestites) are formed understrongly oscillatory-dominated combined-flowconditions (Swift & Nummedal, 1987; Arnott &Southard, 1990). Tempestites typically formgraded beds in which parallel laminated sand-stones overlie a scoured base and pass intohummocky cross-stratification (HCS) which, inturn, grades upward into smaller scale wave-rip-ple laminations. The tempestite may be cappedby a bioturbated silt or mud drape.Figure 9A shows a typical example of a Ferron

Sandstone tempestite, in which a very fine-grained sandstone with HCS is overlain by a unitexhibiting small wave-ripple laminations. Manytempestites may show combined-flow bedforms,indicating a unidirectional component. As theunidirectional component becomes stronger, theHCS is replaced by quasi-parallel laminations(Arnott & Southard, 1990; Arnott, 1993). Forexample, when integrated with the well-sortedtexture and the presence of typical ichnofacies,such as Ophiomorpha and Skolithos, the quasi-planar laminated very fine sandstone shown inFig. 9B is interpreted to be deposited from oscil-lation-dominated combined flows.

Fig. 7. Rock sample (left-hand photograph) showing the basal coarsening-upward unit overlain by a finingupward unit from 3�80 to 3�95 m in measured section 2 and the correlated measured section, interpreted-faciesassociations and BI log. The pencil for scale is 13�5 cm in length. See Fig. 5 for facies key.

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Table 1 presents details of all the sedimentarystructures recorded in this study and the rela-tive amount of sedimentary structures gene-rated by fluvial-dominated and storm-dominated processes in each measured section(MS). Excluding the bioturbated intervals, therelative amount of fluvial and storm influencein each section can be calculated from the per-centage of fluvial-generated and storm-gener-ated sedimentary structures (combined-flowripple lamination is assumed to reflect 50%

fluvial-influenced and 50% storm-influencedprocesses). The results in Table 1 indicate thatthe thin-bedded prodelta and distal delta-frontfacies within PS6–1 show a strong along-strikevariation, with a wave-dominated environment(MS 1) in the northern area, passing abruptlyinto a fluvial-dominated, wave-influenced envi-ronment (MS 2 and MS 3) southward, then toan environment with varying degrees of fluvialand wave influence southward (MS 4 to MS7), and back to a wave-dominated environment(MS 8 to MS 12) further to the south-east (seeFig. 2 for section locations and environmentclassification for each section in the bottom



Fig. 8. Typical characteristics of fine-grained hyperpycnite deposits: (A) amalgamated normal grading and inverseto normal grading in muddy siltstone in measured section 7; (B) polished slab showing amalgamated normal grad-ing and inverse to normal grading in muddy siltstone and silty mudstone in measured section 4, white arrowsindicate burrows; (C) polished slab showing amalgamated inverse to normal grading in muddy siltstone from 2�35to 2�45 m in measured section 3. The undulating dashed line indicates an erosional surface. Note that the inversegrading unit below the erosional surface on the left is totally eroded away to the right.

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row of Table 1). The facies successionscharacteristic of the thin-bedded facies inwave-dominated, fluvial-dominated and mixedfluvial-influenced and storm-influenced areasare described below. In order to avoid redun-dancy, only three end-member sections (MS 1,MS 2 and MS 4) are presented.

Dominant wave/storm-influenced faciessuccessions (MS 1 and MS 8 to MS 12)

Measured section 1: Wave-dominated, fluvialinfluencedIn this section, the sandy facies have been ade-quately measured in previous studies (Li et al.,

2011, section 16 in fig. 4). The sandy facies arecharacterized by an upward coarsening succes-sion showing wave-ripple lamination, quasi-pla-nar lamination and dune-scale cross-beddingwith archetypal Cruziana and Skolithos ichno-facies, which are interpreted to be the proximallower shoreface and upper shoreface formed ina wave-dominated depositional environment (Liet al., 2011). In the present study, the distallower shoreface, which is prone to contain thin-bedded facies, has been measured in greaterdetail.In measured section 1 (Fig. 10), 42% of the

section is moderately to highly bioturbated andshows no distinct sedimentary structures



Fig. 9. Typical characteristics of tempestite in outcrop. (A) Very fine-grained sandstone showing HCS capped bysmall wave-ripple laminations from 4�58 to 5�06 m in measured section 1. The hammer for scale is 28�5 cm inlength. (B) Quasi-planar laminated very fine-grained sandstone bed in measured section 12 (‘Op’: Ophiomorpha).The pencil for scale is 13�5 cm in length.

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(Table 1). About 56% of the beds containquasi-planar lamination, HCS and wave-ripplelamination (Fig. 11). About 1�5% of the sectionis composed of normally graded muddy silt-stone, laminated silty mudstone, and mudstonewith starved ripple and current ripple lamina-tions. The remaining 0�5% of beds show com-bined-flow ripple lamination. Figure 11C showsa typical interval from measured section 1. Sedi-mentary structures include combined-flow rip-ple lamination, current ripple lamination andwave-ripple lamination.The BI log of the lower 3�13 m of section 1

shows a dominant uniform and high BI trendwith some small intervals showing a non-uniform BI trend (Fig. 10). The BI log of the upperpart of this section (above 3�13 m) is character-ized by non-uniform, and uniform and low BItrends. The dominant strike direction measuredfrom the crests of symmetrical wave ripples atthis location is north-west/south-east (Fig. 12).

Process interpretationMore than 97% of the sedimentary structures andfacies associations present in measured section 1indicate deposition from storm-dominated oscil-latory flows (Table 1). The presence of combined-flow ripple lamination, and the typical sequenceof sedimentary structures shown in Fig. 11C,indicate deposition under the combined effects ofboth unidirectional flows (in this case, surge-typeturbidity currents) and storm-dominated oscilla-tory flows (Myrow & Southard, 1991). However,sedimentary structures generated by purely uni-directional flows accounts for less than 3% of thewhole section, suggesting that fluvial influencewas rather small. The uniform and high BI trendsin the lower part of the section indicate slowerdepositional rates, or low frequency (as indicatedby some non-uniform BI trends) and low magni-tude of depositional events, which probablyresults from dominant wave/storm influence(Gani et al., 2008). Relatively lower BI in theupper part of the section, combined with a greaterproportion of wave-formed sedimentary struc-tures, indicates higher frequency and higher mag-nitude of storms, as the water depth becomesshallower upward. The northernmost area (mea-sured section 1) of the strike-oriented FerronSandstone outcrop belt is thus interpreted to bedominated by wave processes with only a minoramount of fluvial influence.Similar to section 1, the thin-bedded facies

measured in sections 8 to 12 are characterized bymore than 70% storm-generated sedimentary

structures (Table 1). The greater abundance ofbioturbated beds and dominant uniform BI trendin these sections also indicate slower rates ofdeposition, which may be linked to a more wave-dominated regime (MacEachern et al., 2005).Some intervals of non-uniform BI trends in thesesections indicate variable frequency and magni-tude of depositional events, including surge-typeturbidity currents, hyperpycnal flows and stormsurges. The relatively small proportion of sedi-mentary structures generated by unidirectional-current-dominated flows indicates that the fluvialinfluence at these localities is subordinate.

Dominant fluvial-influenced faciessuccessions (MS 2 and MS 3)

Measured section 2: Fluvial-dominated, waveinfluencedMeasured section 2 (Fig. 13) consists of ca 33%bioturbated beds showing no distinct sedimen-tary structures. More than half of the beds showsedimentary structures, such as massive bed-ding, planar lamination and current ripple lami-nation (Table 1). Less than 5% of this section iscomposed of laminated mudstone, normallygraded muddy siltstone and structureless mud-stone (Figs 4, 7 and 8C). Hummocky cross-strati-fication (Fig. 14) only accounts for 1% of thesection. Common successions of sedimentarystructures and grading patterns present in thissection are shown in Fig. 15.The BI log for section 2 shows a bi-modal pat-

tern. The lower 2�4 m of the BI log (Fig. 13) ischaracterized by a non-uniform BI trend and theupper part (above 2�4 m) is dominated by a uni-form and low BI pattern. Palaeocurrent data mea-sured from current ripples and starved ripples insections 2 and 3 are dominantly directed towardsthe north-east and east (Fig. 12). The dominantstrike direction of wave-ripple crests in theselocations is north-east/south-west (Fig. 12).

Process interpretationWithin section 2, more than 98% of the eventbeds contain sedimentary structures which areindicative of deposition from fluvial-dominantprocesses (Table 1), including surge-type turbi-dity currents and hyperpycnal flows (Figs 4 and7). Less than 2% of the sedimentary structuresindicate deposition under strong oscillatory flowsand the rare HCS indicates a minor component ofstorm-wave reworking. However, by combiningthe sedimentary structures and grading patternsof the beds below and above the HCS beds, the

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facies association shows an overall inverse tonormal grading pattern (Fig. 14). The particulargrading pattern and sequence of sedimentarystructures indicates deposition from the com-bined effects of storm surges that were probablylinked and would have been responsible for gen-erating some of the hyperpycnal flows.Normally graded bedding and partial Bouma

sequences, indicating deposition from surge-typeturbidity currents, are common (Fig. 15, draw-

ings 1 to 3). Inverse to normal graded beds andwax-wane stratification sequences indicate depo-sition from sustained hyperpycnal flows (Fig. 15,drawings 5 to 8). The non-uniform BI indicatesvariable frequency and magnitude of depositionalevents (Gani et al., 2008) in the lower section,whereas the uniformly low BI in the upper partof the section indicates a persistently stressfulenvironment (MacEachern et al., 2005) resultingfrom salinity and turbidity variations due to high




Fig. 11. Thin-bedded facies generated by dominant wave/storm influence. (A) Very fine-grained sandstone show-ing quasi-planar lamination capped by small wave-ripple laminations from 3�47 to 3�62 m in measured section 1.The camera lens cap for scale is 6�5 cm in diameter. (B) Outcrop showing lam-scram bedding which is characte-rized by wave-ripple lamination overlain by highly bioturbated silty mudstone, from measured section 12. Notethe remnant wave-ripple lamination (right above the pencil tip) within the highly bioturbated silty mudstone. (C)Outcrop (left) from 4�04 to 4�19 m in measured section 1 with the correlated measured section and interpretedfacies associations. From the bottom to the top, the sedimentary structures present in each bed include combined-flow ripple laminations, wave-ripple laminations, NA (bioturbated), current ripple laminations and wave-ripplelaminations. See Fig. 5 for facies key.

Fig. 10. Measured section 1, with interpreted facies-associations and BI log, showing a typical wave-dominatedsuccession. See Fig. 5 for facies keys and Fig. 2 for location of the section. Small red numbers on the left of thethickness axis indicate the number of the bed recorded in the section.

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frequency and high magnitude depositionalevents of surge-type turbidity currents and hyper-pycnal flows. Measured section 2 is interpretedto be river dominated with only minor storminfluence.

Measured section 3 also contains a major pro-portion (87%) of sedimentary structures typicalof deposition from unidirectional flows(Table 1). The uniform and low BI in the lowerpart of section 3 indicates a persistently stressful

Fig. 12. Rose diagrams showing palaeocurrent directions at each measured section. Directions of unidirectionalflows are measured from current ripples and combined ripples. Directions of oscillatory flows are measured fromcrests of wave ripples and combined ripples. See Fig. 2 for locations of sections.

Fig. 13. Measured section 2, with interpreted-facies associations and BI log, showing a typical river-dominatedsuccession. See Fig. 8 for facies keys and Fig. 2 for location of the section. Small red numbers on the left of thethickness axis indicate the number of the bed measured in this section.

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Fig. 14. Outcrop (left) from 2�07 to 2�47 m in measured section 2 with the correlated measured section, inter-preted facies associations, and BI log. From the bottom to the top, sedimentary structures pass from planar lami-nation, well-preserved HCS, then inversely grade to planar laminations, massive bedding, then overlain bynormally graded beds with planar laminations and current ripple laminations. See Fig. 5 for facies key.

Fig. 15. Schematic drawings of the common grading sequences among event beds presented in measured section2. Total thicknesses range from several millimetres to decimetres. See Fig. 5 for facies key.

Fig. 16. Measured section 4, with interpreted facies-associations and BI log, showing a typical wave-influencedand fluvial-influenced succession. See Fig. 5 for facies key and Fig. 2 for location of the section.

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environment (MacEachern et al., 2005) causedby high frequency and high magnitude deposi-tional events of surge-type turbidity currents andhyperpycnal flows. The proportion of sedimen-tary structures generated by storm processes,such as HCS, wave-ripple lamination andcombined-flow lamination, increases upward.Both the BI trend and sedimentary structuresindicate that the upper part of this section isdeposited from turbidity-current and storm-surgeevents of variable frequency and magnitude.Therefore, measured section 3 is interpreted tobe deposited under dominant fluvial influencewith a higher amount of storm influence com-pared with section 2.

Mixed fluvial and wave/storm-influencedfacies successions (MS 4 to MS 7)

Measured section 4: Fluvial-dominated, waveinfluencedIn measured section 4 (Fig. 16), ca 30% of thesection is bioturbated and ca 30% of the bedscontain wave-ripple laminations (Table 1). Tenper cent of the beds show sedimentary struc-tures, such as planar lamination, current ripplelamination and convolute bedding. Twenty-fivepercent of the section is composed primarily offine-grained facies, including laminated mud-stone, normally graded muddy siltstone, inver-sely graded muddy siltstone (Fig. 8B), mudstonewith starved ripple laminations and structure-less mudstone. The remaining 5% of beds showcombined-flow ripple lamination.Figure 17A shows a bed of very fine sandstone

containing well-developed combined-flow ripplelaminations, which are characterized by roundedcrests, a nearly symmetrical shape and unimodal-ly dipping foresets. Figure 17B shows a bed ofvery fine-grained sandstone containing Fugichniaoverlying slightly bioturbated silty mudstonewith dewatering cracks. Figure 17C shows a pol-ished rock sample showing a typical intervalfrom measured section 4. From the bottom to thetop, distinct facies present in this intervalinclude normally graded silty mudstone overlainby mudstone with silty laminations, wave-ripplelamination, combined-flow ripple laminationand two amalgamated inversely to normallygraded silty mudstones. Similarly, typical faciespresent in Fig. 17D include mudstone with siltylaminations (starved ripple), muddy siltstoneshowing inverse to normal grading, moderatelybioturbated silty mudstone and muddy siltstonecontaining wave-ripple laminations.

The BI log for section 4 is dominated by anon-uniform BI trend (Fig. 16). Palaeocurrentdata recorded from sections 4 to 7 also indicatethat the dominant direction of unidirectionalflows is to the north-east/east (Fig. 12). In thisarea, the dominant strike direction of wave-rip-ple crests is north-west/south-east (Fig. 12).

Process interpretationThe presence of combined-flow ripple lamina-tion and specific trace fossils in measured sec-tion 4 indicate deposition under combined-flowconditions, and also indicate the influence ofboth hyperpycnal flows and storm-dominatedoscillatory flows. The trace-fossil escapestructure (Fugichnia) is generally associated withsporadic depositional events, such as turbiditycurrents or storm surges (MacEachern et al.,2005). The presence of dewatering cracks mayindicate salinity fluctuation caused by strongfreshwater input (fluvial influence). Both thesedimentary structures and the non-uniform BItrend indicate variable frequency and magnitudeof depositional events of surge-type turbiditycurrents, hyperpycnal flows and storm surges.The relative proportions of facies indicate anequally mixed fluvial-wave influenced setting.The depositional environment in the area from

measured sections 4 to 7 is interpreted to be amixed-process environment, which is exposed toboth strong fluvial and wave influence. The rela-tive amount of fluvial and storm influence variesfrom measured sections 5 to 7 (Table 1), whichcould be due to palaeogeography or proximity toa distributary channel system, and will be dis-cussed in more detail in the Along-strike varia-tion in depositional processes section below.Common sequences of sedimentary structuresand grading patterns among event beds also indi-cate the combined effects of turbidity currentsand storm surges (Fig. 18). Normally graded suc-cessions with partial Bouma sequences stronglyindicate deposition from surge-type turbidity cur-rents (Fig. 18, logs 1 to 3). Overall inverse tonormally graded successions probably indicatedeposition from hyperpycnal flows (Fig. 18, logs11 to 13). Normally graded successions showingsedimentary structures generated by storm-domi-nated oscillatory flows are interpreted as tempes-tites (Fig. 18, log 7). Other normally graded,inverse to normally graded, inversely graded andnon-graded beds consisting of sedimentary struc-tures that are indicative of deposition from bothunidirectional and oscillatory flows (Fig. 18, logs4 and 5, 8 and 9, and 14 to 16) suggest frequent

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Fig. 17. Thin-bedded facies generated by mixed fluvial and storm influence. (A) Well-developed combined ripplelamination at 3�10 m in measured section 4. (B) Moderately to slightly bioturbated silty mudstone overlain by veryfine sandstone showing combined-flow ripple laminations, from 3�16 to 3�25 m in measured section 4. (C) Pol-ished rock sample (left) from 0�58 to 0�67 m in measured section 4 with the correlated measured section, inter-preted facies associations and BI log. (D) Outcrop (left) from 2�32 to 2�45 m in measured section 4 with thecorrelated measured section, interpreted facies associations and BI log. See Fig. 5 for facies keys. Trace-fossilabbreviations include: Chondrites (Ch), Planolites (Pl), Thalassinoides (Th) and trace-fossil escape structure (Fug:Fugichnia). Dewatering cracks (DC) occur locally.

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interactions between successive turbidity cur-rents (i.e. surge-type turbidity currents and hy-perpycnal flows) and storm surges.In all four measured sections (sections 4 to 7),

the relative amount of sedimentary structuresgenerated by storm-dominated oscillatory flowsincreases towards the top of each section, whichindicates that the frequency of storm eventsincreases as the water depth becomes shallower.The dominant non-uniform BI trend for all foursections also indicates variable frequency andmagnitude of depositional events (i.e. surge-typeturbidity currents, hyperpycnal flows and stormsurges).


Along-strike variation in depositionalprocesses

Based on the different types of sedimentarystructures, and the relative amount of sedimen-

tary structures and facies associations present inthe 12 measured sections, the thin-bedded prod-elta and distal delta-front facies of PS6–1 show astrong along-strike variation in dominant deposi-tional processes. This variation is interpreted tobe caused by the interactions between fluvial-dominated and storm-dominated processes alongdepositional strike. The complex lateral varia-tions in the dominant depositional processshown in this study indicate that PS6–1 is amixed-influenced delta (Fig. 19).Measured section 1 is dominated by wave/

storm influence. The dominant direction ofoscillatory storm surges, as indicated by thestrike direction of wave-ripple crests in thislocation, is north-east/south-west (Fig. 12); thiscorresponds to the southerly direction of netsediment transport along the western margin ofthe seaway, as suggested by regional palaeoenvi-ronmental reconstructions (Ericksen & Slinger-land, 1990; Slingerland & Keen, 1999).The muddy facies in this section are characte-

rized by a moderate to high bioturbation index,

Fig. 18. Schematic drawings of the common grading sequences among event beds presented in measured sections4 to 7. The beds show a wide variety of grading patterns: normal grading (1 to 7), no grading (8), inverse grading(9 and 10) and inverse to normal grading (11 to 16). Total thicknesses range from several millimetres to decime-tres. See Fig. 5 for facies key.

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Fig. 19. Schematic drawing of the palaeogeographic reconstruction of parasequence 6 (based on Li et al., 2011;Ahmed et al., 2014; and results from this study). The pie charts show the relative amount of fluvial-dominated(red) and storm-dominated (blue) depositional processes at different localities of measured sections (indicated bythe centre of the pie chart) of thin-bedded facies in this study. All the palaeocurrent data from all 12 sections arecombined and shown at the upper right corner.

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which indicates longer ambient periods betweensuccessive storm events. The thick sandy shore-face in the northern area is interpreted to haveformed a barrier, which protected the bay area tothe south from strong wave influence.Measured sections 2 and 3 are located in a flu-

vial-dominated environment with only minorstorm influence. Previous studies (Li, 2012;Ahmed et al., 2014) show a predominance ofdistributary channels in this area, which alsosuggests fluvial dominance. As shown in Fig. 19,these two sections are located in the bay area.Palaeocurrent data measured from current rip-

ples and starved ripples from these two sectionsindicate that the dominant direction of unidirec-tional flows is to the north-east and east(Fig. 12), which is consistent with the prograda-tion direction of the ancient delta system. Mea-surements from the crests of wave ripples insection 3 indicate that the dominant directionsof oscillatory storm surges are north-west/south-east (Fig. 12), which suggest that severe stormsoccasionally passed around the shoreface barrierand intruded into this bayhead area (Fig. 19).This phenomenon also explains the higher pro-portion of storm-generated sedimentary struc-tures in section 3 compared with section 2,because section 3 is located further out in theembayment (Fig. 19).Measured sections 4 to 7 are located in a

mixed environment with varying amounts of flu-vial and wave influence. The relatively strongfluvial influence in these two sections can beexplained by the proximity to a distributarychannel system (Li, 2012). However, the relativeamount of storm influence in sections 4 and 5increases significantly from ca 10% to ca 50%compared to sections 2 and 3, which indicatesthat the barrier effects of the shoreface in thenorth are less significant in this area (Fig. 19).Further south of the distributary channel sys-tems, measured section 6 shows a dominance of

wave over river influence. Palaeocurrent data ofunidirectional flows recorded from sections 4 to7 also indicate a dominant north-eastward toeastward transport direction (Fig. 12). The sub-ordinate southward direction indicates that thesediment load carried by the distributary chan-nel systems was deflected southward by stronglongshore currents, similar to those documentedby Fielding (2010) in outcrops further south,which is also consistent with previous numeri-cal modelling of circulation in the seaway(Ericksen & Slingerland, 1990; Slingerland &Keen, 1999). The orientation of wave-ripplecrests indicates that the dominant directions ofoscillatory storm surges in this area are north-east/south-west (Fig. 12), which also suggeststhat the barrier effect of the shoreface was negli-gible in this area.Measured sections 8 to 12 are located in a

storm-wave dominated area with only minorriver influence, reflecting that they are furtheraway from the previously mapped distributarychannel systems. Palaeocurrent data measuredfrom these five sections suggest a dominantsouthward flow direction (Fig. 12), which is dueto the southward deflection of the river plumesby strong longshore currents. The dominantoscillatory directions of storm surges are alsooriented north-east/south-west (Fig. 12), whichagain indicates an open environment exposed todirect storm influence.In summary, PS6–1 shows strong along-strike

variation in fluvial versus fair-weather andstorm-wave influence. By combining the resultsfrom all 12 sections, the relative amounts offluvial and wave influence for the whole deltasystem are 39% and 61%, respectively. Inte-grated with the along-strike variation, PS6–1 isinterpreted to be a storm-dominated symmetri-cal delta with a large bayhead system. How-ever, results from this study indicate that force-fitting this delta into any end-member type, or

Table 2. Comparison of the relative amount of fluvial and wave influence derived from sandy facies (Li et al.,2011), and the thin-bedded facies.

% Depositional process MS 1 MS 2 MS 3 MS 5 MS 6 MS 7

Li et al. (2011) Fluvial 0 100 100 50 50 100

Wave 100 0 0 50 50 0

This study Fluvial 3 98 87 54 35 65

Wave 97 8 13 46 65 35

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even any area of the tripartite delta classifica-tion (Galloway, 1975; Ainsworth et al., 2011),may not fully reveal the complex along-strikevariation reflected in the internal thin-beddedfacies. Important factors that control the domi-nant depositional processes within this deltasystem include the proximity to distributarychannels (fluvial influence), strong storm influ-ence in the Western Interior Seaway and localpalaeogeography (barrier from marine influ-ence). The persistence of the river-dominatedbayhead delta may be associated with the factthat feeding rivers were entrenched in anincised valley (Zhu et al., 2012; Ahmed et al.,2014).

Sandy facies versus muddy facies

The question of whether the relative amounts ofriver and wave influence calculated from thethin bedded facies are consistent with previousresults from analysis of primarily sandy facies(Li et al., 2011) are now addressed. The sandyfacies measured by Li et al. (2011) include:proximal delta front, distributary channel andmouth-bar facies in the fluvial-dominated envi-ronments; upper shoreface and foreshore faciesin the fair-weather wave-dominated environ-ments; and mixed storm-wave-reworked delta-front facies. By calculating the relative percen-tage of different facies generated from river andwave processes, the relative amount of river andwave influence can be determined in a similarway. Six sections measured in this study arelocated either at the same positions or very closeto sections measured by Li et al. (2011). A com-parison between the relative amount of riverand wave influence derived from the sandyfacies and the thin-bedded facies is presented inTable 2.As shown in Table 2, results derived from the

sandy facies and the thin-bedded facies are con-sistent in the areas which are dominated by onetype of depositional process (for example, wave-dominated section 1 and fluvial-dominated sec-tions 2 and 3). However, in mixed-influencedenvironments, it is difficult to exclusively usethe sandy facies to determine the relativeamount of river-dominated and wave-dominateddepositional processes (sections 5 and 6). Insome sections, the sandy facies cannot resolvethe relative amounts of different depositionalprocesses (section 7). Possible reasons include:(i) the study conducted by Li et al. (2011) wasaimed at regional stratigraphy rather than evalu-

ation of the complex mixed-process delta systemwithin one single parasequence; and (ii) sectionsmeasured by Li et al. (2011) focused more onthe facies architecture of elements in each para-sequence, rather than the bed-scale sedimentarystructures generated by different depositionalprocesses, which inherently neglects the com-bined effects of various depositional processesand thus makes it almost impossible to calculatethe exact percentage of different depositionalprocesses. For example, in measured sections 5and 6, Li et al. (2011) grouped all of the sandyfacies above the thin-bedded prodelta facies aswave/storm-reworked delta-front facies. How-ever, because these sections are measured at acoarser scale, the exact degree of wave/stormreworking cannot be determined (Table 2). Inmeasured section 7, the sandy facies directlyabove the thin-bedded facies measured in thisstudy is a 2�5 m thick medium-grained sand-stone containing dune-scale cross-bedding,which is interpreted to be the distributary chan-nel facies (Li et al., 2011). If only accounting forthe sandy facies, measured section 7 would be100% river dominated. Obviously, this interpre-tation significantly underestimates the 35%wave influence (Table 2), as indicated by thewave-ripple lamination and HCS present in theevent beds within the thin-bedded facies.To conclude, the relative amounts of different

depositional processes calculated from the thin-bedded facies and the sandy facies above areconsistent in the areas dominated by one type ofenvironment. In a mixed-process environment,only considering the sandy facies may not besufficient to reveal the relative proportion of dif-ferent depositional processes. The complexinteractions between different depositional pro-cesses are more likely to be recorded by thethin-bedded prodelta facies and the heterolithicdistal delta-front facies.

Significance of hyperpycnal flows

Based on the analysis of sediment and waterbudgets of 150 rivers that discharge into the sea,Mulder & Syvitski (1995) concluded that small tomedium-sized rivers are more likely to producehyperpycnal flows at least once every 100 yearsduring flood periods. The critical sediment con-centration needed to generate hyperpycnalplumes is proposed to be 35 to 45 kg m�3 (Mul-der & Syvitski, 1995). However, this limit maydecrease significantly due to sediment-drivenconvection (Parsons et al., 2001), during cata-

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strophic extreme events (Mulder et al., 2003) anddue to other effects, such as density stratificationand mixing in an estuary and lowering of salinityin the immediate offshore area of a river mouth(Felix et al., 2006; Bhattacharya & MacEachern,2009) which, in turn, suggests that many smallerrivers could commonly generate hyperpycnalflows in the shallow marine environment, andthat their deposits should have more importancein the geological record than previously recog-nized (Mulder & Chapron, 2011).Estimations of the palaeo-discharge of the

ancient Ferron rivers indicate that those riverscould frequently produce hyperpycnal flows(Bhattacharya & MacEachern, 2009). The prox-imity to the Sevier orogenic belt also promotedthe Ferron rivers to achieve hyperpycnal states.Another important cause of hyperpycnal flowsin this ancient delta system is the sustainedriver-flooding linked to severe storm events, orthe so-called ‘oceanic floods’ proposed byWheatcroft (2000). Different from seasonal floodsthat characterize moderate to large rivers, oce-anic floods are likely to affect small rivers, inwhich elevated river discharge is caused bystorm events over short time periods (Wheat-croft, 2000). At the locality of measured section3 in this study, the sandy delta-front facies con-tain beds showing aggrading symmetrical waveripples that transition to climbing unidirec-tional-current ripples (Garza, 2010). This typicalfacies association indicates rapid depositioncaused by a river flood event in the presence ofa storm. The importance of storm-induced floodevents is also supported by results in this study.For example, Fig. 14 shows a basal tempestitedirectly overlain by a hyperpycnite. Figure 17Cand D show sedimentary structures generated bystorm-dominated oscillatory flows (i.e. wave-rip-ple lamination) that pass upward to sedimentary

structures (i.e. inverse to normal grading) gener-ated by hyperpycnal flows. When the stormbegins to wane, the influence of river-floodingbecomes dominant, therefore resulting in faciesassociations in which river-fed hyperpycnitesdirectly overlie storm-induced tempestites.In this study, hyperpycnites are recognized in

measured sections 2 to 7, which are located inenvironments under strong to dominant fluvialinfluence. However, the question remains as tohow great a proportion of hyperpycnites ispresent in the depositional record of a fluvial-dominated delta system?In order to evaluate the relative importance

of hyperpycnal flows among all depositionalprocesses within this ancient delta system, theproportion of facies associations in which thesedimentary structures are disrupted by bur-rows or where simply no sedimentary struc-tures can be determined are firstly excluded.Then, based on the typical sequence of sedi-mentary structures and grain-size variations,facies associations generated by different depo-sitional processes can be interpreted and cal-culated within each measured section. Asshown in Table 3, when considering all possi-ble depositional processes, the relative propor-tion of hyperpycnites that can be recognizedwith confidence in each section is actuallyrather small. For example, in measured sec-tions 2 and 3, which are dominated by riverinfluence, less than 20% of the event beds areconfidently recognized as hyperpycnites. Inmeasured sections 4 to 7, less than 10% of theevent beds are likely to have been generatedby hyperpycnal flows. In each of these six sec-tions, the proportion of Bouma-type turbiditesis about twice the proportion of hyperpycnites.One possible explanation for this discrepancyis that a surge-type turbidity current is a more

Facies associations MS 2 MS 3 MS 4 MS 5 MS 6 MS 7

Bouma-type turbidite 34�98 22�49 17�45 10�76 2�99 16�12Hyperpycnite 18�27 13�46 6�34 4�94 0�00 5�13Bouma-typeturbidite/hyperpycnite

38�88 48�53 19�50 43�73 32�25 35�76

Tempestite 0�00 12�10 44�95 40�57 64�76 39�25Storm-influencedturbidite

0�00 3�42 6�93 0�00 0�00 3�74


7�86 0�00 4�83 0�00 0�00 0�00

Table 3. Relative proportion offacies associations generated by dif-ferent depositional processes inmeasured sections 2 to 7.

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important depositional process compared withhyperpycnal flow in a river-dominated delta.This explanation seems to contradict the state-ment that hyperpycnal flows are commonlygenerated in ancient Ferron rivers (Bhatta-charya & MacEachern, 2009). However, the rel-ative proportion of hyperpycnal flows in eachsection may be underestimated in the presentstudy due to the difficulty in distinguishinghyperpycnites from Bouma-type turbidites.As shown in Table 3, on average, ca 40% of

the facies associations in each section cannotbe assigned confidently as Bouma-type turbi-dites or hyperpycnites. As mentioned before,hyperpycnites are characterized by typicalinverse to normal grading (Figs 7, 8 and 17) orany sequences of sedimentary structures thatindicate waxing and then waning flow energy(Figs 7 and 14). Under some conditions, thegrading patterns cannot be determined and thebasal inversely grading unit may be eroded,which makes it almost impossible to distin-guish hyperpycnites from Bouma-type turbi-dites. Taking Fig. 8C as an example, onecomplete inversely to normally graded unit isseparated by an undulating erosional surface(dashed line). However, towards the right ofthis sharp surface, the basal inversely gradedpart is totally eroded away, leaving only thenormally graded part. In a second example,from 1�03 to 1�12 m in measured section 2,there are three event beds showing currentripple laminations that are separated by threebioturbated silty mudstone intervals (Fig. 13).Current ripple lamination can be producedfrom either surge-type turbidity currents orhyperpycnal flows. The bioturbation betweenbeds in this example probably indicates threeseparate events. In other scenarios, Bouma-typeturbidites cannot always be distinguished fromhyperpycnites because it is not clear whetherseveral beds stacked together represent deposi-tion from one single event of sustained hyper-pycnal flow (Lamb & Mohrig, 2009) or fromseveral depositional events (stacked Bouma-type turbidites). In a third example, from 2�14to 2�15 m in measured section 7 (shown as theschematic drawing in Fig. 18, log 13), threenormally graded units are stacked. The grainsize at the very bottom of each unit becomescoarser from the lower unit to the top one,suggesting an inverse-graded bedset. One possi-bility is that these three normally graded unitsare deposited from three successive surge-typeturbidity currents. An alternative explanation

could be that these three beds are depositedfrom one hyperpycnal flow with internal velo-city pulsing developed within the current itself(Kneller, 1995; Best et al., 2005; Lamb et al.,2008). Significant pauses between eventsshould be marked by burrowed tops, but thesecould be eroded by successive events. In orderfor a bed to have a burrowed top, the timebetween events must be longer than the timeneeded to recolonize a substrate by infauna.Neoichnological theory suggests that this pro-cess might require several weeks to severalmonths (MacEachern et al., 2012). Amalga-mated beds that lack burrows (i.e. the thirdexample above) between events are thus likelyto represent less than one year of deposition,and might lead towards interpretation as a sus-tained river-flooding event, versus decadal orcentennial frequency floods. Bedsets in whichbed-tops or intervening mudstones are bur-rowed are more likely to represent separateevents (i.e. the second example above). Whereevents occur primarily at the decadal to cen-tennial time frame, resulting in much lowersedimentation rates, and in areas unaffected byriver discharge, robust, diverse and abundanttrace-fossil suites will be the norm (MacEach-ern et al., 2005). The overall sporadic patternsof bioturbation intensity and lack of robusttrace fossils suggest that parasequence 6 isindeed deltaic in origin, and that flankingshorefaces also received river-derived prodeltamud, especially in the southern area. Becauseof the difficulty in distinguishing Bouma-typeturbidites from hyperpycnites, and the possi-bility of storm-wave reworking of both ofthese, the importance of hyperpycnal flowsmay be underestimated in prodeltaic facies.


• It is practical to quantify the relative impor-tance of formative processes within each sedi-mentological section and determine the lateralvariability in fluvial-dominated and wave-domi-nated processes within an ancient delta systemthrough thin-bedded facies analysis.

• The variation in the relative proportion ofsedimentary structures generated by fluvial-domi-nated and wave-dominated processes indicates astrong along-strike variation in parasequence 6–1with a completely wave-dominated environmentin the north (measured section 1; MS 1), passingabruptly into a fluvial-dominated, wave influ-

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Page 28: Evaluating along‐strike variation using thin‐bedded facies ... · 4 Z. Li et al. clay + 60% silt) and siltstone (20% clay + 80% silt). The variations in the grain size of mudstone

enced environment (measured sections 2 and 3;MS 2 and 3) southward, then to an environmentwith varying degrees of fluvial and wave influ-ence southward (measured sections 4 to 7; MS 4to 7), and back to a wave-dominated environment(measured sections 8 to 12; MS 8 to 12) further tothe south-east. Based on this along-strike varia-tion in dominant depositional processes and pal-aeocurrent data, parasequence 6–1 is interpretedto be a storm-dominated symmetrical delta with alarge river-dominated bayhead system.

• Deltas are mixed-process systems. For del-taic environments that are dominated by a singleprocess (river, wave or tide), the relativeamounts of different depositional processes cal-culated from the thin-bedded facies (prodeltafacies and distal delta front) and the sandyfacies (proximal delta front, distributary channelor mouth-bar facies) above are consistent. In amixed-process environment, however, conside-ration of only the sandy facies may not reflectthe relative proportion of different depositionalprocesses. The complex interactions betweendifferent depositional processes are more likelyto be recorded more accurately by the thin-bed-ded prodelta facies and the heterolithic distaldelta-front facies.

• Hyperpycnites are characterized by typicalinverse to normal grading or any sequences ofsedimentary structures that indicate waxing andthen waning flow energy. However, the relativeproportion of hyperpycnal flows calculated inthis study seems to contradict the idea that theFerron rivers were small and ‘dirty’, and com-monly produced hyperpycnal flows. This find-ing is probably because the basal inverselygraded unit tends to be eroded, which leads todifficulties in distinguishing hyperpycnites fromamalgamated Bouma-type turbidites in the rockrecord; this suggests a preservational biasagainst hyperpycnal flows, especially as sedi-mentation rates decrease.


We thank reviewers Dr Christian Haug Eide andDr Piret Plink-Bjorklund, and Associate EditorDr Gary Hampson for their valuable commentsand suggestions on the manuscript. We aregrateful to the sponsors of University of HoustonQuantitative Sedimentology Laboratories Con-sortium and Indiana University Shale ResearchConsortium (Anadarko, BHP Billiton, BP, Chev-ron, ConocoPhillips, EcoPetrol, ExxonMobil,

Inpex, Nexen, Pioneer, Shell, Statoil, Marathon,Whiting and Wintershall) for their generousfinancial support. We also thank Maria Love,Chenliang Wu, and Yangyang Li for their assis-tance in the field.


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Manuscript received 4 March 2015; revision accepted28 May 2015

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