HISTORY A-LEVEL ESSAY-TYPE QUESTIONS 1984-2007 Modern Western history, circa 1800-1980 1. Political development before 1914 a. European diplomacy Delicate relationship: 84 (37) Do you agree that the years 1870-1871 formed a watershed in European history? Elaborate your answer. 86 (38) Show how the statesmen of Europe tried to achieve a ‘balance of power’ during the period 1871-1914. 88 (41) How did the European powers react to the foreign policy of Germany during the period 1871-1914? 90 (39) Why did the Russo-Turkish War (1877) occur, and how did it affect the relations between Russia and Germany up to 1890? 90 (42) Account for the formation of two opposing armed camps in Europe before the outbreak of the First World War. 92 (38) How far did Germany succeed in keeping France isolated in the two decades after the Franco-Prussian War? 95 (9)How effective was Bismarck in maintaining friendly relations with Russia without offending Austria during the period 1871-90? 96 (9)How did the statesmen of Europe try to achieve a ‘balance of power ’ in Europe in the late 19th and early 20 th centuries? How far were they successful? 97 (9)Examine the main features of French policies towards Germany and Russia in the period 1870-1914. Did these policies succeeded in protecting the interests of France? Explain your answer. 98 (14) Discuss the impact of Germany’s foreign policy on the balance of power in Europe in the period 1870-1945. 99 (8)How did the Powers strive for harmony in Europe in the 19 th Century? 00 (8)‘The Vienna Settlement (1815) was an outcome of compromises among the European powers, and was effective in maintaining peace in Europe up to 1854.’ Do you agree with this view? Justify your answer. 00 (9) Trace and explain the relations between Germany and Russia in the period 1871-1914. 1


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HISTORY A-LEVEL ESSAY-TYPE QUESTIONS 1984-2007Modern Western history, circa 1800-1980

1. Political development before 1914

a. European diplomacy

Delicate relationship:

84 (37) Do you agree that the years 1870-1871 formed a watershed in European history? Elaborate

your answer.

86 (38) Show how the statesmen of Europe tried to achieve a ‘balance of power’ during the period 1871-


88 (41) How did the European powers react to the foreign policy of Germany during the period


90 (39) Why did the Russo-Turkish War (1877) occur, and how did it affect the relations

between Russia and Germany up to 1890?

90 (42) Account for the formation of two opposing armed camps in Europe before the outbreak

of the First World War.

92 (38) How far did Germany succeed in keeping France isolated in the two decades after the

Franco-Prussian War?

95 (9) How effective was Bismarck in maintaining friendly relations with Russia without

offending Austria during the period 1871-90?

96 (9) How did the statesmen of Europe try to achieve a ‘balance of power ’ in Europe in the

late 19th and early 20th centuries? How far were they successful?

97 (9) Examine the main features of French policies towards Germany and Russia in the

period 1870-1914. Did these policies succeeded in protecting the interests of France?

Explain your answer.

98 (14) Discuss the impact of Germany’s foreign policy on the balance of power in Europe in

the period 1870-1945.

99 (8) How did the Powers strive for harmony in Europe in the 19th Century?

00 (8) ‘The Vienna Settlement (1815) was an outcome of compromises among the European

powers, and was effective in maintaining peace in Europe up to 1854.’ Do you agree

with this view? Justify your answer.

00 (9) Trace and explain the relations between Germany and Russia in the period 1871-1914.

00 (13) Analyse the causes of Austro-Serbian conflicts which occurred in the period 1908-14.

01 (2) Examine the influence of the American Constitution on political and intellectual

developments in Europe up to 1848.

01 (3) ‘Liberalism was more important than nationalism in shaping developments in Europe

up to the end of the 1815-48.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

01 (4) How successful was the development of representative government in Europe up to the

end of the 19th century?

01 (8) Explain the emergence and breakdown of the Concert of Europe in the period 1815-54.11

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01 (9) How did Austria-Hungary’s foreign policy affect relations among European states up to

the end of the 19th century?

02 (10) With reference to the period 1890-1914, examine Germany’s foreign policy and discuss

how other European powers reacted.

03 (8) ‘Metternich’s policies resulted in international conflicts rather than cooperation.’

Comment on the validity of this statement with reference to the period 1815-48.

04 (3) ‘The international situation in the period 1815-71 become more and more favourable to

the Italian and German unification movements.’ Comment on the validity of this


04 (7) Trace and explain the relations between France and Russia in the second half of the 19th


05 (6) Was the Concert of Europe reflected in the relations among European powers in the

period 1815-1914? Justify your view.

06 (6) ‘The Congress of Vienna aimed to restore the old order in Europe. Yet, the Congress

sowed the seeds of destruction of the old order.’ Comment on the validity of this

statement with reference to the period 1815-54.

06 (7) Trace and explain Austro-Russian relations in the period 1815-1914.

07 (6) ‘Metternich’s efforts to uphold conservative ideas brought about peace in Europe in the

period 1815-48.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

09 (3) How did the strength of Austria (known as Austria-Hungary since 1867) affect the

progress of the Italian and German unifications?

09 (6) To what extent was international cooperation in the period 1815-54 a result of the

Concert of Europe?

09 (8) Assess the effectiveness of various attempts to maintain peace in Europe in the period



84 (38) Evaluate the role played by Britain in European diplomacy in the period 1870-1914.

91 (42) Evaluate the role played by Britain in European diplomacy during the period 1901-14.

00 (10) Assess the influence of Britain’s foreign policy on relations among the European

powers in the period 1821-1907.

03 (9) Discuss the impact of Britain’s foreign policy on the relations among European powers

in the period 1870-1914.

07 (7) Examine Britain’s role in European diplomacy in the period 1890-1939.

09 (7) How did France’s foreign policy affect international relationships in Europe in the

period 1852-1914?

International crisis:

92 (41) Analyze the causes and estimate the significance of the three Moroccan crises of 1905,

1908, 1911.22

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97 (13) Account for the involvement of France in the Moroccan crises of 1905 and 1911.

Assess the influence of these two crises on international relations up to 1914.

05 (10) Explain why it was the Sarajevo Crisis rather than other pre-war crises that led to the

outbreak of the First World War.

b. Nationalism

84 (41) Assess the influence of nationalism on the political and cultural life of the West during

the period 1870-1945.

98 (4) Was nationalism the most important force of change in Europe up to 1870? Justify your


00 (4) Explain how and why Austria was adversely affected by the development of

nationalism in Europe in the period 1848-71.

02 (3) Assess the relative importance of the factors stimulating the development of liberalism

and nationalism in Europe up to 1848.

03 (6) Trace and explain the development of nationalism in the Balkans in the period 1815-


05 (3) ‘Liberalism and nationalism worked hand in hand in creating nation-states in Europe in

the period 1815-71’ Comment on the validity of this statement with reference to

specific examples.

06 (4) ‘Imperialism was an extension of nationalism.’ Comment on the validity of this

statement with reference to the period 1871-1914.

07 (4) Assess the relative importance of the factors that contributed to the development of

nationalism in the Balkans in the period 1856-1914.

09 (4) Analyze the factors that hindered the development of nationalism in the Balkans in the

period 1815-1914.

c. Eastern Question

Balkan Wars:

87 (40) Discuss the causes, outcome and significance of the Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913.

91 (41) Analyze the causes and estimate the significance of the Balkan Wars (1912-1913).

Berlin Conference:

89 (41) Did the Congress of Berlin (1878) satisfactorily settle the Eastern Question? Justify

your view.

94 (7) How far do you agree that the Eastern Question became more complicated as a result of

the Congress of Berlin (1878)?

98 (8) ‘The Congress of Berlin (1878) provided the best answer to the Eastern Question.’

Explain whether you agree with this statement.


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The interplay of the Eastern Question and European politics:

85 (38) ‘The decline of the Ottoman Empire was the main de-stabilizing factor in European

politics that led to the outbreak of war in 1914.’ Comment on the validity of this


86 (39) Explain why the Balkans constituted a potential source of trouble for Europe during the

period 1878-1914.

93 (39) How did the conflict of interests among the major European powers affect their policies

in the Balkans during the period 1870-1914?

96 (6) What is meant by ‘Pan-Slavism’? Why did it became an important issue involving the

Balkan states and European Powers during the period 1870-1914?

99 (13) Why has the Balkans been described as the ‘powder barrel of Europe’? Explain your

answer with reference to the period 1870-1914.

00 (3) Assess the importance of nationalistic aspirations in Europe as a cause of the decline of

the Ottoman Empire in the period 1820-78.

02 (9) ‘The Eastern Question in the period 1815-1914 was a result of rivalries between Britain

and Russia.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

04 (10) How important were territorial conflicts in the Balkans in affecting the relationships

among European powers in the period 1878-1914?

d. Armament race

92 (40) Why did the armaments race become a major problem in Europe after 1890 and what

attempts had been made to settle this problem up to 1914?

97 (17) How did the armament race constitute an important source of conflict among the

Western Powers in the period 1890-1980?

01 (13) How important was the armament race in affecting relations among the European

powers in the period 1870-1914?

e. Colonialism and Imperialism


85 (40)What forces in Europe contributed to making the period 1880-1914 and ‘age of


90 (38) Discuss the relative importance of the various factors which led to the intensification of

European overseas expansion during the last three decades of the 19th century.

94 (8) Compare the reasons for French and German expansion in Africa in the late 19th century.

98 (12) Why was North Africa of such strategic and economic importance for the colonial

powers of Europe in the period 1890-1914?

01 (6) Compare the motives behind French and British colonial expansive in the period 1870-



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05 (4) Assess the importance of economic interests relative to other factors in intensifying

imperialistic expansion in the period 1870-1914.

06 (4) ‘Imperialism was an extension of nationalism.’ Comment on the validity of this statement

with reference to the period 1871-1914.

The interplay of colonialism and European politics:

87 (37) Explain how colonial expansion of European nations during the last quarter of the

nineteenth century affected the European diplomatic scene.

98 (12) Why was North Africa of such strategic and economic importance for the colonial

powers of Europe in the period 1890-1914?

03 (13) Examine the importance of colonial rivalries in affecting the relations among the

European powers in the period 1870-1914.

2. Internal affairs of European powers before 1914

a. France

84 (40) Why were governments in France so unstable during the period 1875-1914?

89 (39) Why did the Dreyfus Affair occur, and how did it affect French society and politics

until 1914?

91 (40) Discuss the economic and political problems in France arising from the Franco-

Prussian War, and show the extent to which they had been solved by 1914.

92 (39) Give reasons for the founding of the Third Republic of France. How far was the Third

Republic of France consolidated by 1879?

93 (40) With reference to the Dreyfus Affair, discuss why and how anti-Semitism created a

major political problem in France during the 1890s and 1900s.

00 (5) ‘The collapse of the Second French Empire was primarily due to its failure to satisfy

the demands of the liberals and nationalists at home.’ Comment on the validity of this


03 (5) Despite internal crises and external threats, the Third Republic in France was able to

survive in the period 1871-1914. Explain why.

04 (4) To what extent was the year 1860 a turning point in the history of the Second French


06 (2) How and why did the development of representative government take different forms in

Britain and France in the 19th century?

07(2) How did the monarchies in Britain and France cope with the challenge of liberalism in

the period 1815-70?

b. Germany

85 (37) What role did the new national government in Berlin play in the success of

industrialization in Germany from 1871 to 1914?


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87 (39) ‘Germany’s erratic foreign policy from 1890 to 1914 was a product of its political

instability as much as of the character of Emperor Wilhelm II.’ Do you agree? Justify

your view.

89 (38) How liberal was Bismarck domestic policy during the period 1871-1890? Elaborate

your answer.

91 (39) ‘Bismarck was more successful in conducting Germany foreign affairs than in dealing

with its domestic affairs during the period 1871-1890.’ Do you agree with this

statement? Give your reasons.

96 (5) Evaluate the diplomatic skills of Bismarck in the process of German unification.

97 (5) ‘Nationalism posed the greatest obstacle to the development of liberalism in Germany.’

Comment on the validity of this statement with reference to the history of Germany in

the period 1871-1890.

97 (3) The Cambridge economist, John M. Keynes, argued for the importance of the economic

factor in German unification, stating that ‘the German Empire was created more by

coal and iron than by blood and iron’. How far do you agree with his view? Justify your


00 (7) Examine the factors that hindered the development of liberalism in Germany in the

period 1871-1914.

01 (5) Assess the importance of Bismarck in Prussian and German history up to 1890.

02 (5) Why did the German unification movement fail in 1848? Why did it succeed in 1871?

05 (7) To what extent did Germany contribute to maintaining peace in Europe in the period


06 (3) In what ways were the 1848 Revolution and the appointment of Bismarck as

Chancellor of Prussia in 1862 turning points in the history of German unification?

07 (3) In what ways did Bismarck affect the development of liberalism in Germany in the

period 1871-90?

c. Italy

90 (41) What were the major domestic problems confronting Italy after unification? To what

extent were they resolved by 1914?

97 (4) What were the major obstacles to the Italian unification movement in the period 1815-

1870? How were these obstacles overcome?

99 (3) Do you agree with the view that ‘Cavour hindered the process of Italian unification’?

Explain your answer.

03 (4) What do you think was the most important historical figure in bringing about the

unification of Italy? Justify your answer.

d. Austro-Hungarian Empire

94 (11) How did the racial problem in the Austro-Hungarian Empire contribute to the outbreak

of the First World War?66

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e. Britain

96 (3) Analyze the social and economic background leading to the passing of the First Reform

Act in 1832. To what extent did this Act make Britain a more democratic country?

98 (3) Did the 1867 Reform Act make Britain a democratic country? Explain your answer

with reference the crucial criteria for democracy.

04.(2) Discuss the relationships between the growth of liberalism and political development in

Britain in the 19th century.

04 (13) Examine the role played by the British government in Britain’s industrial development

in the 19th century.

06 (2) How and why did the development of representative government take different forms in

Britain and France in the 19th century?

07(2) How did the monarchies in Britain and France cope with the challenge of liberalism in

the period 1815-70?

f. Russia

Reforms and policies under the Tsar:

88 (39) Compare the policies of Alexander III and Nicholas II as Tsars of Russia.

89 (40) Assess the role of government in the economic modernization of Russia during the

period 1870-1914.

90 (40) Do you agree that the fall of Tsarism should be attributed to the failure of reforms

undertaken in Nicholas II regime (1894-1917)? Explain your view.

94 (12) ‘The 1917 Russian Revolution was rooted in the emancipation of serfs.‘ Comment on

the validity of this statement.

95 (7) ‘The failure to establish a constitutional government in Russia under the rule of

Nicholas II was largely due to the lack of political awareness among the Russian

people.’ Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.

97 (7) To what extent were the reforms carried out in Russia in the period 1905-1917


99 (6) Was Tsar Nicholas II successful in solving he problem he faced during his reign (1894-

1917)? Justify your answer.

00 (6) Compare the reform measures of Czar Alexander II and Nicholas II with respect to

their contents and effects.

01 (7) Which social group in Russia benefited most from reforms during the reign of Nicholas

II (1894-1917)? Justify your answer.

02 (7) Did the Czarist government learn any lessons from the 1905 Revolution? Justify your

answer with reference to its domestic and foreign policies in the period 1905-17?

04 (5) ‘The reforms of Czar Alexander II sowed the seeds of modern Russia on the one hand,

and of the decline of Czardom on the other.’ Comment on the validity of this 77

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05 (5) Was Russia’s participation in the First World War the most important reason for the

downfall of Czardom? Justify your view.

07 (5) ‘Nicholas II’s reign marked an era of reaction rather than reform.’ Comment on the

validity of this statement.

09 (5) Explain why the Czarist regime survived the 1905 Revolution but not the February

Revolution of 1917 with respect to changing conditions in Russia in the period 1905-


Revolutionary ideas and movement:

85 (42) How were the Bolsheviks different from other revolutionary parties in Russia?

86 (42) What were the main problems facing the Bolshevik government when it came to

power? How did Lenin try to overcome them?

91 (38) Give reasons for the weakness of anarchism and populism in the Russian revolutionary

movement during the last three decades of the 19th century.

98 (6) ‘The October Revolution of 1917 is unique in the history of revolution in Europe.’

Comment on the validity of this statement with reference to the period 1800-1917.

03 (7) To what extent was the collapse of Czarist rule in Russia brought about by the


05 (5) Was Russia’s participation in the First World War the most important reason for the

downfall of Czardom? Justify your view.

06 (5) Compare the factors that contributed to the downfall of the Czarist regime with that of

the Provisional Government.

3. Social and cultural development before 1914

a. Marxism

87 (38) How strong and influential were Socialism and Marxism in Europe by 1914?

89 (37) Discuss the successes and failures of Marxism as a revolutionary force in Europe

during the period 1870-1914.

98 (20) Explain the appeal of Marxism in the second half of the 19th century.

03 (18) Account for the popularity of Marxism in Europe in the late 19th century.

b. Industrial Revolution

88 (37) ‘The period 1870-2900 witnessed the beginning of a ‘Second Industrial Revolution’ in

Europe.’ Do you agree? Justify your view.

90 (37) To what extent did the industrialization bring about social and cultural changes in

Europe in the period 1870-1914?

96 (18) Why and how did the pace of industrialization vary in different European countries

during the 19th century? Illustrate your answer with reference to two countries.88

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99 (20) How did industrialization affect family structure in 20th century Western society?

00 (18) Compare industrialization in Britain and Germany in the 19th century.

01 (19) Discuss the impact if the Industrial Revolution on social developments in any one

European country in the 19th century.

03 (19) Examine the improvements in the use of energy sources in the 19th century and how

such improvements affected the economic development of Europe.

09 (13) Explain how industrial and commercial developments in Britain affected the economy

of continental Europe in the 19th century.

c. Democracy

88 (38) ‘Considerable progress was made towards democracy in Europe during the last three

decades of the nineteenth century.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

92 (37) Compare the development of democracy in any Two European nations during the

period 1870- 1914.

00 (2) To what extent could democratic development in the United States in the 19th century

be considered a legacy of the American Revolution?

02 (6) ‘Continental Europe was moving away from autocracy in the second half of the 19th

century.’ Comment on the validity of this statement with reference to two countries in

continental Europe.

05 (2) How did the American Revolution affect the political development of the United States

and of Europe up to the mid-19th century?

09 (2) To what extent was the development of liberalism in Europe in the period 1800-48

influenced by the American democratic tradition?

d. Other

85 (39) Why did social democracy and trade unionism supersede revolutionary Marxism as the

main basis of working-class politics in Central Western Europe by 1914?

91 (37) What roles did European governments play in the improvement of social conditions in

Europe during the period 1870-1914?

93 (37) Why did the population of Europe increase rapidly during the second half of the 19 th

century, and what were the social and economic consequences of population growth up

to 1914?

93 (38) Account for the declining influence of the church on European society and politics

during the period 1870-1914?

94 (9) Discuss the role of the middle class in the political and economic development of any

one Western country in the 19th century.

94 (10) Discuss the influence of Darwinism on European society and culture up to 1914.

95 (18) Examine the influence of Romanticism on 19th century European arts and culture.

95 (19) With the reference to any two Western counties during the 19th century, compare the

role of the government in economic modernization.99

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95 (20) Account for the development of revisionism in Europe during the late 19th century, and

discuss the political impact of this ideology.

96 (19) Discuss the effects of urbanization on political, economic and social development in

19th century Europe.

96 (20) Analyze the social, economic and military effects of the mass production of aircraft.

97 (18) What do you consider was the most significant scientific discovery or invention in the

period 1800- 1980? Explain your answer with reference to the influence of this

discovery or invention on European society.

98 (18) Who do you think was the most influential artist in the period 1800-1980? Explain your

answer with reference to his/her contributions.

99 (18) ‘New ideas are generated by individuals, but the extent of their influence is determined

by the circumstances of the time.’ Comment on the validity of this statement with

reference to the origins and impact of socialist ideas in the 19th century.

99 (19) Select two technological inventions of the 19th century and assess their impact on

Western society.

01 (18) Who would you regard as the most influential Western philosopher in the period 1800-

1980? Illustrate your answer with reference to the influence of his/her thoughts.

02 (18) Assess the political and cultural importance of Paris and London in 19th-centuray world


02 (19) Select one important trend in Western painting in the period 1850-1980 and discuss its

social background.

06 (13) Define ‘culture’. Identify the most significant cultural development in Western Europe

in the first half of the 20th century, and explain your choice.

09 (14) Discuss the influence of Darwinism on the Western world up to the 1930s.

4. Character before 1914

86 (37) Do you regard Benjamin Disraeli or William Gladstone as the greater statesman?

Justify your answer.

92 (42) Evaluate Lenin’s achievement as a Marxist revolutionary leader.

96 (7) Lenin has been remembered by many of his countrymen as a great nationalist. Do you

think that Lenin should be regarded more as a nationalist than as a socialist? Justify

your view.

5. The First World War

a. Causes

84 (39) Discuss the efforts to maintain peace in Europe during the period 1870-1914, and

explain what forces finally prevailed and led to war.

87 (41) Would you agree that the creation of two new nation-states, Germany and Italy,

contributed to the First World War?

88 (40) ‘Economic problems contributed to the outbreak of the First World War.’ Comment on 1010

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the validity of this opinion.

89 (42) To what extent was nationalism the fundamental cause of the First World War?

96 (13) Evaluate the importance of the ‘Sarajevo Incident’ relative to other cause of the First

World War.

98 (13) Assess the importance of Alliance System relative to other factors in bringing about the

First World War.

02 (13) ‘During the few weeks after the Sarajevo Assassination, the powers missed a number of

opportunities to avoid a general war.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Explain your answer.

05 (10) Explain why it was the Sarajevo Crisis rather than other pre-war crises that led to the

outbreak of the First World War.

06 (10) ‘While the First World War broke out because of the “eagerness to fight”, the Second

World War broke out because of the “fear of war”.’ Do you agree? Justify your view.

07 (10) Assess the relative importance of Austria-Hungary and Russia in causing the First

World War. Explain your answer with reference to the period 1908-14.

b. Process

95 (10) ‘The year 1917 was the turning point in the First World War,’ how far do you agree with

this statement?

c. Settlement

86 (40) What were the principles underlying the Treaty of Versailles? How far were they

successfully carried out?

90 (43) Would you consider that the Treaty of Versailles (1919) was a fair settlement? Justify

your view.

94 (13) To what extent did the Paris Peace Treaties (1919-1920) reflect the influence of

President Wilson’s Fourteen Points?

99 (9) ‘The Treaty of Versailles created more problems than it solved.’ Comment on the

validity of this settlement.

02 (8) Identify the principles underlying the Vienna Settlement (1815). To what extent were

they reflected in the decisions made at the Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920)?

04 (6) ‘The Vienna Settlement (1815) was more effective than the Paris peace treaties (1919-

20) in maintaining European peace and stability.’ Comment on the validity of this


d. Impact

84 (43) Discus the impact of World War I on the European economy.

85 (41) In what ways did World War I provide lessons for the decades that followed?

86 (41) Show how World War I affected social and cultural life in Europe during the 1920s.

93 (42) What were the social and economic consequences of the First World War in Europe up 1111

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to 1929?

01 (14) ‘The rise of totalitarianism in inter-war Europe was a legacy of the First World War.’

Comment on the validity of this statement using specific examples to support your


02 (20) Do you agree that the First World War was a turning point in the military history of

Europe? Explain your answer.

09 (10) In what ways did the First World War create a new international order? Why did this

order become unstable in the 1930s?

e. Responsibility

93 (41) Should Germany and allies be held solely responsible for the outbreak of the First

World War? Elaborate your answer.

6. The establishment of totalitarian regimes in Europe

03 (14) Explain why totalitarian regimes emerged in some countries in Europe like Germany

and Italy, but not in others like Britain and France in the inter-war period.

a. Comparison between Italian Fascism, German Nazism and Russian Communism

84 (42) Compare and contrast the features of communism with those of fascism as practiced in

the Soviet Union and Italy respectively.

85 (44) Compare the main characteristics of fascism as practiced in Mussolini’s Italy and

Nazism in Hitler’s Germany.

86 (43) Account for the rise of dictatorship in Italy and Germany during the inter-war period.

90 (45) What were the common factors that led to the establishment of totalitarian regimes in

Italy and Germany in the inter-war period?

91 (44) Could both the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany in the 1930 be described as totalitarian

states? Elaborate your view.

95 (14) Would you consider the governments under Stalin and Hitler totalitarian? Justify your


96 (14) Compare and contrast Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany as totalitarian states.

09 (11) Trace and explain the failure of democracy in Italy and Germany in the inter-war


b. The Nazi Germany

84 (44) Do you think that Hitler’s Germany can be described as a totalitarian state? Justify your


89 (44) Discuss the social and ideological foundations of Nazism in Germany between the two

world wars.

92 (45) Give reasons for the rapid economic and military recovery of Germany under Hitler’s 1212

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leadership up to 1939.

94 (14) How far do you agree that the founding of a Nazi regime in Germany in 1933 was

mainly due to the lack of a democratic tradition in that country.

c. The Fascist Italy

92 (44) Discuss the social and ideological foundations of Fascism in Italy between the two

world wars.

93 (45) Discuss the influence of Fascist rule on Italy up to the end of the Second World War.

00 (15) Account for the rise and fall of the Fascists regime in Italy.

02 (14) How successful was Mussolini in putting the main ideas of Fascism into practice in the

period 1922-1939?

d. Counter-totalitarian force

95 (15) Discuss the significance of ‘popular fronts ’ in resisting dictatorships in Europe from

the mid-1930s up to the end of the Second World War.

7. Inter-war diplomacy and political development

85 (43) Evaluate the role played by the Soviet Union in European diplomacy during the period


91 (43) Account for the widespread social unrest in Europe in the period 1918-1929.

91 (45) Give reasons for the lack of effective cooperation among the major European powers in

dealing with German expansionism in the years 1935-1939.

94 (17) Explain why there was a lack of cooperation among the major Western Powers to

maintain international peace during the 1930s.

96 (10) Discuss the organizational weaknesses of the League of Nations. How did such

weakness limit its peace-keeping role? Illustrate your answer with relevant facts.

96 (11) Why was the United States increasingly involved in European affairs from the late

1930s to the late 1940s?

97 (10) What were the major obstacles to the promotion of collective security in Europe in the

period 1919-1939? Why did these obstacles occur?

97 (21) How and why did the collapse of the New York stock market in 1929 develop into a

global economic crisis?

97 (14) To what extent should Stalin be held responsible for the emergence and development of

totalitarianism in the Soviet Union in the 1930s

98 (9) ‘The League of Nations achieved little because of unfavorable international

circumstances. ’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

99 (10) Compare the roles of the League of Nations and the United Nations in maintaining


99 (11) Analyze the role of the United States in international politics in the period 1919-45.

99 (14) How far were the objectives of Soviet foreign policy achieved in the period 1917-1939?1313

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99 (15) In what ways did the Great Depression threaten peace and democracy in Europe up to


00 (14) Do you agree that ‘Germany posed a major threat to European peace in the period

1919-39’? Justify your answer.

01 (10) What attempts were made in the West to achieve international harmony during the

period 1919-45? How effective were such attempts?

01 (12) Why and how did the United States play an active role in the United Nations in the

period 1945-80?

01 (16) How did Stalin’s foreign policy contribute to the emergence and development of the

Cold War up to 1953?

02 (16) Trace and explain British policies towards Germany in the period 1919-45.

03 (10) Assess the effectiveness of the disarmament efforts of the Western countries in the 20th

century up to 1939.

06 (8) Compare the effectiveness of attempts at disarmament in the inter-war period with

those in the Cold War period.

06 (11) ‘War led to totalitarianism, and totalitarianism in turn led to war.’ Comment on the

validity of this statement with reference to the history of Germany and that of the

Soviet Union in the inter-war period.

07 (11) To what extent did the development of democracy in Europe suffer setbacks in the

period 1919-39?

8. Internal affairs of the European powers during the inter-war period

a. France

86 (44) Why were the years 1929-1935 called ‘the turbulent years ’ in French history?

88 (45) Account for the collapse of the Third Republic in France in 1940.

90 (44) Explain why French governments between the two world wars were so unstable.

b. Germany

87 (43) Explain why democratic and left-wing forces weak in Germany in the period 1918-


95 (13) Why did the issue of Reparation in the post-World War I period cause economic

hardship in Germany? Why did the issue also become a major concern among the

Western Powers?

96 (15) With reference to the period 1933-1939, discuss how the international situation

encouraged German expansion.

03 (15) Explain why Hitler was able to repudiate the Versailles Settlement and make territorial

gains between 1933 and 1939.

c. Britain

87 (45) Why did the British government adopt a policy of appeasement towards the European 1414

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dictators in the 1930s?

88 (43) How did the World Depression affect Britain? How successfully did British

governments in the 1930s tackle the problems caused by the Depression?

90 (46) How did Britain domestic conditions during the 1930s affect its foreign policy in that


93 (44) Analyze the reasons for, and the consequences of, the policy of ‘appeasement ’ adopted

by Britain in dealing with Germany during the first half of the 20 th century.

d. Italy

88 (44) What were the major problems Italy faced in the period between the two World Wars?

Discuss the ideologies and policies used to solve these problems.

e. Soviet Union

94 (16) How far was the economy of the Soviet Union modernized by the first two Five-Year-

Plans (1928-32,1933-37)?

97 (14) To what extent should Stalin be held responsible for the emergence and development of

totalitarianism in the Soviet Union in the 1930s?

98 (15) ‘Lenin’s New Economic Policy solved practical problems at the expense of communist

principles. ’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

9. Character

84 (45) Compare the contributions of Lenin and Stalin to the making of the U.S.S.R.

87 (44) Critically assess the administration of Joseph Stalin during the period 1928-1953.

88 (42) Do you consider Lenin to have been a blessing or a disaster for Russia? Justify your


89 (46) Evaluate Stalin as leader of the Soviet Union.

93 (43) Why did Stalin, rather than Trotsky, succeed to the Soviet leadership after Lenin’s


94 (15) Do you consider Mussolini to be imperialist? Explain with reference to his foreign

policy up to 1939.

97 (15) Compare Hitler and Mussolini with respect to their responsibility for bringing about the

Second World War.

99 (16) Compare Hitler and Stalin with regard to how they kept themselves in power.

02 (16) ‘Terror and force were the only factors which enabled Stalin to stay in power.’

Comment on the validity of this statement with reference to the period 1928-53?

04 (11) Compare and contrast Stalin and Mussolini with respect to their domestic policies.

10. World War II

86 (45) Explain why Nazi Germany defeated France so easily, but failed to overcome Great 1515

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85 (46) What aspects of World War II Allied diplomacy foreshadowed the start of the Cold


92 (46) ‘The Second World War was caused by the failure of collective security. ’ Discuss the

validity of this statement.

96 (16) ‘In the defeat of the Nazis, Britain paid with time, America paid with dollars, and the

Soviet Union paid with blood ’(Stalin). Do you agree with Stalin’s view? Justify your


97 (16) Discuss the evolution of modern warfare with reference to the strategies and

armaments used in the two World Wars and the Cold War.

98 (16) Identify and explain the role of the Soviet Union in the Second World War and the

Cold War.

01 (15) What roles did Britain play in the outbreak of the Second World War and the defeat of

the Axis powers in Europe?

03 (16) With reference to the period 1945-60, examine two important ways in which the

Second World War changed Europe.

05 (11) To what extent did the appeasement policies of Britain and France bring about the

outbreak of the Second World War?

06 (10) ‘While the First World War broke out because of the “eagerness to fight”, the Second

World War broke out because of the “fear of war”.’ Do you agree? Justify your view.

06 (11) ‘War led to totalitarianism, and totalitarianism in turn led to war.’ Comment on the

validity of this statement with reference to the history of Germany and that of the

Soviet Union in the inter-war period.

09 (9) Do you agree that the Second World War was the most important factor that accounted

for the break-up of the British colonial empire? Explain your answer.

11. The Cold War

85 (46) What aspects of World War II Allied diplomacy foreshadowed the start of the Cold


85 (48) ‘After 1945, European nations were mainly pawns in the game or superpower rivalry

played between the United States and the Soviet Union. ’ Comment on the validity of

this statement.

87 (47) How effective was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in containing Soviet

aggression in Europe?

87 (48) Discuss how social and economic life in Western Europe was affected by the Cold War

up to 1960.

89 (48) Discuss the significance of the North Treaty (1949) in Europe up to 1960.

91 (47) Discuss the impact of the Cold War on European politics up to 1960.

93 (48) What international problems were created by the Berlin Crisis of 1948, and how far

were they resolved by 1960?1616

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94 (18) How far do you agree that the origins of the Cold War were both ideological and


95 (16) How did the armaments race between the United States and the Soviet Union during the

Cold War affect these two countries and the international scene?

96 (17) How far was the confrontation between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the

Warsaw Treaty Organization rooted in ideological conflict?

97 (17) Examine the main features of, and the United States’ reaction to, the Soviet Union’s

policy towards Eastern Europe during the Cold War period up to 1980.

98 (16) Identify and explain the role of the Soviet Union in the Second World War and the Cold


99 (17) Assess the significance of the Berlin Blockade in Cold War history.

00 (16) Explain he changing relations between the United States and Soviet Union in the period


00 (17) Account for the outbreak of the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), and assess its significance

in Cold War history.

01 (17) Identify and explain the major sources of international conflicts in the period 1945-80.

02 (17) Assess the effectiveness of the attempts made by the United States to check the spread

of communism in the period 1947-80.

04 (13) Examine the major threats to European peace in the post-Second World War period.

Why did such threats not lead to a general war in Europe? Explain your answer with

reference to the period up to 1980.

05 (12) Examine how conflicts between the USA and the USSR affected European stability in

the period 1945-80.

06 (8) Compare the effectiveness of attempts at disarmament in the inter-war period with

those in the Cold War period.

06 (12) What role did the Soviet Union play in the Cold War? Explain your answer.

09 (12) ‘Both the USA and the USSR posed a threat to the stability of Europe in the period

1945-80.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

12. Post-war economic recovery and cooperation

84 (48) Explain why Europe was able to recover more rapidly after World War II than after

World War I, in spite of the greater destruction experienced in World War II.

86 (48) What steps were taken during the period 1945-1960 to develop the idea of European


90 (47) Explain why, after the Second World War, countries in western Europe were able to

achieve economic recovery more rapidly and successfully than those in eastern Europe.

92 (47) Account for the development towards cooperation and unity among Western Europe

nations during the period 1945-60.

95 (19) With reference to any two western countries during the 19 th century, compare the role 1717

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of the government in economic modernization.

97 (12) Account for the development towards cooperation and unity among Western Europe

countries in the period 1945-1980.

99 (21) Discuss the interrelationships between the United States’ economic strength and its

international influence in the 20th century.

99 (22) Explain the decline of Europe’s international economic position after the Second World


00 (11) Examine the factors that favored, and those that hindered, economic cooperation

among European countries in the post-Second World War period up to 1960.

01 (21) ‘The United States played a predominant role in the economic development of Western

Europe after the Second World War.’ Comment on the validity of this statement with

reference to the period 1945-80.

02 (12) ‘Economic factors were the most important force driving the process towards European

integration in the post-Second World War period.’ Comment on the validity of this


02 (11) How effective was the United Nations in maintaining peace in the period 1946-80?

02 (21) Analyze obstacles to economic modernization in Eastern Europe in the 20th century

03 (11) Examine the role of the USA in the development of Western Europe in the period 1945-


04 (8) Examine the factors that contributed to military and economic cooperation among the

Western European countries in the period 1945-80.

05 (8) To what extent did the United Nations achieve its aims in the period 1945-80.

05 (15) Trace and explain in the influence of the USA on the European economy in the 20th


06 (9) To what extent did the clash of national interests between Britain and France pose an

obstacle to European economic integration in the period 1945-80?

06 (14) Explain the large increase in trade among Western nations after the Second World War.

07 (8) What were the major problems that the United Nations faced in the period 1945-80?

How effective was the United Nations in dealing with such problems in this period?

13. Post-war internal affairs

a. Britain

85 (47) Explain the success of the British Labour Party in the aftermath of World War II.

88 (47) To what extent did British achieve political and economic stability in the post-Second

World War period up to 1960?

89 (45) Explain why the British Labour Party won the 1945 general period election but failed

in 1951.

91 (46) What domestic problems did Britain face after the Second World War, and to what

extent were they solved by 1951?1818

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95 (12) How effective was the British Commonwealth in promoting economic and cultural

interests in Britain and its former colonies after the Second World War?

98 (11) What were the main aims behind the establishment of the British Commonwealth?

Why were these aims not fully achieved?

04 (9) Examine the aims behind the establishment of the British Commonwealth. To what

extent were these aims achieved by 1949?

b. Soviet Union and Eastern Europe

92 (48) Discuss the political consequences of ‘de-Stalinization ’ for the Soviet Union and

Eastern Europe up to 1960.

94 (21) Discuss the effects of communist rule on social cultural life in the Soviet Union and

Eastern Europe during the period 1945-1980.

95 (17) Discuss the significance of the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the

Soviet Union (1956) for political developments in the Communist bloc.

03 (17) Trace and explain how the USSR maintained its control of Eastern Europe in the period


07 (12) ‘The USSR was effective in maintaining its control of Eastern Europe in the period

1945-80.’ Do you agree? Explain your answer.

14. De-colonization

89 (47) How did governments in Western Europe handle the colonial question in the post-

World War II period up to 1960?

92 (43) Compare the British and French colonial policies in the period 1919-1960.

94 (19) ‘Decolonization in the post-Second World War period changed the economic relations

among the Western European nations form competition to cooperation. ’ Comment on

the validity of this statement.

96 (12) In what ways did changing international circumstances since the early 1940s lead to

Britain’s retreat from its colonies after the Second World War?

97 (11) Compare British and French decolonization policies in Asia after the Second World


98 (10) Explain why the British Empire disintegrated after the Second World War.

00 (12) Do you agree that ‘decolonisation was more beneficial than harmful to the colonial

powers’? Explain your answer with reference to any two European colonial powers in

the post-Second World War period.

01 (11) Assess the relative importance of the factors that contributed to the break-up of colonial

empires after 1945.

03 (12) How important was the growth of nationalism in colonies in bringing about the break-

up of colonial empires after 1945?

05 (9) Analyse the ways in which Western European countries dealt with their colonies after

the Second World War.1919

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07 (9) To what extent was decolonization a peaceful process? Explain your answer with

reference to the experience of the European colonial powers.

15. Scientific and technological developments

84 (46) Assess the impact of science and technology on European society from 1900 to 1960.

85 (45) Comparing the Franco-Prussian War, World War I and World War II, analyze the

importance of technological change.

86 (46) Discuss the benefits that came from the scientific discoveries and technological

advances made during and after World War II.

91 (48) How did scientific and technological achievements after the First World War affect the

social and cultural developments in Europe up to 1960?

94 (20) How did major scientific and technological discoveries since 1945 improve living

conditions in Western Europe and yet damage the environment?

97 (18) What do you consider was the most important scientific discovery or invention in the

period 1800-1980? Explain your answer with reference to the influence of this

discovery or invention on European history.

02 (22) Discuss the impact of one prominent 20th century scientist on Western civilization.

03 (20) Select two important scientific inventions in the 20th century and discuss their impact

on Western society.

04 (15) Discuss the relationships between wars and technological innovations in the 20th


07 (16) Account for the great advancement in military science after the Second World War.

16. Social and cultural developments

87 (46) Describe and evaluate the main cultural and social changes that took place in Western

Europe during the period 1900-1945.

93 (46) Discuss the major cultural developments in Western Europe during the first half of the

20th century.

94 (22) Discuss the major factors which led to the changing roles of women in European

society in the 20th century.

95 (21) Why did the population in European countries increase rapidly after the Second World

War, and what were the social consequences of this population growth?

95 (22) Discuss the impact of the mass media on society and culture in the 20th century.

96 (21) Examine the influence of Sigmund Freud’s theory on European culture and society.

96 (22) Discuss how Keynesianism shaped the fiscal policy of any two of the following

countries in the post-Second World War period:

a. Britain

b. The United States

c. West Germany2020

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97 (19) Compare the social status of women in any two Western countries in the post-Second

World War period.

97 (20) Compare the social impact of the First World War and the Second World War on


97 (22) ‘In the period 1900-1980, U.S. culture gradually gained worldwide dominance. ’

Provide evidence to support or refute this statement.

98 (18) Who do you think was the most influential artists in the period 1800-1980? Explain

your answer with reference to his/her contribution.

98 (22) Account for the growing influence of environmental awareness in Western societies in

the post- World War II period. Illustrate your answer with specific examples.

00 (19) Account for the changing roles and status of women in Western societies in the first

half of the 20th century.

00 (20) How did the mass media of the 20th century affect the economic and social

development of the West?

00 (21) Explain the increasing influence of John M. Keynes’s economic ideas in the 20th


00 (22) Examine the main intellectual trends that challenged Christianity in late 19th and early

20th century Europe.

01 (20) How did the development of aviation affect Europe’s economy and society in the 20th


01 (22) ‘In the West, population growth was the most important reason for increased concerns

about the environment.’ Comment on the validity of this statement with reference to the

period 1945-80.

03 (21) Account for the changes in women’s social position and political rights in Western

society in the 20th century.

03 (22) Examine the obstacles faced by Western society in carrying out environmental

protection in the period 1945-80.

04 (14) Identify the major ideas of Keynesianism and examine their social and economic

impact on the Western world.

04 (16) Who do you think was the most influential writer of friction in the Western world in the

period 1800-1980? Explain your answer with reference to his/her contributions.

05 (13) How did the emergence of the working class affect cultural and intellectual development

in Europe in the 19th century? Illustrate your answer with specific examples.

05 (14) Discuss the impact of railways on social and economic development in Europe in the

19th century.

05 (16) Select one European country and examine the impact of urbanization on this country in

the 20th century.

06 (13) Define ‘culture’. Identify the most significant cultural development in Western Europe

in the first half of the 20th century, and explain your choice.

06 (15) Evaluate the economic and cultural impact of the American moive industry on Europe in 2121

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the 20th century.

06 (16) Trace and explain population changes in Europe in the 20th century

07 (13) Explain the cultural importance of Britain and France in the 19th century.

07 (14) Compare the role of the government in economic modernization with reference to any

two Western countries in the 19th century.

07 (15) Analyze the major factors that led to the changing role of women in Europe in the 20th


09 (15) In what ways did the mass media influence the Western world in the

20th century?

09 (16)Why was there an increasing concern for the environment in the

West after the Second World War?