EuroCRIS GRID Global Research Information Directory

EuroCRIS GRID Global Research Information Directory

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Global Research Information Directory

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ContentsI. About the EuroCRIS PortalII. Current Research Information Systems – A DefinitionIII. CRIS SystemsIV. Standards and GuidelinesV. Thesauri and IndicesVI. Publications and DatabasesVII. Metrics & BenchmarkingVIII. Internationalization IssuesIX. Associations, Organizations and GovernmentsX. Technology IssuesXI. Meetings & EventsXII. Desktop Reference Center

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About the EuroCRIS Portal

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Current Research Information Systems – A Definition

What is a CRIS? CRIS Glossary• http://www.cordis.lu/cerif/src/glossary.htm

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CRIS Systems- Search or Browse

By Data Content TypeBy Vendor TypeBy Geographical Location

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CRIS Systems – by Data Content Type

ExpertiseProjectProduct/PatentPublicationsFunding OpportunitiesTechnology Transfer

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CRIS Systems – by Vendor Type

Privately HeldGovernment / NationalRegionalUniversityIndustrialInternational Organization

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CRIS Systems – by Geographical Location

EuropeInternational OrganizationsUnited States

– U.S. Private Initiatives– Federal Government

Asia, Africa, Australia, The Americas

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CRIS Systems – by Geographical Location

Europe and the European Union• CORDIS and Europa• ERGO• DRIS• ERIS

National and Regional Schemes

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Standards and Guidelines

Standards• CERIF• IAEGC

Controlled Lists

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Thesauri and Indices

R&D ThesauriCERIF Collection• http://www.cordis.lu/cerif/src/


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Metrics & Benchmarking

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Technology Issues

XMLMetaDataGRIDSInternet2 & Next Generation InternetCMC: Computer-Mediated Communication

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Internationalization Issues


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Associations, Organizations and Governments

Associations• EUNIS• EUSIDIC• http://www.yahoo.com/Science/


Research Organizations• EARMA

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Associations, Organizations and Governments

Government Ministries• Austria

– Federal Minister for Science & Transport http://www.bmwf.gv.at/ – Federal Ministry for Education & Cultural Affairs http://www.bmuvie.gv.at/

• Belgium – Federal Office for Scientific, Technical & Cultural Affairs http://www.belspo.be – Ministry of the Flemish Community (AWI/IWETO)


• Denmark – Ministry of education http://www.uvm.dk/ – Ministry of Research & Information Technology http://www.fsk.dk/ – Council for Research Policy http://www.forskraad.dk/

• Finland – Ministry of Education http://www.minedu.fi/ – Secretariat for EU R&D http://www.tekes.fi/eu

• France – Ministère de l'Education nationale, recherche et technologie http://www.education.gouv.fr/

• Germany – Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research & Technology http://www.bmbf.de/

• Greece – National Hellenic Research Foundation http://www.eie.gr/English.htm

• Ireland – Department of Education & Science http://www.irlgov.ie/educ/default.htm

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Associations, Organizations and Governments

Government Ministries• Israel

– Ministry of Education and Culture http://www.education.gov.il/moe/english/ind.htm – Ministry of Science http://www.most.gov.il

• Italy – National Research Council http://www.cnr.it/ – Italian Agency for the Promotion of European Research http://www.apre.it/

• Luxembourg – Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Formation Professionnelle


• Netherlands – NIWI information service http://www.niwi.knaw.nl/us/nod/nod.htm

• Portugal – Observatorio das Ciencias e das Tecnologias http://www.oct.mct.pt– Ministry for Science and Technology http://www.mct.pt– Foundation for Science and Technology http://www.fct.mct.pt– Institute for International Scientific and Technological Cooperation


• Spain – Ministro de Educación y Cultura http://www.mec.es/

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Associations, Organizations and Governments

Government Ministries• Sweden

– Ministry of Education & Science http://www.sb.gov.se/info_rosenbad/departement/utbildning/utbildning.html

– EC/R&D Council http://www.eufou.se/

• United Kingdom – Department for Education & Employment http://www.dfee.gov.uk/ – Institute of Public Policy Research http://www.ippr.org.uk/ – Dept. of Trade & Industry, Office of Science & Technology


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Associations, Organizations and Governments

International Organizations• European Commission http://www.cordis.lu/ • OECD: Directorate of Science, Technology and Industry

http://www.oecd.org/dsti/sti/ • UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation)

http://www.unesco.org/ • ICSTI (International Council for Scientific and Technical Information)

http://www.icsti.nrc.ca/icsti/ • IFSE (International Federation of Science Editors)

http://alpha400.cmns.mnegri.it/en/other_services/ifse/ • IFS (International Foundation for Science) http://www.ifs.se/

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Associations, Organizations and Governments

Central Bureaus of Statistics• http://www.cbs.gov.il/engindex.htm

Computer Networks• Internet2 in Israel http://www.internet-

2.org.il• Israel Academic Network


Research Networks

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Publications - EuroCRIS

EuroCRISEuroCrisNewsDatabase of Best Practices/SolutionsE-JournalCode of Good Practice

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Publications – Professional Literature

Professional Scientific LiteratureResearch Journals http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Research/Journals/Science Journals http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Journals/Reference Journals http://www.yahoo.com/Reference/Journals/Books on the Net http://www.yahoo.com/Business_and_Economy/Companies/Books/Science Magazines http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Magazines/Science News http://www.yahoo.com/Science/News/Technology Newspapers http://www.yahoo.com/News_and_Media/Technology/

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Publications - Professional Literature

Professional Information Scientific Literature

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Meetings and Events

CRIS EventsEuroCRIS Semi-Annual MeetingsBi-Annual Global CRIS Conferences

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Meetings and Events

EuroCRIS Semi-Annual MeetingsEngland 25-26 Oct 2001Amsterdam 10 - 11 May 2001 Maribor 6 - 7 Oct 2000 Baltimore 3o Sept - 1 Oct 1999Rome 21 - 22 June 1999 Vienna 2 - 3 Oct 1998 Bergen 6 - 7 June 1997 Lisbon 8 - 9 Nov 1996 Amsterdam 26 - 27 Jan 1996

Milan 11 - 13 May 1995

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Meetings and EventsBi-Annual Global CRIS Conferences

Kassel, October 2002 • CRIS2002

Helsinki, May 2000 CRIS 2000• Knowledge at Work -Research

Luxembourg, March 1998 • CRIS - The Nutcracker!

Milan, May 1995 • CRIS 95 in Europe

Amsterdam, December 1993 • Current Research Information in Europe

Bergen, February 1991 • Current Research Documentation

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Meetings and Events

Other Events of InterestECIS http://ecis2001.fov.uni-mb.si/

EUNIS http://www.hu-berlin.de/EUNIS2001/ Yahoo Index http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Events/

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Science & R&D on the Web Archives http://www.nosc.mil/planet_earth/archive.htmlDatabases http://www.biu.ac.il/RA/www/rserch/dbases.htmlDictionaries http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Dictionaries/Events http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Events/Institutes http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Institutes/IPR: Intellectual Property Rights http://www.yahoo.com/Government/Law/Intellectual_Property/Journals http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Journals/Libraries http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Libraries/

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Science & R&D on the WebMagazines http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Magazines/Museums http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Museums_and_Exhibits/News http://www.yahoo.com/Science/News/Organizations http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Organizations/Patents Information http://www.yahoo.com/Government/Law/Intellectual_Property/Patents/R&D Companies http://www.yahoo.com/Business_and_Economy/Companies/Research_and_Development/Research Institutes http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Research/Institutes/Technology Transfer Companies http://www.yahoo.com/Business_and_Economy/Companies/Technology_Transfer/

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LibrariesIntellectual Property Rights http://www.yahoo.com/Government/Law/Intellectual_Property/Libraries/On-Line Libraries http://www.yahoo.com/Reference/Libraries/On_Line_Libraries/Science http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Libraries/Yahoo List http://www.yahoo.com/Reference/Libraries/

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Computer HelpdeskAll-in-One Search Page Reference Center http://www.yahoo.com/Computers_and_Internet/Internet/Searching_the_Net/Companies http://www.yahoo.com/Business_and_Economy/Companies/Computers/Magazines http://www.yahoo.com/Computers_and_Internet/Magazines/Searching the Web


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Desktop General Reference CenterDictionaries (Yahoo) http://www.yahoo.com/Reference/Dictionaries/Science Dictionaries (Yahoo) http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Dictionaries/Encyclopedias (Yahoo) http://www.yahoo.com/Reference/Encyclopedia/Locating People (Yahoo) http://www.yahoo.com/Reference/White_Pages/WEB Phonebooks from Around the World http://www.yahoo.com/Reference/Phone_Numbers/Calculator http://www.math.scarolina.edu/cgi-bin/sumcgi/calculator.plLocal Times around the World http://www.hilink.com.au/times/Nobel Prize Winners http://mgm.mit.edu:8080/pevzner/nobel.htmlWeather http://www.nwic.noaa-gov/weather.htmlWorld Population Clock http://sunsite.unc.edu/lunarbin/worldpopCurrency Exchanges

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