Ethan Bütt [email protected] | GitHub: ethan309 | LinkedIn: in/ethan-d-butt | Madison, WI 53703 EDUCATION SOFTWARE PROJECTS A Novel Idea Inventory and Point-of-sale System; Lincoln, NE — Jan 2021 - Present (personal project) Worked with a team of student developers to identify user requirements and design an inventory management and point-of-sale system for a local bookstore. Increased inventory management and checkout efficiency by creating a website using React.js and MongoDB. Grouve; Lincoln, NE — Jul 2020 - Present (capstone project) UX Designer, Software Developer Conducted user interviews and designed web and mobile interfaces for event management applications. Worked with a team a student developers to create web and mobile applications using React, React Native, and Google Firebase. NE Environmental Trust Grant Management; Lincoln, NE — Sept 2019 - May 2020 (capstone project) Squad Lead, Development Manager Lead a student developer team in the enhancement of a .NET-based web system allowing project managers and administrators to track grant applications RELEVANT SKILLS Project Management: agile development; scrum; JIRA Technical: JavaScript; Swift and SwiftUI; Node.js; Python; UiPath; git; Java; Unity (and SteamVR); web development; software testing; React.js; Vue.js; Bash; WordPress; C; C++; MySQL; Google Firebase (familiar); Haskell (familiar) Design: Adobe Photoshop; Adobe XD; Figma; Human-Computer Interaction; Cinema 4D WORK EXPERIENCE UNL College of Engineering; Lincoln, NE — Aug 2018 - May 2021 Software Engineering Course Lab Leader Lead lab activities for and assisted 50+ students in completing software development assignments Flywheel; Omaha, NE — May 2020 - Aug 2020 Software Engineer Intern: Local Core Team Maintained and added new features to Local, an application used by web developers to create WordPress sites Accelerated developer workflow by creating a terminal-based generator for Local add-ons, published to NPM Southwest Business Corporation; San Antonio, TX — May 2019 - Jul 2019 Development Intern: Cloud and Innovation Team Increased workflow efficiency by implementing automated processes used to supplement employee activities Involved in research, assessment, and development of software in areas of automation and machine learning UNL Nimbus Lab; Lincoln, NE — Jan 2018 - Aug 2018 Research Project Associate Built a self-driving robot and developed image recognition software to make it navigate obstacle courses University of Nebraska – Lincoln (UNL), Lincoln, NE Graduated Summa Cum Laude Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering, May 2021 Member of Honors Program (Mathematics minor) UNL Dean’s List: 8 semesters Cumulative GPA: 3.96 (out of 4.00) Outstanding Undergraduate Senior Award Recipient

Ethan Bütt Resume (May 2021)

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Ethan Bü[email protected] | GitHub: ethan309 | LinkedIn: in/ethan-d-butt | Madison, WI 53703


S O F T WA R E P R O J E CT S A Novel Idea Inventory and Point-of-sale System; Lincoln, NE — Jan 2021 - Present (personal project)

• Worked with a team of student developers to identify user requirements and design an inventory management and point-of-sale system for a local bookstore.

• Increased inventory management and checkout efficiency by creating a website using React.js and MongoDB.

Grouve; Lincoln, NE — Jul 2020 - Present (capstone project) UX Designer, Software Developer

• Conducted user interviews and designed web and mobile interfaces for event management applications. • Worked with a team a student developers to create web and mobile applications using React, React Native,

and Google Firebase. NE Environmental Trust Grant Management; Lincoln, NE — Sept 2019 - May 2020 (capstone project) Squad Lead, Development Manager

• Lead a student developer team in the enhancement of a .NET-based web system allowing project managers and administrators to track grant applications

R E L E VA N T S K I L L S Project Management: agile development; scrum; JIRA Technical: JavaScript; Swift and SwiftUI; Node.js; Python; UiPath; git; Java; Unity (and SteamVR); web development; software testing; React.js; Vue.js; Bash; WordPress; C; C++; MySQL; Google Firebase (familiar); Haskell (familiar) Design: Adobe Photoshop; Adobe XD; Figma; Human-Computer Interaction; Cinema 4D

WO R K E X P E R I E N C E UNL College of Engineering; Lincoln, NE — Aug 2018 - May 2021 Software Engineering Course Lab Leader

• Lead lab activities for and assisted 50+ students in completing software development assignments Flywheel; Omaha, NE — May 2020 - Aug 2020 Software Engineer Intern: Local Core Team

• Maintained and added new features to Local, an application used by web developers to create WordPress sites

• Accelerated developer workflow by creating a terminal-based generator for Local add-ons, published to NPM

Southwest Business Corporation; San Antonio, TX — May 2019 - Jul 2019 Development Intern: Cloud and Innovation Team

• Increased workflow efficiency by implementing automated processes used to supplement employee activities

• Involved in research, assessment, and development of software in areas of automation and machine learning

UNL Nimbus Lab; Lincoln, NE — Jan 2018 - Aug 2018 Research Project Associate

• Built a self-driving robot and developed image recognition software to make it navigate obstacle courses

University of Nebraska – Lincoln (UNL), Lincoln, NE Graduated Summa Cum Laude

Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering, May 2021 Member of Honors Program

(Mathematics minor) UNL Dean’s List: 8 semesters

Cumulative GPA: 3.96 (out of 4.00) Outstanding Undergraduate Senior Award Recipient