ETD Business Meeting Minutes 27 June 2017 The Business Meeting of the ETD was called to order at 5:08 p.m. on June 27, 2017 by Scott Danielson Chair, in Columbus, Ohio. The meeting was held in the Clark Room of the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The following persons were present: Scott Danielson, Rob Weissbach, Barry Lunt, Robert Mott, Phiip Regalbuto, Marc Fry, Marty Gordon, Michael Johnson, Carmine Balascio, Frank Gourley, Julia Morse, Austin Asgill, Ahmed El-Sawy, Marilyn Dyrud, Scott Segalewitz, Niaz Latif, Vladimir Genis, Keith Johnson, Elaine Cooney, Ron Land, David Goodman, Gary Steffen, Ece Yaprak, Orlando Ayala, Mohammad Uddin, Jay Porter, and Clay Gloster. The meeting opened with introductions. The chair invited all guests who were not currently a member of the division to become a member. The minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clay Gloster, Jr. Walt Buchanan made a motion to accept the ETD Business Meeting Minutes of February 9, 2017. The motion was seconded by Jay Porter and approved unanimously. OFFICER and ETD COMMITTEE REPORTS: Treasurer’s Report: Dave Goodman gave the Treasurer’s Report. He gave a quick summary of where the division stands. He said that this is the third year in a row that accounts had to undergo auditing. He also mentioned that we will probably get $3K back from ASEE. He stated that we will get another $14K back from CIEC. He went on to state that we haven’t received this much revenue for ETD over the past 5 years. In summary, the balance of available funds is approximately $71,000. CIEC Program Chair 2017 Report: Mohammad Uddin gave the report. A total of 235 people registered for the conference with more than 100 full-time attendees. There were a total of 72 abstracts received for CIEC. Of these, 42 abstracts were accepted for presentations and 4 for posters. There were a total of 11 sessions for ETD. No papers were canceled. CIEC 2018 will be held on Feb 7-9, 2018 in San Antonio, Texas. The opening reception will have an alien flavor. San Antonio will be celebrating 200 years at the same time. CIEC is a collaboration between industry and academia. It has 4 divisions (ETD,CEED,CEPD, CIPD) that come together. It is a smaller version of the ASEE meetings.

ETD Business Meeting Minutes 27 June 2017...ETD Business Meeting Minutes 27 June 2017 The Business Meeting of the ETD was called to order at 5:08 p.m. on June 27, 2017 by Scott Danielson

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Page 1: ETD Business Meeting Minutes 27 June 2017...ETD Business Meeting Minutes 27 June 2017 The Business Meeting of the ETD was called to order at 5:08 p.m. on June 27, 2017 by Scott Danielson

ETD Business Meeting Minutes 27 June 2017 The Business Meeting of the ETD was called to order at 5:08 p.m. on June 27, 2017 by Scott Danielson Chair, in Columbus, Ohio. The meeting was held in the Clark Room of the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The following persons were present: Scott Danielson, Rob Weissbach, Barry Lunt, Robert Mott, Phiip Regalbuto, Marc Fry, Marty Gordon, Michael Johnson, Carmine Balascio, Frank Gourley, Julia Morse, Austin Asgill, Ahmed El-Sawy, Marilyn Dyrud, Scott Segalewitz, Niaz Latif, Vladimir Genis, Keith Johnson, Elaine Cooney, Ron Land, David Goodman, Gary Steffen, Ece Yaprak, Orlando Ayala, Mohammad Uddin, Jay Porter, and Clay Gloster. The meeting opened with introductions. The chair invited all guests who were not currently a member of the division to become a member. The minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clay Gloster, Jr. Walt Buchanan made a motion to accept the ETD Business Meeting Minutes of February 9, 2017. The motion was seconded by Jay Porter and approved unanimously. OFFICER and ETD COMMITTEE REPORTS:

Treasurer’s Report: Dave Goodman gave the Treasurer’s Report. He gave a quick summary of where the division stands. He said that this is the third year in a row that accounts had to undergo auditing. He also mentioned that we will probably get $3K back from ASEE. He stated that we will get another $14K back from CIEC. He went on to state that we haven’t received this much revenue for ETD over the past 5 years. In summary, the balance of available funds is approximately $71,000.

CIEC Program Chair 2017 Report: Mohammad Uddin gave the report. A total of 235 people registered for the conference with more than 100 full-time attendees. There were a total of 72 abstracts received for CIEC. Of these, 42 abstracts were accepted for presentations and 4 for posters. There were a total of 11 sessions for ETD. No papers were canceled. CIEC 2018 will be held on Feb 7-9, 2018 in San Antonio, Texas. The opening reception will have an alien flavor. San Antonio will be celebrating 200 years at the same time. CIEC is a collaboration between industry and academia. It has 4 divisions (ETD,CEED,CEPD, CIPD) that come together. It is a smaller version of the ASEE meetings.

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ETLI Report: Elaine Cooney gave the ETLI report. ETLI is an opportunity for the ET community to have a structured dialogue about how we move ET forward. It is not a paper/presentation conference. It is more about setting public policy with respect to ET. ETLI was originally set up to mirror the Engineering Dean’s Council for the ET community but attendance at ETLI is not limited to ET Deans. ETLI will be held on October 5-6 2017 in Washington, DC. Congressman Tim Ryan will be a featured speaker. The program is available in the packet of materials distributed during the meeting. Flyers advertising ETLI were distributed during the meeting. Registration will open in mid-July. A more detailed report is attached. CIEC Budget: The ETD Division Chair passed out a budget for CIEC 2018. He mentioned that this budget was passed at the Executive Committee meeting held on the day before. He called for business meeting attendees to raise questions concerning the budget if they had them. No questions were asked. ASEE Program Conference Chair 2017: Rob Weissbach presented the ASEE program conference chair report. He mentioned that we had approximately 83-84 papers presented. This is 20% higher than last year. He went on to state that one workshop presenter, two paper presenters, and one moderator did not show up for their event. Otherwise, he stated that the conference was going relatively well. He reported that there were some very nice papers published this year. Marilyn Dyrud reported that there was no ASEE policy on “no-shows”. Her opinion was if the person is a “no show”, then there should be a “no publish” response by the conference. She noted that it is difficult to pull papers from the ASEE proceedings as the proceedings are distributed on a thumb drive. However, papers can be pulled from the ASEE conference website. In a subsequent discussion, it was pointed out that there is a question about ownership of the copyright of the paper. If a paper is published, then ASEE owns the copyright. If the paper is not published, the author could publish the paper elsewhere. Additionally, there may be a valid reason why a person did not show up.

Vice Chair Communications: Jay Porter reported as follows. The Engineering Technology Division page is still operational and can be found at

http://www.engtech.org. There are some fixes that need to be made to the website. If anyone is interested in receiving information about proposed changes to ETAC of ABET criteria for accreditation, they can be found on the ETD website. ETD Listserv: Jay Porter reported on the listserv in the absence of Walt Buchanan. He announced that if anyone wanted to join the listserv, there is a link available on the ETD website. He then presented data on the ETD listserv. He reported that there were 4359 total members. There were 2793 members at 417 four-year colleges, 1077 at 294 two-year colleges, and 489 members at 421 other organizations, corporations and government agencies. There were 191

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subscribers with non-institutional email addresses and 59 countries were represented. He also pointed out that an ASEE ETD listserv also exists. He mentioned that this listserv is not necessarily inclusive of information from the other ETD listserv. Hence, information from the ETD listserv should be forwarded to the ASEE ETD listerv. Nominations/Elections: Keith Johnson reported on the elections as follows: He mentioned that it was the responsibility of the past chair to solicit nominations, to encourage people to run for office, and to get persons elected for each vacant position. Issue: This year there was one person that ran for a position who was not on the list of ETD members who were potential voters. Hence, this person did not receive the notification with instructions on how to vote. This issue has been resolved. Keith Johnson mentioned that there were many other updates that need to be made to the list of ETD members who are eligible to vote. Keith Johnson also reported the results of the elections. Rob Weissbach will serve as the New Division Chair. David Goodman will continue to serve as the treasurer. Ken Rennels will serve as the Assistant Chair for CIEC. (He was absent due to illness in his family.) He reported that we failed to fill the position of Assistant Vice Chair of Programs for ASEE ETD. The role of this position is to support the current Vice Chair of Programs. The Vice Chair in conjunction with the Chair oversees selection of abstracts, papers, and ETD sessions for the ASEE conference. Also, the vice chair receives funds to support travel to the ASEE conference. Keith Johnson went on to state that the floor was about to be opened for nominations for this position. He mentioned that there was one person who was interested in this position. This person had originally been interested in serving in another position, but that position was filled. The interested party was unable to attend this meeting as his flight had been scheduled to leave prior to this meeting. The chair opened the floor for nominations for the Assistant Vice Chair of Programs for ASEE ETD. Keith Johnson nominated John Wright, Jr. No other names were presented. Elaine moved that nominations be closed on the said name. Rob Weissbach seconded the motion. Motion carried. Rob Weissbach moved that John Wright be elected as Assistant Vice Chair of Programs for ASEE ETD. Marty Gordon seconded the motion. Motion carried.

OTHER REPORTS: PIC II Chair: Peter Schmitt is the new PIC II chair. ETD reports up to the PIC II. PIC II allocates sessions to each division at ASEE. There was a question raised

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as to whether all PICs operate in the same way. The response to the question was that each PIC operates very differently. ETC Report: No report. CIEC 2017 Report: Mohammed Uddin provided the following report on the CIEC conference. There were a total of 72 abstracts received for CIEC. 52 abstracts were accepted. Out of these 52 abstracts, 40 papers were selected to be published in the proceedings. There were 15 ETD sessions: 7 oral presentations, 1 industry roundtable, 1 workshop, 1 session by Florida Advanced Manufacturing, and 5 business meetings.

ETAC of ABET Report: Scott Danielson gave a brief report on ABET. He reported that ETAC of ABET was considering removing several outcomes from criterion three (outcomes) and moving some to criterion five (curriculum). He stated that, at best, it would be approximately two years before these changes would actually take effect. Member-at-Large/Membership: Scott Segalewitz reported on the status of membership. Our membership was at a peak of over 800 around 2000-2001 and is currently down to approximately 583. He reported that it seems like there are a lot of people affiliated with ETD, but they are not actually members of ETD. For example, at Texas A&M there are 887 faculty members associated with ET programs, but there are only 12 ETD members. He mentioned that people had to actually go to the website, select ETD, and pay the additional $10 to become an ETD member. It was suggested that we should get email messages discussing the benefits of ETD membership out to potential members in September or October when institutions renew program membership. It was also suggested that we all go back to our own institutions to recruit new members as many people are not members because they simply don’t know they can become a member. It was also pointed out that anyone can go to the ASEE website and conduct a search to identify current ETD members working at their home institution. Finally, the chair asked Niaz Latif to lead the effort around not only developing a strategic plan for membership, but for the ETD. TAP report: The TAP report was presented by Michael Johnson. He reported that membership was down and even the number of active chapters decreased this year. He appealed to the body to start a chapter at their home institution if one does not exist. A more detailed report is attached. Engineering Technology National Forum (ETNF) report: Ron Land gave the following report. The ETNF was held yesterday. It focused on the National Academy of Engineering Study on Engineering Technology Education. He reported that there were three actions for the ETNF.

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1) ET community should take action based on recommendation number three of the NAE report stating that diverse populations are more attracted to engineering technology than engineer.

2) ETNF should look for more ways to aid ET faculty to find money/support. 3) ET graduates/students should be allowed to take the FE examination in all

50 states. JET report: The JET report was given by Vladimir Genis. He reported that financially, JET was very healthy. He reported that there was an account balance of $103k. The projected balance was reported as $111,487 based on expected receipts. The spring issue of JET was successfully published. It appears that the fall issue will have a good number of papers. Soon JET will have a new editor. JET continues to need good papers as well as good and reliable reviewers. The journal costs $25 for a domestic subscription and $35 for an international subscription. It was mentioned that there are two agencies that request pdfs of manuscripts from the journal for cross reference. These agencies are: ProQuest and Elsevier. It was suggested that in the future, there must be some form of digital access offered. Google Scholar does list papers of authors from JET. It was also announced that the journal will be available online. Mini Grants: No report. ETD Archives: No report. Action Item: Frank Gourley reported on the directory of Engineering Technology Institutions. He mentioned that there were approximately 400-500 schools in the database. He reported that we need to take a look at the data and make sure that it was up to date. ETD has provided supported this database over the years. The database is currently linked to the ETD website. Scott discussed ETD awards. He stated that we did not have a Berger Award winner this year as there were no nominations. ETD needs to make sure that people are aware of the nominations or the lack thereof for its awards each year. Action Item: There was a question raised about creating a national award and endowing it in conjunction with JET. The division could co-fund such an award with a potential industry sponsor to increase the impact and visibility of the award. It was suggested that this action item be added to the responsibility of Niaz Latif. The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted,

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ETD Business Meeting Agenda At ASEE Annual Conference 2017

Tuesday, 27 June 2017 5:00 – 6:00 pm

Clark Room, Hyatt Regency Columbus, OH, ASEE Event: T623

I. Approval of minutes from CIEC 2017 Business Meeting in Jacksonville, FL (Gloster) II. OFFICER and ETD COMMITTEE REPORTS

a. Treasurer’s Report (David Goodman)

b. ASEE Annual Conference Program Chair 2016 (Robert Weissbach or Marilyn Dyrud)

c. ETD Communications (Jay Porter)

d. ETD Listserv (Walt Buchanan)

e. Nominations/Elections (Keith Johnson) III. OTHER REPORTS

a. PIC II Chair (Marjan Eggermont or Peter Schmidt)

b. ETC Report (Patricia Fox)

c. 2017 CIEC Report (Mohammad Moin Uddin/Keith Johnson)

d. ETAC of ABET Representative to ETD(Scott Danielson on behalf of Kirk Lindstrom)

e. Members at Large (Scott Segalewitz or Niaz Latif)

f. Tau Alpha Pi (Michael Johnson)

g. JET (Vladimir Genis) IV. Old Business

a. Membership (Scott Segalewitz)

b. Mini Grants (Jane LeClair)

c. ETLI Meeting Update (Pat Fox or Elaine Cooney)

d. National ET Forum (Ron Land) V. New Business

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Beginning Balance 10/01/2016, still unofficial since 9/30/15 73,485.46$

30-Jan-2017 ETD Dues Allocation - Q1-FY17 1,150.00$ -$ -$


30-Jan-2017 Administrative Fee on Dues Income-Q1-FY17 345.00$ 1-Mar-2017 CIEC 2017 Mtg Travel - Marilyn Dyrud 500.00$ 1-Mar-2017 CIEC 2017 Mtg Travel - Keith Johnson 500.00$ 1-Mar-2017 CIEC 2017 Industrial Stipend - Allen Galloway 1,000.00$ 1-May-2017 CIEC 2018 Planning Mtg Travel - Moin Uddin 500.00$ 1-May-2017 ETD Mini Grant - Final - Moin Uddin 750.00$

-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


Ending Balance 6/24/2017 71,040.46$

Beginning Balance 9/30/2016 -$

1-Oct-16 Allocation 385.00$ 385.00$

1-May-2017 CIEC 2018 Planning Mtg Travel - Keith Johnson 500.00$ (500.00)$

Ending Balance 6/24/2017 (115.00)$

3Reported Balance as of 12/31/2016 $74,290.46Projected Balance as of 6/24/2017 70,925.46$

Footnotes1Bass is the acronym for Banking and Accounting Services System.2Based on audited Financial Report dated 9/30/15 and '229 ETD YTD financials 2016.xlsx' dated 1/30/20173Based on '229 ETD YTD financials 2016.xlsx' dated 1/30/2017

ETD Total


American Society for Engineering EducationEngineering Technology Division

2Treasurer's Report - ETD Executive Committee Meeting - Columbus, OHJune 24, 2017

ETD 1BASS Account (3224000)


ETD Operating Account (3624000)



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To: Clay Goster, ETD Secretary

From: Robert Weissbach

Subject: Short report on program status of ASEE conference

Hi Clay,

Here is my rundown of the overall ETD program for the 2017 Annual Conference:

133 paper abstracts submitted

15 technical sessions

Co-sponsors on 6 sessions (including the McGraw Award Banquet with ETC)

83 – 84 papers being presented (hard to tell)

“Teaching Sustainable Engineering and Industrial Ecology using a Hybrid Problem-Project Based

Learning Approach” nominated for best paper

ETD Technical Sessions

Session Title Day Time Moderator1 Moderator2

ETD Green Energy/Sustainability Sunday 9:45-11:15 Vassilios Tzouanas

ETD Curriculum Sunday 11:30 - 1 Oai Ha Carl Whitesel

ETD Learning Approaches Sunday 8 - 9:30 Julie Wang David Goodman

Engineering Technology Monday 11:30 - 1 Wei Zhan David Akinsanya

MET Papers 1 Monday 11:30 - 1 Faruk Yildiz

EET Papers 1 Monday 1:30 - 3 Byron Garry Adel Salama

Mechatronics Monday 3:15 - 4:45 Adel Salama Vassilios Tzouanas

ETD Projects Monday 3:15 - 4:45 Wei Zhan Mary Johnson

EET Papers 2 Tuesday 8 - 9:30 Mary Johnson Robert Weissbach

ETD Poster Session Tuesday 11:30 - 1 N/A N/A

ETD Manufacturing/3D Printing Tuesday 1:30 - 3 Darrell Nickolson David Akinsanya

ETD Internet of Things (IOT) Tuesday 3:15 - 4:45 Jay Porter Wendi Kappers

ETD Capstone Projects Tuesday 3:15 - 4:45 Evelyn Sowells Karim Altaii

ETD Accreditation and Assessment Wednesday 8 - 9:30 Michael Johnson Robert Chin

MET Papers 2 Wednesday 11:30 - 1 Arif Sirinterlikci

ETD Freshmen Students Wednesday 1:30 - 3 Moin Uddin Mohamed Galaleldin

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Co-Sponsored Sessions

Session Day Time

P-12 STEM Education: Learning through Guided Discovery Monday 1:30 - 3

Augmented/Virtual Reality (AR/VR) and Production through 3D Printing Monday 1:30 - 3

2017 Interdivisional Town Hall Meeting: The Culture of Teaching Monday 3:15 – 4:45

Meeting for Incoming/Current Program Chairs & Division Chairs Wednesday 11:30 - 1

Integrating Technical Standards into Design Courses Wednesday 1:30 – 3

ETD Meetings


ECET Dept Heads


Sunday 8 – 9:30 Hyatt Regence


MET Dept Heads


Sunday 8 – 9:30 Hyatt Regence


ETD Executive


Monday 3:15 – 4:45 Hyatt Regence


McGraw Award


Monday 6:30 – 9 Hyatt Regence


JET Meeting Tuesday 8 – 9:30 Hyatt Regence


Tau Alpha Pi


Tuesday 1:15 – 2:45 Hyatt Regence


ETD Business


Tuesday 5 – 6 Hyatt Regence


ETD Strategic


Tuesday 4:45 – 6:15 Hyatt Regence


Respectfully submitted,

Rob Weissbach

ASEE ETD Vice-Chair for Programs


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February 8, 2017

Report from Vice-Chair Communications

Jay Porter

The Engineering Technology Division page is still operational and can be found at


I have been periodically sending out reminders on the ETD listserv to join ETD. If the message being sent (attached) needs updates, please let me know. The message follows:

ASEE Engineering Technology Division – JOIN TODAY!

FOR ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT HEADS AND DEANS: I want to personally ask you for your help in encouraging and supporting your faculty and staff to become ETD members. Having a strong, national-level organization is important to the promotion and growth of engineering technology both nationally and internationally. One way to encourage participation is through ASEE’s Dean’s Program. More information on this program can be found at: http://www.asee.org/about-us/types-of-membership/individual-membership#deans To the Engineering Technology Community, Please accept this personal invitation to become an active member of the Engineering Technology Division of ASEE. As an engineering educator, you are aware of the American Society for Engineering Education, and you are probably already a member. However, as a member of the engineering technology community, it is equally important that you join and become an active member of the ASEE’s Engineering Technology Division. The Engineering Technology Division (ETD) of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) has as its principal function the support of the profession and practice of engineering technology and member interests related to the field in both public and private two- and four-year colleges and universities. Its membership, while primarily from the USA, is open to interested people from all over the world, including engineering technology students, as well as representatives from industries that employ engineering technology graduates. The division sponsors national and regional meetings, maintains a website (http://www.engtech.org), communicates with members and others in the profession, and promotes studies of engineering technology. You can join the Engineering Technology Division through the ASEE website (http://www.asee.org) as part of being an ASEE member. In addition to becoming plugged into the ET community at a national level, your $10 dues will also allow you to - Receive the Journal of Engineering Technology, the premier journal for the engineering

technology community - Be eligible to apply for ETD Mini-Grants

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Join ETD (and ASEE) today. For additional information, see the ETD website (http://www.engtech.org). I hope to see you at one of our upcoming meetings! Thank you for your time and consideration, Jay Porter Vice-Chair, Communications, ETD

The ETD site requires continued maintenance and I am asking the officers from the represented groups (ETD, ETC, ETLI, and ECETDHA) to continue monitoring the website and sending updates as required. Please remember to send your updates to me for posting in a timely manner. I have no other reliable way of receiving current information than through your active participation. This especially includes updated organization lists and current organization minutes. Getting these posted as soon as possible is critical to keeping our respective memberships up-to-date with our activities.

Issue (Ongoing): The ETC and ET Forum entries are not well organized. In addition, there were several broken links that I have tried to fix (or delete). If ETC can provide a template for changes, these pages can be integrated and updated.

Issue (Resolved): ASEE asked that the ETD site either be migrated to the ASEE server or be aligned with ASEE branding. We have now changed the ETD page color scheme and logo to align with ASEE’s official colors. This has been approved by ASEE.

Please send comments, feedback and suggestions about the ETD website to Jay Porter at [email protected].

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4359 Engineering Technology Listserv Members;

and Institutions Represented as of June 10, 2017: 1132


NOTE: Check out the ASEE ETD Listserv HomePage at: http://etidweb.tamu.edu/listserv.php

2793 Members at 4-YR COLLEGES (Institutions by listserv members): 417

134 Pennsylvania State University, PA (psu.edu)

134 Purdue University, IN (purdue.edu)

129 DeVry University, IL (devry.edu)

68 Texas A&M University, TX (tamu, pv-,-c,-cc,g,iu,k & w.edu)

52 Rochester Institute of Technology, NY (rit.edu)

47 Purdue University Northwest, IN (pnw.edu)

42 Indiana University Purdue University Indpls., IN (iupui.edu)

35 Kennasaw State University, GA (kennesaw.edu)

33 North Carolina A&T University, NC (ncat.edu)

32 Ferris State University, MI (ferris.edu)

31 University of Cincinnati, OH (uc.edu)

29 University of Houston-University Park, TX (uh.edu)

28 Central Connecticut State University, CT (ccsu.edu)

28 New York City College of Technology, NY (citytech.cuny.edu)

28 University of North Carolina-Charlotte, NC (uncc.edu)

27 Wentworth Institute of Technology, MA (wit.edu)

26 Pittsburg State University, KS (pittstate.edu)

26 University of North Texas, TX (unt.edu)

25 Indiana University Purdue University Ft. Wayne, IN (ipfw.edu)

25 Old Dominion University, VA (odu.edu)

24 East Carolina University, NC (ecu.edu)

24 Oklahoma State University, OK (okstate, osuokc.edu)

24 Western Carolina University, NC (wcu.edu)

23 Arizona State University, AZ (asu.edu)

23 Kansas State University, KS (k-state & ksu.edu)

23 Pennsylvania College of Technology, PA (pct.edu)

22 SUNY College of Tech. at Farmingdale, NY (farmingdale.edu)

22 University of Hartford, CT (hartford.edu)

21 University of Maine, ME (maine.edu)

20 Alfred State College, NY (alfredstate.edu)

20 Eastern Illinois University, IL (eiu.edu)

19 Bluefield State College, WV (bluefieldstate.edu)

19 Indiana State University, IN (indstate.edu)

19 Iowa State University, IA (iastate.edu)

19 Middle Tennessee State University, TN (mtsu.edu)

19 University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown, PA (pitt.edu)

18 East Tennessee State University, TN (etsu.edu)

18 Georgia Southern University, GA (georgiasouthern.edu)

18 Oregon Institute of Technology, OR (oit.edu)

16 Michigan Technological University, MI (mtu.edu)

16 New Mexico State University, NM (nmsu.edu)

16 University of Dayton, OH (udayton.edu)

16 University of Toledo, OH (utoledo.edu)

16 Virginia State University, VA (vsu.edu)

16 Weber State University, UT (weber.edu)

15 Bradley University, IL (bradley.edu)

15 South Carolina State University, SC (scsu.edu)

15 Texas Southern University, TX (tsu.edu)

15 University of the District of Columbia, DC (udc.edu)

14 Florida A&M University, FL (famu.edu)

14 New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ (njit.edu)

14 SUNY Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome, NY (sunyit.edu)

13 California State University-Long Beach, CA (csulb.edu)

13 Miami University, OH (miamoh.edu)

13 Milwaukee School of Engineering, WI (msoe.edu)

13 Minnesota State University, MN (mnsu & mnstate.edu)

13 Murray State University, KY (murraystate.edu)

13 Savannah State University, GA (savannahstate.edu)

13 University of Northern Iowa, IA (uni.edu)

13 Vaughn College of Aeronautics & Tech., NY (vaughn.edu)

13 Vermont Technical College, VT (vtc.edu)

12 Capitol Technology University, MD (captechu.edu)

12 Northern Illinois University, IL (niu.edu)

12 Texas Tech University, TX (ttu.edu)

12 University of Akron, OH (uakron.edu)

12 University of Arkansas-Little Rock, AR (ualr.edu)

11 Brigham Young University, UT (byu.edu)

11 Buffalo State College, NY (buffalostate & buffalo.edu)

11 California University of Pennsylvania, PA (calu.edu)

11 Drexel University, PA (drexel.edu)

11 Eastern Michigan University, MI (emich.edu)

11 Fitchburg State University, MA (fitchburgstate.edu)

11 ITT Technical Institute, IN (itt-tech.edu)

11 Norfolk State University, VA (nsu.edu)

11 Northeastern University, MA (neu.edu)

11 University of Wisconsin-Stout, WI (uwstout.edu)

11 Wayne State University, MI (wayne.edu)

11 Western Michigan University, MI (wmich.edu)

11 Western Washington University, WA (wwu.edu)

10 Appalachian State University, NC (appstate.edu)

10 British Columbia Institute of Technology, CAN (bcit.ca)

10 Colorado State University-Pueblo, CO (csupueblo.edu)

10 Ohio University, OH (ohio.edu)

9 Alabama A&M University, AL (aamu.edu)

9 California State University-Los Angeles, CA (calstatela.edu)

9 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, FL (erau.edu)

9 Jackson State University, MS (jsu & jsums.edu)

9 Kent State University, OH (kent.edu)

9 Metropolitan State University of Denver, CO (msudenver.edu)

9 Northwestern State University of Louisiana, LA (nsula.edu)

9 Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, IL (siu.edu)

9 University of Memphis, TN (memphis.edu)

9 University of Texas-Brownsville, TX (utb.edu)

9 West Virginia University, WV (wvu.edu)

8 Central Michigan University, MI (cmich.edu)

8 Central Washington University, WA (cwu.edu)

8 Eastern Washington University, WA (ewu.edu)

8 LeTourneau University, TX (letu.edu)

8 Morehead State University, KY (morehead-st, moreheadstate.edu)

8 North Carolina State University, NC (ncsu.edu)

8 Utah State University, UT (usu.edu)

8 Western Illinois University, IL (wiu.edu)

7 Austin Peay State University, TN (apsu.edu)

7 Bowling Green State University, OH (bgsu.edu)

7 Eastern Kentucky University, KY (eku.edu)

7 James Madison University, VA (jmu.edu)

7 South Dakota State University, SD (sdstate.edu)

7 University of Southern Mississippi, MS (usm.edu)

7 University of Texas-El Paso, TX (utep.edu)

6 Baker College-Owosso, MI (baker.edu)

6 Ball State University, IN (bsu.edu)

6 Cal Poly-Pomona, CA (cpp.edu)

6 California Maritime Academy, CA (csum.edu)

6 Cleveland State University, OH (csuohio.edu)

6 College of the North Atlantic, CAN (cna.nf.ca)

6 Daytona State College, FL (daytonastate.edu)

6 ECPI College of Technology, VA (ecpi.edu)

6 Fairleigh Dickinson University, NJ (fdu.edu)

6 Fairmont State University, WV (fairmontstate.edu)

6 Grambling State University, LA (gram.edu)

6 Missouri Western State University, MO (missouriwestern.edu)

6 New England Institute of Technology, RI (neit.edu)

6 New York Institute of Technology, NY (nyit.edu)

6 Northern Kentucky University, KY (nku.edu)

6 Southeast Missouri State University, MO (semo.edu)

Page 14: ETD Business Meeting Minutes 27 June 2017...ETD Business Meeting Minutes 27 June 2017 The Business Meeting of the ETD was called to order at 5:08 p.m. on June 27, 2017 by Scott Danielson

6 Southwestern Oklahoma State University, OK (swosu.edu)

6 Texas State University, TX (txstate.edu)

6 Thomas Edison State University, NJ (tesu.edu)

6 Universidad de Monterrey, MEX (udem.edu.mx)

6 University of Nebraska, NE (unl.edu)

6 Youngstown State University, OH (ysu.edu)

5 Bloomsburg University, PA (bloomu.edu)

5 Excelsior College, NY (excelsior.edu)

5 National University, CA (nu.edu)

5 Northeastern State University, OK (nsuok.edu)

5 Ohio State University, OH (osu.edu)

5 Southern University and A&M College, LA (subr.edu)

5 University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff, AR (uapb.edu)

5 University of Central Florida, FL (ucf.edu)

5 University of Georgia, GA (uga.edu)

5 University of Houston-Downtown, TX (uhd.edu)

5 University of Maryland-Eastern Shore, MD (umes.edu)

5 University of Nebraska-Kearney, NE (unk.edu)

5 University of New Hampshire, NH (unh.edu)

5 Utah Valley University, UT (uvu.edu)

5 Virginia Polytechnic and State University, VA (vt.edu)

5 Western Kentucky University, KY (wku.edu)

4 California State University-Fresno, CA (csufresno.edu)

4 Fort Valley State University, GA (fvsu.edu)

4 Georgia Institute of Technology, GA (gatech.edu)

4 Idaho State University, ID (isu.edu)

4 Illinois State University, IL (ilstu.edu)

4 Lawrence Technological University, MI (ltu.edu)

4 Maine Maritime Academy, ME (mma.edu)

4 McNeese State University, LA (mcneese.edu)

4 Morrisville State College, NY (morrisville.edu)

4 North Dakota State University, ND (ndsu.edu)

4 Ohio Northern University, OH (onu.edu)

4 Point Park College, PA (pointpark.edu)

4 Sam Houston State University, TX (shsu.edu)

4 St. Petersburg College, FL (spcollege.edu)

4 Trine University, IN (trine.edu)

4 University of Central Missouri, MO (ucmo.edu)

4 University of Michigan-Flint, MI (umflint.edu)

4 University of Missouri, MO (missouri.edu)

4 University of West Florida, FL (uwf.edu)

3 Bemidji State University, MN (bemidjistate.edu)

3 Brigham Young University-Idaho, ID (byui.edu)

3 Carnegie Mellon University, PA (cmu.edu)

3 Colorado School of Mines, CO (mines.edu)

3 Florida State University, FL (fsu.edu)

3 Higher College of Technology, UAE (hct.ac.ae)

3 Jubail Industrial College, SAU (jic.edu.sa)

3 Lake Superior State University, MI (lssu.edu)

3 Louisiana Tech University, LA (latech.edu)

3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA (mit.edu)

3 Millersville University of Pennsylvania, PA (millersville.edu)

3 Montana State University, MT (montana.edu)

3 Polytechnic University, NY (poly.edu)

3 St. Louis University, MO (slu.edu)

3 SUNY College of Technology at Canton, NY (canton.edu)

3 Temple University, PA (temple.edu)

3 Tennessee Technological University, TN (tntech.edu)

3 The College of New Jersey, NJ (tcnj.edu)

3 Universidad Richardo Palma, PER (urp.edu.pe)

3 University of Alaska-Anchorage, AK (uaa.alaska.edu)

3 University of Bridgeport, CT (bridgeport.edu)

3 University of Colorado, CO (colorado.edu)

3 University of Massachusetts-Lowell, MA (uml.edu)

3 University of Sharjah, UAE (sharjah.ac.ae)

3 University of Texas, TX (utexas.edu)

3 University of Washington, WA (u.washington.edu)

3 University of Wisconsin, WI (wisc.edu)

3 University of Wisconsin-River Falls, WI (uwrf.edu)

3 Worchester Polytechnic Institute, MA (wpi.edu)

2 California State University-Northridge, CA (csun.edu)

2 California State University-Sacramento, CA (csus.edu)

2 Champlain College, VT (champlain.edu)

2 Clemson University, SC (clemson.edu)

2 Colorado Mesa University, CO (coloradomesa.edu)

2 Czech Technical University, CZE (fbmi.cvut.cz)

2 Deakin University, AUS (deakin.edu.au)

2 Delaware State University, DE (desu.edu)

2 Elizabeth City State University, NC (ecsu.edu)

2 Florida Atlantic University, FL (fau.edu)

2 Higher Institute of Energy, KUW ([email protected])

2 Humber College, CAN (humber.ca)

2 Izmir University, TUR (izmir.edu.tr)

2 Johnson and Wales University, RI (jwu.edu)

2 Kean University, NJ (kean.edu)

2 Keene State College, NH (keene.edu)

2 Mississippi Valley State University, MS (mvsu.edu)

2 Missouri Southern State University, MO (mssu.edu)

2 Montana State University-Billings, MT (msubillings.edu)

2 Montana State University-Northern, MT (msun.edu)

2 North Carolina State University, NC (ncsu.edu)

2 Northern Michigan University, MI (nmu.edu)

2 Norwich University, VT (norwich.edu)

2 Our Lady of the Lake University, TX (ollusa.edu)

2 Pace University, NY (pace.edu)

2 Portland State University, OR (emp.pdx.edu)

2 Robert Morris University, PA (rmu.edu)

2 San Jose State University, CA (sjsu.edu)

2 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, CAN (sait.ca)

2 Stevens Institute of Technology, NJ (stevens.edu)

2 Syracuse University, NY (syr.edu)

2 Tarbiat Modares University, IRN (modares.ac.ir)

2 Tarleton State University, TX (tarleton.edu)

2 United States Merchant Marine Academy, NY (usmma.edu)

2 Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, COL (utadeo.edu.co)

2 University of California-Berkley, CA (berkley.edu)

2 University of Florida, FL (ufl.edu)

2 University of Limerick, IRE (ul.ie)

2 University of Louisiana, LA (louisiana.edu)

2 University of Mississippi, MS (olemiss.edu)

2 University of New Mexico, NM (unm.edu)

2 University of North Dakota, ND (und.nodak.edu)

2 University of South Alabama, AL (usouthal & southalabama.edu)

2 University of St. Thomas, MN (stthomas.edu)

2 University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, TN (utc.edu)

2 University of Texas-Permian Basin, TX (utpb.edu)

2 University of Texas-Tyler, TX (uttyler.edu)

2 University of the Pacific, CA (pacific.edu)

2 University of Wisconsin-Platt, WI (uwplat.edu)

2 Western New England University, MA (wne.edu)

2 Wichita State University, KS (wichita.edu)

2 Yorkville University, CAN (yorkvilleu.ca)

1 Abilene University, TX (acu.edu)

1 Ahmadu University, NIG ([email protected])

1 Ajou University, KOR (ajou.ac.kr)

1 Alcorn State University, MS (alcorn.edu)

1 Alfred University, NY (alfred.edu)

1 Al-Quds University, PAL ([email protected])

1 Ambedkar Marathwada University, IND ([email protected])

1 American College of Digital Technology, YUG (gover.us)

1 American University of Beirut, LEB (aub.edu.lb)

1 Andrews University, MI (andrews.edu)

1 Auburn University, AL (auburn.edu)

Page 15: ETD Business Meeting Minutes 27 June 2017...ETD Business Meeting Minutes 27 June 2017 The Business Meeting of the ETD was called to order at 5:08 p.m. on June 27, 2017 by Scott Danielson

1 Baylor University, TX (baylor.edu)

1 Bells University of Technology, NIG ([email protected])

1 Bucknell University, PA (bucknell.edu)

1 Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo, CA (calpoly.edu)

1 California State University-Stanislaus, CA (csustan.edu)

1 Case Western Reserve University, OH ([email protected])

1 City College of New York, NY (ccny.cuny.edu)

1 Columbia University, NY (columbia.edu)

1 Cornell University, NY (cornell.edu)

1 CVS College of Engineering, IND ([email protected])

1 Daniel Webster College, NH (dwc.edu)

1 Dhofar University, OMN ([email protected])

1 Duke University, NC (duke.edu)

1 Elon University, NC (elon.edu)

1 Ensam School Meknes, MOR ([email protected])

1 Espoo-Vantaa Institute of Technology, FIN (evitech.fi)

1 Fairfield University, CT (fairfield.edu)

1 Florida Institute of Technology, FL (fit.edu)

1 Fort Hays State University, KS ([email protected])

1 Franklin University, OH ([email protected])

1 Friends University, KS ([email protected])

1 Frostburg State University, MD (frostburg.edu)

1 Georgia State University, GA ([email protected])

1 Grand Valley State University, MI (gvsu.edu)

1 Grantham University, AL ([email protected])

1 Harvey Mudd College, CA (hmc.edu)

1 Higher Institute of Engineering, LYB (hoon-institute.edu.ly)

1 Hochschule Darmstadt, GER (da.de)

1 Howard University, DC (howard.edu)

1 Indian Inst of Technology-Gandinagar, IND ([email protected])

1 Indian Inst. of Tech.-Madras, IND ([email protected])

1 Indian Institute of Technology-Roorkee, IND ([email protected])

1 Indiana University, IN (indiana.edu)

1 Inner Mongolia U. of Tech., CHI ([email protected])

1 Inter American University of Puerto Rico, PRI (bc.inter.edu)

1 J. N. Technological University, IND ([email protected])

1 Kaplan University, IA (kaplan.edu)

1 Keller Graduate School of Management, IL (keller.edu)

1 King Abdullah University, SAU (kaust.edu.sa)

1 Kumamoto University, JAP (kumamoto-u.ac.jp)

1 Lagos State University, NIG ([email protected])

1 Lamar University Institute of Technology, TX (lit.edu)

1 Lamar University, TX (lamar.edu)

1 Lehigh University, PA (lehigh.edu)

1 Linkoping University, SWE (itn.liu.se)

1 Louisiana State University, LA ([email protected])

1 Loyola College, MD (loyola.edu)

1 Lucian Blaga Institute, ROM (ulbsibiu.ro)

1 Marshall University, WV (marshall.edu)

1 Massachusetts Maritime Academy, MA (maritime.edu)

1 Mekelle University, ETH (entouch.net)

1 Mercer University, GA ([email protected])

1 Michigan State University, MI (msu.edu)

1 Mississippi State University, MS (msstate.edu)

1 Missouri State University, MO (missouristate.edu)

1 Mohammadia School of Engineering of Rabat, FRA ([email protected])

1 Morgan State University, MD (morgan.edu)

1 Mount Aloysius College, PA (mtaloy.edu)

1 National Institution of Japan, JAP (niad.ac.jp)

1 National Taipei University, TAI (ntut.edu.tw)

1 National University of Distance Education, SPA (uned.es)

1 New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, NM (nmt.edu)

1 New York University, NY (nyu.edu)

1 North American College, TX (northamerican.edu)

1 North Tyneside College, GBR ([email protected])

1 Northern State University, SD (northern.edu)

1 Northwestern Michigan College, MI (nmc.edu)

1 Northwestern University, IL (u.northwestern.edu)

1 Olin College of Engineering, MA (olin.edu)

1 Open University of Israel, ISR (open.ac.il)

1 Pierce College, CA (piercecollege.edu)

1 Princess Sumaya University of Technology, JOR (psut.edu.jo)

1 Qatar University, QAT (qu.edu.qa)

1 Reedley College, CA (reedleycollege.edu)

1 Rivers State U. of Science & Tech., NIG ([email protected])

1 Royal Institute of Technology, SWE (kth.se)

1 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, AUS (rmit.edu.au)

1 Saint Mary's University, TX (stmarytx.edu)

1 Saint Petersburg University, RUS ([email protected])

1 San Diego State University, CA (sdsu.edu)

1 San Francisco State University, CA (sfsu.edu)

1 Sfax University, TUN (setit.rnu.tn)

1 Shawnee State University, OH (shawnee.edu)

1 Smith College, MA (smith.edu)

1 Southern Utah University, UT (suu.edu)

1 St. Cloud State University, MN (stcloudstate.edu)

1 St. Peter's Engineering College, IND ([email protected])

1 Suffolk University, MA (suffolk.edu)

1 SUNY Buffalo, NY ([email protected])

1 SUNY Polytechnic Institute, NY (sunypoly.edu)

1 SUNY Stonybrook, NY (stonybrook.edu)

1 SVS College of Engineering, IND ([email protected])

1 Tarbiat Moallem University, IRN ([email protected])

1 Technological Educational Institute, GRE (teihal.gr)

1 Technologico de Monterrey, MEX (itesm.mx)

1 Tennessee State University, TN (tnstate.edu)

1 Texas Christian University, TX (tcu.edu)

1 The Petroleum Institute, UAE (pi.ac.ae)

1 Tufts University, MA (tufts.edu)

1 Universidad de las Americas-Puebla, MEX ([email protected])

1 Universidad de los Andes, CHI (uandes.cl)

1 Universidad Publica de Navarra, SPA (unavarra.es)

1 Universidade do Porto, POR (fe.up.pt)

1 Universidade Estadual de Loudrina, BRZ (uel.br)

1 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MYL (utm.my)

1 University de Aveiro, POR (mec.ua.pt)

1 University of Alaska-Fairbanks, AK (uaf.edu)

1 University of Auckland, NZE ([email protected])

1 University of Calif.-Irvine, CA ([email protected])

1 University of Delaware, DE (udel.edu)

1 University of Detroit Mercy, MI (udmercy.edu)

1 University of Fraser Valley, CAN (ufv.ca)

1 University of Hongik, KOR (hongik.ac.kr)

1 University of Illinois, IL (illinois.edu)

1 University of Ljubljana, SLO (uni-lj.si)

1 University of Louisiana-Lafayette, LA ([email protected])

1 University of Louisville, KY (louisville.edu)

1 University of Lusida, BRZ (supnet.com.br)

1 University of Manitoba, CAN (umanitoba.ca)

1 University of Michigan, MI ([email protected])

1 University of Montana, MT (montana.edu)

1 University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE (unl.edu)

1 University of Nebraska-Omaha, NE ([email protected])

1 University of New Haven, CT (newhaven.edu)

1 University of New Orleans, LA (uno.edu)

1 University of Notre Dame, IN (nd.edu)

1 University of Ottawa, CAN (uottawa.ca)

1 University of Phoenix, OR ([email protected])

1 University of Portland, OR (up.edu)

1 University of Puerto Rico, PRI ([email protected])

1 University of San Diego, CA (sandiego.edu)

1 University of Scranton, PA (scranton.edu)

1 University of South Africa, SAF ([email protected])

Page 16: ETD Business Meeting Minutes 27 June 2017...ETD Business Meeting Minutes 27 June 2017 The Business Meeting of the ETD was called to order at 5:08 p.m. on June 27, 2017 by Scott Danielson

1 University of South Carolina Upstate, SC (uscupstate.edu)

1 University of South Carolina, SC (sc.edu)

1 University of Southern California, CA (usc.edu)

1 University of Southern Indiana, IN (usi.edu)

1 University of Stirling, GBR (stir.ac.uk)

1 University of Tasmania, AUS (utas.edu.au)

1 University of Technology, AUS (uts.edu.au)

1 University of Tennessee, TN (utk.edu)

1 University of Texas-Arlington, TX (uta.edu)

1 University of Texas-Dallas, TX (utdallas.edu)

1 University of the Incarnate Word, TX (uiwtx.edu)

1 University of Tulsa, OK (utulsa.edu)

1 University of Windsor, CAN (uwindsor.ca)

1 University of Wyoming, WY (uwyo.edu)

1 Vienna Institute of Technology, AST (tuwien.ac.at)

1 VIT University, IND (vit.ac.in)

1 VJEC Chemperi University, IND (vjec.ac.in)

1 Walden University, MN (waldenu.edu)

1 Walter Sisulu University, SAF (wsu.ac.edu)

1 Washington State University, WA ([email protected])

1 West Virginia University Institute of Technology, WV (wvutech.edu)

1 Xiamen University, CHI (xmu.edu.cn)

1 Yanbu Industrial College, SAU (yic.edu.sa)

1 Zagazig University, EGY ([email protected])

1 Zapadoceska Univerzita, CZE (kiv.zcu.cz)

1 Zhejiang University of Technology, CHI (zjut.edu.cn)

1077 Members at 2-YR COLLEGES (Institutions by listserv members): 294

54 Houston Community College, TX (hccs.edu)

39 Mott Community College, MI (mcc.edu)

29 Sinclair Community College, OH (sinclair.edu)

27 Ivy Tech Community College, IN (ivytech.edu)

24 Chattanooga State Tech. Comm. College, TN (chattanoogastate.edu)

24 Lone Star College-North Harris, TX (lonestar.edu)

22 Higher Inst. of Telecommunications and Navigation, KUW (paaet.edu.kw)

21 Lakeland Community College, OH (lakelandcc.edu)

17 Springfield Technical Community College, MA (stcc.edu)

17 Thomas Nelson Community College, VA (tncc.edu)

14 Midlands Technical College, SC (midlandstech.edu)

14 Southwest Tennessee Community College, TN (southwest.tn.edu)

13 BridgeValley Community & Technical College, WV (bridgevalley.edu)

13 Lorain County Community College, OH (lorainccc.edu)

13 Mohawk Valley Community College, NY (mvcc.edu)

12 Austin Community College, TX (austincc.edu)

12 County College of Morris, NJ (ccm.edu)

11 Delaware Technical and Community College, DE (dtcc.edu)

11 Florence-Darlington Technical College, SC (fdtc.edu)

11 Hudson Valley Community College, NY (hvcc.edu)

11 Monroe Community College, NY (monroecc.edu)

11 St. Louis Community College, MO (stlcc.edu)

9 Bellingham Technical College, WA (btc.edu)

9 Lake Washington Institute of Technology, WA (lwtech.edu)

9 Queensborough Community College, NY (qcc.cuny.edu)

9 Vincennes University, IN (vinu.edu)

8 Central Piedmont Community College, NC (cpcc.edu)

8 Cincinnati State Technical & C.C., OH (cincinnatistate.edu)

8 Morrison Institute of Technology, IL (morrisontech.edu)

8 San Diego City College, CA (sdccd.edu)

7 Anne Arundal Community College, MD (aacc.edu)

7 College of Southern Nevada, NV (csn.edu)

7 Collin County Community College, TX (collin.edu)

7 Northern New Mexico College, NM (nnmc.edu)

7 Owens Community College, OH (owens.edu)

7 Wake Technical Community College, NC (waketech.edu)

6 Albany Technical College, GA (albanytech.edu)

6 Broome Community College, NY (sunybroome.edu)

6 Gateway Technical College, WI (gtc.edu)

6 Kirkwood Community College, IA (kirkwood.edu)

6 Lake Land College, IL (lakeland.cc.il.us)

6 Macomb Community College, MI (macomb.edu)

6 Marion Technical College, OH (mtc.edu)

6 Mercer County Community College, NJ (mccc.edu)

6 Nassau Community College, NY (ncc.edu)

6 Rowan Burlington County College, NJ (rcbc.edu)

6 Three Rivers Community College, CT (trcc.commnet.edu)

6 Valencia College, FL (valenciacollege.edu)

6 York Technical College, SC (yorktech.edu)

6 Zane State College, OH (zanestate.edu)

5 Alamo Community College District, TX (alamo.edu)

5 College of Lake County, IL (clcillinois.edu)

5 Columbus State Community College, OH (cscc.edu)

5 Community College of Allegheny County, PA (ccac.edu)

5 Cuyahoga Community College, OH (tri-c.edu)

5 Erie Community College, NY (ecc.edu)

5 Linn State Technical College, MO (statetechmo.edu)

5 Middlesex County College, NJ (middlesexcc.edu)

5 Monroe County Community College, MI (monroeccc.edu)

5 Mount Hood Community College, OR (mhcc.edu)

5 Oakton Community College, IL (oakton.edu)

5 Piedmont Technical College, SC (ptc.edu)

5 Portland Community College, OR (pcc.edu)

5 Technical Career Institute, NY (tcicollege.edu)

5 Tidewater Community College, VA (tcc.edu)

4 College of the Albemarle, NC (albemarle.edu)

4 Eastern Gateway Community College, OH (egcc.edu)

4 Greenville Technical College, SC (gvltec.edu)

4 Hillsborough Community College, FL (hccfl.edu)

4 KCTCS Southeast Community College, KY (kctcs.edu)

4 Niagara County Community College, NY (niagaracc.suny.edu)

4 Pellissippi State Tech Comm College, TN (pstcc.edu)

4 Seattle Community College District, WA (seattlecollege.edu)

4 Stark State College of Technology, OH (starkstate.edu)

4 Stevens College of Technology, PA (stevenscollege.edu)

4 Union County College, NJ (ucc.edu)

4 University of Arkansas-Ft. Smith, AR (uafs.edu)

3 Augusta Technical College, GA (augustatech.edu)

3 Bronx Community College, NY (bcc.cuny.edu)

3 Butler County Community College, PA (bc3.edu)

3 Chippewa Valley Technical College, WI (cvtc.edu)

3 Connecticut College of Technology, CT (snet.net)

3 Cuesta College, CA (cuesta.edu)

3 Essex County College, NJ (essex.edu)

3 Fingerlakes Community College, NY (flcc.edu)

3 Gaston College, NC (gaston.edu)

3 Gateway Community College, CT (gwcc.commnet.edu)

3 Highline Community College, WA (highline.edu)

3 Iowa Western Community College, IA (iwcc.edu)

3 Jamestown Community College, NY (sunyjcc.edu)

3 Johnson County Community College, KS (jccc.edu)

3 Madison Area Technical College, WI (madisoncollege.edu)

3 Manchester Community College, CT (mcc.commnet.edu)

3 Maricopa County Community College District, AZ (maricopa.edu)

3 Mid-State Technical College, WI (mstc.edu)

3 Montgomery College, MD (montgomerycollege.edu)

3 Montgomery County Community College, PA (mc3.edu)

3 Naugatuck Valley C.C., CT (nvcc.commnet & nv.edu)

3 NHTI - Concord's Community College, NH (ccsnh.edu)

3 Northern Essex Community College, MA (necc.mass.edu)

3 Northwest State Community College, OH (northweststate.edu)

3 Red River College, CAN (rrc.mb.ca)

3 Richland College, TX (dcccd.edu)

3 Rogue Community College, OR (roguecc.edu)

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3 San Juan College, NM (sanjuancollege.edu)

3 Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute, NM (bie.edu)

3 Suffolk County Community College, NY (sunysuffolk.edu)

3 Technical College of the Lowcountry, SC (tcl.edu)

3 Texas State Technical College, TX (tstc.edu)

3 Tompkins-Courtland Community College, NY (tc3.edu)

3 Trident Technical College, SC (tridenttech.edu)

3 Washington State Community College, OH (wscc.edu)

3 Washtenaw Community College, MI (wccnet.org)

3 Westmoreland County Community College, PA (wccc.edu)

2 Bakersfield College, CA (bakersfieldcollege.edu)

2 Bismarck State College, ND (bismarckstate.edu)

2 Black Hawk College, IL (bhc.edu)

2 Black River Technical College, AR (blackrivertech.org)

2 Borough of Manhattan Community College, NY (bmcc.cuny.edu)

2 Bristol Community College, MA (bristolcc.edu)

2 Brookdale Community College, NJ (brookdalecc.edu)

2 Camden County College, NJ (camdencc.edu)

2 Camosun College, CAN (camosun.bc.ca)

2 Cayuga Community College, NY (cayuga-cc.edu)

2 Central New Mexico Community College, NM (cnm.edu)

2 Chattahoochee T. I., GA (chattahoocheetech.edu)

2 City College of San Francisco, CA (ccsf.edu)

2 College of DuPage, IL (cod.edu)

2 College of Southern Maryland, MD (csmd.edu)

2 College of the Sequoias, CA (cos.edu)

2 Community College of Philadelphia, PA (ccp.edu)

2 Community College of Rhode Island, RI (ccri.edu)

2 Corning Community College, NY (corning-cc.edu)

2 Delgado Community College, LA (dcc.edu)

2 Dutchess Community College, NY (sunydutchess.edu)

2 Edmonds Community College, WA (edcc.edu)

2 Fayetteville Technical Community College, NC (faytechcc.edu)

2 Glendale Community College, AZ (cgc & gcmail.maricopa.edu)

2 Guilford Technical Community College, NC (gtcc.edu)

2 Illinois Valley Community College, IL (ivcc.edu)

2 Lambton College, CAN (lambtoncollege.ca)

2 Luzerne County Community College, PA (luzerne.edu)

2 Massasoit Community College, MA (massasoit.mass.edu)

2 Merced College, CA (mccd.edu)

2 Milwaukee Area Technical College, WI (matc.edu)

2 Nashville State Technical Community College, TN (nscc.edu)

2 Northampton Community College, PA (northampton.edu)

2 Northeast Community College, NE (northeast.edu)

2 Ocean County College, NJ (ocean.edu)

2 Onondaga Community College, NY (sunyocc.edu)

2 Parkland College, IL (parkland.edu)

2 Passaic County Community College, NJ (pccc.edu)

2 Pitt Community College, NC (pittcc.edu)

2 Prince Georges Community College, MD (pgcc.edu)

2 Pulaski Technical College, AR (pulaskitech.edu)

2 Rhodes State College, OH (rhodesstate.edu)

2 Rock Valley College, IL (rockvalleycollege.edu)

2 San Joaquin Delta College, CA (deltacollege.edu)

2 South Texas Community College, TX (southtexascollege.edu)

2 Tri-County Technical College, SC (tctc.edu)

2 Virginia Western Community College, VA (virginiawestern.edu)

2 West Georgia Technical College, GA (westgatech.edu)

2 Western Piedmont Community College, NC (wpcc.edu)

1 Aiken Technical College, SC (atc.edu)

1 Alexandria Technical College, MN ([email protected])

1 Allan Hancock College, CA (hancockcollege.edu)

1 Asheville Buncombe Tech Comm College, NC (abtech.edu)

1 Ayers State Technical College, AL ([email protected])

1 Baltimore City Community Coll., MD (bccc.edu)

1 Bay College, MI (baycollege.edu)

1 Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology, MA (bfit.edu)

1 Bermuda College, BER (bercol.bm)

1 Blinn Community College, TX (blinn.com)

1 Bridgemont Community & Technical College, WV (bridgemont.edu)

1 Bunker Hill Community College, MA (bhcc.mass.edu)

1 Butler County Community College, KS (butlercc.edu)

1 Canada College, CA (smccd.edu)

1 Casper College, WY (caspercollege.edu)

1 Catawba Valley Community College, NC (cvcc.edu)

1 Centennial College, CAN (centennialcollege.ca)

1 Central Florida Community College, FL (cf.edu)

1 Central Maine Technical College, ME (cmcc.edu)

1 Central Oregon Community College, OR (cocc.edu)

1 Central Virginia Community College, VA (cvcc.vccs.edu)

1 Cerro Coso Community College, FL ([email protected])

1 Chemeketa Community College, OR (chemeketa.edu))

1 Clinton Community College, NY (clinton.edu)

1 Clover Park Technical College, WA (cptc.edu)

1 Coastal Georgia Community College, GA (ccga.edu)

1 College of Staten Island, NY (csi.cuny.edu)

1 College of the Canyons, CA (canyons.edu)

1 College of the Redwoods, CA (redwoods.edu)

1 College Station School District, TX (csisd.org)

1 Columbia Basin College, WA (columbiabasin.edu)

1 Columbia Gorge Community College, OR (cgcc.cc.or.us)

1 Community College of Baltimore County, MD (ccbc.edu)

1 Danville Area Community College, IL (dacc.edu)

1 Danville Community College, VA (dcc.vccs.edu)

1 DeKalb County School System, GA (dekalbschoolsga.org)

1 Delaware County Community College, DE ([email protected])

1 Denmark Technical College, SC (denmarktech.edu)

1 Dongyang Technical College, KOR (yahoo.co.kr)

1 Dunbar Junior High School, TX (lubbockisd.org)

1 Eastern Iowa Community College, IA (eicc.edu)

1 Eastern Shore Community College, VA (es.vccs.edu)

1 Edison Community College, OH (edisonohio.edu)

1 Everett Community College, WA (everettcc.edu)

1 Flathead Valley Community College, MT (fvcc.edu)

1 Forsyth Technical Community College, NC (forsythtech.edu)

1 Fox Valley Technical College, WI (fvtc.edu)

1 Ft. Berthold Comm. Coll., ND ([email protected])

1 Fulton-Montgomery Community College, NY (fmcc.edu)

1 Galt High School, CA (ghsd.k12.ca.us)

1 Georgia Piedmont Community College, GA (gpcc.edu)

1 Georgia Piedmont Technical College, GA (gptc.edu)

1 Granbury High School, TX (granburyisd.org)

1 Green River Community College, WA (greenriver.edu)

1 Harbor College, CA (lahc.edu)

1 Harmony High School, TX (harmonytx.org)

1 Harper College, IL (harpercollege.edu)

1 Heartland Community College, IL (heartland.edu)

1 Hickory Technical College, MN (hickorytech.net)

1 Hocking Technical College, OH (hocking.edu)

1 Housatonic Community College, CT (hcc.commnet.edu)

1 Hudson County Community College, NJ (hccc.edu)

1 Illinois Central College, IL (icc.edu)

1 Institute of Technical Education, SNG (ite.edu.sg)

1 Jefferson State Community College, AL (jeffstateonline.com)

1 John Jay High School, TX (nisd.net)

1 John Tyler Community College, VA (jtcc.edu)

1 Joliet Junior College, IL (jjc.edu)

1 Judson School District, TX ([email protected])

1 Kauai Community College, HA ([email protected])

1 Kent Denver School, CO (kentdenver.org)

1 L.B. Wallace Junior College, AL ([email protected])

1 Lincoln Land Community College, IL (llcc.edu)

1 Linn Benton Community College, WA (linnbenton.edu)

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1 Linzer Technikum, AST (eduhi.at)

1 Lorain County Community College, OH (lorainccc.edu)

1 Lord Fairfax Community College, VA ([email protected])

1 Los Angeles City College, CA (lacitycollege.edu)

1 Lovejoy School District, TX (lovejoyisd.net)

1 Mannheim Hochschule, GER ([email protected])

1 Massachusetts Bay Community College, MA (massbay.edu)

1 Mecklenburg School, VA ([email protected])

1 Mira Costa College, CA (miracosta.edu)

1 Mississippi Delta Community College, MS (msdelta.edu)

1 Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, MS (mgccc.edu)

1 Mountain Empire Community College, VA (mecc.edu)

1 Muskegon Community College, MI (muskegoncc.edu)

1 Niagara College, CAN (niagaracollege.ca)

1 North West College, WY (nwc.edu)

1 Northeast State Technical Comm. Coll., TN (northeaststate.edu)

1 Northern Maine Community College, ME (nmcc.edu)

1 Nova Scotia Community College, CAN (nscc.ca)

1 Olympic College, WA (olympic.edu)

1 Orange County Community College, NY (sunyorange.edu)

1 Palacios High School, TX ([email protected])

1 Paul Smith's College, NY (paulsmiths.edu)

1 Pennsylvania Institute of Technology, PA (pit.edu)

1 Quinebaug Valley Community College, MA (qvcc.commnet.edu)

1 Quinsigamond Community College, MA (qcc.mass.edu)

1 Renton Technical College, WA (rtc.edu)

1 Roane State Community College, TN (roanestate.edu)

1 Rockdale County H.S., GA (rockdale.k12.ga.us)

1 Rockland Community College, NY ([email protected])

1 Round Rock School District, TX (roundrockisd.org)

1 Rowan College of Gloucester County College, NJ (rcgc.edu)

1 S.P. Waltrip H.S., TX ([email protected])

1 Salish Kootenai College, MT (skc.edu)

1 Salt Lake Community College, UT (slcc.edu)

1 Sandhills Community College, NC (sandhills.edu)

1 Savannah Technical College, GA ([email protected])

1 Seneca College, CAN (senecac.on.ca)

1 Sheridan Institute of Technology, CAN (sheridaninstitute.ca)

1 Shoreline Community College, WA (shoreline.edu)

1 South Hills School of Business and Technology, PA (southhills.edu)

1 South Mountain Community College, AZ (smcc.edu)

1 Southeast Technical Institute, SD (southeasttech.com)

1 Spartanburg Community College, SC (sccsc.edu)

1 Stevenson H.S., IL ([email protected])

1 Technology High School, NJ ([email protected])

1 Truman College, IL (ccc.edu)

1 Tyler Junior College, TX (tjc.edu)

1 Union County VTS, NJ ([email protected])

1 Union Endicott Central School, NY ([email protected])

1 Ventura Community College, CA (vcccd.edu)

1 Volunteer State Community College, TN (volstate.edu)

1 Waukesha County Technical College, WI (wctc.edu)

1 Wayne Hills High School, NJ (wayneschools.com)

1 West Central Technical College, GA ([email protected])

1 Western Nevada College, NV (wnc.edu)

1 Western Technical College, CA (westerntc.edu)

1 Western Virginia Community College, VA ([email protected])


12 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, NJ (ieee.org)

7 ABET, Incorporated, MD (abet.org)

6 American Society for Engineering Education, DC (asee.org)

5 Industrial Press, NY (industrialpress.com)

5 Journal of Engineering & Architecture, AZ ([email protected])

5 MHI, Incorporated, NC (mhi.org)

4 Granta Design, Ltd., GBR (grantadesign.com)

3 American Council of Engineering Companies, DC (acec.org)

3 American Society of Civil Engineers, VA (asce.org)

3 DeLorenzo LLC, FL (de-lorenzo.us)

3 Quanser, Incorporated, CAN (quanser.com)

2 AfterCollege, Incorporated, CA (aftercollege.com)

2 American Association for the Advancement of Science, DC (aaas.org)

2 American Society for Nondestructive Testing, OH (asnt.org)

2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, NY (asme & asmestaff.org)

2 Argonne National Laboratory, IL ([email protected])

2 Association of Technology, Mgmt., & Applied Engr., DC (atmae.org)

2 Cengage, Incorporated, NY (cengage.com)

2 Center for Advanced Automotive Technology, MI (autocaat.org)

2 Edibon-USA, GA (edibon.com)

2 Engineering.Com, Incorporated, CAN (engineering.com)

2 Federal Aviation Administration, MA (faa.gov)

2 Global Strategic Partnerships, MO (ugs.com)

2 IGI-Global, Incorporated, PA (igi-global.com)

2 International Association of Journals and Conferences, CA (iajc.org)

2 Massad Consulting, IL ([email protected])

2 Momentum Press, OH (momentumpress.net)

2 Morgan Claypool, Incorporated, CA (morganclaypool.com)

2 National Collegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance, DC (nciia.org)

2 Rohde & Schwarz USA, Inc., MD (rsa.rohde-schwarz.com)

2 Royal Circuit Solutions, CA (royalcircuits.com)

2 RTI Energy, Incorporated, TX (rtienergy.com)

2 Society of Manufacturing Engineers, MI (sme.org)

2 United States Navy, VA (navy.mil)

1 Academic Careers Online, PA (academiccareersonline.com)

1 ADAC Solutions, LLC, LA (ada-cs.com)

1 Addison Consulting, WA ([email protected])

1 Adobe @ Carahsoft, TX (carahsoft.com)

1 Advanced Computing & Comm. Journal, SAU ([email protected])

1 Afshari Consulting, WV ([email protected])

1 After College, Incorporated, CA (aftercollege.com)

1 Agajanian Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Agrawal Consulting, KY ([email protected])

1 Ahmad Consulting, LA ([email protected])

1 Al-Hayani Consulting, OH ([email protected])

1 Am.Intl J of Contemporary Research, MI ([email protected])

1 American Welding Society, FL (aws.org)

1 Anand Consulting, OH ([email protected])

1 Anant Consulting, IND ([email protected])

1 Applimation, Incorporated, IL ([email protected])

1 Argonne National Laboratory, IL (anl.gov)

1 Aripd Consulting, AZ ([email protected])

1 Arseniev Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Artech House, Incorporated, MA (artechhouse.com)

1 ASEE Mentorship, DC ([email protected])

1 Association Meeting Management, NY (apexmanage.com)

1 Association of Dam Safety Officials, KY (damsafety.org)

1 ASTM International, OH (astm.org)

1 Astro Publications, IND ([email protected])

1 Atharifar Consulting, PA ([email protected])

1 Athens Electrical Engineering, GRE (atiner.com)

1 Auto Teachers Association, CA ([email protected])

1 Azadpour Consulting, NC ([email protected])

1 Bachman Consulting, GA ([email protected])

1 Baig Consulting, IN ([email protected])

1 Bakshi, Consulting, CA ([email protected])

1 Barison Consulting, ITA ([email protected])

1 Barr Engineering, MN (barr.com)

1 Bechtel Savannah River, Inc., SC ([email protected])

1 Beggs Consulting, NC (providenceday.org)

1 Benson Consulting, NY ([email protected])

1 Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, PA ([email protected])

1 Bloompott Consulting, IL ([email protected])

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1 BMS-BarcoVision, BEL (visionbms.com)

1 Boeing Commercial Aircraft, Inc., WA ([email protected])

1 Borget Consulting, IN ([email protected])

1 Bowen Engineering Corporation, IN ([email protected])

1 Brihoum Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 BWS, Incorporated, WI ([email protected])

1 CadCamCAE Works, Incorporated, NY ([email protected])

1 CadCim, Incorporated, IN (cadcim.com)

1 Camba Consulting, TN ([email protected])

1 Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists, CAN (cctt.ca)

1 Capano Consulting, NY ([email protected])

1 Career Communications Group, MD (ccgmag.com)

1 Casper Consulting, KY ([email protected])

1 Centennial Live, LLD, FRA (live.fr)

1 Center for Research in Mathematics, MEX ([email protected])

1 Central Illinois Light Company, IL ([email protected])

1 Cessna Aircraft Corporation, KS (cessna.textron.com)

1 Change The Equation, Incorporated, DC (changetheequation.com)

1 Cheshire Consulting, GA (etcmail.com)

1 Chois Consulting, COL ([email protected])

1 Ciara Enterprises, LLC, MN (ciaraenterprisesllc.com)

1 Clark Consulting, GA ([email protected])

1 Clint Consulting, GA ([email protected])

1 Computer Consulting, Incorporated, OH (computerconsulting.com)

1 Computeroxy Ltd., AUS (computeroxy.com)

1 Conf. Visio Games, Incorporated, INE ([email protected])

1 Config. Space Microsystems Innovations & App.s Ctr, NM (cosmiac.org)

1 Consortium for Ocean Leadership, DC (oceanleadership.org)

1 Construction Projects Consulting, IND ([email protected])

1 Conty Consulting, MA ([email protected])

1 Cornelius Consulting, KY ([email protected])

1 Cristensen Consulting Group, GA (Cristensengrp.com)

1 Cunion Consulting, GA ([email protected])

1 Cuprak Consulting, AZ ([email protected])

1 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, CA (cypress.com)

1 Day Consulting, TX (hgtek.com)

1 DeGruyter Open, Ltd., GBR (degruyteropen.com)

1 Dempsey Consulting, FL ([email protected])

1 Denning Consulting, FL ([email protected])

1 Dick Consulting, PA ([email protected])

1 Digilent, Incorporated, WA (digilentinc.com)

1 Diversified Enterprises, NM ([email protected])

1 Don Wade Consulting, NY ([email protected])

1 Donaldson Consulting, IN ([email protected])

1 Don's Electronics Service, NJ ([email protected])

1 Duclos Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Dupont Consulting, CA ([email protected])

1 Eagle Associates, CO ([email protected])

1 ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC, NY (ecslimited.com)

1 Edgal Consulting, NC ([email protected])

1 Edibon-USA, GA (edibon.com)

1 Electronic Components Industry Association, VA (eciaonline.org)

1 Electronic Design Magazine, TX (austin.rr.com)

1 Electronic Interconnect, Incorporated, IL (eiconnect.com)

1 Element-14, Incorporated, IL (element-14.com)

1 Elenar Technologies, Incorporated, MI ([email protected])

1 Elsevier, Incorporated, OH (elsevier.com)

1 Elumalai Consulting, IND (purushothaman2emply.com)

1 Emerald Insight Publishing, Ltd., GBR (emeraldinsight.com)

1 Employment Crossing, Incorporated, GA (employmentcrossing.com)

1 Energy Convention, EUR (renecon.eu)

1 Engineer Educators, Incorporated, FL (engineereducators.com)

1 Engineering Educ. Service Ctr., OR ([email protected])

1 Engineering, Industry, & Transportation, Llc., GBR (versita.com)

1 Engineering.com, Incorporated, NY (engineering.com)

1 Engineeroxy, Ltd., GBR (engineeroxy.com)

1 Engineers-Builders, Ltd., CA (engineers-builders.com)

1 Ernst Consulting, MD ([email protected])

1 Erudite Journals, Incorporated, GBR ([email protected])

1 eSchool News, MD (eschoolmedia.com)

1 European Alliance for Innovation, EUR (eai.eu)

1 European Intl. Journal of Sci.& Tech, GBR ([email protected])

1 European Society for Engineers and Industrialists, BEL (skynet.be)

1 Exxon Mobil, Incorporated, TX (exxonmobil.com)

1 Famic Technologies, Incorporated, CAN (famictech.com)

1 Filbrandt and Company, WI (badgerinternet.com)

1 Ford Consulting, OH ([email protected])

1 Fortney Consulting, WA ([email protected])

1 Frontier Communications Corporation, RUS (frontier.com)

1 Gallagher Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Gas Technology Institute, IL ([email protected])

1 GBS Publishers, Incorporated, IND ([email protected])

1 General Cable Corporation, IN ([email protected])

1 General Dynamics, Incorporated, FL ([email protected])

1 General Electric Aerospace, NY ([email protected])

1 General Motors, IN ([email protected])

1 Gillam Consulting, TX ([email protected])

1 Global Corporate College, OH (globalcorporatecollege.com)

1 Golzy Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Gong Consulting, KY ([email protected])

1 Granite Associates, NH ([email protected])

1 Great Lakes Neuro Technologies, OH (glneurotech.com)

1 Gu Consulting, CHI ([email protected])

1 Gustafson Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Habib Consulting, TN ([email protected])

1 Haji Noble Engineering, SAF ([email protected])

1 Hall Consulting, CA ([email protected])

1 Harris Consulting, NC ([email protected])

1 Harrison Consulting, MS ([email protected])

1 Harting and Associates, MS ([email protected])

1 Harvey Hoffman Consulting, NY ([email protected])

1 Hata Consulting, OR ([email protected])

1 Hellmuth Consulting, TX ([email protected])

1 Hendrickson Consulting, VA ([email protected])

1 Hernon Mfring., Inc., FL ([email protected])

1 Higher Education Services, DC (higheredservices.org)

1 Hilgarth Consulting, GA ([email protected])

1 Hong Consulting, CA ([email protected])

1 Houdeshell Consulting, AZ ([email protected])

1 Howard Consulting, OH ([email protected])

1 Huang Consulting, MN ([email protected])

1 Hughes Network Systems, IA ([email protected])

1 IBM Corporation, MD (ibm.com)

1 Ibrahim and Associates, CAN ([email protected])

1 ICSI Consulting Services, Inc., TX ([email protected])

1 IIT Research Institute, NY ([email protected])

1 IMET Corporation, PA ([email protected])

1 Imran Consulting, UAE ([email protected])

1 Indonesian Journal of EE, CS, & Infomatics, INE (journal.uad.ac.id)

1 Industry Marketing Solutions, IA (industrymarketingsolutions.com)

1 Ingole Consulting, WI ([email protected])

1 Innovative Insights, Inc., WY ([email protected])

1 Inside Higher Education, DC ([email protected])

1 Insight InterAsia, LLC, HA (atip.org)

1 Inst. for Women in Trades, Tech.,& Science, CA (iwitts.com)

1 Inst. of Advanced Engineering & Science, INE ([email protected])

1 Intel Corporation, CA ([email protected])

1 International Assoc. for Engr. & Mgmt. Education, IND (iaeme.com)

1 International Journal of Innovation Science, CAN (iaoip.org)

1 International Journal of IT and Business Management, PAK (jitbm.com)

1 International Journal of Social Sciences, PAK (tijoss.com)

1 Internet and Disruptive Technologies, INE ([email protected])

1 Int'l J of Electrical and Computer Engr., INE ([email protected])

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1 Int'l J of Electronics Comm. & Cpt. Engr., IND ([email protected])

1 Intl J of Multidisc. Res. & Mod. Ed., IND ([email protected])

1 Intl J of Sci.Res. & Innovative Tech, GBR ([email protected])

1 Intl J on the Future Revolution in CS & Comm.Eng., IND (ijfrcsce.org)

1 Int'l. Center for Innovation in Education, FRA (icieworld.net)

1 Int'l. Center for Innovation in Education, GER ([email protected])

1 Int'l. J. of Communications, Network, & Sys. Sci.s, CA (srpinfo.org)

1 Int'l. J. of Eval. and Research in Educ., INE ([email protected])

1 Int'l. Jour. of Applied Industrial Engr., PA ([email protected])

1 Int'l. Jour. of Bus., Humanities, & Tech., CA ([email protected])

1 Int'l. Jour. of Engr. Research & Development, IN (editoralmails.com)

1 Int'l. Jour. of Innovation Trends in Comp. & Comm., IND (ijritcc.org)

1 Int'l. Jour. of Science & Engr.Tech., BAN (cgrd.org))

1 Int'l. Journal of Engr. and Applied Science, PAK (eaas-journal.org)

1 Int'l. Journal of Innovation Science, NY ([email protected])

1 Int'l. Services Technology & Engineering, INE ([email protected])

1 ITBA, ARG ([email protected])

1 Iverson and Company, IL (iversonandco.com)

1 James River Technical, Incorporated, VA (en251.com)

1 Jenkins Consulting, FL ([email protected])

1 Joffe Consulting, ISR ([email protected])

1 Johnsen Consulting, GA ([email protected])

1 Journal of Education and Learning, INE (journal.uad.ac.id)

1 Journal of Engineering and Technology, CA ([email protected])

1 Journal of Quality Management Systems, MO (joqat.com)

1 Journal of Quality Mgmt.Systems, App.Engr.,& Tech.Mgmt, MO (joqat.com)

1 Journal of Science and Technology, NIG (ejournalofscience.org)

1 Jwala Technologies, TX (jwalatech.com)

1 Kadry Consulting, KUW ([email protected])

1 Kamalpour Consulting, IN ([email protected])

1 Kansas Research and Education Network, KS (kanren.net)

1 Kant Consulting, NY ([email protected])

1 Karam Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Karam Consulting, MA ([email protected])

1 KBSI, Incorporated, TX ([email protected])

1 Kemo, Incorporated, SC (kemoanalogfilters.com)

1 KKK Books India, IND (kkagencies.in)

1 Knovel Corporation, NY (knovel.com)

1 Koirala Consulting, NEP ([email protected])

1 KonCoor, Incorporated, CAN ([email protected])

1 Kostanyan Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Kotsidou Consulting, KY ([email protected])

1 Krispinsky Consulting, NY ([email protected])

1 Lab-Volt Systems, NJ (labvoltnj.com)

1 Lange Consulting, NY ([email protected])

1 Laursen Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 LearningMeasure.com, NV ([email protected])

1 LearningTimes, Incorporated, NY (learningtimes.net)

1 Leifeld Consulting, MN ([email protected])

1 Leizero Consulting, CAN ([email protected])

1 Li Consulting, IN ([email protected])

1 Lightner Consulting, KY (stan.lightner.gmail.com)

1 Liou Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Lombardo Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Luan Consulting, TX ([email protected])

1 Lycos, Incorporated, NY (lycos.com)

1 Machining Training Solutions, FL (machiningsolutions.com)

1 Mains and Associates, CA ([email protected])

1 Majel Tech, NH (majel.tech)

1 Malak Consulting, IN ([email protected])

1 Mansour Consulting, LA ([email protected])

1 Marin Consulting, MA ([email protected])

1 Material Handling Industry Association, NC (mhia.org)

1 Materials Education, Ltd., GBR (materialseducation.com)

1 Mazidi Books, TX ([email protected])

1 MCCDE Partnership, IN ([email protected])

1 McCray Consulting, NC ([email protected])

1 McGraw Hill Publishing, NY (MHeducaton.com)

1 McLaughlin Consulting, CA ([email protected])

1 McNabb Marketing Resources, DC (mcnabbmarketing.com)

1 Media Power, Incorporated, ME ([email protected])

1 Merkle and Associates, FL ([email protected])

1 Michie Consulting, VA ([email protected])

1 Micron Technologies, Incorporated, IL (micron.com)

1 Moazzam Consulting, GA ([email protected])

1 Moghbeli Consulting, TX ([email protected])

1 Moosbru Consulting, OH ([email protected])

1 Moreno, Incorporated, MN ([email protected])

1 Morrison Consulting, GA ([email protected])

1 Morton-Gibson and Associates, SC ([email protected])

1 MSC Software Corporation, CA (mscsoftware.com)

1 Museum of Science, MA (mos.org)

1 Mutinta Choongo Consulting, KY ([email protected])

1 Mypacks, Incorporated, CT ([email protected])

1 Namduri Consulting, TX ([email protected])

1 Naqvi and Associates, Saskatchewan, CAN ([email protected])

1 Nat.Assoc.for Educ.Workforce Development, MD ([email protected])

1 National Academy of Engineering, DC (nae.edu)

1 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, DC (nasa.gov)

1 National Institute of Standards, DC (nist.gov)

1 National Science Foundation, VA (nsf.gov)

1 NCS Pearson, Incorporated, IA ([email protected])

1 NED Journal, PAK (neduet.edu)

1 Needler Consulting, IN ([email protected])

1 Negahdar Consulting, KY ([email protected])

1 New England FIRST, CT (nefirst.org)

1 Nguyen Consulting, FL ([email protected])

1 NICET, Incorporated, VA (nicet.org)

1 Nortel, Incorporated, VA ([email protected])

1 N-Sigma Engineering, NY ([email protected])

1 Open Engineering, POR (degruyteopen.com)

1 OP-TEC, Incorporated, TX (op-tec.org)

1 Paragon Innovations, Inc., TX (paragoninnovations.com)

1 Parent Consulting, MI ([email protected])

1 Parker Executive Search, GA (parkersearch.com)

1 Parker Hannifin, Inc., OH (parker.com)

1 Partners in Leadership Inc., CA (ozprinciple.com)

1 Pearson Education, NJ (pearson.com)

1 Pegasystems Solutions, MA (pega.com)

1 Penton Media, Incorporated, TX (penton.com)

1 Peterson Consulting, IN ([email protected])

1 PGI Products, Incorporated, PA (pgiproducts.net)

1 Pittenger Consulting, TX ([email protected])

1 Ploger Consulting, FL ([email protected])

1 PPI, Incorporated, CA (ppi2pass.com)

1 Project Lead The Way, VA (pltw.org)

1 Purdue Consulting, IN ([email protected])

1 Purushoth Consulting, IND ([email protected])

1 Quadrant Systems, Incorporated, NJ (quadrantsystems.com)

1 Rady Consulting, MT ([email protected])

1 Raghuwanshi Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Ramadan Consulting, FL ([email protected])

1 Ramaswamy Consulting, KS ([email protected])

1 Ramnanan Consulting, CAN ([email protected])

1 Rath and Associates, AR ([email protected])

1 Reed Environmental, Incorporated, IN ([email protected])

1 Regional Center for Applied Tech., VA ([email protected])

1 Research India Publications, IND (ripof.com)

1 Research India Publications-2, IND (ripublication.com)

1 Rethink Robotics, Incorporated, MA (rethinkrobotics.com)

1 Rexam Beverage Can, Incorporated, IL ([email protected])

1 Ricketts Consulting, NM ([email protected])

1 Rising Vision Products, TX ([email protected])

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1 Robert Moore Consulting, NY ([email protected])

1 Roberts Consulting, NY ([email protected])

1 Rolls-Royce Corporation, IN (rolls-royce.com)

1 Russell Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Sarhan Consulting, GA ([email protected])

1 Saudi Engineer International Company, SAU ([email protected])

1 Schafer Corporation, NH ([email protected])

1 Schmoke Consulting, GA ([email protected])

1 Scholarly Hires, Incorporated, TN (scholarlyhires.com)

1 Scholarly Research, Incorporated, IND (scholarlyresearch.org)

1 Science First, FL (sciencefirst.com)

1 Scientific Israel Advanced Tech., ISR ([email protected])

1 SDC Publications, KS (schroff.com)

1 Seddik Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Sehi Consulting, OH ([email protected])

1 Sensact Group, IL ([email protected])

1 Senta Publishing, Incorporated, TX (sentapublishing.com)

1 Sharp Consulting, IN ([email protected])

1 Shava Consulting, NE ([email protected])

1 Shaw Cablesystems, CAN (shaw.ca)

1 Siemens Company, AL ([email protected])

1 Sikorsky Aircraft, Incorporated, CT ([email protected])

1 Simons Consulting, PA ([email protected])

1 Soden Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Softek, Incorporated, TX ([email protected])

1 Solidworks, Incorporated, MA (solidworks.com)

1 Soliman Consulting, EGY ([email protected])

1 Sommer Consulting, NY ([email protected])

1 South Florida Water Mgmt. District, FL ([email protected])

1 Spectra Quest, Incorporated, VA (spectraquest.com)

1 SPIE, Incorporated, MD (spie.org)

1 Spiteri Consulting, NY ([email protected])

1 Sredkar Consulting, CA ([email protected])

1 Stein Consulting, MO ([email protected])

1 Stratton Consulting, MI ([email protected])

1 Study Pool, Incorporated, CA (studypool.com)

1 Svatik Consulting, WI ([email protected])

1 Svrcek Corporation, TX ([email protected])

1 Taft Educational Partners, CA (taft.org)

1 Taouk Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Tappert Consulting, PA ([email protected])

1 Taylor and Francis Group, GBR (taylorandfrancis.com)

1 Tech Job Search, Incorporated, OH (techjobsearch.com)

1 Thinger Consulting, CA ([email protected])

1 Tillman Consulting, MA ([email protected])

1 Tooling University, LLC, OH (toolingu.com)

1 Top Hat Lecture, Incorporated, CA (tophatlecture.com)

1 Trans National Demands, MYL ([email protected])

1 Trusty Consulting, IN ([email protected])

1 Tsui Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 U.S. Didactic, Incorporated, FL (usdidactic.com)

1 Ubiquitous Computing & Communication Journal, KOR (ubicc.org)

1 Uhl Consulting, OH ([email protected])

1 United Technologies, Incorporated, NY ([email protected])

1 UPS Worldport, KY ([email protected])

1 Verma Consulting, IND ([email protected])

1 Vines Associates, LLC, SC (internetintelligencealerts.com)

1 Vu Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Wagner Consulting, IL ([email protected])

1 Wang Consulting, CHI ([email protected])

1 Washington Cyber Center, DC (washingtoncybercenter.com)

1 Wayne Brown Consulting, GA ([email protected])

1 Wentzell Consulting, CT ([email protected])

1 Westone Laboratories, Incorporated, CO (um56.net.ma)

1 Whitesel Consulting, NC ([email protected])

1 Whitman Consulting, KS ([email protected])

1 Wiggins Consulting, NJ ([email protected])

1 Wilder Consulting, IN ([email protected])

1 Wiley Higher Education, IN (wiley.com)

1 Woods Consulting, GA ([email protected])

1 World Journal of Education Research, CA (scholink.org)

1 Wright Medical Technology, TN (wmt.com)

1 WyJen Technologies, Incorporated, IL (wyjen.com)

1 Xilinx Corporation, CA (zilinx.com)

1 X-Roads Consulting, GA (xroads-consulting.com)

1 Yamin Consulting, IN ([email protected])

1 Your Other Teacher, Incorporated, CA ([email protected])

1 Yuetong Consulting, CHI ([email protected])

1 Yuksek Consulting, TX ([email protected])

1 Zadco, Incorporated, UAE ([email protected])

1 Zhou Consulting, VA ([email protected])

1 Zimmerman Consulting, IN ([email protected])


[email protected] Charles Randow Anne Arundel C. C., MD

[email protected] Frank Lanzer Anne Arundel C. C., MD

[email protected] Zungping Liu Argonne National Lab, IL

[email protected] Carl J. Reichel Augusta Tech. Inst., GA

[email protected] Victor Angel Azurin Austin Comm. Coll., TX

[email protected] Jonathan C. Sack Austin Comm. Coll., TX

[email protected] Mario Gonzales Austin Comm. Coll., TX

[email protected] Louis Frenzel Austin Comm. Coll., TX

[email protected] Tom Cunningham Baker College-Owosso, MI

[email protected] Justin Neil Kotter Ball State University, IN

[email protected] Rex Kanu Ball State University, IN

[email protected] Jonathan R. Lambert Black Hawk College. IL

[email protected] Adem Ozyavas Bluefield State Coll., WV

[email protected] Dave Sanderson Bowling Green State U, OH

[email protected] Linda Hutchison Bristol Comm. Coll., MA

[email protected] Andrew Yezzi Broome Comm. Coll., NY

[email protected] John Zdimal Broome Comm. Coll., NY

[email protected] John Danek Broome Comm. Coll., NY

[email protected] Jay Dornbos Broome Comm. Coll., NY

[email protected] Leonard Fiume Buffalo State College, NY

[email protected] Robert Townsend Burlington Cty Coll., NJ

[email protected] Roy Hoffer California U. of Penn.

[email protected] Dave Landis Carnegie Mellon Univ., PA

[email protected] Amanda Barbosa Central CT State Univ.

[email protected] Adam Harris Central Piedmont C.C., NC

[email protected] Wei Chen Champlain College, VT

[email protected] Royall Mack Ciara Enterprises, MN

[email protected] Jan Kudlacek Czech Technical U., CZE

[email protected] Daniel Tuma Cleveland State Univ., OH

[email protected] John Synhorst Colorado School of Mines

[email protected] Wendy Robicheau CT College of Technology

[email protected] M. Kamal Amara Delaware State University

[email protected] Gerard Gambs Drexel University, PA

[email protected] Andrew Jackson East Carolina Univ., NC

[email protected] Jimmy Bill Linn East Carolina Univ., NC

[email protected] Hilmi Lahoud East Carolina Univ., NC

[email protected] Toqeer Israr Eastern Illinois U., IL

[email protected] Fidel M. Salinas, Jr. Eastern Illinois U., IL

[email protected] Joseph J. Joyce Eastern Michigan U., MI

[email protected] Brian Knakiewicz Eastern Michigan U., MI

[email protected] N. M. A'Hossain Eastern Washington U., WA

[email protected] Richard Aston East Tennessee State U.

[email protected] Jianping Yue Essex County College, NJ

[email protected] Anantharaman Sriraman Everett Comm. Coll., WA

[email protected] Alkis Dimopoulos Fairleigh Dickinson U.,NJ

[email protected] David Akinsanya Florida A&M University

[email protected] Sirajus Salekeen Georgia Southern Univ.

[email protected] Muhammad Bhuiyan Georgia Southern Univ.

Page 22: ETD Business Meeting Minutes 27 June 2017...ETD Business Meeting Minutes 27 June 2017 The Business Meeting of the ETD was called to order at 5:08 p.m. on June 27, 2017 by Scott Danielson

[email protected] Zakaria Mahmud Georgia Southern Univ.

[email protected] Edwin B. Thomas, Sr. Grambling State Univ., LA

[email protected] Lane Elien Grambling State Univ., LA

[email protected] Adnan Hila Higher Coll. of Tech, UAE

[email protected] Mohammad Al-Hamdan HigherInst.of Energy, KUW

[email protected] Nabeel Abdullah H.I.of Telecomm &Nav, KUW

[email protected] Mahnaz Qabazard H.I.of Telecomm &Nav, KUW

[email protected] Marilyn Barger Hillsborough C.C., FL

EESHAN.COM Khaled Mahmud Humber College, CAN

[email protected] Martin Reed IBM Corporation, MD

[email protected] Joe Tabas Indiana U-Purdue U-Indpls

[email protected] David Devine Indiana-Purdue-Ft. Wayne

[email protected] John Carleo Industrial Press, NY

[email protected] Dorian Consiglio Industrial Press, NY

[email protected] Christine Ott Industrial Press, NY

[email protected] Oscar P. Cabrera Intl.Assoc.of J.&Conf.,FL

[email protected] George Taylor Intl. J of SciRes&IT, GBR

[email protected] Mary E. Goodwin Iowa State University

[email protected] Saxon Ryan Iowa State University

[email protected] Wayne Smoot ITT Tech. Institute, IN

[email protected] Michael O. Keyhan ITT Tech. Institute, IN

[email protected] Krista Howard ITT Tech. Institute, IN

[email protected] Patrick Salem ITT Tech. Institute, IN

[email protected] Jim Sago ITT Tech. Institute, IN

[email protected] Obrin Griffin Ivy Tech Comm.Coll., IN

[email protected] M. Kudret Yurtseven Izmir University, TUR

[email protected] Nicolle Radziwell James Madison University

[email protected] Peter Lory J. of Engr. & Arch., AZ

[email protected] David Grau J. of Engr. & Arch., AZ

[email protected] Beatrice Savior J. of Engr. & Arch., AZ

[email protected] Jennifer Flavin J. of Engr. & Arch., AZ

[email protected] Ayu Driope J. of Engr. & Arch., AZ

[email protected] Saud Alshammari Jubail Ind. College, SAU

[email protected] Abdullahi Masud Jubail Ind. College, SAU

[email protected] Sameer Alsheri Jubail Ind. College, SAU

[email protected] Yuyang Miao Kansas State University

[email protected] Anthony Manno Kean University, NJ

[email protected] David W. Astorino Lorain County C.C., OH

[email protected] Aimee L. Davis Madison Area T. C., WI

[email protected] Alley Ferreira Maine Maritime Academy

[email protected] Kal Massad Massad Consulting, IL

[email protected] Vipul Ranatunga Miami University, OH

[email protected] Fred Atkinson Midlands Tech. Coll., SC

[email protected] Florian Misoc Mississippi Valley St. U.

[email protected] Jinwen Zhu Missouri Western State U.

[email protected] Bill Peterson Momentum Press, OH

[email protected] Sally Krijestorac Morehead State Univ., KY

[email protected] Hans Chapman Morehead State Univ., KY

[email protected] Maryam Azimi Murray State Univ, KY

[email protected] Dustin Crouch Murray State Univ, KY

[email protected] Sadrodin Ali Murray State Univ, KY

[email protected] Kristen L. Dagan Naugatuck Valley CTC, CT

[email protected] James F. Kozusko, Jr. New England Inst.Tech, RI

[email protected] Recayi Pecen North American Coll., TX

[email protected] Claude M. Hargrove North Carolina A&T Univ.

[email protected] Denetra Rook North Carolina A&T Univ.

[email protected] David I. Eromon North Carolina A&T Univ.

[email protected] Kathleen Mapson North Carolina State U.

[email protected] Steve Cremer Northeastern University

[email protected] Frank A. DiBella Northeastern University

[email protected] Yazdan Shaghaghi Northeastern University

[email protected] Jerry Tapper Northeastern University

[email protected] Mahmoud Mousa Northwestern St. U. of LA

[email protected] Zory Marantz NYC College of Technology

[email protected] Babak Beheshti New York Inst. of Tech.

[email protected] Daniel Kane New York Inst. of Tech.

[email protected] Paul Butler Ocean County College, NJ

[email protected] Neil Schiller Ocean County College, NJ

[email protected] Henry Wu Oklahoma State University

[email protected] John Anderson Oregon Inst. of Tech.

[email protected] Lawrence J. Wolf Oregon Inst. of Tech.

[email protected] David Shaheen Owens Comm. College, OH

[email protected] Jubum Kim Penn State University

[email protected] Jace Huff Penn State University

[email protected] Nancy L. Dorset Penn State University

[email protected] Akhil Lal Polytechnic Univ., NY

[email protected] Ahmad Souri Portland Comm.College, OR

[email protected] Richard Grimsley Project Lead The Way, VA

[email protected] Akram Hossain Purdue Northwest, IN

[email protected] Robert Trajkovski Purdue Northwest, IN

[email protected] Maureen Fang Purdue University, IN

[email protected] Jennifer J. Singh Purdue University, IN

[email protected] Thomas J. Hacker Purdue University, IN

[email protected] Maher Shehadi Purdue University, IN

[email protected] Bret Madsen Purdue University, IN

[email protected] David Craig RTI Energy, Inc., TX

[email protected] Beshare Sholy St. Louis University, MO

[email protected] Aiman S. Kuzmar Sam Houston State U., TX

[email protected] Mir Hayder Savannah State Univ., GA

[email protected] Nayo Mack South Carolina State U.

[email protected] Nikunja Swain South Carolina State U.

[email protected] Deepak Gupta Southeast Mo. State Univ.

[email protected] Serdar Tumkor Stevens Inst. of Tech, NJ

[email protected] Marj Issapour SUNY C.T. at Farmingdale

[email protected] Gregorios Maninakis SUNY C.T. at Farmingdale

[email protected] Digendra Das SUNYIT-Utica/Rome

[email protected] Mohammad Beheshti Tarbiat Modares U., IRN

[email protected] Kavitha Lakshmanan TAMU-College Station, TX

[email protected] Ben D. Cranor TAMU-Commerce, TX

[email protected] Mehrube Mehrubeoglu TAMU-Corpus Christi, TX

[email protected] Edward Osakue Texas Southern University

[email protected] Elvino Bolajeh Taylor Texas Southern University

[email protected] Leonardo Alcayhuaman Universidad RichardoPalma

[email protected] Ron Arter University of Akron, OH

[email protected] Roland K. Arter University of Akron, OH

[email protected] Seyed Ebrahim Taghavi U. of Arkansas-Pine Bluff

[email protected] Fred Sun University of Cincinnati

[email protected] Gabriel Alungbe University of Cincinnati

[email protected] Qingan Zeng University of Cincinnati

[email protected] Julianne M. Hutchinson University of Cincinnati

[email protected] Nian Zhang Univ.of Dist. of Columbia

[email protected] Arash Rahmatian Univ. of Houston-Downtown

[email protected] Haichang Gu Univ. of Houston-U. Park

[email protected] Vineet Aggarwal Univ. of Houston-U. Park

[email protected] Justin Loop Univ. of Houston-U. Park

[email protected] Luciano Boglione Univ. of Mass.-Lowell

[email protected] Samer Arafat University of Missouri

[email protected] Edward Crowley University of Nebraska

[email protected] Mehmet Badadir Univ. of Northern Iowa

[email protected] Amaal Alshenawa Univ. of North Texas

[email protected] Xiaohui Yuan Univ. of North Texas

[email protected] Leticia Anaya Univ. of North Texas

[email protected] Rutilio Hernandez-Sosa U. of Texas-Brownsville

[email protected] Abdul Bhuiya U. of Texas-El Paso

[email protected] Raj Desai U. of Texas-Permian Basin

[email protected] Sukumar Kamalasadan University of Toledo, OH

[email protected] Joseph R. Bumblis Univ. of Wisconsin-Stout

[email protected] Annamalai Pandia Univ. of Wisconsin-Stout

[email protected] Paul D. Schreuders Utah State University

[email protected] Andy Grossfield Vaughn Coll. of A&T, NY

[email protected] Daryl Gruar Vaughn Coll. of A&T, NY

[email protected] Shekhar Pradhan Vaughn Coll. of A&T, NY

[email protected] Gerard Sedlak Vaughn Coll. of A&T, NY

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[email protected] Mike Soulia Vermont Technical College

[email protected] Wu Zhenhua Virginia State University

[email protected] Shahzad Akbar Virginia State University

[email protected] William Owen Virginia Western Comm.C.

[email protected] Vinod Singh Wayne State Univ., MI

[email protected] Dustin Birch Weber State Univ., UT

[email protected] Joseph McNichols Wentworth Inst. of Tech.

[email protected] Sudhir Kaul Western Carolina U., NC

[email protected] Jeff Ray Western Carolina U., NC

[email protected] Yeqin Huang Western Carolina U., NC


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Clay: These are the results of the 2017 ETD elections for your reports. Keith Keith V. Johnson, PhD., Chair Department of Engineering Technology, Surveying and Digital Media College of Business and Technology East Tennessee State University P.O. Box 70552 Johnson City, TN 37614-1707 P 423-439-7813 F 423-439-7830 [email protected] www.etsu.edu ETD Division Chair: Rob Weissbach – 41 votes Athula Kulatunga – 27 votes ETD Treasurer: David Goodman - 65 votes ETD Member at Large: Austin Asgill – 15 votes Ali Eydgahi – 10 votes John Wright – 18 votes Scott Segalewitz – 23 votes ETD Assistant Chair for CIEC 2018: David Goodman - 10 votes Ken Rennels – 31 votes Romona Anand – 26 votes

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Engineering Technology Council (ETC) Annual Report 2016-17

The Engineering Technology Council (ETC) achieved the following during the 2016-2017 year.

• ETC Executive Board 2016-17

Pat Fox [email protected]; Chair

Enrique Barbieri [email protected]; Chair Elect

James Otter [email protected]; Secretary/Treasurer

Reza Ragari [email protected]; Director Exp 2017

Carol Lamb [email protected]; Director Exp 2017

John Williams [email protected]; Director Exp 2017

Gary Stefffan [email protected]; Director Exp 2018

Alok Verma [email protected]; Director Exp 2018

Ken Burbank [email protected]; Past Chair

Scott Danielson [email protected]; ETD Chair

Ron Land [email protected]; ETNF Chair

Elaine Cooney [email protected]; ETLI Chair

• ETC Executive Board met monthly via phone conference during the 2016-2017

• Engineering Technology Leaders Institute was held September 23-24, 2016 in Arlington, VA at the Westin Hotel. At the Institute, ET leaders discussed and proposed, proposed two ETC position statements; Modification of GSO-800 Engineering Qualification Standard Maintained by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and BS-ET Access to Professional Licensure. These position statements were approved by ETC Executive Committee and ETC membership. (See attached report of ETLI 2017). The Engineering Technology Leaders Institute (ETLI) has been held for 41 years. Its purpose is to bring engineering technology educators, industry leaders, and government officials together to discuss topics of importance for future engineers. The 2016 ETLI convened ET leaders at Westin Crystal City Hotel in Arlington, VA on September 23, 2016. It was sponsored by the ASEE Engineering Technology Council and its Executive Board. This year’s ETLI theme was “Engineering Technology: Connecting, Building & Maintaining Relationships”. The ETLI planning committee chose three different topics to explore. In the first session, we examined and discussed the viewpoint of the professional societies on ET education. We also discussed: Is a BS degree in engineering technology accepted by the engineering society as an educational path to the engineering profession? How do engineering professional societies perceive ET graduates in the workplace and how do they serve these members? In the second session, we heard about a successful program that can lead to innovative and entrepreneurial mindsets in ET students as well

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as successful careers in engineering. The speakers discussed the lessons learned from I-Corp and I-Corp-L programs. The third session looked at ABET-TAC Criterion 3 and Program Criteria with a panel of ABET representatives. In addition to the major three sessions, we had a presentation on National Science Foundation (NSF) programs, and a keynote address by the President of ASEE. There were 57 attendees (not including ASEE staff) at the conference. A post meeting survey was sent to all attendees who had provided their email addresses to gauge the meeting outcomes as well as the overall satisfaction with the meeting and the sessions. ASEE sent the post-meeting survey to 48 attendees and twenty attendees completed the survey (42% response rate) and this report provides an executive summary of the findings, plus snapshots of the data in the appendices. The Engineering Technology Leaders Institute continues to be a vehicle for a national call to action, mobilizing our professional societies and accreditation agencies to work in a coordinated, strategic way in supporting our leaders. Next year’s Institute will be held on October 5-6, 2017.

• ETC asked for the endorsement of the ASEE Board of the position statement - Modification of GSO-800 Engineering Qualification Standard Maintained by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management- this was received February 2017 Board meeting. In addition, ETC Executive committee is working with various engineering societies to obtain written endorsements as well. SME has already sent their endorsement of the position statement.

• NAE report released report -Engineering Technology Education in the United States (Feb 15, 2017) After two years of work by a National Academy of Engineering (NAE) committee, the report Engineering Technology Education in the United States has been released. Report can be purchase or download a copy for free at https://www.nap.edu/catalog/23402/engineering-technology-education-in-the-


• ETC Executive Board updated ETC bylaws, the membership is currently reviewing the changes. ETC membership will vote on the changes at the June 2017 ASEE meeting. The new bylaws will go to ASEE Executive Board meeting for approval in October 2017.

• Elections were held and the new ETC Executive Board for 2017-2018:

Pat Fox [email protected]; Chair

Enrique Barbieri [email protected]; Chair Elect

James Otter [email protected]; Secretary/Treasurer

Scott Dunning [email protected] Director Exp 2019

Carol Lamb [email protected]; Director Exp 2019

Vassilios Tzouanas [email protected] Director Exp 2019

Gary Stefffan [email protected]; Director Exp 2018

Alok Verma [email protected]; Director Exp 2018

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Ken Burbank [email protected]; Past Chair

Rob Weissbach [email protected]; ETD Chair

Ron Land [email protected]; ETNF Chair

Elaine Cooney [email protected]; ETLI Chair Exp 2017

Submitted by: Pat Fox ETC Chair June 8, 2017

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Tau Alpha Pi Fostering Excellence in the Engineering Technology Education      Engineering Technology's Highly Respected Undergraduate Honors Organization 1818 N Street NW, Suite 600 | Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 350‐5764 | [email protected]    

2017 Mid‐Year Report – Tau Alpha Pi 

A summary of mid‐year 2017 activities is outlined below. Please feel free to contact Ashok 

Agrawal ([email protected]) or Tom Walker ([email protected]) should you have any 


Chapter and Membership Status 

Currently there are 72 active chapters. As of June 16, 2017, thirty two chapters have inducted 

336 new members. The table below provides comparisons since 2011. 

Year  As of June 1  Full Year 

2011  498 members/ 85 chapters  583 members/ 85 chapters 

2012  483 members/ 85 chapters  521 members/ 81 chapters 

2013  335 members/ 81 chapters  488 members/ 81 chapters 

2014  386 members/ 77 chapters  457 members / 77 chapters 

2015  426 members/ 71 chapters  426 members/ 71 chapters 

2016  449 members/ 73 chapters  449 members/ 73 chapters 

2017  366 members/ 72 chapters  ‐ 


2017 has seen a decline in new inductees and in chapters. We have inducted 83 fewer 

members at the mid‐year mark than in 2016 and one chapter has closed: Wisconsin Alpha 

(Milwaukee School of Engineering) has discontinued its Engineering Technology programs. 


  Unreconciled  Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited  Audited  Audited  Audited 

  YTD  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011 

Revenue  4,171  13,590  17,339 20,605 17,053 21,665  24,751

Total Direct 


4,213  4,080  3,155 4,957 6,261 12,058  10,772



2,528  2,448  1,893 2,974 3,643 7,252  5,930

Total Expense  6,741  6,528  5,048 7,931 9,904 19,310  16,702

Net Income  (2,570)  7,062  12,291 12,674 7,149 2,355  8,050

Fund Balance  54,057  56,627  49,565 37,274 24,600 17,451  15,096


Note:   Approximately $9,135 is currently omitted from the YTD Revenue statement above.  


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New Initiatives in 2016‐2017 

Four new initiatives were launched in the last year. 

1. 1 free membership for each 8 paid memberships of TAP 

This was popular and successful, but needs to be more widely promoted.  

2. Half price ASEE student online membership 

There has been very little adoption of this offer. However, it may be due to lack 

of promotion and awareness. TAP will evaluate offering ASEE student 

membership free with TAP.  

3. Tau Alpha Pi ASEE conference travel grant 

No interest shown in this offer. 

4. Tau Alpha Pi poster contest 

No interest shown in this offer. 

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Report for ETLI 2017

This is the latest draft program for the ETLI 2017, which will be held October 5 &

6, 2017 in Arlington, VA. The meeting will start at 4:00 pm on Thursday, October

5th and end Friday with a banquet. ETLI will feature, Congressman Timothy Ryan

as our Guest Speaker and Dr. Bevlee Watford, President of ASEE as our Keynote

Speaker. In addition there will be three sessions: The National Academy of

Engineering (NAE) Study on Engineering Technology Education - What Does It

Mean for Us; Conducting Public Policy for Engineering Technology Leaders; and

ABET Accreditation Process Improvements – an ABET Academic Advisory

Council Participation and Listening Session. Registration will be open in July!

There is more information on the ASEE website


Program Draft v. 1.7

Engineering Technology Leaders Institute (ETLI) 2017

“Looking Towards the Future: The Next 50 Years”

October 5 & 6, 2017

Hyatt Regency Crystal City*

2799 Jefferson Davis Hwy

Arlington, VA 22022

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Session 1 -Thursday – 4:00 pm- 5:30 pm

ABET Accreditation Process Improvements – an ABET Academic Advisory

Council Participation and Listening Session Are you aware that ABET has an Academic Advisory Council (AAC)? Did you know the AAC

represents all four ABET commissions? Provosts, deans, and chairs from a variety of institutions

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across the U.S. populate the AAC. It is one of three councils that provide recommendations to

the ABET Board of Directors on issues of importance, particularly to the academic community.

This session will provide you an opportunity to learn more about the AAC’s work, and allow you

to provide meaningful input how ABET can improve its processes – from preparation of

materials to the campus visit. We invite you to learn more about the AAC, review its current

initiatives, and provide your feedback on how ABET can improve.

Panel Members:

Dr. Joe Sussman, Chief Accreditation Officer, Chief Information Officer, ABET

Dr. Jeff Ray, Dean and Professor, College of Engineering, Western Carolina University


Dr. Robert Weissbach, Associate Professor and Chair, Engineering Technology, Purdue School

of Engineering and Technology, Indianapolis, IUPUI

Opening Dinner - 6:00 pm-8:00 pm – Engineering Technology Council

Information & Strategy Dinner for all registered ETLI attendees. Please join us for dinner, wine and conversation.


ASEE Executive Director, Dr. Norman Fortenberry will have an update from ASEE

Headquarters’ update and we will discuss issues and strategies for active participation in ETC.


Dr. Enrique Barbieri, Professor and Chair, Department of Engineering Technology, University

of North Texas

Friday, October 6, 2017

ETLI Opening Plenary – 8:30 am-10:00 am


Professor Elaine Cooney, Chair of Engineering Technology Leaders Institute (ETLI) and

Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology, Purdue School of Engineering and Technology,

Indianapolis, IUPUI

Introduction of Speaker:

Professor Carol Lamb, Director School of Engineering Technology, Youngstown State

University, Youngstown, Ohio

Guest Speaker

Special Guest Speaker – Congressman Timothy Ryan, U.S. Representative

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Timothy John Ryan is the U.S. Representative for Ohio’s 13th congressional district, serving

since 2003. Congressman Ryan is in his 8th term, serving on the House of Appropriations

Committee and co-chairs the Congressional Manufacturing Caucus. He remains a leader in

strengthening America’s manufacturing base and reforming U.S. trade policies. The House

Manufacturing Caucus examines and promotes policies to help America manufactures find

trained, educated workers, continue to lead the world in developing new industrial technologies,

operate on a level field with their foreign competitors, and obtain the capital they need to thrive.

He has a law degree from the University of New Hampshire School of Law. Ryan is a leading

advocate in the House to impose sanctions on unfair Chinese currency manipulation. He is the

author of a number of books including, A Mindful Nation: How a Simple Practice Can Help Us

Reduce Stress, Improve Performance, and Recapture the American Spirit.

Speaker: Congressman Timothy Ryan, U.S. Representative


Professor Carol Lamb, Director School of Engineering Technology, Youngstown State

University, Youngstown, Ohio

Professor James Otter, Director School of Construction, Pittsburg State University

Break – 10:00 am – 10:30 am

Keynote Speaker-Friday- 10:30 am- 12:00pm

Introduction of Speaker:

Professor Pat Fox, Chair of Engineering Technology Council (ETC), Clinical Assistant

Professor of Organizational Leadership and Supervision, Purdue School of Engineering and

Technology, Indianapolis, IUPUI

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Bevlee Watford, Associate Dean Academic Affairs and Director, Center for

Enhancement of Engineering Diversity, Virginia Tech and President of ASEE


Professor Gary Steffan, Associate Professor and Chair Department of Computer, Electrical, and

IT, Purdue University, Fort Wayne

Lunch- 12:00pm – 1:30pm

ABET-- ETAC Criteria 3 and 5 Proposed Changes ETAC is proposing changes in General Criteria 3 & 5 and in Program Criteria. These changes

are designed to reduce the assessment burden for engineering technology programs, better align

the criteria with the Sydney and Dublin Accords, and eliminate the confusion over assessment of

Program Criteria. Proposed changes will be presented and discussed.

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Dr. Tom Hall, Professor Emeritus, Northwestern State University and Vice Chair, Operations,

Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission


Dr. Reza Langari, Professor and Department Head Chair Engineering Technology, Texas A&M

Session 2 -Friday- 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Study on Engineering

Technology Education - What Does It Mean for Us? February 2017, NAE issued an extensive report detailing their findings regarding the status, role,

and impact of engineering technology in the U.S. engineering workforce, and examined the

needs of engineering technology education to enhance these positions. The NAE report ended

with several recommendations designed to address some of the issues limiting the awareness,

recognition, and impact of Engineering Technology education by both the public and

engineering industries. Since the report was issued, the Engineering Technology Council

(ETC), with support from other organizations, has been identifying key issues to address,

assembling teams and team leaders to develop action plans for each recommendation, and

pursuing tasks related to each one.

The primary effort to develop these action teams occurred at the ASEE Annual Conference in

Columbus, OH in June. Some of those teams have been assembled and are well on the way to

having action plans developed and work underway. However, there is more work to be done,

and this session is intended to build on the earlier efforts. The ETC is looking for additional

guidance on how best to pursue some of the issues and tasks that have been proposed, and we

need more leaders to assist.

This session will consist of an introductory discussion of the NAE report and its key findings,

and a briefing on the progress to date, however, the majority of the session will be an active

exchange among the presenters and session attendees to fine tune current activities and identify

useful additional actions to be considered.

The NAE report can be found at https://www.nae.edu/165760.aspx. The key sections for this

session are the Summary and Section 5.


Professor Ron Land, Professor Emeritus, College of Engineering, Penn State University and

Chair of ETNF

Professor Pat Fox, Chair of Engineering Technology Council (ETC), Clinical Assistant

Professor of Organizational Leadership and Supervision, Purdue School of Engineering and

Technology, Indianapolis, IUPUI

Professor Gary Steffan, Associate Professor and Chair Department of Computer, Electrical, and

IT, Purdue University, Fort Wayne

Dr. Tzouanas Vassillios, Associate Professor and Assistant Chair, College of Science and

Technology, University of Houston Downtown

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Break – 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Session 3 -Friday- 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Conducting Public Policy for Engineering Technology Leaders The impetus to hold ETLI in Washington, DC was to allow participants to interact with and

educate government leaders on engineering technology-specific issues. In this session we begin

to educate attendees on how to do this effectively, with the following topics:

• Choosing an appropriate policy position that is most likely to result in a “win.”

• Crafting the appropriate message.

• Coalition building.

• When and how to best engage elected officials and their staffers

This panel session will include Washington, DC- based policy and advocacy experts.

Speakers and/or Panelist Members:

To Be Determined


Dr. Alok Verma, Professor and Chair, Old Dominion University

Dr. Scott Dunning, Professor and Director School of Engineering Technology, University of


Banquet - 5:45 pm - 7:45 pm

Summary of the Institute’s sessions and takeaways for future meetings


Professor Ron Land, Professor Emeritus, College of Engineering, Penn State University and

Chair of ETNF

Dr. John Williams, Dean, School of Architecture, Management and Engineering Technology,

Alfred State, SUNY College of Technology

Saturday, October 7, 2017

ETC Executive Board Meeting & ETLI 2017 Planning Meeting

(Breakfast Meeting)

8:00 – 9:30 am

ETC Executive Board meeting and ETLI 2017 Planning Breakfast Meeting For all ETC Executive Board Members, ETNF members, ETLI Chair, ETLI Past Chair, ETLI

planning committee, and anyone else who would like to attend, please join us.

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* Hotel located right outside Washington, DC. with complimentary shuttle service to and

from Reagan National Airport.