Established 1914 9th Waning of Wagaung 1369 ME Thursday, 6 September, 2007 Volume XV, Number 143 Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integ- rity and preservation and safeguard- ing of cultural heritage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation * Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution Four economic objectives Four social objectives Four political objectives Success of the education visions depends on teachers’ ability as they always keep in touch with students Special Refresher Course No 28 for Basic Education Teachers opens NAY PYI TAW, 5 Sept— Special Refresher Course NO 28 for Basic Educa- tion Teachers was opened at Central Insti- tute of Civil Service (Up- per Myanmar) in PyinOoLwin Township in Mandalay Division on 3 September. On behalf of Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Thein Sein, Minister for Edu- cation Dr Chan Nyein de- livered an address. Present on the occa- sion were the ministers, deputy ministers, mem- bers of Civil Service Se- lection and Training Board, the Chairman of Mandalay City Develop- ment Committee Manda- lay mayor, heads of de- partment, the rector of CICS (Upper Myanmar), instructors and trainee teachers. First, On behalf of Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Thein Sein, Minister for Edu- cation Dr Chan Nyein said that emergence of a new nation and perpetu- ation of the State depend on peace and stability, unity, prevalence of law and order, strong na- tional economy, eco- nomic growth, high rea- soning power, vast knowledge and high edu- cation standard of the citizens. To effectively promote the nation’s education standard, it is needed to ensure all people’s com- pletion of basic education, simultaneous improve- ment of science and tech- nology across the country and production of a greater number of intellectuals and intelligentsia. (See page 8) I N S I D E Minister Dr Chan Nyein delivers an address at the opening of Special Refresher Course No 28 for Basic Education Teachers at CICS (Upper Myanmar) in PyinOoLwin Township.—MNA Community Learning Centres (CLCs) are included in the non-formal education programme for the convenience of newly-literate adults. CLCs are designed for multi-purposes such as to help the villagers exchange news, to open vocational training courses, to use them as a gathering sites for villagers to hold discussions on village affairs as well as reading rooms, libraries, cultural centre, recreation centre, and a chinlon (cane ball playing) centre. So, the centres can bring considerable benefits to the villagers. Chronicle of literacy movements in Myanmar PAGE 7 AUNG KYI NYUNT (TEKKATHO) 6-9-07 NL 9/6/07, 02:24 AM 1

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Established 1914

9th Waning of Wagaung 1369 ME Thursday, 6 September, 2007Volume XV, Number 143

Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan.

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-rounddevelopment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economicsystem

* Development of the economy inviting participation interms of technical know-how and investments fromsources inside the country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be keptin the hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality ofthe entire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integ-rity and preservation and safeguard-ing of cultural heritage and nationalcharacter

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State

Constitution* Building of a new modern developed

nation in accord with the new StateConstitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

Success of the education visions depends on teachers’ability as they always keep in touch with students

Special Refresher Course No 28 forBasic Education Teachers opens

NAY PYI TAW, 5 Sept—Special Refresher CourseNO 28 for Basic Educa-tion Teachers wasopened at Central Insti-tute of Civil Service (Up-per Myanmar) inPyinOoLwin Townshipin Mandalay Division on3 September. On behalfof Chairman of MyanmarEducation CommitteeSecretary-1 of the StatePeace and DevelopmentCouncil Lt-Gen TheinSein, Minister for Edu-cation Dr Chan Nyein de-livered an address. Present on the occa-sion were the ministers,deputy ministers, mem-

bers of Civil Service Se-lection and TrainingBoard, the Chairman ofMandalay City Develop-ment Committee Manda-lay mayor, heads of de-partment, the rector ofCICS (Upper Myanmar),instructors and traineeteachers. First, On behalf ofChairman of MyanmarEducation CommitteeSecretary-1 of the StatePeace and DevelopmentCouncil Lt-Gen TheinSein, Minister for Edu-cation Dr Chan Nyeinsaid that emergence ofa new nation and perpetu-ation of the State depend

on peace and stability,unity, prevalence of lawand order, strong na-tional economy, eco-nomic growth, high rea-soning power, vastknowledge and high edu-cation standard of thecitizens. To effectively promotethe nation’s educationstandard, it is needed toensure all people’s com-pletion of basic education,simultaneous improve-ment of science and tech-nology across the countryand production of a greaternumber of intellectualsand intelligentsia.

(See page 8)


Minister Dr Chan Nyein delivers an address at the opening of Special Refresher Course No 28 for Basic Education Teachers atCICS (Upper Myanmar) in PyinOoLwin Township.—MNA

Community Learning Centres (CLCs) areincluded in the non-formal education programmefor the convenience of newly-literate adults. CLCsare designed for multi-purposes such as to helpthe villagers exchange news, to open vocationaltraining courses, to use them as a gathering sitesfor villagers to hold discussions on village affairsas well as reading rooms, libraries, cultural centre,recreation centre, and a chinlon (cane ball playing)centre. So, the centres can bring considerablebenefits to the villagers.

Chronicle of literacy movements in Myanmar


6-9-07 NL 9/6/07, 02:24 AM1

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 6 September, 2007

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s DesireThursday, 6 September, 2007

Nurturing youths to possesshigh education standardand reasoning power

Peace and stability and unity are essen-

tial for perpetuation of a new democratic

nation. Moreover, prevalence of law and

order and strong national economy are vital.

At the same time, the people need to possess

reasoning power and vast knowledge.

In order to fulfil these requirements,

the government is implementing the national

education promotion programmes. The gov-

ernment is also initiating reforms in educa-

tion system from the basic education sector

in accord with international development


The teachers on their part must culti-

vate students to have good habit of happily

living within the framework of school disci-

pline, community and social principles and

law of the nation. They have to nurture

youths to possess high education standard

and reasoning power in every aspect.

By doing so, the students will be en-

dowed with the ability to safeguard national

and public interest, patriotism and noble

characters of good and able citizens.

Qualifications, moral spirit and behav-

iour of youths could create good future or

worse of the nation and its people. The objec-

tives of completing basic education of all the

people and turning out qualified intellectu-

als and intelligentsia will be realized through

the strenuous efforts of the teachers in the

implementation of national education pro-

motion programmes.

Sports Minister’s Cup Inter-State/Division U-21 NoviceClass Men’s Football Tournament opens

NAY PYI TAW, 4 Sept — A ceremony to wel-come participating teams to take part in the 8th SportsMinister’s Cup Inter-State/Division U-21 Novice ClassMen’s Football Tournament for 2007 took place atMonywa Town Hall of Sagaing Division on 2 Septem-ber with addresses by Chairman of Sagaing DivisionPeace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Tha Aye and Chairman ofMyanmar Olympic Committee Minister for SportsBrig-Gen Thura Aye Myint.

Next, the minister presented sports gear worthK 250,000 for North-West Command Headquarters,football items worth K 820,000 for youth footballteams in Sagaing Division and cash assistanceK 159,000 for the coaches through officials concerned.

Ayeyawady Division narrowly won overMagway Division with 2-1 in the debut. The tourna-ment is divided into four zones— Monywa, Sagaing,Shwebo and Katha — and continues up to 16 Septem-ber. — MNA

No wish to stand as NLDmembers

Two resign from NLDYANGON, 5 Sept — Two members U Tun

Naing and U Poe Pein of Mohnyin Township Na-tional League for Democracy of Kachin State re-signed from the party of their own volition, sendingtheir resignation letters to NLD Headquarters andlocal authorities on 28 August.

In their resignation letters sent to MohnyinTownship Multiparty Democracy General ElectionSubcommission, they said that they no longer wishedto stand as party members. That was why theyresigned from the party of their own accord, theysaid. — MNA

YANGON, 4 Sept — The employees of theMyanmar Correctional Department and Insein CentralJail presented 1,625 membership applications for Un-ion Solidarity and Development Association to Secre-tary U Tint Lwin of the township USDA at the depart-ment in Insein Township on 31 August.

First, Director-General of the department UZaw Win delivered an address on the occasion.

Secretary U Maung Gyi of Yangon NorthDistrict USDA explained the association.

Afterwards, the secretary of the township ac-cepted the membership applications. — MNA

YANGON, 4 Sept —Tawya TatU Monastery inAung San, Insein Township, opened its 111th medita-tion session at the monastery on 1 September.

About 700 people are going on a retreat at the10-day session which was opened with an address byPresiding Sayadaw of Ywama Pariyatti MonasteryState Ovadacariya Agga Maha Pandita Abhidhaja AggaMaha Saddhamma Jotika Bhaddanta Nandavamsa.Patron of Mogok Vipassana Dhamma Yeiktha(Yangon) Bhaddanta Sadhamma Kittisara will deliversermons and teach meditation. — H

Tawya TatU Monastery opens111th meditation session

Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint addresses the opening of Sports Minister’s CupInter-State/Division U-21 Novice Class Men’s football tournament.— SPED

Presentation of USDA membershipapplications in progress at Myanmar

Correctional Department.— MCD

Over 1,600 employees of MCDbecome USDA members

6-9-07 NL 9/6/07, 02:24 AM2

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 6 September, 2007 3

Tut\kun\Ns\S tiu;®mHc\.ÂkI N T E R N A T I O N A L N E W S

Singaporean architect Wong Mun Summ (C) smiles after receiving the AgaKhan Award for Architecture for designing Singapore’s Moulmein Rise

Residential Tower, as Malaysia’s Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (L)and Prince Karim Aga Khan clap in Kuala Lumpur on 4 Sept, 2007.—INTERNET

Queen Rania of Jordancarries a baby as she visits

the Shibalidian VillageClinic in Chaoyang

District, to provide medicalcheck-up for migrant

women and children inBeijing, China, on 5 Sept,2007. Rania is on a two-

day visit here.INTERNET

In this photo released by China’s Xinhua News Agency, people push a bus tomove on the flooded street in Xi’an, capital of northwest China’s Shaanxi

Province on 4 Sept, 2007. A heavy rainstorm hit the city on Tuesday morning,causing waterlog and traffic jam. —XINHUA

Bush, Congress headingfor new collision over Iraq

LOS ANGELES, 4 Sept—A flurry of conflictingassessments of militaryand political progress inIraq will prompt PresidentGeorge W Bush and theDemocrat-control ledCongress to get involvedin another collision, it wasreported on Sunday.

The collision will cul-minate in an impassioneddebate over how soon USforces should be with-drawn, according to theLos Angeles Times.

Army General DavidH Petraeus, commander ofUS forces in Iraq, is ex-pected to add fuel to thecollision when he presentsa report on Iraq soon, saidthe paper.

The general willreport that the current

increase in troops hasimproved security, andwill ask that it continue.

The collision wouldsee Democrats tryingagain to impose atimetable for a withdrawaland Bush continuing toresist pressure for a majorchange in strategy, saidthe paper.

But the President willweigh what aides call“adjustments” in his Iraqpolicy, according to thepaper.

Republican membersof Congress and someBush aides have urged thePresident to begin layingout a new strategy for nextyear, when the buildup oftroops is scheduled to end.

Even if the clash doesnot lead to an immediate

change in policy, it mayproduce — as a side effect— an important debateover the future of thewar, the paper said.Administration officialssay they recognize that thebuildup cannot be sus-tained next year as theArmy and Marine Corpsrun out of available troops,that political progressin Baghdad has fallenshort and that US strategyin Iraq must be re-defined.— MNA/Xinhua

Iranian leader accuses Bush of hate campaignTEHERAN, 4 Sept—Iran’s

Supreme Leader AyatollahAli Khamenei accused USPresident George W Bushof trying to whip up hateagainst Teheran when hesaid last week the countryhad put the region “underthe shadow of a nuclearholocaust”.

The West suspects Iranhas a secret programme tobuild nuclear weapons.Iran says its atomic pro-

gramme is only for powergeneration to help boosteconomic growth and hasrejected UN demands tohalt its most sensitive work.Iran’s IRNA state newsagency quoted Khameneias saying Bush had madecomments that were“hateful, arrogant andviolent”.

“The Iranian nation hasresisted and it will resist ...It will never bow to any

coercion in the nuclearissue and in other matters,”said Khamenei, the IslamicRepublic’s top authority.The UN Security Councilhas imposed two rounds ofsanctions on Iran sinceDecember and the UnitedStates has said it will pushfor a third unless Teheranstops enriching uranium.

Enrichment is the partof Iran's programme thatmost worries the West

because it can be used tomake fuel for nuclearpower plants or materialfor warheads. The UnitedStates has said it wants thestandoff to be endedthrough diplomacy but hasnot ruled out military actionif that fails. US officialshave said they mightlabel Iran’s RevolutionaryGuards a foreign terroristgroup.


Six nabbed in Japan forUS-linked money laundering

Seven killed, eight injuredin Sichuan mine blast

CHENGDU, 4 Sept—Seven people were killed andeight others injured in a mine demolition operation insouthwest China’s Sichuan Province, the provincialwork safety administration said Sunday.

A workers’ shed was hit at around 11 pm Friday byshock waves and rubbles caused by a blasting operationat a nearby granite mine in Miyi County, theadministration said. Seven people in the shed werekilled and eight others were injured. The injured arebeing treated in hospital and now in stable condition.

The managers of the mine and others responsible forthe casualties have been detained, it said. The cause ofthe accident is still under investigation.—MNA/Xinhua

TOKYO, 4 Sept—ANigerian man and fiveJapanese associates havebeen arrested on suspicionof laundering money forUS crime syndicatesthrough banks in eastern

Japan, Kyodo newsagency said on Monday.

Police confirmed that700 million yen (sixmillion US dollars) hadbeen laundered through40 accounts, but the total

laundered amount couldadd up to several billionyen, making it the firstmoney laundering caseinvolving such a large sumof overseas funds, Kyodosaid. The Nigerian, 40, issuspected of havingordered the five Japanese,including his wife, to openaccounts for the moneysince 2005.

He is also undersuspicion for having sentmoney through anotherNigerian to the UnitedStates, China and Canadaon behalf of the US crimesyndicates, which aresuspected of havingswindled the money outof people through in-vestment schemes.

While the Nigerian hasdenied the allegations, thefive Japanese suspectshave admitted to them,Kyodo quoted police assaying.—MNA/Reuters

6-9-07 NL 9/6/07, 02:24 AM3

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 6 September, 2007

sk\mOs∑m\;Aa; eKt\ek¥a\lWa;

A model shows the creation during “Capital ModelDays”, a fashion show organized by Ankara

Clothing Industrialist Association, in Ankara,Turkey, on 3 Sept, 2007. —XINHUA

A classmate ties the red scarf for Zheng Yushan atNo 21 Primary School in Haikou, capital of southChina’s Hainan Province, on 3 Sept, 2007. After a

year-long suspension of schooling, 12-year-oldZhen Yushan suffering from congenital heart

disease has recovered and returned to school onMonday thanks to the help of the Red Cross of

Haikou and continued assistance and donationsfrom people. —XINHUA

Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud, centre, shows the medal of Great Patronof the French Culture Ministry, he received from French Culture Minister

Christine Albanel, right, as the Prince’s wife, Princess Amira, looks on, during aceremony at the Louvre museum in Paris, on 4 Sept, 2007. —INTERNET

BANGKOK, 4 Sept— A Thai man was sentenced todeath on Monday for robbing and killing two Russianwomen as they sat on the beach at the Thai resort ofPattaya to watch the sun rise, police said.

Anuchit Lumlert, 24, was condemned to die bylethal injection after a court found him guilty of pumpingbullets into Tatiana Tsimfer, 30, and Liubov Svirkova,25, in February, police said. Pattaya, 120 kilometres(80 miles) from Bangkok, is a city notorious for itsinternational Mafia.

“He deserves it since he has ruined our country'sreputation,” said Lieutenant-Colonel Poolchai Churatof the Pattaya Police and one of the investigators in thecase.

Anuchit was freed on bail in January to await trialon charges of robbing a South Korean tourist, thenarrested in March for killing the Russians.

He was caught in blurry pictures on a hotel securitycamera arriving on a motorcycle, walking through agarden to the beach, then later walking back to it.

Police brought in experts to identify the motorcycle,which helped track down Anuchit. — MNA/Reuters


ONE, 4 Sept— Aftermonths of stubbornlyrefusing even to considercutting US troop levels inIraq, US President GeorgeW Bush has suddenlydecided the idea is no longertaboo. He raised thepossibility during a surprisevisit to a desert air base inIraq's Anbar Province onMonday, saying there weresigns of improved securityand that some US troopscould be withdrawn fromthe country if the trendcontinued.

Even though he couch-ed his words carefully andmade no promises, it wasthe kind of concessionrarely heard from Bush,

NEW DELHI, 4 Sept— India aims to launch fivesatellites a year in an apparent bid to compete for the2.5-billion-dollar heavy satellite launch business, anews report said Monday.

“We want to capture five to 10 per cent of themarket (mid-range satellite segment of 2,000 kilos andplus) in the next five years” the Hindu quoted IndianSpace Research Organization (ISRO) chairman GMadhavan Nair as saying.

His comments came as India sent into orbit a 49-metre rocket carrying the Insat-4CR satellite from theSriharikota space station in its south.

Two Polar Satellite Launch Vehicles (PSLVs) willblast off this year, and another GeosynchronousSatellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) next year, he said.

“We are getting enquiries from foreign customers,”he said.

Indian satellites have been used for years for weatherforecast, especially for the country's farmers, but theSouth Asian nation has recently moved towardcommercial exploitation of space technology.


JAKARTA, 4 Sept—Indonesia and Malaysiaplan to build a 38-kilome-tres bridge that connectsthe two countries crossingthe border near SumatraIsland, an official saidMonday.

The bridge will linkRupat Island in theIndonesian province ofRiau and Malaysia’s Port

NEW YORK, 4 Sept—Nursing mothers whosmoke may be cutting

Thai man gets death forkilling Russian tourists

India targets five rocketlaunches per year

Indonesia, Malaysia planinter-state bridge

Dickson, said Riau Gov-ernor Rusli Zainal.

According to him, theMalaysian Governmenthas appealed local entre-preneurs to run the project,while from the Indonesianside Vice-President JusufKalla has given a nod tothe mega project.

“This has been includ-ed in our macro planning

but we haven’t set atimetable for the startingof the project,” he wasquoted by leading newswebsite Detikcom assaying.“The plan shouldbe discussed further by thecentral government be-cause concerns with re-lations between two coun-tries,” he added.


Breastfed babies may sleep lesswhen mother smoke

their infant’s nap timesshort, a new study shows.

Babies whosemothers smoked shortlybefore breastfeedingnapped about 20 minutesless over the followingthree and a half hoursthan those whose mothershad abstained fromcigarettes for several

hours, Dr Julie AMennella and colleaguesfound.

“The greater the doseof nicotine in their milk,the greater the disruptionof sleep,” Mennella, ofthe Monell ChemicalSenses Centre inPhiladelphia, told ReutersHealth.—Internet

Iraq troop cuts may no longer be taboofor Bush

who has made single-mindedness a defining traitof his presidency and of his

conduct of the unpopularwar in Iraq.


6-9-07 NL 9/6/07, 02:25 AM4

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 6 September, 2007 5


Police walk past by a flower bed designed as the symbol of the Asia-PacificEconomic Cooperation (APEC) summit as they patrol around the Sydney

Convention Centre, on 4 Sept. — INTERNET

Chile, Japan launch freetrade agreement

SANTIAGO, 4 Sept— TheFree Trade Agreement(FTA) signed by Chile andJapan in March took effectMonday, Chilean mediareported.

Japanese Prime Min-ister Shinzo Abe andvisiting Chilean PresidentMichelle Bachelet signeda joint declaration inTokyo announcing thestart of the FTA.

Abe and Bachelet

agreed that the FTA wouldstrengthen relationsbetween the two countries.

Abe told Bachelet thatChile would becomeJapan’s biggest tradingpartner in South Americawith the launch of theFTA, and Bachelet saidChile would becomeJapan’s doorway intoSouth America.

Japan’s FTA with Chileis its first with a SouthAmerican country and thesecond in Latin Americaafter its FTA with Mexico.

The Japan-Chile FTAstates that Chile willeliminate tariffs on

automobiles, machineryand electronic equipmentfrom Japan, while Japanwill gradually eliminatetariffs on Chilean salmon,trout and wines.

Over 90 per cent of thetariffs in the two-way tradewill be eliminated gra-dually over 10 years,according to the agree-ment. Abe and BacheletMonday also signed anaccord on increasingcooperation in manysectors including theenvironment, clean ener-gy, climate change, amongothers.


Chinese President begins state visit to AustraliaAsian reportingnetworks to

boost Zambia’sbusiness profileLUSAKA, 4 Sept — Asia

Business Channel, one ofthe leading businessreporting networks, hasarrived in Zambia toproduce a 30 minute-business investmentprogramme on Zambia aspart of an All-Africaseries, Times of Zambiareported on Monday.

The programme is partof a series that aims atstrengthening Africa’simage as an investmentdestination, and in parti-cular, Zambia’s key posi-tion in the Southern Afri-can Development Com-munity (SADC) region,according to ZambiaTimes.


Indonesia’s export-importup in first seven months

JAKARTA, 4 Sept—Indonesia’s export increased by13.86 per cent to 63.53 billion US dollars in the firstseven months this year compared to the same period oflast year, the National Statistic Bureau announced hereMonday.

Head of the bureau Rusman Heriawan said that therise was attributed to the increase of export of non-oil-and-gas products by 20.22 per cent to 52.04 billion USdollars. However, he said that the export of oil-and-gasproducts decreased by 8.14 per cent to 11.49 billion USdollars. The United States, followed by Japan andSingapore, was the most designated country for theexport of Indonesia’s non-oil-and-gas products in July,said Heriawan.

At the same time, the import of the country increasedby 16.10 per cent to 39.89 billion US dollars, he said.

The rise was due to the increase of import of oil-and-gas products by 1.27 per cent to 11.02 billion USdollars and non-oil-and-gas products by 22.98 per centto 28.86 billion US dollars, said Heriawan.

The head of the bureau said that China, followed byJapan and the United States, was the most contributorycountry for supplying non-oil-and-gas products toIndonesia. — MNA/Xinhua

A model presentsmemory sticks

decorated with imitationdiamonds at an

exhibition stand ofPhilips at the IFA 2007consumer electronicsfair in Berlin recently.


JBL On Call 5310: Mobile music and dockingstation for Nokia 5310 Xpress Music.—INTERNET

A model displays a creation by Colombian designerAmelia Toro during the “Exposhow 2007” fashion

week in Cali, on 4 Sept, 2007.INTERNET

PERTH (Australia), 4Sept—Chinese PresidentHu Jintao arrived hereMonday for a state visit to

Australia, where he willalso attend the APECEconomic Leaders’ Meet-ing in Sydney on 8-9September.

During his visit, Hu isexpected to discuss withAustralian leaders ways offurthering the develop-ment of bilateral relations,as well as major world andregional issues of commonconcern. This year marksthe 35th anniversary of theestablishment of dip-lomatic ties betweenChina and Australia. In2006, the two countriesagreed to develop com-prehensive and coope-

rative ties for mutualbenefit in the 21st Century.

“China and Australia areimportant countries in theAsia-Pacific Region. Overthe past 35 years since theestablishment of dip-lomatic ties, the twocountries have treatedeach other as equals withmutual respect andactively promoted friendlyexchanges and win-wincooperation, and theirrelationship has main-tained a strong momen-tum of growth,” Hu saidin a written statementissued upon arrival.


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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 6 September, 2007

Teenager shot dead atNew York subway station

HIV infections hit recordhigh in Hong Kong

EC to provide $3.3m toBangladesh’s flood victims

Nepal, Singapore sign new airservice accord

“Airbus A380” flyingshow opens aviation

conference in HK

A dragon boat carrying visitors sails down the Huangpu River, Shanghai,on 3 Sept, 2007. The new archaized dragon boat “Pujiang Sightseeing 1”

measures 57 metres long and 17 metres wide.—INTERNET

Men form a human pyramid in Villafranca, Spain,recently. Human pyramid is a traditional activity

in Catalunya areas.— INTERNET

Actress Joan Chen, actor Jaycee Chan, actress Kong Wei, director Jiang Wenand actress Zhou Yun (L-R), attend the “The Sun Rises as Usual” premiere at the

64th Annual Venice Film Festival in Venice, Italy,on 3 Sept, 2007. —INTERNET

KATHMANDU, 4 Sept —Nepal and Singaporeagreed to renew bilateralair service agreement(ASA), agreeing toincrease frequency offlights and liberalize theair services between thetwo countries, a localnewspaper The HimalayanTimes reported onMonday.

According to the daily,civil aviation officials ofboth countries inked a

preliminary ASA andsigned a memorandum ofunderstanding (MoU)last Friday in Singapore.

The new pact annulledprevious ASA and com-mercial MoU signedon 15 June 1984 andadded new provisionsto facilitate air servicesbetween the two coun-tries, according to theMinistry of Culture,Tourism and CivilAviation.

The new ASA endorseda multiple destinationprovision, allowing theairlines of these twocountries to operate upto 28 flights a week usingany type of aircraftbetween Kathmandu andSingapore.

It also increased cargoflight frequency up to 14flights a week using anykind of cargo freighter, thenewspaper said.


NEW YORK, 4 Sept —Police were searching forsuspects in the fatalshooting of a 19-year-oldat a New York subwaystation early on Monday.

The shooting happenedat 1:15 am (0515 GMT)Monday near theMetroCard booth at theBroadway station on theN line in Astoria, Queens.

Police say Jose Sierraof the Bronx was shot inthe head and pronounced

dead at the scene. A group of four or five

men were seen fleeingthe train station afterthe shooting. Policequestioned a number ofpeople coming fromnightclubs and bars, butno arrests have been made.

There was no apparentmotive in the slaying. Theinvestigation into theLabour Day killing wascontinuing.


Militants set on fire 13NATO base-bound trucks

in Afghanistan

HONG KONG, 4 Sept —Airbus A380, the world’sbiggest passenger planeso far, made low flightsacross the VictoriaHarbour in central HongKong in a flying showshortly before the openingof Asia’s largest airshowon Monday morning.

The superjumbo jet,72.8 metres long and witha wingspan of 79.8 metres,thrilled spectators at theharbour by flying lowagainst the backdrop ofdense skyscrapers nearby,making it possible forpeople on the ground tohave an unusually detailedview.

The plane generated acomparatively smallernoise as it flied over the

Victoria Harbour, aspectator was quoted bythe local RTHK radio assaying.

The plane arrivedat Hong Kong’s Inter-national Airport at ChekLap Kok at about 6:30 pmlocal time Sunday. It tookoff from the airport atabout 7:53 am local timeon Monday.

Some got up early togather at the Peak, of a hillon the Hong Kong Island,for a closer look at the“big bird”, which wasexpected to join about 10aircraft on display atthe Asian AerospaceInternational Expo andCongress, held Mondaythrough Thursday.


HONG KONG, 4 Sept —HIV infections soaredto a record high in HongKong in the secondquarter of 2007 andgovernment doctors saidthey found a worryingcluster of new infectionsamong homosexual men.

The governmentreported 111 new HIVinfections between Apriland June this year, upfrom 91 in the first quarter.

Of the new infectionsuncovered from April toJune, 35 were homosexualmen, underlining thevulnerability of the groupwhich has seen a steadyrise in new infections since

2004. Experts identified a

new cluster of infectionsinvolving eight men,meaning virus samplestaken from them were sogenetically similar thatthey probably passed theHIV virus to one another.The eight tested positivebetween July 2006 andMay 2007.

“The detection ofa cluster of HIV infectionsuggests the presence ofa rapid local HIV trans-mission among theaffected people,” thegovernment said in astatement.


KABUL, 4 Sept —Afghan Taleban insurgentsattacked and burned 13trucks supplying logisticsto NATO forces insouthern Afghanistan, anofficial said on Monday.

The rebels attackeda convoy of AfghanTransport International inShahri Safa District ofZabul Province Sunday,

burning 13 trucks,provincial police chiefGhulam Jilani told Xinhua.

He said one Talebanmilitant was killed andthree others injured whileall the drivers were safe.

More than 4,200 people,mostly Taleban insurgents,have been killed inAfghanistan this year.


DHAKA, 4 Sept— TheEuropean Commissionwill provide 2.5 millioneuros (about 3.3 millionUS dollars) in emergencyaid for the flood-affectedpeople in Bangladesh.

The emergency relieftargets 469,000 peoplein 15 affected districtsfocusing on the distri-bution of food items, pro-viding drinking water,emergency shelter andhealthcare to preventwater-borne diseases,an EC Press releasewas quoted by localnewspaper The Daily Staras saying on Monday.

The fund, channelledthrough the EuropeanCommission’s humani-tarian aid departmentECHO, will also help the

flood-affected peoplein the recovery oflivelihood, water supply,housing, and sanitationfacilities.


6-9-07 NL 9/6/07, 02:25 AM6

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 6 September, 2007 7

Chronicle of literacy movements in MyanmarAung Kyi Nyunt (Tekkatho)

World nations including Myanmar

observe the International Literacy Day

yearly in response to the suggestion

made by the United Nations

Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organization (UNESCO) at the World

Literacy Conference held in Teheran,

Iran, on 8 September 1965 that

International Literacy Day

commemorative ceremonies be held

on 8 September yearly.

When Myanmar was under the rule

of own monarchs, its literacy rate was

high and nearly all rural and urban

folks were literate thanks to the monks

residing in the villages in rural areas at

that time.

However, when Myanmar fell under

alien subjugation, its people’s education,

economic and social sectors sank deeper

to a certain degree and all sorts of hopes

were dashed as a consequence. In

particular, they suffered illiteracy and

poverty severely.

In 1948 when Myanmar regained

independence, it launched a campaign

to address the issue of illiteracy, an evil

legacy of the colonialists. The literacy

movements launched after the

independence can be categorized into

three periods—from 1948 to 1964, from

1964 to 1988, and from 1988 to date.

Public Education Act was enacted

on 4 November 1948. In March 1949,

the Public Education Council

conducted public education courses and

three ‘Rs’ courses under the first four-

year plan (1952-1956) and the second

four-year plan (1956-1960).

Myanmar strove from 1964 to 1988

for enabling every citizen to have an

equal access to basic education. At the

heart of basic education lies literacy.

During the period, strenuous efforts were

exerted unremittingly in pursuit of the

literacy movement. In summer in 1964,

summer three ‘Rs’ courses were launched

with the help of voluntary youths at Ashei

Sanpya Village in Meiktila Township,

Meiktila District. In 1969, Meiktila

District was designated to become a

district where all local people were literate.

In 1971, Meiktila District celebrated the

victory over illiteracy for its being the

first-ever district in Myanmar.

Myanmar’s mass literacy movement

had drawn the attention of the world as

there emerged many divisions in

Myanmar where local people were all

literate. Therefore, UNESCO awarded

Myanmar the Mohamed Reza Pahlavi

Prize on 8 September 1971 and the Noma

Prize on 8 September 1983. Thanks to the

mass literacy activities, more than 2.4

million people aged 15 years and above

became literate. There were a lot of

changes in Literacy movements both in

form and in essence in the third period

from 1988 to date. Literacy movements

were launched through additional

methods on non-formal education and

education for all. Under the directives of

the Ministry of Education, the Myanmar

Education Research Bureau carried out

literacy activities between 1990 and 1995.

Designating 1990 as the

International Literacy Year, UNESCO

stepped up literacy campaigns. From

1990 to 1993, UNESCO implemented

basic proficiency course for women and

girls as its research project.

Moreover, it held the World Conference

on Education for All in Jomtien, Thailand,

in 1990 and released the Declaration of

Education for All. And from 26 to 28 April

2000, the World Education Forum was held

in Dakar, Senegal, and the Dakar Framework

was set up.

Education for All movements

covered programmes for school

enrollment and continuing education of

girls and women, and literacy. The

majority of women are housewives, so

their literacy and high education standard

are necessary for national development.

UNESCO designated a motto “Educate

a woman, educate a nation”.

Myanmar accomplished non-formal

education movements under the

Education for All programme between

1990 and 2000. As a result, its adult

literate rate rose to 91 percent in 2000,

94.1 percent in 2005, 94.35 percent in

2006, and 94.75 percent in 2007.

The 56th UN Assembly held on 19

December 2000 designated the United

Nations Literacy Decade (2003-2012)

and accelerated literacy movements.

In compliance with the guidance of

Head of State Senior General Than Shwe,

a plan was laid down in 1996 to conduct

three ‘Rs’ courses in border areas: Chin

Shwe Haw and Laukkai in Kokang

Region, Namtit, Mongmao and Panhsan

in Wa region, Mongla and Lisu in eastern

Kengtung, and Buthidaung and Paletwa

in Rakhine region. So, more than 30,000

people of national races came to know

how to read and write Myanmar


The non-formal education plan of

the Education for All features post-

literacy programmes for and enables

newly-literate adults to participate in it.

For newly-literate adults, UNCESCO

laid down the continuing education that

covers post-literacy programme, income

generation programme, better life

programme, individual hobby

programme, and future education


What is the most important for a

newly-literate adult is post-literacy

activities. So, it is required to establish

reading sessions, reading rooms and

libraries so that they have access to

publications of various genres.

Now, under the Ministry of

Information, the Information and Public

Relations Department is constantly

opening self-reliant village libraries

across the nation. So far, more than

50,000 villages have enjoyed a village

library each.

In addition, to raise the income of

the families, the income generation

programme is being implemented on

the basis of local productivity and by

conducting vocational training courses.

Community Learning Centres

(CLCs) are included in the non-formal

education programme for the

convenience of newly-literate adults.

CLCs are designed for multi-purposes

such as to help the villagers exchange

news, to open vocational training

courses, to use them as a gathering sites

for villagers to hold discussions on

village affairs as well as reading rooms,

libraries, cultural centre, recreation

centre, and a chinlon (cane ball playing)

centre. So, the centres can bring

considerable benefits to the villagers.

Besides, the Myanmar Education

Research Bureau laid down the books

bank plan and coordinated with basic

education schools. Under the plan, basic

education schools donated necessary

publications and periodicals to the

Community Learning Centres.

In order to expedite the non-formal

education programmes, the government

formed the Myanmar Literacy Centre

as a non-governmental organization,

and is carrying out literacy activities,

organizing courses and seminars, and

producing publications on literacy and

supporting equipment.

The period of Myanmar Literacy

movements can also be divided into

three parts — public education (1948-

1962), Myanmar literacy movement

(1964-1988) and Myanmar non-formal

education (1988-2004). It is believed

that sustained efforts will be made for

ensuring literacy of the entire people.

Translation: MS

Myanma Alin: 5-9-2007

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 6 September, 2007

(from page 1)The government has laid down and is implementing

the 30-year national education promotion programmesfor the emergence of a good education environmentthat is endowed with knowledge and vision whilestriving for overcoming the challenges of KnowledgeAge to be encountered in the future.

At present, the good education environment is be-ginning to take shape and continued efforts are thus tobe made for successful realization of the project.

There has emerged the process of a constant learn-ing to keep pace with changes and developments asscience and technology of the world is witnessingrapid development.

Some big nations with superiority in science andtechnology are applying double standard in dealingwith developing countries. At such a time, a nation likeMyanmar which is serving the national interest with its

Special Refresher Course No28 for Basic Education…

own resources is to constantly study the internationalaffairs and to try its utmost in order not to lag behindothers in international changes.

Therefore, the government is introducing reformsin education for the nation to keep abreast of theinternational community in terms of education. In thatregard, priority is being given to the development ofbasic education sector. Only when basic educationsector develop so will the whole education sphereincluding higher education sector.

As the volume of basic education sector is thegreatest, the government is enabling the entire nationalpeople including departmental officials, those fromeducation sector, scholars, teachers and students, theschool boards of trustees, social organizations andtownselders to make concerted efforts in the process ofdeveloping the basic education sector.

Each and every teacher plays an important role indeveloping the basic education sector. Thus, they areto make relentless efforts with might and main for thesuccess of the project by doing their bit.

The success of the education visions depends on

teachers’ ability as they always keep in touch withstudents in practically implementing the educationpolicies, projects and programmes at the basic level.They should strive with full nationalism for realizingthe fact.

The basic education sector is the initial institutionnurturing students to develop in accord with the educa-tion vision. Only if students are being effectivelynurtured from the basic education level will they beendowed with the ability to safeguard national andpublic interest, patriotism and the noble spirit in theirhearts throughout their whole lives.

In conclusion the minister urged the teachers tonurture their pupils with serious conviction that thequalifications, spirit and habits of youths will decidewhether the future will be good or bad. After the ceremony, Minister Dr Chan Nyein cor-dially greeted the trainee teachers. A total of 1304basic education teachers— 223 male and 1081 fe-male— from upper Myanmar are taking the course thatwill last five weeks.


NAY PYI TAW, 5 Sept— Secretary-General UHtay Oo of the UnionSolidarity and Develop-ment Association on 2September inspectedmonsoon paddy plantationwith the use of water fromMeiktila Lake. He handed50 exercise books and 50dozens of pencils donatedby USDA members toBasic Education MiddleSchool in ShwehlanVillage of ThaziTownship and presentedcash and kind donationsto Meiktila Home for theAged.

While in Meiktila, thesecretary-general in-spected construction ofbuildings for BEPS No132. He presented clothesand cash assistance toYouth DevelopmentParahita Centre in TawmaVillage.

The centre isnurturing three universitystudents and 39 basiceducation students, and ithas produced five

Development tasks supervisedin Meiktila District

graduates and threeservice personnel.

The secretary-generalviewed land preparationsfor cultivation of monsoonpaddy in the farmland ofthe centre.


YANGON, 5 Sept —Under the aegis of SayadawBhaddanta Ñanita, the Buddha Pujaniya Light 9,900(oil lamps) Group of Insein Township organizesconstruction of the concrete platform at SeintamuniPagoda in Singu of NyaungU Township.

A concrete work measuring 9 square feet andone feet in thickness costs K 9,000. Those wishing todonate cash to the funds for construction task maycontact Daw Ma Nge, Tel; 642858, 640487 and 640489,of Buddha Pujaniya Light 9,900 (oil lamps) Group andU Tun Tun Win, Tel; 061-21055, (Chauk TownshipLand Records and Resettlement Department) not laterthan 15 November.— MNA

Wellwishers invited todonate to funds for building

pagoda’s platform

YANGON, 5 Sept — Pantapwinttaung TawyaSasana region Sayadaw Saddhamma JotikadhajaBhaddanta Paññasara monthly donates 100 bags ofrice and 50 viss of edible oil for serving the daily mealsto monks, nuns and devotees at the Sasana region inTaikkyi Township.

Those wishing to donate the provisions to theSasana region may contact the Sayadaw (Tel; 059139845), U Myint Soe (Tel; 662328), U San Oo (Tel;095-017887), U Soe Win ( Tel; 643826), U KyawLwin (Tel; 690319), U Kyaw Win (Tel; 642625), DawHtet Htet Aye (Tel; 579805) and Daw Khin Moe Lwin(Tel; 503993).—MNA

Rice, edible oil to be donated inPantapwinttaung

NAY PYI TAW, 5 Sept — Minister for Health DrKyaw Myint received Chairman of Three CommonDiseases Eradication Fund Mr Andrew Jacobs andmember Dr Michael O’ Dwyer at the minister’s office,here, this morning.

Present also at the call were Deputy MinisterDr Mya Oo, the director-general of the HealthDepartment and officials. —MNA

Health Minister receivesChairman of Three Common

Diseases Eradication Fund

NAY PYI TAW, 5 Sept— A Myanmar delegationled by Deputy Minister forForeign Affairs U MaungMyint attended the East-West Economic CorridorWeek 2007 held in DaNang, Vietnam from 27August to 3 September2007. The deputy ministerand party arrived backhere by air this morning.

Deputy Director UKyaw Thi Wa of theMinister’s Office, U KyawSoe Thein, Head ofBranch 1 of theInternational Organi-

Deputy Foreign Affairs Ministerand party back home

zations and EconomicDepartment, Joint-Secretary-1 of theUMFCCI Dr MaungMaung Lay and ManagingDirector U Moe Kyaw ofMyanmar MarketingResearch and Develop-ment Co Ltd also arrivedback on the same flight.


Deputy MinisterU Maung Myintparticipates in

East-WestEconomic Corridor

Week 2007 inVietnam.— MOFA

Secretary-Generalof USDA U Htay Ooand members donate

cash to BEMS atShwehlan Village.

A & I

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 6 September, 2007 9

Chief Justice meets judicial officers, judges

YANGON, 5 Sept — Chief Justice U Aung Toemet judicial officers of the Supreme Court, justices,staff officers and deputy heads of department ofDivision, District and Township courts at the SupremeCourt (Yangon), here, this afternoon.

Also present on the occasion were Deputy

Chief Justice U Thein Soe of the Supreme Court(Yangon) and Supreme Court Judges U Khin Myint,Dr Tin Aung Aye, U Myint Thein, U Chit Lwin, U TinAye and U Han Shein and officials.

Chief Justice U Aung Toe gave instructions onjudicial matters to them. — MNA

YANGON, 5 Sept —Myanmar Women’s AffairsFederation organized thedemonstration of preventivemeasures against denguefever at Yangon Institute ofEducation PractisingTraining School on PyayRoad, here, this morning.

It was attended by thesecretariat members ofMWAF, member Dr DawThet Thet Zin andresponsible persons,executives ofAdministration Depart-ment of MWAF, heads ofHealth Department ofYangon City DevelopmentCommittee and YangonDivision HealthDepartment and officials,Headmistress Dr NandaTun of the school, teachersand students.

Deputy Head of HealthDepartment of YCDC DrDaw Shu Kyi demonstrated

DHF preventive measuresdemonstrated

on preventive measures onDHF.

Next, Head of YangonDivision Health De-partment Dr Hla Myintpresented educative postersand pamphlets to theresponsible persons.


Logo invited to constructionof Yadanabon Myothit

NAY PYI TAW, 5 Sept — The Teleportbuilding is under construction in implementingYadanabon IT City Project in PyinOoLwinTownship.

Arrangements are being made to hold thelogo contest for Yadanabon IT City. The portrait ofthe teleport building based on electronic basic factsmust be included in the entry for the contest. Thecontestant is to send three entries measuring 24inches by 12 inches each to the Ministry ofCommunications, Posts and Telegraphs, Office ofYadanabon Myothit Construction ProjectSupervisory Committee, Office Building-2, Nay PyiTaw, Tel: 067-407242, not later than 18 September.

The contestant must describe name,Citizenship Scrutiny Card, qualification, address,telephone number and experience in creating logosattached to the entries.

Prizes will be presented to the prize winners.For further information, may visit the Khitlungewebsite. — MNA

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Chief Justice U Aung Toe meeting with judicial officers and judges in Yangon Division.— MNA

Deputy Minister forForeign Affairs

U Maung Myint andwife being welcomed

by Ambassador ofSaudi Arabia to

Myanmar Mr TurkiBin Naji Abdul KaderAl Ali at the reception

to mark the 77thAnniversary ofNational Day of

Saudi Arabia whichfalls on 5

September.— MNA

Demonstration on preventive measures against dengue fever at YangonInstitute of Education Practising Training School.— YCDC

6-9-07 NL 9/6/07, 02:25 AM9

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 6 September, 2007

DAMASCUS, 5 Sept—Syria and Russia onMonday agreed tocooperate in combatingdrug trafficking, Syria’sofficial SANA newsagency reported.

The agreement ofcooperation was signedby Syrian InteriorMinister Bassam Abdul-Majeed and visi t ingDirector of the RussianFederal Commission forMonitoring Drug Smug-gling Viktor Cherkesov,

Syria, Russia agree to cooperate incombating drug trafficking

according to SANA.I t s t ipulates for

cooperation between thetwo sides in exchanginginformation and ex-pert ise and trainingspecialized cadres aswell as implementingjoint scientif ic re-searches regardingfighting drug traffick-ing.

“Syria is free of drugplanting and industryand it gives great care tothe issue of fighting

illegal drug traffickingand cooperates withother Arab and foreigncountries in this regard,”Abdul-Majeed wasquoted as saying.

For his part ,Cherkesov said theoutcome of bilateraltalks and the signing ofthe agreement constitutea tangible indication ofthe depth of t iesconnecting Syria andRussia.


KABUL, 5 Sept — Asenior Taleban com-mander involved in theabduction of 23 SouthKorean missionaries wasamong dozens ofinsurgents killed inclashes in southernAfghanistan overnight,police said on Tuesday.

Ali Shah Ahmadzai,police chief of GhazniProvince, said Talebancommander MullahMateen was among 22insurgents killed in aclash in the province’sQarabagh District.

“He was involved inthe kidnapping. We havereconaissance colleagueson the ground,” Ahmad-zai told Reuters bytelephone from Ghazni. However the US militarysaid it was not yet clear

Afghan police killTaleban hostage-taker

whether any hostage-takers were among“several” insurgents killedin Qarabagh.

It said a dozenmilitants had been killedin a separate battle in thesouthern province ofKandahar overnight,while officials said threepolicemen had been killedin two separate suicideblasts in the south onTuesday.

“The fighters target-ed in this morning’soperation in Ghazni wereinvolved in anti-coali-tion militant activities.Whether or not they wereinvolved in the hostagesituation has yet to bedetermined decisively,” aUS military spokesmansaid.


Red Cross says at least 87 dead inWest Africa floods

GENEVA, 5 Sept —Severe floods across WestAfrica have killed at least87 people, most of themin Nigeria, over thepast two months, theInternational Federationof Red Cross and RedCrescent Societies said onTuesday.

Weather conditionsworsened considerably inAugust, with areas of hard-hit northern Togo difficultto reach because bridges

were swept away by heavyrains, the world’s largestdisaster relief networksaid.

At least 68 peoplehave died in Nigeria, 17 inTogo and at least two inMauritania, it said in astatement. More than100,000 people have beenaffected in 10 countriesacross the region, home tosome of the world’spoorest countries.

“Torrential rains havedestroyed homes, leavingthousands homeless.They damaged roads and

devastated crops in areaswhere food security hasbeen a problem before sowe need to carefullymonitor the situation,”said Niels Scott, theFederation’s operationscoordinator for Africa.

The Geneva-basedFederation has released553,750 Swiss francs(456,800 US dollars) tohelp national Red Crossand Red Crescentsocieties cover imme-diate needs in WestAfrica.

MNA/ReutersFrench PM ups station

security after gang brawlsPARIS, 5 Sept— France

plans to step up security atthe capital’s Gare du NordStation, the scene ofrepeated scuffles betweenrival gangs in recent weeks,Prime Minister FrancoisFillon said on Monday.

The brawls at thestation that links Paris toother continental Europeancities and Britain have ledto waves of arrests withabout 15 people placedunder investigation, in-cluding eight being held intemporary detention.

Visiting the stationwith his Interior MinisterMichele Alliot-Marie,Fillon said extra resourceswould be dedicated totackling such violence andsecurity cameras would beinstalled.

“A station is a place to

catch trains, not to be hiton the head with a baseballbat. The people ... who aretransforming this part oftown into a battle field mustknow that we will beextremely severe,” he toldreporters.

Earlier this year andjust before France’spresidential election,dozens of youths clashedwith police around thestation earlier this yearfollowing an altercationbetween ticket inspectorsand a passenger.

That incident revivedmemories of riots in poorsuburbs around Frenchcities in 2005 and asubsequent wave of clash-es between police anddemonstrators over aproposed youth jobs law.


Singapore Foreign Minister George Yeo (C) arrives with other delegates tothe Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) foreign ministers’ meeting at

the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, on 5 September. Topgovernment leaders, foreign and trade ministers from the 21-member APEC

grouping are meeting in Sydney on 2-9 September.—INTERNET

A combination image of Sony’s new video Walkman models (L-R) the NWZ-A810 in silver, the NWZ A810 in black and the NWZ-615. Consumer

electronics maker Sony Corp on Thursday said it introduced a new USversion of its Sony Walkman that includes the ability to play digital video, the

latest potential rival to Apple Inc’s dominant iPod media player.INTERNET

This picture, taken in July 2007, shows a floodedstreet in Oxford as the River Thames burst its

banks due to the heavy rain. Britain had its wettestsummer since rainfall records began in 1914,

according to provisional figures released by theMeteorological Office on Friday. — INTERNET

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 6 September, 2007 11

Local performers stage a traditional drum dance during the Folk Art Show inZhuzhou County, central-south China’s Hunan Province, on 31 Aug, 2007.

The show included over 180 pieces of folk art works and various folk artperformances. — INTERNET

A South African model presents a creation of BongiweWalaza’ collection during the 11th Sanlam SA

Fashion Week in Johannesburg, on 1 Sept, 2007.INTERNET

MOSCOW, 5 Sept — A Russian grocery store chain owner and Parliamentmember will become the next tourist, and the first from Russia, to theInternational Space Station (ISS), leading business daily Vedomosti reportedon Monday.

Russian business tycoon to benext space tourist

The 40-year-oldVladimir Gruzdev, fromthe United Russia pro-presidential party and co-owner of the SeventhContinent grocery storechain, has signed a 20-million-US-dollar worthcontract with the Rus-sian Space Agency, thenewspaper cited an un-

named official.Gruzdev has under-

gone medical tests in thesummer and receivedapproval for a flight to theISS, said another officialfrom the Russian spacecorporation Energia.

In early August,Gruzdev, along with agroup of Russian re-

searchers, dived 4,200metres below the NorthPole in two submarinesand planted a titaniumRussian flag on theseafloor to support thecountry’s claim to a vastswathe of Arctic territory.There have been five self-paid space tourists so far.


WASHINGTON, 5 Sept — Violence is high in Iraq, with scant political progress and mixed results onsecurity, a Congressional report said on Tuesday, a day after President George W Bush visited AnbarProvince and struck an upbeat tone.

US Congress report violence stays high in Iraq Small device blows outin Manhattan, NY

NEW YORK, 5 Sept — An improvised explosivedevice detonated in front of a four-storey walk-up inManhattan early Tuesday, damaging a van but causingno injuries.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg wasquick to rule out terrorism, saying there is no evidenceshowing that but the city is taking the incident seriously.

The building at 227 West 29th Street and EighthAvenue houses a theatre owned by “Sopranos” actorMichael Imperioli.

Police temporarily evacuated three apartmentslocated above the theatre after the bombing happenedat around 1:30 am (0530 GMT).

The city’s arson squad, bomb squad, anti-terrorismtaskforce and the FBI were all called to the scene toinvestigate.

Police closed several streets in the area overnight,but they were mostly reopened in time for the morningrush.

Police was working to identify suspects and figureout what the explosive device was made of.


The independentGovernment Accoun-tability Office (GAO)said Iraq had failed tomeet 11 of 18 politicaland military goals set by

Congress last May. Iraqmet three benchmarks andpartially met another four,it said.

“Violence remainshigh, the number of Iraqi

security forces capable ofconducting independentoperations has declinedand militias are notdisarmed,” the GAOreport said — despite

Bush’s addition of 30,000US troops to Iraq this year.

“It is unclear whethersectarian violence in Iraqhas decreased,” DavidWalker, head of the GAO,told the Senate ForeignRelations Committee.

The Iraqi Governmentgot partial credit for onesecurity goal by providingthree brigades to supportBaghdad operations, butsome of those were of limitedeffectiveness, Walker said.

Baghdad had not meta number of political goalseither, the GAO said.

“Of particular con-cern is the lack of progresson de-Ba’athificationlegislation that couldpromote greater Sunniparticipation in thenational governmentand comprehensive hy-drocarbon legislation thatwould distribute Iraq’svast oil wealth,” the GAOsaid. Laws on amnesty,provincial elections andconstitutional review alsohad not been passed.


French Customs intercept5,000 counterfeit itemsPARIS, 5 Sept — About

5,000 counterfeit itemsvalued at 1.5 million euros(about 2 million USdollars) were interceptedover the weekend inBraderie in the northernFrench city of Lille,French Customs said on

Monday. Most of the in-

tercepted items consistedof leather goods, textilematerials, perfumes,jewels and forged postersof leading brands.

About 10,000exhibitors, professionaland private secondhandgoods dealers sell theirware in crowded stallsstretching about 100kilometres in the heart ofthe city, transforming itinto a mammoth fleamarket over the week-end.

Regional Customsauthorities have devised aspecial system consistingof 62 Customs agents totrack down counterfeitarticles.


Costa Rica hosts anti-cluster-bomb conference SAN JOSE, 5 Sept — Costa Rica is hosting a conference on cluster bombs

Tuesday in a bid to make the region the first area free of such weapons. At the opening of the

conference, Vice Ministerof the Presidency JoseTorres said that Costa Ricahad joined the fight againstthe use of such weapons,applying laws to bar theiruse.

Cluster bombs orcluster munitions are air-dropped or ground-launchedmunitions that spray 10 to400 mini-bombs.

“This nation calls for aban on the production, useand sale of such weaponsand backs the notion ofLatin America being the

first region free of theseweapons,” Torres said.

Speaking at the samemeeting, Jose ManuelHermida, working forCosta Rica’s UnitedNations DevelopmentProgramme, said “suchweapons have seriouseffects on food security,causing hygiene problems,displacing communities,exacerbating poverty andlimiting both local andnational reconstruction anddevelopment capacity”.

Some 98 per cent ofcluster bomb victims are

civilians, including manychildren. Steve Goose, theexecutive director ofHuman Rights Watch,said he was optimistic thatLatin America would actas a united force “to createa new 2008 treaty banningthe manufacture of clusterbombs”.

The non-govern-mental organizationHandicap Internationalsaid 400 million people in25 nations which are in“defacto mine fields” areat risks from clusterbombs. — MNA/Xinhua

A meteorologist tracks tropical storms at the National Hurricane Centre inMiami, Florida, in 2006 file photo. Hurricane Felix gained intensity as it toreacross the warm waters of the Caribbean, the National Hurricane Centre has

said recently. —INTERNET

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 6 September, 2007



Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTATAMPAN VOY NO (141) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 6.9.2007 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm up to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797


Consignees of cargo carried on MV HUA SHANVOY NO (79) are hereby notified that the vessel will bearriving on 6.9.2007 and cargo will be discharged intothe premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at the consig-nee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws andconditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm up to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S COSCO SHIPPING CO., LTDPhone No: 256916/256919/256921

ENGAGEMENTDr. Kalya Myint (Faculty, Psychiatry Dept, St. Elizabeths Hospital,Washington D.C) announces the engagement of her only daughter

Dr. Eindra Khin KhinBachelor of Science (Biology), George Washington University,

Doctor of Medicine (University of Virginia),Psychiatry Residency (George Washington University, U.S.A)


Kyaw Min Tun (a) Zaw HtetBachelor of Arts (Economics), University of Virginia, Vice President

& General Manager (Teletronics International, Inc), Rockville,Maryland, U.S.A., youngest son of

U Kyaw Sein (J.C.B International Co.,) & Daw Myint Myint YiGolden Valley Road, Bahan, Yangon

On June 23rd, 2007 at the residence in Virginia, U.S.A in the presenceof relatives and elders.

Both Parents & Kyaw Min Tun- Dr. Eindra Khin Khin

Bulgaria donates $56.6m to helpLibya HIV victims

SOFIA, 4 Sept—Bulgariadonated 56.6 million USdollars in Soviet-era debtowed by Libya as itscontribution to a deal thatled to the release of sixmedics convicted ofinfecting Libyan childrenwith HIV.

The European Unionnewcomer signed onMonday an agreement todonate the debt, accu-mulated for arms andtechnical deliveries, to an

international fund set up toprovide medical aid andhelp the families of morethan 400 Libyan HIV/AIDS victims.

“The agreement onceagain proves that Bulgariais a reliable partner whichdelivers on its promises,”deputy Foreign MinisterFeim Chaushev toldreporters upon signing.

Sofia wrote off the debtsix weeks after fiveBulgarian nurses and aPalestinian doctor —convicted to death forinfecting Libyan childrenwith HIV in the 1990s —were freed. Chaushev saidTripoli had agreed to theamount of the debt whichhas not been served in thepast 18 years. The medicswho spent eight years in aLibyan jail have

maintained their in-nocence and said they weretortured into confessing.Tripoli returned the medicsto Bulgaria in a deal whichincluded medical help,political ties between theEuropean Union andTripoli, and compensationfor the families of thevictims. The chairman ofthe fund, Mark Pierini, saidthe Fund plans to pay backthe funds to Libya, as andwhen donors makeresources available.

He refused to disclosethe level of funds raised sofar, citing contributors’requests for anonymity,but noted that besides theBulgarian contribution, theEU has donated 11.5million euros, andGermany 1.5 million.


Swelling river in Guatemala kills 12MEXICO CITY, 4 Sept—At least 12 people died and 18

others went missing in Guatemala on Sunday whentheir bus overturned while trying to cross a swellingriver after torrential rains, said reports reaching here.

All of the drowned were sympathizers of Guatemala’sruling party, the National Union for Hope (UNE). Theywere returning from a campaign of Gonzalo Cordeno, aUNE candidate for the Jutiapa mayor, said UNEspokesman Jose Carlos Marroquin.—MNA/Xinhua



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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 6 September, 2007 13

pvaer;®Pc\. eKt\m^P∑M>‘Pi;tui;tk\eqa Nuic\cMeta\”k; tv\eSak\AM.

“Raja Gigi” (King of Teeth) pulls a set of linked trains with his teeth. TheMalaysian man with a mouth of steel has beaten his own world record anddragged three train coaches 2.8 metres (nine feet) using only his teeth, his

manager said.—INTERNET

Female giant panda “Jin Zhu” looks after herbaby at the Bifengxia Panda Base of the Chinese

Research Centre for the Protection of GiantPandas in Ya’an of southwest China’s Sichuan

Province on 4 Sept, 2007.A total of 22 giantpandas have been artificially bred in China this

year, with 21 of them surviving. —XINHUA

Residents ride bikes through a flooded street near a market in La Ceiba,eastern Honduras, on 4 Sept, 2007. —INTERNET

Finland : Mobile phonespose no health risk

JAKARTA, 4 Sept — Indonesia rejected on Mondaya study by US researchers that concluded that theH5N1 bird flu virus had spread from person to personduring an outbreak last year, saying it was misleading.

A mathematical analysis published last week in theUS journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases said itfound statistical evidence of human-to-humantransmission in a cluster of cases on Sumatra Island,where eight family members died in May 2006.Indonesia’s Health Minister Siti Fadillah Supari saidthe research findings had “misled the public”.

“It’s pure logic... If there had been human-to-human transmission, it would have already swept thecountry and killed thousands,” Supari told a newsconference.

“Our scientists have already determined that the2006 outbreak on North Sumatra was not a case ofhuman-to-human transmission.” Researcher IraLongini and colleagues at the Ferd Hutchinson CancerResearch Centre in Seattle, who examined two clustersof bird flu cases, said they had developed a tool to runquick tests on disease outbreaks to see if dangerousepidemics or pandemics may be developing.


Math prodigy starts university lifeBEIJING, 5 Sept — A

9-year-old math prodigybegan university lifeTuesday — and promptlydeclared his first lesson“easy.” “I learnt it twoyears ago,” March TianBoedihardjo said afterattending the lecture onmathematical analysis atHong Kong Baptist Uni-versity. Asked what hehad learned, he said: “Youwould not understandthat.” The Hong Kong-born Indonesian-Chinesewas admitted to a five-year undergraduate and

HELSINKI, 4 Sept— Anexhaustive series ofFinnish studies have foundno evidence that electro-magnetic radiation frommobile phones poses ahealth risk, Finnish mediareported on Tuesday. Theresearch programme —Health risk assessment ofmobile communications(HERMO) — was startedin June, 2004 and con-cluded in May this yearwith the aim of studyingany possible health effectsand risks of mobile

A girl with a dog talkson a mobile phone in

central Belgrade.INTERNET

communications.HERMO programme

researchers examinedradio frequency electro-magnetic fields and howthey affect human beings,especially the nervoussystem and sensoryorgans. In addition,studies looked for any

possible detrimentaleffects on children andadolescents.

Using cell cultures,test animals, humansubjects and mathematicalmodels, the researcherssaid that their studies didnot uncover any evidenceof ill effects on health.

The research pro-gramme was comprised of13 different projectsexamining various aspectsof the issue. The researchpartners were the FinnishInstitute of OccupationalHealth, The Radiation andNuclear Safety Authorityand several Finnishuniversities.—Internet

Indonesia dismisses human-to-humanbird flu report

March TianBoedihardjo

master’s programme inmath by the university lastmonth after obtaining anA in both math and furthermath, and a B in statisticsin the General Certificate

of Education (GCE) A-levels in the UnitedKingdom. He has alsotaken courses in Oxford.

The Hong Kong uni-versity’s decision to admithim had sparked debateon whether such a youngchild could communicatewith the older students andget used to campus life.

Yesterday, March wasaccompanied by his father,who carried his son’sschool bag and raincoat.He will attend his son’slessons for the first sixmonths. —Internet

NEW DELHI, 4 Sept— A group of scientists havesuggested pushing the Indian Standard Time (IST) byhalf-an-hour to six hours ahead of GMT citing severalbenefits, including peak load energy savings to thetune of 16 per cent.

The new suggestion avoids the risks associatedwith introducing two separate time zones, a proposalthat has already been rejected by the government.

“We propose advancing of the Indian StandardTime by half-an-hour to being six hours ahead of theUniversal Coordinated Time,” senior scientists DilipAhuja and DP Sen Gupta said in a communication inCurrent Science.

Such an advance would give an extra 30 minutes ofdaylight in the evenings when it is most useful for allof us.


Scientists suggest pushingIndian Standard Time to

save energy

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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 6 September, 2007


Victoria Azarenka of Belarus returns a forehand toSvetlana Kuznetsova of Russia during their fourth

round match of the US Open TennisChampionships in Flushing Meadows.Kuznetsova won 6-2, 6-3.—INTERNET

David Ferrer of Spain celebrateswinning a point over Rafael Nadal ofSpain during their match at the US

Open tennis tournament in New York,on 4 Sept, 2007.—INTERNET

Japan’s rugby player Hajime Kisocatches the ball during a training forthe World Cup Rugby 2007, in Tou-

louse, southwestern France, on 4Sept, 2007. Japan will play a Group BWorld Cup Rugby 2007 match against

New Zealand on 8 Sept, in Lyon,central France.—INTERNET

UEFA upholds Domenech’stouchline ban

AFC seeks to heal ties with Malaysian leaders

Germany coach surprised by Chelseaomission of Ballack

Auction in Brazil to sellPele’s millennium ball

BRASILIA, 5 Sept — The ball with which footballlegend Pele scored his one thousandth goal will be soldone of these days by the famous presenter RobertoJustus, reported local media. Edson Arantes doNascimento, known as “Pele”, scored his historic goalon 19 September, 1969, in a match of his Santos clubagainst Vasco da Gama from Rio de Janeiro. Santoswon the game 2-1 and Pele scored in a penalty.

Justus, presenter of a local TV channel, boughtPele’s ball by 60,000 reals (30,000 US dollars) in anauction organized in 2005. According to Globonews,Justus wants to collect money for his foundation “Move-ment You Can Help” dedicated to socio-environmen-tal problems. — MNA/Xinhua

CAF extends ban on formerTogo soccer boss to life

JOHANNESBURG, 5 Sept — The Confederation ofAfrican Football banned former Togo FA presidentAvlessi Adaglo Tata for life on Tuesday after he wasfound guilty of trying to bribe a referee earlier this year.

CAF’s appeal committee, meeting in Port Elizabeth,said it had decided to toughen an initial eight-yearsanction handed down in July after rejecting his appeal.

CAF found that Tata, who was elected president ofthe Togo FA earlier this year but has since beenremoved from office, provided money to the fourthofficial to pass on to the referee, Pa Abdou Sarr ofGambia, ahead of an African Under-17 qualifier be-tween Togo and Tunisia in March. Togo lost the match3-0 but still qualified for the U-17 World Cup. AteviCehivi Attivi Cessi, who was the fourth official, hadacted as the go-between for the bribe, CAF said.

He had been banned for four years but CAF alsoextended his suspension to life on Tuesday.


ZURICH, 5 Sept — France coachRaymond Domenech will watchSaturday’s Euro 2008 qualifieragainst world champions Italyfrom the stands after UEFA up-held his one match touchline ban.

UEFA’s appeals body ruledon Tuesday that the ban, handeddown following comments madeby Domenech in a French news-paper, would stand.

Domenech’s appeal was par-tially upheld, however, with theappeals body lifting the 10,000Swiss Franc (8,251 US dollars)fine originally imposed on thetrainer by UEFA’s control anddisciplinary board.

Domenech was summoned bythe disciplinary board after ac-cusing Italy of bribing the ref-eree of an under-21 qualifyingmatch for the 2000 Olympics

between the two countries. Following the original hear-

ing, UEFA said Domenech’scomments to Le Parisien news-paper had brought football intodisrepute.

As well as the bribery claims,Domenech used the interview topraise Italy defender MarcoMaterazzi for provoking ZinedineZidane into head-butting him inlast year’s World Cup final.

Zidane was sent off and Francelost on penalties.

Domenech also told the news-paper he had doubts about theofficiating of Saturday’s quali-fier in Milan.

“I’m not the one who inventedthe stories about refereeing inItaly,” Domenech said. “Somematches have been fixed.”


KUALA LUMPUR, 5 Sept— The Asian FootballConfederation (AFC) wel-comed leading MalaysianGovernment officials totheir headquarters onTuesday, hoping to worktowards healing a rift

caused by a ManchesterUnited friendly.

Deputy Prime Minis-ter Najib Tun AbdulRazak and AzalinaOthman Said, the minis-ter for youth and sports,met with AFC presidentMohamed Bin Hammamto discuss the body’s Vi-sion Asia project in theMalaysian capital.

Relations between thetwo were strained in June

when the AFC insistedFootball Association Ma-laysia (FAM) cancel anexhibition match involv-ing English PremierLeague champions Man-chester United.

AFC felt the match,scheduled for July 27,would detract from theAsian Cup final in Jakartatwo days later.

The Malaysian Gov-ernment then ordered the

match to go ahead as partof the country’s 50th an-niversary celebrations butUnited eventually can-celled the Kuala Lumpurleg of their Asian Tour.

On Tuesday, Hammamencouraged Malaysia tojoin the Vision Asiaproject, which aims toraise the standard of foot-ball in all areas, from ad-ministration to marketing.


BERLIN, 5 Sept — Germany coachJoachim Loew said on Tuesday he wassurprised Chelsea had omitted MichaelBallack from their Champions Leaguegroup stage squad because he expectedhis injured captain to be back in Octo-ber.

“It’s quite a surprise that he won’t be

playing in the Champions League thisyear,” Loew said in Cologne.

“We have to talk with each other onthe telephone first because I don’t knowany more details yet myself,” he added.

On Monday, Loew said he expectedBallack to return from an ankle injury,which required surgery, for next month’sEuro 2008 qualifiers against Ireland andCzech Republic.

“The injury has healed and it’s gettingbetter by the day,” Loew said late onMonday.

Ballack has not played for Chelseasince April because of the injury and onMonday was left out of their squad forthe Champions League group stages. The30-year-old will not be fit in time for thestart of the competition in two weeks.

Chelsea have been drawn with Spain’sValencia, Schalke 04 of Germany andNorwegians Rosenborg Trondheim inGroup B.

However, if Ballack does recover fit-ness over the next four months he wouldbe eligible for the latter stages of thecompetition should Chelsea qualify.


FIFA instructor urges tostop soccer hooliganism LUSAKA, 5 Sept —

Visiting FIFA instructorJochen Figge has con-demned the growing trendby soccer fans to blame onofficials and players oncetheir teams are on the los-ing end, Times of Zambiareported Tuesday.

Figge, who is in thecountry to conduct a week-long youth coaching coursein Lusaka, said such con-duct has to be gotten rid offrom the game as they arecasting a dark cloud on thesport. The German na-tional, a former Zambiacoach from 1989-1993,cited as a case in point, theriotous behaviour atNchanga Stadium in Zam-bia’s Copperbelt Provinceon Sunday after NchangaRangers lost 2-1 to YoungArrows in the KCM/FAZPremier Division match.

He said the FootballAssociation of Zambia(FAZ) needs to clampdown on fans’ indisciplineat stadiums by imposingheavy fines on erring clubswhile also banning theirgrounds in order to act as adeterrent to would-beoffenders.“It’s a very badtrend that sends a wrongpicture to the club or thenational team whose fansbehave like that,” he said.

Figge said the soonerthe local soccer motherbody put an end to suchbehavior, the better it willbe for the development offootball in Zambia.

He commended theZambia Football CoachesAssociation for its forth-

coming grading system oflocal coaches to be on thebench in the local leaguestructure. He said FIFA ishappy that all its affiliatesare establishing the grad-ing system given thatcoaching has become moredemanding and requirequalified manpower to dothe job with excellence.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 6 September, 2007 15


*R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

Wednesday, 5 September, 2007Summary of observations recorded at 09:30

hours MST: During the past 24 hours, rain or thunder-showers have been isolated in lower Sagaing and MagwayDivisions, scattered in Mandalay Division, fairly wide-spread in Kachin, Shan, Kayah and Mon States,Ayeyawady Division and widespread in the remainingareas with locally heavyfall in upper Sagaing Division,isolated heavyfall in Shan State. The noteworthy amountsof rainfall recorded were Nay Pyi Taw (1.02) inches,Hkamti (4.37) inches, Homalin (3.82) inches, Mawlaik(3.66) inches, Kalewa (3.58) inches, Kengtung (3.07)inches, Thaton (2.99) inches and Kyaukpyu (1.89) inches.

Maximum temperature on 4-9-2007 was 81ºF.Minimun temperature on 5-9-2007 was 72ºF. Relativehumidity at 09:30 hours MST on 5-9-2007 was 92%.Total sunshine hours on 4-9-2007 was (Nil).

Rainfall on 5-9-2007 was (0.83) inch at Mingaladon,(0.75) inch at Kaba-Aye and (1.14) inches at CentralYangon. Total rainfall since 1-1-2007 was (100.59)inches at Mingaladon, (102.91) inches at Kaba-Aye and(102.23) inches at Central Yangon. Maximum windspeed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (10) mph from South-west at (09:45) hours MST on 4-9-2007.

Bay inference: Monsoon is moderate in theAndaman Sea and strong in the Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 6-9-2007: Rain orthundershowers will be scattered in Kayah State, Manda-lay, Magway and lower Sagaing Divisions, fairly wide-spread in Kachin, Shan, Mon and Kayin States, upperSagiang and Taninthayi Divisions and widespread in theremaining areas with likelihood of isolated heavyfall inRakhine State. Degree of certainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Squalls with moderate to rough seasare likely at times Deltaic, off and along Rakhine Coasts.Surface wind speed in squall may reach (35) to (40) mph.Seas will be moderate in Myanmar waters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Continuationof thundery condition in the Northern Myanmar areas.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouringareas for 6-9-2007: Isolated rain or thundershowers.Degree of certainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring areasfor 6-9-2007: Some rain. Degree of certainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring areasfor 6-9-2007: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degreeof certainty is (80%).

8:30 am Brief news8:35 am Music:

-Stuck in myheart

8:40 am Perspectives8:45 am Music:

-Wonderland8:50 am National news/

Slogan9:00 am Music:

-Nobody wantsto be lonely

9:05 am International news

9:10 am Music:-Four letter word

1:30 pm News / Slogan1:40 pm Lunch time

music:-Can you feel thelove tonight-Colours of thewinds

9:00 pm Aspects ofMyanmar-TravellingaroundMyanmar

9:10 pm Article9:20pm Topics potpourri

1. Japanese studyfinds coffee mayprevent coloncancer2. Health juicesharm baby teeth

9:30pm Songs of yourchoice-Top of the world-More than I cansay-Take me homecountry road

9:45 pm News /Slogan10:00 pm PEL

Thursday, 6 SeptemberTune in today

Thursday, 6 SeptemberView on today

8:05 am7. Dance variety

8:20 am8. wm\pMuerel˙ac\tmMwm\pMuerel˙ac\tmMwm\pMuerel˙ac\tmMwm\pMuerel˙ac\tmMwm\pMuerel˙ac\tmM

8:30 am9. International news

8:45 am10.Let’s Go4:00 pm

1. Martial song4:15 pm2. Song to uphold

National Spirit4:30 pm3. 2007KuNs\ (15) Âkim\e�mak\ 2007KuNs\ (15) Âkim\e�mak\ 2007KuNs\ (15) Âkim\e�mak\ 2007KuNs\ (15) Âkim\e�mak\ 2007KuNs\ (15) Âkim\e�mak\

�mn\ma.Riu;ray√\ek¥;mO�mn\ma.Riu;ray√\ek¥;mO�mn\ma.Riu;ray√\ek¥;mO�mn\ma.Riu;ray√\ek¥;mO�mn\ma.Riu;ray√\ek¥;mOASiu'Ak'Aer;'At;ASiu'Ak'Aer;'At;ASiu'Ak'Aer;'At;ASiu'Ak'Aer;'At;ASiu'Ak'Aer;'At;�pioc\p∑wc\m¥a;el.laNiuc\Âkrn\�pioc\p∑wc\m¥a;el.laNiuc\Âkrn\�pioc\p∑wc\m¥a;el.laNiuc\Âkrn\�pioc\p∑wc\m¥a;el.laNiuc\Âkrn\�pioc\p∑wc\m¥a;el.laNiuc\Âkrn\(kalepÅet;Nc\.(kalepÅet;Nc\.(kalepÅet;Nc\.(kalepÅet;Nc\.(kalepÅet;Nc\.eKt\ehac\;et;)eKt\ehac\;et;)eKt\ehac\;et;)eKt\ehac\;et;)eKt\ehac\;et;)(Ae�KKMpvaASc\.(Ae�KKMpvaASc\.(Ae�KKMpvaASc\.(Ae�KKMpvaASc\.(Ae�KKMpvaASc\.15-20)N˙s\ (Am¥io;qm^;)15-20)N˙s\ (Am¥io;qm^;)15-20)N˙s\ (Am¥io;qm^;)15-20)N˙s\ (Am¥io;qm^;)15-20)N˙s\ (Am¥io;qm^;)

4:35 pm4. eSac\;på;r˙c\-eSac\;på;r˙c\-eSac\;på;r˙c\-eSac\;på;r˙c\-eSac\;på;r˙c\-


7:00 am1. Recitation of Parit-

tas by MissionarySayadawU Ottamathara

7:25 am2. To be healthy

exercise7:30 am3. Morning news

7:40 am4. Nice and sweet song

7:50 am5. Dance of national

races8:00 am

6. ASiu�pioc\p∑´ASiu�pioc\p∑´ASiu�pioc\p∑´ASiu�pioc\p∑´ASiu�pioc\p∑´


4:45 pm5. Âky\p∑c\.m¥a;r>rc\Kun\qMÂky\p∑c\.m¥a;r>rc\Kun\qMÂky\p∑c\.m¥a;r>rc\Kun\qMÂky\p∑c\.m¥a;r>rc\Kun\qMÂky\p∑c\.m¥a;r>rc\Kun\qM

5:00 pm6. q^rieghaq^rieghaq^rieghaq^rieghaq^riegha

5:20 pm7. 2007 KuN˙s\ AaS^yMK¥n\p^yM2007 KuN˙s\ AaS^yMK¥n\p^yM2007 KuN˙s\ AaS^yMK¥n\p^yM2007 KuN˙s\ AaS^yMK¥n\p^yM2007 KuN˙s\ AaS^yMK¥n\p^yM


7:15 pm8. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´


8:00 pm 9.News10. International news11. Weather report12. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´ Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´ Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´ Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´ Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´

{K¥s\sit\k;el; tw{K¥s\sit\k;el; tw{K¥s\sit\k;el; tw{K¥s\sit\k;el; tw{K¥s\sit\k;el; twlv\lv\}(Apiuc\;-13)lv\lv\}(Apiuc\;-13)lv\lv\}(Apiuc\;-13)lv\lv\}(Apiuc\;-13)lv\lv\}(Apiuc\;-13)

13. The next day’sprogramme

A genetically modified mouse sits at Romes La Sapienza University on 7 Feb,2001. A gene that keeps mice and fruit flies lean might offer a way to prevent

obesity and diabetes in people, US researchers said recently —INTERNET

Documents show US troops disregard of rules for war WASHINGTON, 5 Sept — US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have failed to understand and observe the rules

on interrogations and deadly actions when they committed crimes against local civilians, say documentsreleased on Wednesday.

The report by theAmerican Civil LibertiesUnion (ACLU) showed itwas common that USsoldiers believed they didnot break any law whenkilling local citizens.

Among the killings,US soldiers pushed a Iraqiman into the Tigris River

because he broke curfewand a former Iraqi generalsuspected of helpinginsurgents was suffocatedduring interrogation,according to the docu-ments.

Chief WarrantOfficer Lewis Welshofer,who was convicted by a

January 2006 court-martialof negligent homicide in thedeath of an Iraqi generalduring the interrogation, stillinsisted his actions were notagainst the rules, the docu-ments show.

“An interrogationwithout stress is not aninterrogation — it is aconversation,” he said in aletter to the court.

Through a federalFreedom of InformationAct, ACLU requested forall documents concerningUS troops involvement in

the deaths of civilians inIraq and Afghanistan.However, only the Armyresponded.

ACLU is to file alawsuit, by which compelthe military to disclose alldocuments on all civiliandeaths incidents US troopsin Iraq and Afghanistanwere accounted for sinceJanuary 2005.


Flood Warning(Issued at 12:30 hr MST on 5-9-2007)According to the (06:30) hr MST observation

today, the water level of Chindwin River at Homalin is(2822) cm. It may reach its danger level (2900) cmduring the next (36) hrs commencing noon today.

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9th Waning of Wagaung 1369 ME Thursday, 6 September, 2007

Maintenance of 230 Hlinethaya-Athok national grid inspected

YANGON, 5 Sept —

Minister for Electric

Power No 2 Maj-Gen

Khin Maung Myint on 3

September heard reports

on bank erosion near No

149 pylon of 230 kv

Hlinethaya-Athok na-

tional grid and mainte-

nance of the bank pre-

sented by officials near

Kazintaw Village of

Pantanaw Township.

The minister in-

structed officials to har-

moniously carry out pre-

vention against bank ero-

sion and maintenance of

water way.

The minister in-

spected prevention against

erosion at Ayeyawady

River near Kazintaw Vil-

lage in Pantanaw Town-

ship, maintenance of

pylon No 149 of 230 KV

Hlinethaya-Athok na-

tional grid and flow of

water in the river. — MNA


— Accompanied by offi-

cials concerned, Minister

for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn

Myint went on an inspec-

tion tour of Barite Powder

Plant in Thazi Township

of Mandalay Division on

2 September.

In the compound of

the plant, the minister in-

spected stockpile of raw

materials, milling of raw

materials, finished ore,

production process of

quality barite powder and

distribution of barite

powder to oil-drilling sta-


After hearing the re-

ports of the factory man-

ager at the briefing hall,

the minister stressed the

need to produce quality

barite powder minimizing

waste and loss, distribute

quality barite powder to

the oil-drilling stations in

Minister looks into Barite PowderPlant, No 1 Iron and Steel Plant

time to hit their demands,

take systematic measures

for the distribution of

barite powder to the sta-

tions that are generating

foreign exchange, carry

out greening tasks of the

plant and its environs, cul-

tivate physic nut and un-

dertake agriculture and

breeding tasks on a man-

ageable scale.

At No 1 Iron and Steel

Plant in PyinOoLwin, the

minister and party in-

spected stockpile of iron

ore, coal and limestone,

milling and melting of ore,

production of iron rods to

be used for construction

sites and steel balls for

industries, progress in

building Oxygen Plant and

3 Ton EAF and manufac-

turing of import-substitute

machine parts for local in-


Upon arrival at Lime-

stone Mine in Patheingyi

Township, the minister

oversaw production of

limestone, fish ponds and

plantations. — MNA

Minister Maj-Gen

Khin Maung Myint

visits maintenance

task of bank erosion

near No 149 pylon in



Minister for Mines

Brig-Gen Ohn Myint

inspects Barite

Powder Plant in

Thazi Township.


YANGON, 5 Sept— Myanma Port Authority

today announced that exceptionally high spring from

20.2 feet to 20.4 feet high above the datum are

expected to occur in Yangon river during the period

from 11th September to 15th September, 2007.


Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring areas

Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree of certainty is (80%).

Yangon and neighbouring areas

Some rain. Degree of certainty is (80%).

Mandalay and neighbouring areas

Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree of certainty is (80%).

Weather Forecast for 6-9-2007

Warning of High Tide

6-9-07 NL 9/6/07, 02:25 AM16