District 70 eSchool Handbook

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A Guide for the First Trimester in 20 -21

District 70eSchool


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Table of Contents





Special Education

Gifted, Enrichment Services

English Language Services


Intervention Services

eSchool responsibilities


Social-Emotional Learning

Schedule: Elementary School

Schedule: Middle School

Technology Support

Libertyville District 70 eSchool A Guide for the first trimester in 2020-21

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A Guide for the first trimester in 2020-21IntroductionIn response to the public health threat of COVID-19, Libertyville School District 70 has

created this eSchool plan, which outlines District 70’s commitment to ensuring that each

student can remain engaged in learning, while the school buildings are closed for in-

person learning for the first trimester that begins on Aug. 24, 2020, and ends on Nov. 16,

2020. Evidence-based practices, student needs, and feedback from families and staff were

incorporated in the creation of District 70’s eSchool. District 70's eSchool plan also follows

The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) Fall 2020 Learning Recommendations that

were released on July 23, 2020, and can be found here.

GradingGrading during eSchool will continue to align with evolving ISBE guidance. Just like with in-

person instruction, student work will be graded, student progress will be monitored, and

grades will be reported. Grading and assessment are meant to provide feedback to

students and families with the focus on learning, growth, and progress. Feedback should

be consistent, ongoing, incremental, and formative. Report cards will be provided at the

end of each trimester using the same progress indicators as to when students are

participating in in-person learning.

District 70’s eSchool program closely approximates the experience students would receive

during in-person instruction. Families can learn more about District 70’s response to the

COVID-19 health crisis, and access a variety of resources under the 20-21 Reopening tab

found on the announcement page of all our websites at www.d70schools.org. An eSchool

FAQ is located there as well as and will be regularly updated.

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District 70 eSchoolAssessments

During eSchool, students will be assessed in a variety of ways to identify current student

proficiency levels. Teachers will assess, review, reinforce, and reteach foundational skills;

determine skills gaps through assessment and progress monitoring; select activities to

reinforce or reteach skills at varying levels of depth; access supplementary resources for

use in differentiated groups or intervention.

During eSchool, students will continue to participate in STAR benchmark testing in math

and language arts as this gives educators and families important information for instruction

and intervention purposes. Teachers and administrators are working on finalizing an

assessment plan that could include students taking STAR remotely or bringing individual or

small groups of students into school at the beginning of the year.


Following ISBE requirements, attendance will be taken every day during eSchool.

Elementary Schools:Just like with in-person instruction, parents/guardians of students in Early Childhood

through fifth grade are expected to either call the school attendance phone number if a

child is going to be absent from eSchool:

Adler Park School 847-932-0 054

Butterfield School 847-932-0057

Copeland Manor School 847-932-0058

Rockland School 847-932-0099


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District 70 eSchoolAttendance -Continued-Elementary Schools:Or parents/guardians at Adler Park, Butterfield, Copeland Manor and Rockland schools also

may send an email to the child’s teacher and school nurse.

Middle School:Just like with in-person instruction at Highland Middle School, parents/guardians of

students in sixth through eighth grade are expected to call the school attendance phone

number of 847-932-0060.

Special education and related services will support the IEP to the greatest extent possible in

the eSchool environment.

Individualized eSchool Learning Plans will be created for each student receiving special

education services during eSchool. The current Individualized Education Program (IEP) was

developed with the expectation of in-person service delivery. The individualized eSchool

plan is created to identify aspects of specialized instruction, related services, and other

supports in the student’s IEP that may look different considering the eSchool environment.

When students return to school and in-person instruction resumes, the eSchool learning

plan will be discontinued and the student’s current IEP will be fully implemented again.

IEP Meetings will be held remotely whenever possible.

Special education evaluations will be completed, following required timelines. Aspects of

evaluations may be completed remotely when possible. Established District safety

protocols will be followed when completing in-person assessments.

During eSchool, Early Childhood students will follow their regular half-day school program.

Special education and related services will occur primarily in small groups, just as in in-

person instruction.

Special Education

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District 70 eSchool

Gifted and enrichment services will mirror in-person instruction to the greatest extent


Gifted reviews and assessments will continue to be offered during eSchool through a

combination of remote and in-person assessments. Established District 70 safety protocols

will be followed when completing in-person assessments.

Social work/counseling;

Speech articulation;

And academic intervention in math or reading where students will be seen multiple times a

week in small groups as they typically would during in-person learning.

Students will receive these services in small groups as they typically would during in-person


Gifted Education

InterventionIntervention support that is provided during in-person learning will also continue in eSchool

based on student needs.

This may include:

English LearnersEnglish Learner support that is provided during in-person learning will also continue in eSchool

for students who qualify for these services.

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District 70 eSchool

Occurring at the same time;

Live instruction and learning;

Real-time conversations allow students to explore, through writing or talking, the class


Synchronous opportunities may include full group instruction, review, re-teach

opportunities, previews, peer interaction, two-way communication, small group

breakouts, or individual office hours.

Occurring at different times.

Recorded instruction or individual learning time.

Learning outside of “live” instruction that students can interact with on their schedule at

their own pace. Students have plenty of time to formulate thoughts.

Definitions: Synchronous Instruction:

Synchronous teaching through video lessons or live chats allows students to ask questions

and build relationships with others. Synchronous opportunities keep students on a

consistent schedule; helps continue the “classroom community” atmosphere, albeit

virtually; provides just-in-time support and feedback; are effective for virtual support/office

hours for the student, and takes the pressure off of the parents/guardians to be the “lead

teacher” at home.

Asynchronous Instruction:

Teachers will balance synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences based on the

needs of the learners and the learning goals. Similar to in-person learning, teachers will be

mindful of brain research on the length of student attention spans according to their age

when planning their learning experiences.

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Logging in and being on time for eSchool each day;

Finding a quiet space to participate in eSchool (if possible) away from distraction(s);

Having all necessary materials (a fully charged device, writing tools, paper, textbooks,

and workbooks, etc.) on hand and at the ready to fully participate in eSchool;

Being fully engaged and demonstrating digital citizenship (being safe, respectful, and

responsible) in all virtual opportunities with their teacher(s) and peers;

Having cameras on during synchronous sessions with teachers;

Following expectations from their teacher(s) and other school expectations (Acceptable

Use, Code of Conduct, etc.);

Completing instructional activities assigned by teachers to the best of their ability and

by the due dates indicated;

Reviewing teacher feedback and completing any follow-up activities as assigned by the

teacher. This could be information in SeeSaw, Google Classroom, PowerSchool, email,

or on individual activities;

Notifying the teacher when they have questions or need support.

Student Responsibilities A day in eSchool is very similar to a day of in-person learning. Students are responsible for

being respectful, responsible, and ready to learn each day in eSchool. This includes:

Responsibilities for Students, Families, Teachers, AdministrationsTo provide for the best eSchool experience, District 70 developed the following

responsibilities for students, families, teachers, and administrators.

District 70 eSchool

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District 70 eSchool

Helping your child(ren) be prepared to participate each day of eSchool by

making sure that their device is fully charged, that they have a dedicated

space to participate in eSchool, and that they have all the needed materials


Staying in regular communication with teacher(s) to partner for student


Reviewing your child’s schedule; Encouraging your child to complete

assignments on time and be prepared for quizzes and tests;

Seeking technology support when the district-issued device or software is not

working appropriately (see technology support section);

Reporting your child(ren) absent if your child(ren) can’t participate in eSchool

by following the protocols in this document (see attendance section);

Encouraging your child(ren) to work independently as much as possible and

ask their teachers for help when they need it.

Family Responsibilities

A day in eSchool very similar to a day of in-person learning. To assist with

providing your child(ren) with the best eSchool experience possible District 70

families are responsible for:

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District 70 eSchool

Planning for and delivering the synchronous and asynchronous minutes each day of

eSchool (see schedule section) that align to the Applications of Learning, District 70’s

mission and provide a range of meaningful, differentiated learning opportunities;

Providing timely feedback on student assignments, quizzes, and tests;

Responding to student and parent questions in a timely manner;

Using district-approved online platforms (K-1 Seesaw, 2-8 Google Meets) for remote


Seeking ways to demonstrate care and connectedness and reinforce social-emotional

learning (SEL);Using evidence-based practices and district approved curriculum for

eSchool (see curriculum section);

Posting and being available for “office hours” for families via email, phone, or google


Taking into consideration the following factors during eSchool:

Students may be home alone while parents/guardians are working;

Students may be caretakers for siblings or ill family members;

Students may be working extra hours to help support their family;

Students may be coping with the illness or loss of a family member;

Students may suffer from anxiety and/or depression;

Parents/guardians may not be available to supervise school work for a myriad of


and Multilingual families may need to communicate in a language other than


Teacher Responsibilities During eSchool teachers, responsibilities will mirror what they would otherwise do with in-

person instruction. Teachers are expected to have a singular focus on providing

instruction to students during their eSchool experience, without distraction(s) from the

environment where they are delivering instruction virtually. Teachers are expected to fulfill

responsibilities, in the areas below, during eSchool:

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District 70 eSchool

Ensuring that District 70’s eSchool plan is implemented with fidelity;

Providing materials, professional development, and support to staff as needed;

Answering questions and resolving concerns from students, families, and staff;

Supervising staff;

Developing school and district improvement plans;Continuing to implement structures

of support for students (special education, intervention, English learner, etc.)

Continuing to help families/ teachers/staff develop skills necessary to support remote

and find needed resources in the community (academic, health, social).

Upholding district policies.

Administration Responsibilities

During eSchool, building and district office administrators responsibilities will mirror what

they would otherwise do with in-person instruction:

CurriculumDuring eSchool, teachers will continue to utilize the evidence-based practices and district-

approved curriculum materials that are used for in-person learning.Some of these materials

that will be used during eSchool are found in the chart that follows.

(The following table also can be found here.)

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District 70 eSchool

Subject &Grade Math Science Social Studies LanguageLiteracy



Curriculum -Continued-










HMH IntoSocial

Studies Kodable

HMHJourneys TCI Code.org












HMH IntoSocial







TCI Code.org


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District 70 eSchoolCurriculum -Continued-


Sixth HMH IntroLiterature














HMHJourneys TCI


Subject &Grade Math Literacy Science Social Studies Language

Rosetta Stone

HMH IntroLiterature

HMH IntroLiterature













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January February March

June July August

District 70 eSchool

Taking time to cultivate and deepen relationships, build partnerships, and plan for SEL.Designing opportunities where families, teachers, and staff can connect, heal, and buildtheir capacity to support students.Creating safe, supportive, and equitable learning environments that promote all students’social and emotional development.Using data as an opportunity to share power, deepen relationships, and continuouslyimprove support for students, families, and staff.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) D70 will continue to provide SEL instruction to our students during eSchool. The district

uses a variety of materials including guidance from the Collaborative for Academic, Social,

and Emotional Learning (CASEL), Second Step curriculum, and resources and support

from social workers and psychologists.

Areas of focus for SEL instruction during eSchool will include:

SchedulesKindergarten - Fifth Grade (K-5) School Schedule

The kindergarten through fifth grade student eSchool day will be from 8:15 a.m. to 2:45

p.m. The schedule mimics a regular school day to help transition back to in-person school

when it is safe to do so. Additional services will also be provided via additional interactions

with classroom teachers, as well as services for math intervention, reading intervention

English Learners (EL), and special education.

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District 70 eSchoolSchedules

Kindergarten - Fifth Grade (K-5) School Schedule

Similar to in-person school, teachers will share a schedule with their students and families

that includes times for synchronous meetings as well as specials. Student Services

(Intervention, special education, EL) will be scheduled around the synchronous meetings

noted below.

Summary of Total Daily Synchronous Minutes


Multiple synchronous lessons that incorporate multiple subjects and activities. Total

synchronous daily minutes will be a minimum of 2 hours and 20 minutes.

Small group synchronous meetings may happen during subject matter or in

addition to.

Asynchronous opportunities that incorporate multiple subjects and activities.

Two 30-minute weekly Parent/Guardian Office Hours time slot.

Specials - Students will participate in one special daily (specials include art, music,

P.E., and the Learning Center).

The number of 30-minute synchronous lessons each week:

Physical education (2 times a week)

Music, art, and Learning Center (1 of each a week)

Weekly asynchronous activities also will include:


Physical education (1)

First - Fifth Grades

Morning Meeting - 20 minutes synchronous daily.















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Morning Meeting - 20 minutes synchronous daily.

Math - 30 minutes synchronous and approximately 30 minutes of asynchronous

activities daily.

English Language Arts - 60 minutes synchronous (includes differentiated small

group meetings for some students) and approximately 30 minutes

asynchronous activities daily.

Small group synchronous meetings may happen during subject matter or in

addition to.

Science/Social Studies - 30 minutes synchronous daily.

Social-Emotional - 30 minutes synchronous weekly.

Specials - Students will participate in one special (art, music, P.E., Learning

Center) daily.

The number of 30-minute synchronous lessons each week:

Physical education (2 times a week) Music, art, and Learning Center (1 of

each a week)Weekly asynchronous activities will also be provided:

Music(1)Physical education (1)

30- minute weekly Parent/Guardian Office Hours

Principals and teachers will collaboratively create schedules.

A sample calendar is not available because the schedules can vary


SchedulesFirst - Fifth Grades (1-5) School Schedule

2. First - Fifth Grades














District 70 eSchool

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Larger periods of time to maximize synchronous instruction with students.

Dedicated lunchtime and plan time, staff meeting, Parent/Guardian Office Hours.

Five periods of 70-minute class time to each include 50 minutes of synchronous

learning daily (including Studio 1: SEL and technology).

Four-minute passing periods to prepare for the next class.

Synchronous learning on Wednesdays is shortened to 26 minutes for each class to

provide time for families to meet with teachers during “Parent/Guardian Availability.”

Similar to in-person learning, band, and orchestra small group synchronous lessons will

be held remotely during physical education time.

Middle School Schedule

The Highland Middle School student eSchool day will be from 8:50 a.m. to 3:35 p.m.

The Highland schedule will provide:







District 70 eSchoolSchedulesGeneral Sample 1-5 Daily Schedule

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Teachers should be synchronous for a minimum of 50 minutes each period on Monday,

Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and for a minimum of 26 minutes on Wednesday.

Student assistance is defined as a time when teachers can offer additional help to

students. This may include but is not limited to re-teaching, small groups, review, or time

to ask questions. All teachers will offer an option for student assistance during that

assigned period. Also, this time may be used for care and connectedness, as well as an

opportunity to build the Highland Hornet Community.

Students also may seek help during Teacher Office Hours being offered by all


Parent/Guardian Availability is dedicated for parents/guardians to schedule meetings

with teachers. This may be teacher or parent/guardian initiated.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

*Period 5 for 7th graders is student assistance

*Period 6 for 6th graders is student assistance

*Period 7 for 8th graders is student assistance

Student assistance will not be offered on Wednesdays. During Wednesdays, students/staffshould use their regularly scheduled lunch period as their lunch break. (7th grade eatsduring 5th period, 6th grade eats during 6th period, 8th grade eats during 7th period)

District 70 eSchoolSchedulesHere is the weekly schedule for Highland Middle School during eSchool.

(Table of schedules follows.)

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District 70 eSchoolSchedulesStudy Hall: Students with a scheduled study hall will report to a Google Meet study hall for that period.

Students will be sent a code for their Google Meet study hall and will have access to a staff

member as support, similar to the traditional school year.

Studio 1: Technology and Social-Emotional Lessons on Tuesday and Thursday mornings

will provide students with opportunities for care and connectedness, and technology

lessons on tools, as well as executive functioning skills specific to eSchool and digital


Technology Support

Student and Family Resources:To help students and families with eSchool, District 70 has several resources available. On

the D70 website (d70schools.org), under Home → For Students, the ACCESS 1:1 website is

listed. Or go to access1to1.weebly.com

On the ACCESS 1:1 website, students and families will find tutorials and how-to guides to

help learn on their assigned device; iPad or Chromebook. Many other resources are

available to help facilitate technology use at home.

District 70’s ACCESS 1:1 handbook is available under the Device Resources tab.

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District 70 eSchoolTechnologyBreak-FixTechnology support will be provided during eSchool. The Help Center page located on the

ACCESS 1:1 website will enable students and families experiencing a hardware or software

issue to submit an electronic “help ticket” to ensure that a member of the district’s

technology department can provide the necessary support to resolve the issue(s).

The student Help Center was created to ensure students and families are supported

throughout the eSchool and in-person learning. In completing “help tickets,” please

describe a problem(s) with student technology hardware or software and a technology

associate will assist, in a timely manner.

FAQFor more information, please check the FAQ on eSchool for 2020-21 First Trimester, also

posted under 20-21 Fall on this website. The FAQ is a live, developing document and

should be checked often.