1 Ergonomics Paper Student Name: Enda Edward Student Id#:2013010026 Course: Introductory Computer Tools for Nurses CRTR100N Assignment Title: Ergonomics Lecturer: C. Cudjoe Date: 09/02/13

Ergonomic paper

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Page 1: Ergonomic paper

1 Ergonomics Paper

Student Name: Enda Edward

Student Id#:2013010026

Course: Introductory Computer Tools for Nurses CRTR100N

Assignment Title: Ergonomics

Lecturer: C. Cudjoe

Date: 09/02/13

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2 Ergonomics Paper

Table of Content

Title Page

Introduction 3

What is Ergonomic? 4

Some Good Ergonomic Practices 5

Health Problems from Improper Computer Use 7

Techniques that help Prevent these Problems 8

Conclusion 9

Reference 10

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As nurses moving to an era of embracing computer technology in health care delivery, we are to

be aware of the possible issues that may arise from prolonged or improper use of the computer.

We as nurses have the tendency to always place emphasis on delivery the best patient care and

neglect to take care of ourselves. Before this assignment, I don’t think I had ever heard the term

Ergonomics. Somehow I thought it had something to do with workplace ethics. I couldn’t have

been further from the truth. This paper will provide a definition for Ergonomics, some good

ergonomic practices, some health problems associated with improper computer use and some

techniques to help prevent these health problems.

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What is Ergonomic?

Ergonomics is considered to be the applied science of organizing one’s job to suit the worker,

and not having the worker bend to suit the job. It involves all aspects of work. (Miller, L)

Author of the article: What is Ergonomics? Seeks to define Ergonomics as the relationship an

individual has with his/ her work. (Adams C. 2013)

A more technical definition states that Ergonomics is scientific discipline that involves

understanding how human beings interact with the various elements of a system; the science of

applying theory, data, principles and methods to design to maximize efficacy and productivity.

(Ergonomic Times 2009)

Basically I see Ergonomics as making work more comfortable while efficient.

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Some Good Ergonomic Practices

Good ergonomic practice is important to avoid discomfort. Meaning the workplace should be

arranged to suit one’s individual needs.

Listen to your body; be cognisant of the alerts and signals from your body, to improve

your body posture, work habits and overall ergonomics.

Workplace Organisation, have enough desk space, your body, monitor and keyboard

should take the form of a straight line, take breaks when possible or do another task away

from your sit.

The Chair, ensure that your chair is comfortable; if not, adjust the following:

Have thighs, horizontal

your back, supported by the seat; both lower and middle back

the back angle between your trunk and legs, just a bit above 90


ensure feet are flat on floor when seated

With elbows at a 90 degrees angle; forearms and wrist should be

about desktop height.

Trays and wrist- rest, ensure that your keyboard tray is in a flat or slightly tilted

position, wrist rests are for rest periods, not when typing.

Mouse and Keyboard, position keyboard so that forearms are horizontal, keep shoulders

relaxed and comfortable at all times, wrist should form a straight line with your forearms,

have mouse close to keyboard, and there should be no need to lean to your side.

Monitor, poorly placed monitors can put a strain on eyes and upper spine.

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Positioning should minimize reflections and/or glare from lights

and windows

Position the screen just below eye level for comfortable viewing

Users head should be erect yet comfortable

Angle your monitor slightly backward

Comfortable viewing distance is considered to be about 18 to 30

inches based on your preference

Regular cleaning of screen and eye glasses

(Ergonomic Times 2009)

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Health Problems from Improper Computer Use

Several conditions may arise from prolonged and improper computer use. Some of these

problems include:

Cumulative Trauma Injuries (CTD’s); When working at the computer for prolonged

periods this can lead to inflammation of the tendons, nerves endings, ligaments and in

some cases soft tissue damage. Some of these injuries include; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,

Tenosynovitis, Epicondylitis, Tendinitis, DeQuervain’s disease and Ganglionic cyst.

Back, Neck and Shoulder Problems; Improper placement of the monitor, mouse or

paper working on contributes to stiffness of the back, neck, and shoulder, as well as

cradling the phone to your ear.

Vision; Eyestrain, eye fatigue, eye irritation and blurred vision are just a few of the

vision related issues that can arise from prolonged use of a computer or a glare on the

monitor screen

Radiation; computers are said to give off very low frequency (VLF) and extremely low

frequency (ELF) radiation called non- ionizing. Though results are inconclusive about

these harmful effects, prudent avoidance which is reducing exposure by placing people

away from the source of the radiation, is recommended.

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Techniques That Help Prevent These Problems

Organize your work space to have items in close proximity

Reposition the monitor and adjusting room lighting to eliminated glares, while

ensuring lighting is adequate for desired task

Ensure proper body alignment with your computer by adjusting your work station

appropriately. Importance is in adjusting equipment to comfort

Annual eye examination; contact eye specialist or occupational health

practitioner if vision problem persist

Always report symptoms of health issues, that you believe are computer related

immediately to supervisor, union, and physician

Get treatment and / or help right away, for changing your work station

Take breaks; every 30 minutes or so, get up or do alternate work which require

you to move around.

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As shown computers, though they help make our lives easier, can be very harmful if they are

used improperly or for prolonged periods of time. Through the application of Ergonomics, these

issues are placed in focus and avoided or corrected. The focus is to make your workspace

conducive and comfortable.

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Miller L.A. Office Ergonomics. EHS Safety Training


Adams.C. (2013). What is Ergonomic- Ergonomic Basics.


Ergonomic Times (2009)


Health and safety Fact Sheet: Health hazards of Computer Use. A publication of New York State United Teachers
