Asiamoney’s 2013 Best Domestic Equity House Sector flash 13 July 2015 Disclosure: Bahana Securities does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision. Please see the important disclaimer information on the back of this report *Based on consensus’ recent changes (up), (down), ↔ (unchanged) 2014 Finance Asia's Best Equity House Alpha Southeast Asia 2014 Best Research Call FMCG Sector Asiamoney's 2013 Best Domestic Equity House 2015 Institutional Investors Highest Ranked Local Research House 2015 Global Banking & Finance Review Best Research House Indonesia Oil & Gas UNDERWEIGHT (Unchanged) Arandi Nugraha E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +6221 250 5081 Ext. 3619 Downstream preference Upstream - Unexciting on oil oversupply & weaker gas demand: In line with our 2015 average oil price assumption of USD60/barrel, Brent oil price has averaged USD59.4/barrel ytd, down 45% y-y, on oversupply (exhibit 3) on weak global conditions/ US inventory levels jumped 22% y-y to 465k barrels (exhibit 6), and as Iraq increased its 2Q15 production to 3.9m b/d (+12% q-q). This caused the Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) to plunge, averaging 42% y-y ytd to USD61.9/barrel. Despite US rig counts having fallen 53% y-y (exhibit 7) to 859, we maintain our oil price assumption on the possible ending of Iran‟s oil embargo and the likely USD appreciation following a potential Fed rate hike. In the Indonesian gas sector, the local market (exhibit 8), accounting for some 54% of volumes, is being impacted by the sluggish domestic economy, resulting in weaker gas demand from industrial users. In 1Q15, MEDC‟s gas sales were down 30% q-q to 98.3bbtu/d, while Conoco Phillips, one of the country‟s biggest gas producers, saw its gas lifting drop 7% q-q to 430mmscfd. Midstream - Policy risk at center stage: For midstream players like PGAS, the spotlight on policy risk comes from industrial users‟ proposal to have lower gas selling prices, which is planned to be scheduled next year by the Economic Affairs Ministry. Based on our sensitivity analysis, every 10% ASP discount (from current ASP of USD9.2/mmbtu), would lower PGAS‟s 2016F earnings by 30% (exhibit 20). Downstream - Rising non-subsidized customers: Under the Jokowi government, prices of mobile gas (mogas) and diesel are no longer capped (exhibit 9) with periodic evaluations depending on movements in currency and global oil prices. Currently, the consumption breakdown between subsidized versus non-subsidized fuels is expected to reach 22%:78% (exhibit 8), compared to 40%:60% prior to the subsidy reduction. By having a no-subsidy system in the market, AKRA has been able to raise the number of subsidized-fuel customers as many energy consumers shift to non-subsidized fuel. Testimony to this was AKRA‟s 1Q15 distribution volumes which grew 15% y-y to 0.5mn kl with the management expecting a further 9% q-q volume increase to 0.6mn kl in 2Q15 (2015F: 2.2mn kl). Underweight on price outlook; Raise AKRA to Buy on 15% price fall At this stage of the market cycle, we retain our sector UNDERWEIGHT on weak price outlook due to soft global economy, particularly China‟s, creating a persistent oversupply condition, which would be exacerbated once Iran is allowed to re-export its oil. Thus, against the aforementioned operating backdrop, we revise down MEDC‟s DCF-based 12M TP to IDR2,300 (from IDR2,800) on higher risk premium (from 6% to 7%). On the flip side, we upgrade AKRA to BUY from Reduce on margin improvement and a 15% share price fall from its recent peak of IDR6,225 in June to currently IDR5,300, pricing in market disappointment in Freeport‟s decision to set up operation in Petrokimia Gresik industrial estate. While we raise AKRA‟s 12M TP to IDR6,100 (from IDR3,700), risks exist in lower-than-expected returns from its industrial/port operations as well as from weaker-than-expected oil prices. Exhibit 1. Key data, 2015F Code CP cap Old New (IDR) Rating TP Rating TP MEDC 2,510 REDUCE 2,800 REDUCE 2,300 PGAS 3,980 HOLD 4,000 HOLD 4,000 AKRA 5,300 REDUCE 3,700 BUY 6,100 Sector Neutral Neutral Source: Bloomberg, Bahana estimates Exhibit 2. Oil prices, June 2014-June 2015 (USD/barrel) 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 Brent ICP MOPS 92 Avg. year to date Brent : USD59.4/bbl, -45% y-y ICP : USD55.4/bbl, -48% y-y MOPS 92 : USD69.8/bbl, -40% y-y Source: Bloomberg Exhibit 3. Oil production, 1Q14 – 4Q15F (mn b/d) 91.8 92.1 92.7 94.2 94.4 94.7 95.7 95.5 90.3 90.3 91.9 92.9 91.5 91.4 93.9 94.0 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 4Q15 World oil supply World oil demand Source: EIA, OPEC, Bloomberg Exhibit 4. Profitability margin, 1Q15 (%) 39.0 32.1 12.2 13.9 21.9 8.4 -1.1 15.7 6.1 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 MEDC PGAS AKRA Gross margin Operating margin Net income margin Source: Bloomberg Exhibit 5. Relative performance to JCI, ytd (26.9) (26.6) (16.7) 35.7 (5) 0 5 10 15 20 (40) (30) (20) (10) 0 10 20 30 40 MEDC PGAS SECTOR AKRA (%) (%) Source: Bloomberg

Equity House (USD/barrel) Equity House Avg.year to date ...asiaresearch.daiwacm.com/eg/cgi-bin/files/20150713id_IndonesiaOil... · Source: AKR Corporindo, Bloomberg Post the subsidy

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Best Domestic

Equity House

Sector flash

13 July 2015

Disclosure: Bahana Securities does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in

making their investment decision.

Please see the important disclaimer information on the back of this report

*Based on consensus’ recent changes ↑ (up), ↓ (down), ↔ (unchanged)


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Indonesia Oil & Gas


Arandi Nugraha E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +6221 250 5081 Ext. 3619

Downstream preference

Upstream - Unexciting on oil oversupply & weaker gas demand: In

line with our 2015 average oil price assumption of USD60/barrel, Brent oil

price has averaged USD59.4/barrel ytd, down 45% y-y, on oversupply

(exhibit 3) on weak global conditions/ US inventory levels jumped 22% y-y

to 465k barrels (exhibit 6), and as Iraq increased its 2Q15 production to

3.9m b/d (+12% q-q). This caused the Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) to

plunge, averaging 42% y-y ytd to USD61.9/barrel. Despite US rig counts

having fallen 53% y-y (exhibit 7) to 859, we maintain our oil price

assumption on the possible ending of Iran‟s oil embargo and the likely USD

appreciation following a potential Fed rate hike. In the Indonesian gas

sector, the local market (exhibit 8), accounting for some 54% of volumes,

is being impacted by the sluggish domestic economy, resulting in weaker

gas demand from industrial users. In 1Q15, MEDC‟s gas sales were down

30% q-q to 98.3bbtu/d, while Conoco Phillips, one of the country‟s biggest

gas producers, saw its gas lifting drop 7% q-q to 430mmscfd.

Midstream - Policy risk at center stage: For midstream players like

PGAS, the spotlight on policy risk comes from industrial users‟ proposal to

have lower gas selling prices, which is planned to be scheduled next year

by the Economic Affairs Ministry. Based on our sensitivity analysis, every

10% ASP discount (from current ASP of USD9.2/mmbtu), would lower

PGAS‟s 2016F earnings by 30% (exhibit 20).

Downstream - Rising non-subsidized customers: Under the Jokowi

government, prices of mobile gas (mogas) and diesel are no longer capped

(exhibit 9) with periodic evaluations depending on movements in currency

and global oil prices. Currently, the consumption breakdown between

subsidized versus non-subsidized fuels is expected to reach 22%:78%

(exhibit 8), compared to 40%:60% prior to the subsidy reduction. By

having a no-subsidy system in the market, AKRA has been able to raise

the number of subsidized-fuel customers as many energy consumers shift

to non-subsidized fuel. Testimony to this was AKRA‟s 1Q15 distribution

volumes which grew 15% y-y to 0.5mn kl with the management expecting

a further 9% q-q volume increase to 0.6mn kl in 2Q15 (2015F: 2.2mn kl).

Underweight on price outlook; Raise AKRA to Buy on 15% price fall

At this stage of the market cycle, we retain our sector UNDERWEIGHT on

weak price outlook due to soft global economy, particularly China‟s, creating a

persistent oversupply condition, which would be exacerbated once Iran is

allowed to re-export its oil. Thus, against the aforementioned operating

backdrop, we revise down MEDC‟s DCF-based 12M TP to IDR2,300 (from

IDR2,800) on higher risk premium (from 6% to 7%). On the flip side, we

upgrade AKRA to BUY from Reduce on margin improvement and a 15% share

price fall from its recent peak of IDR6,225 in June to currently IDR5,300,

pricing in market disappointment in Freeport‟s decision to set up operation in

Petrokimia Gresik industrial estate. While we raise AKRA‟s 12M TP to

IDR6,100 (from IDR3,700), risks exist in lower-than-expected returns from its

industrial/port operations as well as from weaker-than-expected oil prices.

Exhibit 1. Key data, 2015F

Code CP




(IDR) Rating TP

Rating TP

MEDC 2,510 REDUCE 2,800 REDUCE 2,300

PGAS 3,980 HOLD 4,000 HOLD 4,000

AKRA 5,300 REDUCE 3,700 BUY 6,100

Sector Neutral Neutral

Source: Bloomberg, Bahana estimates

Exhibit 2. Oil prices, June 2014-June 2015 (USD/barrel)










Brent ICP MOPS 92

Avg. year to dateBrent : USD59.4/bbl, -45% y-yICP : USD55.4/bbl, -48% y-yMOPS 92 : USD69.8/bbl, -40% y-y

Source: Bloomberg

Exhibit 3. Oil production, 1Q14 – 4Q15F (mn b/d)



94.2 94.4 94.7

95.7 95.5

90.3 90.3



91.5 91.4

93.9 94.0












1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 4Q15

World oil supply World oil demand

Source: EIA, OPEC, Bloomberg

Exhibit 4. Profitability margin, 1Q15 (%)





















Gross margin Operating margin Net income margin

Source: Bloomberg

Exhibit 5. Relative performance to JCI, ytd

(26.9) (26.6)




















Source: Bloomberg

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AKRA: Upgrading to BUY (from REDUCE) with a revised up TP of IDR6,100 (from IDR3,700)

At present, we see AKRA as being able to increase its petroleum distribution volumes given demand shift from subsidized to

non-subsidized fuel (exhibit 8). Management believes that volume escalation would mostly come from the general market,

which represents around 25% of total petroleum distribution volumes (exhibit 10). In our view, this, combined with effective

cost management and solid operating execution, provides AKRA with a competitive advantage, which should allow for a gross-

margin improvement (exhibit 12 and 13) to 9% in 2015 (2014: 8%; 1Q15: 12%). Thus, we revise up our 2015-16E EPS by 52-

60% for this year. In line with our higher earnings, we increase our DCF-based 12-month target price (TP) from IDR3,700 to

IDR6,100, which translates to 2015F PE of 26x. Risks to our call: lower-than-expected global oil prices and negative

sentiment stemming from slower than expected development of AKRA‟s industrial estate/port business in East Java.

Exhibit 6. AKRA earnings revisions

Old New Change (%)

IDRbn 2014A 2015F 2016F 2014A 2015F 2016F 2014A 2015F 2016F

Revenues 22,468 19,108 22,092 22,468 20,845 24,991 - 9.1 13.1

Gross profit 1,732 1,461 1,622 1,732 1,950 2,093 - 33.5 29.1

Gross margin (%) 7.7 7.6 7.3 7.7 9.4 8.4

Operating profit 1,063 877 871 1,063 1,251 1,314 - 42.6 50.8

Net Profit 810 600 566 810 914 903 - 52.3 59.5

EPS 208 154 145 208 234 231 - 52.3 59.5

ASP (IDR/liter) 9,674 6,510 6,582 9,674 6,626 7,175 - 1.8 9.0

Sales vol. (mn kl liter) 1.83 2.10 2.43 1.83 2.15 2.44 - 2.0 0.7

Source: Company, Bahana forecasts

Exhibit 7. AKRA IJ 1Q15 results q-q y-y 1Q15/ y-y 3M15/ 2014/ (IDRb) 1Q14 4Q14 1Q15 (%) (%) 1Q15F 3M15 (%) 2015F Cons.

Sales 5,630 5,479 4,801 (12.4) (14.7) 167.5 4,801 (14.7) 25 21 Gross profit 369 501 584 16.6 58.2 584 58.2

General expense 147 228 180 (20.7) 22.8 180 22.8

Operating profit 222 273 403 47.6 81.6 234.4 403 81.6 46 29

Net interest income/(expense) (9) (14) (7) (46.6) (13.0) (7) (13.0)

Forex gain (expenses) 13 14 (8) (159.7) (165.3) - (8) (165.3) Other income/(expense) (2) 99 (6) (106.0) 170.7

(6) 170.7

Taxation (51) (58) (67) 15.8 30.5

(67) 30.5

Minority interest 7 3 (20) (816.2) (401.2) (20) (401.2)

Net profit 180 231 295 27.6 63.8 223.7 295 63.8 49 31

BS & ratio analysis 1Q14 4Q14 1Q15 3M14 3M15 2014A 2015F 2016F Gross margin (%) 6.6 9.1 12.2 6.6 12.2 7.7 7.6 7.3

Operating margin (%) 3.9 5.0 8.4 3.9 8.4 4.6 4.6 3.9

Net margin (%) 3.2 4.2 6.1 3.2 6.1 3.6 3.1 2.6

Inventory Days 22 25 23 22 23 24 18 16

Receivable Days 59 70 75 59 75 70 86 78

Payable Days 58 69 70 58 70 67 77 67

Total cash 613 897 1,145 613 1,145 897 601 653

Total debt 4,557 4,126 3,994 4,557 3,994 4,126 5,834 5,758

Net gearing (%) 73.5 59.9 49.9 73.5 49.9 59.9 93.4 86.8 Source: Company, Bahana forecasts, Bloomberg

Exhibit 8. Subsidized and non-subsidized fuel, 2010 – 2015F

(mn kl)

38.2 41.7 45.0 46.3 46.5



30.0 31.0 32.0












2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015F

Subsidized Non-subsidized


75.077.3 78.5


Source: AKR Corporindo

Post subsidy removal, proportion of

gasoline should shift from 40/60% to 22/78% due to narrowing disparities between subsidized and non-subsidized fuels

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Exhibit 9. Subsidy scheme, post January 2015 Classification Gasoline


Diesel (Solar/HSD) Kerosene

A. Subsidised fuel - √ √

B. Special fuel √ - -

C. General fuel √ - -

Subsidy type

A. Fixed price - - √

B. Fixed subsidy - √ -

C. Distribution


√ - -

Source: MEMR 2014

Exhibit 10. AKRA’s petroleum distribution segment, 1Q15

Retail distribution 15%

General market (incl. industrial) 25%

Non-coal mining 18%

Coal mining 30%

Power plants 12%

Source: AKR Corporindo

Exhibit 11. AKRA’s distribution volumes (in kl), 1Q10 – 1Q15

in kl



392 397

491 471




537 563

488 485 491




383 387













Source: AKR Corporindo

Exhibit 12. AKRA’s cost of gasoline, 1Q13 – 1Q15

(IDR) (USD/barrel)

9,684 9,784


11,684 11,847

9,784 10,649






10,715 10,718

9,006 9,240




103 110

109 108 110 103




















1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15

USD/IDR IDR/liter Brent price

Source: AKR Corporindo, Bloomberg

Post the subsidy reform, RON 88 (premium) is no longer under a fixed-price system with periodic evaluation depending on movements

of the exchange rates and oil prices

Post fuel subsidy removal, contribution from the general market segment should increase according to AKRA’s management

Historically, AKRA’s distribution volumes had the propensity to rise in 2Q-3Q as customers boost

production output post the rainy season

Based on our estimates, the fall in AKRA’s cost of gasoline has not been as steep as the drop in Brent prices in 4Q14-1Q15 due to IDR weakness

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Exhibit 13. AKRA’s petroleum distribution margin, 1Q13-1Q15


7,739 7,162


8,950 9,299

8,774 8,671



8,418 7,967


10,000 10,310 10,030 10,019



262 317 247 528 529 687 764 896 901








1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15


Source: AKR Corporindo

MEDC: Sluggish operating performance; Revised down TP to IDR2,300 (from IDR2,800)

On 24 June 2015, Donggi-Senoro LNG (DSLNG), Indonesia‟s fourth LNG plant (exhibit 16), post Tangguh, Bontang and Arun,

saw its first gas distribution amounting to 145mmscfd from the Senoro field, run by a Joint Operating Body (JOB): Pertamina

Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi. The first cargo shipment is expected in the next 30-40 days with the Senoro field gradually

producing natural gas until it reaches production capacity of 310mmscfd. Although the LNG market is currently in a downtrend

on a y-y basis (Platts Japan/Korea Marker June avg. down 41.3% y-y to USD7.60/mmbtu), we believe DSLNG could be a

positive catalyst for MEDC‟s performance once the oil and gas sector recovers. On the back of sluggish operating performance in

oil and gas sales in 1Q15 (exhibit 15), we expect MEDC to experience a tough 2015. While we make no changes to our earnings

forecasts and maintain our REDUCE rating, we revise down our DCF-based 12-month TP from IDR2,800 to IDR2,300 on the

back of a higher risk premium of 7% (prior: 6%), translating to 2015F PE of 27.7x. Upside risks to our call are higher-than-

expected oil and gas sales volumes and prices.

Exhibit 14. MEDC IJ 1Q15 results q-q y-y 1Q15/ y-y 3M15/ 3M15/ (USDm) 1Q14 4Q14 1Q15 (%) (%) 1Q15F 3M15 (%) 2015F Cons.

Sales 189 199 128 (35.8) (32.6) 117 128 (32.6) 18 16 Gross profit 99 72 50 (31.0) (49.6) 50 (49.6)

Operating expense 38 49 32 (35.3) (16.9) 32 (16.9)

Operating profit 60 23 18 (21.6) (70.5) 74 18 (70.5) 11 9

Other income/(expense) (16) (16) (14) 17.1 16.7 (14) 16.7

Taxation (37) (6) (5) 9.0 85.0 (5) 85.0

Minority interest (2) (0) (1) na (3,095.


31.9 (1) 31.9

Net profit 3 1 (1) na na (146) (1) na (18) (4)

BS & ratio analysis 1Q14 4Q14 1Q15 3M14 3M15 2014A 2015F 2016F Gross margin (%) 52.1 36.3 39.0 52.1 39.0 36.1 36.0 36.1

Operating margin (%) 31.8 11.4 13.9 31.8 13.9 21.4 21.8 26.6

Net margin (%) 1.6 0.3 (1.1) 1.6 (1.1) 1.3 1.1 1.6

Inventory Days 44 27 53 44 53 29 28 28

Receivable Days 68 56 89 68 89 59 47 47

Payable Days 118 66 126 118 126 70 64 64

Total cash 374 207 274 374 274 207 319 193

Total debt 1,151 1,106 1,126 1,151 1,126 1,106 1,496 1,927

Net gearing (%) 85 99 93 85 93 99 186 244 Source: Company, Bahana forecasts, Bloomberg

AKRA experienced improved margins in 4Q13-1Q15 due to tighter control over pricing (no volume discounts) and customer

selections (e.g. greater cautiousness when dealing with coal companies)

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Exhibit 15. MEDC’s oil and gas sales volumes, 1Q12 - 1Q15

(mn b/d) (bbtu/d)

155 154 153154

155 153

161 160156








25 25






20 95















1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15

Oil sales Gas sales

Source: MEDC Exhibit 16. Indonesia LNG plants

Source: Directorate General of Oil and Gas, 2012

Exhibit 17. Crude oil inventory, July 2014 – June 2015











DOE crude oil total inventory

Source: Bloomberg, Bahana

1Q15 oil-sales volumes declined 7% y-y, while gas sales plunged 37% y-y

DSLNG, Indonesia’s fourth LNG plant, making its debut in supplying the market on 24 June 2015

On the oil side, a 28% spike in crude oil inventory ytd is impacting oil prices, making for a tough recovery,

although ...

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Exhibit 18. US rig counts, January 2014 – June 2015

(rig count)







US horizontal US vertical US directional

Source: Bloomberg, Bahana

PGAS: Not without risks; HOLD on 31% share price drop from recent peak

With PGAS functioning as a support for infrastructure development and a gauge for Indonesia‟s economic growth, its performance was hit on both sides in terms of supply and demand. On the demand side, 1Q15 industrial consumption fell 8% q-q to 773mmscfd on lower-than expected GDP growth (4.7% y-y) as well as a deceleration in electricity demand

growth (2.6% y-y vs 7.58% y-y in 1Q14). Domestic industries represented 97% of PGAS‟ sales. On the supply side, Conoco Phillips, one of PGAS‟s gas suppliers, reported a 7% q-q lower gas production output to 430mmscfd due to unfavorable sector performance. Currently, PGAS also faces policy risk, mainly on the possibility of the government lowering industrial gas selling prices. To help measure the impact of lower gas selling prices, we have conducted a sensitivity analysis (see exhibit 20). Based on our study, an ASP cut of 10% would impact PGAS‟ 2016F net income by 30%. Thus, we see downside risk to our call, although we maintain our HOLD rating for now as PGAS‟ share price has decreased 31% from its peak back in

January. Upside risk to our call would be better-than-expected gas-sales volumes due to Indonesia‟s improved economy. Exhibit 19. PGAS IJ 1Q15 results q-q y-y 1Q15/ y-y 3M15/ 3M15/ (USDm) 1Q14 4Q14 1Q15 (%) (%) 1Q15F 3M15 (%) 2015F Cons.

Sales 804 895 696 (22.2) (13.4) 123 696 (13.4) 19 19 Gross profit 297 363 223 (38.4) (24.8) 223 (24.8)

Operating expense 85 150 71 (52.8) (17.0) 71 (17.0)

Operating profit 212 212 153 (28.2) (27.9) 73 153 (27.9) 16 16

Net interest income/(expense) 1 (25) (15) (39.0) na (1,920.


(15) na (1,920.


Forex gain (expenses) (6) 32 (2) (107.4)


(61.5) (2) (61.5) Other income/(expense) 19 (31) 15 (147.8)


(24.3) 15 (24.3)

Taxation (49) (52) (40) (22.3) (17.2) (40) (17.2)

Minority interest (0) (5) 1 (112.2)





1 na



Net profit 177 131 109 (16.5) (38.1) 88 109 (38.1) 14 15

BS & ratio analysis 1Q14 4Q14 1Q15 3M14 3M15 2014A 2015F 2016F Gross margin (%) 36.9 40.5 32.1 36.9 32.1 43.0 39.8 39.6

Operating margin (%) 26.3 23.7 21.9 26.3 21.9 28.8 26.0 25.5

Net margin (%) 22.0 14.6 15.7 22.0 15.7 21.2 20.7 19.8

Inventory Days 3 7 8 3 8 7 6 3

Receivable Days 34 33 34 34 34 32 32 33

Payable Days 37 25 35 37 35 27 30 35

Total cash 1,170 1,216 1,150 1,170 1,150 1,216 1,227 1,299

Total debt 1,404 1,892 2,145 1,404 2,145 1,892 1,725 1,619

Net gearing (%) 9 23 33 9 33 23 15 9 Source: Company, Bahana forecasts, Bloomberg

Exhibit 20. PGAS sensitivity analysis, 2016F earnings

Average selling price (USD/mmbtu)

ASP changes (%)

Net income (USDmn)

Net income change (%)

9.24 - 656

8.32 -10 459 -30

7.39 -20 260 -60 Source: Bahana estimates

... prices have declined 6% despite a significant reduction in US rig counts

We estimate that for every 10% discount on gas ASP, PGAS’s 2016F

net income would drop by 30%

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Exhibit 21. Oil and gas: Policy risks

No. Policy Status Impact

1. Possible reduction on gas selling price

Plan Negative on PGAS

2. Permits simplification Plan Positive for investment landscape

3. Reduction of oil & gas blocks up for biddings

Plan Less exploration and lower production

4. Work contracts from production-to-revenue based

Plan Negative for MEDC

5. Gas agregator establishment Plan Positive impact for PGAS

6. Open access for gas pipelines Signed Limited impact for PGAS for now

Source: Bahana

Exhibit 22. Indonesia natural gas utilization, 2014


Export sales 46.5

Industry 19.2

Fertilizer 8.8

Power plant 14.0

Others 11.5

Source: SKK Migas

Exhibit 23. PGAS distribution volumes, 1Q13 – 1Q15





876 866












1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15


Source: Perusahaan Gas Negara

Currently, The Ministry of Coordinating Economic Affairs plans to push discussions on gas price reduction to 2016

According to SKK Migas, around

53.5% of Indonesia’s natural gas utilization is distributed to domestic markets, making ...

... weaker industrial activities

having affected PGAS distribution volumes, as ...

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Exhibit 24. PGAS industrial customers, 1Q15

Source: Perusahaan Gas Negara

Exhibit 25. Oil and gas sector summary


2015F 2015F 2015F

Recommendation REDUCE HOLD BUY

Target price 2,300 4,000 6,100

Price 2,510 3,980 5,300

Upside/downside (%) -8% 1% 15%

Shares outstanding (m) 3,339 24,213 3,905

Market cap (IDRb) 8,464 103,632 22,062 134,159

Market cap (USDm) 635 7,780 1,656 10,071

3m turnover (IDRb)/(USDm) 5.5/0.4 4.6/0.3 22.5/1.7

30avg daily volumes (m) 1.7 33.7 0.9

PE (x) 30.2 11.8 22.6 -

PE (x) @TP 27.7 11.8 26.1 206.57

PBV (x) 0.7 2.5 3.5 1.22

EV/EBITDA (x) 6.4 7.0 16.2 6.09

Net gearing (%) 104.5 0.2 49.5

BVPS (IDR/share) 3,395 1,606 1,533 1,383.00

EPS (IDR/share) 83 338 234 84.24

EPS growth (%) -18 -13.2 12.8 15.83

ROAA (%) 15.2 10 6.2 3.34

ROAE (%) 25.2 21.8 14.2 4.91

Growth (%)

Revenue -3.5 -1.2 -7.2 (2.33)

Gross profit -3.7 -14.8 12.6 (9.59)

Operating profit -1.9 -19.9 17.6 (12.60)

Net profit -20.0 -13.2 12.8 (9.35)

Margin (%)

Gross profit 36.0 37.1 9.4 32.48

Operating profit 21.9 23.3 6.0 20.37

Net profit 1.2 18.6 4.4 15.17

Source: Bloomberg, Bahana estimates

Based on stock prices as of 10 July 2015

... domestic industrial consumption represented 97% of PGAS’ sales

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AKR Corporindo (AKRA)

Source: Company, Bahana estimates

Arandi Nugraha ([email protected]) +6221 2505081 ext. 3619

Year to 31 December 2012 2013 2014 2015F 2016F


Sales 21,674 22,338 22,468 20,845 24,991 Gross profit improvements on higher sales volumes

Gross profit 1,261 1,368 1,732 1,950 2,093 EBITDA 1,092 1,020 1,396 1,556 1,950 Depreciation 228 252 333 306 636 EBIT 864 768 1,063 1,251 1,314 Net interest income/(expense) (17) (38) (77) (121) (187) Forex gain/(losses) - - - - - Other income/(expense) (37) 3 8 (2) 14 Pre-tax profit 810 733 993 1,127 1,141 Taxes (191) (117) (203) (242) (268) Minority interest 30 33 20 28 30 Net profit 649 648 810 914 903

BALANCE SHEET (IDRb) Cash and equivalents 1,885 820 897 854 871 Cash maintenance amid ...

Trade receivables 3,224 4,352 4,351 4,533 5,331 Inventories 1,415 1,823 935 710 997 Fixed assets 3,177 4,227 4,390 4,770 6,419 Other assets 2,086 3,411 4,220 3,812 3,636 Total assets 11,788 14,633 14,792 14,680 17,254 Interest bearing liabilities 3,033 5,146 4,126 3,815 4,314 Trade payables 3,959 3,735 4,067 3,340 4,716 Other liabilities 586 389 637 579 590 Total liabilities 7,578 9,270 8,831 7,734 9,621 Minority interest 173 590 571 961 1,061 Shareholders' equity 4,037 4,773 5,391 5,985 6,572

CASH FLOW (IDRb) EBIT 864 768 1,063 1,251 1,314

... elevated level of 2016F

capex amounting to IDR1.4tn for power plant project

Depreciation 228 252 333 306 636 Working capital (853) (1,828) 1,657 (681) 136 Other operating items (215) (56) (267) (337) (411) Operating cash flow 25 (863) 2,786 538 1,675 Net capital expenditure (1,225) (2,335) (1,245) (273) (2,285) Free cash flow (1,201) (3,198) 1,542 265 (610) Equity raised/(bought) - - - - - Net borrowings 2,034 2,113 (1,019) (312) 500 Other financing (278) 20 (446) 4 127 Net cash flow 555 (1,065) 77 (42) 17 Cash flow at beginning 1,330 1,885 820 897 854 Cash flow at end 1,885 820 897 854 871

RATIOS ROAE (%) 16.5 13.5 14.3 14.2 12.4

Gross margin improvement, partly helped by IDR weakness

ROAA (%) 6.4 4.9 5.5 6.2 5.7 Gross margin (%) 5.8 6.1 7.7 9.4 8.4 EBITDA margin (%) 5.0 4.6 6.2 7.5 7.8 EBIT margin (%) 4.0 3.4 4.7 6.0 5.3 Net margin (%) 3.0 2.9 3.6 4.4 3.6 Payout ratio (%) 18.3 65.0 50.0 40.0 40.0 Current ratio (x) 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.2 Interest coverage (x) 15.6 6.9 7.7 6.7 5.2 Net gearing (%) 28.4 90.6 59.9 49.5 52.4 Debts to assets (%) 25.7 35.2 27.9 26.0 25.0 Debtor turnover (days) 54 70 70 78 77 Creditor turnover (days) 70 64 71 64 74 Inventory turnover (days) 25 31 16 14 16


ASP (IDR/liter) 8,048.4 8,698.9 9,673.7 6,625.7 7,175.0 Improvement on petroleum sales volumes as consumers purchase non-subsidized fuel

growth (%) 10.0 8.1 11.2 (31.5) 8.3

Petroleum sales vol. („000kl) 2,149.0 2,031.5 1,831.2 2,146.2 2,444.7

growth (%) 5.4 (5.5) (9.9) 17.2 13.9

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Medco Energy Year to 31 December 2012 2013 2014 2015F 2016F PROFIT & LOSS (USDmn) Sales 904 887 751 725 872 Gross profit 402 365 271 261 336 EBITDA 340 349 258 247 315 Depreciation 79 102 97 88 84 EBIT 260 248 161 158 232 Net interest income/(expense) (95) (77) (71) (86) (110) Forex gain/(losses) - - - - - Other income/(expense) 32 21 22 26 42 Pre-tax profit 197 192 111 98 164 Taxes (156) (154) (98) (86) (144) Minority interest (6) (3) (4) (3) (5) Extraordinary gain / (loss) (22) (22) 1 - - Net profit 13 12 10 8 14

BALANCE SHEET (IDRbn) Cash and equivalents 525 270 207 319 193 S-T investments 312 253 269 269 269 Trade receivables 147 144 102 93 112 Inventories 37 37 39 36 41 Fixed assets 120 86 89 85 81 Other assets 1,515 1,742 1,998 2,089 2,488 Total assets 2,656 2,532 2,702 2,890 3,184 Interest bearing liabilities 1,350 1,032 1,186 1,496 1,927 Trade payables 95 95 92 81 94 Other liabilities 367 509 504 622 502 Total liabilities 1,813 1,635 1,782 2,199 2,523 Minority interest 8 12 10 13 18

Shareholders' equity 835 885 911 678 643

CASH FLOW (IDRbn) EBIT 260 248 161 158 232 Depreciation 79 102 97 88 84 Working capital (9) (30) 35 (4) (12) Other operating items (25) (6) (37) 118 (42) Operating cash flow 306 313 256 360 261 Net capital expenditure (316) (207) (338) (232) (311) Free cash flow (10) 105 (83) 128 (49) Equity raised/(bought) - - - - - Net borrowings 69 (302) 194 310 431 Other financing (263) (59) (174) (412) (260) Net cash flow (204) (255) (63) 26 122 Cash flow at beginning 729 525 270 207 233 Cash flow at end 525 270 207 232 355

RATIOS ROAE (%) 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.1 2.1 ROAA (%) 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.5 EBITDA margin (%) 37.6 39.4 34.3 34.0 36.2 EBIT margin (%) 28.8 27.9 21.4 21.9 26.6 Net margin (%) 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.6 Payout ratio (%) 25.7 40.3 40.0 40.0 40.0 Current ratio (x) 2.6 2.0 1.6 1.4 1.7 Interest coverage (x) 2.7 3.2 2.2 1.8 2.1 Net gearing (%) 98.8 86.1 107.5 186.2 244.3 Debts to assets (%) 50.8 40.8 43.9 53.3 60.5 Debtor turnover (days) 59 59 49 47 47 Creditor turnover (days) 69 66 70 64 64 Inventory turnover (days) 27 26 30 28 28

MAJOR ASSUMPTIONS ASP oil (USD/barrel) 111 108 97.8 60.0 64.7 Growth (%) (2.0) (2.8) (9.6) (38.7) 7.9 ASP gas (USD/mmbtu) 3.8 5.1 5.6 5.9 6.6 Growth (%) 1.3 33.6 9.1 5.0 12.6 Production per day (MBOED) 67 62 55 66 75 Avg. exchg. rate (IDR/USD) 9,374 10,819 12,385 12,700 12,700

Source: Company, Bahana estimates

Lower 2015F earnings on expected lower oil price

2015F total assets should slightly increase on …

... capex amounting to USD232m in 2015F

Higher net gearing in 2015-16F ...

... to support increased oil and

gas production

Arandi Nugraha ([email protected]) +6221 250 5735 ext: 3619

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Perusahaan Gas Negara Year to 31 December 2012 2013 2014 2015F 2016F PROFIT & LOSS (USDmn) Sales 2,580 3,002 3,409 3,418 3,793 Gross profit 1,472 1,418 1,465 1,297 1,409 EBITDA 1,208 1,265 1,269 1,207 1,232 Depreciation 189 331 286 379 354 EBIT 1,018 934 982 828 878 Net interest inc./(expense) 6 5 (50) (57) (55) Forex gain/(losses) 50 84 47 47 47 Other income/(expense) 74 43 (1) 59 79 Pre-tax profit 1,148 1,066 979 878 949 Taxes (233) (228) (231) (199) (237) Minority interest (24) (33) (25) (20) (21) Net profit 891 805 723 659 690

BALANCE SHEET (USDmn) Cash and equivalents 1,567 1,319 1,216 1,100 1,151 S-T investments 117 87 93 93 93 Trade receivables 259 280 325 328 364 Inventories 2 15 65 23 26 Fixed assets 1,694 2,246 3,902 4,255 4,421 Other assets 269 371 615 613 612 Total assets 3,908 4,318 6,215 6,412 6,666 Interest bearing liabilities 939 1,026 1,892 1,725 1,619 Trade payables 189 158 138 230 259 Other liabilities 426 462 1,222 1,244 1,259 Total liabilities 1,553 1,647 3,252 3,200 3,137 Minority interest 157 182 196 196 196 Shareholders' equity 2,197 2,489 2,767 3,016 3,332

CASH FLOW (USDmn) EBIT 1,018 934 982 828 878 Depreciation 189 331 286 379 354 Working capital 160 37 368 154 5 Other operating items (201) (473) (740) (169) (188) Operating cash flow 1,166 829 897 1,191 1,049 Net capital expenditure (148) (866) (1,896) (731) (519) Free cash flow 1,019 (37) (999) 460 530 Equity raised/(bought) (35) - - - - Net borrowings (154) 87 866 (167) (106) Other financing (404) (298) 30 (409) (374) Net cash flow 426 (248) (103) (115) 50 Cash flow at beginning 1,141 1,567 1,319 1,216 1,100 Ending cash flow 1,567 1,319 1,216 1,100 1,151


ROAE (%) 45.3 34.3 27.5 22.8 21.8 ROAA (%) 24.4 19.6 13.7 10.4 10.6 Gross margin (%) 57.1 47.2 43.0 38.0 37.1 EBITDA margin (%) 46.8 42.1 37.2 35.3 32.5 EBIT margin (%) 39.5 31.1 28.8 24.2 23.2 Net margin (%) 34.5 26.8 21.2 19.3 18.2 Payout ratio (%) 51.7 56.8 56.8 56.8 56.8 Current ratio (x) 4.2 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.4 Interest coverage (x) 47.2 42.7 13.0 10.0 11.1 Net gearing (%) nc nc 0.2 0.2 0.1 Debts to assets (%) 24.0 23.8 30.4 26.9 24.3 Debtor turnover (days) 37 34 35 35 35 Creditor turnover (days) 62 36 40 40 40 Inventory turnover (days) 1 3 4 4 4

MAJOR ASSUMPTIONS Distribution vol. (mmscfd) 807 824 865 844 947 growth % 1.5 2.1 5.0 (2.5) 12.2 Distr. ASP (USD/mmbtu) 8.0 9.2 9.2 9.4 9.4 growth % 14.1 14.5 0.1 0.2 -

Source: Company, Bahana estimates

Arandi Nugraha ([email protected]) +6221 2505081 ext. 3619

Sales to decline on lower distribution volumes in 2015F

Trade receivables should

remain intact, with potential upside in 2016F on higher distribution volumes if the economy were to recover

Capex allocation for transmission and distribution projects

Lower gross margin on LNG purchases

Lower distribution volumes in 2015F, before rising in 2016F on economic improvement

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or to continue to prepare research on this subject. This report is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy securities. Unless this report says otherwise, any recommendation it makes is risky and appropriate only for sophisticated speculative investors able to incur significant losses.

Readers should consult their financial advisors to determine whether any such recommendation is consistent with their own investment objectives,

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contact DCMA: Daiwa Capital Markets America Inc., Financial Square, 32 Old Slip, New York, New York 10005 (telephone 212-612-7000).

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Ownership of Securities

For “Ownership of Securities” information please visit BlueMatrix disclosure Link at https://daiwa3.bluematrix.com/sellside/Disclosures.action .

Investment Banking Relationships

For “Investment Banking Relationships” please visit BlueMatrix disclosure link at https://daiwa3.bluematrix.com/sellside/Disclosures.action .

DCMA Market Making

For “DCMA Market Making” please visit BlueMatrix disclosure link at https://daiwa3.bluematrix.com/sellside/Disclosures.action .

Research Analyst Conflicts

For updates on “Research Analyst Conflicts” please visit BlueMatrix disclosure link at https://daiwa3.bluematrix.com/sellside/Disclosures.action. The

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noted: no exceptions.

Research Analyst Certification For updates on “Research Analyst Certification” and “Rating System” please visit BlueMatrix disclosure link at

https://daiwa3.bluematrix.com/sellside/Disclosures.action . The views about any and all of the subject securities and issuers expressed in this

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producing the report if no individual analysts[s] is named on the report); and no part of the compensation of such analyst(s) (or no part of the

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For stocks and sectors in Indonesia covered by Bahana Securities, the following rating system is in effect:

Stock ratings are based on absolute upside or downside, which is the difference between the target price and the current market price. Unless otherwise specified, these ratings are set with a 12-month horizon. It is possible that future price volatility may cause a temporary mismatch between upside/downside for a stock based on the market price and the formal rating. "Buy": the price of the security is expected to increase by 10% or more. "Hold": the price of the security is expected to range from an increase of less than 10% to a decline of less than 5%. "Reduce": the price of the security is expected to decline by 5% or more.

Sector ratings are based on fundamentals for the sector as a whole. Hence, a sector may be rated “Overweight” even though its constituent stocks are all rated “Reduce”; and a sector may be rated “Underweight” even though its constituent stocks are all rated “Buy”. “Overweight”: positive fundamentals for the sector. “Neutral”: neither positive nor negative fundamentals for the sector. “Underweight”: negative fundamentals for the sector.

Ownership of Securities For “Ownership of Securities” information, please visit BlueMatrix disclosure Link at https://daiwa3.bluematrix.com/sellside/Disclosures.action .

Investment Banking Relationships For “Investment Banking Relationship”, please visit BlueMatrix disclosure Link at https://daiwa3.bluematrix.com/sellside/Disclosures.action . Relevant Relationships (Bahana Securities) Bahana Securities may from time to time have an individual employed by or associated with it serves as an officer of any of the companies under its research coverage.

Bahana Securities market making Bahana Securities may from time to time make a market in securities covered by this research.

Additional information may be available upon request.

Japan - additional notification items pursuant to Article 37 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law

(This Notification is only applicable where report is distributed by Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd.)

If you decide to enter into a business arrangement with us based on the information described in materials presented along with this document, we ask you to pay close attention to the following items.

In addition to the purchase price of a financial instrument, we will collect a trading commission* for each transaction as agreed beforehand with you. Since commissions may be included in the purchase price or may not be charged for certain transactions, we recommend that you confirm the commission for

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In some cases, we may also charge a maximum of ¥ 2 million (including tax) per year as a standing proxy fee for our deposit of your securities, if you are

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For derivative and margin transactions etc., we may require collateral or margin requirements in accordance with an agreement made beforehand with

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There is a risk that you will incur losses on your transactions due to changes in the market price of financial instruments based on fluctuations in interest

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Before engaging in any trading, please thoroughly confirm accounting and tax treatments regarding your trading in financial instruments with such experts

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*The amount of the trading commission cannot be stated here in advance because it will be determined between our company and you based on current market conditions and the content of each transaction etc.

When making an actual transaction, please be sure to carefully read the materials presented to you prior to the execution of agreement, and to take responsibility for your own decisions regarding the signing of the agreement with us.

Corporate Name: Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd.

Financial instruments firm: chief of Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Kin-sho) No.108

Memberships: Japan Securities Dealers Association, Financial Futures Association of Japan

Japan Securities Investment Advisers Association

Type II Financial Instruments Firms Association