Advisory Solutions, Investment Publishing | Please find important legal information at the end of this document. 1/21 19 SEPTEMBER 2017, 08:53 CET Q4 2017 OUTLOOK – EQUITIES STILL IN A SWEET SPOT POSITIVE BACKDROP DRIVES PERFORMANCE WHAT’S THE STORY? The stage is set for the global economy to power ahead over the coming months, with the US and the eurozone in the lead. Leading indicators suggest that growth remains strong. Inflation has remained subdued recently but is expected to pick up, at least in the US, as wage pressure and the further absorption of excess capacity finally lead to higher prices. After a long period of stubbornly slow growth, the eurozone recovery has gained further momentum in 2017 and broadened significantly. This trend is not expected to change in the near-term as there is still a lot of economic catch-up potential. The European Central Bank (ECB) is in no hurry to normalise its monetary policy, according to the latest statements by its President, Mario Draghi. Therefore, economic conditions are expected to remain benign on the old continent and this is good news for domestic economies and one of the major reasons why we favour eurozone equities. Global business cycle – September 2017 As of 1 September 2017; Source: Julius Baer Macro & Commodities Research Currencies The recent strength of the euro vs. virtually all of its major peers has been a slight concern for investors. However, we believe that the tides will change slowly as market participants realise that the interest rate differentials, especially compared with the US, are likely to expand further and positive economic surprises will decelerate in Europe, both of which are typically negative for the value of a currency. We expect the euro to weaken slightly over the coming months. Fixed Income In the fixed income area, the tune over the coming months will not change i.e. investors will look closely for signs of further monetary policy normalisation, led by the Federal Reserve (Fed). We therefore stick to our long-held view to look for value in USD money market and/or variable rate instruments or, for euro-investors, to gain exposure only to bonds whose value has not been distorted by the ECB’s asset purchasing programme. Equities On the equity side, eurozone stocks have been outperforming their US peers for a while already – and we expect this trend to continue. In terms of earnings growth, eurozone companies look set to continue to trump their US peers as our strategists suggest. Valuation-wise too, we see the eurozone in the lead with its relative price/earnings ratio substantially below its historical average compared with the US. A normalisation of this ratio alone already implies significant upside potential for eurozone equities. For investors wishing to invest in US stocks, we assume that the new US administration will be gearing up to turn tax reform (including a ‘repatriation holiday’) into law in 2018. This opportunity to repatriate funds held overseas at an advantageous tax rate would benefit US corporations holding large amounts of accumulated earnings abroad, either in absolute amounts or as a proportion of their total market capitalisation. Due to their predominantly EM Asia World UK South Korea China Australia Switzerland USA France Germany Eurozone Japan Italy Canada Long-term potential growth rate Business cycle INVESTMENT VIEWS CROSS-ASSET TOPICS Q4 2017 OUTLOOK


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Page 1: EQUITIES STILL IN A SWEET SPOT POSITIVE BACKDROP ... … · POSITIVE BACKDROP DRIVES PERFORMANCE WHAT’S THE STORY? The stage is set for the global economy to power ahead over the

Advisory Solutions, Investment Publishing | Please find important legal information at the end of this document.


19 SEPTEMBER 2017, 08:53 CET



The stage is set for the global economy to power ahead

over the coming months, with the US and the eurozone in

the lead. Leading indicators suggest that growth remains

strong. Inflation has remained subdued recently but is

expected to pick up, at least in the US, as wage pressure

and the further absorption of excess capacity finally lead to

higher prices.

After a long period of stubbornly slow growth, the eurozone

recovery has gained further momentum in 2017 and

broadened significantly. This trend is not expected to

change in the near-term as there is still a lot of economic

catch-up potential. The European Central Bank (ECB) is in

no hurry to normalise its monetary policy, according to the

latest statements by its President, Mario Draghi. Therefore,

economic conditions are expected to remain benign on the

old continent and this is good news for domestic economies

and one of the major reasons why we favour eurozone


Global business cycle – September 2017

As of 1 September 2017; Source: Julius Baer Macro & Commodities Research


The recent strength of the euro vs. virtually all of its major

peers has been a slight concern for investors. However, we

believe that the tides will change slowly as market

participants realise that the interest rate differentials,

especially compared with the US, are likely to expand

further and positive economic surprises will decelerate in

Europe, both of which are typically negative for the value of

a currency. We expect the euro to weaken slightly over the

coming months.

Fixed Income

In the fixed income area, the tune over the coming months

will not change i.e. investors will look closely for signs of

further monetary policy normalisation, led by the Federal

Reserve (Fed). We therefore stick to our long-held view to

look for value in USD money market and/or variable rate

instruments or, for euro-investors, to gain exposure only to

bonds whose value has not been distorted by the ECB’s

asset purchasing programme.


On the equity side, eurozone stocks have been

outperforming their US peers for a while already – and we

expect this trend to continue. In terms of earnings growth,

eurozone companies look set to continue to trump their US

peers as our strategists suggest. Valuation-wise too, we see

the eurozone in the lead with its relative price/earnings

ratio substantially below its historical average compared

with the US. A normalisation of this ratio alone already

implies significant upside potential for eurozone equities.

For investors wishing to invest in US stocks, we assume that

the new US administration will be gearing up to turn tax

reform (including a ‘repatriation holiday’) into law in 2018.

This opportunity to repatriate funds held overseas at an

advantageous tax rate would benefit US corporations

holding large amounts of accumulated earnings abroad,

either in absolute amounts or as a proportion of their total

market capitalisation. Due to their predominantly

EM Asia



South Korea





Eurozone JapanItaly


Long-term potential

growth rate

Business cycle


Page 2: EQUITIES STILL IN A SWEET SPOT POSITIVE BACKDROP ... … · POSITIVE BACKDROP DRIVES PERFORMANCE WHAT’S THE STORY? The stage is set for the global economy to power ahead over the


international business models, the healthcare, industrials

and technology sectors in particular keep more cash as a

percentage of their market capitalisation offshore as

opposed to onshore when compared with other sectors.

Hence they are expected to benefit the most from the

implementation of such a policy.

Technical analysis

When it comes to technical analysis, we note that intra-

stock correlations have dropped below their long-term

average, which our analysts interpret as a sign of single

stocks trading on idiosyncratic assessments rather than on

external shocks. Therefore, active (momentum-based)

investment strategies, providing the opportunity to exploit

special situations opportunistically, are preferred compared

with passive (i.e. benchmark-bound) strategies which

typically outperform when intra-stock correlations are high.

Source: Julius Baer Strategy Research and Technical

Analysis, Research Focus: Research Outlook Q4 2017,

11 September 2017.


Please note that the ideas shown on the following pages

are not individually tailored investment solutions. Please

consult your Julius Baer representative (relationship

manager/investment advisor) for more specific solutions

to suit your individual circumstances.

Diversified exposure to stocks across major developed


Investors may consider gaining exposure to developed

market equities (ex Asia) via an actively managed

certificate, based on investment advice and

recommendations by Julius Baer Equity Research.

Eurozone equities are expected to outperform their US


Investors may consider gaining exposure to the eurozone

market either via investments in single eurozone stocks or a

diversified fund.

A strengthening USD provides a tailwind to European


Investors may invest in a selection of our ‘buy’ rated

European stocks which are expected to profit

fundamentally from a strengthening US dollar over the

coming 12 months.

US equities only for select investments

While we prefer the eurozone to the US overall, the positive

economic outlook provides investment opportunities in the

US too. We suggest investing in US equities via funds which

are able to opportunistically exploit special stock situations

like long/short or 130/30 (see term explained below) funds,

and/or via a diversified product which may profit from

special situations (‘repatriation holiday’).

TERM EXPLAINED: 130/30 strategy

The 130/30 strategy is a strategy that uses financial

leverage by shorting poor performing stocks and

purchasing shares that are expected to have high returns.

A 130/30 ratio implies shorting stocks up to 30% of the

portfolio value and then using the funds to take a long

position in the stocks the investor feels will outperform the

market. Often, investors will mimic an index such as the

S&P 500 when choosing stocks for this strategy.

Source: Investopedia.com, Julius Baer Investment Publishing

Technical analysis – momentum strategies preferred

With intra-stock correlations at low levels, momentum

based strategies may provide better performance than

simple passive strategies. We show our favourite in-house


Unconstrained fixed income exposure

As we expect yields to trend upwards and credit is not

cheap, investors may find value in unconstrained fixed

income strategies. We introduce our funds department’s

favourite product.

Still relative value in select EUR fixed income segments

European subordinated bank debt is one of those segments

whose prices have not been distorted by the ECB’s buying

programme – in addition, we also see fundamental value in

the segment as economic conditions are improving in

Europe and financials are typically the first to profit

fundamentally from such a development.

After its strong rise, the euro might face some headwinds

Over the medium to longer-term, we expect the euro to

consolidate versus the US dollar. With FX reverse

convertibles, investors may profit from a weakening euro.

Source: Julius Baer Investment Publishing

Page 3: EQUITIES STILL IN A SWEET SPOT POSITIVE BACKDROP ... … · POSITIVE BACKDROP DRIVES PERFORMANCE WHAT’S THE STORY? The stage is set for the global economy to power ahead over the



Diversified exposure to stocks across major developed markets – AMC on JB Most Preferred Equities

Investment case

• With an overall positive economic backdrop, equity

markets across the developed world may profit from

ongoing positive momentum. The actively managed

certificate (AMC) on JB Most preferred equities syncs our

analysts’ high conviction calls with our house view in

terms of regions and sectors.

Product description

• Julius Baer Actively Managed Certificates are financial

instruments which allow the investor to fully participate in

the positive performance of the underlying, but which also

reflect the development of the underlying if its per-

formance is negative.

• The AMC on the JB Most Preferred Equities is an actively

managed portfolio of equities, which is based on the

investment advice and recommendations of Julius Baer

Equity Research.

• It consists of up to 60 stocks selected from the universe of

liquid shares and depository receipts of publicly traded

companies listed in North America and Europe. The final

portfolio reflects the high conviction and buy-rated picks

of our single title analysts squared with a strategic overlay

representing our house view.

• The product is suitable for investors with a considerable

risk tolerance.

• Julius Baer provides a secondary market for the product,

but investors should be aware of the spread risk (bid/ask


Source: Julius Baer Strategy Research

Please contact your Julius Baer representative (relationship

manager/investment advisor) for further information on

this product and its suitability given your individual

investment profile.

Top 5 largest holdings

As of 18 September 2017, 09:17 CET; weighting as of 11 September 2017; Source: Julius Baer Strategy Research

Julius Baer product risk rating

Product characteristics

As of 18 September 2017, 09:10 CET; Source: Julius Baer Strategy Research

Allocation by country

Allocations as of 11 September 2017; Source: Julius Baer

Company ISIN Ccy Price Weighting

Facebook Inc. US30303M1027 USD 171.64 4.45%

Adobe Systems US00724F1012 USD 154.49 4.29%

Visa Inc. US92826C8394 USD 105.30 4.22%

Broadcom Limited SG9999014823 USD 250.55 3.89%

Lonza Group CH0013841017 CHF 252.90 3.27%


Number of Holdings

Currency EUR




ISIN CH0111985161 CH0346451864


Fixing/Issue Date 30.04.2010 03.07.2017

Issue Price EUR 100.00 USD 100.00

Ask price as of 18.09.2017 EUR 192.40 USD 106.00



Issuer rating A2 (Moody's)


JB Most Preferred Equities

Between 20 and 60

Open End

Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd., Zurich








USA France Switzerland

Germany Netherlands Spain


Low Moderate Considerable High

Lower risk Higher risk

Page 4: EQUITIES STILL IN A SWEET SPOT POSITIVE BACKDROP ... … · POSITIVE BACKDROP DRIVES PERFORMANCE WHAT’S THE STORY? The stage is set for the global economy to power ahead over the


Eurozone equities are expected to outperform their US peers – BGF Continental European Flex Fund

Investment case

• Market friendly political developments as well as strong

earnings growth support the investment case for

eurozone equities.

• This fund pursues a broadly diversified investment

strategy and has achieved a strong track record by

investing across the European equity spectrum.

Fund description

• The fund invests primarily in a portfolio of continental

European equity securities, with at least 70% of total

assets being devoted to the European ex-UK region, and it

pursues an all-cap strategy.

• The fund has a bias towards industrials and consumer

goods, and focuses on Germany, France and Switzerland

for over 50% of its asset allocation.

• It is managed within a multi-faceted quantitative risk

context, based on Blackrock’s renowned in-house analysis.

• The fund manager seeks investment opportunities

offering a combination of positive sentiment towards the

stock and above-average business performance of the


• With over 22 years of experience, the head portfolio

manager boasts a strong track record.

Key risks

• The fund invests in equities and equity-related securities

whose value can be affected by daily stock market


• The fund’s investment focus will present a relative

performance headwind in trendless markets.

Source: Julius Baer Funds

Please contact your Julius Baer representative (relationship

manager/investment advisor) for further information on

this fund and its suitability given your individual investment


Julius Baer product risk rating

Fund performance

5-year performance, in percentage (net)

As of 18 September 2017, 09:32 CET; Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., Julius Baer Investment Publishing

Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

Performance returns take into account all ongoing charges

but not transaction fees. The value of your investment

may go down as well as up meaning that you may not get

back your initial investment.

Fund characteristics

As of 18 September 2017, 18:18 CET; Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., Julius Baer Investment Publishing; Disclosure: BlackRock Inc. holds voting rights in Julius Baer Group Ltd.

Additional Information: Provider: BlackRock (Luxembourg) S.A.; Swiss paying agent: J.P. Morgan Chase Bank NA; Swiss representative: BlackRock Asset Management Schweiz AG

Please find supporting documents (fund fact sheet, prospectus, annual report, etc.) on www.fundinfo.com, or contact your Julius Baer representative for further information.

Benchmark MSCI Europe Ex UK NR EUR

Currency EUR

Other currencies GBP-h, USD-h

ISIN LU0224105477

NAV as of 15.09.2017 EUR 24.34

Size as of 31.08.2017 EUR 3,087.53 million

Domicile Luxembourg

Inception date 24.11.1986

Ongoing charge 1.81% p.a.

Sales Registrations AT, CH, DE, HK, IR, LU, NL, SG, SP, UK,


Low Moderate Considerable High

Lower risk Higher risk

Page 5: EQUITIES STILL IN A SWEET SPOT POSITIVE BACKDROP ... … · POSITIVE BACKDROP DRIVES PERFORMANCE WHAT’S THE STORY? The stage is set for the global economy to power ahead over the


Eurozone equities are expected to outperform their US peers – selected equities

As of 18 September 2017, 09:35 CET; Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., Julius Baer Equity Research, Julius Baer Investment Publishing

A strengthening USD provides a tailwind to European companies – European stocks with a high revenue exposure to the US dollar area

As of 18 September 2017, 09:36 CET; Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., Julius Baer Event Driven Research, Julius Baer Investment Publishing Disclosure: Swiss Re: Julius Baer holds > 0.5% net short position of the total issued share capital.

Please refer to the specific Julius Baer Insight Equity Research reports which are available on request for further information on the stocks mentioned above. Additionally, you may wish to consult your Julius Baer representative (relationship manager/investment advisor) to discuss which of these product recommendations may be appropriate given your individual investment profile.

Company ISIN Country Sector Ccy Price FY1




Julius Baer

Research Rating

Julius Baer

Research analyst

ASML NL0010273215 Netherlands Electronic Technology EUR 136.60 31.42 0.95% Buy M. Studer

Infineon DE0006231004 Germany Electronic Technology EUR 20.68 23.90 1.18% Buy M. Studer

ING Groep NL0011821202 Netherlands Finance EUR 15.23 11.55 4.64% Buy R. Degen

Merck KGaA DE0006599905 Germany Health Technology EUR 96.98 15.60 1.31% Buy T. McManus

MorphoSys DE0006632003 Germany Health Technology EUR 67.40 - - Buy T. McManus

Royal Dutch Shell GB00B03MLX29 Netherlands Energy Minerals EUR 24.21 16.96 6.51% Buy P. Lienhardt

SAP DE0007164600 Germany Technology Services EUR 92.40 22.11 1.44% Buy M. Studer

Societe Generale FR0000130809 France Finance EUR 48.72 10.72 4.58% Buy R. Degen

Unicredit IT0005239360 Italy Finance EUR 17.80 13.50 1.57% Buy R. Degen

Company ISIN Country Sector Ccy Price FY1




Julius Baer

Research Rating

Julius Baer

Research analyst

Lindt & Sprüngli CH0010570767 Switzerland Consumer Non-Durables CHF 5,635.00 30.11 40% Buy P. Lang

Roche CH0012032048 Switzerland Health Technology CHF 243.30 15.74 47% Buy T. McManus

Swiss Re CH0126881561 Switzerland Finance CHF 86.15 11.84 45% Buy R. Degen

Ahold Delhaize NL0011794037 Netherlands Retail Trade EUR 15.23 11.55 62% Buy R. Degen

Fresenius DE0005785604 Germany Health Services EUR 70.35 20.78 46% Buy T. McManus

Grifols, Class A ES0171996087 Germany Health Technology EUR 20.68 23.90 64% Buy T. McManus

Shire JE00B2QKY057 Netherlands Health Technology EUR 136.60 31.42 73% Buy T. McManus

Page 6: EQUITIES STILL IN A SWEET SPOT POSITIVE BACKDROP ... … · POSITIVE BACKDROP DRIVES PERFORMANCE WHAT’S THE STORY? The stage is set for the global economy to power ahead over the


US equities only for select investments – Artemis US Extended Alpha Fund

Investment case

• While we prefer the eurozone to the US in relative terms,

the broadly positive economic outlook also provides

investment opportunities in the latter. Investors may find

value in a fund which can profit in both up and down-


Fund description

• With this fund investors get actively managed exposure to

the American equity markets through an experienced

London based investment team.

• The fund follows an investment process based on the

selection of individual securities. It leads to a portfolio

composed of the manager’s best convictions aiming to

profit from both rising and declining markets and


• The investor benefits from the know-how of an

experienced and dedicated team of seven investment

professionals. The founding team members have been

working together for a decade and launched this

investment strategy at their former employer.

• This fund is suitable for investors who would like to invest

in American companies. It is expected to move in line with

the underlying market and to outperform its benchmark

over an investment cycle.

Key risks

• Equity market risk is the main risk to be considered for

this fund as the manager intends to stay fully invested at

all times. The fund’s performance is therefore highly

dependent on the returns of the American equity market.

• As the portfolio composition of this fund may

substantially differ from the index composition, it may

underperform in the short and medium-term.

• In addition to the traditional equity risk, this fund carries

credit and liquidity risk too as the portfolio may have an

exposure to the equity markets that is above 100%.

Source: Julius Baer Funds

Please contact your Julius Baer representative (relationship

manager/investment advisor) for further information on

this fund and its suitability given your individual investment


Julius Baer product risk rating

Fund performance

Since inception, in percentage (net)

As of 18 September 2017, 09:36 CET; Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., Julius Baer Investment Publishing

Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

Performance returns take into account all ongoing charges

but not transaction fees. The value of your investment

may go down as well as up meaning that you may not get

back your initial investment.

Fund characteristics

As of 18 September 2017, 18:17 CET; Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., Julius Baer Investment Publishing

Additional Information: Provider: Artemis Fund Managers Limited; Swiss paying agent: RBC Investor Services Bank S.A. Zweigniederlassung Zürich; Swiss representative: RBC Investor Services Bank S.A. Zweigniederlassung Zürich.

Please find supporting documents (fund fact sheet, prospectus, annual report, etc.) on www.fundinfo.com, or contact your Julius Baer representative for further information.

Benchmark S&P 500 Net TR USD

Currency USD

Other currencies CHF, EUR, GBP, USD


NAV as of 15.09.2017 USD 1.27

Size as of 31.08.2017 GBP 876.33 million

Domicile United Kingdom

Inception date 01.04.2016

Ongoing charge 1.61% p.a.

Sales Registrations AT, CH, DE, LU, NL, SG, SP, UK, others

Low Moderate Considerable High

Lower risk Higher risk

Page 7: EQUITIES STILL IN A SWEET SPOT POSITIVE BACKDROP ... … · POSITIVE BACKDROP DRIVES PERFORMANCE WHAT’S THE STORY? The stage is set for the global economy to power ahead over the


US equities only for select investments – Julius Baer Tracker Certificate on the US Repatriation Basket

Investment case

• We assume that the new US administration will be gearing

up to turn tax reform (including a ‘repatriation holiday’)

into law in 2018.

• This opportunity to repatriate funds held overseas at an

advantageous tax rate would benefit US corporations

holding large amounts of accumulated earnings abroad.

• Investors may gain exposure to this theme through a

designated structured product we launched this spring

that has already performed well.

Product description

• Tracker certificates allow the investor to fully participate

in the performance of the underlying.

• The product is suitable for investors with a considerable

risk tolerance.

• Julius Baer provides a secondary market for the product,

but investors should be aware of the spread risk (bid/ask


Source: Julius Baer Structured Products Advisory

Please contact your Julius Baer representative (relationship

manager/investment advisor) for further information on

this product and its suitability given your individual

investment profile.

Julius Baer product risk rating

Product characteristics

As of 18 September 2017, 09:39 CET; Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., Julius Baer Investment Publishing

Constituents of the US Repatriation Basket

As of 18 September 2017, 09:38 CET; Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., Julius Baer Investment Publishing

Underlying US Repatriation Basket

Currency USD

ISIN CH0328482903

Number of holdings 14

Participation 100%

Issue date 03.03.2017

Issue price USD 100.00

Ask price as of 18.09.2017 USD 108.30

Redemption date 02.03.2018

Settlement Cash

Issuer Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd., Zurich

Issuer Rating A2 (Moody’s)

Company ISIN Sector Ccy Price FY1




Julius Baer

Research Rating

Julius Baer

Research analyst

Alphabet Inc. US02079K3059 Information Technology USD 935.29 23.94 - Buy M. Studer

Amgen US0311621009 Health Care USD 187.47 14.92 2.42% Hold T. McManus

Apple US0378331005 Information Technology USD 159.88 17.71 1.50% Hold M. Studer

Cisco Systems US17275R1023 Information Technology USD 32.44 13.37 3.66% Hold M. Studer

Coca Cola US1912161007 Consumer Staples USD 46.18 24.43 3.20% Hold P. Lang

eBay US2786421030 Information Technology USD 38.40 18.94 - Hold M. Studer

HP Inc. US40434L1052 Information Technology USD 19.47 11.80 2.73% Hold M. Studer

Hewlett Packard Enterprise US42824C1099 Information Technology USD 13.52 10.30 1.92% Hold M. Studer

Johnson & Johnson US4781601046 Health Care USD 134.45 18.72 2.49% Hold T. McManus

Medtronic IE00BTN1Y115 Health Care USD 82.12 17.22 2.26% Buy T. McManus

Microsoft US5949181045 Information Technology USD 75.31 23.48 2.22% Buy M. Studer

Oracle US68389X1054 Information Technology USD 48.74 16.57 1.44% Hold M. Studer

Qualcomm US7475251036 Information Technology USD 52.19 12.75 4.20% Hold M. Studer

Western Digital US9581021055 Information Technology USD 88.52 7.06 2.28% Buy M. Studer

Low Moderate Considerable High

Lower risk Higher risk

Page 8: EQUITIES STILL IN A SWEET SPOT POSITIVE BACKDROP ... … · POSITIVE BACKDROP DRIVES PERFORMANCE WHAT’S THE STORY? The stage is set for the global economy to power ahead over the


Technical analysis – momentum strategies preferred – AMC on the JB Technical Analysis-Global Equities Basket

Investment case

• Momentum style investing is currently our preferred

technical strategy. In order to gain exposure to this style

of investing we offer the AMC on the JB Technical

Analysis-Global Equities Basket.

Product description

• Julius Baer Actively Managed Certificates are financial

instruments which allow the investor to fully participate in

the positive performance of the underlying, but which also

reflect the development of the underlying if its per-

formance is negative.

• The AMC on the JB Technical Analysis-Global Equities

Basket is an actively managed portfolio of equities, which

is based on the investment advice and recommendations

of Julius Baer Technical Analysis.

• It consists of up to 30 stocks selected from the universe of

the MSCI All Country World Index. The portfolio is the

result of a purely discretionary selection of a number of

stocks that are in an uptrend, based on short-term

technical analysis.

• The product is suitable for investors with a considerable

risk tolerance.

• Julius Baer provides a secondary market for the product,

but investors should be aware of the spread risk (bid/ask


Source: Julius Baer Technical Analysis

Please contact your Julius Baer representative (relationship

manager/investment advisor) for further information on

this product and its suitability given your individual

investment profile.

Top 5 largest holdings

As of 18 September 2017, 10:06 CET, weighting as of 13 September 2017; Source: Julius Baer Investment Publishing

Julius Baer product risk rating

Product characteristics

As of 18 September 2017, 09:50 CET; Source: Julius Baer Investment Publishing

Allocation by country

Allocation as of 13 September 2017; Source: Julius Baer Investment Publishing

Company ISIN Ccy Price Weighting

LAM Research Corp US5128071082 USD 172.99 5.32%

Apple Inc US0378331005 USD 159.88 4.74%

Broadcom Ltd SG9999014823 USD 250.55 4.53%

Amazon.com Inc US0231351067 USD 986.79 4.53%

Facebook Inc. US30303M1027 USD 171.64 4.43%

Underlying JB Technical Analysis - Global

Equities Basket

Number of holdings Up to 30 stocks selected from the

universe of the MSCI All Country

World Index.

Currency USD

ISIN CH0143849245

Issue date 24.06.2013

Issue price USD 101.00

Ask price as of 18.09.2017 USD 151.50

Fees 1.3% p.a.

Tenor Open end

Settlement Cash

Issuer Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd., Zurich

Issuer rating A2 (Moody's)



USA South Korea

Low Moderate Considerable High

Lower risk Higher risk

Page 9: EQUITIES STILL IN A SWEET SPOT POSITIVE BACKDROP ... … · POSITIVE BACKDROP DRIVES PERFORMANCE WHAT’S THE STORY? The stage is set for the global economy to power ahead over the


Unconstrained fixed income exposure – PIMCO GIS Income Fund

Investment case

• The current low levels of interest rates and the risk of

rising interest rates make it difficult to generate attractive

returns in traditional fixed income.

• Investing in flexible multi-sector fixed income strategies

that take advantage of the best opportunities in the

prevailing market environment should provide investors

with attractive risk-adjusted returns.

Fund description

• The fund follows a flexible multi-sector fixed income

strategy that offers a diversified and actively managed

exposure to all sectors of the global fixed income market

with the main focus on credit. The strategy is managed

with the primary goal of maximising income while at the

same time maintaining the principal.

• Investors benefit from an experienced and well-equipped

portfolio management team that is fully dedicated to

fixed income investing. PIMCO is one of the largest fixed

income managers in the industry and the firm has

repeatedly shown its strengths and competencies since it

was founded in 1971.

• The fund follows a benchmark-agnostic approach, using

its benchmark for performance comparisons only. The

overall performance therefore depends on the manager’s

sector calls. The fund’s track record is solid,

outperforming competitors since inception.

• The strategy is suitable for investors seeking an

investment with an income-oriented profile through

exposure to selected credit markets. The flexible

investment style might outperform or underperform the

broad fixed income markets over time and hence the fund

should be considered a longer-term investment.

Key risks

• The fund is generally exposed to the US and global bond

markets with a preference for higher yielding sectors. It is

exposed to global interest rates as well as mortgage and

credit spreads across different regions.

• A significant portion of the fund can be invested in

emerging markets. Emerging markets are generally more

sensitive to economic and political conditions than

developed markets.

Source: Julius Baer Funds

Please contact your Julius Baer representative (relationship

manager/investment advisor) for further information on

this fund and its suitability given your individual investment


Julius Baer product risk rating

Fund performance

Since inception, in percentage (net)

As of 18 September 2017, 10:10 CET; Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., Julius Baer Investment Publishing

Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

Performance returns take into account all ongoing charges

but not transaction fees. The value of your investment

may go down as well as up meaning that you may not get

back your initial investment.

Fund characteristics

As of 18 September 2017, 18:17 CET; Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., Julius Baer Investment Publishing

Additional Information: Provider: PIMCO Global Advisors (Ireland) Limited; Swiss paying agent: BNP Paribas Securities Services; Swiss representative: BNP Paribas Securities Services

Please find supporting documents (fund fact sheet, prospectus, annual report, etc.) on www.fundinfo.com, or contact your Julius Baer representative for further information.

Benchmark Barclays US Aggregate Bond TR USD

Currency USD

Other currencies CHF-h, EUR-h, GBP-h, SGD-h, HKD


NAV as of 15.09.2017 USD 13.57

Size as of 31.08.2017 USD 54,538.45 million

Domicile Ireland

Inception date 30.11.2012

Ongoing charge 1.45% p.a.

Sales Registrations AT, CH, DE, HK, LU, NL, SG, SP, UK,


Low Moderate Considerable High

Lower risk Higher risk

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Still relative value in select EUR fixed income segments – GAM Star Credit Opportunities Fund

Investment case

• In fixed income, we still prefer credit over duration as we

expect yields to drift higher over time, at least in

developed markets.

• As credit is not cheap, we concentrate on niches like

deeply subordinated bank debt, where prices have not

been distorted by heavy central bank buying over recent


Fund description

• The strategy invests predominantly in subordinated

bonds of financial and corporate institutions including

hybrids, contingent convertibles and other specialised

bond structures. Subordinated bonds are generally lower

in quality and hence have a lower credit rating than senior

bonds, but they do offer higher yields.

• Investors benefit from the multi-decade experience of

Atlanticomnium, an independent boutique asset manager

that specialises in credit investing. Due to the broader

focus, the strategy generally offers more diversification

than other funds investing in hybrid securities.

• The management approach is driven by the fact that high

quality companies rarely default and hence become

interesting along the capital structure, which includes

subordinated debt. This debt is generally lower quality,

but at the same time offers significantly more yield. Half

of the resulting portfolio represents a core allocation and

is concentrated in a small number of companies while the

residual is invested in many different satellite positions.

• The fund is suitable for investors looking to generate high

income but with the willingness to accept more volatility

than there is in traditional fixed income funds.

Key risks

• The fund is one of the higher volatility funds in the fixed

income space and is suitable for investors who are aiming

for yields in the mid to high single digits and who are also

able to accept drawdowns of a similar magnitude over an

investment period.

• The fund invests in fixed interest securities such as

corporate bonds, which pay fixed or variable coupons.

These securities are therefore exposed to changes in

interest rates, which will affect the value of any securities


Source: Julius Baer Funds

Please contact your Julius Baer representative (relationship

manager/investment advisor) for further information on

this fund and its suitability given your individual investment


Julius Baer product risk rating

Fund performance

5-year performance, in percentage (net)

As of 18 September, 10:11 CET; Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., Julius Baer Investment Publishing

Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

Performance returns take into account all ongoing charges

but not transaction fees. The value of your investment

may go down as well as up meaning that you may not get

back your initial investment.

Fund characteristics

As of 18 September 2017, 18:16 CET; Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., Julius Baer Investment Publishing

Additional Information: Provider: GAM Fund Management Limited; Swiss paying agent: State Street Bank GmbH; Swiss representative: GAM Capital Management (Switzerland) AG

Please find supporting documents (fund fact sheet, prospectus, annual report, etc.) on www.fundinfo.com, or contact your Julius Baer representative for further information.

Benchmark Barclays Euro Agg Corps TR EUR

Currency EUR

Other currencies CHF


NAV as of 14.09.2017 EUR 18.08

Size as of 14.09.2017 EUR 3,661.84 million

Domicile Ireland

Inception date 05.07.2011

Ongoing charge 1.54% p.a.

Sales Registrations AT, CH, DE, NL, SG, SP, UK, others

Low Moderate Considerable High

Lower risk Higher risk

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After its strong rise, the euro might face some headwinds – buy FX Reverse Convertibles with EUR as investment currency

Investment case – EUR investment currency

• We have a short-term ‘Neutral’ outlook for the EUR

against the USD but with a slightly negative bias. In the

longer term, we believe that ‘europhoria’ has lifted the

currency above its fundamentally justified level and

therefore expect it to weaken considerably versus the US


• For investors looking to gain extra yield on their EUR cash

holdings and who do not expect the USD to weaken

during the tenor, we recommend an FX Reverse

Convertible. The current elevated implied volatility in

EUR/USD offers attractive opportunities for yield


• The investment is in EUR and as the conversion currency

is USD, investors need to feel comfortable holding USD.

Source: Julius Baer Macro & Commodities Research

Indicative pricings – EUR investment currency

As of 18 September 2017, 13:30 CET; Source: Julius Baer Investment Publishing

Julius Baer product risk rating

Product description

• FX Reverse Convertibles offer short-term yield

enhancement for investors holding excess liquidity given

their guaranteed coupon payment. However, they do not

offer capital protection.

• If you invest in your home/investment currency against a

conversion currency which you expect to strengthen but it

weakens beyond the defined strike price at maturity, you

will receive the nominal amount and the coupon payment

in the conversion currency converted at the strike price.

• Otherwise, you will receive the nominal and coupon

payment at maturity in the investment currency.

• Investors need to feel comfortable holding the conversion


Source: Julius Baer Investment Publishing

Please contact your Julius Baer representative (relationship

manager/investment advisor) for further information on

these products and their suitability given your individual

investment profile.

CCY1 CCY2 Tenor Spot Strike Coupon

(% p.a.)



EUR USD 2 weeks 1.1961 1.1961 15.11% 1.2031

EUR USD 2 weeks 1.1961 1.2025 9.00% 1.2067

EUR USD 1 month 1.1961 1.1961 9.62% 1.2057

EUR USD 1 month 1.1959 1.2025 6.60% 1.2091

EUR USD 3 months 1.1961 1.1961 5.63% 1.2131

EUR USD 3 months 1.1960 1.2025 4.51% 1.2162

Low Moderate Considerable High

Lower risk Higher risk

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This publication has been produced by Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd., Zurich, which is authorised and regulated by the Swiss

Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). This publication series is issued regularly. Information on financial

instruments and issuers is updated irregularly or in response to important events.


Michael Rist, Head Investment Publishing, [email protected] 1)

Roman Canziani, Head Investment Writing, [email protected] 1)

1) This author is employed by Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd., Zurich, which is authorised and regulated by the Swiss Financial

market Supervisory Authority (FINMA).


Please refer to the following links for more information:

Research Methodology: www.juliusbaer.com/research-methodology

Funds Methodology: www.juliusbaer.com/funds-methodology

Structured Products Methodology: www.juliusbaer.com/structuredproducts-methodology

Price information

Unless otherwise stated, the price information reflects the closing price of the previous trading day.

Net Asset Value (NAV) information: The Net Asset Value is calculated on the basis of the fund’s dealing frequency and

will be published with a delay.


The Julius Baer Group Ltd. and its affiliated companies (the “Group”) may enter into transactions for their own account or

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Recommendation history

Please refer to the following link for more information on the recommendation history:


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Frequently used terms

Bbl Barrel Bn Billion Bu Bushel

CCY Currency Conversion premium

Percentage amount of price paid for the convert-ible security exceeding its current straight price.

CPN Coupon

Delta The ratio comparing the change in the underlying asset to the corresponding change in the price of a derivative (in %)

DUR Duration in years DY Dividend yield

EBIT Earnings before interest and taxes

EBITDA Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation

ECB European Central Bank

EPS Earnings per share ETC Exchange Traded Commodity

ETF Exchange Traded Fund

Fed United States Federal Reserve System

GDP Gross Domestic Product Incr. Increment; smallest possible positive change of the nominal amount tradable (on top of the minimum nominal investment size)

ISIN International Securities Identification Number

KG Kilogram Lb Pound

mBtu Million British Thermal Units

Mdy’s Moody’s Mn Million

NAV Net asset value Nom. Nominal; minimum nominal investment size (in respective currency)

Oz Ounces

P/B Price-to-book value P/E Price-to-earnings ratio PEG P/E divided by year-on-year EPS growth

Payment rank

Rank with respect to payment of distributions for the security.

QE Quantative easing ROE Return on equity

Stop loss Typically a closing order to sell a security at a specified price in order to limit an investor’s loss on a security position.

TER Total expense ratio T tonne

YAS Yield adjusted spread; option adjusted risk premium in basis points over respective government bond yield curve

YTC Yield to Call; in % YTM Yield to maturity; in %

YTP Yield to Put; in % YTW Yield to Worst; in % y/y Year-on-year

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AEX Amsterdam Exchange Index (Dutch stock market index)

CAC40 Cotation Assistée en Continu (French stock market index)

DAX Deutscher Aktien Index (German stock market index)

FTSE100 FTSE Group Index (London stock market index)

HIS Hang Seng Index (Hong Kong stock market index)

KFX Copenhagen Index (Danish stock market index)

MEXBOL Mexican Bolsa (Mexican stock market index)

OMX Stockholm Index (Swedish stock market index)

SMI Swiss Market Index

SPX Standard & Poor’s Index TPX Topix – Tokyo Stock Price Index (Japanese stock market index)

Major currencies Other currencies

AUD Australian dollar JPY Japanese yen BRL Brazilian real MXN Mexican peso

CHF Swiss franc NZD New Zealand dollar CNY Chinese yuan

(onshore version)

PLN Polish zloty

EUR Euro SEK Swedish krona CZK Czech koruna RMB Chinese renminbi

GBP British pound USD US dollar HUF Hungarian forint RUB Russian rouble

INR Indian rupee TRY Turkish lira

KRW Korean won ZAR South African rand



Rating system (stocks)

Buy Expected to outperform the MSCI regional industry group by at least 5% in the coming 9–12 months, unless otherwise stated.

Hold Expected to perform in line (±5%) with the MSCI regional industry group in the coming 9–12 months, unless otherwise stated.

Reduce Expected to underperform the MSCI regional industry group by at least 5% in the coming 9–12 months, unless otherwise stated.

Risk rating system

The risk rating (High/Medium/Low) is a measure of a stock’s expected volatility and risk of losses in case of negative news flows. This non-quantitative rating is based on criteria such as historical volatility, industry, earnings risk, valuation and balance sheet strength.

Frequency of equity rating updates

The Buy-rated equities are updated quarterly. The Hold and Reduce-rated equities are updated semi-annually or on an ad-hoc basis.

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Rating system

Buy Within its risk category, the issuer is highly recommended due to its financial and business condition (strong balance sheet, income statement, cash flow and good position in the industry). Debt instruments of the issuer are regarded as an attractive investment from a risk/return perspective.

Hold Maintain position based on stable credit fundamentals and/or average expected return characteristics within peer group.

Sell The rating is changed to Sell, depending on a significant deterioration in the fundamental data of the issuer in relation to the industry peers. The investment is no longer justified from a risk/return perspective for the relevant category.

Risk categories

Conservative Incorporates supranational issuers, top-rated sovereign issuers and bodies that are directly and fully guaranteed by these institutions. These issuers are most likely to preserve their top rating throughout the business cycle.

Quality Incorporates sovereign and corporate issuers that are very likely to service and repay debt within a five-year credit scenario. They are likely to preserve their investment-grade rating throughout a normal business cycle.

Opportunistic Incorporates issuers that are quite likely to service and repay debt within the five-year credit scenario. Such issuers have an attractive risk/return profile in the current credit scenario but are subject to rating downgrade risk and, thus, might be exchanged periodically.

Speculative Incorporates sub-investment-grade issuers in Europe and the USA as well as local issuers in emerging markets. Issuers are likely to service and repay debt in the current credit scenario. Investors must note that these issuers are subject to a higher downgrade and default frequency and that an active management of these positions is crucial.

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Credit ratings, following the definitions and methodology of credit rating agencies







Moody’s S&P Fitch /

I BCA Credit rating definition

Aaa AAA AAA Obligations rated Aaa are judged to be of the higher quality, with minimal credit risk.

Aa1 Aa2 Aa3



Obligations rated Aa are judged to be of high quality and are subject to very low credit risk.

A1 A2 A3

A+ A A-

A+ A A-

Obligations rated A are considered upper-medium grade and are subject to low credit risk.

Baa1 Baa2 Baa3



Obligations rated Baa are subject to moderate credit risk. They are considered medium-grade and as such may possess certain speculative characteristics.









Ba1 Ba2 Ba3



Obligations rated Ba are judged to have speculative elements and are subject to substantial credit risk.

B1 B2 B3

B+ B B-

B+ B B-

Obligations rated B are considered speculative and are subject to high credit risk.

Caa1 Caa2 Caa3



Obligations rated Caa are judged to be of poor standing and are subject to very high credit risk.



Obligations rated Ca are highly speculative and are likely in, or very near, default, with some prospect of recovery of principal and interest.

C D DDD Obligations rated C are the lowest rated class of bonds and are typically in default, with little prospect for recovery of principal or interest.

Frequency of issuer rating updates

The issuer ratings are updated semi-annually, on a rating change or on an ad-hoc basis.


Rating system

Bullish We see upside to the futures curve.

Neutral We believe the futures curve is fairly priced.

Bearish We see downside to the futures curve.

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Rating system

For each of the currencies in our universe we award a bullish, neutral or bearish ranking based on the following method of calculation. Calculation procedure: the currency ratings are based on the forecasted spot exchange rate against the US dollar. The forecasted spot exchange rates are used to determine the total expected returns by calculating the percentage deviation from the respective forward exchange rates. If forward exchange rates are not available, then non-deliverable forward exchange rates are used. The expected total return is adjusted by the implied volatility of the exchange rate. The resulting volatility-adjusted total returns are scaled by using a normal distribution function. Currencies in the top quartile of the scaled ranking are awarded with a bullish ranking while currencies in the bottom quartile receive a bearish ranking. The currencies in-between are ranked neutral.

The methodologies mentioned above are based on Julius Baer Research.


Investment styles

Independent growth Aims to achieve positive return over a cash benchmark irrespective of market movements. May be appropriate for clients aiming to generate steady returns.

Opportunistic Focus on investment ideas of high conviction managers which could also result in underperformance in the shorter term. May be appropriate for long term oriented investors.

Market exposure Aiming to outperform the benchmark while providing a full and diversified exposure to the respective market. May be appropriate for investments in markets expected to outperform.

Prudent participation

Controlled exposure to the underlying universe with a higher focus on limitation of losses rather than fully capturing the upside. May be appropriate for clients aiming to achieve a cautious stance towards a market.

Distribution types

Accumulation All capital income (e.g. dividends, interest income) is reinvested.

Income Capital income (e.g. dividends, interest income) is distributed among investors. The amount of distributed capital income is at the discretion of the fund manager.

Julius Baer product risk rating

The Julius Baer Product Risk Rating divides financial instruments into four risk categories taking into account different risk factors, such as volatility, credit default risk, currency risk and other risk factors, depending on the instrument type. The risk category “Low” does not mean “risk free”. The Julius Baer Product Risk Rating is not aligned with the risk classification of the product provider (e.g. the SSRI for UCITS funds). For a full discussion of the risks associated with an investment in this fund, prospective investors should carefully review the current official fund documentation, such as the Prospectus, the Offering Memorandum, Product Highlight Sheet, Key Facts Sheet and the Key Investor Information Document (KIID), as applicable.

Low Funds of the category “low” tend to experience small fluctuations of the investment value under normal market conditions, resulting in a very limited potential for capital losses but also have limited potential for income and capital growth.

Moderate Funds of the category “moderate” offer a combination of modest income and growth potential but may experience short term losses and moderate fluctuations of the investment value.

Considerable Funds of the category “considerable” may experience the risk of considerable fluctuation of the investment value while offering higher potential for capital growth and income.

High Funds of the category “high” are exposed to significant risk and fluctuation including the loss of the investment value, while providing the potential to maximize long term growth opportunities.

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Frequency of fund rating updates

The fund ratings are updated monthly. In some special cases, ratings may be updated more frequently than monthly. Due to specific investment philosophies you cannot expect a fund manager to outperform every calendar year and, therefore, actively managed funds are not appropriate for short-term investment.


Frequency of structured products rating updates

The recommendations are not updated on a regular basis but are depending on their fixed duration.


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Page 21: EQUITIES STILL IN A SWEET SPOT POSITIVE BACKDROP ... … · POSITIVE BACKDROP DRIVES PERFORMANCE WHAT’S THE STORY? The stage is set for the global economy to power ahead over the


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