Episcopalian Church By: Tim Zellmer & Travis Birklid

Episcopalian Church By: Tim Zellmer & Travis Birklid

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Page 1: Episcopalian Church By: Tim Zellmer & Travis Birklid

Episcopalian Church

By: Tim Zellmer


Travis Birklid

Page 2: Episcopalian Church By: Tim Zellmer & Travis Birklid


History of Episcopalian Church Structure of the Episcopalian Church Episcopalian Faith Community Life Our Experience at St. Mary’s Episcopalian


Page 3: Episcopalian Church By: Tim Zellmer & Travis Birklid

Episcopalian History

Canterbury; first diocese of Church of England

Created by St. Augustine; first archbishop

Built in 597; Oldest Dioceses of the Church of England

Symbol of Anglican Unity

Page 4: Episcopalian Church By: Tim Zellmer & Travis Birklid

Episcopalian History

The Reformation in England called for a gradual Protestantization

Part of Reforming the Catholic Church was establishing new institutions

Brought on the possibility of new ideas and religions

The 16th Century- Reformation in England

Page 5: Episcopalian Church By: Tim Zellmer & Travis Birklid

Episcopalian History

King Henry VIII- Originally Devout Catholic and defender of the faith.

Through marriage, connections, and offspring, this would change 1509- Married Catherine of Aragon

talked with Thomas Cranmer about marriage annulment Cranmer believed in Martin Luther’s ways Cranmer and King Henry became good friends Cranmer became Archbishop of Canterbury

The 16th Century- Reformation in England

Page 6: Episcopalian Church By: Tim Zellmer & Travis Birklid

Episcopalian History

King Henry married Anne Boleyn in 1533 Together produced daughter Elizabeth King Henry sought for male heir to throne but Anne couldn’t

produce Cranmer annulled another marriage

King Henry married Jane Seymour in 1536 Together produced son Edward Finally a male heir to the throne

The 16th Century- Reformation in England

Page 7: Episcopalian Church By: Tim Zellmer & Travis Birklid

Episcopalian History

Edward took the throne in 1547 at the age of nine During his reign England gradually moved towards a more radical

Protestantism In 1549 and 1552 Edward mandated books of Common Prayer,

which were largely authored by Cranmer July 6th, 1553, Edward dies at the age of 15 from Tuberculosis

No male heir to throne Elizabeth I (from marriage to Anne Boleyn) took throne in 1558

Established Anglicanism as the official church of England

The 16th Century- Reformation in England

Page 8: Episcopalian Church By: Tim Zellmer & Travis Birklid

Episcopalian History

Church of England in controversy with Puritans of Church of England and Roman Catholics

Richard Hooker looks to resolve conflict with Three Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity The Anglican Middle Way The Three Legged Stool Sacramental Sharing in divine life through God’s incarnation in


The 17th Century- Making Ground

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Episcopalian History

The Anglican Middle Way: Hooker determined that the church could maintain stability with the past while accommodating changes that a new situation might require, thus creating Anglicanism- a way between the extremes of radical Protestantism and Roman Catholicism.

The Three Legged Stool: Hooker stated that “scripture is the oracle of God.” Since it is read for human reasoning in the context of a tradition of worship and belief, people learn about God through scripture, tradition, and reason.

Sacramental Sharing in the Divine Life: Hooker emphasized the importance of Incarnation in Anglican theology. Through God taking on human form He gave holiness to the world, allowed people to become part of the divine life, and He gave the basis for Baptism and Eucharist, where people become the children of God.

The 17th Century- Making Ground

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Episcopalian History

The effects on America (the colonies)- Colonization of America- brought Anglicanism to the colonies in

hope of separation from monarchy control of church At start of Revolution, Anglicanism is second largest religion Through revolution, not only gained control of colonies from

England but control of own religion as well 1789- Brought on new independent church with own church

government and own book of Common Prayer The new principles adopted by the Episcopal Churches in the

United States Three-fold ministry of bishops, priests, and deacons

The 18th Century- Revolution

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Episcopalian History

The new principles adopted by the Episcopal Churches in the United States Three-fold ministry of bishops, priests, and deacons Determined that the church would be ruled by government of

clergy and laity councils Said that the American Church would be new form of the Church

of England

The 18th Century- Revolution

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Episcopalian History

Three major movements-

Evangelical Movement

Catholic Revival

Broad Church Movement

The 19th Century- Movements

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Episcopalian History

Evangelical Movement Large focus on missionary work Decided to send bishops as missionaries

Other large movements of the time Social reform Care for the poor Personal Reform

Heavy focus on the education of slaves

The 19th Century- Movements

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Episcopalian History

Catholic Revival This called for a return to the practices of the ancient church with

emphasis on The church as a divine society in its sacramental relationship with

God through Eucharist and Baptism The church as “the extension of the incarnation” and being

connected to the spiritual presence of the incarnate Christ Realign the church with the doctrinal traditions of the first


The 19th Century- Movements

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Episcopalian History

The Broad Church Movement A time of crisis and question in the Episcopalian Church

Questions arose about miracles and creation of humans. Was there a real flood? A real Exodus? Did God create humans

or was Darwin correct? The best answer to these questions lied in a major publication

called Lux Mundi: A Series of Studies in the Religion of the

Incarnation Emphasized the Incarnate God Revealed the strong sense that God has had through

history of the world

The 19th Century- Movements

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History:MN Diocese

Created 148 years ago Bishop Henry Benjamin

Whipple Popular with Native Americans Baptized at Fort Snelling

Bishop of the MN Diocese today: James Louis Jelinek

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2.3 million members of Episcopal Church In “Communion” with Anglican Church

80 million Anglican members 164 countries globally 37 provinces worldwide

U.S. South America Africa Europe

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Minneapolis, MN 1st Hmong Episcopalian Church in World Talks about creating 1st parish in Thailand Created Nov. 3, 2005 St. Mark’s Cathedral

Rev. Dr. Winfred Vergara 600 members[175 are baptized]

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Parish Dioceses Province National Church

**Episcopal Church is “Autonomous” There are elected leaders, but no ONE person is

considered the leader like the R.C. & the Pope.

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Governance/Structure: Parish Rector

Self sustaining church Means “ruler” in latin

Vicor Non-sustaining church[missionary] Means “one who represents another”

Vestry Elected officials Manage finance and property of church “Wardens” – chair and vice chair

**Have annual Parish Meetings***

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Governance/Structure: Dioceses

Latin word “Dioecesis” Means: Administration

Territory of land that contains 20-200 parishes

Directed by Bishop and Diocesan Council

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Governance/Structure: National Church Headed by executive council and Presiding

Bishop Considered chief Reverend Visits every diocese Consults bishops and diocesan reps

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Governance/Structure: National Church Hold General Convention every 3 years Made up of 2 houses

House of Bishops: every bishop House of deputies: 4 lay and 4 clergy from each dioceses

2003 General convention, Minneapolis: Major issue: first gay bishop elected

Bishop Gene Robinson 2006 General convention:

Major issue: 2 candidates for bishop are a lesbian and a gay man

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Service book

Book of Common Prayer Rite II Passages from Bible Lectionaries

Daily office Holy Eucharist

Creeds Apostles’ Creed Nicene Creed Athanasian Creed [isn’t used much]

Catechisms Summary of religious doctrine

Early: test for converts; memorized before baptism or confirmed Today: used as a tool to study the church’s doctrine and faith

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Service Book

Calendar for Church Liturgies for:

Special days Holy Baptism Holy eucharist Pastoral Offices Episcopal Services

4 daily liturgies used

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Service Book: Table of Context Book of Common Prayer Table of Context The Daily Office (p. 37) The Great Litany (p. 148) The Collects: Traditional (p. 159) The Collects: Contemporary (p. 211) Proper Liturgies for Special Days (p. 264) Holy Baptism (p. 299) Holy Eucharist (p. 316) Pastoral Offices (p. 413) Episcopal Services (p. 511) The Psalters or Psalms of David (p. 585) Prayers and Thanksgiving (p. 810) An Outline of Faith or Catechism (p. 845) Historical Documents of the Church (p. 864) Tables for Finding the Date of Easter (p. 880) The Lectionary (p. 888) Daily Office Lectionary (p. 934)

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Paschal Year:

Advent 2 Advents

Jesus coming as an infant[birth] Jesus 2nd coming in glory

Christmas Celebrate the birth of Jesus & the incarnation

Lent Prepare for Easter Period for repentence


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Paschal Year & Colors

Advent-Purple/blue Christmas-White Epiphany-Green Lent-Purple Easter-White Pentecost-Red Everyday-Green

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Episcopalian Faith

Put emphasis on the Trinity Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Use of Trinitarian Framework Focus on the creation,

incarnation, and sacramental universe

Seen in art and architecture: ex-triptyche

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Believe in the 7 sacraments 2 performed by Christ

Baptism Communion

5 sacrament rites Reconcilliation Confirmation Marriage Ordination Unction

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Initiation: Baptism

Held on special days: Easter Vigil [most popular] Day of Pentecost All Saints Day Baptism of our Lord Visit from Bishop

Held in the middle of worship service Front and Center

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Initiation: Baptism

Baptism allows you to participate in the eucharist

Don’t need to be “re-baptized” into the Episcopalian Church

Infant and Adult baptisms Adult: becoming more prevalent

Infants sometimes dressed in “Christening Gowns”

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Initiation: Baptism

-Hmong Baptism [believe its at -Infant baptism in Edina

St. Mark’s Cathedral

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Initiation: Confirmation

Is the coming forward and individual commitment to live in the Christian faith “Mature affirmation of faith”

Bishops confirm or receive new members Annual visit Sign up and attend courses[12]

Age: High School

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Initiation: Eucharist

Must be baptized Every Sunday Unlevened wafers Red Wine Belief: Do not believe in “Transubstiation” but rather

in “Mystery” Jesus is present spiritually; transforms bread into the

spiritual presences of Jesus Beyond human comprehension Better we believe and trust Him

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Initiation: Eucharist

Form: extend hands, right cupped over the left Receive and eat the bread Lightly hold cup

Sip Dunk bread

Cross arms if you do not want wine Receive prayer or blessing instead

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At least one member must be baptized “Unity Candle” isn’t typical, but can be used Belief:

Divorce: Doesn’t cut you off from God R.C.-don’t acknowledge divorce, remarriage is adultery,

can’t receive communion afterwards Remarriage: acceptable

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Anointing with Holy Oil It is sacramental in that through the oil (the outward

sign) a person is made aware of the special Grace of God working in his/her life (the spiritual grace). It is most often used for healing a person who is sick in mind, body, or spirit (healing refers to the acceptance of the sick person of God's will and purpose for him during the uncertainty of illness).

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Some should, all may, no one MUST go to confession

You should if you break any of the 10 commandments, as long as you are truly sorry

If you do: usually during lent or advent Ash Wednesday and Good Friday

Every worship: Public confession “Kneel/stand and admit things we should have done and

things we have left undone”

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Performed only by Bishops “Ordination is the rite in which God gives

authority and the grace of the Holy Spirit to those being made bishops, priests, and deacons, through prayer and the laying on of hands by bishops.”

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Our Experience: St. Mary’s Episcopalian Church 1895 Laurel Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 The Reverend LeeAnne Watkins about 250 members Established 120 years ago

In 1925 moved to current location

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St. Mary’s Floorplan

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Our Visual Experience

Placement Altar placed far back in sanctuary (2 Altars)

Second altar on Epistle Side Lectern on Epistle Side (1 Lectern)

Elevated and extended towards congregation Presidential Chair (Bishop’s Chair) (1 Chair)

Epistle side of Sanctuary Baptistery (One Baptismal Font)

Baptismal font isolated on Epistle side

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Our Visual Experience

Placement Creedence Table

Located on right side of altar against the wall, open Choir Seating

Pews reserved in chancel Musical Instruments

Organ, located in chancel across from choir Bell choir, Gospel side wing

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Our Visual Experience

Places of reservation Sanctuary during Eucharist

Reverend, Acolytes, Chalice bearer Pews for the choir

Area for Bell Choir

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Our Visual Experience

Usage Sanctuary

Eucharist Chancel

Music, Readings, Sermon Baptistery


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Our Visual Experience

Vesture Acolytes wearing albs Priest wearing alb and chasuble

For Eucharist Choir wearing blue robes

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Our Visual Experience

Importance Baptistery, has separate space reserved for the

special occasion, Marble font Altar, Elevated by sets of stairs

Scale Everything was human scale

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Our Visual Experience

Assembly Space Priests and choir located in elevated chancel

space Laity standing or sitting in pews of nave

Movement Pews promote standing or sitting and little

movement Central Aisle promotes movement of many

activities, preaching, Gospel reading, Eucharist, opening procession

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Our Acoustic Experience

Language English

Relationship with language and music Music clarifies service

i.e. Psalm reading was sung as an Antiphon

Ritual Interaction Antiphonal chant during Eucharist

Accessibility no professional skills required, easy to sing along


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Our Acoustic Experience

Form Traditional Hymns and Psalmody

Style Traditional church music Chants, Antiphons

Timbre Organ

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Our Acoustic Experience

Primacy Reinforces Eucharist Psalm reading

Congregation involved

Complexity Organ accompaniment

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Our Kinetic Experience

Posture Frequent Standing Sitting

Sermon, Readings, Offering, Eucharist Kneeling

Prayers of the People, while receiving communion

Actions Sharing the Peace Eucharist

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Our Kinetic Experience

Procession and Dance Opening Procession

Crucifer, “twinkle bells”, Acolytes, Choir, Reverend holding up Book of Common Prayer

Gesture Shaking of hands for Sharing Peace Receiving Communion

Right hand cupped over left hand

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