Environmental Monitoring Report Semi-Annual Report June 2017 Viet Nam: Secondary Cities Development Project Prepared by Project Management and Implementation Support Consultant (BVI) for the People’s Committees of Quang Nam, Ha Tinh, Dak Lak Provinces and the Asian Development Bank. This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Environmental Monitoring Report - adb.org · M&E – Monitoring & Evaluation PMU – Project Management Unit SEMP – Site Environmental Management Program TOR – Term of Reference

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Environmental Monitoring Report

Semi-Annual Report

June 2017

Viet Nam: Secondary Cities Development Project

Prepared by Project Management and Implementation Support Consultant (BVI) for the

People’s Committees of Quang Nam, Ha Tinh, Dak Lak Provinces and the Asian Development


This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Semiannual Monitoring Report Secondary Cities Development Project


(1st Jan 2017)

Currency unit – Viet Nam Dong (VND)

VND 1,00 = $ 0.000044

$1.00 = VND 22.700


ADB – Asian Development Bank

BMT – Buon Ma Thuot


– Dak Lak Urban Environmental Company

DONRE – Department of Natural Resources and Environment

EMP – Environmental Management Plan

GOV – Government of Vietnam

IA Implementing Agency

IEE – Initial Environmental Examination

M&E – Monitoring & Evaluation

PMU – Project Management Unit

SEMP – Site Environmental Management Program

TOR – Term of Reference

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ha – Hectare

kg – Kilogram

km – Kilometer

m – Meter

t – Ton


In this report, "$" refers to US dollars otherwise state

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

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A. Project Background 5

B. Project Implementation Progress 5

1. Buon Ma Thuot Subprojects 5

2. Ha Tinh Subprojects 8

3. Tam Ky Subprojects 12


A. Institutional Responsibilities for Environmental Monitoring 17

- Prepare quarterly environmental monitoring reports (Q1&2) and the Semi-annual monitoring report

(from January 1 to June 30, 2017) 18

B. Incorporation of Environmental Monitoring Requirements in Project Contractual Arrangements 20



A. EMP/EMoP Implementation by Contractor 30

B. Environmental Monitoring by CSC/ PMU 31

C. Monitoring Activities Carried out by PIA Consultant 31


A. Buon Ma Thuot 33

B. Mitigation Measures Implemented for Ha Tinh Subprojects 37

C. Mitigation Measures Implemented in Tam Ky Subprojects 56


A. Monitoring plan and responsibilities 65

B. Environmental Impact Monitoring 66

1. Ha Tinh subprojects 66

2. Tam Ky Subprojects 70

3. Buon Ma Thuot Subprojects 73


A. Public Consultation and EMP Information Dissemination (bổ sung) 75

B. Grievance Redress Mechanism 75



A. Tam Ky 76

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B. Ha Tinh 81

C. Buon Ma Thuot 87


A. EMP Provisions have been implemented 88

1. Integrated environmental safeguard provisions are in the bid documents and civil contract 88

2. Environmental Management System has been established for the project 89

3. Application of mitigation measures at the site 89

B. Actions Recommended 90

C. Proposed for next period 90

List of tables

Table 1. Responsibilities and Status of Environmental Monitoring Organisation.................. 17

Table 2 List of persons involved in environmental monitoring .............................................. 20

Table 3 Status of Compliance with Loan Covenants relating to the Environment .......... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Table 4 EIA Process Compliance ........................................................................................ 28

Table 5. Date of Approval of updated EMPs ....................................................................... 29

Table. 6 Status of SEMP preparation and approval ............................................................. 30

Table 7 Summary of Mitigation Measures Implemented in BMT01A ................................... 33

Table 8 Summary of Mitigation Measures Implemented in BMT02 ...................................... 36

Table 9 Summary of Mitigation Measures Implemented in HT01 ........................................ 37

Table 10 Summary of Mitigation Measures Implemented in HT02....................................... 41

Table 11 Summary of Mitigation Measures Implemented in HT03....................................... 49

Table 12 Summary of Mitigation Measures Implemented in TK01 ....................................... 56

Table 13 Summary of Mitigation Measures Implemented in TK02A and TK02B .................. 59

Table 14 Environmental Impact monitoring data of Ha Tinh sub-project .............................. 66

Table 15 Environmental Impact monitoring data of TK01 .................................................... 70

Table 16 Environmental Impact monitoring Data of TK-02 .................................................. 71

Table 17 Baseline Data of BMT-01A ................................................................................... 73

Table 18 Quarter I/2017 Data of BMT-02 ............................................................................ 73

Table 19 Baseline Data of BMT-03 .................................................................................... 74

Table 20 List of PMU’s staff in charge of environmental safeguards .................................. 76

Table 21 Issues for further actions in TK01 ......................................................................... 76

Table 22 Issues for further actions in TK02 ......................................................................... 78

Table 23 Issues for further actions in HT01 ......................................................................... 81

Table 24 Issues for further actions in HT02 ......................................................................... 83

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Table 25 Issues for further actions in HT03 ......................................................................... 86

Table 26 Issues for further actions in BMT01A .................................................................... 88

Table 27 Issues for further actions in BMT02 ...................................................................... 88

List of Figures

Figure 1 Location of Subprojects in Buon Ma Thuot .............................................................. 8

Figure 2 Location of Subprojects in Ha Tinh ........................................................................ 12

Figure 3 Location of Ban Thach Dyke ................................................................................. 14

Figure 4 Location of Dien Bien Phu Road ........................................................................... 16

Figure 5: Project Environmental Management Organization and Responsibilities for EMP Implementation ................................................................................................................... 19

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A. Project Background

1. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) provides financing for the Secondary Cities

Development Project that will be carried out by the Provincial People’s Committies (“PPC”) of

Quang Nam, PPC of Dak Lak and PPC of Ha Tinh.

2. The objective of the Project is improved urban environment and climate resilience in Buon

Ma Thuot in the central highland region and the coastal cities of Ha Tinh and Tam Ky resulting

in improved environmental quality and increased coverage of urban infrastructure and climate

change adaptation in the three cities.

3. The Project consists of 12 subprojects in Tam Ky, Buon Ma Thuot and Ha Tinh and shall

comprise the following outputs: (i) new and improved urban infrastructure; (ii) improving

community awareness through information, education and communication, along with

associated livelihood opportunities; and (iii) improving competencies in integrated urban

development, environmental planning, climate adaptation and project management.

4. The SCDP environment semi-annual reporting is to cover the environmental monitoring

status and EMP compliance for the subprojects in all three cities. However construction is in

progress in only two of the three Buon Ma Thuot subprojects. 5. The main objective of this report is to monitor the contractor’s implementation of the uEMP

and SEMPs to ensure that the subprojects comply with the laws and regulations of the

government and ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009.The specific contents of the report

are to present the outcomes of:

i. Monitoring the environmental impacts during construction period

ii. Monitoring implementation of environmental mitigation measures specified in the

Environmental Management Plans approved by ADB;

iii. Assessing documentation of complaints received and corresponding


B. Project Implementation Progress

1. Buon Ma Thuot Subprojects

6. There are two PMUs involved with the SCDP in Buon Ma Thuot. PMU DAKURENCO

has two subprojects, one for construction of a new landfill at Hoa Phu and closing of the

existing Cu Eabur dump site (these are two separate contracts) and the second for the

construction of the Tran Quy Cap road. Buon Ma Thuot City PMU has one subproject for the

construction of the Mai Thi Luu road. These subprojects are described below.

Hoa Phu Landfill - BMT 01A and BMT 01B

7. A new sanitary landfill will be constructed at Hoa Phu including access roads and

drainage, cell development, leachate treatment administration buildings and electricity supply.

The original design included 6 landfill cells but the resulting budget for compensation of

affected persons was beyond what the Dak Lak PPC was prepared to consider so the design

scope was reduced to 2 cells. The contract for construction of the new landfill at Hoa Phu was

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awarded on 04 April 2017 and work to date has focused on clearing the site and construction

of the access road, perimeter wall and administrative buildings. The design of the landfill is

still being revised in accordance with comments from the PMIS SWM Specialist.The total area

of the landfill is 103 hectares but in the next stage another 53 hectares of land will be acquired

for the green buffer zone. A brief description of the works and contract information for package

BMT-01A is provided below.

Package No. BMT-01A/NCB

Invitation for Bids 08 January 2016

Bid Opening 08 October 2016

Date of Commencement (NTP) 20/04/2017

Date of Completion 20/04/2019

Contract Duration 720 Days

Engineer: Hung Dat Construction Ltd Co.

Contractor Joint venture of Hoang Nam road & bridge construction Limited Company– Tuan Cuong Investment & Construction Joint Stock Company – Truong Phat Investment Construction & Trading Joint Stock Company.

8. Construction of Package BMT-01B will not start until Q4, 2017 because PMU DAKURENCO cannot close the existing dump site at Cu Eabur until the construction of the new landfill is nearing completion so the detailed design for closing the old landfill has not yet commenced. Total area of the Cu Eabur site is 22 ha (including two cells of 6.9 ha). The solid waste will be compacted and covered by two soil layers with depth of 1.2 m. and the surface will be planted with trees and grass.

Tran Quy Cap Road - BMT 02

9. Tran Quy Cap road is designed with two traffic lanes each of width 7m separated by a median strip of 4 m and with 2 m wide sidewalks. The total road length is 3,942 m and the design includes lateral and longitudinal drainage and a small bridge. A brief description of the works and contract information for package BMT-02 is provided below.

Package No. BMT-02/NCB

Invitation for Bids 09 June 2016

Bid Opening 11 July 2016

Date of Commencement (NTP) 07 November 2016

Date of Completion 06 November 2019

Contract Duration 750 Days

Engineer: Hung Dat Construction Ltd Co.

Contractor: JV of An Nguyen Company LLC and Dong Hung Gia Lai JSC

Construction of Tran Quy Cap road started in November 2016 on the section of the road where compensation payments have been completed and good progress has been made. Aggregate base course has now been placed on all of the road except for the sections where land acquisition has not been completed (about 550 m). The first layer of asphalt has also been placed except on the areas where the contractor has not had full access to the site due to incomplete LAR activities (about 1 km.). Due to insufficient budgeting for the TQC road

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the value of completed work already exceeds the budgeted amount for 2017. The final layer will be placed after the PPC reallocate funds to cover the payments and work generally has now been stopped. The following works were completed up to the end of June, 2017:

- Media strip: L= 995,86m - Sidewalks: Rock foundation 4x6: L= 2000m - Horizontal drain pipe: D400: 5 location - Road surface water inlets: 10 units - Bituminous concrete C19: L= 880m on left and right sides of the road - Retaining wall: Class 1: 68,77 m– Left side and right side of route

Class 2: 201,79 m– Left side and right side of route

Class 3: 24,11 m– Right side of the route

Class 4: 52,21 m– Right side of the route

Mai Thi Luu Road - BMT 03 10. As a result of the large budget required for resettlement compensation, the scope of work for Mai Thi Luu road had to be reduced and this led to redesign by narrowing the overall width of the road from 20 to 14 m. The final design is for a single carriageway of width 10.5 m with 1.75 m wide sidewalks. The total road length is 2,575 m and the design includes lateral and longitudinal drainage and one small bridge. The updated Resettlement Plan has been prepared and has been approved by ADB on 13 June 2017. The Mai Thi Luu road contract was tendered in April 2017 in two packages: Lot 1 - Civil works for Road Construction and Lot 2 - Electrification and Lighting with the closing date for the submission of bidding documents on 25 May 2017. The bid evaluation reports for both packages have been completed and it is anticipated that construction will commence in quarter 3 of 2017 pending issuance of the ADB NOL. A brief description of the works and contract information for package BMT-02 is provided below.

Package No. BMT-03/NCB

Procurement: Bid Tendering on 25th May 2017

Date of Commencement (NTP) Estimated: Q3, 2017

Date of Completion Estimated: Q3, 2019

Contract Value 88,800,000,000 VND (refer procurement plan)

Contract Duration 750 Days

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Figure 1 below shows the location of the Buon Ma Thuot subprojects

Figure 1 Location of Subprojects in Buon Ma Thuot

2. Ha Tinh Subprojects

11. Subprojects of Secondary Cities Development Project are category B under ADB's environment

guidelines. None of Ha Tinh’s subprojects are located in an environmentally sensitive or

protected area. EMPs of the subprojects have been integrated in the IEEs approved by ADB

in June 2013 and later updated in the first quarter of year 2015.

12. There are seven subprojects in Ha Tinh packaged in three contracts; (i) HT01 - Major

Drains and Thach Trung regulating Basin; (ii) HT02 - Bong Son Lake Environmental

Improvement; and (iii)HT03 - Nguyen Trung Thien Road (central), Nguyen Trung Thien Road

(south), Hai Thuong Lang Ong Road and Nguyen Huy Lung Road.

The Major Drains and Thach Trung regulating Basin - HT 01

13. The construction work includes completion of 5.6 km of main drainage with access

roads and excavation and construction of embankments as well as landscaping for Thạch

Trung regulation basin (7.9ha).

Package No. HT-01/NCB

Invitation for Bids 08 January 2016

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Bid Opening 19 February 2015

Contractor: Joint Venture of Thanh Hoa No.3 Construction Joint Stock Company andThanh Cong Investment construction Joint Stock Company

Date of Commencement (NTP) 10/06/2016

Date of Completion 10/12/2017

Contract Duration 530 Days

Engineer: Joint Venture of APECO-TIDENCO-IDC

14. Current progress on HT-01 is as follows:

Channel T3: Work in progress includes excavation of organic soil and soil excavation, transportation to disposal area; driving bamboo piles; placing yellow sand for foundation padding; concreting for foundation lining; construction of rubble stone foundations and side slope protection for embankments joined with cement mortar grade 100. At the end of June 2017, the status of construction was:

- Construction of rubble stone embankment foundations, completed 1000m/2200m;

- Rubble stone side slope for embankments, completed 1000m/2200m

- Construction of earthfill embankments for the management road with compaction K95, completed 1100m/1100m

- Construction of boxculvert, completed 380m/505m

Channel T4: Work in progress includes driving bamboo piles; placing yellow sand for foundation padding; concreting for foundation lining; construction of rubble stone side slopes for embankment with cement mortar, grade 100. At the end of June 2017, the status of construction was:

- Construction of rubble stone embankment foundation, completed 1000m/3100m;

- Construction of rubble stone side slope protection for embankment, completed 1000m/3100m

- Construction of earthfill embankments for management road with compaction K95, completed 1550m/1550m

Channel T8: Work in progress includes: excavation of slope protection foundations for channel; driving bamboo piles; placing yellow sand for foundation padding; concreting for foundation lining; construction of rubble stone embankment foundation and rubble stone side slope protection for left bank side with cement mortar grade 100. At the end of June 2017, the status of construction was:

- Construction of rubble stone embankment foundation, completed 3100m/4100m;

- Construction of rubble stone side slope protection for embankments, completed 3100m/4100m

- Construction of earthfill embankments for management road with compaction K95, completed 2100m/2100m

- Construction of bridges crossing the channel, completed 08/08 bridges

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Thanh Trung regulation basin: At the end of June 2017 the status of construction was:

- Excavation of organic soil from lake bed and disposal 78% complete - Construction of lake earthfill embankment 95% complete - Construction of reinforced concrete box culvert 2x(2mx1.5m), 100% complete - Construction of road base and road surface (Subbase and Base layer) and construction of

water drainage system for management roads D1, D2 and D2A 45% completed

Bong Son Lake Environmental Improvement - HT 02

15. The environment improvements to Bong Son Lake includes upgrading and

landscaping of degraded land, lighting, and construction of roads and sidewalks.

Package No. HT-02/NCB

Invitation for Bids 08 January 2016

Bid Opening 19 February 2015

Contractor: Hoa Hiep Limited Company

Date of Commencement (NTP) 27 July 2016

Date of Completion 10 December 2017

Contract Duration 540 Days

Engineer: Joint Venture of APECO-TIDENCO-IDC

Currently on HT-02, progress is as follows:

- Construction of Channel T2A and Management Road, completed - Organic soil excavated and cleared, and garbage collected in plot Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. - Pre-cast centrifugal pipe culverts types D300; D400; D600 manufactured. - Road base and drainage ditch for road No1 and Hoang Xuan Han management road


Construction of Four Urban Roads: - HT 03

16. The contract for HT-03 includes the four roads: (i) Hai Thuong LanOng (1.15 km) (ii)

Nguyen Trung Thien urban road - Center (0.8 km), (iii) Nguyen Trung Thien urban road-South

(1.76 km) and (iv)Nguyen Huy Lung (1.2km) as well as the T1 drain (0.31 km).

Package No. HT-03/NCB

Invitation for Bids 08 January 2016

Bid Opening 19 February 2015

Contractor: Hoa Hiep Limited Company

Date of Commencement (NTP) 10 June 2016

Date of Completion 10 December 2017

Contract Duration 540 Days

Engineer: Joint Venture of APECO-TIDENCO-IDC

17. Current progress on HT-03 is as follows:

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Hai Thuong Lan Ong Road: Completed subbase from Km0+65.13 to Km0+825.00; and part of intersection N2 (road base of main road). The drainage system and utilities culverts have also been completed on this section.

Nguyen Huy Lung Road: Completed asphalt concrete C19 layer from section Km0+00 to Km0+980.01 (section 2)

Nguyen Trung Thien (South) Road section Vong bridge to Van Yen central: Organic soil excavated for road base and replaced with sand, and earth filling with compaction K95 completed in sections: Km0+109.66 to Km0+231.71; Km0+270.78 to Km0+539.42.0; Km0+557.78 to Km0+614.32; Km0+695.05 to Km0+773.45; Km0+758.57 to Km0+802.58 and Km0+851.43 to Km0+1180.25. Earth filling with compaction K98 completed from sections: Km0+270.78 to Km0+539.42.0; Km0+557.78 to Km0+614.32 and Km0+756.76 to Km0+821.60. Cross drainage box culvert BxH=1000x1000 installed on sections from stake NT2.T17A to NT2.P17A; NT2.P18A to NT2.T19A and NT2.P10A to NT2.T10A. Stone aggregate subbase layer placed on sections from Km0+109.66 to Km0+821.60. Construction of utilities culvert in progress.

Nguyen Trung Thien (South) Road section Van Yen central to 26/3 road: Organic soil excavated for road base and replaced with sand, and earth filling with compaction K95 and K98 in sections: from Km0+31.58 to Km0+132.91; Km0+228.68 to Km0+300.0 and Km0+355.66 to Km0+500.0. Construction of earth filling with compaction K98 and Stone aggregate subbase layer completed from Km0+31.58 to Km0+132.91; Km0+228.68 to Km0+300.0 and Km0+355.66 to Km0+500.0. Construction of utilities culvert in progress.

Nguyen Trung Thien (Central): Organic soil excavated for road base and replaced with sand, earth filling with compaction K95 and K98 and construction of Stone aggregate subbase layer completed in section from: Km0+25.0 to Km0+450.0. Boxculverts for Channel T1 under construction with 9/10 sections type 2x(1.5x1.5)m cast in place with total length 135m and 5/11 sections type 2x(2.0x2.0)m of total length 75m.

Figure 2 below shows the location of the Ha Tinh subprojects.

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Figure 2 Location of Subprojects in Ha Tinh

3. Tam Ky Subprojects

18. The subprojects in Tam Ky consist of: (i) Ban Thach River Dyke completion works and (ii)

Dien Bien Phu urban road construction. The Projects Construction Investment Management

Authority of Quang Nam Province is the executing agency (EA) of the subprojects

Ban Thach River Dyke Completion Works subproject (Flood Protection Component) –


19. The subproject will protect 6 wards of Tam Ky city from flooding with total natural area of

12.8km2 and population of 39,540 persons and includes:

� Construction of three sections of new dyke:

- Section 1: from Nguyen Van Troi Road to NH1, 2.5 km, extending the existing dyke

towards the upstream area;

- Section 2: from Tan Thanh residential area to No. 6 residential area, 0.7 km,

completing the existing central section of the dyke;

- Section 3: from Ton Duc Thang Road to South Quang Nam Road, 3.0 km, extending

the existing dyke towards the downstream area; and

� Section 4: Building a flood protection wall on the existing dyke with about 3.5 km length.

The project features are as follows:

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Items Description/date

Package No. TK-01/NCB

Invitation for Bids 30 June 2015

Bid Opening 04 August 2015

Contractor Vietnam Construction and Import Export Corporation – Vinaconex and:

Vinaconex Building, No. 34 Lang Ha Street, Lang Ha ward, Dong Da

district, Hanoi city, Vietnam

Contract Start Date: 18 May 2016

Contract No. 018/2016/HDXD

Started Works May 25, 2016

Duration 540 days

ADB Approval of Award

Engineer Joint Venture ofECC Consultant and Construction Investment JSC:

385 Nguyen Van Linh Street, Da Nang City; and Thanh Cong

Construction JSC-Quang Nam Branch: 168 Ly Thuong Kiet, Tam Ky

city, Quang Nam

20. Current progress is as follows:

Section 1: (1A highway to Nguyen Van Troi road) completed the construction of irrigation

channel, placing of stone rip-rap, casting and installation of revetment elements, placing of

gabions at the river side, earth filling with compaction density K95 and installation of composite

tidal gate V5.

Section 2: (Trung Nu Vuong road to Tan Thanh new residential area): Constructed manholes,

curbs, deck slabs, completed aggregate layer 1 and started placing aggregate layer 2 at

section 2A. At section 2B the site has been cleared and for Section 2C the embankment has

been completed, stone rip-rap is being placed and the reinforced concrete management road

on top of the dyke is under construction.

Section 3: (Bach Dang road to Tam Ky WWTP): Excavation of organic soil and earth filling

with compaction density K95 is continuing; fixing of reinforced steel for the toe of the dyke

on both the field side and river side is in progress, box culverts No.6 and 7 are 50% completed

and foundations of the redesigned retaining wall have been completed.

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Figure 2 Location of Ban Thanh River Dyke

Figure 2 Location of Ban Thach River Dyke Figure 3 Location of Ban Thach Dyke

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(i) Dien Bien Phu Urban Road Construction subproject – TK02

21. The subproject will go through relatively flat terrain in 5 wards of An My, An Xuan, Phuoc Hoa, Tan

Thanh and An Phu, and Tam Phu communes, Tam Ky city, Quang Nam province. It includes (i)

construction of 6.308Km of road from the City center to Thanh Nien Road (coastal road), and (ii) building

3 bridges over Ban Thach River, Ky Phu River and a channel in the Chu Lai Industrial Zone.

The project features are as follows:

Package TK-02A (Lot 1)

Items Description/date

Package No.TK-02A TK-02A – Construction of Ban Thach and Ky Phu Bridges including road

approaches and road sections between bridges

Invitation for Bids 04 February 2016

Contractor: CIENCO 1 - Van Phon

Contract date: 23 August 2016

Contract No. 23/2016/HDXD

Started Works 26 August 2016

Duration 720 days

Engineer Joint Venture of ECC Consultant and Construction Investment JSC: 385

Nguyen Van Linh Street, Da Nang City; and Thanh Cong Construction

JSC-Quang Nam Branch: 168 Ly Thuong Kiet, Tam Ky city, Quang Nam

Package TK-02B (Lot 2)

Items Description/date Package No. TK-02B: Construction of 3 road sections from Hung Vuong Road to end road

including the Kenh Bridge Invitation for Bids 04 February 2016 Contractor Joint Venture of Quang Dai Viet Construction Technique Company Limited:

106 Do Quang, Vinh Trung Ward, Thanh Khe district, Da Nang City and Vietnam Construction and Import Export Corporation: Vinaconex Building, No. 34 Lang Ha Street, Lang Ha ward, Dong Da district, Hanoii city, Vietnam

Contract date: 01 August 2016 Contract No. 64/2016/HDXD Started Works 15 August 2016 Duration 720 days Engineer Joint Venture of ECC Consultant and Construction Investment JSC: 385

Nguyen Van Linh Street, Da Nang City and Thanh Cong Construction JSC-Quang Nam Branch: 168 Ly Thuong Kiet, Tam Ky city, Quang Nam

22. Current progress on the two Lots of TK-02 is as follows:

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On TK-02A : Ban Thach Bridge, constructed retaining walls for Abutment M0, beams for bridge span

M0-T1, T1-T2, T2-T3, and columns for abutment M6, and Pier T4. Ky Phu Bridge: completed

construction of 8 bored piles for pier T3 and blinding concrete for the base of Pier T3. Constructed

abutment M2, 2 culverts at Km1+321.12 and Km2+520, and earth and soil filling for the connecting road

between the bridges.

On TK-02B 0: 3 Sections of the Dien Bien Phu road, the progress on the three sections under

construction is as follows:

Section 1: completed soil filling, K98 from stake 30 to stake 51, completed aggregate layers Dmax 37.5,

Dmax25 on the left lane from stake 36 to 51 (200m), and right lane from stake 39 to stake 51 (160m)

and stake 30 to 35 (95.27m) for both lanes., completed earth filling K95 for sidewalks and curbs from

stake H6 to 51 (91.51m) on the left lane and from stake 39 to 51 on the right lane (including intersection

G1). Organic soil excavation and earth filling K98 completed from stake 6 to stake 19 on left lane and

from stake 8 to stake 17 on right lane

Section 2: completed agregate layer, level 1 Dmax 37.5 from stake 189 to stake 271, completed cross

culverts D1000 at Km3+416, and D1000 at Km 2+680,84, completed agregate layer, level 1 Dmax 37.5

from stake 189 to stake 271, completed cross culverts D1000 at Km3+416, and D1000 at Km 2+680,84


Section 3: Completed earth filling with compaction K95 and K98 on both approach sections to Kenh

bridge, and constructed macadam aggregate basecourse Dmax 37,5.

Figure 4 Location of Dien Bien Phu Road

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A. Institutional Responsibilities for Environmental Monitoring

23. Updated Environmental Management Plans (uEMPs) for all Ha Tinh, Buon Ma Thuot and Tam

Ky subprojects have been approved by ADB. Based on the uEMPs, the contractors prepared Specific

Site Environmental Management Plans (sEMP) for all of the packages. The Construction Supervision

Consultants are also responsible for monitoring implementation of environmental protection measures.

The concerned environmental monitoring organizations are shown in the following table.

Table 1. Responsibilities and Status of Environmental Monitoring Organisation Agency Responsibilities Status of

implementation ADB - Review and approve IEEs, EMPs, uEMPs,

procurement and disbursement requests

- Help the PMU in capacity building to deliver the safeguards

- Monitor and supervise the PMU ‘s social and environmental performance during the construction phase

- Disclose updated documents of IEE and EMP, and monitor reports on its website

ADB has approved the uEMPs of Ha Tinh,Tam Ky and Buon Ma Thuot subprojects

PMUs/ PMU’s environmental officers

Each PMU has assigned 01 environmental officer to be in charge of environmental aspects of the subprojects. Quang Nam PMU’s environmental officer acts as the lead/ coordinator between the project cities and the concerned central government agencies and is responsible for (i) monitoring overall project implementation progress, and (ii) consolidating the semi-annual environmental monitoring reports from all the concerned PMUs.

- Monitor the contractor’s implementation of mitigation measures

- Handle and resolve complaints of affected

persons during construction stage

- Collect reports, official documents and other documents related to safeguard policies

- Conduct regular public information and community consultations/meetings

PMU has assigned the staff responsible for monitoring of SEMPs’ implementation

Project Management and Implementation Support (PMIS) Environmental Consultant

Each PMU has one environmental specialist. ADB approved replacement of the Environmental

Specialist for Ha Tinh sub-project in May 2017. The

environmental specialist in QN PMU plays the role of coordinator and consolidates the environmental monitoring semi-annual report.

Each environmental specialist under PMIS has been mobilized in each city

- Quarterly reports for Q1&2 have been completed

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Agency Responsibilities Status of implementation

- Assist PMUs to ensure that project

implementation is fully compliant with the Government’s and ADB’s policies and operational requirements in environmental safeguards

- Monitor implementation of environmental mitigation measures specified in the uEMPs approved by ADB

- Periodic monitoring of environmental quality and reporting it to ADB

- Conduct workers’ orientation on implementation of Project EMP and SEMP provisions

- Conduct activities to help local communities increase awareness of public health, environmental management, and climate resilience

- Preparation of a new environmental management report for the extension Dien Bien Phu subproject (Truong Giang Bridge project)

- Prepare baseline environmental monitoring reports of Buon Ma Thuot subprojects

- Prepare quarterly environmental monitoring reports (Q1&2) and the Semi-annual monitoring report (from January 1 to June 30, 2017)

- Water sampling & analysis and air monitoring have been conducted.

- EMP for the extension of Dien Bien Phu subproject (Truong Giang Bridge Project) has been submitted to Quang Nam PMU.

- The semi-annual environmental monitoring report (1 January – 30 June, 2017) has been completed.

- Preparations for the next round of quarterly sampling and testing have been done.

Environmental Sampling and Testing Consultant

- Quarterly surface water quality and wastewater (if applicable) monitoring

- Semi-annual air quality monitoring

Water & air quality sampling and testing have been made in Q2, 2017.

Construction Supervision Consultant

- Supervise implementation of SEMPs approved by PMU.

- Report to PMU

Monthly Reports including Environmental Monitoring reports submitted to PMU

Contractor for Construction

- Establish environmental and safety team

- Monitor environmental and safety issues

- Prepare monthly environmental monitoring reports and submit it to PMU

- Prepare SEMP for his package

Assigned staff in charge of SEMPs implementation. Submit monthly environmental monitoring reports

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Figure 5: Project Environmental Management Organization and Responsibilities for EMP Implementation


- Quang Nam DONRE

- Dak Lak DONRE


PMIS/ PMIS Environnemental Consultants

- Environmental consultant for HT PMU

- Environmental consultant for QN PMU

(environmental team leader)

- Environmental consultant for BMT PMU


- Contractors for HT subprojects

- Contractors for QN subprojects

- Contractors for BMT subprojects

PMUs/ environmental officers of the PMUs

- Environmental officer for HT PMU

- Environmental officer for QN PMU (lead/ coordinator)

- Environmental officer for BMT PMU

Construction supervision

consultants (CSCs)

- CSC for HT subprojects

- CSC for QN subprojects

- CSC for BMT subprojects

Environmental sampling and testing

consultants - Testing consultant for

HT subprojects

- Testing consultant for QN subprojects

- Testing consultant for BMT subprojects

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A list of persons in charge of environmental monitoring are presented in the table below.

Table 2 List of persons involved in environmental monitoring

No. Name Responsibility

Ha Tinh Subprojects

1 Pham Dinh Hai Staff of PMU Ha Tinh in charge of environmental safeguards

2 Do Van Man Responsible for environment and safety issues in HT01

3 Bui Huu Dung Responsible for environment and safety issues in HT02

4 Nguyen Huu Duc Responsible for environment and safety issues in HT03

5 Pham Thi Ngoc Thuy PMIS’s Environmental Specialist for Ha Tinh

Tam Ky Subprojects

1 Ha Nhat Anh Staff of PMU Quang Nam in charge of environmental


2 Bui Quoc Lap

(environmental team


PMIS’s Environmental Specialist for Tam Ky

Buon Ma Thuot Subprojects

1 Le Van Luong Staff of PMU Buon Ma Thuot in charge of environmental

safeguards and solid waste management for BMT-01&02

2 Phan Thanh Nhan Staff of PMU Buon Ma Thuot in charge of environmental

safeguards for BMT-03

3 Nguyen Xuan Hoa PMIS’s Environmental Specialist for Buon Ma Thuot

B. Incorporation of Environmental Monitoring Requirements in Project Contractual Arrangements

24. The environmental safeguard provisions in the EMP have been included in the bid documents and in the civil works contracts. In the bid documents the following environmental safeguard requirements were included:

- An item for environmental monitoring was included in the BoQ to ensure a budget for

safeguards management

- A safety and environmental Engineer was required in the item of personnel requirements

- Environmental management requirements have been added to the section on

environmental protection regulations of the technical specifications

- The IEE, uEMP and uRP documents for the subproject were included as appendices of

the bidding documents.

25. In the civil works contracts Clauses 4.18 and 4.21 of Section 8 – Particular conditions

of contract regulate that the Contractors shall carry out all necessary activities to protect the environment and comply with current laws and regulations.

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26. The Loan agreement contains 17 covenants, which the PPCs as executing agencies and the PMUs as implementing agencies are required to comply with. Seven of these covenants relate to environmental matters and the status of compliance with each of these covenants is described in Table 3 below.

Table 3 Status of Compliance with Loan Covenants relating to the Environment

No. in LA Covenant Reference in



Status of Compliance

2. PMU Capacity

Within six (6) months of the loan effectiveness date, the

Borrower shall cause the Project Executing Agencies and IAs to ensure that their relevant PMUʼs capacity is

strengthened and equipped with professional staff as

described in the PAM, including a PMU director,

municipal engineers (drainage and flood protection),

civil engineers (roads/highways and structures), environmental engineer/solid waste management

specialist (Buon Ma Thuot), environmental resettlement

specialist(s) (urban planner); social development and

gender specialist(s), finance specialist(s), project

management and procurement and contracts management.

Paragraph 2,

Schedule 5

Complied with.

- Tam Ky subproject:

+ Project construction investment management authority of Quang Nam

province with total of 14 staffs for this project, of which 1 director, 1 deputy

director and professional staffs of which all of them have at least bachelor

degree and higher education. (11 engineers and 1 Master).

- Ha Tinh subproject

+ Ha Tinh PMU has been established with 15 officers, including 1 director; 9

technical and management officers and 5 financial officers with bachelor

degrees. There are 6 officers with master degrees.

- Buon Ma Thuot subproject:

Buon Ma Thuot PMU: 1 Director and 2 management officers with bachelor

degrees. The accounting – administration department has 11 officers with

bachelor degrees. The Technical Department has 7 technical officers with

bachelor degrees. The Department of Civil and Industrial of Construction

Engineering - Technical Infrastructure has 5 officers with bachelor degrees and

1 officer with postgraduate degree. Department of Agricultural Work &

Development Management has 1 officer with bachelor degree.

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PMU DAKURENCO: 1 director and 1 deputy director with bachelor degrees.

The accounting department has 2 officers with bachelor degrees, the technical

department has all 8 officers with bachelor degrees. The department of planning

has 2 officers with bachelor degrees.Dakurenco PMU: 1 director and 1 deputy

director The accounting department has 2 officers, the technical department

has 8 officers The department of planning has 2 officers, they all have bachelor


5. Environment

The Borrower shall ask the Project Executing Agencies

to ensure that the preparation, design, construction,

implementation, operation and decommissioning of the

Project and all Project facilities comply with (a) all applicable laws and regulations of the Borrower relating

to the environment, health and safety; (b) the

Environmental Safeguards; and (c) all measures and

requirements set forth in the IEEs, the EMPs and any

corrective or prevention actions set forth in any Safeguards and Social Monitoring Report. In the case of

any discrepancy or inconsistency among the Borrowerʼs

laws, regulations and procedures relating to

environment, health and safety and the SPS, the SPS

shall prevail.

Paragraph 5,

Schedule 5

Being complied with

(a) Environmental documents (EIAs, EMPsU) were prepared and met requirements for both Vietnam Laws and regulations (Environmental Protection Law 2014 and the related regulations) and ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 in the project’s preparation and construction phases;

(b) Environmental safeguard requirements were included in the Bid document and Civil contract as well as during the construction implementation;

(c) All measures and requirements set forth in the the EMPs are being complied with, the mitigation measures are being implemented and environmental monitoring was conducted according to the present regulations. The Quarterly reports (Q1&Q2) and the Semi-annual report (from January to June, 2017) have been completed.

10. Human and Financial Resources to Implement

Safeguard Requirements

The Borrower shall cause each Project Executing Agency to make available necessary budgetary and human resources to fully implement, as applicable, the EMPs, the RPs and the GAP.

Paragraph 10, Schedule 5

Complied with.

In general, PMUs have assigned staff responsible for safeguards (social and environmental) under the subproject. Budget for EMPs compliance is indicated in the Civil Contracts.

- Tam Ky subproject

The PMU has the announcement no. 52/TB-MB dated September 1st 2016 on

assigning responsible officers to monitor the status of environment,

resettlement, training etc. PMU has appointed En Mr. Ha Nhat Anh as the

person responsible for environmental matters.

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-Hà Tĩnh Subproject: The PMU has assigned Mr. Nguyen Hoang Thinh to be

responsible for environmental issues.

- Buon Ma Thuot subproject:

Dakurenco: Mr. Le Van Luong was assigned as the environmental officer.


11. Safeguards – Related Provisions in the Bidding

Documents and Works Contracts

The Borrower shall cause each Project Executing Agency to ensure that all bidding documents and contracts for Works contain specific provisions that require contractors to:

(a) comply with the measures relevant to the contractor set forth in the IEEs, the EMPs and the RPs, and any corrective or preventative actions set forth in a Safeguards and Social Monitoring Report;

(b) make available a budget for all such

environmental and social measures;

(c) provide the Project Executing Agency concerned with a written notice of any unanticipated environmental, involuntary resettlement or indigenous peoples risks or impacts that arise during construction, implementation or operation of the Project that were not considered in the IEEs, the EMPs and the RPs;

(d) adequately record the condition of roads, agricultural land and other infrastructure prior to starting to transport materials and construction;

(e) reinstate pathways, other local infrastructure, and agricultural land to at least their pre-project condition upon the completion of construction; and

Paragraph 11, Schedule 5

Being complied with.

Bidding Documents:

Environmental Safeguard requirements are included in the Bidding Document

for both Procurement of Works under ICB and NCB bidding as follows: :

o Budget for safeguards management: item for environmental monitoring was included in BoQ of Section 4 Biding Forms.

o Human resources: Safety and environmental Engineer required in personnel requirements of section 6.

o Employer’s requirements:

- Specification on environmental management: environmental management requirements were included in Section 004 - Environmental protection regulations included in Volume 2 on Technical specifications

o Inclusion of IEE, EMP and RP: the IEE, uEMP and uRP for the subproject were inserted as appendix of the document.

Civil works contract: Clause 4.18 and 4.21 of Section 8 – Particular conditions of contract regulated that the Contractors shall carry out all necessary activities to protect the environment and comply with current laws and regulations. And in General condition of all civil work contract, the GCC 4.12, 4.18, 7, 11.2, 21 included the provision about the cost measures for the environmental protection and restoration of the site, the responsibility of the contractor to notify the unexpected risks and impacts, contractor’s responsibility of recording and restoring the roads and infrastructures after the construction, provisions about the responsibility of the contractor in hiring unskilled labors, which prohibits child

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(f) (i) comply with all applicable labor laws of the Borrower on the prohibition of child and forced labor; (ii) give equal pay for equal work regardless of gender, ethnicity or social group; (iii) disseminate information on sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV/AIDS) and human trafficking to sub-contractors/employees and local communities surrounding the Project construction sites; and (iv) implement HIV/AIDS and human trafficking awareness activities.

labor and provides health programs for HIV/AIDS prevention which is complied with (a) to (f).

- Tam Ky subproject:

From(a) to (e): Compliance ongoing with (d) and (e): (need illustrations given

by PMU)

(a)-(c): Supervision consultants are responsible for inspecting and reporting

(f): Complied with.

(i) There is no child labor, forced labor at the construction site. Equal payment

regardless of gender, ethnic minorities is ensured

(ii) equal payment for male and female workers at the same position.

(iii) The total number of workers who have been raised awareness on HIV

AIDS/STD/anti-trafficking are: 115 people including 3 women. Communication

programs for the workers from the remaining other contractors will be organized

in the future.

- Ha Tinh subproject:

(a) The contractors are committed to comply with the measures relating to the regulations stated in the IEEs, the EMPs and RPs,

-(b) Shortfall of fund to implement RP is allocated under decision No. 3968/QD-UBND dated 30/12/2016 and decision No. 396/QD-UBND dated 25/01/2017 (30 billion dong).

(d) (e) The contractor, the PMU and the local authorities had surveys, records and commitments to reinstate pathways, other local infrastructure, and agricultural land to at least their pre-project condition upon the completion of construction.

(f) Trainings for the workers of the contractors of 3 packages in Ha Tinh project

had been held on 6/8/2016. The content of the trainings included safeguards,

environmental hygiene, sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV/AIDS) and

human trafficking. The trainings also had the participation of the supervision

consultants, the PMU officers and City Women Union.

- Buon Ma Thuot subproject:

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(a) The contractors are developing the site environmental management plan

(sEMP) for the package BMT02 based on the approved updated environmental

management plan (uEMP).

The construction contract for BMT2 with ADB standard format included all those

requirements from (a) to (f) and will be monitored closely by Supervision


The terms complying with (a-f) are included in the construction contract for BMT3 which is now being finalized

12. Safeguards Monitoring and Reporting

The Borrower shall cause each Project Executing

Agency to: (a) submit, at least, semi-annual Safeguards and

Social Monitoring Reports to ADB and disclose relevant information from such reports to affected persons promptly upon submission;

(b) if any unanticipated environmental and/or social risks and impacts arise during construction, implementation or operation of the Project that were not considered in the IEEs, the EMPs and the RPs, promptly inform ADB of the occurrence of such risks or impacts, with detailed description of the event and proposed corrective action plan; and report any actual or potential breach of compliance with measures and requirements set forth in the EMPs and the RPs promptly after becoming aware of the breach.

Paragraph 12, Schedule 5

Being complied with

The first semi-annual environmental monitoring report was submitted to ADB in

the end of 2016.

The draft of this second semi-annual report (from January to June, 2017) was

submitted to ADB in July for reviewing.

At all 3 subprojects:

a/ PMIS Consultant is supporting the PMU to prepare reports.

b/ Currently no risk has been detected

c/ Monitoring activities are still in progress but so far no violation of compliance has been detected.

17. Public Disclosure

The Borrower shall cause each Project Executing Agency to ensure through each PPCʼs website and other locations accessible to the general public, the public disclosure of information about various project matters, including but not limited to general project information, procurement, project progress, contact

Paragraph 17, Schedule 5

Being complied with.

- Tam Ky subproject

Besides publishing on ADB’s website, PMU has issued dispatch No. 634/BQL-

QLDA3 dated Dec 6th 2016 to to request the PPC for publishing all the

information of the project on Quang Nam PPC. Quang Nam PPC has issued

dispatch no. 6436/UBND-KTTH dated Dec 23, 2016 to allow Quang Nam PMU

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details, feasibility studies, including IEEs, EMPs, RPs, GAP and audited financial statements of each Project province.

to publish information approved by ADB on the Quang Nam PPC’s website. The

information on the subprojects were disclosed on the the Quang Nam PPC’s

website since 21/2/2017 at:


- Ha Tinh subproject

http://hatinh.gov.vn/dautunuocngoai/ODA/Pages/default.aspx - Ha Tinh

subproject: all of its information regarding the loan will be publicly disclosed on

PPC website. Until now, all subprojects have not been receiving any

recommendation for environmental aspect after public disclosure of the


- Buon Ma Thuot subproject:

In addition to the public disclosure on ADB website, the Project Management

Unit has issued dispatch no. 379/BC-UBND dated Dec 27th 2016 to request the

PPC for publishing all the information of the project on Dak Lak PPC website.

18. Public Awareness

The Borrower shall ensure each Project Executing Agency and each IA to undertake public awareness campaigns through information disclosure, education and consultation on the Project and its benefits, including, but not limited to, information related to the EMP, RP and GAP.

Paragraph 18, Schedule 5

Being complied with. (Documentation need to be provided)

- Tam Ky subproject

Organized many workshops, community consultations to raise public


Project preparation period: community consultations, disclosing the master plan

by residents meeting and setting up the hoarding of the master plan (the minute

of community consultations was attached in the annex “related documentary”).

Project implementation period, all documents such as EMP, RP were sent to

Ward People's Committees (WPC) of the subprojects to disclose the

information to the residents (the dispatch of PMU sent to WPCs attached in the

annex “related documentary”).

The coming period: PMU and PMIS consultants continue to implement IEC

programs including distributing leaflets to make the residents understand more


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- Ha Tinh subproject:

Ha Tinh subproject has held many public consultation disseminating

information about the project including environmental protection, labor safety,

resettlement and gender policies to all the local people who are within the

project area.

- Buon Ma Thuot subproject:

Organized 2 workshops, public consultations to raise public awareness in Tu

An, Tan Lap Ward and at the headquarter of DAKURENCO.

Organized the public dissemination of information and education by many methods such as workshops; and disseminated information of the project to the commune and ward people’s committee and the affected households.

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EIA Process Compliance with Vietnam’s regulations

27. The EIA process for these subprojects was defined when the Environment

Protection Law No. 52/2005/QH11 dated 29 November 2005 was enforced. The EIA should

comply with the Decree No.21/2008/ NĐ-CP dated 28 February 2008, which amended and

supplemented some articles of Decree No. 80/2006/NĐ-CP dated 09 August 2006 detailing

the guidelines in the implementation of Environment Protection Law.

28. Based on Decree No. 21/2008/ND-CP, the projects were required to make an

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or an Environmental Protection Commitment Report

(EPC). The EPCs shall be prepared by the project owner and submitted to the Department of

Natural Resources and Environment at district level for acceptance. The EIAs shall be

prepared by the project owner and submitted to the Department of Natural Resources and

Environment at provincial level for approval.

29. The EIA process compliance is presented in the Table 4 below.

Table 4 EIA Process Compliance

Code Subprojects Approval Compliance

Status (Yes/ No/


Ha Tinh Subprojects

HT-01 Major drainage and

Thach Trung

regulating Basin

Decision No.1542/QD-UBND

issued by Ha Tinh People

Committee dated 31 May, 2013


HT-02 Bong Son Lake



EPC approved in April 2013 Yes

HT-03 Nguyen Trung


Decision No.1541/QD-UBND

issued by Ha Tinh People

Committee dated 31 May, 2013


Tam Ky Subprojects

TK01 Ban Thach River


Decision No. 1725/QD-UBND

issued by Quang Nam People

committee dated 30 May 2013


TK 02 Dien Bien Phu


Buon Ma Thuot Subprojects

BMT01A Hoa Phu Solid

Waste Treatment


Decision No: 1213/QD- UBND

issued by Dak Lak People

committee dated 06 June, 2014


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BMT2 Tran Qui Cap Urban


Decision No: 2218/QD- UBND

issued by Dak Lak People

committee dated 24 October,



BMT3 Mai Thi Luu Urban


Decision No: 1144/QD- UBND

issued by Dak Lak People

committee dated 17 June, 2013


EIA Process Compliance with ADB Safeguard Policy

30. Subprojects of Secondary Cities Development Project are category B under ADB's

environment guidelines. No component of any of the four subprojects is located in an

environmentally sensitive or protected area, and potential impacts during construction will be

mitigated by using good international construction practices. An initial environmental

examination report with an environmental management plan and implementation budget was

prepared for each of the subprojects of the Secondary Cities Development Project.

31. Preparation of these IEEs was guided by the requirements outlined in ADB’s

Safeguard Policy Statement (2009). Information in the IEEs was based on subproject design,

secondary data from other agencies, field inspection and information gathered during time of

community and stakeholder consultations. The IEEs were carried out with the objective of (i)

establishing current environmental conditions; (ii) identifying key environmental issues; (iii)

assessing magnitude of impacts and providing mitigating measures; (iv) integrating the

environmental issues in the project planning and design stage and (v) developing an updated

environmental management plan for implementation, monitoring and reporting of the

environmental mitigation and enhancement measures.

32. The IEEs of the subprojects were prepared by the Projects Construction Investment

Management Authority (PCI.QNa) of TamKy, Ha Tinh PMU and the PMUs of Buon Ma Thuot

city and DAKURENCO who are the implementing agencies (IAs) or project owners with IEE

consultants, for approval by ADB and then disclosed on ADB's website. All of the IEEs were

submitted to ADB in June 2013.

33. The EMPs were updated for each sub-project and approved by the ADB as follows:

Table 5. Date of Approval of updated EMPs

Code Subprojects Date Approval

I Ha Tinh Subprojects

HT-01 Major Drainage and Ban Thach Regulating Basin 10 April 2015

HT-02 Bong Son Lake Environmental Improvements 10 Feb 2015

HT-03 Four Urban Roads 18 March 2015

II Tam Ky Subprojects

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TK01 Ban Thach River dyke 2 March 2015

TK 02 Dien Bien Phu Road 6 April 2015

The extension Dien Bien Phu Road (Truong

Giang Bridge Subproject)

The EIA has not been


III Buon Ma Thuot Subprojects

BMT01A Hoa Phu Solid Waste Treatment Plant 15 September 2015

BMT2 Tran Qui Cap Urban Road 27 July 2015

BMT3 Mai Thi Luu Urban Road 1st update: 24 August 2015

2nd update: 5 May 2017

Table. 6 Status of SEMP preparation and approval

Code Subprojects Status of SEMP


Status of SEMP


I Ha Tinh Subprojects

HT-01 Major Drainage and Ban Thach

Regulating Basin

Completed Approved by the


HT-02 Bong Son Lake Environmental


Completed Approved by the


HT-03 Four Urban Roads Completed Approved by the


II Tam Ky Subprojects

TK01 Ban Thach River dyke Completed Approved by the


TK 02 Dien Bien Phu Road Completed Approved by the


III Buon Ma Thuot Subprojects

BMT01A Hoa Phu Solid Waste Treatment


Not yet prepared The SEMP shall

be prepared in


BMT2 Tran Qui Cap Urban Road Completed Approved by the


BMT3 Mai Thi Luu Urban Road Not yet prepared The SEMP shall

be prepared after




A. EMP/EMoP Implementation by Contractor

34. During the construction phase, the implementation of the EMP was the responsibility

of the Contractor. The Contractor’s responsibility included the appropriate and timely

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application of the mitigating measures stipulated in the approved uEMP/SEMP. The

application and implementation of the mitigation measures were to provide the safeguards

that will control, reduce if not eliminate unwanted effects during the Subproject


B. Environmental Monitoring by CSC/ PMU

35. During construction phase, the inspection, evaluation and recording of compliance to

the uEMP/ SEMP as implemented by the contractors were undertaken by the Construction

Supervision Consultant (CSC) in the field with the assistance of the PMIS environmental

Consultant. The CSC carried out weekly and monthly inspections and maintained records of

the Contractor’s mitigating measures and activities prescribed in the approved uEMP/ SEMP

of the Subproject. The responsibilities of CSC covered the period to the end of the

commissioning stage including certifying of construction materials, equipment and items and

final checking and acceptance for handing over for operation.

36. The inspection and evaluation records were consolidated by the CSC in their Monthly

Environmental Monitoring Report. The CSC’s collation and synthesis of the Contractors’

compliance to the requirements of the uEMP/ SEMP were summarized in matrix attached with

the report submitted to PMU and PMIS environmental Consultant after the end of each quarter.

C. Monitoring Activities Carried out by PIA Consultant

37. The PMIS environmental Consultant has provided support and advice to the CSC and

Contractors in implementation of uEMP/SEMP and assisted PMU in compiling monitoring

reports for submission to ADB. The PMIS environmental Consultant has carried out field visits

for inspection of environmental performance during Subproject implementation.

38. During the 1st half of year 2017, the PMIS environmental Consultants were mobilized

(April, May and June for Tam Ky; April and July for Ha Tinh and Buon Ma Thuot) to conduct

field trips to the Project provinces. The on-site visits were made to check the progress and

quality of the construction works and compliance with contract documents including

safeguards issues. After each on-site review a meeting with PMU, CSC and Contractors was

held to give them recommendation/advice on the Subproject implementation and to discuss

and find resolutions to the emerging issues. Specific site visits to monitor the environmental

compliance of the Subprojects consisted of the following activities:

(i) Validating physical progress of the construction works and point out non-compliance

with the approved EMP and EMoP;

(ii) Examining safety of the construction workers and the public;

(iii) Inspection of the environmental condition and sanitation of construction sites; and

(iv) Inspection of construction diaries and record keeping at the construction sites;

The results of contractor performance assessment have been reported every month to

PMUs and PMIS.

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39. The following tables provide the details of the environmental mitigation measures

implemented on each subproject during the reporting period.

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Secondary Cities Development Project (SCDP) 33

A. Buon Ma Thuot

Table 7 Summary of Mitigation Measures Implemented in BMT01A

Environmental issues

Location Mitigation Measures in this reporting period Mitigation Measures


Remarks Follow-up action required

Air quality and dust emissions

The access road; operation house

Dust suppression by water spraying Partially Water tanker used to spray in access road 1 time/day

Need to spray water in Operation house

Trucks transporting raw materials to and from the site to be provided with canvas covers;


Speed limitation signs to be adequately installed within construction site

Not yet Fully provide warnings signs

Temporary fencing/barriers installed around material storage areas Yes Material storage areas are part of Operation yard and had roofing, and walls of sheet metal, and concrete bases

Excavated soil should be reused for leveling lower areas Yes Excavated soil from Operation Yards, and fence around construction work to be reused to construct access road

Prioritize the use grid power/renewable energies instead of fossil energy using generators

Not yet During this monitoring period

Construct grid power

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Secondary Cities Development Project (SCDP) 34

connection to construction site

Noise and vibration

The access road; operation house

Use modern and new construction machines and equipment to meet standards of exhaust, noise, and vibration as regulated by the Government. The Contractor needs to submit to the Engineer documents proving that all construction vehicles, equipment, and machines are checked and meet requirements concerning noise and vibration generation of the current Vietnam standards as QCVN 26: 2010 for noise level and QCVN 27:2010 for vibration emitted by construction works


Transport vehicles shall be restricted to the hours of 22h – 6h Yes

Regularly maintain construction machines Yes Regularly maintain:rollers, Ecavators: 300h/maintenance

Transport vehicles, bulldozers: 500h/maintenance

Water quality The access road Locate worksites, camps, material storage areas and loading/unloading of construction materials and wastes far from watercourses


Do not allow washing of instruments/vehicles to take place adjacent to water bodies


Create temporary pipeline for water runoff Partially Construction of access road led to obstruction of rain water flow and caused flooding of cashew garden. The contractor must construct

prioritize const-ruction of pipeline

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Secondary Cities Development Project (SCDP) 35

two temporary drainage pipes to maintain the flow

Waste Construction Materials

Operation house, kitchen house

Prohibit disposal of solid waste materials into Channels, streams, other watercourses


Cover material storage areas when it is raining Yes

All waste material should be reused for leveling low areas where applicable


Use of hazardous substances and hazardous waste disposal

Construction site Ensure that measures for safe storage of fuel, and other hazardous substances are agreed by PMU and have necessary approval/permit from DONRE and local authorities


Equipment/vehicle maintenance and refueling areas will be confined to a special designed area to collect any fuels that spill out


Ensure all storage containers are in good condition with proper labelling


Hazardous waste containers should be collected Yes Labels must be glued on azardous waste containers.

Occupational safety

Construction site Provide adequate labor protection for workers Yes

Adequate accommodation, potable water, clean water for showers, separate hygienic sanitation facilities/toilets/washing

Yes First aid kits and labor protection equipment to be provided for Workers

Establish labor safety rules on construction site Not yet

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Table 8 Summary of Mitigation Measures Implemented in BMT02

Environmental issues

Location Mitigation Measures in this reporting period Mitigation Measures

Implemented. Remarks

Follow-up action required

Air quality and dust emissions

Km 1+287 - Km 1+ 375

Construction site

Dust suppression by water spraying Yes

Canvas-covered trucks transport raw material out/ in the site


Wash trucks and other construction vehicles Yes

Install temporary fencing/barriers around material storage areas


Daily cleaning of road surfaces Yes

Noise and vibration

Km 1+287 - Km 1+ 375

Restrict and control noise and vibration during 22h – 6h Yes

Conduct periodic checking of all machinery Regularly maintain construction machines Yes

Water quality Km 1+ 100 – Km 1+ 374 (Ong Giam Lake)

Locate worksites, camps, material storage areas and loading/unloading of construction materials and wastes far from watercourses


Do not allow washing of instruments/vehicles to take place adjacent to water bodies


Construction waste

Km 1+287 - Km 1+ 375

Prohibit disposal of solid wastes into Channels, streams or other watercourses Yes

Reuse for sidewalk, grade separation

Pollution due to spills of fuel and other hazardous substances

Km 3 + 050

Store fuel and hazardous substances in paved areas with embankments


All storage containers to be in good condition with proper labelling Yes

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Environmental issues

Location Mitigation Measures in this reporting period Mitigation Measures

Implemented. Remarks

Follow-up action required

Traffic congestion and access problems

Km 1+287 - Km 1+ 375

Establish a temporary access road during construction


Place sign boards near construction sites Yes

Appoint a worker with flag control

guidelines in rush-hour traffic Yes

Occupational safety

Km 2+000 – Km 3+ 300

Provide adequate labor protection for workers Yes

Adequate accommodation, potable water, clean water for showers, separate hygienic sanitation facilities/toilets/washing


Establish labor safety rules on construction site Yes

A. Mitigation Measures Implemented for Ha Tinh Subprojects

40. The mitigation measures being implemented on the three ongoing contracts in Ha Tinh are described below.

(Based on EMP)

Table 9 Summary of Mitigation Measures Implemented in HT01

Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure Mitigation Measures

Implemented? Remark

Follow-up action required

Air quality and dust emissions

- Group 1, Tran Phu ward, Group 8, Thanh Phu and Doai Thinh village of Thach Trung Commune, the church in Bac Quang village, Thach Trung commune and HHs on Nguyen Huy Lung streets

Dust suppression by water spraying Partially - Water spraying by

tanker truck to reduce dust at sites with frequency 2 - 3 times/day

There is still dust emission at residential areas surrounding

More water spraying during the dry season Timely removal of excavated soil

Install temporary fencing/barriers around material storage areas. Cover sand/earth loads with nets or sheets Cover dump trucks transporting raw materials to and from the sites

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Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure Mitigation Measures

Implemented? Remark

Follow-up action required

- Inter village roads in Thach Dong commune - Thanh Phu kitchen feeding area Ha Tinh Vocational Collage No2, Thach Trung 1 and 2 primary Schools, Thach Trung kindergarten, Thach Trung Commune PC Office

Limit speed at residential areas to constrain dust blowing in the wind.

- Speed of transfer vehicles limited to 5km/h when going in/out of construction sites to constrain dust blowing in the wind. - Covers on trucks transporting raw materials to and from the sites

- Requirement for daily cleaning of

debris/spills on road surfaces still not obeyed regularly

construction sites. Excavated soil still not removed in a timely manner from construction sites. Cleaning of road surfaces of debris and spills is too irregular.

from construction sites. Regular cleaning of roads that are adjacent to construction site after work day and immediately in case of soil/waste scattered

Wash trucks and other construction vehicles Daily cleaning of debris/spills on road surfaces Dewater and dry out channels before implementing excavation activities Excavated sludge is to be transported by specialized vehicles.

Noise and vibration

- Group 1, Tran Phu ward, Group 8, Thanh Phu and Doai Thinh village of Thach Trung Commune, the church on Bac Quang village, Thach Trung commune and HHs Nguyen Huy Lung streets - Inter village roads in Thach Dong commune - Thanh Phu kitchen feeding area Ha Tinh Vocational Collage No2, Thach Trung 1 and 2 primary Schools, Thach Trung kindergarten, Thach Trung Commune PC Office

Restrict and control noise and vibration during 22h – 6h and also on Sundays or public holidays at locations nearby residential areas

Yes Construction equipment is checked and maintained at the end of each work day

- Workers were equiped with

protective clothes and hard helmets

Most construction activities are being implemented during day time

Mitigation measures should be strictly applied

Regularly maintain construction machines Provide noise protection equipment for workers

Generation of solid wastes

Channels, Vit tidalgate and Cay river in T3 drain;

Collect and treat solid waste at landfill in Ho Do commune of Ha Tinh city

Yes Solid waste in watercourse. Lack of garbage bins in

Clean sites and keep surrounding areas cleaned Provide garbage bins and facilities in contraction

office and worker camps

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Secondary Cities Development Project (SCDP) 39

Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure Mitigation Measures

Implemented? Remark

Follow-up action required

Inter-field Channels, Dong Mon tidalgate and Rao Cai river and shrimp pond on T8 drain; Inter-field Channels, Van Hanh tidalgate and Rao Cai river in T4 drain and regulating basin

Prohibit disposal of solid wastes into Channels, stream, other watercourses, agricultural fields and public areas

Partial/ because local people usually drop domestic waste

into the canals

construction sites and worker camps. Excavated soil not removed from sites in timely manner

Add bins at construction sites and worker camps Timely removal of excavated soil and fast disposal to regulated site

Locate worksite, camps, material storage areas and load/unload construction material/waste activities far from watercourses


Collect, transport, and treat hazardous wastes Pollution due to spills of fuel and other hazardous substances

Store fuel and hazardous substances in paved areas with an embankment.

Yes/ Contractor installed bins with covers for storing

fuel and hazardous substances at paved

areas within an embankment

Until now, spills of fuel and other hazardous substances has not happened

Strictly apply mitigation measures Train personnel in handling of fuels and spill

control procedures.

Ensure all storage containers are in good condition with proper labeling.

Surface water pollution

Locate worksite, camps, material storage areas and loading/unloading of construction materials and wastes far from watercourse

Partially/ Worksite, camps, material

storage areas and loading/unloading of

construction materials and

wastes is about 20 - 30m far from watercourse

Domestic waste water drainage system at worker camp is not effective

Establish domestic waste water system with more capacity and with sediment hole before drainage into ambient environment

Provide adequate facilities at sites including latrines, holding areas and garbage cans

Traffic congestion and access problems

Le Hong Phong street junction with commune roads at the T3 drain construction site; Provincial Road No 6 and other inter-village roads at T8 drain construction site; Thanh Phu kitchen feeding area, Ha Tinh Vocational Collage No2 and residential areas in Thanh Phu and Doai Thinh village, Thach Trung Commune, Thach Trung 1

Place sign boards near construction sites Partially Too few sign boards. No separation lines/barriers between construction site and local road Materials storage un-tidy, near the roads

Set up more sign boards. Install separation lines/barriers between construction site and local road. Need to store material tidily, far

Limit transport vehicles to speeds of less than 20 km/h when passing above areas

Partially/ Contractor requires transfer

vehicles to operate with speed 5km/h when travelling through those intersections.

However, sometimes, the

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Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure Mitigation Measures

Implemented? Remark

Follow-up action required

and 2 primary Schools, Thach Trung kindergarten and Commune PC Office. Provincial Road No.9, Nguyen Du street, Ngo Quyen street, Nguyen Huy Lung, Mai Lao Bang, Ha Hoang roads

drivers still made mistakes

No person directing traffic in and out of construction site.

from the local roads. Organize person to direct traffic going in and out of construction sites

Social conflicts

Local people employed in construction works Yes/Supervision consultant and

workers organize meetings weekly for contruction activities

as well as environmental

protection, behavior for interactions with local community and

risks of communicable


Strictly apply mitigation measures

Obtain temporary residential certificate from local authority Educate workers on appropriate behavior for interactions with local community and risks of communicable diseases Agreement from local people/authorities in using public facilities Obtain the agreement from local people/authorities on replacement of all affected Channels on the fields

Provide temporary irrigation/drainage Channels Yes No drainage issue observed

Occupation safety

Establish safe labor regulations on the sites Partially Some workers are not wearing safety helmets

Remind/require workers to strictly follow regulations on the sites

Provide appropriate personal protective equipment such as safety shoes, hard hats, safety glasses, ear plugs, gloves, etc Provide first aid kit at each construction site Train workers on labor safety

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(Based on EMP)

Table 10 Summary of Mitigation Measures Implemented in HT02

Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure

Mitigation Measures Implemented?

Remark Follow-up action required

Air quality and dust emissions

Tien Giang group, Thach Quy ward;

Group 5 of Dai Nai ward and group 3&7 of Ha Huy Tap ward, and, restaurants, Centre for electricity transmission;

Group 10 Dai Nai ward and Van Phuc Group of Van Yen ward; Group 4 and 5 of Dai Nai ward, HHs along Hoang Xuan Han street, group 1 and 2 of Nam Ha ward, Provincial Political College and Provincial Cultural and Art College

Dust suppression by water spraying Partially/- Contractor sprays water to reduce dust with frequency 3 – 4 times per day when sunny, or when there are heavy construction activities and 1 – 2 times in a normal day at other locations.

- trucks transporting raw materials to and from the sites are covered

- workers are organized to clean spilled materials

Still dust emission at residential areas surrounding construction sites.

There is still debris on roads.

Lack of separate lines/barriers between construction sites and the surrounding area and road

More water spraying during dry season. More regular daily cleaning of road surfaces of debris/spills

Place separation lines/barriers between construction sites and the surrounding area and road

Install temporary fencing/barriers around material storage areas. Cover sand loads with nets or sheets

Cover dump trucks transporting raw materials to and from the sites

Limit speed at residential areas to constrain dust from blowing in the wind.

Wash trucks and other construction vehicles

Daily cleaning of road surfaces of debris/spills

Dewater and dry channels before implementing excavation activities

Excavated sludge to be transported by specialized vehicles.

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Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure

Mitigation Measures Implemented?

Remark Follow-up action required

Noise and vibration

Residential area of Tien Giang group, Thach Quy ward;

Group 5 of Dai Nai ward and group 3&7 of Ha Huy Tap ward, restaurants, Centre for electricity transmission;

Group 10 Dai Nai ward and Van Phuc Group of Van Yen ward Group 4 and 5 of Dai Nai ward, HHs along Hoang Xuan Han street, group 1 and 2 of Nam Ha ward, Provincial Political College and Provincial Cultural and Art College

Restrict and control noise and vibration during 22h – 6h and also on Sundays or public holidays at the locations nearby residential areas

Construction machines are regularly checked and maintained at the end of each Friday (at 17h)

Most construction activities carried out in the day

Strictly apply mitigation measures

Regularly maintain construction machines

Provide noise protection equipment for workers Not yet

Odour generation and in-sanitation condition

Avoid excavation activities during rainy season Yes/ Partially

Most of construction activities are carried out in sunny days

Bins are installed to collect waste at site offices, construction sites and

Solid waste at watercourse

Local people still drop domestic waste into Channel

Keep watercourse clean

Clean domestic waste immediately on finding it

Cooperate with team leaders of local people to

Dewater and dry before implementing excavation activities

Collect and treat solid waste at landfill in Ho Do commune of Ha Tinh city

Provide garbage bins and facilities in contraction office and worker camp

Prohibit disposal of solid wastes into Channels, stream, other watercourses, agricultural field and public areas

Prohibit burning of construction and domestic wastes

Transport excavated sludge in specialized vehicles

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Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure

Mitigation Measures Implemented?

Remark Follow-up action required

Collect, transport and treat hazardous waste as regulated workers camps, but the bin numbers are still not enough.

Excavated sludge is transported in specialized vehicles (covered, dry conditions etc). Excavated soil is transferred to regulated areas (Pho Do pagoda for filling)

restrict dropping domestic waste into Channel Provide garbage bins and facilities in contraction office

and worker camp

Strictly collect, transport, and treat hazardous wastes

Locate worksite, camps, material storage areas and loading/unloading of construction materials and wastes activities far from watercourse

Prohibit disposal of solid wastes into Channels, streams, other watercourses, agricultural fields and public areas


Quality of water Bot tidalgate and Rao Cai river in T1 drain;

Cot tidalgate and Rao Cai river, inter field irrigation Channels in T2 drain;

Bong Son lake

Locate worksite, camps, material storage areas and loading/unloading construction materials and waste activities far from watercourses.

Yes/ Worksite, camps, material storage areas and loading/unloading of construction materials and

Continuously and strictly apply mitigation measures

Avoid excavation activities during rainy season

Provide adequate latrines, holding areas and garbage cans in the site

Temporary storage of construction and domestic waste on the sites is to be no longer than 24 hours

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Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure

Mitigation Measures Implemented?

Remark Follow-up action required

Do not allow washing of instruments/vehicles adjacent the water bodies.

waste activities is about 40m far from watercourses

- sanitary WC and garbage bins are installed at site offices, construction sites and worker camps

- Excavation activities are carried out in sunny days

- disposal of solid wastes into Channels is prohibited

Equip sites with dustbins and mobile septic tanks to work sites

Prohibit disposal of solid wastes into Channels, streams, other watercourses, agricultural fields and public areas

Construction waste management

Official permission of local authority for landfill area is required;


Contractor signed Contract to collect domestic and construction waste at the end of each

Excavated soil was not removed from construction site in a timely manner

Prompty remove excavated soil from construction site Equip work sites with dustbins and mobile septic tanks

Prohibit disposal of solid wastes into Channels, streams, other watercourses, agricultural fields and public areas

Prohibit burning of construction waste

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Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure

Mitigation Measures Implemented?

Remark Follow-up action required

afternoon with Urban Environment Company

Work sites and worker camps are equipped with dustbins and mobile septic tanks

Contractor prohibits workers to dispose of solid wastes into Channels

Pollution due to spills of fuel and other hazardous substances

Store fuel and hazardous substances in paved areas with embankments.

Partially Sometimes, oil and grease spilled on the ground

Collect oil and grease immediately into special containers after being spilled

Train personnel in handling of fuels and spill control procedures.

Good condition with proper labeling of all storage containers

Community disturbance and traffic safety

Mai Thuc Loan, and intersection with Hai Thuong Lan Ong street, inter-village road of Group 2, Thach Quy ward

Place sign boards near construction sites Partially/

Contractor placed sign boards near those sites and

Lack of separation lines/barriers between construction sites and the adjacent areas and road

Provide more safety barriers/separation lines

Provide temporary access to HHs close to T2 and T2A drain access roads, and for HHs and offices close to Bong Son lake construction site

Maintain security fences for the whole construction site

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Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure

Mitigation Measures Implemented?

Remark Follow-up action required

Close to Ha Huy Tap (QL1A), Hoang Xuan Han and 26-3 streets, several inter village Group 10 of Dai Nai ward

Hoang Xuan Han and 26-3 streets and several access roads of households close to Bong Son Lake construction site

Inform the community about construction time and schedule through informal public consultation, meetings with local people and notice board

informed communities about construction times and schedules approved by local government before starting construction activities. And until now, if having any change of construction schedule or construction works being implemented near local residents, Contractor informs local people of their activities by radio

Impact on public facilities

Obtain the agreement with local authorities in using the transport routes


Contractor recorded the status of the existing roads and channels

Restore all public facilities when works are completed Record the status of the existing roads and Channels before

construction and make proper compensation for the damages if any

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Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure

Mitigation Measures Implemented?

Remark Follow-up action required

near to construction works before construction started to arrange compensation measurement if negative impacts occur due to construction activities. Contractor also bought work insurance to cover any damage to the existing roads and channels during construction

Impact on surrounding agriculture and infrastructure

No construction materials and/or wastes should fall into agricultural land


Contractor only implement construction activities in the acquired land areas/construc

Ensure that the construction activities will not encroach on the irrigation Channels in the paddy fields on T2A drain and its access road construction site

Reinstate road surfaces and fix damages to irrigation Channels, water supply/drainage Channels, especially T2A drain and its access road construction site

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Secondary Cities Development Project (SCDP) 48

Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure

Mitigation Measures Implemented?

Remark Follow-up action required

All activities of contractor must take place within the acquired land areas

tion aligment. No construction activities encroach on the irrigation Channels in the paddy fields on T2A drain and its access road construction site

Social disturbance

Provide temporary access for households and agencies when entrance is obstructed


Supervision consultant and workers organize meetings weekly for contruction activities as well as environmental protection, behavior for interactions with local community and risks of communicable diseases

Provide warning lights during night time

Construction materials shall be stored tidily at the required locations

Install barriers (temporary fences) at construction areas to deter people accessing the site

Site lighting should be kept on during the night on all construction sites.

Obtain temporary residential certificates from local authority

Educate workers on appropriate behavior for interactions with local community and risks of communicable diseases

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Secondary Cities Development Project (SCDP) 49

Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure

Mitigation Measures Implemented?

Remark Follow-up action required

Localized flooding and insanitary conditions

Set up an appropriate construction schedule at the site to minimize work during the rainy season, especially for excavation activities;


The contractor has prepared supplemental temporary drainage plans at construction sites.

Long rainy season with heavy rain flooded large areas not only in the construction sites.

Fix the old drainage system. Build temporary drainage.

Prepare supplemental temporary drainage plans at the construction sites to ensure a quick response in case of heavy rain, or other unforeseen drainage issues and avoid obstructing water in surrounding areas and construction sites;

Occupation safety

Establish safe labor regulations on the sites Partially Some workers are not wearing personal protective equipment

Remind/require workers to strictly follow regulations on the sites

Provide appropriate personal protective equipment such as safety shoes, hard hats, safety glasses, ear plugs, gloves, etc

Provide first aid kit at each construction site

Training courses on labor safety to workers

Table 11 Summary of Mitigation Measures Implemented in HT03

Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure Implementation of mitigation measure

Remark Follow-up action required

Air quality and dust emissions

Residential areas in Binh and Kinh Nam villages, Thach Hung commune and Tien Giang group of Thach Quy ward.

Dust suppression by water spraying Partially/

- Contractor sprays water to reduce dust 3 – 4 times per day when

There are still dust emissions at residential areas surrounding

More water spraying during dry season.

Cover soil when stored at site and

Install temporary fencing/barriers around material storage areas. Cover sand loads with nets or sheets

Cover dump trucks transporting raw materials to and from the sites

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Secondary Cities Development Project (SCDP) 50

Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure Implementation of mitigation measure

Remark Follow-up action required

Residential areas in Hau Thuong, Trung Dinh groups of Thach Quy ward and Group 3 of Tan Giang ward;

Residential areas in Group 10 Tan Giang ward, Tan Yen group of Van Yen ward, Van Yen primary school, Van Yen Kindergarten, Ha Tinh Vocational College of Industry and Health Care central

Limit speed at residential areas to constrain dust flying in the wind.

sunny, or heavy construction activities and 1 – 2 times in normal days at other locations.

- Trucks transport-ing raw materials to and from the sites are covered

- Workers are organized to clean up spilled material

construction sites.

Excavated soil was not covered when stored at sites and near the local houses of residents

locate far from houses

Wash trucks and other construction vehicles

Daily cleaning of road surfaces of debris/spills

Dewater and dry channels before implementing excavation activities

Excavate sludge being transported by specialized vehicles.

Noise and vibration

Residential areas in Binh and Kinh Nam villages, Thach Hung commune and Tien Giang group of Thach Quy ward.

Residential areas in Hau Thuong, Trung Dinh groups of Thach Quy ward and Group 3 of Tan Giang ward;

Residential areas in Group 10 Tan Giang ward, Tan Yen group of Van Yen ward, Van Yen primary school, Van Yen Kindergarten, Ha Tinh Vocational College of Industry and Health Care central

Restrict and control noise and vibration during 22h – 6h and on Sundays or public holidays at the locations nearby residential areas

Yes Most of construction progress has been implemented in day time

Continuously and strictly apply mitigation measures for noise and vibration

Fully provide protection equipment

Regularly maintain construction machines

Provide noise protection equipment for workers Not yet

Odour generation and in-sanitation condition

Avoid excavation activities during rainy season Partially/

- Construction activities carried

Domestic waste in watercourses

Keep surrounding areas clean

Dewater and dry sites before implementing excavation activities

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Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure Implementation of mitigation measure

Remark Follow-up action required

Collect and treat solid wastes at landfill in Ho Do commune of Ha Tinh city

out mainly on sunny days

- Bins installed to collect waste at site offices, construction sites and workers camp but bin numbers are insufficient.

- Excavated sludge is transported in specialized vehicles (covered, dry condition etc). - Excavated soil is transferred to regulated area (Pho Do pagoda for filling)

- Worksite, camps, material storage areas and loading/unloading of construction materials and wastes are located 30 – 40m from watercourses

Always remind workers on site for preserving sanitary environmetal conditions

Provide garbage bins and facilities in construction offices and workers camp

Prohibit disposal of solid waste into Channels, stream, other watercourses, agricultural field and public areas

Prohibit burning of construction and domestic wastes

Transportation of excavated sludge to be in specialized vehicles

Collect, transport and treat hazardous waste as regulated

Provide garbage bins and facilities in construction office and worker camp

Prohibit disposal of solid wastes into Channels, streams, other watercourses, agricultural fields and public areas

Locate worksite, camps, material storage areas and loading/unloading construction materials and wastes far from watercourses

Strictly collect, transport, and treat hazardous wastes

Promote environmental recovery by transporting all unused materials from the site; Remove all construction machines and equipment, temporary facilities; Recovery green trees and grass in both construction sites and the disposal location at Pho Do Pagoda

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Secondary Cities Development Project (SCDP) 52

Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure Implementation of mitigation measure

Remark Follow-up action required

Quality of water Several ponds on the Kinh Nam village, Thach Hung commune;

The pond and drainage Channel at the starting point of the improvement road on Nguyen Trung Thien (central) road;

A number irrigation Channels on the rice fields of Van Phuc and Hoa Binh villages of Van Yen ward and Group 7 of Dai Nai ward at sections of Km0+224-Km0+375;Km0+425-Km0+450; Km0+733;Km0+951-Km0+960;Km1+130; Km1+145

Locate worksites, camps, material storage areas and loading/unloading of construction materials and wastes far from watercourses


Excavation activities mostly carried out in sunny days

Contractor prohibits workers disposing of solid wastes into channels, streams, other water-courses and agricultural fields and public areas

Not many workers at this time

Provide training for newcomers

Avoid excavation activities during rainy season

Provide adequate latrines, holding areas and garbage cans in the site

Temporary storage of construction and domestic waste on the sites is to be no longer than 24 hours

Do not allow washing of instruments/vehicles to take place adjacent to water bodies.

Equip to work sites with dustbins and mobile septic tanks

Prohibit disposal of solid wastes into Channels, streams, other watercourses, agricultural fields and public areas

Construction waste management

Official permission of local authority for landfill area is required;


Contractor installed dustbins and mobile septic tanks at construction site and worker camps.

Lack of domestic bins and mobile septic tanks

Excavated soil wasn’t removed promptly

Add domestic bins and mobile septic tanks at site and workers camp

Promptly remove excavated soil and other solid waste

Worksites to be equipped with dustbins and mobile septic tanks

Prohibit disposal of solid wastes into Channels, stream, other watercourses, agricultural field and public areas

Prohibit burning of construction waste

Pollution due to spills of fuel and other hazardous substances

Store fuel and hazardous substances in paved areas with embankment.

Yes Continously and strictly apply mitigation measures for Train personnel in handling of fuels and spill

control procedures.

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Secondary Cities Development Project (SCDP) 53

Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure Implementation of mitigation measure

Remark Follow-up action required

Keep storage containers in good condition with proper labeling

fuel and other hazardous substances

Treat hazardous waste as regulated

Community disturbance and traffic safety

Intersection with Mai Thuc Loan road, small inter-village roads in Binh and Kinh Nam villages of Thach Hung commune and intersection with Do Ha road at the end of section; small intersections on Hau Thuong and Trung Dinh groups of Thach Quy wards, intersections with Hai Thuong Lan Ong and Nguyen Du streets;

Residential areas in Group 10 Tan Giang ward, Tan Yen group of Van Yen ward, Van Yen primary school, Van Yen Kindergarten, Ha Tinh Vocational College of Industry, Health Care Central, main intersections at Km0+210; Km0+644; Km+740; Km0+946 on Nguyen Trung Thien (south) road

Place sign boards near construction sites Partially Few sign boards

No safety barriers between construction sites and residential areas and adjacent roads

No person to guide traffic when vehicles go in and out of construction sites

Setup sign boards to limit speed and safety barriers.

Organize a person to guide traffic when vehicles go in and out of construction sites

Temporary access shall be provided for several households close to Nguyen Trung Thien (central), Hai Thuong Lan Ong and Nguyen Trung Thien (south) roads

Maintain security fences for the whole construction site

Inform the community about construction times and schedules through informal public consultation or local community meetings and notice boards

Impact on public facilities

Obtain the agreement with local authorities for using the transport routes


- Contractor recorded the status of the existing roads and channels that are near the construction work

Restoration of public facilities when completed works Record the status of the existing roads and Channels

before construction and make proper compensation for the damages if any

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Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure Implementation of mitigation measure

Remark Follow-up action required

before construction to arrange compensation measurement if negative impacts resulting from construction activities occur. Contractor bought work insurance, to cover damage to the existing roads and channels during construction

Social disturbance

Provide temporary access to entrances for households and agencies along Hai Thuong Lan Ong and Nguyen Trung Thien road (south)


- Construction materials are stored tidily at construction sites

- Local people are prohibited to enter construction sites

Excavated soil was not covered, or transferred timely. And it grouped near habitants

Setup warning lights during night time

Transfer waste soil and material to disposal sites in a timely manner

Daily cleaning of construction sites near habitants

Store materials tidily and cover when not yet used

Construction materials shall be stored tidily at the required locations

Install barriers (temporary fences) at construction areas to deny people access to the site

The local people shall not be allowed in high-risk areas

Maintain site lighting during the night time on all construction sites.

Obtain temporary residential certificates from local authority

Educate workers on appropriate behavior for interactions with local community and risks of communicable diseases

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Environmental issue

Location Mitigation measure Implementation of mitigation measure

Remark Follow-up action required

Localized flooding and insanitary conditions

Set up appropriate construction schedules at the sites to minimize impact of rainy season, especially for excavation activities;

Yes Long rainy season with heavy rain flooded large areas not only within construction sites

Clean daily construction sites more often

Setup temporary drainage facilities

Prepare supplementary temporary drainage plans at the construction sites to ensure fast drainage in case of heavy rain or other unforeseen drainage issues and avoid obstructing water flow from surrounding areas and construction sites;

Occupational safety

Establish safe labor regulations on the sites Partially/

Contractor makes regulations on labour safety and places notices on the wall of site offices requiring workers to obey regulations during working hours and leisure time

First aid kits are available at each construction

Workers are reminded to closely obey labor safety through weekly meetings and at sites

Some workers are not wearing labor safety equipment

Remind/require workers to strictly follow regulations on sites

Provide appropriate personal protective equipment such as safety shoes, hard hats, safety glasses, ear plugs, gloves, etc

Provide first aid kit at each construction site

Provide training courses on labor safety to workers

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Secondary Cities Development Project (SCDP) 56

B. Mitigation Measures Implemented in Tam Ky Subprojects

41. The mitigation measures implemented in the two ongoing subprojects in Tam Ky are described below. Only one EMP was prepared for subproject TK-02 but the work has been split into two lots TK-2A and TK-2B each with a separate contract.

Table 12 Summary of Mitigation Measures Implemented in TK01

Environ-mental issues

Location Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures

Implemented Remarks

Follow-Up Action Required

Air quality and dust emissions

Bach Dang, Ho Nginh and Nguyen Van Troi Roads (KK1), Residential area N0.6 (KK2) and Light Factory (Hoa Huong ward) (KK3)

Dust suppression by water spraying;


Site visit are made during construction time to investigate the status of mitigation measures being implemented; the contractors’ documentsare checked to prove that all construction vehicles, equipment, and machines are checked and meet environmental requirements

Canvas-covered trucks transporting raw materials to and from the site; Wash trucks and other construction vehicles. Washing areas are near the Ong Trang and Nguyen Van Troi Bridges; Install temporary fencing/barriers around material storage areas; Conduct periodic checking of all equipment and machinery;

Daily cleaning of road surfaces of debris/spills;

Noise and vibration

Nguyen Van Troi Bridge (KK1),

Residential area N0.6 (KK2) and Light

Factory (Hoa Huong ward) (KK3)

Construction machines and equipment meet the standards of exhaust, noise, and vibration as regulated by the Government.


Some vibration values exceeded the permitted values.

Ask the contractors to strictly apply mitigating measures

Erect temporary walls around the construction near the residential areas

Partially Missing some fences/ walls

- A fence/barrier shall be provided to separate residential areas and construction sites in section 1

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Environ-mental issues

Location Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures

Implemented Remarks

Follow-Up Action Required

- Provide walls in new construction & storage areas;

- The casting area in Tan Thanh area shall be fenced

Transport vehicles shall be restricted during the hours of 22h – 6h


Regularly maintain construction machines Yes

Spoils generation from excavation works

Section 1, Section 2a and 2c, Section 3

Remove spoils to disposal sites.


Spoil dropped on the road was not promptly cleaned up

Regularly check and remove spoil dropped

Spoil to be disposed of in the city nursery garden in Truong Xuan ward approved by local authorities Undertake wheel washing in Ong Trang bridge. Regularly clean spoil from roads.

Solid Waste Generation

Construction offices, casting areas

Provided garbage bins and facilities in construction office and worker’s camp.

Yes (although enough garbage bins were provided, some workers did not put the garbage into the bins)

Some lunch boxes, drinking water bottles thrown away on the site (workers’ awareness was not good)

Raise workers’ awareness on the need for collecting, separating and storing solid waste in the right places

Separate different kinds of solid waste for collection.

Partially workers’ awareness was not good

Locality flooded and irrigation

Residential area No.1 and No.9 in Tan Thanh ward, and

village No.3 in Hoa Huong ward

Regularly inspect and maintain all drainage channels to ensure they are free of obstructions.


Pollution due to spills of fuel

Casting areas, material storage areas

Store fuel and hazardous substances in paved areas with embankments.


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Environ-mental issues

Location Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures

Implemented Remarks

Follow-Up Action Required

and other hazardous substances

Train personnel in handling of fuels and spill control procedures. All storage containers to be in good condition with proper labelling.

Surface water pollution

Worksite, camps, material storage


Worksite, camps, material storage areas and loading/unloading of construction materials/waste to be located far from watercourses yes Provide adequate facilities at sites including latrines, holding areas and garbage bins

Traffic congestion and access problems

NH N0.1A, Nguyen Van Troi, Bach Dang, Ho Nginh Roads, the

new Tan Thanh residential area, No.6

residential areas

Prepare the Traffic Management Plan to be approved by the Quang Nam PMU


Employ persons to control traffic at highly potential accident areas


Provide temporary signals or flag controls, adequate lighting, fencing, signage and road diversions.

Partially Not enough in some locations

Provide enough temporary warning signals for transportation in the section of the subproject near Nguyen Van Troi, and Ho Nginh roads.

Provide advance notification to the communities regarding changes to public transport facilities or routes.


Risks to health and safety of workers and the public due to construction works

Construction areas, casting areas and material storage areas

Prepare safety plan and for approval by the Quang Nam PMU Provided first aid kits for workers.


Workers did not wear enough personal protective equipment (PPE)

Ask contractors to force their workers to wear enough personal protective equipment

Adequate accommodation, potable water, clean water for showers, separate hygienic sanitation facilities/toilets/washing Provide personnel with safety equipment such as safety boots, helmets, gloves, protective clothes, breathing mask, goggles, and ear protection Fence and guard construction sites and excavation sites;

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Environ-mental issues

Location Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures

Implemented Remarks

Follow-Up Action Required

Provide warning signs

HIV/AIDS Construction offices

Implemented a HIV/AIDS awareness program as part of the occupational health and safety training provided to personnel on the project. The Contractor conducted a training course on HIV AIDS/STD on 22 November 2016 for 75 workers


Social conflicts due to presence of workers

Worker camps

Local people to be employed on construction works.

yes Maximize goods and services sourced from local commercial enterprises.

Table 13 Summary of Mitigation Measures Implemented in TK02A and TK02B

Environ-mental issues

Location Contractor(s) Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures

Implemented Remarks

Follow-Up Action

Required Air quality and dust emissions

Km0+00 to Km1+05;

Km2+800 to Km4+728;

Km6+200 to Km6+700

Roads of Bach Dang, Phan Chu Trinh, Duy Tan.

Quang Dai Viet – Vinaconex Joint

Venture; Cenco1- Van


Dust suppression by water spraying


Cover dump trucks transporting raw materials to and from the site


Dump trucks sometimes were not covered with canvas; Soil debris/spills found on road surfaces.

- Maintain covering of dump trucks transporting materials

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Environ-mental issues

Location Contractor(s) Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures

Implemented Remarks

Follow-Up Action

Required Install temporary fencing/barriers around material storage areas


Conduct periodic checking of all equipment and machinery


Daily cleaning of road surfaces of debris/spills


Noise and vibration

Bridges of Ban Thach, Ky Phu and Kenh

Quang Dai Viet – Vinaconex JV;

Cenco1- Van Phon

The construction machines and equipments have to comply with Decision No. 249/2005/QĐ-TTg dated 10/10/2005 of Prime minister, Regulations on Emission roadmap for road transportation vehicles


Erect temporary walls around the construction near the residential areas


Machines which generate the noise level of over >55 dBA at night (from 22:00 to 6:00) is strictly prohibited along section form Km0+00 to Km1+029.66


Heavy truck transportation, loading/unloading, beam lifting and stockpiling of the materials must be carried out during the day time


Spoils generation from excavation works

Bridges of Ban Thach, Ky Phu and Kenh

Quang Dai Viet – Vinaconex Joint

Venture; Cenco1- Van


Remove spoils away immediately to disposal sites.


Spoil material to be disposed in the city nursery garden in Truong Xuan ward as approved by local authorities Cover Trucks transporting spoil.

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Secondary Cities Development Project (SCDP) 61

Environ-mental issues

Location Contractor(s) Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures

Implemented Remarks

Follow-Up Action


Regularly clean spoil on roads.

Partially Spoil dropped on the road was not prompty cleaned

Regularly check and remove

spoil dropped on roads

Generation of solid wastes

Bridges of Ban Thach, Ky Phu and Kenh

Quang Dai Viet – Vinaconex Joint


Provide garbage bins and facilities in construction office and worker’s camp.


Separate solid waste of different kinds for collection. Undertake regular collection and disposal of wastes to sites approved by local authorities

Ensure waste material is not haphazardly dumped within the project site and adjacent areas


Locality flooded and irrigation

Bridges of Ban Thach, Ky Phu and Kenh

Cenco1- Van Phon

Regularly inspect and maintain all drainage channels to ensure they are free of obstructions.

Yes -

Pollution due to spills of fuel and other hazardous substances

Casting areas, material storage


Quang Dai Viet – Vinaconex Joint


Store fuel and hazardous substances in paved/walled areas.

yes Train personnel in handling of fuels and spill control procedures. Keep storage containers in good condition with proper labelling

Surface water pollution

Bridges of Kenh, Ky Phu and Ban


Cenco1- Van Phon

Worksite, camps, material storage areas and loading/unloading of construction materials/waste to be located far from watercourses.


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Secondary Cities Development Project (SCDP) 62

Environ-mental issues

Location Contractor(s) Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures

Implemented Remarks

Follow-Up Action

Required Prevent material and mud leaking out to river water Provide adequate facilities at the site including latrines, holding areas and garbage cans

Disposal of solid wastes into Channels, stream, other watercourses, agricultural field and public areas shall be prohibited


Some lunch box covers, empty drinking water bottles, nylon bags dumped on the river bank were found

Raise workers’s awareness of need to dispose of domestic wastes into garbage bins provided

Traffic congestion and access problems

An My-An Xuan, Phuoc Hoa, Tan

Thanh and An Phu wards and Tam Phu commune

Quang Dai Viet – Vinaconex Joint


Prepare the Traffic Management Plan for approval by PMU QN


Persons to control traffic at the highly potential accident areas


Sometimes there was not any person to control the traffic in the necessary locations

Ask contractors to ensure their traffic controllers are in the right places through out working hours

Provide temporary signals/flag controls, adequate lighting, fences, signs & road diversions.

Partially Not enough warning sign boards

Provide enough warning signs in the intersection with Phan Chu Trinh, and Ho Nginh Roads

Provide advance notification to communities on changes to public transport facilities or routes.


Risks to health and safety of

Construction area Cenco1- Van

Phon Install scaffold for construct of abutments, pier caps and its


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Secondary Cities Development Project (SCDP) 63

Environ-mental issues

Location Contractor(s) Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures

Implemented Remarks

Follow-Up Action

Required workers and the public due to constructionworks

columns and implement precautions for safety issues Provide first aid kits for workers.


Provide adequate accommodation, potable water, clean water for showers, separate hygienic sanitation facilities/toilets/washing areas


Provide personnel safety equipment such as safety boots, helmets, gloves, protective clothes, breathing mask, goggles, and ear protection

Yes (although enough

personnel safety equipments

were provided, some workers did not wear them during


Some workers did not wear helmets during working hours

Raise workers’s awareness of need to wear helmets during working hours

Provide warning signs Yes

HIV/AIDS Construction area Quang Dai Viet – Vinaconex Joint


Implement a HIV/AIDS awareness program as part of the occupational health and safety training provided to personnel on the project. The joint venture of CIENCO1 and Van Phon conducted a training course to raise awareness on HIV AIDS/STD for 40 workers on 24 November 2016


Social conflicts due to workers

Cenco1- Van Phon

Local people to be employed for construction works.


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A. Monitoring plan and responsibilities

42. Under the Secondary Cities Development Project, the PMIS consultant mobilizes

qualified environmental monitoring agencies to undertake the environmental monitoring

periodically for subprojects in Ha Tinh, Tam Ky and Buon Ma Thuot during the construction


43. The scope of work includes taking samples in the field and testing of the collected

samples for (i) quarterly environmental monitoring for surface water quality and wastewater

quality (if applicable) during construction, (ii) semi-annual environmental monitoring for air

quality, noise and vibration during construction, and (iii) additional environmental monitoring

(if required). The test results are sent to the PMIS consultants who prepare the environmental

monitoring reports.

44. The monitoring agencies will undertake monitoring of subprojects as follows:

- In Dak Lak province :

+ BMT-01A - Hoa Phu Landfill site

+ BMT-01B - Cu Ebur waste dump site

+ BMT-02 - Tran Quy Cap Road

+ BMT-03 - Mai Thi Luu Road

- In Tam ky Province:

+ TK01: The Ban Thach Dyke subproject

+ TK02: The Dien Bien Phu Road subproject


- In Ha Tinh Province:

+ HT 01: The Major Drains and Thach Trung regulating Basin

+ HT 02 : Bong Son Lake Environmental Improvement

+ HT 03 : Four Urban Roads

Maps showing the sampling locations in each of the subprojects were attached in the corresponding


� Parameters:

- Wastewater: pH,TSS, BOD5, COD, E.coli;

- Surface water: pH,DO, SS, Nitrite, Nitrate (NO3-), Total Oil and grease;

- Exhaust fumes: TSP. SOx, NO2( exhaust fumes from vehicles would be

checked by registration agencies. The monitoring only checks that the

vehicles are legally operated.);

- Ambient Air Quality: TSP, SOx, NO x, Noise and Vibration.

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� Frequency: Quarterly and Semi-annual

B. B. Environmental Impact Monitoring

1. Ha Tinh subprojects

45. Environmental quality sampling and analyzing for Ha Tinh was carried out in April, May

and June. The results are as the follows.

Table 14 Environmental Impact monitoring data of Ha Tinh sub-project

Potential Environmenta

l Impact Parameter Location Date Responsibility

Surface water pH, TSS, DO, NO2-, NO3-, Oil and grease, Coliform

In HT 01: M7; M125 (X: 2031812; Y: 0545319) –

Dong Mon tidal gate (ending of Channel T8);

M8; M128 (X:2031042; Y:0540210) –

Thach Trung lake – at the ditch connecting with Channel T4

M9; M129 (X:2031180; Y:0540303) -

Lake at Sat Thuong rice cultivation; M10; M131 (X:2031607; Y:0539849) -

Channel T4 at Dap Ram irrigation Channel;

M11; M130 (X:2032079; Y:0539379) –

End of Channel T4 M12; M132 (X:2030706; Y:0540028)

Thach Trung lake – near Ben bridge M13; M127 (X:2030421; Y:0539142) -

Channel T3 at Dap Vit tidalgate M14; M126 (X:2029046; Y: 0540432) -

Lake near starting point of T3 Channel

M133 (X:2031215; Y:0543147) - Ditch

of Thach Quy into Channel T8 In HT02 M1; M119 (X: 2027340; Y: 0542990) -

Bong Son lake M2; M120 (X: 2027558; Y: 0545228) -

Dap Cot tidalgate (Channel T2A)

19 April and 1 June 2017 1 June 2017 18 April and 31 May 2017

Ha Tinh Environmental Monitoring and Technology Center (under contract with PMIS)

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Potential Environmenta

l Impact Parameter Location Date Responsibility

M3; M121 (X:2029131; Y:0544147)

Dap Bot tidal gate (Channel T1) In HT03 M4; M122 (X:2027939; Y:0543391) -

Irrigation ditch at Northern end of Nguyen Trung Thien road

M5; M123 (X:2027425; Y: 0543560) -

Irrigation ditch at Hoa Binh group, Van Yen ward (Southern Nguyen Trung Thien)

M6; M124 (X:2029430; Y:0544567) -

Pond at end of Hai Thuong Lan Ong street, Thach Huong commune

18 April and 31 May 2017

Ambient Air Quality

TSP, SOx, NO x, Noise

HT01 K124 (X:2031522; Y:0544180) - Channel T8 – Hamlet 2, Thach Dong commune K125 (X:2031347; Y:0543260) - Start point of Channel T8 K126 (X:2029644; Y:0544040) Channel T3 – Le Hong Phong street, near Ha Tinh city Further Education Centre K127 (X:2029313; Y:0544622) Channel T3 – Inter-commune road, Thach Linh ward K128 (X:2031210; Y:0540183) - Point near construction site of Thach Trung regulating lake K129 (X:2031127; Y:0540711) - Intersection of Nguyen Huy Lung and Ha Hoang street K130 (X:2031674; Y:0539761) - Channel T4 (Mai Lao Bang street)

HT02 K117 (X:2027748; Y:0543082) - Street

26/3, near Sport Complex

21 and 22 April 2017 20 and 21 April 2017

Ha Tinh Environmental Monitoring and Technology Center (under contract with PMIS)

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Potential Environmenta

l Impact Parameter Location Date Responsibility

K118 (X:2026904; Y:0543164) - Xuan Han street, in front of Tran Phu political school K119 (X:2027495; Y:0544948) - Residential area No.10, Dai Nai ward – 100m far from Channel T2A K120 (X:2029383; Y:0543551) - Mai Thuc Loan street – near Channel T1 HT03 K115 (X:2028538; Y:0543025) - Start point of Nguyen Trung Thien (Southern section) K116 (X:2027994; Y:0543175) - Le Khoi street – Tan Yen residential area, Van Yen ward K121 (X:2029644; Y:0544040) - Binh hamlet – 100m far from Hai Thuong Lan Ong street orientation East

K122 (X:2029313; Y:0544622) End

point of Hai Thuong Lan Ong street, Kim Nam hamlet, Thach Hung commune K123 (X: 2029675; Y: 0542837) Nguyen Trung Thien street – Hau Thuong residential area

20 and 21 April 2017

Vibration Acceleration, Speed, Frequency

HT 01 ĐR6 (X:2029313; Y:0544622) - Channel T3 – Inter-commune road, Thach Linh ward ĐR7 (X:2031210; Y:0540183) Point near construction site of Thach Trung regulating lake ĐR8 (:2031127; Y:0540711) - Intersection of Nguyen Huy Lung and Ha Hoang street ĐR9 (X: 2031674; Y: 0539761) - Channel T4 (Mai Lao Bang street)

22 April 2017

Ha Tinh Environmental Monitoring and Technology Center (under contract with PMIS)

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Potential Environmenta

l Impact Parameter Location Date Responsibility


ĐR1 (X:2028538; Y:0543025) - Starting point of Nguyen Trung Thien (near Cau Vong) ĐR2 (X:2027994; Y:0543175) - Le Khoi street, Tan Yen residential area, Van Yen ward ĐR3 (X:2029644; Y:0544040) - Binh hamlet, 100m far from Hai Thuong Lan Ong street orientation East ĐR4 (X:2029313; Y:0544622) - End point of Hai Thuong Lan Ong street, Kim Nam hamlet, Thach Hung commune ĐR5 (X: 2029675; Y: 0542837) Nguyen Trung Thien street – Hau Thuong residential area

21 April 2017

Ambient air and noise quality. The results of air quality and noise monitoring at 7 positions

in HT01, 3 positions in HT02 and 5 positions in HT03 show that the noise and air quality

parameters were always within the limits of QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT - National Technical

Regulation on Noise for normal areas from 6 – 21 o’clock and QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT -

National Technical Regulation on Ambient Air Quality – average 1 hour, excepting:

HT01: Noise value Leq and TSP concentration is over the limiting value of the standard at K126 and

at K129 the noise level Leq is over the limiting value. The reason is due to traffic activities of local people

and from material transfer activities for constructing Channel T3 and Thach Trung basin. However, the

transfer activities only happened over a short period during the day, so noise levels from those activities

are of short duration and it have not significantly affected the surrounding environment. Nevertheless,

the contractors should be asked to apply suitable mitigating measures to reduce the noise and TSP to

the limiting value stated in QCVN 26: 2010/BTNMT (for noise) and QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT (for TSP).

HT02: The concentration of TSP exceeds the limiting value of the standard at the K118 position. The

cause of increased concentration of TSP is material transfer activities for constructing Xuan Han road

and Bong Son lake. As with the noise level at HT01, the transfer activities only happen during a short

period in the day, so TSP concentration sourced from those activities is of short duration and should

not significantly effect the surrounding environment. The contractors should be asked to apply suitable

mitigating measures to reduce the TSP to the limiting value stated in QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT.

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46. Surface water quality. The results of the analysis of samples taken at 9 positions in

HT01, 3 positions each in HT02 and HT03 show that surface water quality parameters are

generally within the limits set by the national standard QCVN 08-MT:2015/BTNMT (B2),

except for the concentration of the NO2- parameter at M3 position (HT02) which was over

0,02 mg/l. This high test result has resulted from domestic waste water flowing from the

residential areas of Thach Quy ward. The contractors should be asked to continously apply

suitable mitigating measures to reduce the impacts on surface water

47. Vibration. The results of vibration monitoring at 4 positions of HT01 and 5 positions of

HT03 showed that all monitoring results were within the limits of QCVN 27:2010/BTNMT-

National Technical Regulation on vibration for construction activities

2. Tam Ky Subprojects

48. Under the contract with PMIS, the environmental impact monitoring for the quarterly

surface water quality, wastewater quality (if applicable) and semi-annual air quality, noise and

the vibration was done by the sampling and testing company, Van Long commercial and

environmental company on April 13, 2017 under the supervision of the PMIS environmental


Table 15 Environmental Impact monitoring data of TK01

Potential Environmental Impact

Parameter Location Date Responsibility

Surface water pH,DO, SS, Nitrite, Nitrate (NO3

-), Total Oil and grease

In Ban Thach River: NM1 (X: 1724408; Y: 577139) –200

m upstream from Nguyen Van Troi bridge;

NM2 ( X: 1724372;Y: 577310) – 50

m upstream from Nguyen Van Troi bridge

NM3 ( X: 1723574;Y: 578001) - near

the No.6 residential area; NM4 (X: 1721655Y: 500754)–near

the Power Factory ;

13 April, 2017

Van Long commercial and environmental company (under contract with PMIS)


pH, TSS, BOD, COD, E.coli,

NT4 (X: 1723334;Y:578160) – Domestic drainage culvert of the residential area No.6

13 April 2017

Van Long commercial environmental company (under contract with PMIS)

Ambient Air TSP, SOx, KK1 (X: 1724294;Y:577349) – At Van Long

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Potential Environmental Impact

Parameter Location Date Responsibility

Quality NO x, Noise and Vibration

Nguyen Van Troi Bridge; KK2 (X:1723519; Y: 577931) – near

Residential area No.6; KK3 (X: 1721634;Y: 580745) – near

the Power factory (Hoa Huong ward);

commercial and environmental company (under contract with PMIS)

(The sampling locations in TK01 were shown in the map attached in the Annex TK01)

Table 16 Environmental Impact monitoring Data of TK-02

Potential Environmenta

l Impact Parameter Location Date Responsibility

Surface water pH,DO, SS, Nitrite, Nitrate (NO3-), Total Oil and grease

NM1 (X: 1721508;Y:578399) - channel near the beginning of the subproject next to Hung Vuong Street;

NM2 (X: 1722203;Y:578812): -

Phu Tho culvert NM3 (X:1722386; Y: 578977):

Ban Thach river - the Bach Dang and Tran Quoc Toan section.

From 11 to13 March 2013

Van Long commercial and environmental company

Wastewater pH, TSS, BOD, COD, E.coli,

NT2 (X: 1722283;Y:578950) – leaking from Worker’s Camp near the construction area of the Ban Thach Bridge.

13 April 2017

Van Long commercial and environmental company

Ambient Air Quality

TSP, SOx, NO x, Noise and Vibration

KK1 (X: 1721500;Y:578386) – the beginning of the subproject near Hung Vuong Street;

KK3 (X:1722187;Y:578863) -

Intersection between Phan Chu Trinh Street and Tran Quoc Toan Street;

KK4 (X: 1724637;Y: 580675) - Le

Thanh Tong road, in Ngoc Nam residential area, An Phu ward

13 April 2017

Van Long commercial and environmental company

(The sampling locations in TK02 were shown in the maps attached in the Annex TK02)

The detailed results of environmental monitoring for TK01 and TK02 are shown in Annexes TK01 and TK02 respectively.

49. Ambient air quality, noise and vibration.

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For TK01 – Ban Thach Dyke, the monitoring results (refer to sheet No/Ref:22.2/4/ML/2017 in

Annex TK01) showed that dust (TSP) and toxic gases (NO2, SO2) (averaged 1 hour) met

QCVN 05: 2013/BTNMT for ambient air quality, noise met QCVN 26: 2010/BTNMT for all three

locations (KK1 – at the location near Nguyen Van Troi Bridge), (KK2 – in residential area No.6)

and (KK3- in the area of the power factory). However, the values of vibration at the location

(KK2) ranged from 0.2 to 0.8 exceeding the permitted value of 0.055 (according to QCVN 27:

2010/BTNMT for the vibration). Therefore, the contractors should be asked to apply suitable

mitigating measures to reduce the vibration to the limiting value stated in QCVN 27:


For TK02 – Dien Bien Phu Road, the monitoring results (refer to sheet No/ Ref:23.2/4/ML/2017

in Annex TK02) revealed that the dust (TSP) and toxic gases (NO2, SO2 averaged for 1 hour)

met QCVN 05: 2013/BTNMT for ambient air quality and noise met QCVN 26: 2010/BTNMT

for all three locations (KK1 – at the beginning of the subproject next to Hung Vuong Street,

KK3 – near the intersection between the subproject and Phan Chu Trinh Street and KK4 – at

the Ngoc Nam residential area in An Phu Ward). However, the values of the vibration in all

three locations exceeded the permitted value of 0.055 (according to QCVN 27: 2010/BTNMT

for the vibration): the values at (KK1) ranged from 0.0 to 0.9, at (KK3) ranged from 0.3 to 1.4

and at (KK4) ranged from 0.1 to 0.4. Therefore, it is necessary to ask the contractors to apply

mitigating measures to reduce it to the limited one stated in QCVN 27: 2010/BTNMT.

50. Surface water quality.

For TK01 – Ban Thach Dyke, the monitoring results (refer to the sheets No/

Ref:22.3/4/ML/2017 and No/ Ref:22.4/4/ML/2017 in Annex TK01) show that except for total

suspended solid (TSS), all parameters tested for 4 locations (NM1, NM2, NM3, NM4) in the

Ban Thach River met the level A2 in the QCVN 08 MT:2015/BTNMT. The values of TSS

slightly exceeded the level A2, but met the level B1 in the QCVN 08 MT:2015/BTNMT. This

proves that water quality of the Ban Thach River is relatively good and was not adversely

affected by the construction activities of the subproject.

For TK02 – Dien Bien Phu Road, the monitoring results (refer to the sheet No/

Ref:23.3/4/ML/2017) revealed that water quality in drainage Channels (NM1 – in the Channel

near the beginning of the subproject next to Hung Vuong Street and NM2 – in Phu Tho

drainage culvert) met the level B2 in QCVN 08MT:2015/BTNMT. The water quality in the Ban

Thach River (NM3 – Bach Dang and Tran Quoc Toan Section where the subproject runs

across) also met the level B1 (water quality for irrigation) in QCVN 08MT:2015/BTNMT

51. Wastewater.

Wastewater was also sampled and tested. For TK01 – Ban Thach Dyke, a sample was taken

in the domestic wastewater drainage culvert for the residential area No.6. The results of

monitoring (refer to sheet No/ Ref:22.1/4/ML/2017 in the Annex TK01) showed that BOD5

exceeded the level B in QCVN 14 :2008/BTNMT. Therefore, it is recommended that the

domestic wastewater from the residential area No.6 should be treated to reduce the organic

matter to the permitted value before running into the Ban Thach River.

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For TK02 – Dien Bien Phu Road, a sample was taken from the domestic wastewater leaking

from the workers’ camp near the Ban Thach Bridge. The results of monitoring (see the sheet

No/ Ref:23.1/4/ML/2017 in Annex TK02) revealed that BOD5 exceeded the level B in QCVN

14 :2008/BTNMT. Therefore, the contractor should be asked to repair the domestic

wastewater drainage system to stop the leaking of the wastewater into the environment.

3. Buon Ma Thuot Subprojects

The baseline environmental monitoring was carried out in Quarter I/2017 by the environmental monitoring center employed by PMIS consultants.

Table 17 Baseline Data of BMT-01A

Potential Environmenta

l Impact Parameter Location Date


Surface water pH,DO, SS, Nitrite, Nitrate (NO3-), Total Oil and grease

NM1: At small Ea Goi stream (X =

0440084; Y = 1391908)

NM2: At Krong Ana river mouth

receiving landfill –runoff (X =

0438650; Y = 1392154)

Quarter I/ 2017

Daklak environment and natural resources deparment - Center for environmental monitoring and analysis

Ambient Air Quality

TSP, SOx, NO x, Noise, vibration

K1: At Operation house (X =

0439574; Y = 1391756)

K2 : At Waste classifying area (X =

0439568; Y = 1391723)

Daklak environment and natural resources deparment - Center for environmental monitoring and analysis

All parameters are within the allowable limit of QCVN 27:2010/BTNMT; QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT; QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT; QCVN 08-MT:2015/ BTNMT (colum B1: for Irrigation)

Table 18 Quarter I/2017 Data of BMT-02

Potential Environmenta

l Impact Parameter Location Date


Surface water pH,DO, SS, Nitrite, Nitrate (NO3-), Total Oil and grease

NM1 – the stream flow through Tran Quy Cap road;

NM2 – Ong Giam pond; NM3 – Ea Nao stream near Ong Cao

temple NM4 – Ea Tam stream in the end


Quarter I/ 2017

Daklak environment and natural resources deparment - Center for environmental monitoring and analysis

Ambient Air TSP, SOx, KK1 – Intersection Tran Quy Cap – Daklak

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Potential Environmenta

l Impact Parameter Location Date


Quality NO x, Noise, vibration

Nguyen Van Cu; KK2 – Opposite the gate of Sport

School; KK3 – Opposite Centre highland

hospital KK4 – Intersection Tran Quy Cap –

Nguyen Du

environment and natural resources deparment - Center for environmental monitoring and analysis

All parameters are within the allowable limit of QCVN 27:2010/BTNMT; QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT; QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT; QCVN 08-MT:2015/ BTNMT (colum B1: for Irrigation)

Table 19 Baseline Data of BMT-03

Potential Environmenta

l Impact Parameter Location Date


Surface water pH,DO, SS, Nitrite, Nitrate (NO3-), Total Oil and grease

NM1: Y Nue bridge - Ea Tam

stream (X: 449850; Y:1400444)

NM2: At Ea Bu stream (X:

449310; Y:1399196)

NM3: At brand of Ea Tam stream (X: 450855; Y:1400248)

Quarter I/ 2017

Daklak environment and natural resources deparment - Center for environmental monitoring and analysis

Ambient Air Quality

TSP, SOx, NO x, Noise, vibration

KK1: At Junction of Mai Thi Luu – Y

Wang (X: 488746; Y: 1399378)

KK2: At Junction of Mai Thi Luu –

Tue Tinh (X: 449628; Y: 1399768)

KK3: At Junction of Nguyen Du –

Tran Qui Cap (X: 451094; Y:


Daklak environment and natural resources deparment - Center for environmental monitoring and analysis

All parameters are within the allowable limit of QCVN 27:2010/BTNMT; QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT; QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT; QCVN 08-MT:2015/ BTNMT (colum B1: for Irrigation)

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A. Public Consultation and EMP Information Dissemination (bổ sung)

52. Public consultation and information disclosure commenced early in the project cycle and will continue throughout the life of the project.

53. During preparation of EMPs, public consultations were carried out to provide information on the project, impacts and mitigation measures as well as implementation arrangements.

54. Prior to beginning construction, contractors conducted consultations with the local communities to familiarize them with the work to be done, the predicted impacts, and the mitigation measures to be used. The contractors have also met with local communities regularly, to provide and receive the latest information.

55. Dissemination of relevant information about the subprojects and their potential impacts will help stakeholders to understand the impacts, risks and opportunities of the subprojects. IEEs of the subprojects were approved in 2013 and posted on ADB’s website. At the stage of construction, the SEMP has been disclosed in the wards/communities that belong to three subprojects. The contractors provided local community information on upcoming construction related activities and issues related to traffic safety. During the monitoring period, information dissemination has been conducted for all packages. 56. The environmental monitoring reports and laboratory results will be provided to local government (e.g., people’s committee at the ward and commune levels).

B. Grievance Redress Mechanism

57. The Grievance Redness Mechanism under Ha Tinh subproject was approved by Ha Tinh CPC at Decision No. 1000/QĐ-UBND dated 19/6/2017 (as authorized for approval by Ha TinhPPC at Letter No. 3327/UBND on 2/6/2017). Ha Tinh PMU sent this approval Decision to affected wards/communes for public disclosure. The grievance redress mechanism of the project has been disclosed at the relevant wards/ communities of the subprojects, together with the uEMPs and the SEMPs. Now, the GRS Unit has been established and has been operating in accordance with Decision No. 1000/QĐ-UBND dated 19/6/2017. The members of the GRS unit are officers of the City’s Inspection unit, Ha Tinh City Urban Environment Improvement Management Unit and Department of Environmental and Natural resources. All of the grievance redress issues from local people have been transferred to the GRS unit, where professional officers deal with them in accordance with the current regulations 58. The Grievance Redness Mechanism for Tam Ky subproject has been established, and is under consideration for approval. 59. In Buon Ma Thuot on the BMT-02 sub-project (Tran Qui Cap urban road) there has been a problem related to traffic congestion due to clearance. Dakurenco PMU sent a letter for Daklak PPC and ADB dated 24/5/2017 informing them them that construction has been temporarily stopped and a fence was set up around the house of Nguyen Thi Phuong’s House on Tran Qui Cap road. After that, Daklak DONRE issued a letter no. 1218/STNMT-GD&GPMB dated 29/6/2017 for BMT CPC to provide relevant records to serve as a basis for proposing a policy of land allocation to affected households in BMT city without auctioning, including Nguyen Thi Phuong in Tran Qui Cap street. 60. Up to June 2017, there are no complaints related to negative impacts on the environment due to the subproject activities recorded.

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61. PMUs have assigned the staff to be responsible for co-ordination of environmental activities of all components of the subproject. The main objectives are as follows:

(i) To ensure that the PMU are in compliance with the guidelines included in the EMP (ii) To ensure that all the involved parties will prepare and submit environmental

monitoring reports to PMU. These environmental reports shall be maintained and consolidated for submission to ADB and other authorities on request.

(iii) To act as the liaison between DoNRE and other governmental authorities in terms of environmental issues

(iv) To ensure that the PMU’s take into account all environmental considerations and fully understand their roles in integrating environmental concerns into procurement processes.

62. On-the-job training has been provided to the staff of PMUs by the national PMIS’s Environmental Specialists at the initial implementation stage.

Table 20 List of PMU’s staff in charge of environmental safeguards

No. Name Responsibility

1 Pham Dinh Hai Staff of PMU Ha Tinh in charge of environmental safeguards

2 Ha Nhat Anh Staff of PMU Quang Nam in charge of environmental safeguards

3 Le Van Luong Staff of PMU Buon Ma Thuot in charge of environmental

safeguards for BMT-01&02

4 Phan Thanh Nhan Staff of PMU Buon Ma Thuot in charge of environmental

safeguards for BMT-03


A. Tam Ky

63. The key environmental issues on TK01 & TK02 are shown in Tables below:

Table 21 Issues for further actions in TK01

Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing

Monitoring Responsibility

Old Issues from Previous Reports

• Missing some fences/ walls

- A fence/barrier shall be provided to separate residential areas and construction sites in section 1

- Provide walls in new construction & storage areas;

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: as soon as possible: carried over from the previous semi-annual report (July – December, 2016) which was approved.

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

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Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing

Monitoring Responsibility

- The casting area in Tan Thanh area shall be fenced

• Spoil dropped out on the road was not promptly cleaned up

Regularly check and remove spoil dropped

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: as soon as possible: carried over from the previous semi-annual report (July – December, 2016) which was approved.

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Workers did not wear enough personal protective equipment (PPE)

Contractor to provide adequate PPE to workers

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: as soon as possible: carried over from the previous semi-annual report (July – December, 2016) which was approved.

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

New Issues from This Report

• Dust and soil on road due to material transportation

Assign workers to clean up the dust and soil on road. Sweep the roads to remove the material, water the roads to prevent dust spreading

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant or Construction Supervision Consultant.

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring; PMIS environmental Specialist

• Scattered cement bags and domestic solid waste on the site area

Supply enough garbage bins to workers’s camps;

Ask workers to clean up the site area

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring; PMIS environmental Specialist

• Some workers did not wear safety helmet during working

Ask workers to follow the regulations for labour safety requiring them to wear their helmets when working

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring; PMIS environmental Specialist

• Much mud and soil waste spilled at the beginning of sections 2 & 3 due to trucks transporting

Ask the contractors to pay attention to the cleaning of the mud and wastes on the site.

Responsibility: Contractor Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant or

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring; PMIS environmental Specialist

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Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing

Monitoring Responsibility

materials into the site area (ADB mission)

Construction Supervision Consultant

• Grievance redresses mechanism was not operational

All PMUs are requested to organize GRM disclosure to public

Responsibility: PMUs

Timing: by the end of July


Table 22 Issues for further actions in TK02

Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing

Monitoring Responsibility

Old Issues from Previous Reports

• Dump trucks are sometimes not covered with canvas.

• Soil debris/spills found on road surfaces.

- Cover dump trucks transporting materials

- Clean road surfaces often to remove soil debris.

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: as soon as possible (Set up from the previous semi-annual report (July – December, 2016) which was approved)

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Missing some fences/ walls

Provide fences /walls at project area near Phan Chu Trinh road

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: as soon as possible: carried over from the previous semi-annual report (July – December, 2016) which was approved.

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Drainage needs maintenance to operate properly

- Drainage to be fixed.

-Temporary drainage system needs to be constructed.

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: as soon as possible: carried over from the previous semi-annual report (July – December, 2016) which was approved.

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Not enough warning sign boards

Provide warning signs in the inland waterway traffic near Ban Thach and Ky Phu bridges and in assess road to Ban Thach and Ky Phu bridges

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: as soon as possible: carried over from the previous semi-annual report (July – December, 2016) which was approved.

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

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Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing

Monitoring Responsibility

• Training course on on HIV AIDS/STD for workers have not been done yet.

Quang Dai Viet and Vinaconex 25 JV should conduct a training course on HIV AIDS/STD for their workers as soon as possible.

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: as soon as possible: carried over from the previous semi-annual report (July – December, 2016) which was approved.

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

New Issues from This Report

• Material/dust on roads

Material Vehicles have to be covered. Sweep the roads to remove dropped material, water the roads to prevent dust spreading

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring; PMIS environmental Specialist

• Environmental sanitation

Install enough mobile toilets. Assign workers to collect all wastes and dispose of them.

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring; PMIS environmental Specialist

• Rough surface of transporting road. Lack of barrier

Clean up soil and dust on the road, ensure a smooth road surface for transportation. Supply enough barriers at necessary locations to ensure the safety

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring; PMIS environmental Specialist

• Some workers’ camps without garbage bins; cement bags, plastic drinking water bottles, nylon bags are scattered on the site area

Supplement garbage bins for workers’ camps currently without them

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

PMIS environmental specialist

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Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing

Monitoring Responsibility

• Some workers did not wear safety helmet during working

Raise workers’ awareness of the need to follow the regulations for working safely

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

PMIS environmental specialist

• Domestic wastewater leakage from workers’ camp in the site area of Ban Thach Bridge

Repair the system of wastewater drainage to stop wastewater leakage from the worker’s camp

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

PMIS environmental specialist

• Not enough warning signals for vehicles and staff required for directing transport (at points where the new Dien Bien Phu road construction intersects other roads with high transport density such as Le Thanh Tong, Phan Chu Trinh Streets. (ADB Mission)

Install enough traffic signs to minimize the risk of unsafe traffic

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

PMIS environmental specialist

• The area of Ban Thach Bridge and Phan Chu Trinh Street has not enough space for trucks to enter and exit the construction site, causing the risk of traffic accidents.(ADB Mission)

Clear an area to make enough space for the construction machines to enter and exit the site safely and conveniently

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

PMIS environmental specialist

Dust pollution Regular watering to reduce dust pollution in some areas

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant or

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

PMIS environmental specialist

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Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing

Monitoring Responsibility

Construction Supervision Consultant

Grievance mechanism has just been developed but not operational yet

all PMUs are requested to organize GRM disclosure to public

Responsibility: PMUs

Timing: by the end of July


B. Ha Tinh

64. On all contracts, measures to prevent spillage of soil from trucks and to sweep up material spilt onto the roads are sometimes inadequate so the contractors need to pay more attention to this. Insufficient safety measures are provided on the roads used by construction traffic. Such measures include the installation of boards that warn the public to beware of construction vehicles and assigning persons to guide traffic during rush hours. Excavated soil has been placed near inhabited areas without covering and has not been transferred to disposal areas promptly.


65. At most of the construction sites, soft, reflective separators to separate construction sites and neighboring areas have not been installed. Excavation of soil at Thach Trung regulation basin and Channel needs to be promptly removed to disposal sites and/or placed into rice cultivation areas of local people (Channel T3, T8). The temporary channel is not effective since widespread flooding still results when heavy rains occur. The Contractor mobilized pumps but it was not an effective solution because there are no large scale pumping stations and drainage channels to lead water to the river when the water in the channels, ponds and lakes rise. Besides that, duckweed, mud and waste has not been removed and is one of the reasons that reduce the effectiveness of the entire drainage system.

Table 23 Issues for further actions in HT01

Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing

Monitoring Responsibility

Old Issues from Previous Reports

• Still dust emission at residential areas surrounding construction sites.

More water spraying during dry season.

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Contractor increased water spraying frequency to 2 – 3 times/day in sunny days after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant and construction supervision consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

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Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing

Monitoring Responsibility

• Solid waste at watercourses

Keep watercourses clean

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Contractor collected solid waste after receiving comments from Construction Supervision Consultant and Environmental officer of Ha Tinh PMU

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Few sign boards and safety barriers

• Traffic jam during rush hours.

- Provide more sign boards and safety barriers

- Provide traffic detour during rush hours.

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Immediately obeyed after receiving comments from PMIS environmental consultant and construction supervision consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Long rainy season with heavy rain flooded large areas not only at construction site.

Fix the old drainage system. Build new temporary drainage.

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Immediately obeyed since receiving comments from PMIS environmental consultant and construction supervision consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Some workers are not wearing personal protective equipment

Remind/require workers to strictly follow regulations on the sites

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Immediately obeyed since receiving comments from PMIS environmental consultant and construction supervision consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

New Issues from This Report

• Still dust emission at residential areas surrounding construction sites.

More water spraying during dry season.

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Excavated soil isn’t removed promptly, and is spilled onto rice cultivation of local people

Collect all excavated soil and cover waste or stored materials tidily with a cover, and locate far from resident areas and rice cultivation of local people. Remove excavated soil to disposal area in a timely manner.

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

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Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing

Monitoring Responsibility

• The temporary channel is not effective and leads to widespread flooding when heavy rains occur.

Arranging pumping stations and drainage which can effectively bring flood water to the river

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Carry out remedial works after receiving requirements from Construction Supervision Consultant at any time that solid waste appears inside watercourses

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Lack of soft, reflective separators to separate construction sites and neighboring areas as well as provide lighting in the evening

Provide soft, reflective separators to separate construction sites and neighboring areas and provide lights in the evening

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Some workers are not wearing personal protective equipment

Remind/require workers to strictly follow regulations on the sites

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

HT-02 66. At construction sites of HT02, there is a lack of soft, reflective separators to separate construction sites and neighboring areas and there should be a person at entrance and exit areas to guide construction vehicles. Construction workers on the construction site do not regularly wear labor protection equipment

Table 24 Issues for further actions in HT02

Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing

Monitoring Responsibility

Old Issues from Previous Reports

• Still dust emission at residential areas surrounding construction sites.

- More water spraying during dry season.

- More regular daily cleaning of road surfaces and debris/spills

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Carry out after receiving requirements from Construction Supervision Consultant or T any

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

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Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing

Monitoring Responsibility

• There is still debris on roads.

time that waster scratterd into ambient environment

• Noise protection equipment for workers not yet provided

Fully provide protection equipment for workers

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from Ha Tinh PMU’s environmental officer or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Solid waste dumped in watercourses

Keep watercourses clean Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from Ha Tinh PMU’s environmental officer, Construction Supervision Consultant or at any time that solid waste is dumped in watercourses

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Few sign boards and safety barriers

Provide more sign boards and safety barriers

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from Ha Tinh PMU’s environmental officer, or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Long rainy season with heavy rain results in large flooded area not only in construction site.

Fix the old drainage system. Build temporary drainage.

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: as soon as possible

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Some workers are not wearing personal protective equipment

Remind/require workers to strictly follow regulations on the sites

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

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Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing

Monitoring Responsibility

environmental consultant, Ha Tinh PMU’s environmental officer, or Construction Supervision Consultant

New Issues from This Report

• Measures to separate construction work and for transport management are not satisfactory. The Mission requested the contractor

Install traffic reflected light strings, around Bong Son construction site adjacent to the road, install lighters for lighting during night time

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Applying immediately after receiving requirements from ADB mission in May

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring: The contractor installed adequately traffic reflected lightstrings around Bong Son construction site adjacent to the road and lighters for lighting during night time. Ha Tinh PMU and Supervision Consultant continue to request and supervise the contractor to strictly implement this requirement.

• Few sign boards and safety barriers

Provide more sign boards and safety barriers

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant, Ha Tinh PMU’s environmental officer, or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Some workers are not wearing personal protective equipment

Remind/require workers to strictly follow regulations on the sites

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Applying immediately after receiving requirements from Ha Tinh PMU’s environmental officer, or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring


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67. On Hai Thuong Lan Ong road there are not sufficient barriers to separate the construction work from the nearby houses so the contractor must ensure that all sites which could present risk of injury to residents are adequately fenced. Excavated soil and materials are deposited everywhere near road areas and residental areas, there is no hygienic domestic waste collection system, and not enough rainwater drainage ditches. Excavated soil has not yet been moved, but is still tipped near resident areas instead of being moved to disposal sites and there is a lack of hygienic toilets,. Spraying water to reduce dust has not been done regularly. Construction workers on the construction sites still do not regularly wear protective clothes and equipment.

Table 25 Issues for further actions in HT03

Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing

Monitoring Responsibility

Old Issues from Previous Reports

• Still dust emissions at residential areas surrounding construction sites.

• Dump trucks are not covered.

- More water spraying during dry season.

- Dump trucks to be covered

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Applying immediately after receiving requirements from Ha Tinh PMU’s environmental officer, or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Noise protection equipment for workers not yet provided

Fully provide protection equipment for workers

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from Ha Tinh PMU’s environmental officer, or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Few sign boards

• No safety barrier between Hai Thuong Lan Ong road and residential areas

• No traffic detour during rush hours

- Setup sign boards tolimit speed and install safety barriers.

- Set up traffic detours during rush hours

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from Ha Tinh PMU’s environmental officer, or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

New Issues from This Report

• Still dust emissions at residential areas surrounding

- More water spraying during dry season.

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant, Ha Tinh PMU’s

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

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Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing

Monitoring Responsibility

construction sites.

environmental officer, or Construction Supervision Consultant

• Material and excavated soil are tipped everywhere near road areas and resident areas;

• Excavated soil not yet moved

Materials and excavated soil must be stored tidily far from resident areas, and they must be coved if not used

Remove excavated soil to disposal area promptly

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant, Ha Tinh PMU’s environmental officer, Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Lack of sufficient barriers to separate the construction work from the nearby houses

Install sufficient barriers to separate the construction work from the nearby houses

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant, Ha Tinh PMU’s environmental officer, or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Lack of hygienic toilets and waste bins

Add hygienic toilets and waste bins at construction sites and worker camps

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Apply immediately after receiving requirements from PMIS environmental consultant, Ha Tinh PMU’s environmental officer, or Construction Supervision Consultant

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Filling holes after finishing excavation to avoid damages to local people

Installing barries, warning boards and restoration to environment after finishing excavation (exp: Le Khoi road section following requirement by ADB mission in May)

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: Before 31 May 2017

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

C. Buon Ma Thuot

68. Key environmental issues in this period on BMT01A and BMT 02:

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Table 26 Issues for further actions in BMT01A

Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing Monitoring


Old Issues from Previous Reports: none

New Issues from This Report

• Bury temporary domestic waste

Provide dustbins Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: 7/2017

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Use Generator Need to setup power supply from the Grid

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: 8/2017

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• warning sign boards

Intall some warning sign boads such as: warning of construction site and speed limitation

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: prepare as soon as possible after Environmental monitoring in QII/2017

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Labor safety Provide a First Aid kit Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: prepare as soon as after Environmental monitoring in QII/2017

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

Table 27 Issues for further actions in BMT02

Issue Required Action Implementation

Responsibility and Timing Monitoring


Old Issues from Previous Reports: construction from 22h PM – 6h AM

New Issues from This Report

• Construction of access road to households in residential areas 6, 7 in Tan Lap ward in Tran Qui Cap

Responsibility: Contractor

Timing: 8/2017

PMU/CSC‘s Monitoring

• Site clearance for construction

Responsibility: PMU

Timing: as soon as possible

Daklak Donre/PMU


C. EMP Provisions have been implemented

1. Integrated environmental safeguard provisions are in the bid documents and civil contract

� Bid document: Environmental Safeguard requirements are integrated in the Bidding

Document including:

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- Budget for safeguards management

- Human resources

- Specification on environmental management

- Inclusion of IEE, EMP and RP

� Civil contract: Clauses in particular conditions of contract regulated that the

Contractors shall carry out all necessary activities to protect the environment and

comply with current laws and regulations

2. Environmental Management System has been established for the project

� Project owner/PMU: All PMUs have assigned environmental management staff for

this project.

� Project Management and Implementation Support Consultant (PMIS): PMIS has

mobilized environmental specialists for all three cities.

� Supervision Consultant: Supervising Consultants are responsible for construction

supervision including (1) advise PMUs on issues related to the project’s environmental

works, (2) generally guide contractor on environmental protection works, (3) review

and comment on environmental documents for the subproject, (4) examine and

supervise contractors on undertaken mitigation measures, (5) monitor environmental

safeguard policy compliance of subprojects

� Contractors: Contractors have all assigned an environmental staff member for

implementation of EMP compliance for each package.

3. Application of mitigation measures at the site

� Waste Management

‐ Wastewater: Runoff from fuel depots/workshops/machinery washing areas is collected

in conservancy tanks and disposed of at permitted sites.

‐ Solid waste: Litter bins, containers and refuse collection facilities are provided at the

places of work for later disposal.

‐ Hazardous waste: Used oil, lubricants, cleaning materials, etc. from the maintenance

of vehicles and machinery are collected in holding tanks.

� Safety management

- Construction Site Safety: The need for protective equipment/clothing for workers and

safe sight distances are established in construction areas but need to be implemented

more fully.

- Traffic Management: Materials are kept for making traffic signs (including paint, easel,

sign writing materials, etc.), road marking, and guardrails to ensure pedestrian safety

during construction and signs and flagmen areused to control traffic.

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D. Actions Recommended

� Human resources and organization: contractors have assigned an environmental officer for safety and environmental management. They should also establish a Board for safety and the environment in which responsibilities are assigned for each member. Staff of PMU and Contractors, in charge of environmental monitoring, are not specialized in the environmental field so training courses/workshops on environmental safeguards should be frequently provided.

� File Documents: Contractors have prepared environmental safeguard documents but the forms are not usually updated and filled in on site. All documents related to environment safeguards shall be readily available on site to provide information for engineers and contractor’s staff for implementation and for examination and supervision purposes.

� Publish SEMPs: The SEMP prepared by contractors shall be published in Vietnamese

in communes and communities impacted by the construction works so that local people can have easy access to the information.

� Environmental sampling and analysis: The construction activities have commenced

since several months, so periodic sampling and testing for quarterly and semi- annual should be implemented as soon as possible.

E. C. Proposed for next period

The next semi-annual report of Environmental monitoring will be implemented in December

2017 with the following contents:

i. Implement on-site inspection

ii. Conduct sampling monitoring programs

iii. Monitor the EMP implementation of all stakeholders

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Annex TK 01

Số/ Ref:22.1/4/ML/2017 Ngày/Date:20/4/2017


(PhiÕu kÕt qu¶ nµy kh«ng ®­îc lËp l¹i nÕu kh«ng ®­îc sù ®ång ý b»ng v¨n b¶n cña PTN) (This test report not be reproduced without the written approval of Laboratory)

1- Tên mẫu/Name of sample : Mẫu nước thải 2- Ký hiệu mẫu/Mark of sample : NT4

3- Số lượng mẫu/Quantity : 01 4- Ngày nhận mẫu/Date of receiving : 13/4/2017 5- Đặc trưng tình trạng mẫu/Characterization and condition of test sample: Dạng lỏng 6- Khách hàng/Client : Công ty Quốc tế Black and Veatch 7- Địa chỉ/ Adress: Tam Kỳ, Quảng Nam, Việt Nam

8- Tiểu dự án TK01- Đê Bàn Thạch 9- Kết quả thử nghiệm/Test results:


Tên chỉ tiêu (Test properties)

Phương pháp thử (Test methods)

Đơn vị tính (Unit)

Kết quả thử nghiệm (Test results)


1 pH (1)(2)(3) TCVN 6492:2011 - 7,35 2 TSS(1)(2) TCVN 6625:2000 mg/L 45,8 3 COD(1) SMEWW 5220C:2012 mg/L 170 4 BOD5

(1)(2) TCVN 6001-1:2008 mg/L 85 5 E.coli(1) TCVN 6187-2:2009 MPN/100mL 4400

Ghi chú : - NT4: Mẫu nước thải tại cổng thoát nước thải của KDC số 6 ( X: 1723334;Y:578160) (1) Các chỉ tiêu đã được Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường: Chứng nhận đủ điều kiện hoạt động dịch vụ quan trắc và phân tích môi trường, số hiệu: VIMCERTS 036 (2) Các chỉ tiêu đã được Văn phòng Công nhận Chất lượng Việt Nam: Công nhận VILAS 423 (3) Các chỉ tiêu đã tham gia: Implementation of Inter-laboratory comparison projects-The Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET-VN2) - Kết quả này chỉ có giá trị trên mẫu thử nghiệm - Quá thời hạn lưu mẫu 07 ngày kể từ ngày ra phiếu, PTN không giải quyết việc khiếu nại kết quả thử nghiệm. - Phân tích theo yêu cầu của khách hàng


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Số/ Ref:22.2/4/ML/2017 Ngày/Date:20/4/2017 PHIẾU KẾT QUẢ THỬ NGHIỆM

Test report (Phiếu kết quả này không được lập lại nếu không được sự đồng ý bằng văn bản của PTN)

(This test report not be reproduced without the written approval of Laboratory)

1. Tên mẫu/Name of sample : Không khí 2. Ký hiệu mẫu/Mark of sample : KK1,KK2,KK3 3. Số lượng mẫu/Quantity : 03 4. Ngày lấy mẫu/Date of survey : 13/4/2017 5. Đặc trưng tình trạng mẫu/Characterization and condition of test sample: Dạng lỏng, rắn 6. Khách hàng/Client: Công ty Quốc tế Black and Veatch 7. Địa chỉ/Address: Tam Kỳ,Quảng Nam, Việt Nam 8. Tiểu dự án TK01- Đê Bàn Thạch 9. Kết quả thử nghiệm/Test results:


Tên chỉ tiêu (Test properties)

Phương pháp thử (Test methods)

Đơn vị tính


Kết quả thử nghiệm (Test results)

KK1 KK2 KK3 I/Độ rung(1)

1 Gia tốc TCVN 6963:2001 m/s2 <0,1 0,2-0,8 <0,1 2 Vận tốc TCVN 6963:2001 mm/s 0,0 - 0,7 0,0- 0,8 0,0-0,2

3 Biên độ TCVN 6963:2001 mm 0,00-0,06



II/ Tiếng ồn 1 Tiếng ồn (1) TCVN 7878-2: 2010 dBA 57,5 63,3 62,8

III/ Bụi và hơi khí độc(trung bình 1 giờ) 1 Bụi lơ lửng tổng số(1) TCVN 5067: 1995 mg/m3 0,22 0,26 0,25 2 NO2

(1) TCVN 6137:2009 mg/m3 0,058 0,064 0,057 3 SO2

(1) TCVN 5971:1995 mg/m3 0,062 0,061 0,064 Ghi chú: - HD 5.5/02F51: Quy trình nội bộ hướng dẫn thực hiện công việc phân tích trong PTN - KK1: Mẫu không khí tại đoạn bờ kè khu vực đầu sông Nguyễn Văn Trỗi (X: 1724294;Y:577349) - KK2: Mẫu không khí tại đoạn bờ kè giáp KDC số 6 (X:1723519; Y: 577931) - KK3: Mẫu không khí tại đoạn bờ kè giáp với khu vực nhà đèn (X: 1721634;Y: 580745) (1) Các chỉ tiêu đã được Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường: Chứng nhận đủ điều kiện hoạt động dịch vụ quan trắc và phân tích môi trường, số hiệu: VIMCERTS 036 - Lấy mẫu ở độ cao 1,5 m so với mặt đất - Kết quả thử nghiệm chỉ có giá trị trên mẫu thử nghiệm - Sau thời hạn lưu mẫu 07 ngày kể từ ngày ra phiếu, PTN không giải quyết khiếu nại đối với mẫu thử. - Phân tích theo yêu cầu của khách hàng


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Black & Veatch in association with V-CIC 94

Số/ Ref:22.3/4/ML/2017 Ngày/Date:20/4/2017 PHIẾU KẾT QUẢ THỬ NGHIỆM

Test report (PhiÕu kÕt qu¶ nµy kh«ng ®­îc lËp l¹i nÕu kh«ng ®­îc sù ®ång ý b»ng v¨n b¶n cña PTN)

(This test report not be reproduced without the written approval of Laboratory)

1- Tên mẫu/Name of sample : Mẫu nước mặt 2- Ký hiệu mẫu/Mark of sample : NM1, NM2 3- Số lượng mẫu/Quantity : 02 4- Ngày nhận mẫu/Date of receiving : 13/4/2017 5- Đặc trưng tình trạng mẫu/Characterization and condition of test sample: Dạng lỏng 6- Khách hàng/Client : Công ty Quốc tế Black and Veatch 7- Địa chỉ/ Adress: Tam Kỳ,Quảng Nam, Việt Nam 8- Dự án: Tiểu dự án TK01- Đê Bàn Thạch

9- Kết quả thử nghiệm/Test results: TT No

Tên chỉ tiêu (Test properties)

Phương pháp thử (Test methods)

Đơn vị tính (Unit)

Kết quả thử nghiệm (Test results)

NM1 NM2 1 pH (1)(2)(3) TCVN 6492:2011 - 7,40 7,43 2 TSS(1)(2) TCVN 6625:2000 mg/L 33,2 34,8 3 DO(1) TCVN 7325:2004 mg/L 5,0 5,2 4 NO2

--N(1)(2) TCVN 6178:1996 mg/L 0,010 0,009 5 NO3

--N(1)(2) EPA 352.1 mg/L 1,522 1,699 6 Dầu mỡ(1)(2) TCVN 5070:1995 mg/L < 0,30 < 0,30

Ghi chú : - NM1: Mẫu nước mặt trên sông Bàn Thạch cách cầu Nguyễn Văn Trỗi 200m (X: 1724408;Y:577139) - NM2: Mẫu nước mặt trên sông Bàn Thạch cách cầu Nguyễn Văn Trỗi 50m ( X: 1724372;Y: 577310) (1) Các chỉ tiêu đã được Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường: Chứng nhận đủ điều kiện hoạt động dịch vụ quan trắc và phân tích môi trường, số hiệu: VIMCERTS 036 (2) Các chỉ tiêu đã được Văn phòng Công nhận Chất lượng Việt Nam: Công nhận VILAS 423 (3) Các chỉ tiêu đã tham gia: Implementation of Inter-laboratory comparison projects-The Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET-VN2) - Kết quả này chỉ có giá trị trên mẫu thử nghiệm - Quá thời hạn lưu mẫu 07 ngày kể từ ngày ra phiếu, PTN không giải quyết việc khiếu nại kết quả thử nghiệm. - Phân tích theo yêu cầu của khách hàng


Huỳnh Văn Tình


Nguyễn Minh Thiên

2st Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report Q2, 2017


Black & Veatch in association with V-CIC 95

Số/ Ref:22.4/4/ML/2017 Ngày/Date:20/4/2017 PHIẾU KẾT QUẢ THỬ NGHIỆM

Test report (PhiÕu kÕt qu¶ nµy kh«ng ®­îc lËp l¹i nÕu kh«ng ®­îc sù ®ång ý b»ng v¨n b¶n cña PTN)

(This test report not be reproduced without the written approval of Laboratory)

1- Tên mẫu/Name of sample : Mẫu nước mặt 2- Ký hiệu mẫu/Mark of sample : NM3, NM4

3- Số lượng mẫu/Quantity : 02 4- Ngày nhận mẫu/Date of receiving : 13/4/2017 5- Đặc trưng tình trạng mẫu/Characterization and condition of test sample: Dạng lỏng 6- Khách hàng/Client : Công ty Quốc tế Black and Veatch 7- Địa chỉ/ Adress: Tam Kỳ, Quảng Nam,Việt Nam 8- Dự án: Tiểu dự án TK01- Đê Bàn Thạch 9- Kết quả thử nghiệm/Test results:


Tên chỉ tiêu (Test properties)

Phương pháp thử (Test methods)

Đơn vị tính (Unit)

Kết quả thử nghiệm (Test results)

NM3 NM4 1 pH (1)(2)(3) TCVN 6492:2011 - 7,18 7,32 2 TSS(1)(2) TCVN 6625:2000 mg/L 36,6 30,0 3 DO(1) TCVN 7325:2004 mg/L 5,2 5,5 4 NO2

--N(1)(2) TCVN 6178:1996 mg/L 0,014 0,011 5 NO3

--N(1)(2) EPA 352.1 mg/L 1,877 1,340 6 Dầu mỡ(1)(2) TCVN 5070:1995 mg/L < 0,30 < 0,30

Ghi chú : - NM3: Mẫu nước mặt trên sông Bàn Thạch đoạn giáp Khu dân cư số 6 ( X: 1723574;Y: 578001) - NM4: Mẫu nước mặt trên sông Bàn Thạch gần nhà đèn (X: 1721655Y: 500754) (1) Các chỉ tiêu đã được Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường: Chứng nhận đủ điều kiện hoạt động dịch vụ quan trắc và phân tích môi trường, số hiệu: VIMCERTS 036 (2) Các chỉ tiêu đã được Văn phòng Công nhận Chất lượng Việt Nam: Công nhận VILAS 423 (3) Các chỉ tiêu đã tham gia: Implementation of Inter-laboratory comparison projects-The Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET-VN2) - Kết quả này chỉ có giá trị trên mẫu thử nghiệm - Quá thời hạn lưu mẫu 07 ngày kể từ ngày ra phiếu, PTN không giải quyết việc khiếu nại kết quả thử nghiệm. - Phân tích theo yêu cầu của khách hàng


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Annex TK02

Số/ Ref:23.1/4/ML/2017 Ngày/Date:20/4/2017 PHIẾU KẾT QUẢ THỬ NGHIỆM

Test report (PhiÕu kÕt qu¶ nµy kh«ng ®­îc lËp l¹i nÕu kh«ng ®­îc sù ®ång ý b»ng v¨n b¶n cña PTN)

(This test report not be reproduced without the written approval of Laboratory)

1- Tên mẫu/Name of sample : Mẫu nước thải 2- Ký hiệu mẫu/Mark of sample : NT2

3- Số lượng mẫu/Quantity : 01 4- Ngày nhận mẫu/Date of receiving : 13/4/2017 5- Đặc trưng tình trạng mẫu/Characterization and condition of test sample: Dạng lỏng 6- Khách hàng/Client : Công ty Quốc tế Black and Veatch 7- Địa chỉ/ Adress: Tam Kỳ, Quảng Nam,Việt Nam 8- Dự án: Tiểu dự án TK02- Đường Điện Biên Phủ 9- Kết quả thử nghiệm/Test results:


Tên chỉ tiêu (Test properties)

Phương pháp thử (Test methods)

Đơn vị tính (Unit)

Kết quả thử nghiệm (Test results)


1 pH (1)(2)(3) TCVN 6492:2011 - 7,26 2 TSS(1)(2) TCVN 6625:2000 mg/L 82,5 3 COD(1) SMEWW 5220C:2012 mg/L 234 4 BOD5

(1)(2) TCVN 6001-1:2008 mg/L 125 5 E.coli(1) TCVN 6187-2:2009 MPN/100mL 240

Ghi chú: - NT2: Mẫu nước thải tại khu vực lán trại công nhân gần cầu Bàn Thạch (X: 1722283;Y:578950) (1) Các chỉ tiêu đã được Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường: Chứng nhận đủ điều kiện hoạt động dịch vụ quan trắc và phân tích môi trường, số hiệu: VIMCERTS 036 (2) Các chỉ tiêu đã được Văn phòng Công nhận Chất lượng Việt Nam: Công nhận VILAS 423 (3) Các chỉ tiêu đã tham gia: Implementation of Inter-laboratory comparison projects-The Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET-VN2) - Kết quả này chỉ có giá trị trên mẫu thử nghiệm - Quá thời hạn lưu mẫu 07 ngày kể từ ngày ra phiếu, PTN không giải quyết việc khiếu nại kết quả thử nghiệm. - Phân tích theo yêu cầu của khách hàng


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2st Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report Q2, 2017


Black & Veatch in association with V-CIC 99

Số/ Ref:23.2/4/ML/2017 Ngày/Date:20/4/2017 PHIẾU KẾT QUẢ THỬ NGHIỆM

Test report (Phiếu kết quả này không được lập lại nếu không được sự đồng ý bằng văn bản của PTN)

(This test report not be reproduced without the written approval of Laboratory)

10. Tên mẫu/Name of sample : Không khí 11. Ký hiệu mẫu/Mark of sample : KK1;KK3; KK4 12. Số lượng mẫu/Quantity : 03 13. Ngày lấy mẫu/Date of survey : 13/4/2017 14. Đặc trưng tình trạng mẫu/Characterization and condition of test sample: Dạng lỏng, rắn 15. Khách hàng/Client: Công ty Quốc tế Black and Veatch 16. Địa chỉ/Address: Tam Kỳ, Quảng Nam,Việt Nam 17. Dự án: Tiểu dự án TK02- Đường Điện Biên Phủ 18. Kết quả thử nghiệm/Test results:


Tên chỉ tiêu (Test properties)

Phương pháp thử (Test methods)

Đơn vị tính


Kết quả thử nghiệm (Test results)

KK1 KK3 KK4 I/Độ rung(1)

1 Gia tốc TCVN 6963:2001 m/s2 0,0-0,9 0,3-1,4 0,1-0,4 2 Vận tốc TCVN 6963:2001 mm/s 0,0-0,4 0,0-0,6 0,0-0,3

3 Biên độ TCVN 6963:2001 mm 0,00-0,044



II/ Tiếng ồn 1 Tiếng ồn (1) TCVN 7878-2: 2010 dBA 53,6 66,8 65,2

III/ Bụi và hơi khí độc (trung bình 1 giờ) 1 Bụi lơ lửng tổng số(1) TCVN 5067: 1995 mg/m3 0,21 0,24 0,22 2 NO2

(1) TCVN 6137:2009 mg/m3 0,056 0,059 0,062 3 SO2

(1) TCVN 5971:1995 mg/m3 0,063 0,065 0,061 Ghi chú: - HD 5.5/02F51: Quy trình nội bộ hướng dẫn thực hiện công việc phân tích trong PTN - KK1: Mẫu không khí khu vực đầu dự án giáp với đường Hùng Vương(X: 1721500;Y:578386) - KK3: Mẫu không khí khu vực giữa tuyến dự án đoạn giáp đường Phan Châu Trinh(X:1722187;Y:578863) - KK4: Mẫu không khí tại khu vực dự án giáp với KDC Ngọc Nam, phường An Phú(X: 1724637;Y: 580675). (1) Các chỉ tiêu đã được Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường: Chứng nhận đủ điều kiện hoạt động dịch vụ quan trắc và phân tích môi trường, số hiệu: VIMCERTS 036 - Lấy mẫu ở độ cao 1,5 m so với mặt đất - Kết quả thử nghiệm chỉ có giá trị trên mẫu thử nghiệm - Sau thời hạn lưu mẫu 07 ngày kể từ ngày ra phiếu, PTN không giải quyết khiếu nại đối với mẫu thử. - Phân tích theo yêu cầu của khách hàng


Huỳnh Văn Tình


Nguyễn Minh Thiên

2st Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report Q2, 2017


Black & Veatch in association with V-CIC 100

Số/ Ref:23.3/4/ML/2017 Ngày/Date:20/4/2017 PHIẾU KẾT QUẢ THỬ NGHIỆM

Test report (PhiÕu kÕt qu¶ nµy kh«ng ®­îc lËp l¹i nÕu kh«ng ®­îc sù ®ång ý b»ng v¨n b¶n cña PTN)

(This test report not be reproduced without the written approval of Laboratory)

1- Tên mẫu/Name of sample : Mẫu nước mặt 2- Ký hiệu mẫu/Mark of sample : NM1; NM2;NM3

3- Số lượng mẫu/Quantity : 03 4- Ngày nhận mẫu/Date of receiving : 13/4/2017 5- Đặc trưng tình trạng mẫu/Characterization and condition of test sample: Dạng lỏng 6- Khách hàng/Client : Công ty Quốc tế Black and Veatch

7- Địa chỉ/Address: Tam Kỳ, Quảng Nam,Việt Nam 8- Dự án: Tiểu dự án TK02- Đường Điện Biên Phủ

9 -Kết quả thử nghiệm/Test results: TT No

Tên chỉ tiêu (Test properties)

Phương pháp thử (Test methods)

Đơn vị tính


Kết quả thử nghiệm (Test results)

NM1 NM2 NM3 1 pH (1)(2)(3) TCVN 6492:2011 - 7,30 8,22 7,62 2 TSS(1)(2) TCVN 6625:2000 mg/L 30,2 32,8 38,6 3 DO(1) TCVN 7325:2004 mg/L 2,9 2,6 4,9 4 NO2

--N(1)(2) TCVN 6178:1996 mg/L 0,209 0,070 0,060 5 NO3

--N(1)(2) EPA 352.1 mg/L 2,129 2,274 1,973 6 Dầu mỡ(1)(2) TCVN 5070:1995 mg/L < 0,30 < 0,30 < 0,30

Ghi chú : - NM1: Mẫu nước mặt trên mương khu vực đầu dự án( X: 1721508;Y:578399) - NM2: Mẫu nước mặt tại cống thoát nước Phú Thọ( X: 1722203;Y:578812) - NM3: Mẫu nước mặt trên sông Bàn Thạch đoạn Bạch Đằng và Trần Quốc Toản ( X: X:1722386; Y: 578977) (1) Các chỉ tiêu đã được Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường: Chứng nhận đủ điều kiện hoạt động dịch vụ quan trắc và phân tích môi trường, số hiệu: VIMCERTS 036 (2) Các chỉ tiêu đã được Văn phòng Công nhận Chất lượng Việt Nam: Công nhận VILAS 423 (3) Các chỉ tiêu đã tham gia: Implementation of Inter-laboratory comparison projects-The Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET-VN2) - Kết quả này chỉ có giá trị trên mẫu thử nghiệm - Quá thời hạn lưu mẫu 07 ngày kể từ ngày ra phiếu, PTN không giải quyết việc khiếu nại kết quả thử nghiệm. - Phân tích theo yêu cầu của khách hàng


Huỳnh Văn Tình


Nguyễn Minh Thiên

2st Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report Q2, 2017


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2st Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report Q2, 2017


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Picture 1: Diagram of monitoring and taking samples in Ha Tinh sub-project


- M: Surface water quality monitoring positions

- K: Air and noise quality monitoring positions

- ĐR: Vibration monitoring positions

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