Enviromental Catastrophes caused by men Refuses Petrolchemical Factories Abstesos

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  • Enviromental Catastrophes caused by men Refuses Petrolchemical Factories Abstesos
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  • -Refuses One of the greater enviromental problems in Italy,the best know is surely the treatment of the refuses in the wrong way which involves a pollution and a contamination of the Italian soil that results in episodes like the garbage. In our town, Pachino, this problem is present and a lot of associations are fighting, perhaps the problems can be solved.
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  • Not to underestimate the problems related to the huge amount of CO2 released from chimneys industrial developments which cause global warming. Near Pachino, there are lots of petrochemical factories. Italy-Sicily,Priolo,Petrolchemical Factories
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  • The Terra dei Fuochi The locution Terra dei Fuochi is located in a large area of the Southern Italy, between Naples and Caserta, characterized by the strong presence of toxic waste and especially of numerous burning of waste. It was used for the first time in 2003 in Rapporto Ecomafie 2003 by Legambiente.
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  • Geography The Land of Fires includes a territory of 1076 km2, in which 57 towns are located where there are nearly 2 million and a half inhabitants: 33 towns located in the province of Naples and 24 towns located in the province of Caserta. For many decades, in the region of Campania occurred spills of industrial waste, toxic and nuclear waste. In particular, in the areas of Succivo, Aversa, Caivano, Acerra and Giugliano in Campania occurred burning of industrial waste, responsible for a high rate of cancers that have hit expecially young women, (breast and thyroid), and children. In 2011, according to a report of the ARPA Campania, an area of 3 million square meters, between Regi Lagni, Uttaro, Masseria del Pozzo- Slaves (in Giuglianese) and the city of Naples, have been highly compromised by high and massive presence of toxic waste.
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  • Pollution of food products The dioxin pollution of land is extremely dangerous because it introduces toxic substances in the food chain of animals and can even reach the man. In March 26, 2008 were observed the presence of dioxin in buffalo milk from farms of Caserta, attributed to environmental pollution. As a result of these findings, however, concerned that limited farms used to produce the DOP buffalo mozzarella, some countries, including South Korea and Japan, temporarily blocked the import of mozzarella. Following the news, the sale of dairy products from Campania has declined significantly, not only in Italy but also abroad. Recent tests of buffalo mozzarella carried out in Germany, however, revealed no trace of dioxin or heavy metal.
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  • Legambiente Scieri e Muciare
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  • Waste Sorting To plant trees