Cosmic Catastrophes

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  • 8/14/2019 Cosmic Catastrophes


    Cosmic Catastrophes-

    Science Fiction or Reality?by Dr. Thomas Grollmann




    June 2003

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    2/20GeneralCologne Re2

    An asteroid measuring 50 meters in

    diameter hurtles towards the earth at a

    speed in excess of 55,000 kilometers per

    hour. The object approaches the earth

    from the side illuminated by the sun and

    therefore aviods detection by any obser-

    vatories on account of its apparently

    stationary orbit. Friction with the atmos-

    phere rapidly heats the object so

    vigorously that it begins to glow morebrightly than the sun. It passes almost

    silently through the atmosphere, accom-

    panied by intense thermal radiation.

    Electronic control systems for railways,

    industrial facilities and computers are

    severely disrupted. The bow wave cre-

    ated in front of the object decelerates it

    so sharply that shortly thereafter it ex-

    plodes in the air with the force of 1,000

    Dr. Thomas Grollmann

    is a geophysicist with a

    special interest in the

    atmosphere and climate

    issues. He has been with

    GeneralCologne Re for10 years as an expert in

    the field of natural haz-

    ards and has led the Cat

    Modeling team within the

    Cat Center of Excellence

    since 2001. The primary

    focus of his work is on

    developing and checking

    the plausibility of models

    for the natural hazards of

    earthquake, windstorm

    and flood in order to

    determine the potentiallosses and average re-

    quired risk premium per

    year on a worldwide basis.

    In this paper, he discusses

    a hazard that has still to

    be modeled but which

    entails a considerable loss


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    Hiroshima bombs - little remains other

    than gas and dust. The flash of light can

    be seen over a radius of 1,000 kilome-


    The heat wave is so powerful that people

    on the ground feel as if they are being

    burned alive. The air-pressure wave

    caused by the explosion hits shortly af-

    terwards - first a deafening bang, then a

    burning hurricane that sweeps away

    everything in its path. Forests are left in

    flames, gas stations explode, everything

    within a radius of 30 kilometers is incin-

    erated. The next air-pressure wave extin-

    guishes the bulk of the fires but also

    snaps trees, blows out windows and

    doors, and indeed flattens entire houses.

    Since the shock wave spreads more

    quickly through the ground, it is her-

    alded by minor earth tremors. Power

    supplies and communication channels

    are cut. Several thousand deaths are

    reported, more than 100,000 people are

    left injured and over 2,000 square kilo-

    meters of urban land and forest are dev-

    astated- an area twice the size of Berlin.

    Science fiction or reality?In a way, both. Although the probabil-

    ity of such an event occurring over a

    major city is undoubtedly small, the

    possibility of an object of this size

    impacting somewhere on earth is

    greater than generally assumed.

    Many such impacts have occurred in

    the past, one of the most well known

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    being the asteroid strike in the Siberian

    taiga in 1908. Survivors of that disaster

    described a scenario similar to the one

    outlined above. The aftereffects could be

    seen locally for years, indeed decades,


    So are meteorite strikes a real risk, and

    is this another hitherto unrecognized

    hazard like the terrorist attacks of Sep-

    tember 11? Is there evidence of historical

    impacts on earth, and if so, how are weto imagine such events might unfold?

    How can we prepare for them, and what

    steps should we take to avoid being

    caught by surprise the next time?

    Before considering these questions, let

    us first shed some light on the origin

    of the intruders, their prevalence, the

    effects they have on the earth and

    ultimately the consequences for the

    insurance industry.

    Comets and TheirComposition

    Comets are chunks of ice thatconsist primarily of water ice,frozen gases, dust and carboncompounds - hence the fre-quently used description of adirty snowball. They are be-lieved to originate in an area inthe outer solar system betweenUranus and Neptune. Hot gases

    moving outwards can cool hereand form solid bodies. As theplanets formed, these objectswere pushed outwards by the

    force of gravity and are now lo-cated in the so-called OortCloud. When its path is dis-rupted by other stars, a cometcan leave its original orbit andcrash inwards onto a planet,such as the earth. As the cometdraws closer to the sun, solarradiation heats up the cometssurface and some of the ice va-porizes -giving rise to the tail.Depending on their orbit dura-

    tions, comets are divided intoshort-period- less than 200years - and long-period comets

    - more than 200 years to severalmillion years. The comets movein elliptical orbits around thesun, short-period comets in thesame plane as the planets andlong-period comets on anypath. The total number ofcomets in the Oort Cloud isestimated to be 100 billion, ofwhich at least one million canreach the inner solar system.Due to the considerable dis-

    tance, it is impossible to deter-mine how large the objects inthe Oort Cloud are. A further

    comet reservoir located outsideNeptunes orbit, the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt, is named after twoplanetary researchers. Objectswith a diameter of 200 -400 kilo-meters have occasionally beenobserved there. The comets inthis belt are difficult to discoversince the sunlight is too weak tovaporize the ice on account ofthe vast distance.

    Asteroid belt. Located

    between Mars and Jupiter,

    the asteroid belt is a dense

    cloud of around 50 million

    objects (above).

    The comet Kudo-Fujikawa

    passing in early 2003.

    GeneralCologne Re4





    January 12, 2003

    January 16

    January 20

    January 24

    January 28

    February 1, 2003

    February 5

    February 9

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    Origin and Classification ofExtraterrestrial Objects

    Approximately 4.6 billion years ago, the

    compression of an original cloud of gas

    and dust gave birth to our solar system.

    Collisions between the first bodies of

    solid rock ultimately caused the planets

    and their moons to form. Yet some frag-

    ments of rock were left behind to find

    another destiny - not as planets or

    moons, but as comets and asteroids.

    Celestial phenomena such as comets

    were long regarded as messengers of the

    gods or as part of the planetary system.

    As long ago as 1695, however, the plane-

    tary scientist Edmond Halley realized

    that comets orbit the sun - Halleys

    Comet, named after him, was correctly

    identified as having a return period of

    76 years. Initially, the search for further

    planets and comets was restricted to the

    orbit parameters specified by Newton in

    his theory of gravitation. In this way, it

    was possible on the basis of disturbances

    affecting already known planets to pre-

    dict the existence of other planets - the

    planet Uranus, for example - which

    were only discovered years later. It is

    only in the last 50 years that comets have

    been systematically traced and cata-


    Many comets are to be found in theso-called Oort Cloud - a comet reservoir

    that came into existence after the planets

    were formed. Located in the outer solar

    system, it forms a spherical cloud around

    the sun. The Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt, an-

    other comet reservoir named after two

    planetary scientists, is located outside

    the orbit of Neptune. Individual objects

    with a diameter of 200-400 kilometers

    have occasionally been sighted there.

    Comets in this belt are very difficult to

    detect, however, because at this distance

    the sunlight is too weak to vaporize the


    Comets move around the sun in elliptical

    orbits. Short-period comets with orbit

    durations of less than 200 years move in

    the same plane as the planets, but long-

    period comets with return periods of

    hundreds of thousands or even millions

    of years come from every direction.Long-period comets are particularly

    difficult to track, since they often remain

    undiscovered due to their long orbit du-

    rations and cannot be located until they

    are in the vicinity of Jupiter. An impact

    on the earth would then only be around

    three to four more years away - short

    notice for possible defensive measures.

    Given the large number of objects, it is

    virtually impossible with the tools cur-



    Asteroids, also known as smallplanets, planetoids or mete-oroids, have little ice contentcompared to comets, or evennone whatsoever. They are com-posed largely of rock with smallamounts of metals and carbons.A small proportion of asteroids,around 3%, is comprised almostentirely of metals, most com-

    monly iron. The main belt inwhich asteroids orbit the sun onalmost circular paths is locatedbetween the planets Mars and

    Jupiter. The total mass of theasteroids is less than one per milof the earths mass. Near-earthasteroids (NEOs) at a distance ofless than 7.5 million kilometersand with a diameter in excess of150 meters are categorized as po-tentially hazardous asteroids(PHAs), since disturbances intheir orbit could cause them tocome closer to the earth. Of thecurrently known 1,500 NEOs,

    one-third are classed as PHAs.Objects smaller than 30 meters insize would burn up in the atmos-

    phere and therefore pose no dan-ger. Of the estimated 50 millionobjects, only around 1,500 areknown to be earth-near.

    Currently estimated number ofnear-earth asteroids:

    Size Number

    > 30 m > 50,000,000

    > 100 m > 320,000

    > 500 m > 9,200> 1,000 m > 2,100

    > 2,000 m > 400

    Earth Sun Mars Jupiter

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    rently available to calculate in advance

    the precise path of every comet and the

    moment when each one will appear in

    our solar system.

    Yet there are also other objects too small

    to be classified as planets. These are

    known as asteroids, the largest of them

    - Ceres - having a diameter of 931 kilo-

    meters. Since these objects are too small

    to be seen with the naked eye, they were

    discovered relatively late, with the first

    being identified in 1801. Asteroids con-

    sist primarily of rock with metal and

    carbon admixtures. Meteorites com-

    posed of iron are found more rarely.

    Today, more than 150,000 of these

    mini-planets have been detected,

    although the precise path of such aster-

    oids is known in only about 20% of

    cases. For the most part, these small

    planets travel around the sun in near-

    circular orbits in the so-called asteroid

    belt between Mars and Jupiter- moving

    in the same plane as the other planets.

    Several asteroids intersect with the

    earths orbit. These are referred to as

    near-earth objects (NEOs). Others

    which do not currently cross the earths

    path could be nudged out of their origi-

    nal orbit and crash into the earth. The

    catastrophic scenario used in films,

    whereby a comet hits an asteroid and

    redirects it towards the earth, is pure fic-

    tion, since such a collision would destroy

    both objects. The largest of the more

    than 400 currently known NEOs are

    approximately eight kilometers in size,

    while the vast majority of NEOs measure

    between one and three kilometers.

    The composition of meteorites differs

    fundamentally from rocks found on

    earth. During the long period they

    spend travelling through space, mete-

    orites are constantly bombarded by cos-

    mic radiation. This gives rise to nuclear

    reactions, which create a number of

    isotopes with known half-lives. On this

    basis, it is possible to determine how old

    meteorites are. They range in age from

    a few million years to 4.55 billion years,

    the age of the earth.

    Each year, approximately 40,000 tons of

    micrometeorites fall to earth-


    25% of the total extraterrestrial material

    that reaches the earth on a long-term

    annual average. This corresponds to

    around 50,000 meteorites per year. In

    other words, the earth is struck by mete-

    orites very frequently.

    Signs of Impact on the Earth

    How can we distinguish between impact

    craters and volcanic craters or other

    crater-like formations? On the earth,

    unlike on other planets, there are manyprocesses which in the long run cover

    over the traces of an impact and indeed

    render them unrecognizable: erosion,

    sedimentation and continental drift.

    In a relatively short space of time, erosion

    due to water, wind, sandstorms, glacier

    formation and temperature changes eats

    away at exposed surfaces such as crater

    rims and ultimately levels them off. Sedi-

    mentation deposits the eroded material

    in lower-lying areas inside or around the

    rim of the crater, thus filling in the topo-

    graphical irregularities. It is due to these

    surface-changing processes on the earth

    that, for example, small craters such as

    the Meteor Crater in Arizona have be-

    come virtually unrecognizable following

    the erosion of 100-200 meters of rock.

    The famous impact crater in Mexico,

    which - based on our current knowl-

    edge - is believed to have been caused

    65 million years ago by an asteroid and

    heralded the extinction of the dinosaurs,

    could only be identified with certainty

    using aerial photographs and subse-

    quent seismic, magnetic and gravimetric


    An impact at sea can cause the formation

    of craters that do not project up to the

    oceans surface. If an asteroid is large

    enough (>1 km), the object can pene-

    trate the earths crust to a considerable

    depth. This may induce instability in

    the crust and cause volcanoes to form.

    New islands are created at the impact

    site, leaving the impact itself unde-

    tectable. Even if there is no volcanic

    activity, sedimentation covers over the

    impact crater relatively quickly. In the

    course of millions of years, continental

    drift (also referred to as plate tectonics)

    modifies the appearance of the earths

    surface; the shape and structure of

    craters are changed or entirely destroyedas entire plates disappear and dissolve

    into the earths mantle, are distorted by

    tectonic processes or are forced upwards

    into mountain ranges as they collide

    with one another. Identification of im-

    pact craters is consequently no longer


    Since it is clearly difficult to identify

    craters on the earth, it is worth making

    comparisons with other planets and

    moons where the forces of erosion either

    do not exist or are less severe. Virtuallyall the craters on the moon were caused

    by impacts. Owing to the lack of an at-

    mosphere, even the smallest fragments -

    measuring just millimeters - crash into

    the moons surface with a high velocity.

    On the earth, such fragments would

    burn up as shooting stars because of the

    immense friction. Consequently, the

    major processes involved in meteorite

    impacts were studied first on the basis of

    GeneralCologne Re6

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    the moon, before then looking for corre-

    sponding patterns on the earth. It was

    determined, for example, that practically

    all the craters on the moon are circular.

    This is attributable to the fact that an im-

    pact resembles an explosion - given the

    high speed with which the object hits -

    and hence the craters are circular, irre-

    spective of the angle of impact. Only

    with a very shallow angle of impact canelliptical craters form.

    Owing to the earths atmosphere, craters

    here can only be created by projectiles in

    excess of a certain size (>30 m). Yet even

    from space, it is only possible to discern

    a few of these craters, such as the

    34-kilometer-wide West Clearwater

    crater in Canada, the Nrdlinger Ries

    crater in Germany and the Kara crater in

    Pamir. Research into craters on earth has

    revealed that in the course of its history,

    it has been struck by numerous aster-

    oids, yet the traces of the impacts have

    been carried away by erosion or covered

    over through sedimentation or the frag-ments burned up in the atmosphere if

    they were too small. Frequency statistics

    indicate that minor impacts are to be

    expected relatively frequently, but large

    impacts only very seldom. Explosions of

    objects in the atmosphere were observed,



    Asteroids that can be seenfalling to earth in the nightsky are known as meteors (orshooting stars). Meteorites arethe remnants of asteroids thatcan be found on earth in theform of pieces of rock. Up to50,000 objects fall to earthevery year. Depending on theircomposition, meteorites aredivided into stony, stony-ironand iron meteorites. Accountingfor 97% of all meteorites, stonymeteorites are the most com-mon. A distinction is made herebetween chondrites with agrainy structure, carbonaceouschondrites with admixtures of

    water and carbon, and achon-drites with an iron core. Thecarbonaceous chondrites areconsidered to be primary rocksthat reflect the very earliestphases of planet formation.The achondrites melted at aprimitive stage, producing aniron core. Stony-iron meteoritesare composed of a mixture ofiron and crystallized metals.Iron meteorites can be differen-tiated according to their admix-tures of other metals, e.g.nickel.

    Meteorite impactson the moon


    Agglomeration of dust fromthe solar nebula

    Age: 4.55 bn years (oldestbodies in the solar system)


    Melting, crystallization in theparent body

    Age: < 4.5 bn years(e.g. Martian meteorites1 bn years)

    Rough Classification of MeteoritesIron


    Chondrites Achondrites


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    for example, in 1908 in Tunguska, Siberia,

    1930 in Curuca, Brazil, and 1935 in

    Rupununi, British Guyana.

    Objective Criteria forIdentifying an Impact Crater

    The effects of an impact on the earth

    depend on numerous factors: the mass,

    density, shape, solidity, size and speed of

    the projectile, the angle of impact and

    the impact site (land or water). Impactsby objects greater than one kilometer in

    diameter are classified as catastrophic

    events, although objects smaller than

    this can also cause considerable damage.

    Various criteria can be used to unam-

    biguously identify a crater as an impact

    site. Some simple characteristics, such as

    a circular shape, central mountain peaks

    in the

    middle or in-

    ner peripheral moun-

    tains, do not serve to distinguish impact

    craters from volcanic craters or collapsed

    structures. Noncircular impact craters are

    also found, where they have been de-

    formed by tectonic forces or the impact

    occurred at a very shallow angle - circu-

    lar craters result from impact angles of

    around 10-

    90, while a glancing im-pact angle of less than 10 gives rise to

    elliptical craters.

    If the geological structure of the subsoil

    in the region does not permit the forma-

    tion of craters (no tectonic forces at work,

    no volcanoes), this would indicate the

    presence of an impact crater. Various

    geophysical methods are used to investi-


    Isotopes and Rare Earths

    Isotopes of an element aredistinguished by the number ofcomponents in their nucleus.The protons determine the ele-ment, the neutrons determinethe various modifications ofthe element, i.e. the isotopes.Isotopes play a significant rolein documenting variousprocesses. For example, thecarbon isotope 14C is used to

    determine the age of tree ringsand sediment layers. Cosmo-chemistry frequently makes useof the elements of rare earths,e.g. osmium and iridium. Inmeteorites, certain isotopessuch as 188Os are enrichedwhen compared with terrestrialrock, i.e. their presence is10-100 times higher.

    Meteorite fragments

    found on earth

    Impacts on the earth and

    diameter of the craters

    < 5




    > 100 km diameter

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    gate these anomalies, e.g. measure-

    ments of the earths gravitational field or

    the earths magnetic field or the propa-

    gation pattern of artificially emitted seis-

    mic waves. Yet even after the anomalies

    have been identified, it cannot be certain

    whether they were caused by an impact.

    The next step is geological rock analysis.

    The composition of meteorites differs

    from that of the local rock. Often, how-

    ever, meteorites vaporize in the air oron impact, leaving no consistent rock

    remains. Upon impact, the substance of

    the rock is also so greatly altered by the

    extremely high pressures and tempera-

    tures (metamorphosis) that only the exis-

    tence of foreign minerals (e.g. diamond

    or coesite and stishovite, high-pressure

    modifications of quartz) can point to an

    impact. The presence of stishovite is to-

    The 10 Largest Known Impact Craters

    Vredefort South Africa 27:00 S 27:30 E 300 2,023

    Chicxulub Mexico, Yucatan 21:20 N 89:30 W 300 65

    Sudbury Canada, Ontario 46:36 N 81:11 W 250 1,850

    Popigai Russia 71:39 N 111:11 E 100 36

    Manicougan Canada, Quebec 51:23 N 68:42 W 100 214

    Acraman Australia 32:01 S 135:27 E 90 590Chesapeake Bay Crater USA, Virginia 37:17 N 76:01 W 90 36

    Puchezh-Katunki Russia 56:58 N 43:43 E 80 167

    Morokweng South Africa, Kalahari 26:28 S 23:32 E 70 145

    Kara Russia 69:06 N 64:09 E 65 70

    Crater Place/Region Position Diameter Age(km) (in million years)

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    The Meteor Crater as

    seen from space. Due to

    its diameter of 32 kilome-

    ters, this crater can beclearly seen in the upper

    left half of the image.

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    Number of Asteroids Classified According to Their Diameter

    Number of asteroids







    Diameter in meters

    150 million/10 m


    9,200/500 m



    10 100 1,000 10,000

    day considered to be a highly reliable in-

    dication of an impact, since this form of

    quartz cannot occur on the earth under

    natural conditions.

    The last step in proving the existence of

    an impact crater is to resort to geochem-

    istry. The mixing ratios of rare elements

    in the rock are compared. Certain ele-

    ments are found far more commonly inmeteorites than they are on earth. If

    analysis of the crater rock points to a sig-

    nificantly high concentration of certain

    rare elements, it is very likely that an im-

    pact occurred. It is by no means unusual

    for the differences to be measured in fac-

    tors of 100 to 1,000. Isotopes - i.e. in ef-

    fect the same elements but with a differ-

    ent number of neutrons in the nucleus -

    are used to improve accuracy. The iso-

    tope composition of the meteorites is en-

    tirely different to that of rocks in the

    vicinity of the crater. If the composition

    of the rock indicates that it came from a

    meteorite, the presence of an impact

    crater can definitively be determined.

    Approximately 200 meteorite craters

    have been identified to date, the majority

    of them in the United States, Central

    Europe and Australia. Around two to five

    new craters are discovered every year.

    The smallest of them are just a few

    meters in diameter, the largest extend

    up to 300 kilometers.

    A theory to emerge in recent years sug-gests that large meteorites which hit the

    ocean can penetrate so deeply into the

    earths crust that they can cause a tear in

    the mantle. This allows fresh magma to

    flow upwards and can cause volcanoes

    on the earths surface. This could explain

    a number of so-called hot spots, i.e.

    volcanoes not located at the edge of

    plates. The earths crust melts at the

    edges of the plates in the subduction

    process and is carried to the earths sur-

    face due to its lower density. This then

    gives rise to familiar volcanoes such as

    those in the so-called Ring of Fire around

    the Pacific. In rare cases, however, volca-

    noes are found away from the edges of

    continental plates - something for which


    1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000

    Trend in the Discovery of Near-Earth Asteroids from 1980 to 2000The number of asteroids identified has increased sharply, especially since 1998.


    Trend in the Discovery of Near-Earth Asteroids from 1980 to 2000The number of asteroids identified has increased sharply, especially since 1998.


    All near-earth asteroids

    Large near-earth asteroids







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    a cogent explanation has hitherto been

    lacking. According to the latest research,

    Hawaii - as one of these hot spots -

    could therefore have been created by

    a meteorite impact.

    What Happens upon Impact?

    Asteroids enter the earths atmosphere at

    a speed of 15-25 kilometers per second


    90,000 km/h),whereas cometscan reach up to 70 kilometers per second

    (252,000 km/h) if they crash head-on

    into the earth. Depending on their mass

    and velocity, these bodies are then

    slowed to the normal speed of fall in the

    atmosphere (around 200 km/h - the

    speed with which a parachutist falls to

    earth). Many meteorites lose the bulk of

    their mass on entry into the earths

    atmosphere as they melt and vaporize.

    The atmosphere has the effect here of a

    wall, suddenly decelerating objects sosharply that many of them are torn apart

    in the air- they literally explode. Every

    year, the earth is struck 20 -30 times by

    fairly small objects which cause sizeable

    explosions in the atmosphere, as was

    the case, for example, in 1994 over the

    South Pacific (explosive force roughly

    a quarter that of the Hiroshima

    bomb) and in 1990 over


    Yet the larger the asteroid, the less it is

    slowed and hence the more speed it re-

    tains. It becomes increasingly likely that

    it will only be destroyed on impact. The

    largest meteorite discovered on earth is

    made of iron and measures 3x 3 meters.

    It was found in northernNamibia. De-

    spite its considerable weight, it pene-

    trated to a depth of just two meters.

    Meteorites composed of rock, on theother hand, break up more easily, which

    is why no sizeable fragments have been


    During the contact and compression

    phase, the projectile smashes into the

    earths surface. If there were no atmos-

    phere, there would be no prior interac-

    tion between the projectile and the site

    of impact. Owing to the presence of the

    atmosphere, however, a cushion of air is

    compressed ahead of the object, and

    this then gives notice of the projectilesarrival at supersonic

    speed. The very

    rapid decel-



    erates shock waves, which cause the ma-

    terial to suddenly melt and vaporize. The

    pressures occurring here are around a

    million times the pressure of the earths


    The ejection phase commences with the

    explosive expansion of the rock at the

    point of impact owing to the high pres-

    sures and temperatures. A molten wave

    of pulverized and vaporized material

    spreads out from the point of impact

    and may travel a very considerable dis-

    tance before it falls to the ground again.

    Displacement and ejection of the mate-

    rial create a bowl-shaped crater that is

    many times larger than the impact pro-

    jectile. With large-impact craters, the

    material can rise up into the stratosphere

    or even ascend into the earths orbit,

    only to fall back to earth over several

    years. In the subsequent period, parts of

    the rim of the freshly formed crater cavein and some of the material hurled up-

    wards also settles back into the

    crater, thereby filling it up.

    Some of the most well-known

    meteorite craters include the

    Meteor Crater in Arizona, the Bo-

    sumtwi Crater in West Africa and

    the Nrdlinger Ries in Germany.

    The Chicxulub Impact -the End of the Dinosaurs

    As early as the 1970s, there was specula-

    tion about the Cretaceous-Tertiary

    boundary, the period when not only the

    dinosaurs but also more than half of the

    animal and plant species known at that

    time died out. Of the remaining species,

    too, many were drastically reduced in

    number. This transitional phase can be

    identified in many rock strata around the

    world as the characteristic layer of clay

    between the chalkstones of the Creta-

    ceous and Tertiary periods (K/T bound-

    Experts are now fairly

    certain that 65 million

    years ago, an asteroid

    was the cause of the

    dinosaurs extinction.

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    ary). Here, too, an isotope anomaly was

    found between the chalkstone strata

    and the clay. Since this stratum had been

    found in many areas of the world - with

    isotope anomalies up to a factor of 200

    - the theory of an asteroid impact arose

    in the 1980s. Given the worldwide pres-

    ence of this stratum, the impact must

    have been extremely large. Subsequent

    investigations then also unearthed largequantities of soot in the rock strata - an

    indication of extensive forest fires. Evi-

    dence was accumulating of an impact

    of gigantic dimensions -yet where was

    the crater?

    At almost the same time, in the early

    1980s, a major gravity anomaly was dis-

    covered during a search for oil under the

    Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. For a long

    time no further investigations were con-

    ducted. Only in the early 1990s were

    drilling samples taken and all the indica-tions of an impact crater confirmed,

    despite the fact that absolutely no hint

    of an impact could be detected on the

    surface. Over the past millions of years,

    the crater had been virtually entirely

    covered over by sediments.Now all that

    remained was to answer the questions:

    how old is this crater, and could this

    have been the notorious impact that

    led to the extinction of the dinosaurs?

    Investigations revealed that the crater

    had a diameter of 300 kilometers and islocated partly below the Yucatan Penin-

    sula and partly beneath the Gulf of

    Mexico. It was thus of adequate dimen-

    sions to produce worldwide effects.

    Only its age remained to be determined.

    Using two independent methods, the

    age of the impact was determined to

    be 65 million years - precisely the age

    of the mysterious Cretaceous-Tertiary

    boundary. Evidence had thus been fur-

    nished for a cosmic event with dramatic

    repercussions for fauna and flora.

    Based on our insights today, this is what

    is believed to have occurred:

    An asteroid roughly 10 kilometers in

    diameter approached the earth at a

    speed of around 100,000 kilometers per

    hour and passed through the atmos-

    phere in a matter of seconds. The object

    heated up and was briefly brighter and

    warmer than the sun. The projectile bur-

    rowed into the earths crust to a depth of

    approximately 40 kilometers, but the

    earths crust soaked up the impact like a

    glutinous liquid. What remained was a

    crater roughly 300 kilometers wide and

    several kilometers deep. The object va-

    porized instantly in a massive explosion.

    The vaporized rocks released millions of

    tons of dust, steam, carbon dioxide and

    sulfur dioxide, darkening the sky for sev-

    eral months and causing temperatures

    to drop rapidly.

    Earthquake waves of magnitude 12 on

    the Richter scale spread out from the im-

    pact site. The impact in shallow water

    produced tsunamis with waves reaching

    a height of 100 meters and more. Smol-

    dering chunks of rock fell to the ground

    tens of thousands of kilometers away

    from the impact site, setting fire to

    forests. Once the waves had subsided,

    the worst was over. Still, the darkening

    of the stratosphere resulting from the

    immense quantities of dust caused tem-

    peratures to fall, and the food chain col-lapsed as photosynthesis was disrupted.

    The enormous quantities of carbon diox-

    ide exacerbated the greenhouse effect in

    the atmosphere and, once the dust had

    settled, it became warmer for many

    hundreds, indeed thousands, of years.

    Ultimately around 75% of all animal and

    plant species, including the dinosaurs,

    died out. The plant and animal world

    was unable to adapt to such abrupt

    climate changes, and only a few species

    survived the catastrophe.

    Gravitational anomaly in

    Yucatan and the Gulf of

    Mexico. The crater structure

    can be clearly made out.

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    14/20GeneralCologne Re14

    Impact Probabilities

    For planetary researchers, 1994 was an

    exceptional year. For the first time it was

    possible to predict and ultimately ob-

    serve the impact of comet fragments on

    Jupiter. The skies are routinely scanned

    for near-earth objects, and in 1993 a

    bright string of pearls was discovered

    that was ultimately identified as the

    remains of the roughly four-kilometer-long, fragmented comet Shoemaker-

    Levy 9. On the basis of the comets path,

    it was calculated that these fragments

    would impact Jupiter in 1994. When, in

    1994, the pieces finally hit Jupiter, the

    results of the impact of the largest frag-

    ment, one to two kilometers in size,

    could be clearly seen in the form of a

    crater with a diameter of more than

    10,000 kilometers. Further impacts fol-

    lowed with comet fragments measuring

    several hundred meters in diameter. Itwas thus proven that impacts can occur

    anywhere in the solar system - with at

    times dramatic effects.

    The catastrophes described above in

    Mexico and Siberia demonstrated that

    catastrophic meteorite impacts have also

    occurred on earth. The meteorite that

    caused the Tunguska event is calculated

    as having been 50 meters in diameter;

    the Chicxulub object had a diameter of

    10 kilometers. And in recent decades,

    further asteroid explosions have beenobserved, one of them in 1990 at a

    height of 30 kilometers above the

    Pacific Ocean.

    This raises the question of just how likely

    meteorites of various sizes are to hit the


    The following conclusions have been

    reached, based on astronomical obser-

    vations and studies of known impacts:

    In statistical terms, a 50-meter asteroid

    impacts somewhere on earth approxi-

    mately every 250 years (corresponds to

    the Tunguska explosion), a 200-meter

    asteroid roughly every 5,000 years, a

    one-kilometer-sized asteroid about every

    100,000 years and a 10-kilometer-sized

    asteroid - as was the case with the Chic-

    xulub event- approximately every


    60 million years.

    Needless to say, this does not mean that

    after the impact of the Chicxulub aster-

    oid, for example, it will be 50 million

    years until the next such asteroid comes

    along. (Since the impact occurred

    65 million years ago, this would wrongly

    imply that an impact today is highly

    probable. This is not the case.) As with

    storms, the average waiting period

    is merely an arithmetic mean figure:

    it is absolutely possible for a once-in-

    a-100-year event to occur three timesin succession, followed by a gap of

    300 years. In other words, an impact

    can occur at any time - an entirely realis-

    tic scenario in view of the large number

    of potentially hazardous asteroids and

    comets and the small number of objects

    identified to date in space.

    Most objects larger than one kilometer

    are now known, but not all of them. Few

    of the smaller objects (such as that which

    caused the Tunguska event) are known.

    Even fewer of the comets are known,since they have comparatively lengthy

    orbit durations. Rough estimates suggest

    that there are at least 200,000 bodies

    with a diameter of several hundred

    meters whose paths intersect with the

    earths orbit. It is not enough simply to

    identify them; considerable effort has

    to be expended on determining their

    orbits. If we were to discover 10 NEOs

    per month, assuming the use of 150 tel-

    In recent years the number of

    near-earth objects discovered

    has increased sharply.

    Traces of the Tunguska

    explosion could still be

    discerned decades later.

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    Heat and pressure wave Explosion, rain of dust and small rocks Tsunami

    GeneralCologne Re16

    quent pressure and heat waves will

    claim a large number of lives. An impact

    at sea would not produce any direct in-

    juries or damage, but it would trigger a

    tsunami that would reach coastal areas

    with meter-high tidal waves. With more

    than 70% of the planets surface covered

    by water, the probability of an impact at

    sea is relatively high.

    The consequences for the insurance in-

    dustry, however, would depend on the

    size of the impacting object. This can be

    illustrated on the basis of four different

    sizes of object:

    I Type I: Asteroid with a diameter of

    0-30 meters

    Roughly 10,000-50,000 meteorites

    per year

    I Type II: Asteroid 50 meters in dia-

    meter (e.g. Tunguska event)

    Probability of occurrence: approxi-

    mately once in 250 yearsI Type III: Asteroid one kilometer in


    Probability of occurrence: roughly

    once in 100,000 years

    I Type IV: Asteroid 10 kilometers in

    diameter (e.g. Chicxulub event)

    Probability of occurrence: roughly

    once in 50 million years

    The probabilities of occurrence refer to

    an impact somewhere on earth, i.e. not

    necessarily in an inhabited region. How-

    ever, the chance of an asteroid comingdown somewhere over water or in an

    uninhabited area is very high.

    Type I asteroids are very common. They

    fall from the sky as dust or small rock

    fragments. As recently as March 27

    of this year, a meteorite broke up into

    several pieces over the U.S., and its frag-

    ments crashed into several houses in the

    form of chunks of rock the size of tennis

    balls. While these objects can cause sig-

    nificant damage to, or even the total de-

    struction of, individual risks such as cars,

    buildings or industrial risks, they do not

    pose any appreciable accumulation risk.

    Nor are further hazards such as heat

    waves, earthquakes or tsunamis to be


    Asteroids of Type II will most likely ex-

    plode in the air. If this occurs over land,

    the heat wave will ignite fires in the im-

    mediate vicinity that can inflict direct

    damage on forests, buildings and infra-

    structure. The subsequent pressure wave

    may extinguish such fires - but the struc-

    tures will now be entirely demolished -

    buildings can explode and trees will be

    snapped like matches. Total destruction

    should be assumed in the area closest to

    the impact. Large cities such as Berlin orBoston would be very extensively de-

    stroyed if they were to be hit. A rain of

    small rocks and dust would cause con-

    siderable damage. At greater distances,

    little damage is to be expected. The loss

    potential would surpass that of a major

    earthquake in, say, San Francisco or

    Tokyo. There would be no direct dam-

    age if the asteroid exploded over the

    ocean, but the tsunami could cause

    considerable damage even at great dis-

    tances. If such a meteorite were to hit the

    Pacific, the tsunami would reach a height

    of 10-15 meters and could penetrate sev-

    eral hundred meters inland. Pacific Rim

    cities located directly on the coast, such

    as Tokyo, Vancouver and Los Angeles,

    would suffer substantial damage, de-

    pending on their distance from the point

    of impact.

    Larger asteroids of Type III will generally

    impact the earths surface. On land, a

    crater around 20 kilometers in diameter

    would be created. Major cities such as

    New York, Tokyo or Berlin would be

    completely destroyed. Very heavy dam-

    age would be incurred within a radius of

    500 kilometers (corresponding to the

    size of a small U.S. state or a federal state

    in Germany). Forest fires would rageacross an area the size of an entire conti-

    nent. A regional climate change has a

    considerable impact on flora and fauna.

    In the event of an impact at sea, large

    masses of water would be hurled more

    than 10 kilometers into the air. The re-

    sulting tsunami would lose momentum

    very quickly, but even at a distance of

    1,000 kilometers, wave amplitudes of

    several hundred meters would be

    reached. Cities like Los Angeles, Tokyo,

    Hong Kong or Miami would be totally

    destroyed, with just a few ruins of rein-

    forced concrete left standing.

    Asteroids of Type IV have global conse-

    quences. On land - the impact crater

    would measure roughly 300 kilometers

    across - entire continents would be de-

    stroyed. The damage can scarcely be

    quantified, since fallingchunks of molten

    rock would ignite fires on a worldwide

    scale, burning down buildings and

    forests. Earthquake waves measuring 12

    on the Richter scale would be unleashed.

    Other global repercussions would follow

    due to forest fires and the associated

    release of aerosols (cooling - cosmic

    winter), the increased greenhouse ef-

    fect caused by higher emissions of car-

    bon dioxide, the release of sulfur dioxide

    and the related acid rain (risk of corro-

    sion), the destruction of the ozone layer

    Hazards Associated with Meteorites

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    Hurling of water to a high altitude and

    release of water steam due to the intense heat

    Release of gases from the vaporization of rocks,

    e.g. carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitric oxides Earthquake


    (worsened effects of hard UV rays,

    increased risk of cancer), radioactive

    contamination following the destruction

    of atomic power plants and nuclear

    weapons stores and chemical contami-

    nation caused by chemical risks. The

    food supply for humans and animals

    would be under acute threat. It is doubt-

    ful whether flora and fauna could adapt

    to such a dramatic climate change. Cer-tainly, the dinosaurs and many other

    species of animals and plants were un-

    able to cope with such changes some

    65 million years ago.

    Insurance Considerations

    For the insurance industry, asteroids of

    Types I and II are important because

    of their high probability of occurrence,

    and Type II all the more so owing to the

    potential accumulation risk. It should be

    reiterated that while the likelihood of a

    Type II asteroid impacting close to a ma-

    jor metropolitan center is extraordinarily

    low owing to the small area concerned

    relative to the total area of the earths

    surface, such an impact can nevertheless

    occur at any time.

    There are various hazards that may be of

    relevance to insurers in the event of cos-

    mic impacts, since they are applicable to

    the vast majority of policies: rockfall, fire,

    explosion, earthquake and tsunami. The

    fire and explosion hazards are generally

    covered, while protection against the

    other hazards can only be obtained by

    taking out appropriate supplementary

    coverage. It is not always clear, however,

    whether meteorite impacts are included

    as a trigger. A fundamental distinction

    must be made between all-risks policies

    and policies with named perils. Under

    Number of Objects and Their Mean Frequency

    Number Return periodin years

    Diameter in meters

    Meteor Crater

    Tunguska event

    Chicxulub event

    Global consequences


    Return period



















    0 100 1,000 10,000

  • 8/14/2019 Cosmic Catastrophes


    all-risks policies, coverage initially ex-

    tends to all risks except those that are

    explicitly excluded. Under named perils

    policies, coverage extends only to the

    specified perils, whereas all others are in

    principle excluded.

    Policies with named perils frequently

    only refer to the impact of manned

    flying objects as a covered risk - where

    this risk is mentioned at all. In this case,direct losses and damage caused by

    meteorite strikes (rockfall only) are ex-

    cluded. On the other hand, the fire and

    explosion risks as a consequence of a

    meteorite impact are covered, since with

    these perils the cause is immaterial. The

    earthquake and tsunami risks are also

    covered if supplementary coverage was

    agreed for these perils. Here, too, the

    cause is irrelevant. However, individual

    policies may contain endorsements or

    amendments that can lead to coverage

    of meteorite strikes.

    The existence of coverage under all-risks

    policies must generally be assumed,

    since falling/flying objects and

    meteorites are not normally explicitly

    named. Even if damage caused by

    manned and unmanned flying objects

    GeneralCologne Re18

    The meteorite approaches the


    Simulation of a meteorite impact(Sandia National Laboratories, USA)

    The fragments impact the

    earth. A crater forms.

    Pieces of rock and dust are

    hurled upwards into the


    The meteorite explodes in

    the stratosphere and leaves

    behind a vacuum channel.


    Diameter Effects

    < 30 meters Object will not normally reach the earths surface.

    75 meters Iron meteorites create craters up to a diameter of onekilometer; stony meteorites explode in the air, cause aheat and pressure wave as in the case of the Tunguskadisaster, and can completely destroy a city.

    200 meters Impact on land destroys a major city such as New York

    or Tokyo.

    350 meters Impact on land destroys an area as large as a small coun-try; impact in the ocean causes moderate tsunamis.

    750 meters Impact on land destroys an area as large as a medium-sized country; impact in the ocean causes severetsunamis that can devastate numerous coastal cities.

    2,000 meters Impact on land hurls large masses of dust and watersteam into the upper atmosphere, has global repercus-sions due to climate change, and destroys an area thesize of a large country or U.S. state, e.g. France orCalifornia.

    10,000 meters Global repercussions due to falling chunks of burningrock, forest fires on a worldwide scale; destroys an areathe size of several countries, threatens the survival of allfauna and flora, including mankind.

    Effects of Meteorite Impacts According to Their Size

  • 8/14/2019 Cosmic Catastrophes


    is excluded, meteorites may be covered

    since unmanned flying objects can -

    depending on court practice - be inter-

    preted as referring only to artificial, i.e.

    man-made objects. Here, too, damage

    caused by fire and explosion as a conse-

    quence of meteorite impacts is covered,

    since the cause is immaterial. The same

    is true of earthquakes and tsunamis

    unless such perils are explicitly excluded.

    One exception would be countries such

    as Spain where natural perils and mete-

    orite impacts are covered by the state.

    Cosmic catastrophes constitute a real

    risk. At once in 250 years, the probability

    of a Type II impact occurring somewhere

    on the earth can no longer be ignored.

    Of course, it is highly likely that these

    objects will come down somewhere in

    an uninhabited area or in the ocean at

    a considerable distance from inhabited

    coastal regions. But things may work out

    very differently, since a meteorite strike

    can occur anywhere at any time.

    What we are describing here, then, is a

    risk that is coveredunder numerous stan-

    dard insurance policies but for which no

    adequate risk assessment is performed.

    The premium does not include any pric-

    ing elements for this risk, no accumula-

    tion control is carried out, and the policy

    wordings make no clear differentiation

    between hazards. Although it is ex-

    tremely difficult to determine the precise

    frequency of impacts broken down by

    region and to estimate the potential

    losses, it is undoubtedly necessary as a

    first step to examine this aspect more

    closely in the policy wordings and,

    where appropriate, to clarify what is cov-

    ered and what cannot in fact be covered.

    This issue thus offers a parallel to the

    events of September 11, when a loss

    potential emerged that had previously

    been inadequately assessed and con-

    trolled. Could this be another risk from

    the realms of the impossible or unimag-





    100 km

    Scenario for an impact over a

    large city. Even though the possi-

    bility of an explosion occurring

    right over a major city is very re-

    mote, the illustration is intended

    to show the effect of a Tunguska-

    sized impact (object 50 meters in

    diameter) on a major metropoli-

    tan center. The inner circle indi-

    cates the area of total destruction.

    The second circle shows the area

    with considerable damage due to

    the heat and pressure wave. The

    third circle shows the area with

    scattered damage.

    Paris TokyoSan Francisco

  • 8/14/2019 Cosmic Catastrophes


    This information was compiled by GeneralCologne Re and is intended to provide background information to our clients, as well as to our

    f i l t ff Th i f ti i ti iti d d t b i d d d t d i di ll It i t i t d d t b l l

    Klnische Rckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG, 2003