Ensuring our Future Work – Making a Will

Ensuring our Future Work - Psoriasis Association · The Psoriasis Association is a member of the Fundraising Standards Board which means you can be sure that we will use your gift

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Page 1: Ensuring our Future Work - Psoriasis Association · The Psoriasis Association is a member of the Fundraising Standards Board which means you can be sure that we will use your gift

Ensuring our Future Work – Making a Will

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Page 2: Ensuring our Future Work - Psoriasis Association · The Psoriasis Association is a member of the Fundraising Standards Board which means you can be sure that we will use your gift

I would like to make a donation of £ to the Psoriasis Associationq I enclose a cheque q Please debit my cardNumber CV2 IssueStart Expiry Name Address q Gift Aid

The Psoriasis Association will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 you give. You must pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for this year at least equal to the tax that this charity and all other charities/CASC will claim from HM Revenue & Customs on your Gift Aid donations.

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Our aimsWe aim to help people with psoriasis by:• Providing information and advice• Increasing public acceptance and understanding• Collecting funds for and promoting research• Representing the interests of members at a local and national level.

Our aims More informationIf you would like more information or if you would like to join The Psoriasis Association, please telephone 08456 760 076 or write to us at the address overleaf

The benefitsMembers of the Psoriasis Association receive:• A quarterly Journal• An invitation to the Annual Conference and AGM• Information about local and national events• Up to date information about treatments.


Page 3: Ensuring our Future Work - Psoriasis Association · The Psoriasis Association is a member of the Fundraising Standards Board which means you can be sure that we will use your gift

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition that affects up to 3% of the UK population (approximately 1.8 million people). It is a condition that not only has a physical impact on individuals but may also have a profound social and psychological effect. Currently, there is no known cure but we sponsor research into ways in which the condition can be managed, improved and better understood. Psoriasis appears as raised red patches of skin covered with silvery scales – often called plaques. It is very simply a speeding up of the usual replacement processes of the skin. This process is the same wherever psoriasis occurs on the body.

How does the Psoriasis Association help?

The Psoriasis Association was founded in 1968 and remains committed to its original aims of supporting people affected by psoriasis. Today we do this by:• Raising awareness of the condition • Providing advice through our telephone and email helpline• Providing support and information through the quarterly newsletter, leaflets and our websites• Making grants to UK PhD students to further the understanding of psoriasis

How could a gift in your Will help the Psoriasis Association?

A gift in your Will would enable us to carry on our important work with people whose lives are affected by psoriasis. Most people leave their gift to be used at the Trustees’ discretion and a small number wish to leave their gift for a specific purpose. The Psoriasis Association receives no funding from the government so your support would be greatly appreciated.

Page 4: Ensuring our Future Work - Psoriasis Association · The Psoriasis Association is a member of the Fundraising Standards Board which means you can be sure that we will use your gift

Giving with confidence

The Psoriasis Association is a member of the Fundraising Standards Board which means you can be sure that we will use your gift wisely and in order to care for people who have psoriasis.

Different ways of making a gift

Within your Will you will be able to specify the form your gift to the charity should take. There are three main ways and you may use one or more at the same time. • You may wish to leave a specific sum of money. This is known as a pecuniary bequest. You may wish to revise this from time to time to take account of your personal circumstances and/or inflation.• You may wish your gift to be a percentage or share of your estate after all other bequests, taxes and expenses have been paid. Your solicitor may refer to this as a residuary bequest.• You may wish to leave a specific item such as a piece of jewellery, a painting, property, shares or other valuables. The most important thing is to describe the item clearly.

We recommend that you consult a solicitor when making your Will to ensure that it is clear and that your views are followed exactly. You can find a solicitor in your area through the Law Society atwww.lawsociety.org.uk or by calling 020 7272 1222.

Before talking to your solicitor or other legal adviser it would be worth getting together some useful information. For instance, a list of your assets including any property, savings or shares together with a list of any debts which need to be paid off such as a mortgage. From this, you will be able to see what the total value of your estate may be and to decide what and to whom you wish to leave a gift.

Names and addresses of people who are to benefit are important too.

Page 5: Ensuring our Future Work - Psoriasis Association · The Psoriasis Association is a member of the Fundraising Standards Board which means you can be sure that we will use your gift

Making your Will

When you meet with your solicitor you will be asked to specify:• Who is to benefit from your Will and what you wish them to receive; a specific amount of money, a residual bequest or a specific piece of property. • Who you wish to act as your executors. You should appoint at least 2 executors who could be friends or family members and can include your solicitor. It does not matter if the executors stand to benefit from your Will.

It is also possible to provide for a partner or a friend for their life time whilst ensuring that the underlying assets pass to a chosen charity on their death.

Your solicitor or legal adviser will advise you on how best to ensure that your wishes are followed exactly and that there is nothing ambiguous in the wording.

When you have made your Will

Your solicitor will prepare your Will for you to sign and will most likely arrange for someone to witness your signature. • Keep it safe: Your solicitor may offer to store a copy securely for you, or you could leave a copy with your bank. If you store a copy at home make sure that someone knows where to find it.• Keep it current: Review and update your Will on a regular basis and always after a change in your personal or family circumstances.• Keep a relative or friend informed of which solicitor drafted your Will and where it is kept.

Page 6: Ensuring our Future Work - Psoriasis Association · The Psoriasis Association is a member of the Fundraising Standards Board which means you can be sure that we will use your gift

How to contact us

The Psoriasis AssociationDick Coles House2 QueensbridgeNorthamptonNN4 7BF

Telephone08456 760 076 (local rate)(01604) 251 620

Fax(01604) 251 621

[email protected]



Set in 12pt easy to read typeSeptember 2012 (review 02/14)

Main Colour - pantone 2597u Research - pantone 206u Children - pantone 123 Fundraising - pantone 368u Psoriatic Arthritis - pantone 397u Information - pantone 2925u Teenagers - pantone 165u