Functional Skills: English Important Stuff Everyone Should Know! (Week 8)

English Functional Skills Week 8

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Functional Skills:


Important Stuff Everyone

Should Know! (Week 8)

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• What are homophones?

• Homophones are words that sound the

same, but have different spellings andmeanings, e.g. flower  and flour.

You need to learn these words as thereare no spelling rules to help ou

remember them.

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heyre, the"r  and there

!hese three words often lead to difficult. !r tomake sure that ou know which is which:

#theyre$ is perhaps the easiest to remember. "t is theshortened form of #they are$.

For e#ample: heyre catching a flight at $$.%&.

#the"r$ means #%elon&"n& to them$.

For e#ample: he"r  house is in Elm Street.

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• #there$ has two uses:

• to mean a place

• For e#ample: !he post office is overthere.

• 'ith the verb (to be) *in phrases like

#there "s$, #there are$ etc+• For e#ample: here are - letters in the


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Its and "ts

• !hese two words are often confused.You can see them spelled incorrectlever da. !r to make sure that ou

know which is which:• #"ts$ is the shortened form of #"t "s$ or

#"t has$.

• For e#ample: Hes replacing hiscomputer because "ts ver old. Itsbecome ver unreliable.

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• #"ts$ means #%elon&"n&

to "t$• For e#ample: !he dog

wagged "ts tail. !he tailthat belongs to the dog.

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wo, too and to

• Some people find these threehomophones cause them

difficult. !r to make sure thatou know which is which:• #wo$ is alwas a number / the

number • For e#ample: !he two bosshivered in the cold

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• #oo$ can be used in was:

• to mean #e'ess"vely$ e.g.too far, too e#pensive

• to mean #also$ or #as well$e.g. 'ill ou be skating too0

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• #o$ is used in was:• to show d"ret"on e.g. He

passed the ball to his brother • as part of a ver% e.g. He

wanted to read the newHarr 1otter book

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2ow time for some e#ercise3

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ommon omop ones u z1

11 bebe // beebee

She was stung by aShe was stung by a beebee

22 fourfour // forefore // forfor

 That chair is reserved That chair is reserved forfor customerscustomers

33 pailpail // palepale

After her illness she loo!ed veryAfter her illness she loo!ed very palepale


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Choose the right word or words to fll the gaps in the sentences below

"" moremore // moormoor

# would li!e some# would li!e some mormoree

of the chocolateof the chocolateca!e pleaseca!e please

$$ it’sit’s / its/ its

 The dog The dog

ateateitsits dinnerdinner

%% weighweigh / way/ way

 The sign says we should go The sign says we should go




&& groangroan / grown/ grown

 The trousers no longer 'tted because he had The trousers no longer 'tted because he had

growgrow so tallso tall

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(( sentsent // scentscent

## sentsent a letter through the posta letter through the post

)) sonson // sunsun

 The The susu

nnis shining* it is a beautiful dayis shining* it is a beautiful day

1+1+   personalpersonal // personnelpersonnel

She is aShe is a personnpersonn


1111   personalpersonal // personnelpersonnel

,e is,e is




C h h Q i

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Common homophones Quiz1 cont------1


1212   toto / too // too / twotwo

#f we#f we

gogototo the beach would you li!e tothe beach would you li!e to

comecometootoo ??

1313  whetherwhether / weather/ weather

# am# am


ereryou li!e it or notyou li!e it or not

1"1"   therethere / their // their / they’rethey’re

# shall put# shall put theirtheirparcels overparcels overtherethere

1$1$   hearhear / here/ here

# li!e to come# li!e to come herehere because # alwaysbecause # always heahea

rrthe latestthe latest

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Common homophones Quiz1 cont------2


1%1%   nono / know/ know

 There is There is nono paper left in the printer or didpaper left in the printer or didyouyou

knowknow thatthatalready.already.

1&1&   wouldwould / wood/ wood

WouldWouldyou li!e to come to the party with us.you li!e to come to the party with us.

1(1(   throughthrough / threw/ threw

 /ou need to /ou need to


throughthrough the door at the end of the corridor to get to thethe door at the end of the corridor to get to the

canteencanteen1)1)   writewrite / right/ right

# must# mustwritewritea letter to the ban!a letter to the ban!

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2+2+   checkcheck // chequecheque

# need to see if he has cashed# need to see if he has cashed


2121   roadroad // roderode // rowedrowed

,e,e roderode his motorbi!e along thehis motorbi!e along theroadroad

2222   adviceadvice // adviseadvise

## advisadvis

eeyou to get someyou to get some


2323   stationarystationary // stationerystationery

Staples have the widest selection of Staples have the widest selection of stationerstationer


00ee is foris forenvelopeenvelope

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Common homophones*its  its 


 These two words are often confused- /ou can see them spelled incorrectly every day- These two words are often confused- /ou can see them spelled incorrectly every day-

 Try to ma!e sure that you !now which is which Try to ma!e sure that you !now which is which

it’sit’s4 is the shortened form of4 is the shortened form of “it is”“it is” oror “it has”“it has”

For ExampleFor Example ,es replacing his computer because,es replacing his computer because it’sit’s very old-very old- !t’s!t’s become verybecome very


itsits4 means4 means “belonging to it”“belonging to it”

For ExampleFor Example  The dog wagged The dog wagged itsits tail- The tail that belongs to the dogtail- The tail that belongs to the dog

See i you can choose the correct words to fll the gaps in the ollowingSee i you can choose the correct words to fll the gaps in the ollowing

sentencessentences11 it’sit’s // itsits

#f #f it’sit’s possible #d li!e to see youpossible #d li!e to see you


22 it’sit’s // itsits

 The football club always The football club always

hashasitsits annual meeting in 5anuaryannual meeting in 5anuary

33 it’sit’s // itsits

 The bi!e is in good condition but The bi!e is in good condition butitsits gears need ad6ustinggears need ad6usting

"" it’sit’s // itsits

7lease remind me7lease remind me

whenwhenit’sit’s due for renewaldue for renewal

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Common homophones*its  its cont------


$$ it’sit’s // itsits The crowd slowly made The crowd slowly madeitsitsway homeway home

%% it’sit’s // itsits


rained every day sincerained every day since

8onday8onday&& it’sit’s // itsits

As! 9ill if As! 9ill if it’sit’s convenient to arrive about &pmconvenient to arrive about &pm

)) it’sit’s // itsits

 The factory The factory

payspaysitsitswor!ers very poor wageswor!ers very poor wages

(( it’sit’s // itsits

:uigis restaurant is famous:uigis restaurant is famous

forforitsits vegetarian mealsvegetarian meals

1+1+ it’sit’s // itsits 

!t’s!t’sbeen a close game but the best team won in thebeen a close game but the best team won in the


C h h

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Common homophones*theyre their there


 These three words often lead to di;culty- Try to ma!e sure that you !now which is These three words often lead to di;culty- Try to ma!e sure that you !now which is

whichwhichthey’rethey’re4 is perhaps the easiest to remember- #t is the shortened form of4 is perhaps the easiest to remember- #t is the shortened form of “they are”“they are”

For ExampleFor Example "hey’re"hey’re catching a <ight at 11-"$amcatching a <ight at 11-"$am

theirtheir4 means4 means “belonging to them”“belonging to them”

For ExampleFor Example "heir"heir house is in =lm Streethouse is in =lm Street

therethere4 has two uses4 has two uses1>1> to mean a placeto mean a place

For ExampleFor Example  The post o;ce is over The post o;ce is over therethere

2>2> ?ith the verb ?ith the verb to beto be4 @in phrases li!e4 @in phrases li!e “there is”, “there are”“there is”, “there are”  etc> etc>

For ExampleFor Example "here"here are 2% letters in the alphabetare 2% letters in the alphabet

See i you can choose the correct words to fll the gaps in the ollowingSee i you can choose the correct words to fll the gaps in the ollowing

sentencessentences11 they’rethey’re // theirtheir // therethere

 They always ta!e They always ta!etheirtheir dog with them ondog with them on


22 they’rethey’re // theirtheir // therethere

:ets wait:ets waittherethere alongside the entrancealongside the entrance

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 theyre their there



33 they’rethey’re // theirtheir // therethereAs! them if As! them if they’rethey’recoming tomorrowcoming tomorrow

"" they’rethey’re // theirtheir // therethere


eebuilding an etension to ourbuilding an etension to our


$$ they’rethey’re // theirtheir // therethere

"here"here are over 12++ students at ourare over 12++ students at ourschoolschool

%% they’rethey’re // theirtheir // therethere

?ell call in at the shop?ell call in at the shop

ififtherethere 00ss


&& they’rethey’re // theirtheir // therethere

"heir"heir football team is at the top of thefootball team is at the top of theleagueleague

(( they’rethey’re // theirtheir // therethere

Sam is alwaysSam is alwaystherethere in goodin good


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 theyre their there



)) they’rethey’re // theirtheir // therethere

Bad was pleased that they had done so wellBad was pleased that they had done so well


1+1+  they’rethey’re // theirtheir // therethere#m afraid#m afraidthey’rethey’regoing to 'nd the move verygoing to 'nd the move very


1111  they’rethey’re // theirtheir // therethere

8y parents wont be coming8y parents wont be coming

asasthey’rethey’reboth wor!ing on Saturdayboth wor!ing on Saturday

1212  they’rethey’re // theirtheir // therethere

 The teacher told them to The teacher told them to

leaveleavetheirtheirboo!s on her des!boo!s on her des!

Common homophones

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Common homophones*two too to


Some people 'nd these homophones cause them di;culty- Try to ma!e sure that youSome people 'nd these homophones cause them di;culty- Try to ma!e sure that you

!now which is which*!now which is which*

twotwo4 is always a number the number 24 is always a number the number 2

For ExampleFor Example  The The twotwo boys shivered in the coldboys shivered in the cold

tootoo4 can be used in 2 ways4 can be used in 2 ways

to meanto mean #excessively$#excessively$ e-g-e-g- tootoo farfar tootoo epensiveepensive

to meanto mean #also$#also$ oror #as well$#as well$ e-g- ?ill you be s!atinge-g- ?ill you be s!ating tootoototo4 is used in 2 ways4 is used in 2 ways

to showto show directiondirection e-g- ,e passed the balle-g- ,e passed the ball toto his brotherhis brother

asas part of a verbpart of a verb e-g- ,e wantede-g- ,e wanted toto read the new ,arry 7otter boo!read the new ,arry 7otter boo!

See i you can choose the correct words to fll the gaps in the ollowingSee i you can choose the correct words to fll the gaps in the ollowing


11 twotwo // tootoo // toto

 There were There were twotwo trains standing in thetrains standing in the

stationstation22 twotwo // tootoo // toto

# usually go# usually gototothe swimming pool on Saturdaysthe swimming pool on Saturdays

Common homophones

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Common homophones*two too to cont--1


33 twotwo // tootoo // toto

 The Duestion was The Duestion wastootoo hard for mehard for me

"" twotwo // tootoo // toto

8y best sub6ect is Eeography but #m Duite good at8y best sub6ect is Eeography but #m Duite good at


$$ twotwo // tootoo // toto

8aisie tries8aisie triestoto train at least four times atrain at least four times awee!wee!

%% twotwo // tootoo // toto

 The music was far The music was fartootoo loud for 5oes parentsloud for 5oes parents

&& twotwo // tootoo // toto

 Twice Twice twotwo is fouris four

(( twotwo // tootoo // toto

 5ac!s ambition is 5ac!s ambition is totobecome an actorbecome an actor

Common homophones*

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Common homophones*two too to cont--2


)) twotwo // tootoo // toto

"wo"wo heads are better thanheads are better than


1+1+ twotwo // tootoo // toto

#d li!e a biscuit please4 said =mma-#d li!e a biscuit please4 said =mma-8e8e tootooF4 shouted 8ic!F4 shouted 8ic!

1111 twotwo // tootoo // toto

# wouldnt bother# wouldnt bothertootoo much about what to wear at themuch about what to wear at the


1212 twotwo // tootoo // toto

GememberGemember totobring a change of clothes in case we get wetbring a change of clothes in case we get wet