I entered the kitchen like any other night. However, something caught my eye as I walked past the basin. There, a cube with a dirty greenish-yellow body with a rough, thin green layer on one side was lying on the basin. It’s colour may not be vibrant yet was lively enough to catch my attention in that dim corner, as if it’s a lighted match in a dark desert. I walked towards it and I picked it up. I don’t not know how heavy it is but I compared it with the light press of my uncle’s new-born baby. I feel it’s cold and wet body as I grasp the cube with my hand. As I squeeze the cube lightly, it’s shape bends to my will and cold, muddy water flows out of my palm and drips into the sink hole. The harder I squeeze the thinner the cube gets and more water were drained into the sinkhole. At the same time, it produce a squeaky sound as if it was in pain. I open my palm and watch it breathe in the air and slowly reshaping itself. As it breathes, I feel the relaxation of the cube as it’s weight decreased to feather- like. Filled with curiosity, I poured water into a cup and dunk the cube into the cup. It’s shape changed to fit into the

English assignment july 2013

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Page 1: English assignment july 2013

I entered the kitchen like any other night. However, something caught my eye as I

walked past the basin. There, a cube with a dirty greenish-yellow body with a rough,

thin green layer on one side was lying on the basin. It’s colour may not be vibrant yet

was lively enough to catch my attention in that dim corner, as if it’s a lighted match in

a dark desert.

I walked towards it and I picked it up. I don’t not know how heavy it is but I

compared it with the light press of my uncle’s new-born baby. I feel it’s cold and wet

body as I grasp the cube with my hand. As I squeeze the cube lightly, it’s shape

bends to my will and cold, muddy water flows out of my palm and drips into the sink

hole. The harder I squeeze the thinner the cube gets and more water were drained

into the sinkhole. At the same time, it produce a squeaky sound as if it was in pain. I

open my palm and watch it breathe in the air and slowly reshaping itself. As it

breathes, I feel the relaxation of the cube as it’s weight decreased to feather-like.

Filled with curiosity, I poured water into a cup and dunk the cube into the cup. It’s

shape changed to fit into the cup and the water overflowed from the cup. I noticed

the water was halved when I pull the cube out of the cup.

I brought it closer to my face. Before I knew it, a strong mixture of curry, oil and

chemical smell entered my nose. I moved my face away with my nose shut using my

other hand and my eyes shut tightly in disgust. A second later, I look at it again with

my heart screaming, ‘I want to know more! Take a closer look!’ I listened to my heart

and brought it closer to my face a second time with a precaution. On a further look, it

looks like a soft toy with pores on it. Yet the closer I look, I realize it looks more like

tiny strings of fabric sewed onto one another. The green layer however was made

with a rougher strings of fabrics sewed tighter than it’s yellow body.

Page 2: English assignment july 2013

After the close inspection, I looked at the cube at a further distance. My mind

questioned, “For what reason should this cube placed in the kitchen? More

specifically why placed near the basin? Why not place it on the dining table or the

microwave?” For awhile, I stood there reflecting what I have learnt and relate it to my

question. I picked up the cube and decided to prove the hypothesis I formed from

that while. I pick up one of the dirty plates my sister did not wash with my other hand.

With the cube, I rubbed the curry off the plates repeatedly, most of the stains came

off as soon as I touch the plate with the cube. However, some part of the stains were

sticking onto the plate and it’s impossible to rub it off. I tried using the green layer to

scrub the stains off. It work better than it’s yellow body. My hypothesis was proven

right, it was used to clean dirty plates. There are not reason to place it in the dining

table or the microwave because it does not only serves no function but might also

dirty the place.

Like a poor student finally understanding the laws of index, I jumped and screamed

with happiness. My mother came in and yelled at me for screaming. When I

explained how I understand the use of this cube, she replied, “It’s called a sponge,

you fool!”