English 1213 Dr. Jones Argumentative Resources Frederic Murray, MLIS Instructional Services Librarian

English 1213 Dr. Jones Argumentative Resources Frederic Murray, MLIS Instructional Services Librarian

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English 1213Dr. Jones

Argumentative ResourcesFrederic Murray, MLISInstructional Services Librarian

Did You Know

21st Century Skills

• Knowing more about the world• Thinking outside the box• Becoming smarter about new

sources of information• Developing good people skills

• How well informed are you? Take the Quiz

Argumentative Information• Identify your topic• State the position you will support• Highlight points of your discussion• Use information to support your

position– Pro/Con Materials– Research Materials– Opinion Polls– Statistics

Helpful Keywords to UseHelpful Keywords to Use

• Issue• Controversy • Statistic• Ethical• Rights• Debate• Attitude• Trend• Condition


Rights and povertydeath penalty and Controversyhousehold spending and Trends

Pro/Con ResourcesPro/Con Resources

• Book Series– Contemporary Issues– Opposing Viewpoints– Reference Shelf– Taking Sides

Pro/Con ResourcesPro/Con Resources

• CQ Researcher– contains information on current and

controversial issues concentric to the U.S. Government

• Issues and Controversies– provides up-to-date, objective

information on the most prominent and hotly debated issues of the day

Opinion or Fact?

• Halliburton benefits from the war in Iraq.

• Halliburton was charged with selling nuclear technologies to Iran.

• Stephen King is a prolific writer.• Stephen King is talented.• Bottled water is cleaner than tap water. • To meet American demand of bottled

water, requires 1.5 million barrels of oil annually.

Opinions vs. Facts (Statistics)• Pros (Strengths)

– A consensus of opinions are much stronger than a single opinion

– Reflects the culture and society that experience these issues and events (primary resource)

• Cons (Weaknesses)– Less concrete– A view formed by

someone’s belief which can be biased

– Not necessarily the truth

– Opinions can differ widely

• Pros (Strengths)– Very concrete– Based in

scientific/research methodology

– Data supports arguments

– Statistics helps determine the accuracy of information in the evaluation process

• Cons (Weaknesses)– Data can be

manipulated– Unless data collection is

a regular practice, data can become outdated and irrelevant

Opinion Resources

• Editorials on File– Ref 070.43 Ed48

• Gallup Poll – Ref 301.154 G13g– http://www.gallup.com– an organization studying human nature and behavior for

more than 70 years through public surveys– collects attitudes and opinions of individuals and key

groups within the American population concerning national and international issues and events

Which sounds better?

• A lot of freshman drop out of SWOSU each academic year.

• 40% of freshman drop out of SWOSU each academic year.– NUMBERS CARRY WEIGHT,


Statistical ResourcesStatistical Resources

– American Attitudes• 303.38 M6958a 2000

– Americans at Play• 790.068 W462a

– Education Statistics of the United States• 370.9021 Ed836

– Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics• 364.973 B9524 2003

– Statistical Handbook on the American Family• 301.421 St295 1999

– World Almanac• 317.3 W89


Statistical Resources

• Google U.S. Government Search– Directional search of .gov domain

• Statistics Resources Blog– A Subject Tracer Information Blog for

monitoring statistics resources and sites on the Internet.

• Government Information– Provides statistical information directly from

the U.S. Government and the agencies who collect the data.

Online Surveys & ReportsOnline Surveys & Reports• Pew Research Center (Main Site)

– http://pewresearch.org• Pew Global Attitudes Project

– http://pewglobal.org• Pew Internet & American Life Project

– http://www.pewinternet.org• Pew Hispanic Center

– http://pewhispanic.org• Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life

– http://pewforum.org

World Wide Web: Resources• CNN Special Reports• http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/• Includes facts, statistics, interviews of supporters and

opponents, and much more on key issues. The site maintains an archive going back to 1995.

• National Center for Policy Analysis• http://www.ncpa.org• NCPA is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy research

organization whose goal is to develop and promote private alternatives to government regulation and control, solving problems by relying on the strength of the competitive, entrepreneurial private sector.

• SpeakOut.com• http://speakout.com/index.html• Provides issues arranged by topic categories. The site is

devoted to promoting activism in a variety of areas.

Censorship & Disinformation• U.S. media & news sources prefer entertainment and

fear tactics over journalism– Journalists Avoiding the News– Keith Olbermann’s video on Political Fear Tactics– Bad News (New York Times article)– Broadcast Journalism: About News or Entertainment

?• International media & news sources provide better

coverage of current events– The BBC: How to be Impartial During Wartime– Why Americans Don’t Trust the News Media

(Chronicle of Higher Education article)– Who Do You Trust?

Ready to Argue


• Contact me:– Frederic Murray

• 744-7113• [email protected]
