English 10 Essay

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  • 8/10/2019 English 10 Essay


    Winston Churchill once said Aman

    does what- he must- in spite of personal

    consequences in, in spite of obstacles and

    dangers and pressures- and that is the basis of

    human mortality. This quote means, one does

    what they have to do, no matter what stands in

    there way, or the ways in can impact them

    latter; to stick to their beliefs and morals and

    get though hardships. The truth in Winston

    Churchills words is evident in the literary

    works, like the Sun, byR.K. Narayan and the

    interlopers, by Saki.

    In like the Sun,Winston Churchills

    words are shown to be true. There are many

    ways throughout the story this is shown. Thefirst, is the characterization of the main

    character, Sekhar. Throughout the story he

    fights to tell the truth for one whole day, no

    matter what it takes, due to his belief he must

    do so. Second, is the conflict between Sekhar

    and his wife. He sits down to a meal she has

    made and provides to find a piece of bad meat.

    Instead of telling his usual white lie, that hes

    full, he tells her it is bad. He does this despite

    the difficultly and knowing he will anger his

    wife. Finally, Sekhar has a conflict with the

    headmaster, of the school he works at, that

    presents an obstacle to telling the truth. The

    head master invites him to a concert that he

    has been working hard on, to get Sekhars

    opinion. Sekher realize quickly that the

    headmaster sounds bad; however he debates

    with himself about telling the truth, since he

    does not wish to anger the headmaster,

    especially since he has given him extra time to

    grade papers. However, he tells the truth, even

    though he then has to grade all his students

    papers in one night. Therefor this story clearly

    represents the truthfulness of Winston

    Churchills words.

    In the interlopers Winston Churchills

    words ring true. The first example of this truth

    is a conflict faced by the character, Ulrich Von

    Gradwitz. He fights though the woods, in a

    storm, to find his enemy Georg Zneym and

    protect his land. Also, as Georg Zneym is also in

    the woods looking for Ulrich, they both wish

    that something bad would happen to the other;

    witch foreshadows later events. This is because

    both men get caught under the same fallen tree

    in the storm. Despite their eminent danger,

    both from the storm and creatures lurching in

    the words, the men continue the fight; they

    argue over whos party will arrive first and will

    not give up their conflict with one another.

    Finally, when they do become friends it is too

    late because neither mans party finds them

    first, wolfs do. This fact is both the tragic

    conclusion to the story, Irony, and the

    consequence of their actions. This is ironic

    because those to arrive first are of neither

    mans party. As a result of this evidence this

    story shows the truth in Winston Churchills


    In conclusion, both like the sun and

    The Interlopers are stories that show Winston

    Churchills words to be true. Sekhar, Georg, and

    Ulrich all face difficulties sticking to their morals

    and beliefs and face consequences. Winston

    Churchill long ago stated, A man does what he

    must-in spite of personal consequences, in spite

    of obstacles and dangers and pressures- and

    that is the basis of all human morality. The

    truth is his words rings though both stories as

    well as in our daily lives.