Skill Development Civil Site Engineer- By IntPE(Suraj Singh) 1 A RCC Buildi ng Column casted in one go Beams & Suspended Slab Casted in one go monolithically


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Page 1: EngineersSkillDevelopment22.8.2016-SurajSingh

Skill Development Civil Site Engineer- By IntPE(Suraj Singh)


A RCC Building

Column casted in one go

Beams & Suspended Slab Casted in one go monolithically

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Skill Development Requirements for Young

Civil Engineers to learn

Professionally Worked Reinforced Concrete Buildings

All Types or Categories [columns casting full height in one go, (beams + slab casting

in one go, monolithic)] RC STRUCTURAL FRAMING

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Structural Framing of Reinforced Concrete Buildings

This Paper /Talk has been divided into following SectionsA General Considerations-Budding Engineering ProfessionalsB Site Safety, Occupational & HeathC Quality Management ISO-9001-2015 Annex SLD Building Code ApplicationE Field Geography & Soil Exploration

F Specifications For WorksG Planning & Scheduling For ProjectH Engineering CoordinationI Work Output Observation & Its Application

J Execution of Involved Items On SiteK Methods To Help Acceptable & Smooth Work MoveL Site Field Management Activities- M Contract issues & Professional Communication

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A General Considerations-Budding Engineering Professionals

1. A Question is raised - Who should be called Young Engineers? a. Answer may be ‘Engineers’ attaining certain considerable post graduation experience up to

10 years in related engineering discipline field. b. Actually, internationally, such ‘Engineers’ are called ‘Discipline Engineers’ & Field

Engineers, who are instructed to prosecute activities, as member/part of onsite Front Line Management team

1. Generally, Bachelor Engineers & Post Graduate Engineers are preferably, interested in design of buildings from very beginning, reason being many!!!

a. Be it, due to certain easy availability of computer soft ware/s &, b. That actually they all young Engineers, prefer to learn designs, which allows work on desk

job in comfortable working ergonomically established offices, c. That due to further fact that in initial years of post graduation, working experience, they

remember all related engineering design formulas & design sequences, involved on structural designs,

d. But it is ignored that no engineering book is till date, available in whole world that fulfills all building design requirements considerations from understanding soil engineering to final completion of any RC Building

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Contd.Producing successful designs of buildings also, 1. Necessitates incorporation of Earned Experience

from Field Work, during site working on buildings projects, using mental & physical energy,

2. Staying at hard work-life for many years, which practice equips an engineer with an attainment to practically understand from field engineering disciplines, hereinafter given various Engineering & Construction Topics in limited details

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B Site Occupational Safety & Heath

1. An Engineer must be inducted to Site Safety Management, prior to commencing Construction Engineering Activities on site, particularly updated one in 2015

2. It is part on Site Engineer’s responsibility to ensure that site is safe for work & kept tidy during all working hours, every day, every shift

3. It is also, required to ensure that all necessary amenities are available on site for workers & staff, such as drinking water, toilets, rest sheds etc.

4. Medical aid to meet immediate requirement is also, an amenity to be provided on priority basis

5. Use of PPEs should be a must for all Staff & Workers on site6. Onsite regular & frequent training must be given, related to methods to

keep site & work safe

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C Quality Management ISO-9001-2015 Annex SL

1. An Engineer must be inducted to ‘Quality Management System’, prior to commencing construction engineering activities on site, particularly ISO 9001-2015, (with maximum significance attributed to Leadership, Risk Resolutions, Documented Information)

2. Which is really extremely significant from Leadership involvement & which responsibility, directly lies with top boss,

3. Which obligation cannot be left to Quality Section alone, as used to be effected in past till September 2015 (Quality Representative no more essential)

4. Quality Management requires to achieve its objective, per Annex SL format all ‘Quality Complying Methods’, design all inspection forms, all other contractual quality documentations for internal as well as, for external audits, in form of supporting document ‘Project Quality Plan’ (Annex SL format is high level structure common template)

5. All risks whatsoever are considered, prior to handling them, analysis, effectively conducted, understood & applied safely to lead to further work opportunity or development opportunity

6. Updated ISO 9001-2015 does not allow risk prevention, but risk to be encountered by conducting its thorough study & charting out best solution to combat it, so that it changes from risk prevention dealing, to an opportunity creation

7. All quality formats should be ready at time of every work activity that requires inspection by ‘quality engineer’, followed by contract ‘resident engineer’

8. Quality formats may include Check List, Inspection & Test Plans, General Inspection Request, Concrete Inspection Request, depending upon project quality plan

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D Building Code Application

1. In Bharat/India, main provisions, related to buildings designs & prosecutions are indicated on National Building Code 2005 (under revision), which document is very descriptive for purpose of Buildings Construction & relevant administration of Construction Supervision

2. It is not necessary that only NBC 2005 & other Indian codes are required for applications for Designs & Constructions in India

3. Euro Codes can also, be used, though India is not ready yet to practically use them, since there are 58 parts, related to structures,

4. Which Euro codes use, necessitate National Annexes, giving Local Geographical, Climatic & other factors known as Nationally Determined Parameters/National Published Documents, to be adopted & included

5. These Euro codes are consistently technical & descriptive & 6. Have been worked in complete details, which can be studied by fresh engineers

for purpose to enhance international code knowledge

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E Field Geography & Soil Exploration

1. An Engineer should further learn in field, how to do Land Surveying activities manually as well as, using GPS directly or engaging a Third Party, whereas Third Party is preferred, since they have expertise of GPS working all site settings, duly formally certified & site benchmarks are established

2. And, how Soil Investigation method in field is conducted by Qualified Material Testing Laboratory? It is too significant for an engineer to involve with this activity to understand site nature for Laying Foundations or to Install Dewatering System, if so required

3. And, with what details Soil Investigation report, issued by Testing Laboratory must be studied for interpretation, respecting all site & in house tests conducted by laboratory?

4. Thought should be given, whether or not, shall there be certain possibility for design produced by Structural Engineer be requested to be altered in foundations, keeping abreast updated results from soil strata testing, which may reveal better parameters, which could be adopted much safer than already included for use, which option may lead to saving in foundation construction management function wise, & cost wise, being a part of Building Economical considerations?

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1. Many Soil Reports include Consistent Professional Information, pertinent Soil Stratifications, Chemical Composition, Water Contents & Soil Water Mobility, which are very technical issues that could be studied in details in alliance to soil design text books

2. Soil report could require Modification of Soil Properties by application of Soil Improvement operations, which should be defined by Soil Engineer authoring soil report, which method of Soil Improvement must be followed accordingly, under laboratory Surveillance

3. Once all foundation designs have been finalized in all respects, practical aspects, related construction activities commence with, provided contract execution party has been awarded by either Project Management team or by Client, as could be a case of building ownership

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F Specifications

1. Prior to commencement of site activities, Site Engineer requires to understand practically, all relevant specifications, such as General, Project & Particular as well as, Material Manufacturer’s Instructions, so that it is known beforehand, what is required to be done on site technically

2. Site setting out dimensions & details on site, such as Physical Dimensions & Setbacks in all zones must be ensured that all meet design details

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G Planning & Scheduling For Project

1. Though there would be available Planning & Scheduling Engineer on every site, yet they too are not certainly pragmatic, due to having lack of experience

2. Every Site Engineer has to contemplate or give thought to project & conduct analysis, related to all activities from commencement stage to completion stage

3. Every Site engineer must work out quantities of all Permanent, Temporary & Preparatory materials for whole project requirements & divide/distribute quantities proportionally stage wise, so that Funding Sequence can be managed, without effecting adversely devised cash flow

4. In fact, analysis & various stages on schedule of project construction would decide Cash Flow status, which is very significant from working, Project Execution, Prosecution & From Project Administration viewpoint

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H Engineering Coordination

1. Prior to carrying out every activity or operation, it is responsibility of Site Engineer In-charge to ensure that all Coordination Among All Designs & Working Drawings have been completed, indicating that no clash exists for purpose of Execution/Constructability

2. In case, Site Engineer discovers that certain clashes exist or there is Non-parity Or Non Compatibility Among Designs, Technical Query should immediately be raised for purpose of obtaining clarification & right decision obtained from either Structural designer or responsible Resident Engineer or whosoever defined authority, being responsible for such site work, related decision making activities.

3. For aforesaid purpose, Site Engineer should study project drawings in following sequencea. Architectural General Arrangement Plans, Elevations & Sectionsb. Structural Working Plans, Elevations & Sectionsc. Mutual Coordination, Between Both Architectural & Structural disciplinesd. Building Services Working Plans & complete details on Schematic Designs as well as, on

Shop Drawings & Coordination with Structural Arrangementse. Dimensions on all drawings must be ensured in all directions in all respectsf. Drawings are set as Layout Plans at Every Floor, which must be coordinated with each other

discipline to discover clashes

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I Work Output Observation & Its Application

1. Every Site Engineer should practically observe, during site working hours, what output is delivered by skilled & semi skilled trades persons, working equipment, since theoretical data may not work successfully in various cases of operations & unit item activities.

2. There are many hours on site, when operations are not seen dynamically moving, yet work moves passively, but production is affected.

3. Very close interactive coordination should be conducted by Engineer with Supervisors, Foremen, Charge-hands & Work-persons, which approach would result in picking too easily, what process for each activity is to go, which can be noted down by Engineer in site office

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J Execution of Involved Items On Site

1. Now, back to Execution Part of Reinforced Concrete Buildings for implementing further operations described

Foreman & Workforce handling 2. First requirement an Engineer should learn about, how to handle foreman working on site &

workforce belonging to all trades, which is very complex nature of topic, since, every foreman & worker intends to evaluate Supervising Engineer, to whom working personnel reports for works allotment & examinations of activities

3. These personnel remain interested to ensure that they work under right person & not as such, an Engineer, who fails to either deliver instruction in time or who fails to plan day to day activities successfully

4. These persons do not like as such, situation when they reach site, there is no one to immediately allot, whole day work

5. Successful Engineer on site is one, who does not believe in wasting any moment, when works are moving & are in full swing, which requires Site Engineer to pool out all planned activities in such a manner that there should be created no gap, between end of one activity & start of sequential activity.

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K Methods To Help Acceptable & Smooth Work Move

1. Site Engineer should remember about, when work Method Statements are ready in hands, regarding each & every minor or major operations, planning for operational activity can move with comfort, without causing any mix up of ,what to do & what not to do.

2. To commence with excavation of building, an Excavation Plan is required to be produced, defining, where Entry Ramp is to be located for purpose of Ingress & Egress, so that all excavation equipment operate smoothly with good circulation in excavated area, allowing trucks & shovels work, without causing any inconvenience or mishaps

3. All Method Statements for all activities site executions must be ready duly approved, prior to commencement of concerned activities

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Method StatementsToo Significant For Work

Method Statement should include 1. Scope of work, 2. Design drawing & specification reference, 3. Safety procedures, 4. Quality procedures, 5. Supervision responsibility, 6. Description of method to work on site, 7. Equipment to be used etc. 8. And Include Whatever be of practical sequence, so that

Site Crew knows, what they have to work about

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Major Activities or Operations

Major activities or operations that are in general involved on R C building projects are listed below Engineering Management Activities- 1. Site takeover to defined coordinates, 2. Setting outs, Engineering & Technical Coordination, related to designs,3. Planning & Scheduling, respecting whole project through Scheduling & Planning Engineer, 4. Requiring Work Permits, if so involved, 5. Quantity Engineering for working out quantities to be used for all works for all stages, 6. Drawing Bar Bending Schedule for all RCC elements, 7. Studying all Specifications, such as Project & General,

Understanding all Contract Conditions & Contract Forms, 8. Contact documents, 9. Contract procedures, 10. Contract administration,

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Contd.Field Engineering1. Charting our Method Statements, 2. Soil Investigations & procurement of soil report for

thorough study & interpretation, 3. Devising Foundation Excavation & Soil Improvement

Techniques & methods,4. Installation of Piles, if involved & pile testing, 5. Installation of Diaphragm Walls for Deep Foundations,

where adjoining structure is an issue to be resolved, 6. Dewatering of strata below foundations, until foundations

are completed/raised up to level above existing water table

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L Site Field Management Activities-

Part 1 (part # indicated only for convenience)1. Setting out Foundations Areas for Excavations, 2. Piling & Pile Testing if included, 3. Soil Improvement if included, 4. Preparation of Foundation Formation, 5. Blinding Concrete, called Lean in India6. Soil Protection Waterproofing Below Ground, 7. Retaining Walls for Basements,

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Part 2 (part # indicated only for convenience)1. Foundation works, including Footings, Stub Columns, Plinth or Strip Beams2. All approvals required to be obtained, 3. Foundation Concrete Protection by Waterproofing Below Ground, 4. Backfill of Foundations with approved Soil Fill in Layers duly Compacted, 5. Soil testing related to backfill,

Part 3 (part # indicated only for convenience)6. Work of Ground Beams & Grade Slab or Ground Suspended Floor Slab, 7. All Concrete Pouring according to method statements, 8. All re-bars fabrication & placing to details, 9. All stages inspections conducted by Site Engineer & Quality Engineer10. Concrete Pouring Operation

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Concrete Pouring Operation Up to Green State

It is always very significant one, since it requires

1. Full range Testing of Aggregates, coarse & fine both2. Testing of cementing materials, OPC, MS, GGBS, PFA etc.3. Design mix, working mix, 4. Central Mixing Plant, Batching Plant5. Concrete carrying trucks, Transit Mixers,6. Mobile Crane or Tower Crane or Concrete Pump Mobile or Stationary, 7. Concrete Vibrators, immersion nozzle type 8. Ice, Water, to control Fluid Concrete Temperature Range 4deg C to 32 deg C

9. Curing compound wax based or water based, preferred wax base for proficiency10. Testing concrete at delivery, Slump test, Air Void test, Temperatures11. Preparation & pouring concrete, clean, closing holes, watering, site arrangements 12. Concrete vibration, application of vibrators intermittently, during pouring13. Concrete leveling, vibration, use of template to bring poured concrete to line & levels14. Power floating, to meet top level, application of power float, helicopter, once concrete sets15. Curing by Curing Compound followed by Water or Thermal Curing, per specification requirement, 16. Curing duration, depending on concrete specifications & weather conditions17. Formwork removal, depending on factors, such as beam span, wall height, etc.

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Superstructure Concrete Activities Contd.1. Concrete Surface Inspection, Repairs Management, 2. Concrete testing, report interpretation, 3. Concrete approval when 7 & 28 days Cube Reports are acceptable4. Erection of Columns up to beam soffit level, 5. Erection of Shear Walls up to beam bottom level, 6. Erection of Lift Walls up to required level, 7. For Suspended Slabs, design for centering in standard Cup-log system, 8. Installation of Supporting Grid System say 1.2 x 2.4 m, 9. Installation of Scaffolding around,10. Installation of Safe Access Platforms with guard rail, 11. Preparatory works for Suspended Slabs, including Monolithic beams formwork &

reinforcing bars, 12. Leveling formwork & setting out alignment, 13. Formwork oil application if required, 14. Chamfer fixing to exposed edges, 15. Reinforcing bars placement bottom layer,

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Superstructure Concrete Activities Contd.1. Electrical first fix conduits, laying, junctions boxes, bends, long bends, drawing wires etc. 2. Block outs fixing for HVAC ducting, Sanitary block outs, 3. Reinforcing bars placement top layer, 4. Staircase waist slab & landing reinforcement, 5. Steps formwork, 6. Beams side formworks @ periphery, 7. Compressor cleaning all prepared areas, 8. Concrete profile level fixing, 9. Final cleaning, watering, removal of nails, removal of binding wire pieces & timber pieces etc.10. All Quality Control inspections, 11. Plan to pour, implementation12. Order to concrete mixing plant for delivery, time to start & frequency of supply, 13. Pouring concrete, in conformance to concrete pouring plan14. Curing, removal of forms, surface inspections, 15. All further repetitions vertically16. In case, precast concrete is used, vertical members columns, walls to be cast, horizontal beams to

be cast, precast slab members to be shifted from factory yard, raised & installed on beams, thin slab diaphragm to be laid upon these precast slabs & diaphragm action inducted

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M Contract Issues & Professional Communication

1. An Engineer requires to understand clearly, about what responsibilities need be disposed off on Contracts.

2. When working for ‘Contract Defined Engineer’, it requires to supervise allocated works, in which case, Working Engineer is designated ‘Resident Engineer’ or ‘Engineering Assistant’

3. When working for a Contractor, it requires to prosecute works, under supervision of ‘Contract Engineer’ or ‘Resident Engineer’, or ‘Project Manager’ in which case, Engineer is designated ‘Site Agent’ or ‘Project Construction Engineer ‘or ‘Site Engineer’ or ‘Construction Manager’

4. When working in Design Office, it is different responsibility to produce core designs, to be prosecuted by Contracting Engineers

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M Contract issues & Professional Communication contd.

1. All foregoing discussion is an objective for Quality Construction Ability & Value added Engineering, which phenomenon has been in demand during all yesteryears. Current demand requires that with Economized Funds, works be delivered better than specified quality, within same or reduced cost, saved time & better achieved quality.

2. Quality does not mean herein Quality Control, but Quality of Production, which should be based on to achieve Reliability, which further means Safety + Service + Durability.

3. Safety of Working On Construction & Safety On Structure, & that Service, which building product provides, during its working life & during its intended duration of working life, & that it should serve efficiently, without causing any reduction of service standards.

4. Out of foregoing classes of responsibilities, ultimate product of building items are delivered by Contracting Engineers, which means that this class of Engineer must have complete knowledge, about Contract & Construction documents, Construction, Quality & Reliability of construction

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Contd.1. Only, then Construction Engineer would be qualified to work on

Construction operations/activities to carry out job responsibilities successfully & add to Continuous Professional Development.

2. Site Engineer should try to records all issues formally Related, Raised & Conferred in Site Meetings, Site Decisions made, Technical Decisions made, decisions made about Miscellaneous matters, so that contract Commercial Disputes are avoided to an extent, practically feasible

3. Legal Contractual matters are better resolved on project or failing which, all records are maintained, related to involved issues & proper Speaking Communications entered into for future use, when disputes are referred to Dispute Resolution Board or Statutory Arbitration Mechanism

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Contd.1. Communication is very significant on Contracts Managements, which an

Engineer must develop to practice such skill gradually, but progressively by referring to past records of organization & by making personal efforts, since Management’s Major Task depends on successful communication

2. Communications should be Pointed, but Certain in its structure

3. Superfluous writing is no meaning (do not encourage)

4. Superfluous talk is no meaning (talk less, but relevant)

5. Communication requires work on Clarifications, Agreements, Approvals of Proposals, Understanding, Brief Statements, One To One Meeting Records, Reports, Memos, Instructions, Contract Matters, Notices, Contract Disputes etc.

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1. Which all foregoing, Once well versed & attained,

2. Young Engineer shall be competent to develop skill of other workers &

3. Engineer’s subordinates.


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